On April 20th at approx. 2:30am I was driving home from a band practice heading south bound on the same highway I take home every night. After I passed the mall exit and rounding a bend I noticed a blimp like object in the distance with these bright white lights end to end, as I got closer to the next exit that when I realized that this object wasn’t a blimp at all. It was at a stand still hover over what I knew at the time to be the landfill area which while growing up we used to go sledding down these man-made hills every winter. As I got closer the radio station that I was listening to went to static. I pulled over before the underpass and got out of my car to see what this thing was and as I got closer I saw that this was a disc shape and a little thinner then a blimp. Before I could get my entire body out of the car it started ascending and all I could hear was a slight humming sound, in one quick motion the object moved up and to the right and then it took off in a flash, it almost looked like a comet streaked across the front of me and it was gone. After this incident no one was allowed to go sledding or even get close to the landfill site anymore, they put fences around the entire perimeter and there’s ventilation shafts coming out of the ground. I think this site is a Deep Underground Military Base or something else. I wasn’t the only one who saw this and unfortunately the other people in my party will not come forward because they’re scared of what might happen to them. This wasn’t the first time I would see a UFO, I’ve also witnessed 2 other disc-like objects in the sky in Arizona that hovered and then streaked across the sky like the one I saw up close.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.









 The “down under” country of Australia would be the stage for a classic close encounter on February 15, 1963. The quiet area of Willow Grove, near Moe, Victoria hosted the spread of one Charles Brew. As usual, Brew was up and on the job early in the morning.  His 20 year old son Trevor was working in their milking shed. Charles was standing in a field, admiring the sky.  The sun had been up for a time, but rain clouds threatened overhead. With an obstructed view of the eastern sky, Brew saw something very strange; a flying object began to descend toward the milking shed.  Brew’s cattle and dogs began to react strangely as the object moved ever closer to the shed. A local newspaper, which later wrote a report on the Brews’ encounter, mentioned the dogs reaction, but sensationalized the farm animals’ reaction by stating that his cattle were doing somersaults. The Drews, of course, denied this fantastic claim.  The UFO had now descended to about 75 feet above the ground, and began to hover over a Stringy-Bark tree.  Close enough now for some guesswork, Brew estimated the craft was about 25 feet in diameter, and 10 feet in height. A transparent dome adorned the top of the craft, which had an antennae about 6 feet high.  The top portion of the craft itself was a grayish, and apparently metallic. The underside was a pale blue color, and had protuberances around the outside edge. The underbelly slowly rotated as the craft hovered, seemingly defying Earth’s gravity.  A low “whoosh” sound came from the rotating part of the airship. Brew describes his eyes were drawn to the object, “as though beams of magnetic current” emanated from the UFO. Soon he suffered a headache, apparently from the force of the beams.  After a short period of hovering, the object started to climb to the west, disappearing into the clouds. Trevor never witnessed the craft itself, but did hear the strange sound that it made.  By the time that Brews’ report went through channels, it was March 4 before he was officially interviewed. A Lieutenant Hudson and Squad Leader Javes of the RAAF discussed Brew’s sighting with him thoroughly.  They were impressed with his story, and felt that he was a credible individual. The weather conditions at the time of the sighting: rain, low clouds, and poor visibility, effected the opinion of the investigators. Their report contained the following:  “On 6th March, Dr. Berson and Mr. Clark (of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation) Meteorological Physics division) were interviewed to see if clouds could give this type of phenomenon.  They agreed that a tornado condition could give this effect. The direction of rotation of Brew’s report of the object was consistent with known facts for the Southern Hemisphere. The blue colouring has been reported previously and is probably due to electric discharge and there would be a smell of ozone. 

 The only difference in Brew’s report was that the object moved from East to West because all previous reports to the CSIRO Met section of this nature have been from West to East. Mr. Brew stated that the wind was fresh from an easterly direction. However, (a) meteorological report states that wind was westerly at 8 knots.”  The investigator also stated: “There is little doubt that Brew did witness something, and it is most likely that it was a natural phenomenon. The phenomenon was probably a tornado. There was no reported damage along its path, therefore one could assume that it was weak in nature.”  A civilian UFO research group influenced the Department of Air to also investigate Brew’s story. They issued the following statement:  “Our investigation and enquiries reveal that there are scientific records of certain tornado-like meteorological manifestations which have a similar appearance in many ways to whatever was seen by Mr. Brew.  The information available is such however, that while we accept this is a possibility, we are unable to come to any firm conclusion as to the nature of the object or manifestation reported.”  The investigation’s conclusion would list tornadic wind as the “possible” cause. A statement issued by the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society declared: “we are unable to come to any firm conclusion as to the nature of the object or manifestation reported.” It seems clear that the RAAF were largely parroting the CSIRO’s conclusions and taking things a little further without any realistic justification.  Dr. Berson, of the UFO research group, paid a visit to Brew to personally review the sighting. Berson stated that the headache Brew had was probably due to “electronic magnetic” activity.  Whatever “official” conclusions there were, it is apparent to me and surely any sane person, that a man with a credible reputation, and good common sense, could easily tell the difference between a flying saucer and a tornado.  Brew was less than impressed with the findings of the Australian governmental groups.  In his own words: “I wished it would come again. It was beautiful. I could feel the life pulsating from it.”  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


KENS NOTE:  Debunkers come in all shapes and forms.  Its either people who do not want to believe in alien life or Government officials trying to cover it up with a lame explanation.











I decided to go for a walk At 10:30 pm around August 12, 1961. It was a clear night, not a single cloud. I was on my second lap around the ball field when the entire ball field lite up like a Christmas tree. I tilted my head to see what it was. The object hovered over for about 30-45 seconds. It was about 40-50 feet above me. I noticed the object to be round in shape with one major beam shooting out of the bottom of the aircraft. The beam was so bright it blinded me for a couple of seconds. After studying the aircraft my eyes were focused to the west. Looking out over the trees I noticed there were three more aircraft waiting for the one above me to leave. These three ships all had red lights on the tops of their aircrafts. Moments later when the object above decided to leave, the other three left with the other one. These four objects left with such an incredible speed. They were out of sight before I could even blink an eye. The only noise the object made when it left was a very slight hum. You could barely hear it. the other three made absolutely no noise at all. Incredible speeds, I had never witnessed anything like that before. There was nobody else in the ball field at that time. The spaceship made the area so bright I figured it would be on the news or even in the newspaper. No such luck. Nothing. Why was I the only one to see this object? Why was it hovering so close to me?  Why wasn’t I abducted?  I have thought about that night for the past 53 years. What did they want?  I think quite often about the speed that they all traveled and how quiet they all were blew my mind. I wasn’t scared at all, just very curious. 53 years later the only thing that has changed is my curiosity. It’s about ten times greater now. It was truly an amazing evening. Thank you & God bless.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


This case is under investigation Section Director Ed Dobson of MUFON New Jersey.








