Monthly Archives: September 2015
September 19–A British Meteor jet aircraft was returning to the airfield at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England, just before 11 A. M. As it approached for landing, a silvery object was observed following it, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. Lieutenant John W. Kilburn and other observers on the ground said that when the Meteor began circling, the UFO stopped. It was disk-shaped, and rotated on its axis while hovering. The disk suddenly took off westward at high speed, changed course, and disappeared to the southeast.
About September 20–Personnel of the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier participating in the Mainbrace maneuvers, observed a silvery, spherical object which was also photographed. (The pictures have never been made public). The UFO was seen moving across the sky behind the fleet. Reporter Wallace Litwin took a series of color photographs, which were examined by Navy Intelligence officers. The Air Force project chief, Captain Ruppelt stated: “[The pictures] turned out to be excellent . . . . judging by the size of the object in each successive photo, one could see that is was moving rapidly.” The possibility that a balloon had been launched from one of the ships was immediately checked out. No unit had launched a balloon. A poor print of one of the photographs appears in the Project Blue Book files, but with no analysis report.
September 20–At Karup Field, Denmark, three Danish Air Force officers sighted a UFO about 7:30 P.M. The object, a shiny disk with metallic appearance, passed overhead from the direction of the fleet and disappeared in clouds to the east.
September 21–Six British pilots flying a formation of RAF jets above the North Sea observed a shiny sphere approaching from the direction of the fleet. The UFO eluded their pursuit and disappeared. When returning to base, one of the pilots looked back and saw the UFO following him. He turned to chase it, but the UFO also turned and sped away.
September 27/28–Throughout Western Germany, Denmark, and southern Sweden, there were widespread UFO reports. A brightly luminous object with a comet like tail was visible for a long period of time moving irregularly near Hamburg and Kiel. On one occasion, three satellite objects were reported moving around a larger object. A cigar-shaped object moving silently eastward also was reported. Since existing documentation shows that U. S. Navy and Air Force Intelligence, and the RAF, were studying these incidents, it is a safe assumption that more information exists in the files of NATO, the British Air Ministry, the U. S. Navy, and the U. S. Air Force. The sightings remain unexplained.
A Sydney, Australia abduction experience from 1992, with biological evidence, became the subject of the world’s first DNA PCR “alien abduction” related investigation, yielding intriguing results that have suggested fascinating new lines of investigation and speculation. Born in 1964, in Lebanon, Peter Khoury migrated to Australia in 1973. He met his future wife, Vivian in 1981, marrying in 1990. They have 2 children. What might be Peter’s first encounter with a UFO occurred in Lebanon in the summer of 1971 at age 7. He and seven other children had gone up onto the flat rooftop of his neighbor’s house to play. Peter was the last to walked through a heavy door that leads onto the roof. He then saw all his friends “frozen” like statues in front of him, while a silent egg-shaped craft hovered above. All eight children later found themselves on the ground floor after some time had elapsed, with no memory of the intervening period. In Sydney, during February 1988, Peter and Vivian saw a strange light doing extraordinary movements in conjunction with a beam of light effect. A frightening and life changing alien abduction experience occurred on July 12, 1988. Khoury had lay on a bed and was overwhelmed by paralysis. A number of beings became apparent around him. One of them, a tall thin golden yellow colored being, with large black eyes, inserted a long needle like object into the side of his head. Khoury blackout. He regained consciousness with a start and rushed into the adjoining room where he found other family members in a “switched-off” state. Rousing them, Khoury found that while they thought only some 10 minutes had passed, in reality it seemed between 1 to 2 hours had passed. An injury to his head was verified. At that time Peter Khoury had no real context to anchor his disturbing experience. Eventually he became aware of abduction experiences and entered the UFO field to initially understand what happened to him. Eventually, frustrated with the problems and politics that plagued his association with ufology he formed a support group – the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA) during April, 1993. Despite trying to focus on supporting others, Peter Khoury found that strange experiences had continued for him. In retrospect, the most striking one occurred on July 23, 1992, according to diary entries. He had been recovering from head injuries received in a job site assault (he worked in the building industry in his own cement rendering business).
