Ryan Hase Lasted maybe 30 minutes. Facing the ocean. Lights were super bright and twinkly. Formed patterns in the sky. Very surreal.  Jeff Ermoian Shot from the balcony of our apartments this evening. My wife Sherri came outside when she heard our friend Marisol excitedly calling her. I grabbed my cel phone and got this long segment.  Shot by Jeff Ermoian. Unusual lights, mostly all stationary above Pemex in Baja California. Pemex was until recently the only gasoline supplier in Baja. This part of the coast usually has one or two ships nearby.   Shot by Jeff Ermoian. Kay Dee I saw this strange thing in the air over Baja MX. That’s all I’m saying. Watch the video for yourself  RollsChoice Adhesive Pen San Diego, California August 29 2018 At first 2 lights appeared then disappeared. Reappeared. Disappeared. Followed by a string of them moving around and disappeared and came back one final time.








JULY 11, 2018  …………. HURON OHIO

I live on a golf course on Lake Erie, approximately one quarter mile from the water. I was out on my patio early evening and looking up the sky and noticed that there were no clouds in the sky, just overcast. I saw this strange looking grayish vapor like cloud that almost looked like a short jet stream. There were no planes in the air at that time and the altitude was somewhat low. It appeared to me that it was out over the lake. I used my phone and took a picture of the cloud and then I took two more within 5 or 6 seconds after that. Then the cloud and all objects were gone. When I looked at the pictures which I have attached this is what I saw. I am the type of person who has to see it to believe it and I can assure you that this was not photoshopped or Faked in any way.  I’m a very skeptical person anyhow this one has me asking questions. Your thoughts.








Soviet Moon Probe

It’s hard to believe that next year will mark the fiftieth anniversary for humankind’s taking of its first steps on the Moon, the nearest celestial body to the Earth. Just three years before the historic Moon landing of the American Apollo 11 landing vehicle, space scientists the world over were still trying to figure out what the lunar surface was largely composed of.

Patriotic contactees like George Adamski and Howard Menger, who had been to the Moon courtesy of the Venusians, told personnel of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) working on the proposed Moon shot that our astronauts would have nothing to fear in that regard, that they would find a hard and safe surface to walk on.

Perhaps the NASA scientists and technicians working on the Apollo program already knew about the lunar surface conditions; but they didn’t want to share that information with the Soviet scientists. After all, we Americans were in a race against time with the Soviets to put the first astronauts on the Moon and return them safely to Earth. If the Soviets wanted to know about the lunar surface, the head honchos at NASA probably decided it would be better if they wasted their own time and money to figure it all out. Why cut them any slack, and give them a leg up on us in the ongoing space race?

Just one month into 1966, the Soviet Union did just that. On 31 January the Soviet space program successfully launched their Luna 9 probe. It “soft landed” on the Moon on 3 February by employing its powerful retro-thrust braking rockets to set the 3,200 pound craft gently down. Of course, the Soviets amazed the entire world with this landing. Americans were beginning to wonder if NASA was going to maintain fidelity with the late president John F. Kennedy’s stated ambition for the United States of America to put the first astronauts on the Moon.

With the Luna 9, it was clear that the Soviets had taken a significant leap ahead of us in the space race. What was even more impressive was that the Luna 9 probe, after landing without any problems, was able to deploy a television camera and send live photos from the surface of the Moon. One of the biggest discoveries about the Moon revealed by this television transmission was the firm ground that the spacecraft touched down upon. This literally served to explode the famous theory of a dust-covered lunar surface in which any space vehicles would simply sink out of sight (Otto Binder, “Our Space Age” syndicated panels, 28 and 30 March 1966, Bell-McClure Syndicate, Paterson News, New Jersey).

Lunar “Pyramids” and “Spikes”

It became more than obvious that if the American populace and taxpayers were going to continue to stand behind NASA’s efforts to land astronauts on the Moon, that something should be done to at least catch up with, and maybe outdo, the Soviet Union’s great accomplishment in landing the Luna 9 on the Moon’s surface. The big breakthrough was revealed on Tuesday, 22 November 1966, when scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, declared that their own Lunar Orbiter 2 had taken photographs of what appeared to be “pyramids on the Moon,” along with other “spike-like objects or obelisks that bore a remarkable resemblance to the Washington Monument.” 

A spokesperson for the JPL announced that, “Unusual mounds that appear like tall, skinny pyramids” turned up in one of the photographs among the first batches of the Lunar Orbiter 2 photographs. The photograph with the pyramids was enlarged five times and showed an area of about 750-by-550 feet. It represented the fourth of 13 potential landing sites for American astronauts slotted for exploring the lunar surface. The unique photograph was forwarded to NASA by the JPL. A spokesman for NASA noted that the area in question had about “six protuberances with the largest appearing to be about 50 feet wide at the base and 40-to-75 feet high.” The spokesman added that, “Some of the smaller ones look like upside down ice cream cones. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

By way of explanation, the NASA spokesman declared that, “At the same time that the Orbiter 2 was photographing the area, the Sun was about 11 degrees above the lunar horizon during the sunrise phase of the Moon’s two-week long ‘day.’ This accounts for the long shadows,” the spokesman asserted, hoping that his conjecture would suffice for the members of the press corps present for his Lunar Orbiter 2 mission briefing.

The spokesman rambled on: “The striking shadow-casting protuberances are naturally occurring features on the lunar surface. They looked indigenous to the Moon and are spaced at random.” He also stated that a “determination of the precise height of the protuberances would only be possible after ground slope measurements had been made,” additionally noting that, “Some of the smaller protuberances in the cratered upland basin in the area called the Sea of Tranquility appeared weather beaten and rounded.”

The source for this information was a United Press International (UPI) report dated 22 November 1966, as published in the Wednesday, 23 November 1966 edition of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Inquirer newspaper. Remember, this was almost three years before the launch of the Apollo 11 mission, whose destination was ultimately designated as the Sea of Tranquility, the location of these strange lunar protuberances and domes. Clearly, NASA officials were desirous to find out the true nature of these structures. It is doubtful they accepted the first premise offered of them being something “indigenous” to the Moon and spaced at random” insofar as the true height of each object could not be determined. Some of the objects were also purely conical in shape while others resembled obelisks. These are not naturally occurring shapes.

