

Yesterday morning March 24, 2021 between 530 – 545 am I witnessed a very large what I believed to be cigar shaped object slowly moving sw to slightly northeast headed directly over Cameron pass just to the right of Casseopeia. It was approximately 3000 ft in altitude determined by its trajectory that took it just barely over the pass and appeared to be heading downward. I first noticed it above me and to the right. From my estimation it was as large as a nuclear sub. I could not see an outline but determined its shape by the light configuration and trajectory motion. It was moving very slowly almost hovering and completely silent. On the bottom of the object there were a series of yellow square rectangular lights that appeared to be large windows radiating light from inside the craft. There were approximately 8 in a row along the underbelly then a break in the middle and then 8 more, all yellow and bright. I received the impression this was some sort of large transport. The lights were constant and not flashing. There was no other variation or other light. The only thing that varied was as it nearly went over the nearby trees it flared the rear light brighter as I focused my headlamp on the craft again as a further estimate of the size and shape imagine a very large nuclear sub minus the conning tower and propellers and add rectangular windows full of yellow light all along the under belly. It was very stealthy and flying lower than I have seen any craft fly in this treacherous mountain area. In the 8 mo, I have lived here, Gould, Co, I have seen zero small aircraft . I have seen other strange occurrences emanating from the Cameron pass area however, that were not airplanes. The only aircraft that frequent this area are jet liners and airforce craft at 30000 plus feet. I have seen two other strange aerial phenomena occur in this area within the past 8 months all moving in the same direction the cigar shape object seemed to be heading. Somewhere in or around Cameron pass. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











December 16, 1991 – aboard USS Kirk FF1087 – Pacific Ocean

From 1989 thru 1992, I was an operations and intelligence petty officer in the United States Navy. In the fall of 1991, I was stationed on the USS Kirk FF1087, in Long Beach, California. From October 91 thru January 92, we were part of a drug interdiction force, along with three other naval vessels. During our drug interdiction operations, we would sail roughly 350-400 nautical miles off the west coast of South America. Our four ships, within the task force, would sail roughly 150 nautical miles apart from one another, in a straight line.

Our air radar stream would just slightly capture the land and the entire task forces air radar would interlink, creating a large and connected air picture, ranging roughly 700-800 nautical miles long. Our primary mission was to track, contact, intercept and take control of low flying aircraft (drug carriers) coming out of Columbia, Panama and Guatemala. On occasion we would intercept board and seize sailing vessels, which we knew were drug carriers.

Similar to the movie Clear and Present Danger, we were in direct communication with a DEA special agent on land, which would contact our ships via a secured and encrypted communication device. The actual call sign of our agent on land was “Iron Manvel”. As an operations specialist, my primary duties took place within CIC or the Combat Information Center. CIC was the central nervous system of the entire ship. Within CIC, we could fight, navigate and control the entire ship. CIC was manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On the USS Kirk, there were roughly 22 Operations Specialists. We would work in two, 11 man shifts.

Each shift would last 12 hours each. We called it a port and starboard shift system. At approximately 0200 hours, on December 16th, I was on CIC Duty. There was literally nothing going on within CIC, and all ships within our group were sailing as noted above. The air and surface radars were clear, with the exception of our sister vessels steaming in line. As things were quiet and slow, I took the liberty of departing CIC and made my way up to the ship’s bridge.

During the evenings, naval ships sail in a status called darkened ship. All lights on the exterior of the ship are out, and the only lighting on the bridge is contained dark lighting from radar scopes and navigational devices at the helm. During this time of night, a junior officer would be in command of the bridge and he was referred to as the officer of the deck (OOD). On this particular evening, the OOD was a good friend of mine, and he and I were having a discussion about a football game.

All of a sudden and out of nowhere, like a huge flash from a camera, emanating from the starboard bow sea level upward was a huge flash of red glowing light, which lit up our entire ship. It only lit up our ship, not the surrounding ocean, just our ship. It happened so fast, that the OOD, the navigator and I were speechless for about 5 seconds, at which time I looked at the OOD and asked him if he just saw that light. He stated yes in a sullen voice.