Walter Cronkite was the face of CBS News from 1962 to 1981, when stories ranged from the John F. Kennedy assassination to the Iranian hostage crisis.  According to UFO researcher Bill Knell (more on him below), in the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of news reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile…a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground.

 Bill Knell’s claim: In the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of News Reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile. After a short inspection of the new system by the reporters, they were lead to an area that was a safe distance from the launch site. The missile was mounted on a specially-built launcher that was attached to a cement base. It was obvious that the area had been quickly built just for the test. The details about the missile were going to be given to the reporters in he form of hand-out sheets and press releases after the test.  Cronkite mentioned that he and the other reporters had been warned that photography of the missile test and any audio transmissions or recordings by the press were forbidden. They would have to give a written account of the event. Just as the test was ready to proceed, everyone was writing as fast as they could. As Air Force Security personnel walked around the perimeter of the test area with guard dogs and the news reporters watched, the missile was fired-up and about to be released. Just then, a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. 

Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. Because the noise of activity around him and the missile engine was so loud, he couldn’t tell whether the disc made any noise. He did not notice any coming directly from the object.  As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground. It suddenly sent out a blue beam of light which struck the missile, a guard and a dog all at the same time. The missile was frozen in mid-air about 70 feet from the launcher as it had taken off. A guard was frozen in mid-step and a dog frozen in mid-air as it had jumped at the disc. Cronkite reminded me that this all happened within the space of about five minutes or less.  Suddenly, the missile exploded! After that, the disc vanished. The guard and dog looked alright, but were quickly taken away by medical personnel always present at tests in case anyone became injured. At the same time, guards rapidly ushered the reporters into a concrete observation bunker. After about thirty minutes of sitting in that hot box, they were brought out into the air again and addressed by an Air Force Colonel.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.











A young man, Ronnie Austin and his girlfriend, Phyllis Bruce (both 18) had driven to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, to attend a drive-in movie, “The Great Escape”. At around 11:30 PM they departed on Route 15 heading east for home, which was Wayne City. Phyllis had gotten angry with him, and as they drove along past the airport, Ronnie leaned over to speak to her.  As he did this, he glanced out of the window to the south and saw a big white object moving along at treetop level, about 20-degrees above the horizon to the southwest. He described it as fuzzy and about the size of a washtub. Both witnesses watched, casually talking about the light for several minutes.  Then they discovered that the light seemed to be keeping pace with them. Ronnie reported that when he speeded the car up, the object seemed to speed up. Also, when he decelerated, the object seemed to slow down, too. This continued, as indicated by the map included in this report. At first the light was on the south side of the car; then it crossed over in front to the north side. The transition took place when they were about 6 miles west of the Orchardville Road intersection.  The object had been on their right (south) and keeping up with them, when all at once the object headed for the car. It appeared to get within a few hundred feet and then it suddenly gained altitude and stopped for several seconds over an electronic relay tower. Then the light shot across the road to the north side to the left of the car. It maintained this position for a while about 500 feet distant.  They then turned north on the gravel road leading to Phyllis’ home, which was approximately 1.5 miles away. The object was now on their right. Upon arrival, Phyllis’ sister Forestine came outside to observe the thing, which was now in the southeast. The object appeared to move closer, so went inside, turned out the lights and watched through a window. After 15 minutes had passed, Ronnie decided he had better go home.  He made a run for the car. As soon as he pulled away from the Bruce home, the object began to follow. In our interview with the boy’s father (Orville) on August 12, he told us that this is what scared Ronnie, the thought that the UFO was waiting for him to be alone before it took off after him. He had to head south and the object was on his left now.   When he turned east onto another gravel road, the object suddenly shot diagonally ahead of him over a barn about a mile away, just beyond the T-road.

The object now changed from a brilliant white to a duller or dimmer light with an orange tinge.  Ronnie said he “really poured the coal” to the car and must have been doing 120 mph when he topped the hill on the gravel road. Then, he reported, the object flared bright orange and came straight toward him at high speed. It hovered over the car, within 100′. Just before it hovered it had swerved upward and Ronnie judged its size as that of an automobile.  At the point right over the car his radio (tuned to WLS) went crazy with static, which was described as a loud whining sound.. At that time he noticed a “cooling effect”. The object made another pass at the car, this time west to east, and at this point where the object was again overhead, the engine of the car started missing.  The object proceeded back to its position over the barn, hovered, changed to a duller orange. This small road running east to west is only about a mile long and the events that took place according to the witness indicates an increase in activity by the object, which really had the boy scared by now.  Ronnie now turned north at the intersection (extension of road not shown) and headed for home which was over 3 miles away. The object followed him again. As he headed west down the lane leading to his home, the object cut across the road behind him to the left. He spun his car around in the driveway in front of the house, got out of the car and ran inside.  The object was now above another farmhouse in the east about 300 yards away.  When Ronnie woke his parents, they thought he had gone crazy. He told them that “it” had chased him home. He could hardly talk; every third or fourth word would trail off. Mr. Austin thought that somebody had chased the boy and was trying to hurt him, so he grabbed the shotgun as he went out the door.  Ronnie told him that it wouldn’t do any good. Orville Austin told us that when he saw the object hovering over the field, he understood what the boy was trying to say. He put the gun down. The object started to move closer again so they went into the kitchen and turned out the lights, watching through the windows. Mr. Austin felt that the object was attracted by the lights.  Then Ronnie told him to call the police. Orville tried but the phone was dead. Later, the phone was operating and he called Fairfield Police. He said that they thought he was joking. He wanted them to contact Scott Air Force Base which was 80 miles to the northwest. It was about l2:25 A.M. now.  At this time Ronnie’s parents saw that he needed medical aid. They called Dr. Konarski of Fairfield and he told them what to give him. When the police arrived, they saw the “object”, too. Several friends and neighbors watched this “object” and at one time Ronnie got scared and ran back into the house. Several buddies of Ronnie’s watched an object until 4:00 in the morning.  Investigated by Indiana Unit No. 1, NICAP.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