Some kind of fervent activity appeared to be taking place on the Moon. It might signal extraterrestrial construction on our own supposed “natural” satellite. Keep reading this site for Dr. Raymond Keller’s The Moon Is a Venusian Colony, Part II, where the “Cosmic Ray” reveals other unique lunar phenomena and demonstrates how the strange protuberances on the Moon actually stumped all of the JPL and NASA’s so-called lunar “experts.” Learn what key figures in the international ufology community were saying as NASA was preparing to launch the Apollo 11 and American astronauts would walk on the surface of the Moon. You can be sure our explorers were not alone up there.

KENS NOTE: I feel we did not have the technology to land a man on the moon.  I feel that even today we do not have the technology.   Too many dangerous hurdles to jump over.  Van Allen Belt and the extreme space temperatures are just a couple of many.  Apparently the Russians were far ahead of us in the space race.  Why didn’t the Russians beat us to the moon ??  The Russians finally realized that it was impossible to do it…..simple as that……
















The incident would occur on the Paraguay River, a stretch of water that Leverger himself helped to chart and map out in the year prior. The river runs between Paraguay and Brazil’s Matto Grosso area. In June 1846, Leverger was leading two gunboats down the stretch of water. Their destination was Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay in what was largely (and unofficially) a “military muscle-flexing” exercise on the part of the Brazilian government. When they were just under twenty miles away from Asuncion, though, things began to turn strange.  It was, according to the details recorded by Leverger, 5:57 am when the “phenomenon never seen before” was first occurred. The sky up until that point was clear and calm. However, out of nowhere, a “luminous globe performed with instant speed a 30-degree curve” in front of them. Apparently connected to this globe was a “light band”, along which “three bodies” were visible “whose brightness was much more lively”. Leverger would offer that the object, including the three extra bodies, “exceeded in intensity the full moon”.  Leverger would report that the three extra objects were separate from each other and of different shapes. He would describe one as “circular”, another as “an arc of a circle”, and the top object was an “irregular quadrangle”. Furthermore, a “ribbon of very faint light” would move around the object in a zig-zag motion.

Changing Shapes

Perhaps the differing shapes was the object turning on its own axis as it traveled. This is a detail, albeit usually with disc or sphere-shaped craft, that is relatively common in UFO sightings. As they continued to watch the strange object, it would change shape again. This time it would appear to be a “flat elliptical shape”. After twenty-five minutes, the object had disappeared into the distance, leaving “not the slightest sign of disturbance”.  Leverger wasn’t alone in seeing the strange craft. As well as the crew of the boat, the Brazilian Ambassador, Dr. Jose Antonio Bueno was also present. Furthermore, when they arrived in Asuncion a short time later it was apparent that many had seen the strange incident from the city.  Many people, including Leverger himself, pondered if the incident was some kind of atmospheric incident or even a meteor. However, the highly detailed description sits comfortably with contemporary descriptions of UFOs. Furthermore, the fact the object was visible for almost thirty minutes makes the meteor claims pretty much obsolete.   NOTE: The above image is CGI.





Thanks to and Marcus Lowth .




In October 1972 on the Isla De Lobos, a small island off the coast of Uruguay, situated where the River Plate and the Atlantic Ocean meet, one of the most intricately investigated close encounters in Uruguayan UFO history would unfold. The island is all but deserted save for a lighthouse which the Uruguayan navy maintain. It was during one such maintenance mission that a young corporal’s life was changed forever.

Strange Lights During Routine Check

It was just after 10 pm on 28th October 1972. Five navy personnel, Corporal Juan Fuentes, Jose Gomez and Hector Gimenez, along with the officer in charge, Francisco Cascudo and telegraph operator, Jose Lima, were playing cards following their evening meal. Fuentes checked his watch and excused himself to carry out his generator inspection duties.  The generator units were near the lighthouse, opposite the barracks and living quarters of the men. As Fuentes stepped outside the lighthouse standing at over 200 feet looked down on him almost menacingly. Before he could take more than a few steps, however, strange lights on top of the generator roof, around twenty-feet from the ground, caught his attention. He stopped in his tracks, confused. To him, the lights looked like the headlights of a car. He backed up and returned inside. Without notifying any of the other men, who were on the other side of the building, he went to retrieve his pistol. He then returned outside and proceeded to approach the generator at the foot of the lighthouse.  He could see now that whatever the object was, there were several lights of multiple colors of yellow, white, and violet. Fuentes continued forward, but slowly. He could see a “figure” at the base of the mystery object moving around. Then, he noticed a second figure making its way down to the roof from the object. Immediately after, a third figure emerged – this one taller than the first two. He would estimate the taller figure to be around six foot, while the first two appeared to be closer to five foot.
It was then that all three of them suddenly turned around to face the approaching Fuentes. He stopped immediately.

“Don’t Shoot Because It’s Useless!”

He was around thirty yards from the generator when the three mystery figures turned to face him. His first instinct, partly through fear and partly through his military training was to raise the pistol into a firing position. However, as he went to extend his arm fully, something stopped him from completing the motion. Fuentes would later struggle to explain what stopped him from doing so. He would describe a “vibrating” feeling in his arm as well as feeling paralyzed and unable to lift the weapon. Fuentes also recalled a strange, almost telepathic communication telling him “don’t shoot because it’s useless”.   He remained where he was, noticing how the figures moved in a slow, bumbling manner. He would later recall thinking that the suits, which covered their entire body, must have been extremely heavy. This is a detail that is almost identical to the aforementioned Facchini case over two decades previously and on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in Italy. He would also state that the figures had “elongated heads”. While this would perhaps fit with descriptions of gray aliens, it is more probable that it is a reference to some kind of head garment, probably part of the suit itself.  After several moments, certainly no longer than a minute, the beings began to re-enter the craft, which itself had a distinct metallic quality to the exterior. As each of the figures went back inside the object it was obvious to Fuentes from the motions of their bodies that they were climbing some type of steps to do so. Then, the doorway closed with a sideways motion and began to rise directly upwards. When it was slightly higher than the top of the lighthouse a bright “fireball” shot from the underside and the craft vanished at breakneck speed.