I then asked the navigator and he replied yes. I then took the navigator’s sound powered headset, and asked the forward and aft look outs, if they had just seen the same red flash, to which the forward look out stated, “YES! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” Aft lookout said yes as well. I then immediately contacted CIC, and asked the CIC officer if we had any aircraft or surface ships in our vicinity, to which he replied clear as a whistle. I asked if we had any submarine activity in the area, to which he replied, no.

At this point I looked at the OOD and asked him if we should wake up the captain or as we would call him, The Old Man. The OOD sat there stunned for a minute, as did I and everyone else. What had just happened did not make any sense. The flash emanated from the sea, directly off of our starboard bow (like it was touching our bow), and ascended upwardly so rapidly, creating the effect of the bright red flash. The other weird aspect of this event was that only our ship was lit up within the red flash, not the surrounding sea, but our vessel only.

The OOD elected not to wake the captain, and the entire incident was logged in our ship’s log as an unexplained phenomenon. Up until this event, I did not believe in UFO’s or USO’s. I have no doubt that our ship, steaming along at 12 knots, came right up on a submerged unidentifiable aircraft. I don’t think the aircraft or USO had any idea we were sailing up to them. I think whatever it was, took off in a very unplanned and fast manner, and wanted to quickly identify us, thus the flash.

I hope you find my account to be one that matters. I have debated for many years, whether I should share my account of what happened that morning. I have always felt that the event was extraterrestrial in nature. NOTE: The above image is CGI.






I was in Westerly, Rhode Island videotaping the moon, a close up during day time when suddenly I noticed through my camera viewfinder an UFO crossing the screen. Once disappeared from my viewfinder I look up and I did not see it again. It was very far away in comparison with the moon. It looked like an orb of light. There was not stray of smoke or any other sign like an airplane. It was moving in a diagonal line from north to south west (from my stand point)  I thought it was an UFO. I showed the video to a couple a guys who were at short distance from me and they thought it was a flying source.  I kept looking up and continue videotaping the moon in case I can see it again but nothing happened.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer State Director for MUFON Rhode Island.
KENS NOTE: This is the perfect example of what amateur astronomers are capturing ever day.  Seems like most of the UFO sightings are from people who are smoking outside of their homes at night.  You will never see a UFO unless your are looking up into the sky….Simple as that.




Summary: A VERY large, Boomerang-shaped object tracked across the sky in a NE direction just after full dark.


I wish I had not waited months to reports this, but until recently did not know who to report it to. I saw a television program that described your field researchers and I liked that your set scientific and observational standards. I do not like wild speculation and absurd conjectures as I often see in deranged programs like UFO Hunters or whatever it is called. I like mysteries to be approached rationally. This brings me back to the night of August 11, 2010. I have long wondered if anyone else had reported anything for that night. Soon after the event, I posted an oblique statement on my Facebook page “Did anyone else see that?” simply so I would not forget the date and time. I do not jump to conclusions, but I have also failed to find a prosaic explanation for the event.   There were two other people with me who saw the strange object. I will leave their names off of here for the time being. [They live nearby, but I have not asked their permission to include them in this report.] We were standing in my driveway just after full dark. It was likely between 8 and 9pm. Checking the time for full darkness at the time of the year should some up with a very close approximate time. There was a bright moon shinning in the in the southeast quadrant of the sky. I think if it were not for that, we would have seen nothing.   I was facing north toward my companions as we stood there talking. The evening was pleasant and it had grown dark. It was not unusual for us to stand outside and talk although we were about to say goodnight. One of my companions was looking behind me and saw it first. She made a gasping noise or other sound while looking into the sky behind me. I turned to see what she was looking at. We live about 20 miles from Philadelphia International Airport in the town of Richwood, NJ and frequently have large numbers of commercial airliners circling overhead. I expected something of this sort. What I saw was very different.  I turned to look south and saw it almost immediately or at least the impression of it. I also said a rather surprising swear word which I would not normally use in this company. The object was moving quickly in a east-north-east direction [toward the Delaware River and Chester, PA] and at first it was just a suggestion of movement because it was black against black. It was simply a different shape of black flying with no lights at all. The moonlight caught on the shape and revealed it as the sharp-angled boomerang without further detail to the surface.  It annoys me to report it as an angular boomerang shape because I know there have been many other reports like that. It was very large in the sky. Much larger than the commercial airliners we see daily on their approach to Philadelphia. I do not know what altitude the circling airliners are at this point in their approach, but that is probably not too difficult to find out. Their windows are easily visible. This was far larger than those. There were no airplanes in sight at the time of the event.