It was during the summer of 1959 on a working farm now known as Dorbrook Park. My family lived and my father worked on the farm at the time of the sighting. The physical location of this site is adjacent to the Naval Weapons Station, Earle road and rail that runs from the main location in Colts Neck to Belford. At the time of the sighting, my sister, myself, father and mother along with several other people were sitting outside enjoying the pleasant summer evening from the front yard of the house that we were living in. It was at this time that we all simultaneously noticed what appeared to be a large shiny, silver sphere due east of our location. The sphere was roughly following the direction of the Navy road, heading towards the main Ammunition storage facility located a couple of miles to the south of our location. The object was moving in a slow but deliberate manner at an altitude must have been from 300 to 500 feet. Its speed was probably 40 to 50 mph. The object was also displaying about 10 to 15 randomly blinking red and white lights. The majority of these lights seem to concentrate roughly around the longitudinal plane of the sphere and appeared to be separate from the craft itself. Each light seemed to blink at a rate of maybe once per second. It should be noted that the location of this farm now a county park is within 4 miles of Fort Monmouth Army Communications and Electronics Command where radar was developed along with a number of other initiatives critical to the National Defense.

 Right after our sighting, my father ran to a phone and attempted to call Fort Monmouth however, he could not get through at that time. He did not try again therefore, our sighting was not reported to the best of my knowledge.  The sighting lasted only a few minutes as the sphere disappeared behind some trees however, it can be safely assumed that its path did take it over the ammunition depot itself. Of course there have been rumors for years that the facility was used to store nuclear devices. In closing, years later I came across another witness observed what appears to be the same object however, he viewed it from the Navesink river on the River Plaza side. This location is also on a direct line towards Belford sight of the Pier where the ammunition ships are loaded and is approximately 4 miles from the farm where we observed the object.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







JUNE 4, 2009     ………     WOODSTOWN NEW JERSEY

Kelly Pfeifer sighted a large black triangle, with lights on the bottom at the top of the hill, on route 40 just outside of Woodstown, going towards Pole Tavern.  She said the triangle hovered over a house on the other side of the road.  It made no noise and Kelly watched it for 5 minutes before she decided to get out of there. The object was the size of a soft ball at arms length.  This is a very busy road at night with truck traffic . The time was approximately 9 pm.  She was looking out her rolled down window from the drivers side and had a clear view of the triangle.  The underside of the triangle was lit with rectangle lights [ see illustration ].  The lights were bright but not blinding.  She could not tell if the middle of the triangle was filled in due to the lights.  The sky was crystal clear.  Kelly was coming home from her hair dresser in Pennsville.  Kelly told me about the incident the NEXT day. 

KEN’S NOTE:  We have has some strange sightings in this part of South Jersey.  Salem nuclear plant is only 16 miles from the Woodstown area.


 The object was in the southern sky about 2 fists above the horizon and 250 degrees off the Woodstown VOR ( OOD ) . The altitude was around 8000 -10000 feet. The object was in a hoover mode for around 1 hr then slowly moved further south and climbed to a higher UKN altitude. On sunday around 10:30 pm the object appeared in the same spot and had the same flight pattern. While observing this object, a large aircraft was just below the object mentioned and had the ” usual ” aircraft NAV lights on it as it moved across the night sky. The object did not change its hoover mode during the other aircraft passing. The object would only flash the colors Light Blue, Light Green, and Red in its shape. On 3-25-12 the Millville Flight Services was called around 10:45 to report this matter. There was no further calls or reports from them as of the following day. 


I saw a bright light and triangular shaped object. While going turkey hunting on 4/17 at about 5:25 am, while traveling west on rt. 40, I saw a bright light toward the Woodstown-Yorktown area. It was so low that I thought that I was looking at a plane in trouble so, I made a left off of rt. 40 to get a better look at it. At that time I noticed that the light wasn’t moving. (I expected the light to move to the left or right as it might if a plane was in trouble and looking for a place to land). But, the light just stayed in one spot.  The light was about 1-1/2 miles away and it was a big-big bright light shining and I was getting closer and closer. I came to a stop sign and the light was shining into a field on my left and was connected to a large triangular object. But, as I drove under this object, it made no noise.  Something told me to stop and scrutinize this thing but, something else told me to keep going and don’t mess with it. I just kept going while looking at it through my truck mirrors and noticed bright flashes. I thought that it might be strobes or electrical flashes. As I continued to look through my mirrors, it just disappeared. I didn’t realize it at the time but, it had been hovering over power lines.

Special thanks to www.mufon.com case files








One harsh November evening in 1961, Paul Miller and three buddies were on their way home after a hunting trip close to Minot, North Dakota.  Suddenly, something they described as a “glowing silo” landed on a nearby field.  They first believed that it was an airplane that had crash landed, but they were forced to change their minds when the object suddenly disappeared.  But when the four decided to drive away, the object reappeared and two humanoids stepped out of the craft.  Miller, who was struck by panic, shot one of the beings, apparently injuring it. The second being fled. On the way home, Miller and his team had a “blackout” and lost track of three hours. They then decided not to tell the story to anyone.  The next day when Miller arrived at his office (at the Air Force), he was visited by three men wearing black suits.  They said that they were from the government and they began asking questions about his encounter and Miller later recalled “that it seemed that they knew everything about me, and they probably already knew my answers”.  Instead it seemed that they were more interested in what clothes Miller had worn at the time of the encounter and the men followed Miller home to take a look at them.  The men made such a threatening impression on Miller that he didn’t dare to tell his story for many years.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

KEN’S NOTE:  Minot Air Force Base is located near the alien shooting.  Minot AFB is nuclear equipped and would be of great interest to these alien creatures.