At about 7 am, having returned to his Sydney suburban home from the train station, after dropping off his wife, Khoury felt unwell and lay down on the bed to sleep. He awoke with a start sometime later, becoming aware of something alighting on the bed. He was shocked to see two strange women kneeling on the end of his bed. Both were naked. One appeared Nordic and the other Asian. Aspects of their appearance were quite odd. The Nordic female had a very elongated face and a sharply point chin. Her eyes appeared to be blue and 2 to 3 times larger than normal. She had very fine wispy blonde hair that seemed to be oddly blown up. Her skin color was quite light. The dark brown skinned Asian looking woman seemed to have almost completely black eyes. Her hair was black and set in a firm page-boy style. Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian looking woman some sort of instruction. What followed was quite disorientating for Khoury. The Nordic woman, who seemed to be over 6 feet tall and apparently very strong, reached forward and pulled Khoury’s head to her breast. He resisted, trying to pull away. She did this 3 times. Finally Khoury, trying to cope with the shock and disorientating nature of this experience, bit on her nipple apparently swallowing a piece from it. The Nordic woman, although seemingly confused, did not react with any pain and nor was there any sign of blood. She seemed to convey to the other woman that this was not the way things were supposed to happen. Khoury was overcome with a coughing fit. Moments later, looking up again, he found that both women had vanished. The coughing caused Khoury to go to the bathroom to get a drink of water. When he went to urinate he found it very painful to do so, due to, it turned out, some very fine blonde hair wrapped tightly under his foreskin. Khoury removed the hair and had the foresight to place it in a plastic sachet bag with a seal. He did that because he felt there was no way it should have been there.It was unlike his wife’s hair. Khoury concluded that something extraordinarily bizarre had just occurred and linked the 2 pieces of blonde thin hair (about 10-12 cm & 6-8 cm long) to the strange tall, blonde haired Nordic looking woman. Even though Vivian had been very supportive of him about his 1988 abduction experience, Peter refrained from telling her what occurred for about 2 weeks. She accepted it far better than Peter did, telling him it was something he has no control over and they would deal with it as best as they could. Like many other abductees Peter Khoury has had a number of experiences. During November, 1996, while lying in bed with Vivian beside him asleep, he felt an energy presence intruding into the room. He opened his eyes. He saw what seemed to be several hooded small figures (similar to his 1988 experience) appearing to come through the mirror. As they came closer Peter experienced paralysis and felt he was being floated horizontally feet first towards the mirror. Touching the surface of the mirror with his feet felt like he was going into water, like a change of density, not something solid. Khoury felt a sense of electrical static buzzing right through his body. He watched as the reflection of his head approached his face. As soon as they touched, he blacked out. He did not remember anything else other than waking up in the bed again. There were other episodes in about 1994 or early 1995 involving a light burst or sound of an explosion, this being witnessed in part by Vivian. On another occasion he felt a “pins and needles” paralysis developing. He tried to wake Vivian. He was eventually after great difficulty able to touch her. She woke up and simultaneously it was “like somebody ripped the sheets off him”. Peter likened it to as if something was sucked out of him. The feeling had been engulfing him and as soon as he touched Vivian the feeling was gone. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
For the rest of this amazing story CLICK > AustralianUFOResearchNetwork
I suppose this incident finally, after all these years, led me to create Educating Humanity. I feel that people are now compelled to tell their story for a reason. I think you will find more and more of us coming forward. told posted sighting on forum. but are sitting on the deck facing the golf course. The object appeared moving shape discs in the disc dark (almost black) trajectory silence. football was clear view craft for about
Shape: Disk – Duration: 3 minutes