Interest From The American Embassy

Fuentes remained for a moment watching the sky. Despite the ferocious speed with which the craft vacated the area, aside from a low “humming sound” the action was otherwise silent. Content that no other mysterious crafts were overhead, he returned inside. When he arrived where the rest of the unit was still playing cards all noticed how pale the young corporal was. And that he had a pistol in his hands. He informed them all of what he had seen. All of the men were dismissive of the sighting, although Cascudo quietly took in the details.  While it isn’t certain, it would appear that Cascudo would pass on the report to a superior. Shortly after the incident, Fuentes received orders to report to a high-ranking military officer. This time, the details were meticulously recorded, and Fuentes’ account was treated with much more seriousness. So much so that two “special agents” from the American Embassy would speak to the high-ranking officer in an off-room immediately following his interview with Fuentes. They would then offer him several drawings of strangely shaped crafts and discs. He was asked to highlight which one was the closest to the object he saw.  Then, the interest from the military and the American embassy ceased – at least officially. While Fuentes would tell of the account and the incident would be investigated by several UFO researchers, it remains unexplained. Of course, the fact that the American embassy would be interested in a sighting that officially the US government has no interest in is perhaps a telling sign in itself.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.





Thanks to and Marcus Lowth .


I was about 12 or 13 years old. It was daytime and I was doing someones hair in the living room near the front door of the house. I heard a loud humming and fluctuating sound coming from outside. I went out to see what it was. I stood out in the middle of my front yard looking up. Trees obstructed my view until the craft slowly moved into view right above the tree top. It then stopped over me. I felt paralyzed, maybe because I was shocked. I know I was thinking, pay attention to everything you see so you don’t miss any detail and can remember what you are seeing. The craft was shaped like a disc, but it tapered in the back to a point. It was a little more round at the top and flatter(but not flat) underneath, like a disc. It had 3 elongated lights around the front, but were spaced . I saw none in the back. It was about 30-40 feet in diameter. After a few moments, it moved slowly over me and that is when I saw the back of it. I was very scared, thinking- what is going to happen to me. I felt like those inside knew I was there and they were observing me. I also felt like they had almost called me outside only. The reason I say this is because I can’t understand why no one else in the house came out. It was so loud! Why didn’t the others follow me out to see what the noise was? After the craft had moved very slowly over me a very short distance, it took off extremely fast and slightly to the right of the path it appeared to be on when it came. I became completely hysterical, screaming as I ran into the house. I yelled at my mom and dad screaming we have to call the police the government, somebody, everybody, anybody. Nobody believed me, they did their best to calm me down and told me it must have been a plane. They were wrong! It was no plane. It wasn’t shaped like a plane. It didn’t sound like a plane and it didn’t move like a plane in maneuvering or speed. My dad went out to look around and said he saw a transport plane out there in the distance. What I saw was long gone even before I began to run to the house. I never knew who I could share this with all these years. Family or friends never believed my story, but I never forgot it to this day. I have no pictures of course- it came and went unexpectedly. I can draw a picture of it, but don’t know how to summit that. I would never believe in UFO’s had I not seen one for myself. I have never had any other experience since then. I don’t remember my street address where this encounter took place, but could look it up from school records if I had to I’m sure, I just don’t know how to do it.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

This case is under investigation by State Section Director Bob Spearing of MUFON New Jersey.





The event in Trancas is one of the most intriguing UFO encounters in history.  Incidentally, part of the account was used for the fictional blockbuster, ‘Close Encounters Of The Third Kind’, with one of the main witnesses, Jolie Moreno personally authorizing Steven Spielberg to use their story.

Strange Lights Along The Railroad!

As the evening began to give way to the night on 21st October 1963, two sisters, Argentina and Jolie, were settling down after recently arriving at the Moreno family home from the town of Rosario. Each had with them their small children, and each was married to a man in the Argentine army. With both men away from home on military service, the sisters had opted to travel to Trancas to see their parents and their other sister, Yolanda.  Following an evening meal – eaten a little earlier than usual due to the sudden failure of their electric generator – the entire household would retire to their bedrooms for an early night’s sleep. It was around 9 pm when the live-in domestic worker of the family, fifteen-year-old, Dora Guzman, appeared in the main part of the house looking to alert one of the family. She claimed to be able to see “strange lights” moving along the railroad.  With their parents asleep and Jolie feeding her young child, Argentina and Yolanda would speak to Dora to see what the matter was. Both could see how concerned the young girl was, something that was completely out of character for her. She would even go as far as to say there was “machines” outside near the tracks. Fearing the strange lights could be the result of guerrilla activity, which occurred relatively frequently, they decided to investigate for themselves. Quietly, they opened the door to their family home and ventured outside into the night.

A Green “Tunnel Of Light!”

One sister would grab a torch while the other would pick up a small handgun. Along with Dora, they set off in the direction of the railway tracks, using their farm crops for cover as they did. They could see the strange lights in the distance. Several “beams” would occasionally shoot into the air. Perhaps, they wondered, there had been a train crash? Or maybe a train had been a target of the guerrilla groups? They remained at a distance for several moments, believing they had seen several “human silhouettes” moving about in the distance. Then, as curiosity won out over fear, the three women decided to get nearer.  As they got closer, all three could see the lights more clearly. They were broken into two sets of three. As they focused on them more closely, they could see that each set of lights was the underside of a disc-shaped craft. Running in between the two discs was a green, beam of light creating a “tunnel” effect. They decided to get closer still.  Suddenly, they were in front of a pair of “dim greenish” lights. And they appeared to be heading in their direction. One of them wondered out loud if this was Rodriguez’s (one of the farm workers) pick-up truck. Then, the green light completely enveloped the trio and they realized the lights were not those of a truck. They didn’t appear to be anything of this world at all.

Solid Light And Trance-Inducing Fog

As the two sisters and Dora stood looking ahead and upwards, a huge disc hovered over them. Each of their faces and clothes shone in the green glow of the craft’s lights. Whatever this craft was, it was not the same as the two small discs they had seen produce the “tunnel of green light”. It turned slowly in the air as it hovered. Several rectangular windows, themselves emitting a green glow, were clearly visible to the witnesses. As were several such portholes on the underside.  As the trio continued to watch this cosmic craft in fascination and amazement a beam of “solid light” slowly emerged from a center-point on the underside of the object, eventually reaching the ground. Descriptions of the light later given by the women suggest some type of laser, although all were specific in mentioning the “solid” appearance of it.  Yolanda would step forward and slowly place her hand in the mysterious beam. They would notice how the light didn’t stop on her hand as a normal light would. It appeared to simply go straight through it. Although the young woman would later report that she could feel a hot sensation around the hand when under the light, it wasn’t uncomfortable or painful.  Then, the beam of light would slowly retract, and a mist began to gather out of nowhere under the craft. The mist particles shined a fantastic green color under the glow of the craft’s lights. It was then that the two sisters noticed that Dora seemed in a hypnotic state, staring blankly at the strange fog, which was growing thicker with every second.