Alexander Gottfridsson


MAY 26, 2014     ……..     KELOWNA BRITISH COLUMBIA


At 8:45 pm I decided to go for a walk around the block for half our to an hour, I left my place and enjoyed a peaceful evening stroll. I was walking through a dark alley that cut through two apt building ending up at a old school that is across the road from the high school which has several large football fields. While in the alley heading home I talked briefly too a group of guys who claimed to have seen a UFO in the sky and if I hurried over to the field I could still catch them.  He pointed me in the direction that they seen the UFO and said they have to leave. I hurried over too the field and did not notice anything and thought for sure I had missed them, shortly after about a minute of observing the sky I observed some lights that seemed to come from nowhere, I saw five bright circular lights in the sky that were in a boomerang like V formation, the UFO was in the very bottom part of the cloud layer and the clouds around the UFO’s lights vanished all around for hundreds of feet. I felt a feeling of fear and astonishment when I first seen the craft, the lights were in the east direction moving south climbing in altitude, I observed the lights as they began to get smaller, the light started to pulsate and grow brighter when the UFO disappeared in a streak of light much like what a shooting star looked like only the streak of light traveled into space instead of the ground. I was still watching the sky and observed a light travel back from the direction in which it had shot away, the light was moving at super speeds because it traveled towards myself growing a bit brighter, the lights then slowed down and stayed stationary. The sighting lasted for about ten minutes and occured just after 9 pm. I could still make out the UFO when I left the school field. I walked home very excited about what I had just observed and the first thing I was going to say to my room mate was if he wanted too come and take a look at a UFO in the sky near the high school, so I came upstairs gave his door a quick knock and entered his room. I was instantly hit by a big gust of wind that made the curtains hit the roof and I almost blacked out, it felt like I had been drugged or was overcome by a deamonic dark presence, I remember seeing a dark shadow creature come over me freezing me with fear.


I thought  to myself oh my god I just had my room mate abducted and I went to the living room where I noticed that 20 seconds had elapsed in 40 minutes, I looked around the house for my room mate and finally found him outside when I told him the things that had just happened, he didn’t think it was crazy at all. I was overcome by an energy and dreading feeling that I had too get out of the house, I thought for sure I was going to be abducted and I did not want to put anyone’s life in danger. I left the house and walked for about an hour too a picnic table at a small creek that was still in the city but it was late and I barely observed a vehicle. At this time I was starting to calm down and was beginning to accept what had recently happened to me, I was a little bit on edge because I jumped when something came out of the bushes, it turned out to be a dog that stopped to take a drink out of the creek and continued on his way. It was starting to get late, approximately 1 am, I grabbed my backpack and was about to head to the road when I heard something in the bushes again and thought it was the dog having another drink at the creek so I walked down to the waters edge to see if I could pet him and make a friend, I was mistaken because I observed two short human like creatures, around 4′ tall and a slender build, they had dark eyes that were larger then our own and no visible hair clothes to speak off. The creatures were dark In colour but not black, possibly a dark grey.

I watched the ET’s run away from me running towards a carwash looking back at me for a glance, the one  jumped on top of a car with ease and ran over the top of it jumping down and continuing to follow the other  as they ran into the dark where I could not make them out. I instantly thought” if they are running that way I am going this way” and I made my way to the brightly light highway that was nearby. I was honestly scared of these things and all I wanted to do at this time was too feel safe. I honestly don’t know what they were going to do to me or why they ran away.  It has even crossed my mind that perhaps they were either coming to drink water from the creek or were stalking the stray dog that recently came from the path that the et’s were. I accept now that we are not alone and am amazed at the fact that we have so many documented account of the same lights in the sky and the same creatures known as the Grey Aliens.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

 Special thanks to www.mufon.com case file.









I have seen flying saucers since august 18, 1980.  This was my 8th UFO experience, but I have never seen orbs, only spaceships.  These were orbs, I think, not what I usually experience.  I first noticed the object before dinner, but I just blew it off.  We had dinner on the beach, overlooking the water.  My wife noticed it after dinner, when we went to leave.  I immediately saw a large bright light again, much brighter than the first time, approximately 45 earlier. I knew immediately what it was, a UFO.  We just purchased a camera a few days before, and we went to the waters edge, and started filming.  My wife did.  The object, there were 4-5 of them, were extremely bright, varying in size from a pin head to a quarter. I estimate about half a mile to a mile away from shoreline.  They moved independently, and went from bright small in size, to immensely bright and huge, maybe the size of a quarter.  They moved up and down, remained stationary, and one of them went over land when big, over I would assume sandy hook area, 10-15 miles north of where we were. 

 There were 6-7 people on the beach watching and filming as well.  It was amazing to see.  My feelings…very excited, very controlled.   I wanted to attract them, and stood in the light than ran across the water and did jumping jacks to attract it.   It did not respond.   The objects got extremely big and bright maybe 3-4 times.  These actions unfortunately were not captured on video of photos.  I told my wife to take video, to make sure we had it on video.  I spoke to my cousin on the cell phone throughout part of the experience, because he knows of all the things I have experienced, and I was describing the scene to him as it happened.  I am very lucky to have experienced what I have throughout my life. We never lost sight of the objects.  We left after about an hour or so.  We saw amazing detail of 2 orbs around a tremendous bright round light, sometimes two bright circles of light.  Unfortunately, I do not know how to submit this to you right now, but will have my wife do so in the next few days to a week.  You will be amazed, or maybe not, since this is probably common but it is amazing, and I would like an explanation as to what this is.  I believe it is extra terrestrial.  My wife thinks it was secret military craft, but she also said she did not know what it was. She does not believe in UFO’S, since she has never seen one, but then, she could not explain what we saw.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


KEN’S NOTE:  This area has been very active with sightings over the years.  Ft Monmouth is nearby and has a two mile dock that protrudes out into the bay.  Military ships can be seen there often.  The bay leads to the Varrazano Bridge and eventually Manhattan.  Check it-out on Google Earth.      


This case is under investigation by Bob Spearing of MUFON New Jersey. 

Special thanks to www.mufon.com case file.