We live slightly up in the hills of Ashland about 10 minutes out of town, surrounded by trees. Both of my sons (ages 9 and 7) were outside camping in a tent they had setup on our deck facing East toward Grizzly Peak. This was the third night they had slept out there alone in a row. Around 11:30 pm they came running into the house, petrified. I was dozing off lightly on the couch on the north side of the house. Same level. My older son leads the way, his face is white and jaw is dropped. He’s stuttering for words telling me that a big disc flew down over their tent and around our house. I asked them to elaborate, and they both started telling me the story in tandem and in agreement, practically word for word: My older son was playing on a device when he saw a very bright pulsating light through the top of the tent near a small opening. He saw it, but didn’t care. He said moments later the light became so bright that he had to investigate. When he got out of the tent and looked up he said directly over their tent was a very bright light pulsation from a craft. The light was alone and pulsating from an eye shaped hole. He stared at it confused and thought for a split moment that it was a helicopter or an air plane. He said it then started showing different lights all around its body, and he saw that it was a disc shape, and that it was much closer than he thought, just near the tree line. He screamed for his brother to come see and shouted that it was a UFO. My younger son now begins telling the story: He said to my older son ‘yea right — your lying shut up.’ Mmy older son insisted and stuck his head in the tent and yelled at him to come up. The younger boy comes out of the tent and said that he saw the large disc shape object moving slowly now over their heads and down to the house, blinking multitudes of lights. Both boys are simultaneously speaking and using hang gestures to show me how the lights were moving around the spherical center of this disc. “So many” lights trailing everywhere; Multiple colors, blue red and yellow. Then, perfectly timed they both say “then boom! One huge light came from the center! Shining all over us!” So bright it lit up the trees. They described the object as having a round dome on the top and bottom that the lights ran down. The dome being bigger on top, with a bright light going around it horizontally. I was stunned at their reactions! This is extremely odd, especially for my older son who does not believe in anything other-worldly, and my younger son who seldom tells a lie. And never tells a lie without obviously displaying it with his body language. I asked them what the object looked like. They said it was “amazing”, “beautiful”, “like something they had never seen before ever.”
My son described it as metallic and struggled to find words through his emotion. I ask him how big it was, and they both agreed it was at least the size of a bus, if not 2 buses. I asked them if they thought maybe it was a drone or quadcopter. My older son said it could have been but that it was huge. I suggested that if it were a drone and was large that it would be very loud. He immediately realized and told me that this object was completely silent but may have had a faint humming sound which came from it (my younger son did not comment on this, and only agreed! that it was extremely quiet). I began recording them immediately on my phone without them knowing so that I could replay it later. As they are telling me, my younger son sprinted back through the hallway to my baby daughter’s room (3 years old). Also on the north side of the house. When I yelled for him not to wake her up, he came back out and said he wanted to make sure she was still there in her bed because it had flown that way. Which I found heartwarming. I continued to ask them what it did and why was it here they thought? My older son said he didn’t know, but that it was “pacifically, pacifically at our house and interested in us” (‘specifically’ he meant). They described again how this object became very active and moved down more into their field of view as if for them to watch. There is a clearing on the south side of the house that has no trees. Where they described seeing this object was not at all hindered by trees. It would have been completely clear of obstructions with the night’s sky behind it. Using a lot of hand gestures they told me the disc started circling downward slowly on the south side of our house into the trees (the deck is on the east/south corner of the house). I asked them how low it was they thought and they adamantly said they could have thrown a rock at it and that it was very low. They then said in the same corkscrew fashion it went back up and directly over the top of our house, still displaying the multitudes of lights and colors. NOTE: The above image is a rendering..