Sudden Disappearance

As Dora continued to watch, still spellbound by the strange mist, along with the two sisters attempting to free of her trance, the green light suddenly changed to a hot shade of orange. Inside the middle of the craft’s underside, a set of yellow lights began to spin. The witnesses would later describe them as orbs in a ring or a circle, spinning. The craft itself began to rock noticeably.  Suddenly, a burst of flames surged out of the underside of the craft causing the three women to fall backward. They quickly staggered to their feet. Fearing they were under attack they turned and ran back to the house as fast as they could. They would glance back on occasion. Although the object was still there it didn’t appear to be pursuing them. They did notice how it seemed to move over the farmland as if surveying it, however.  Then, just as they neared the house, the light and the object vanished. The three women looked out over the farmland, which only seconds earlier was aglow under the bright other-worldly lights of the strange craft. Now, it sat peacefully and silently under the darkness of the night as if nothing had happened.  By the time the women returned inside, Dora was far from calm. Likely suffering from delayed shock, she began to scream that she had been burned. She hadn’t, but by this time, everyone inside was awake and rushing down the stairs of the property. Looking at the clock, the sisters worked out the incident had lasted just short of an hour.  Although some in the press would highlight slight differences in the descriptions of the craft by the three women, there was no real indication of falsehood on their part. Furthermore, there were several corroborating witnesses.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








I recently received a very interesting telephone call from an eyewitness ‘WA’ in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. This is in reference to an incident that occurred in 1973 in Douglasville, Georgia, as well as continued UFO encounters…culminating to present day ‘humanoid’ sightings in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.

In 1973, WA was in the back seat of his mother’s car with his brother. They were traveling south on Powder Springs Highway towards Douglasville, GA one early evening (dusk). They began to notice cars speeding past them and driving recklessly. In fact they witnessed one car careen off the road and flip into a nearby field. The boys looked out the back window and observed a huge saucer-shaped craft hovering behind their car. Their mother hit the gas and headed directly to their home on Hickory Rd in the Hickory Estates in Douglasville.

They quickly exited the car and rushed inside, the boy’s mother telling them to go to their rooms upstairs and to stay there. She called the local police to report what had happened. The police were very busy taking other calls from local residents reporting a flying craft over the neighborhood.

When the boy’s mother got off the phone, she heard loud noises coming from the roof. She yelled for the boys to come downstairs, fearing that they may be in danger. All three ran outside and witnessed 3 short-stature beings dressed in white ‘NASA-like’ space suits without helmets, standing on top of the roof. WA stated that these beings looked ‘perfectly human,’ with regular facial features and ‘slanted eyes.’ They stood still and looked directly at WA and his family. They quickly went back into the house, waiting for police.

When the police arrived, they demanded that the families in the neighborhood stay indoors as they investigated the situation. Apparently, the police told the boy’s mother that they witnessed the 3 beings and that ‘Federal authorities were on the way.’

In the meantime WA and his brother were in their shared bedroom. About the same time the police came into their house, one of the beings ‘came through the wall in the bedroom.’ It didn’t say anything, but WA said that ‘we had a strange sensation and possible lost a small period of time.’ The brothers were paralyzed during the encounter and could not react. When the being exited through the wall, they regained their faculties and screamed, running downstairs to their mother and the police. One of the officers quickly went upstairs, but found nothing.

A few hours later that same evening, Federal authorities arrived and questioned the families in the neighborhood, including WA and his family. WA remembers that his father, who had been at work during the incident, was annoyed that Federal authorities were in his home. His father always maintained that the entire incident was some sort of mass hysteria and actually punished his sons when they would mention the incident.

After the encounter, WA had a oozing sore develop on his ear. It never healed and eventually started to expand in size, until a year later a ‘small hard chip-like object’ broke through the skin. He showed the object to his father, who immediately threw the object into the trash and punished WA severely.

About the same time (WA recalls it was the summer), WA and his brother spent the night outside in the back of his father’s open pickup truck. As they gazed into the night, the same saucer-shaped craft descended from above and hovered over them. WA is positive that they lost time during this encounter. These occasional UFO encounters have continued over the years.  Fast-forward to the current time. WA lives in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. He has witnessed ‘upside-down funnel-shaped craft ascend from the ocean’ at different times. He also reports that there have been ‘humanoids’ seen throughout the Ft. Lauderdale area recently.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







On 28th September 2017,  a vineyard owner would witness a luminous glow settle on his land. He went to investigate. Upon being no more than fifty yards away, three beings exited the glowing craft. When they noticed him, he suddenly became victim to some kind of paralyzing force before losing consciousness. He would awaken to find the three creatures and the glowing craft gone.

Only three nights later on 1st October, a similar encounter would befall a resident of the small town of Bry as he walked his dog. That same evening in Bergerac, a gentleman would become paralyzed when he noticed a strange silver disc “resting on three legs” close by as he went to close his gate. When the disc took off, he regained the use of his limbs.

Four nights following this encounter, on 5th October, a group of people out in the country near Clermont-Ferrand noticed a large craft in the sky heading in their direction. As it approached they all experienced a strange feeling in their limbs. They were rapidly unable to move until the object had passed completely. Two days later, in Monteux, a local resident would suffer a similar fate as he ran towards a strange craft resting in a field. The use of his limbs only returned when the craft had disappeared.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







UFO Seen From US Navy Ship

While in the US Navy in the summer of 1986, I was standing lookout aboard the USS Edenton ATS 1 (currently decommissioned). The lookout watch, stood outside on top the bridge of the ship, and was responsible for reporting all contacts seen both in the water and sky. It was around eleven p.m. one clear night at sea, located about fifty miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC.

During one of my scans of the night sky, out of know where, four red circular lights appeared. The lights where hundreds of yards apart from each other and formed a square. At first, I thought it was four separate air craft, such as, military helicopters because the lights were stationary; however, due to the distance from the ship, the lights where too large to be aircraft running lights.