The trouble is that for it to be that size it would have to have been either unusually low and close to us or farther away and unbelievably vast in size. The object cruised quickly by without the slightest sound or change in speed or altitude. I hoped it would pass in front of the moon, but unfortunately it moved “beneath” where the moon was and was quickly lost to view in the dark. It was moving fast but without knowing the distance I would not guess at its speed. It was gone before there was much chance of further reaction. I turned to my companions and we were all equally dumbfounded. There was nothing more to do except head inside. I typed the note on Facebook so I would not forget, but I also had hoped someone else might say something. It was a long shot. No one else reported anything.


I have seen stealth bombers flying in the desert and they are huge. This object was at LEAST that large, but I felt it was larger still. The stealth was my best suspect as I racked my brain, but it does not make sense. For a stealth to be that large, it would have to be too close. Why would a bomber be flying so low in a densely populated area? A stealth can easily fly above local air traffic. Flying without lights would be extremely dangerous around this crowded airspace even if you were training the crew in radar evasion.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







I have seen flying saucers since august 18, 1980.  This was my 8th UFO experience, but I have never seen orbs, only spaceships.  These were orbs, I think, not what I usually experience.  I first noticed the object before dinner, but I just blew it off.  We had dinner on the beach, overlooking the water.  My wife noticed it after dinner, when we went to leave.  I immediately saw a large bright light again, much brighter than the first time, approximately 45 earlier. I knew immediately what it was, a UFO.  We just purchased a camera a few days before, and we went to the waters edge, and started filming.  My wife did.  The object, there were 4-5 of them, were extremely bright, varying in size from a pin head to a quarter. I estimate about half a mile to a mile away from shoreline.  They moved independently, and went from bright small in size, to immensely bright and huge, maybe the size of a quarter.  They moved up and down, remained stationary, and one of them went over land when big, over I would assume sandy hook area, 10-15 miles north of where we were. 

 There were 6-7 people on the beach watching and filming as well.  It was amazing to see.  My feelings…very excited, very controlled.   I wanted to attract them, and stood in the light than ran across the water and did jumping jacks to attract it.   It did not respond.   The objects got extremely big and bright maybe 3-4 times.  These actions unfortunately were not captured on video of photos.  I told my wife to take video, to make sure we had it on video.  I spoke to my cousin on the cell phone throughout part of the experience, because he knows of all the things I have experienced, and I was describing the scene to him as it happened.  I am very lucky to have experienced what I have throughout my life. We never lost sight of the objects.  We left after about an hour or so.  We saw amazing detail of 2 orbs around a tremendous bright round light, sometimes two bright circles of light.  Unfortunately, I do not know how to submit this to you right now, but will have my wife do so in the next few days to a week.  You will be amazed, or maybe not, since this is probably common but it is amazing, and I would like an explanation as to what this is.  I believe it is extra terrestrial.  My wife thinks it was secret military craft, but she also said she did not know what it was. She does not believe in UFO’S, since she has never seen one, but then, she could not explain what we saw.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


KEN’S NOTE:  This area has been very active with sightings over the years.  Ft Monmouth is nearby and has a two mile dock that protrudes out into the bay.  Military ships can be seen there often.  The bay leads to the Varrazano Bridge and eventually Manhattan.  Check it-out on Google Earth.      


This case is under investigation by Bob Spearing of MUFON New Jersey. 

Special thanks to case file.