I wish to tell you of a sighting experienced by my friend and I. We were on a golf course at about 2:00 a.m.; fooling around, shooting guns and lighting up a few smokes. I then heard a distinct “CRACK” like the shot of a .22 except much louder and in the atmosphere. Then we heard a fizzzzz and then a noise occurred that I couldn’t explain sort of a boom wee woo, boom wee woo, boom wee woo, and so on. Then we saw a triangular object with four lights; 3 red, and one purplish. No computer color can duplicate it. We could tell it was a triangle because a whole bunch of very small lights appeared on the object. It was about the size of a large school bus. Then my friend panicked, and shot at it. He missed it by far, but the lights on this ship turned into a red hue I can’t describe. I quickly reminded my friend that this could be a UFO or military craft that would probably react hostilely to gun fire. The outside red lights began to move slowly toward the middle light. Me and my friend began to realize that this might be a weapon of some kind so we ran for our lives. I never let my eyes off it as I ran down the road outside the golf course. Then it began to become transparent and just disappeared. Entire sighting lasted approximately 15 minutes. Please look at the attachment. I tried my best to create it on a very basic program but you’ll get the idea.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
I have been researching the moon’s hi-definition images for many years. Most of my research is done through Google Earth. At the top of the Google Earth page you will be able to switch to the hi-definition images of Mars and the Moon. You can then zoom in to the Apollo images that were photographed by our Astronauts. I have found countless images of alien craft on the horizon and dozens of photos that were manipulated to cover certain areas on the photo. This is where the duplicates, as I call them, come in to view. Below is a small portion of the many things I have found on the Moon mission photos. You can find my discoveries on the ” Ken’s discoveries and info Gallery ” of .
The only explanation that I can come up with is NASA is trying to cover up special things on the Moon that they do not want us to see. This is not the case of poor cropping and joining of images. This is a cover up that appears on hundreds of NASA’s moon images. Why no one else have discovered this problem is puzzling to me too. Apparently I am the only one, in the world, who is scanning the hi-definition images of the Apollo missions. This area of the Moon has to be researched further and hopefully other countries can photograph this section of the Moon to FIND OUT THE TRUTH………
APOLLO 17 [ AS-512 ]
Apollo 17 was the last Apollo mission to land men on the Moon. It carried the only trained geologist to walk on the lunar surface, lunar module pilot Harrison Schmitt. Compared to previous Apollo missions, Apollo 17 astronauts traversed the greatest distance using the Lunar Roving Vehicle and returned the greatest amount of rock and soil samples. Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, still holds the distinction of being the last man to walk on the Moon, as no humans have visited the Moon since December 14, 1972.
Summary of Events
The successful Apollo 17 manned lunar landing mission was the last in a series of three J-type missions planned for the Apollo Program. The J-type missions have been characterized by extended hardware capability, by a scientific payload larger than the previous G- and H-series missions and by use of a battery powered lunar roving vehicle (LRV). As a result of these additions, the Apollo 17 mission had a duration of 12.6 days, and a time on the lunar surface of 75 hr with a total surface traverse distance of approximately 35 km. The Saturn V carrying Apollo 17 was launched from NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center at 05:33:00 UT on December 7, 1972 (11:33:00 p.m. CST on December 6, 1972). The landing site was on the southeastern rim of Mare Serenitatis in a dark deposit between massif units of the southwestern Montes Taurus. Scientific objectives included geological surveying and sampling of materials and surface features in a preselected area of the Taurus-Littrow region, deploying and activating surface experiments, and conducting inflight experiments and photographic tasks during lunar orbit and transearth coast.
Hello I would like to share some of my strange experiences that occurred in my small hometown in northeastern Pennsylvania. Maybe you can shed some light on whats been going on. Ever since I was a young child, 5-6. I’ve been interested in the otherworldly. My sister would tell me I would shut my parents and siblings out. She said I’d never talk much to anyone, only to the point where I had to. She said I always thought that my parents were not related to me. She exclaimed that I drew constantly, drawing the night sky. She said it got to a point where I drew what looked like to be tall grey aliens, some shorter, some different colors. Much of my childhood I can’t remember myself but when moving into a different house I found the note pad that contained some of my drawings depicting exactly what my sister was talking about…aliens, aircraft and portraits of the stars. I also had strange dreams, dreams without a visual texture, but with the feeling of fear and what I can only describe as a intense gravitational pull, much like those spinning rides at amusement parks that spin and keep you against the wall with centrifugal force but much more powerful. Fast forward years later as a teenager. I don’t take as much interest in the otherworldly as I did as a child, I’m more focused on girls, school and other social gatherings. But the strange dreams still occurred. This time with more visual stimuli. Dreams of myself standing in my front lawn…sky is dark with an orange tint. Triangular crafts, many as far as the eye can see. Then I look back to the lawn where a jet black being, tall…7 to 8 feet with mirror like eyes. I didn’t feel any fear as it began to lift its arm and palm extended towards my face in the same way a construction worker motioning cars to stop. after that I woke up confused because of the realism I just experienced in the dream. This dream recurred. Never getting any further than the being raising his hand.
