Baton Rouge, LA – On the first Monday night in May, 1991, I was watching the news with my dog. The ABC World News had just begun on TV when my dog began to growl. I had never seen her like that. She had a good nature and was playful. Her hair suddenly stood up in a ridge along her back and she was crying and growling at the same time.  She jumped off the bed and went to the french door, with indows, that led from the bedroom to the backyard. She didn’t paw to go out. Instead she sat down and kept growling and crying with her fur raised. She kept shaking her head. I got up to see what what was frightening her.  When I got to the door I noticed a screeching, buzzing, sound. It was similar to static. The TV blinked and so did the lights. It was actually hurting the dog.  When I looked in the backyard it was just beginning to get dark, but there was still some light out. In the distance, just above the tree tops of the woods behind my house, I saw a circular light. It was hovering. I could tell it wasn’t the moon, or anything natural, because it wobbled as it hovered. My dog was staring straight at it and growling viciously. I thought it was odd. I began to stare at it too.   As I watched, it was as if I couldn’t take my eyes away. Then I realized we were both unable to move. The static sound got louder but my dog couldn’t shake her head. We were frozen in place. I was terrified. I wanted to run only I couldn’t.  The light changed direction. It fell down through the trees and took a path through the woods toward my house. It wove through the trees and got bigger and brighter. It hurt my eyes. It wasn’t stopping it came straight for my door, about six feet off the ground. The light got so bright I thought my eyes would burn. Then it was just gone.  I looked down at my dog. She was in exactly the same spot, drooling, and growling, but softer now. I was dizzy and disoriented. I was as if the light passed straight through us. I sat down on the floor to check my dog and she fell over and laid still, panting as if she’d been running.   The whole event seemed a few seconds long. When I looked up at the TV, Wheel Of Fortune was ending. An hour and a half had passed. The World News, the Local News, and Wheel Of Fortune had aired. I can’t remember one thing during that time.  What is truly strange is that exactly one month later my dog vanished out of my backyard. I had to go out for a while. I left her outside. I had a five foot wooden fence around the yard. It was locked with a padlock. She wasn’t a digger. I got home about nine PM and she was gone. The fence was locked. There was no fur on the ground. There were no holes in the yard. No one could have gotten over the fence, with a thirty-five pound dog, without a ladder. She was just gone.  I miss my dog, but mostly, it bothers me that I have no idea what happened during that time frame. I have severe headaches and strange dreams. I don’t like to sleep at night. I have a strange rash all over my body and radiation has been found in the woods behind my house. What happened to me??   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.