HI buddy, appreciate the reply.  I’m really hoping that you still are on this email, as your pretty much the first place when I Google “where to send my ufo pictures”  Sounds strange in my head but I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, I’ve been mocked, made fun of a little but anyway, not cruelly but still.. Not cool. 
 I live in co Kildare, Ireland. Alot of people in the past few weeks have noticed things in the sky, including me.  Through Facebook, friends and such have been talking about the sightings.. But unfortunately, not enough people to convince the masses of the population of the town, Naas.  It was the 3rd Sept just gone, I had taking lunch from work at 2.15 am, in a huge dead quite, closed supermarket car park. At first and the reason I took the pics, is that usually with helicopters and planes it can be heard minutes before seen, but this made no noise.  I took the first, above the sign, almost immediately, maybe 3 seconds it took a straight line across, but then suddenly dropped as if a rock but instead of disappearing to the ground, stopping in mid air, the 3rd pic, unfortunately it disappeared from  my view and phone camera after 5 seconds.
The light was a very bright white, it from my view was 3 white lights, never changing in colour or size, I was shocked at the falling of the object, and sudden stop or hover and the pics basically see what I saw.  I dunno what else to say, honestly I really felt like it was watching me watching it, when it fell a huge distance, I expected it not to stop falling, that’s the bit that bothered me most, it seemed to stop there, as if I had told it to. Thankfully I got the pictures, and am delighted that when people try make me doubt myself, a quick look snaps the feeling right back.  My name is Gavin Higgins.  There are no military bases or anything like that near my town.  I saw it, I can’t say what it was but I’d bet my life it’s not an Irish plane or helicopter. 




SEPTEMBER 9, 2014   …….    McNEAL ARIZONA                           At 9:08pm, My mom and I were in our barn feeding the horses for the night. I was out back closing gates when I heard a rumbling, like what you hear when a jet is flying over. I’ve heard that a hundred times. There was a full moon rising in the east about 3 or 4 fingers above the horizon and a very clear night. I looked up to the west to where I heard the plane and saw red lights moving SE but it was strange. It had 5 lights in a boomerang pattern. One on the nose and two more on each side. If it was a plane, it was the biggest plane I’ve ever seen. It was really high up too but I’ve seen airliners around that same height and it was 5 times bigger than those. There were two jet fighters tailing slightly behind the tips of its wings. I knew they were separate aircraft because they moved independently from the red lights which stayed together and they were not red but more like white/ yellow in color. As the object and jets passed over I could see the jets had blinking aircraft lights, like you see on all aircraft. I kept watching for a few more minutes until the lights faded(by the glare of the moon) to the SE.  I went back to the barn and told my mother what I had seen. A few minutes after that at 920PM,  I saw 2 jet fighters returning from the same direction going NW. They were no longer escorting anything and had their afterburners on. They were going much faster than when I had previously seen them. 

KEN’S NOTE:  Bisbee Douglas International Airport sits  S  S/E  of  NcNEAL. This Airport looks like an abandoned Air Force Base or Secret Base in Arizona.  See on Google Earth.  Very strange.  This may be the destination of the above flight.  The above image was taken from Northern Kentucky on June 18, 2014.









On Sunday August 10, 2014, while at home in Oshawa, Ontario, I was outside on my driveway washing my car when suddenly I hear this humming sound and look to the north below HWY 2.  About a quarter mile north of my position and some thousands of feet up I see three bright red ruby lights maintaining in a triangle formation.  Being in a state of awe watching them moving across from the east to west, maybe 30 seconds passed. I then ran into the house for my camera; being once again outside in about 20 seconds.  Started to film this spectacle and watch the direction of these three lights at 9:20 pm. I watched them pass over Whitby heading towards Ajax.  The lights appeared to turn to the southwest heading to southern Ajax. I snapped one last picture at the greatest distance away. The last picture reveals a structure between the three lights.  After a couple of days I noticed on the net of reports in Oshawa/Whitby /Ajax/Toronto /Burlington, Ontario. It would appear many folks had witnessed this marvel along this flight path this triangle of lights had taken probably due to the time not being too late.  What is also interesting is that it started in Oshawa. No further reports came out ‘east of Oshawa.’ Very bizarre and shocking sighting to witness.  I assume by the size that would be one to two hundred yards apart in spread of the lights. It is also interesting to note this occurred during a full moon cycle.  Photos taken with Canon PowerShot SX260 HS.








I had two abductions. One in 1974 and the other in East Texas 1996. I know 1974 was long ago, but I didn’t want people to think I was crazy and have held this inside for many years and only now feel like I can tell. I was 26, married, had 4 children. It was about 7pm, dark, winter time, I was driving home and felt like someone was watching me. I couldn’t shake the feeling. I had to calm myself down. And then, I was at home. That confused me. I went on to bed that night, not remembering the fear I had earlier of someone following me. Suddenly, I was awake and staring into the big black eyes of a creature, standing on my right side. His arms were long and he was just skinny and a grey appearance. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. Nor could I move. I could see my husband sleeping in my peripheral view. As I said, the creature was at my right side, and three others, much smaller standing at the foot of the bed. I felt like the one at my right, was some kind of instructor and the three were learning from him. They seemed a little afraid of me and huddled close. Then the one close to me spoke to my mind and I understood his thoughts. He said, “I wont hurt you, and you wont ever remember this.” Then, he took an instrument like a pen with a light and touched my upper groin area. It was then, I remember being naked. And as he ran this pen object down from my groin, and down my upper thigh, I started screaming from the pain, only no sounds were coming out. I screamed for my husband to wake up and help me. It felt like the object was pulling all of my tissue out of my leg, extracting everything away. He took the object to my right above my knee and pulled it away. He was right, the next morning, I remembered nothing. But I started having nightmares. They were all the same; a huge black spider coming down his web from the ceiling to hurt me. I would jump out of bed, screaming, and take whatever object that was near me and start swinging, screaming, “get away from me!” My husband, of course, would wake up and try to  calm me down. He was clearly shaken by this strange behavior of mine. It frightened him. After the third nightmare, and reaction to it being the same; I then remembered. I was terrified, and worried that if I told my husband he would think I went insane. So I said nothing. After remembering, the nightmares ended.