I had many other dreams with different themes but all relating back to them. Whatever they are. A wild imagination? I didn’t know. Then in 2013 when I was 16, I saw something very strange. It was around 11 pm or 12 July around Independence day. I was riding my bike to my high school, a mile away from my house, out of boredom and not wanting to be around my intoxicated family members. A quarter mile away from my house at a four way intersection is where I saw it. It seemed to come out of no where and it was right above me at a height of about 200 feet. It was a silent glowing reddish orange ball. Around the size of what I explain as if you picked the sun out of the sky as we see from our point of view on earth and “copy and pasted” it right above my head. It was bright but not to a point were it hurt the eyes. It seemed to just hover there for a long time while I blankly stared it for some time. I’m not sure how long I stood there staring but I felt calm, almost hypnotized by whatever it was. Before I knew it, it began to slowly turn and make its way down the road. I just stared at it when it finally hit me that I just saw this. I put my foot on the pedals of my bike trying to follow it. It started to pick up speed and elevation and just zoomed away at staggering speeds. Almost like it blinked out of existence.I went back home and told no one of what I saw. A year later, I begin to notice more lights around the skies of my house. Some exactly like the glowing orb but at further distances. Some that strobe an array of colors. Now I am aware of what jets, commercial airplanes, drones and other known air vehicles exterior night lights look like and none of these orbs were like it. None of these orbs looked like that. They performed maneuvers that aren’t at all typical of any known craft, their speed and quick turns were amazing. Since then I haven’t seen much in the skies but strange things still do happen. Such as a night while I was at my house alone in January of last year. I was in my living room trying to watch TV when I began to get an uneasy feeling. I felt a vibration reverberating throughout the house originating from something outside of the house to the left of my position. It was a quick pulsation of low tone vibrations that I could hear from outside but also feel in my body and in my head. It struck a raw feeling of fear into me…making me stay there on the couch. I wanted to go outside to see what it was but the fear kept me back. It lasted about a minute or less but felt like an hour. I don’t know how to explain these things, i’m an open book, so I will appreciate any input you have. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
A witness with a military background reported spotting and capturing a photograph of a triangle-shaped UFO with three white, pulsating lights in North Carolina at Concord. The witness was with his dogs outside his home at 8 p.m. on 11th of June 2015. He said in a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) report that he saw the object hovering and then travelling northeast slowly before the lights went off, and the UFO disappeared. The witness said that he had a military background being a former Navy rescue. He claims to have known all about aircraft warning lights and he says he never saw anything like the UFO in the military. The witness provided MUFON a still shot of the object. The witness reported to MUFON on 20th June 2015. North Carolina MUFON investigated the case led by field investigator Sanford Davis, who closed the case as Unknown. David also stated in his report that two witnesses spotted another triangle 50 miles away in Case # 66524 four days later. According to Davis, the object in the video seems military, perhaps a type of black project aircraft, a variation of the Astra, TR3B. In Case 66524, a witness reported spotting a black triangle with blinking lights near Gastonia, NC. The witness said that the UFO moved 150 miles in less than a minute. David also closed this particular case as Unknown. David stated that there had been numerous sightings in and around the Charlotte area in the last few months.
latest ufo sightings .net
A GROWING number of everyday Territorians including farmers, nurses and psychologists are reporting that they’ve been abducted by aliens, according to the principal of the Australian Close Encounter Research Network. ACERN principal Mary Rodwell, based in Queensland, said she received between 10-15 reports of alien abduction from the NT every six months on top of hundreds of others from around the globe. “The sightings and experiences seems to have escalated, they’re certainly on the rise in the Northern Territory,” Ms Rodwell said. “It’s mostly rural areas (in the NT) but I’ve got a few from Darwin as well.” According to Ms Rodwell, most abductees are reluctant to tell their stories publicly because they fear being ridiculed. “They (abductees from the NT) are everyday people; farmers, nurses and even a psychologist from Darwin,” she said. “That’s mostly not just sightings but people who feel they’ve had some sort of interaction with (extraterrestrial beings). “I suspect the number (of those abducted) is a lot higher than that because indigenous people have been experiencing this for centuries but very rarely report it.” Ms Rodwell is a trained counsellor and former nurse who supports and advocates for abductees from around the world. She said aliens took various forms, according to her clients.