There were also no other normal running lights like green and white, which make-up the normal outline of an aircraft seen at night. The lights where located about twenty degrees above the horizon and about a mile away from the ship. Again, these four red lights were each about the size of a small plane, which were very bright and visible in the night sky. The night sky was also clear, moon lit, and a moderate amount of stars were visible, which also aided in calculating the distance and size of these lights.

As stated, when I first saw these lights they were all stationary in the sky and appeared out of know where. Once I noticed that these were not normal lights, grouped in a square and not moving, I called down to the bridge over a salt and pepper line informing the conning officer of a possible UFO sighting. This brought laughter across the wire at first, but I relayed the contact again in a stern but excited voice, which succeeded in getting the bridge officers attention. After relaying the contact information a second time, the four lights, in a flash, darted towards the horizon amazingly fast. The lower two lights in the square went first, with the top two lights following directly behind them in a curved swooshing motion and there was no sound.

Then all four shot straight up into outer-space and out of sight, all within a split second. At this point, I felt very excited and shocked, and was personally praying someone on the bridge had seen what I just saw. Having been an avid watcher of the night sky, seen shooting stars and a believer in that life has to exist somewhere out there, I become even more excited because I knew, I just saw my first unidentified flying object(s).

To my amazement, when I returned to the bridge after my watch, I was very pleased to learn that the conning officer and everyone else on the bridge had seen this sighting and logged it into the ship’s log as a UFO sighting.

Next, after a half hour had passed since the sighting, the radiation detection system (gamma roentgen meter) on the bridge started making a loud clicking sound. At first, no one seemed to know what was making this sound then a very loud bell went off notifying us as to what was going on, we were being radiated.

When the instrument stopped clicking, it indicated we had taken a hit of 385 roentgens in the period of about one minute. At this point, the captain of the ship was awoken and called to the bridge, as well as the chief in charge of the radiation metering equipment onboard ship.

The captain was not impressed with an entry of a UFO sighting being placed in the ship’s log, and at first, took the roentgen meter as being defective. However, the chief informed the captain that the meter had been serviced and calibrated the day before and that other like meters throughout the ship had just gone off indicating the same amount of roentgens received as the bridge.

The captain stated not to log the instance concerning the radiation exposure and left the bridge. During the rest of my watch duty that night, no officer or enlisted person spoke of what happened, and also acted liked nothing happened. This experience, however, was etched into my memory as if it happened yesterday and I have told this story to only a few people, people who I thought would believe me. This is also the first time I have documented the events of this night.

In conclusion, as an indication of the strength of gamma radiation, I and others received that night; all the personnel during the Project Trinity experiments conducted in 1945 at ground zero, only received between 1 and 6 total roentgens of gamma radiation. This leads me to believe, we traveled through the wake of radiation produced by the UFOs seen thirty minutes earlier. – MUFON CMS  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







1947 is known as the year of the first “wave” of modern flying saucer sightings. A study of U.S. newspapers that year documents over 832 sightings in the United States just in the thirty days between June 15, 1947 and July 15, 1947. For the entire year there were over 1,500 reports. Included on this website is a CIA report tracking saucer sightings in 1947. This report was secret and withheld from the public for decades

The Kenneth Arnold Case

This is the first key flying saucer case of modern times. As you can see from my sections, ‘Ancient Alien Sightings’ and ‘Aliens in Ancient Art’, reports of flying objects are certainly not unique to our century. However, this is the case that caught the attention of the media and re-informed the contemporary world that flying saucers existed.

The Facts

Kenneth Arnold was a private pilot and a businessman. He was also a member of the Idaho Search and Rescue Mercy Flyers and a Federal Deputy Marshall. On June 24, 1947 Arnold joined in a search mission to find a Marine Curtis C-46 transport plane that was believed to have crashed in the Cascade Mountains.  While flying at about 9,000 feet at 2:00 p.m., Arnold saw nine silver disks moving in formation directly across his flight path. He estimated them to be about twenty-five miles away. Since they were unusual, to say the least, Arnold decided to time them to estimate their speed. He checked his watch as they passed Mt. Ranier and again when they passed Mt. Adams. It took them 1 minute and 42 seconds. After landing and checking the distance between the two peaks, Arnold realized the disks had been traveling over 1,700 miles per hour! This was twice the speed of sound, and the world airspeed record in 1947 was only about 650 miles per hour!

Not only Arnold, but people flying in a nearby Douglas DC-4 also saw the flying disks. In addition, disks were seen by hundreds of people on the ground. The disks made no sound. They were completely silent. In an interview with The East Oregonian newspaper, Arnold said: “They flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water.”  When the Associated Press picked up the story, they called the disks “saucer-like objects.” From this, the term ‘Flying Saucer’ was officially made an integral part of the human language. Be sure to check out the CIA’s official report on the Kenneth Arnold sighting in our ‘Alien Documents’ section.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







I was standing near a busy train station in Jersey City  when I noticed what appeared to be a black saucer shaped disc flying slowly around the Goldman Sachs building on the Hudson River. At first, the two people I was with saw the object also. They beloved it was just a drone. I decided to walk a little closer to observe the object more and left my friends behind. The plaza I was standing in was packed with people. Its a Saturday afternoon and we are standing across the river from the World Trade Center. Lots of Helicopters and Commercial aircraft flying into nearby Newark Airport. A storm was also blowing in at the time with dark clouds and gusty winds. Anyway after some time, I watched the object slowly ascend up ito the clouds and disappear. Please note that this object was flying around a large area. I observed it fly over the Hudson and back over Jersey City. It just appeared to be too high in the sky to be a drone, but also, it was effected by the wind either.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.









Hi Ken : I was star gazing looking south when I spotted a pulsing white light that was slowly moving around in the night sky. I immediately looked through my high powered binoculars only to see that the pulsing white light was in fact being emitted from an object that looked just like an Adamski type saucer. The saucer had a dome on the top of it with round windows that appeared to go all the way around the craft. But what really caught my attention was the three spheres on the bottom of the craft that were glowing a dull red. I quickly grabbed my camera and took a photograph of it and as I did the whole craft lit up in very bright colours. It was amazing the middle part of the craft was glowing a beautiful aqua blue while the spheres on the bottom of the craft were flashing yellow green and orange. However the dome on the top of the craft remained a grey colour through out the sighting. I also noticed a thin green mist that permeated around the craft. I watched in amazement as the craft slowly moved across the sky heading away from me towards the south.‎ I eventually lost sight of the craft as it moved off into the distance and disappeared over a wooded area. The next morning I watched the local news to see if anyone had seen and reported the craft to the local media but to my dismay no one had. I count myself very fortunate to have seen and photographed this incredible alien craft. The photograph was taken on the 22nd of ‎July ‎2018, 10:46 PM at Newton Abbot Devon England.