1996–The second one was when I lived in East Texas. I was 48. I was at home alone asleep. My husband a truck driver was gone. I woke up and saw flashing red, yellow, blue, green lights in a circled pattern in my front yard. I was watching them from my bed. The pattern seemed to be going around a dark disk shape. Suddenly, I wasn’t in my bed anymore but on a steel oblong table. The same grey (instructor Ill call him) spoke to me telepathically, “I wont hurt you.” I spoke back telepathically, “that’s what you said to me the last time. You lied.” There were other greys around the table 4-5 watching. He took out an instrument and ran it slowly over my brain like doing a massage. It was shaped like a pen also with a light. As he moved the pen to different areas of my brain, the sensation was so euphoric, I really didn’t want him to stop. I never experienced such sensation. Then when he was done, he spoke again, “See, I told you so.” And as odd as it seemed, it looked like he was pleased in my response. And strangely, as well, I wasn’t afraid any more of him. My first two husbands passed away without me telling about this. My third husband I told, but he just cant believe it. There is a friend who found out about my story, and he was ecstatic. He also is a believer and had several visitations. It felt so good to be around other people who have experienced an encounter with aliens. I have no proof except I have osteoporosis, had 3 hip replacements. The right hip had to have another one only three years later. The doctor said, I just didn’t have enough bone. I wonder if it wasn’t from the first abduction on my right leg. I wish I had more evidence. If I get to meet this instructor again, I feel in my inner being, he would let me ask questions. But thanks for being out there for all of us who have had the experience. It is such a relief, to know we are not crazy.  My occupation: Retired register nurse.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









My last video of White house video testimony that ALL the Apollo moon landing video was filmed at MGM studios London and the CIA crew were subsequently killed by the US military afterwards to keep the truth hidden forever – this video uses scientific evidence that would stand up in any court to corroborate the White house’s statements that we did not go to the moon. This is a touchy subject and it’s not so much that we didn’t go to the moon, but rather that we were lied to and that’s what fires off aggressive people who refuse to believe no matter how much we spell it out. I’ve created these  videos to prove to the planet that the Goverment will lie to you and they’ve done it many times since and will justify these lies.  We’ve just seen how the US Goverment killed off their own moon hoax CIA crew who faked the moon landing footage… do you think it stopped back in ’69??  With all this new technology both alien and man made there is nothing they can’t and WON’T do to achieve their own SELF agenda and here we have proof of the world’s biggest lie and deception and all the evidence in the world that we need a massive overhaul and some extreme changes if we are to save our planet from this corruption. Again as said, I’m not talking about anarchy or chaos here, I’m talking about reversing the process, getting back the American constitution and using all this incredible technology for GOOD to HELP people get back on their feet and to TEACH this world how to live together in peace before it’s all too late.  I hope you enjoy my video and thanks for watching! Cheers, Doc Braun :)


KEN’S NOTE:  I have been researching this subject for a few years now and have come to the conclusion that we never went to the moon in 1969.  First I do not think we had the capability and technology to do it.  I have accumulated many photos on my web site’s moon gallery of www.worldufophotos.org that says we never went.  I remember seeing the Moon landing in 1969 and there was something strange that I could not put my finger on but years later it all came together.  The powdery moon surface was exampled when the first foot print was photographed on the Moon.  It was definitely a very fine powder like surface.  When the moon lander landed and took off from the Moon it would of left a cloud of dust that would take hours to dissipate because of the moons gravity.  I have hi-definition photos of the Moon Rover with no tire tracks on the dusty surface.  You can find these photos on the internet and I advise finding them and downloading them before they disappear just like many thinks from the web.  Please take a good look at the enclosed video from Disclose tv.  I am usually not a fan of this web site but sometimes they do hit a home run.  There is tons of information on the web and you just have to google it.  Google   fake moon landing    and be prepaired to read for days.  Debunkers jump in a lake.  You are just as bad as the corrupt politicians in the Government.  The Government has been ripping off the public for trillions of dollars because of the so called space race.  The only race here is the race to the bank. 








Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/185082/MOON_HOAX__COURT_ROOM_SCIENTIFIC_PROOF_WE_NEVER_WENT_TO_THE_MOON_HD/#ixzz3CryYWQR7




It is a single-witness case, but this witness is a high-ranking officer of the Argentinean Air Force (AAF), who by a fluke was able to obtain a remarkable photograph as supporting evidence of his encounter.  Even in Argentina, and perhaps due to the association of the witness with the AAF, the case was not given much publicity until 1977, when it finally was reported in UFO PRESS.   The witness in this sighting is Hugo F. Niotti, then a captain of the AAF assigned to the Air Force School for Sub-officers located in the city of Cordoba. Contrary to what many would expect, his involvement in the case did not affect his military career, and seventeen years later, when finally interviewed by Roncoroni, he had risen to the high rank of vice-commodore, occupying a responsible position with the AAF.  On July 3, 1960, then Captain Niotti was driving from Yacanto toward Cordoba. The weather was inclement, typical of what one would expect for that area in the middle of winter. It was drizzling off and on, and the cloud deck was very low, perhaps 100-150 m.. The road was rather slippery, and Capt. Niotti was concentrating hard on his driving.  At approximately 4:30 PM, he was in the area of Villa General Belgrano, about 70 Km from the city of Cordoba. He had finished negotiating a wide S-curve, when he suddenly noticed a rather close and unusual object hovering near the ground to the right of the road.  Startled, he stopped the car, grabbed his camera, fortunately next to him on the seat, moved a few steps away, and proceeded to take a photo of the object, which was moving slowly. While he was engaged in winding the film to take a second shot, the object started to accelerate and disappeared into the clouds, which as stated, were very low.  The whole incident had lasted about 40 seconds and had developed into the most absolute silence.