“We’re talking about different types of intelligence,” she said. “The ones the public know about are the grey beings that have been popularised. “But there are many different types of humanoids, beings that look like energy or feline beings or chrystalised, tall white or blue beings, a huge range. “Some children describe some of those beings coming into their room and feeling OK about it, not frightened or scared, but feeling in some way that they’re looked after. “Only 30 per cent of those who come to me are frightened others feel connected on a profound level. She said the abductions often took place on the road and left abductees with “missing periods of time.” “Sometimes (they abductees) find themselves outside with doors locked from inside and no idea how got there … many are left with marks on their bodies that are fluorescent under ultra light, strange bruises and marks.” Those targeted by aliens usually have family members who have also been abducted, according to Ms Rodwell. “It’s often intergenerational … you’ll see it right down to children who say ‘mummy, I was taken somewhere last night’,” she said. “They’ll talk about going through walls and energies on a space craft or some of the beings they see.” Ms Rodwell said abductees shared similar experiences aboard space crafts hailing from “a whole range of stars systems including Orion, Taurus and even other galaxies as well.” “The common thread is that there are procedures done and genetic material is taken,” she said. “And there seems to be an educational component where (the abductees) are shown things on (Earth) that need to change. “There’s a strong ecological message about not having warfare and of living more holistic lifestyles and treating each other in more loving ways.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
One of my readers contacted me late Labor Day night with an email to tell me about her sighting of a large Orb. Since her sighting occurred so close to my own house I called her the next day. She told me she was at a barbecue held in the yard of her sisters house who lives along the coast of Long Island Sound which is a body of water between Connecticut and Long Island New York. The woman was sitting in her sisters yard located in the town of Huntington New York which looks directly over the water. As night fell the party sat on her sisters deck eating corn on the cob , burgers and hot dogs enjoying the beauty of the water and the night sky. The woman told me a few small planes passed over the water as well as a low brightly lit helicopter during the evening before they noticed the orb. Her husband was the first to notice it. He told her he watched as it came from the east at an enormous speed which told him at once it was not a plane or any man made craft. It slowed down over the water in the Huntington area about half way over the Long Island Sound and started a slow large oval orbit . The object was a solid white orb without any flashing lights and was completely silent. At this point the woman’s husband asked his old friend, who was also at the party, who had been a pilot in the military to walk down to the waters edge with him. He pointed out the strange object and both men watched it for a few minutes as the object continued to slowly and silently orbit above the water. The men walked back to the party where they pointed out the object and the strangeness of its appearance to the others on the deck when the object stopped its orbit and just hovered over the water. The woman told me that she was very excited and a bit nervous at seeing this object as she knew it was something that was not the normal type of thing she saw flying in the sky. The ex military pilot suggested to the home owner that they may want to call the police and report an odd object flying over the water. The people all laughed at the idea . In fact the other people at the party had little or no interest at all in this odd craft hanging in the night sky. This reaction was as odd as the craft to the couple and the pilot and his wife as they knew they were seeing something extremely unusual.