All the best John Mooner



Perhaps one of the strangest encounters took place on the evening of 16th July 1981. Three friends, Rosemary Hawkins, Viv Hayward, and Valerie Walters were driving home from Shrewsbury to Telford when each of them noticed strange lights overhead. Viv, who was driving, would increase her speed. However, it was soon apparent that the lights were following their vehicle. They would head towards Telford Police Station to report the sighting. It was only when they arrived that they discovered the twenty-minute journey had taken them just short of an hour.  All three were convinced that something had happened during the half-an-hour or so that they couldn’t remember. So much so, all three would agree to under hypnotic regression. Their accounts of “floating” towards a “metallic object”, as well as four-foot aliens with “robotic voices” were practically identical. As were the drawings they produced. Perhaps one of the more interesting details was that all described feeling “big and clumsy”, maybe suggesting a drastic altering of their perception, atmospheric conditions, or even their reality.  Only four days later came another, almost identical case that occurred in almost the same location. Referred to only as “Tom”, the main witness was traveling along the same point of the A5 road as the three disco-goers. As he did a “very large light” lit up the sky and the treetops, which it was just above. Tom would describe the craft as looking like a “double-decker bus, all illuminated”. It remained motionless for some time. Then, a blue light emerged from the underside of the craft. It reached towards the ground, turning a shade of green as it did so. The next thing Tom knew the craft was speeding out of sight at an electrifying pace. It was then he realized three hours had gone by.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.





Thanks to


Black Triangle Seen Before Pascagoula Abductions

“In 1973 while fishing in the Gulf off the coast of Alabama heard a low rumbling sound in the absolute quiet of the night. It was 1am and slick calm. There was no moon light but the sky was clear and the stars bright. I scanned the water and horizon and saw nothing for miles then I looked up and saw a black triangle going overhead. No feature were visible in fact all I could see was a triangul

The UFO Encounter
On the evening of October 11, 1973, 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker — co-workers at a shipyard — were fishing off a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. They heard a whirring/whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval shaped “craft”, some 8 feet across and 8 or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them. The ship seemed to levitate about 2 feet above the ground.

A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. Parker claimed that he had fainted due to fright. They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape, and standing about five feet tall. The creatures’ skin was pale in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths. Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. There were three “carrot-like” growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and they seemed to have only one leg (Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together) ending in elephant-like feet. Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.

On the ship, Hickson claimed that he was somehow levitated or hovered a few feet above the floor of the craft, and was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body. Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.

In a later interview over 20 years after the initial incident, Parker’s story became much more elaborate. Here Parker confessed to lying about fainting in sight of the creatures. He claimed that he was in fact conscious when the creatures took him on board the craft and led him into a room at the other end of a hallway to the left of the craft’s entrance. He claims he was laid down on a sloped table and examined by a ‘petite,’ evidently female, being. Though he was paralyzed, he was able to observe the being inject a needle into the base of the underside of his penis. The being later communicated with him tele

The UFO Encounter
On the evening of October 11, 1973, 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker — co-workers at a shipyard — were fishing off a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. They heard a whirring/whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval shaped “craft”, some 8 feet across and 8 or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them. The ship seemed to levitate about 2 feet above the ground.

A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. Parker claimed that he had fainted due to fright. They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape, and standing about five feet tall. The creatures’ skin was pale in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths. Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. There were three “carrot-like” growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and they seemed to have only one leg (Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together) ending in elephant-like feet. Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.

On the ship, Hickson claimed that he was somehow levitated or hovered a few feet above the floor of the craft, and was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body. Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.

In a later interview over 20 years after the initial incident, Parker’s story became much more elaborate. Here Parker confessed to lying about fainting in sight of the creatures. He claimed that he was in fact conscious when the creatures took him on board the craft and led him into a room at the other end of a hallway to the left of the craft’s entrance. He claims he was laid down on a sloped table and examined by a ‘petite,’ evidently female, being. Though he was paralyzed, he was able to observe the being inject a needle into the base of the underside of his penis. The being later communicated with him telepathically, suggesting that he had been taken for a reason. While he was not able to define it, Parker felt a sense of imminent harm. Nevertheless, he was led back outside the craft and deposited back into his original position unharmed. He then claimed that 19 years later, he came in contact with the same craft again. This time he voluntarily walked aboard the craft and met with the same female being that had examined his body in 1973. He claimed he had a conversation with the being, in English, in which she communicated to him a religious message. She informed him that they shared the same God, that the bible was an authentic text, and that her species wanted to live on earth but could not due to humanity’s tendency towards war and destruction

pathically, suggesting that he had been taken for a reason. While he was not able to define it, Parker felt a sense of imminent harm. Nevertheless, he was led back outside the craft and deposited back into his original position unharmed. He then claimed that 19 years later, he came in contact with the same craft again. This time he voluntarily walked aboard the craft and met with the same female being that had examined his body in 1973. He claimed he had a conversation with the being, in English, in which she communicated to him a religious message. She informed him that they shared the same God, that the bible was an authentic text, and that her species wanted to live on earth but could not due to humanity’s tendency towards war and destruction

ar patch of sky absent any stars slowly moving to the west. I couldn’t judge it’s altitude but it was very high and if it was flying at the same altitude as jet aircraft it would’ve been at least 10 times larger than an airliner. Later that week some fishermen in Pascagoula, Ms. claimed to have been abducted as they fished from beach near Ingal’s Shipyard a large naval contractor that builds nuclear powered warships. In the following weeks multiple sighting were reported all along the Gulf Coast. That’s my UFO story.” –

The UFO Encounter

On the evening of October 11, 1973, 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker — co-workers at a shipyard — were fishing off a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. They heard a whirring/whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval shaped “craft”, some 8 feet across and 8 or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them. The ship seemed to levitate about 2 feet above the ground.

A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. Parker claimed that he had fainted due to fright. They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape, and standing about five feet tall. The creatures’ skin was pale in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths. Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. There were three “carrot-like” growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and they seemed to have only one leg (Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together) ending in elephant-like feet. Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.