This eerie silence, coupled with the bad weather and the abruptness of the incident, gave Capt. Niotti a sense of reality, which puzzled and confused him. In this mood, he jumped back into his car and continued his trip to Cordoba, where he proceeded to have the film processed.  Here is Capt. Niotti’s description of what he had seen. The object was conical in shape, with a height of 7-8 meters and a base diameter of 3-4 meters, with its axis almost parallel to the ground and its base facing the witness. It was at a distance of 80 to 100 meters from his location and moving very slowly toward the south, perhaps at 10 KPH, always parallel to the ground. It was rotating, also very slowly. It then accelerated very rapidly, attaining a speed of perhaps 200 KPH in 3 or 4 seconds, and disappeared into the low cloud bank. This sudden acceleration without any sound was inexplicable to the witness in view of his proximity.  The color of the object was a uniform dark gray. The surface was perfectly smooth without joints or rivets and had a definite metallic aspect.  As an officer of the AAF, Niotti was naturally reluctant to divulge his experience and initially told only a few fellow officers, who persuaded him to send the negatives and copies to the “Revista Nacional de Aeronautica” (RNA); the editors of this official magazine transmitted the photo to the “Servicio de Informaciones de Aeronautica” (SIA), a technical service available to the Air force.  The SIA gave a good bill of health to the photo, and the sighting was reported by the RNA in its issue of November, 1960. It is remarkable that never before or after have the Armed Forces made public the results of a UFO investigation.



Circa 1880  ……    PADESWOOD ENGLAND


A sighting of a UFO was made in the 1880s by miners-turned poachers at Padeswood, near Mold, who were disturbed by a “swirling ball of smoke with tongues of flame”. Richard Holland explains… It’s a common assumption that the UFO is a modern phenomenon belonging to the Space Age, but this is not the case.  Strange lights in the sky have been causing conjecture for centuries.  According to Buckley historian James Bentley some striking coal miners encountered what today we would call a UFO way back in the 1880s. Mr Bentley heard the story from relatives of two of the eye-witnesses. It seems that, starved of wages and therefore of food, a gang of miners dared to risk poaching on land belonging to one of the mine owners.  If they had been caught it would have meant eviction, and possibly transportation which is why the following story was kept under wraps for so long. One dark moonless night the miners crept down to some fields at Padeswood, near Mold, to collect some snares previously left there. Suddenly they felt tense and afraid, as if someone was watching them. Glancing up, they saw a large, purplish-red luminous ball hovering above them! Silently it descended into the next field.  At first the terrified poachers hid their heads under their nets but shortly, on feeling a lessening in the tension in the air, one of their number dared to peer over the hedge.  A “swirling ball of smoke with small tongues of flame issuing from the base, was lifting off the ground”.  The men ran home and vowed each other to secrecy. Several days later the bravest of the bunch returned to collect the gear they had left behind in their panic.  There was no sign of the UFO, but where they had seen it land there was now a wide, black circle of scorched grass.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.





THANKS TO  James Bentley and the Clwyd Oral History Project and



The 1949 Norwood Ohio Searchlight/UFO incident.

The Norwood case involves 10 visual sightings by multiple civilian, clergy, police, scientist and military witnesses over a 7-month duration, facilitated by the use of a powerful searchlight ran by Army Sgt. Donald R. Berger. The first sighting took place during “The Jitney Carnival” of 1949 and witnessed by hundreds The following morning, three local newspapers- The Cincinnati Post, The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Cincinnati Times Star- all had articles regarding ‘strange lights’ and ‘comets seen over the city’ from the previous evening. There was an explanation for the occurrence, according to one local newspaper. The Albee Theater in nearby Cincinnati, accompanied by the Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Norwood, were operating searchlights. It was said that the hundreds of persons calling newspapers and weather bureau officials were simply observing these searchlight beams ‘bouncing off of clouds.’  Despite this, the sightings began in earnest after 11:00 p.m. (Berger logs indicate that he observed the UFO from 8:15 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.) and continued to flummox Cincinnati residents until 6:30 a.m. the following morning. It seems unlikely searchlights would be operating all night long until daylight, and further still, one weather bureau official recounted his early-morning observation of two objects that looked like “two weather ceiling balloons” that weren’t moving despite a wind speed of 25 to 32-miles per hour.

Even the Berger logs indicate the possible presence of a second searchlight from that evening, whether Berger knew there was another searchlight at work or not. “When I moved the searchlight away, the object continued to glow,” Berger wrote in his 1949 logs that were later kept in the possession of Rev. Gregory Miller until 1954, when he imparted them to UFO investigator Leonard Stringfield.  Meanwhile, during the festival in Norwood, Robert Linn, the managing editor of the Cincinnati Post, along with church pastor Rev. Gregory Miller, were certain that Berger’s searchlight had found and been bouncing off of “some definite object.” They entered into agreement and reported the situation to intelligence officials at Wright Field in nearby Dayton, Ohio.  The August 19th episode is a mass-witness case, reported in all three local newspapers of Cincinnati, Ohio, a city not far south of Dayton, home of the airbase. A possible explanation is publicly toyed with: the deception caused by two searchlight beams strolling the dark skies. It seems as if Grudge folks would have likely been aware of the events at Norwood on August 19, 1949 – either from all the reportage or from the direct report to the airbase itself, by Robert Linn and Rev. Miller. Why does the Norwood Case not factor in to their investigation when, in fact, far ‘lesser’ cases may have been prominently addressed? If Project Grudge had sought to dismiss UFO sightings as psychological phenomena, they had a good case with the Norwood searchlight events at this stage of the situation.





KENNY YOUNG AND http://www.nicap.org/norwooddir.htm




 At daybreak (September 3, 1987) I put my gear and my gun on my bike and headed towards Mac pass. A couple of miles down the road, I was putting along at about 10 mph looking into the trees and watching the hillsides. I decided to stop for a restroom break.  I stopped where I could see some mountainsides and some valleys. I parked on the right side of the road. The sun was shining; the air was perfectly still and a bit cool. I was standing just in front of my bike watching the mountains to the south, when I noticed to the left out of the corner of my eye, what I first thought was an airplane. It was 400 to 500 yards away and about the size of a DC-3 plane or a full-size school bus. It was travelling north to south, at about 40 yards above ground and moving maybe 30 km/h. Right away I thought “boy is he low”. I blinked my eyes because I couldn’t make out any tail fin or wings. 