One member of the party waved his hand in the air as he insisted it was just something one of the neighbors were doing. The pilot knew this was a severe case of denial as the object was large and clearly under intelligent control and was stunned by the mans insistence it was nothing at all. The pilot and his wife gathered their belongings and left the party telling the woman’s husband that he should leave and head out of the quiet neighborhood as he felt the object was aware of the people watching it and he felt it could be dangerous to stay sitting in the dark as easy pickings or targets. The woman and her husband also left the party. She told me the object had a perfect white orb of light that covered most of it but you could clearly see that the object was oval in shape and gun metal in color under the light. It had no strobe or flashing lights at all and made no sound. It was able to make hard turns at great speeds and would simply stop and hover at will at different points during the time it orbited over the Long Island Sound. She also told me she felt fear when she looked at the orb which was shared by her husband and the pilot and his wife. The strangest thing this woman told me was that both her husband and the ex- military pilot took pictures of this craft with their cell phones but found nothing on the phones when they later tried to view the photo’s. I will be watching the sky over my area carefully now that I know the orbs are once again back over Long Island. The truth most likely is that they never left! I will be sure to report any more orb reports I receive as the on going orb sightings continue over Long Island New York. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
It was a clear day with bright sunshine, and in the middle of the afternoon. I was ten years of age. My parents were in a shoe store in Bennington, Vermont. I was outside of the store with a young woman that was a friend of the family. We were alone together, and there was no one else in the area. We were talking to one another, and then both of us turned to notice a dark metallic disc with a dome protrusion on the top that was hovering about five hundred feet away. It was about thirty feet across. It hovered there about forty feet off of the ground. There was no sound emanating from the object. We both were enthusiastic about what we were seeing, and there was no doubt that this was an Unidentified Flying Object. After watching the disc for about one minute, I told the young woman that was with me to go into the store, and to tell everyone to come out and see this. The disc proceeded directly towards me, hovered for a moment, and then exited the sky to my left in a non-ballistic motion. No one else was a witness to this event besides this young woman and myself. By the time that the other people in the store came outside, it was gone. My father was engaged in classified government research on psychic phenomenon at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, and was the author of several books on the subject. I have seen the side of classified government research on extraterrestrial visitation that the majority of people are not aware of. If one becomes too proficient in the research on the psychic transfer of thought processes, mental telepathy, there is a welcoming committee of classified information safeguards. Unfortunately, this is also inclusive of threats of lethal force to remain silent. The research by the government to assemble the database of people that have seen Unidentified Flying Objects is why I waited so long before initiating a report. The security mandates are overwhelming, and I have ended up a destroyed man.
The specificity in conscious memory in detail of the event is difficult to come by. This seems to have happened as a means of terminating my credibility to communicate my experiences that would be outside of the regulation to control disclosures by the government personnel that are in a purported authorized capacity. In the year of nineteen eighty four, I was made destitute by members of my family. I ended up in the state of Hawaii under duress without recourse. After having been to Hawaii Island for about two weeks, one night I was in a field next to Hilo International Airport. Three dirigibles appeared overhead, and were surrounded by a mist. This was likely liquid nitrogen. This had to have been given formal clearance with the airport administration, as the event was in the airspace. One of the dirigibles lightly collided with one of the others, and then they drifted away out of view. There has been a multi-million dollar expense to try to confuse the issue with me about the Vermont incident. I was supposed to attribute this to my personal worth, and it became clear to me of the attempt to develop a systematic process instead. After recently reading a fraudulent newspaper article ‘Mass sightings of UFO’s over the skies of Mexico’, the elaborate conspiracy to control the credibility of a witness began to become a reasonable cause to suspect. There are some people of wealth that feel wrongfully excluded from inclusion in the activities of these alien beings. This has escalated into making an example out of anyone that has seen a genuine Unidentified Flying Object at a personal discretion. Ensuring the safeguards has become a means to an end to use witnesses as a form of a classified leverage to obtain a vertical influence from within an intelligence agency. This now extends to any manner of a personal disclosure that is external to the accepted channels, and I do not think that the majority of people are aware of this type of jeopardy. Maintaining secrecy can be a good thing in the protection of the integrity of information or specific identity, but I am of the persuasion that it is costing innocent people their very lives instead: Trust is being violated. Alien visitation always has a purpose to it. The greatest leverage against the exceptional harassment for having seen a U.F.O. is the public awareness that would terminate the ulterior influence that is responsible for it. A loss of respect from a public disdain would disarm the interest to censure witnesses to continue. I suspect that there are quite a few people that have been hopelessly confused as to why they have become subjected to threats, and this terminates a desire to be further involved. This is the tactic that is being used towards the objective to restrict access. The more that people can be made to be confused as to how to approach this in turn makes an organized resistance more difficult to actualize. It is a vicious circle of a self reinforcing justification to prevent an organized objective counterpoint. A system of authority should welcome the checks and balances to ensure the integrity involved, and not make examples out of innocent people for trying. It is up to each person to determine the implications of this. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer State Director for MUFON Vermont.