On the ship, Hickson claimed that he was somehow levitated or hovered a few feet above the floor of the craft, and was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body. Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.

In a later interview over 20 years after the initial incident, Parker’s story became much more elaborate. Here Parker confessed to lying about fainting in sight of the creatures. He claimed that he was in fact conscious when the creatures took him on board the craft and led him into a room at the other end of a hallway to the left of the craft’s entrance. He claims he was laid down on a sloped table and examined by a ‘petite,’ evidently female, being. Though he was paralyzed, he was able to observe the being inject a needle into the base of the underside of his penis. The being later communicated with him telepathically, suggesting that he had been taken for a reason. While he was not able to define it, Parker felt a sense of imminent harm. Nevertheless, he was led back outside the craft and deposited back into his original position unharmed. He then claimed that 19 years later, he came in contact with the same craft again. This time he voluntarily walked aboard the craft and met with the same female being that had examined his body in 1973. He claimed he had a conversation with the being, in English, in which she communicated to him a religious message. She informed him that they shared the same God, that the bible was an authentic text, and that her species wanted to live on earth but could not due to humanity’s tendency towards war and destruction.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








In August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to a friend’s house.  Their routine journey would soon become a harrowing trip into an unknown world of strange beings that occupied space but were void of color as we know it. The Dandenong foothills, near Belgrave, Victoria, Australia would have its location forever linked to one of the most unusual sightings of a strange creature in Ufology archives.

Journey Home:

After midnight, the Cahills were on their journey home when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with windows around it.  It silently hovered above the road. Different colored lights were clearly visible on the bottom of the object. The UFO was so close to the ground that Kelly thought she could see people through the window openings.  As she began screaming to her husband what she was seeing, the craft zoomed off to their left, disappearing as quickly as it had made itself known.

Blinding Light:

Continuing their drive home with a renewed interest in the sky, they suddenly came upon a light so bright they were practically blinded.  Shading her eyes from the intense light with her hands over her eyes, Kelly begged of her husband, “What are you going to do?” Her husband, now frightened to death by the glowing presence before them, replied, “I am going to keep on driving.” Within what seemed only a second or two, Kelly was now very relaxed, suddenly calmed by the absence of the UFO.

Missing Time:

The first words out of Kelly’s mouth were, “What happened, did I blackout?” Her husband said nothing, as he had no answer to give his wife. He cautiously drove his family home.  Upon their safe arrival Kelly could smell a foul odor, like vomit, and she suddenly felt as though something was missing from their drive home. Something was missing… an hour or so of time had vanished from her and her family’s life.  That night as Kelly undressed for bed, she noticed a strange triangular mark on her navel-a mark she had never seen before.  It must have been created early this every night. But how? And why? And most importantly, by whom? Kelly suffered from general malaise for the next two weeks, and was taken to the hospital on two occasions, one for severe stomach pain, and another for a uterine infection.

Walking Toward a Giant Craft:

Kelly would recall the object they had seen in a slightly different place than she first remembered. It was hovering in a gully, and the UFO was big. She estimated it at 150 feet in diameter.  She could also recall that when the object was first spotted, her husband had stopped the car, and both her and her husband had gotten out of the vehicle, and walked in the direction of the massive craft.

Not Having a Soul:

To their surprise, they noticed another car stopped on the side of the road. As they walked toward the craft, they saw a creature unlike either of them had ever seen before.  It was black, not a black color but black as if all matter was removed where its presence was. Kelly would later describe it as “not having a soul.” Kelly’s words for the alien were “void of color.” The black alien entity was taller than an average man, about 7 feet tall, according to Kelly.

Aliens Moved Effortlessly:

After being mesmerized by the sight of the being, she saw more of them. “Heaps of them” is how Kelly described them as she stared into the open field. The aliens were out there in the field, beneath the immense flying craft.  The beings seemed to congregate in small groups, and one group glided toward Kelly and her husband, covering a hundred yards in a mere few seconds. Another group was approaching the other car which sat motionless near the hovering craft.

Second Family Abducted:

Her great fear and dread would cause her to scream at the alien-looking entities to leave them alone. She remembered going unconscious, and then… she was back in their car. As strange as this encounter seems, it was not without corroboration.  The occupants in the other car would come forward and tell almost an exact story, a story of abduction, mind control, and embarrassing medical procedures.


This particular case is the only one to my knowledge to describe such a being, although there are some very strange aliens described in various accounts. We have no reason to discount the Cahill account, and it remains one of the best cases of alien abduction on record.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








I was on my way home from work on the evening of January 19, 2018, around 6:12pm. As I turned off the main road onto a side road heading towards my house, I noticed some extremely bright lights in the distance. I stopped my truck as I could see out across the valley to a ski slope on the far mountain. The lights at first looked like a large plane, but they were too bright to be a plane. It was traveling towards the east, and I was heading towards the west so I continued down the road, and as I went around a turn in the road to the left, the craft seemed to turn and head straight towards me. As I came up to the stop sign at the end of the road about a half of a mile from where I first saw the lights, the craft had came right up in front of my truck. I was at a T intersection were I had to turn left to my house, and the craft was maybe about 100 feet away just above the tree tops. I grabbed my cell phone to try to get a picture of it, but was having problems getting it to work.

I tried several times but it just wouldn’t work at all. Once it went off seconds after trying to take the picture getting the dash board, then again when I held the phone pointing down at the cup holder trying to see what was the matter. I didn’t think the camera was going to work, and the adrenaline was making me not able to think right. I looked back up at the craft and it was moving off to the northeast over top the right side of my truck and disappeared overtop of some houses on the road. I drove the rest of the way to my house, adrenaline flowing, not being able to believe what I had just seen. As I went into my house I grabbed my cell phone to see why I couldn’t get it to work right, and see what was on it. That is when I discovered that I in fact did catch a picture of part of the craft, but did not have the entire craft in the shot. It did get a part that you could see what looked like lights, windows, and the side of the craft were it curved just below some windows. Prior to seeing this that evening I always thought people were seeing helicopters and things, but after seeing this with my own eyes, I believe what I saw that night. I am a U.S. Military Vet, and have been around a lot of Military helicopters and equipment, but this was like nothing that I have ever seen in my life before.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.