It had what looked like portholes all along the side of it. It was cigar shaped with a grey strip down the middle and a dark green on top and bottom.  I thought to myself, “something’s wrong with this picture”, then I realized there was no sound! If it was an airplane, the roar would have filled the valley.  As I watched, it seemed to partially dematerialize and then return to solid form, it did this as it was moving, a couple of times. Then it dawned on me, oh, oh, I don’t think I should be seeing this; it’s a UFO and probably doesn’t want to be seen!  I crouched down on the road, hiding behind the roadside grass. I then watched it go behind a cone-shaped hill and not come out. I stood up looking for it and feeling very excited and happy about what I saw and thinking they didn’t even know they were being watched.  I was standing beside my bike when I heard a loud metallic clunk behind me around the corner.  Right away I thought, somebody must be here and I’ve got to tell them what I saw. The noise I heard sounded like a heavy trunk lid on a car slamming shut.  I quickly walked along the edge of the road to the corner to see who was there.I came face to face (about 20 yards) with 2 grey creatures in blue jump suits, about 5 ft. tall with big insect looking heads, pointy faces, big eyes, thin arms, body and legs. I immediately thought “they’re not little green men*, they’re grasshopper people”.  At that same instant, the one on the left raised his left hand to his waist, which held some type of flashlight device and I saw a bright flash of light come from it.  I instantly felt paralyzed and was convinced time had stopped, everything was black, no sound. I tried to yell “No!” but all that came out was a distorted grunt.  Next thing I knew I was standing on the side of the road scared, shaking and confused.  Within seconds I remembered all of this that had just taken place and I thought, “I’m getting out of here before they get me again.” I turned around to get my bike and for some reason it was not there, then I noticed it was on the other side of the road. I said to myself, “what the hell is this? I didn’t put it there”. Still panicking I rushed over and got on it and realized the keys were gone.  I always left the keys in it, that way I could not lose them while sneaking around in the bush. I immediately started looking down the road and suddenly saw them in my hand. I started my bike and raced back to the trailer.  I was feeling scared and amazed at the same time and then noticed that all the shadows of the trees were pointing in a different direction than that of the morning sun. About 15 minutes later I was at the trailer. Half an hour later it was dark. I thought “no way, I only left here an hour ago, what’s going on?”  I was really confused then, I said to myself, “I’m not telling anybody about this, I’ll just forget the whole thing”.  I put on a pot of coffee and could then hear a soft humming sound above the trailer. I could also feel a soft vibration in everything (trailer, air, etc.). After about 10 minutes it had all stopped. I had a very strong feeling that they were outside. I did not look out the windows.

Later that night I still couldn’t sleep and while having my coffee I began to have flashbacks of the past events. I remember being in a dream-like state watching scenery flash by underneath as if I was flying. I watched mountains and rivers and forests go by at a very high rate of speed.  I then became aware of other sounds and seemed to wake up. I opened my eyes and could see nothing but black, very deep and inky black. As I was looking at this, the blackness pulled back, revealing a face, I had been looking into the eyes of a grey type creature. I could hear in my mind a voice saying “there is nothing to worry about”. I could hear him talking in my mind.  There were 3 or 4 of these types walking around, but only one talked to me. The two I saw earlier on the road, I never saw again. (Note: the aliens that he saw at this point were of the typical “grey type” while the ones at the edge of the road were more insectoid.)  I then sat up and had an idea of what might be going on and I asked, “Are you going to do experiments on me?” and the one said, “They’ve already been done.” I felt really good then because, except for a strange sensation in my hands everything felt normal. I kept rubbing my hands together but did not look at them, as there was a totally strange environment to look at instead. I experienced no discomfort.  The being nearest me asked if I would like to see my home planet and I said sure. I then walked over to the window, where there was a machine that looked like a big copy machine. He asked me not to touch it, I replied “Don’t worry, I’m not touching anything in here”.  He then said, that bright white star is your home. I didn’t know anything about astronomy at the time, but I always thought earth was blue, so right away I thought he’s lying. He also explained to me about space and stars etc. but I can’t remember any of it now.  I was also asked if I would like to go on a trip. I replied “Not yet”, I felt very honored to be asked and I did want to go, but felt that the time was not right.  Then I was told I would have to forget all of this. I was disappointed at hearing this. The first part of the experience was very scary, but once I was with them, I found them to be friendly, helpful and their looks didn’t bother me. They actually seemed like old friends.  They gave me a clear glass, ¾ full with a yellow liquid and said to drink it up, it would make me forget everything. I told them, I did not want to forget an experience like this. It should be remembered! I was told it was for my own good that I forget. So I took 3 little sips and put the glass down.  Next thing I know, I’m on the road by my bike, scared to death and wanting to get out of there.  NOTE: The above image is the witness rendering.






WWW.UFOBC.CA  http://www.ufobc.ca/yukon/n-canol-abd/index.htm




Returning from meeting in New Jersey, I was raveling north on 9w along Hudson river passing through town of Marlboro. Coming up the hill near a gas station, I noticed two lights I assumed were helicopters coming from SW moving NE.  About the same time, two jets on a steep angle w/afterburners on were flying on a more northerly path. Thought they came out of Stewart Air Force Base. As that was occuring, a large shadowy object appeared directly overhead moving from the west towards the Hudson river. Pulled off the road as much as possible. There was construction at the time that kept me from pulling completely off road. Lowered passenger window and jumped across seat and leaned out window on my back. Looking directly up at the bottom 200, I saw a dimly lit cast shape triangle several hundred feet long. No sound, seemed to move slowly. The nose appeared to be over the Marlboro school before I saw the back. Back was rounded with a thin line of blue lit windows for lack of a better description. The light was similar to a black light in color. It continued on its path then turned south as it passed over the school. I could not understand why the jets and choppers went north or why everyone behind me did not pull off the road. My immediate thought was military in origin as we were near Stewart shook me up quite a bit. Drove home and told girlfriend what happened and swore her to secrecy. The following day she told a co-worker of ours who told her his wife saw the same thing in Hyde park, New York the same night. Hyde park though is north of Marlboro, I saw it travel south. Sighting has stuck with me as more sightings of a giant triangle over the years.  Also, I thought if it were military, we would know by now. Always been a believer, but with a skeptics eye. Always hear about strange lights or beams with other sightings, but this ship had no such thing .  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.