Linda claimed that in the first week of June in 1975, she was visiting her parent’s house when she observed something bizarre. “I was at my mother’s house. My first child was about five months old. My dad, my brother and my husband were all watching something on the TV and it was getting towards her bedtime and she was getting fussy and I wanted to go to my future sister in law. I decided to walk out into the front yard with her and try to keep her quiet. And we were sitting out in our front yard and my sister in law was the first one to notice the light and she said, ‘Look’. And where this was North Omaha and the way the airplanes come into North Omaha is they come around from the north to what is called Eppy airfield. And she said, ‘Look at that airplane Linda, doesn’t that have odd colored landing lights?’ And I looked at it and they were orange. They weren’t white, they were orange. And I said I don’t think planes have orange landing lights. And it got over an area of a cemetery which was a half a mile to a mile from my parents house. And we stood there and it stopped dead. It was round, it was circular. And it stopped dead over the cemetery. It stopped straight over the cemetery, where the cemetery was. It turned different colors. It turned orange to blue, green and then it turned an absolute blood red. And it looked like it settled into the cemetery. Judy and I stood there and watched this horrified. And we went back into the house and we told everybody what we’d seen and my dad said, ‘Let’s go up and drive along the back side of the cemetery. The name of the street is Pate (sounds like Pate?) Street, and he said, ‘We’ll see if we can see anything’. So we drove up there, drove up and down and we didn’t see anything and went home.
The next morning was like a Saturday morning and my husband and I used to go over and have coffee with my parents on Saturday mornings. And we were over there and my dad said, ‘Where did this thing come down now, you say?’ I said. ‘It was the highest point in the cemetery’ and he said, ‘Well, why don’t we drive up there just in case and look around’. And so my mother, my dad, I, my 21 year old brother and my husband and my baby and I and we went up there and we got to where we thought was the highest point in the cemetery and from where we were we could see a straight shot to my parent’s house. Everything was flat up there. It was like there was an intersection, like a cross roads like place. Anyway, we all got out of my father’s car and we had been there for maybe thirty seconds looking around. And there was a fresh grave over to the side and you know how they lay the flowers down onto the grave? All these flowers were blown all over the place. All of a sudden, from nowhere, we had no idea from where, appears this car and it’s an old black car. My dad said it was maybe an old Packard or something like that, or Dodge or something. But it looked like from that point, this one guy, the guy that was the driver, just got out and stood by the car and the other guy starts coming around and comes over said… it seemed so surreal. And the guy asked us, ‘What business do you have here? And my dad said, ‘We were just looking around’. And he said, ‘If you have no further business here, leave immediately!’ They had WW2 clothes on not black suits. They had sunglasses, though. “Since then we have gone up there and that area does not look like it did then,” she told Bell. Apparently somebody ‘cleaned’ up the graveyard. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Offutt Air Force Base is a U.S. Air Force installation near Omaha, and lies adjacent to Bellevue in Sarpy County, Nebraska. It is the headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), the Air Force Weather Agency, and the 55th Wing (55 WG) of the Air Combat Command (ACC), the latter serving as the host unit. Aviation use at Offutt began in September 1918 during World War I as an Army Air Service balloon field.[3] It was renamed in honor of World War I pilot and Omaha native 1st Lt. Jarvis Offutt in 1924. Offutt AFB’s legacy includes the construction of the first two bombers to drop atomic bombs and over 40 years as the headquarters for the former Strategic Air Command (SAC) and home for its associated ground and aerial command centers for the U.S. in case of nuclear war during the Cold War.