As she was driving on the A5 road towards her family home from Shrewsbury, twenty-year-old, Diane Foulkes would witness events that were fascinating and other-worldly. It was around 2 am and she was approaching the Montford Bridge which stretched over the River Severn. Suddenly, the entire area around her lit up. The source of this sudden glow of light was a circular object which was almost directly overhead.  She watched the object for only a second or two before fear, and adrenaline kicked in. She pressed down hard on the accelerator, now in a hurry to reach her destination. To her alarm, the brightly lit object followed her. It remained at the same height and distance, but all the while, it casually pursued her vehicle.  When she finally arrived home, she ran from the car and alerted her parents. Both her mother and father would witness the strange disc-shaped craft from the garden of their home. The craft made no noise of any kind and glowed a pale-yellow color. After thirty minutes it rapidly began to get smaller and smaller. As it did so, it began to change to an orange-red glow until finally it was gone. All three witnesses would assume the object was speeding away from them.  Although Diane and her parents would largely keep the sighting to themselves, when a similar episode occurred, they would seek advice from the military.

Rays Of Light Administer “Electric Shock” Sensation!

Almost exactly two years later on 8th November 1966, Diane would encounter what seemed to be the same craft. And what’s more, the encounter would take place at almost the same spot as it had previously. Just prior to midnight, as she neared the same bridge, the glowing round craft appeared in the sky overhead. This time, however, it was much lower to the ground than before.  Diane would later report that she could see “rays of light” emanating from the airborne vehicle. As she had before, although somewhat calmer, she continued on her journey home. And, as before, the object followed her, maintaining the same distance throughout. At least initially.  After several minutes the strange craft suddenly approached the moving car. As it made its way past, the lights from inside briefly penetrated the vehicle. She would describe feeling a “bump against the side (of the car)”, while at the same moment feeling a sensation like an electric shock in her neck. Simultaneously, the left-hand side headlight also went out.  The object would back away again and then maintain its distance before vanishing. Shortly after returning home, however, Diane would begin to feel “very ill” for the rest of the evening.

Military Denial, And Connections To Mr. Griffin 

Two days following her second encounter, on 10th November 1966, Diane’s father would contact Flight Lieutenant Williams at RAF Shrewsbury. He wished to know if the military could shed any light on an incident along the A5 that had “left his daughter frightened by an object in the sky”. There was, he would report, even “burn marks” on the left-hand side of his daughter’s car, proving that something was most certainly over the road that evening.  A letter, dated the 11th November, would arrive at the Foulkes’ home on the 14th. In it, it informed them that “no service aircraft had been flying in that area at the time of the incident”. Not that Diane seriously considered the military as being behind the bizarre sighting. Although she wasn’t sure exactly what it was she had seen, she believed it was probably connected to another local resident, Mr. Griffin.  According to Diane, and many other townsfolk, Mr. Griffin was “reputed to have made contact” with the occupants of these bizarre objects. Furthermore, there were some who claimed he had even gone inside these other-worldly vehicles. Further still, the contacts of Mr. Griffin had taken place at the same bridge where Diane had witnessed the glowing disc.  The incident remains unexplained. It is, however, far from the only UFO sighting in this region of the United Kingdom.   NOTE: The above image is CGI.









This incident happened at approximately 3AM in the morning. For some reason I can remember everything like it just happened This incident happened at approximately 3AM in the morning. For some reason I can remember everything like it just happened. This was not a dream or a nightmare. I woke up to the sound of a child laughing. As I rolled over to see where the sound was coming from when, I saw the boy running back and forth beside my bed. I felt like something had control of my body. I couldn’t move. My first instinct was to yell, but when I tried nothing would come out. At this point I then realized how bright my room was. It wasn’t like sunlight, but it was so bright my whole room was light. I looked to my window and that’s when I saw the large Grey alien out my window. Now what’s weird is my window is on the second floor of the house so it must of been able to hold on somehow or levitate. I don’t know if it was supposed too let me see it because when we made eye contact it seemed to teleport away. The only way I can describe the teleportation is that it went from a solid being to a static kaleidoscope type image and then vanished.

At that point I was able to move again. I remember going to the window and that’s when I saw about six more of the tall alien Grey types slipping back into the woods. But it was so bright and at that point I could tell the light source was coming from directly above my house. I then remember the boy grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my bedroom door. I remember not really being able to fight back. I was in like a zombie state of mind. When I reached the top of my stairs just outside my room there was a woman sitting at the top of the steps. For some reason I didn’t feel afraid anymore. She wore a pink hooded sweatshirt and grey sweatpants and she told me not to be afraid and that we have met before and that the boy was ours, but he lives with them (the Greys). From there all I remember was the 3 of us walking out of the house and then everything goes blank.

I will add, this is not my only experience with abduction. The reason why I know this really happened is that I remember telling my sister and brother-in-law this story and they both looked at each other in shock and told me how my brother-in-law’s mother (who is my neighbor across the street) woke up randomly one night and she said that outside was so bright like brighter than the daylight were her words and it was coming from over my house, but she never went to the window because she was to scared. – MUFON   NOTE: The above image is CGI.









NASA astronaut reveals close encounter with ‘alien-organic’ object during Shuttle Mission

In a chat on Twitter with fans about his experiences in space, astronaut Leland Melvin who worked as an engineer on board Atlantis was asked by Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily if he had ever witnessed UFOs or intelligent alien life living in outer space.

Melvin replied to Scott and revealed that he had seen something organic/alien like floating out of the payload bay and that he called the ground to ask what it could be.  Ground control then answered by telling Melvin that it was ice that had broken off of the Freon hoses.  Then Scott asked Melvin: “ I think ethics would say that your opinion of it being organic is more reliable than the opinion of someone on ground control over 400 miles away, is it possible they lied and called it ice to calm you down and make u focus on the shuttle.”  Melvin: “Hmmmm, don’t think so but you never know.”

We know NASA for their misleading answers and in this case Leland Melvin has probably encountered some sort of bio form, living entities which inhabit the cosmic void. Already dozens of organic compounds have been identified in space, including formaldehyde, prussic acid, and cellulose. In short, there is an abundance of basic building blocks out there to allow for the evolution of these entities. These alien-organic entities may have migrated to all sectors of space – both within and without galaxies. Endowed with both mobility and intelligence, it is conceivable that some may have actually penetrated our zone of existence.