

On the 23rd of January, 1974, an extraordinary event took place in Llandrillo, North Wales, United Kingdom.

On a winter’s night, a great terrible noise was heard by many of the village, and the first thing that came to mind was that there had been an explosion of some type.

As some of the villagers went outside to see what had occurred, they were amazed by the scene of blue and orange lights near the mountain of Cader Bronwen.

From witness statements, and the next day’s press, came this explanation, “There was a huge explosion a few minutes after 8:30 PM. From various accounts, this preceded, some say by up to two or three minutes, a violent shaking of the ground, like a medium-sized earthquake – objects inside houses were knocked off shelves.”

In a very similar scenario to the Kecksburg crash, authorities rushed to the scene; police first, followed by Royal Air Force personnel. Immediately, the area around the crash was cordoned off with nobody allowed to enter.

This operation seemed like overkill; the area being so remote, and uninhabited. This search and rescue lasted for several days in the Berwyn Mountains.

One witness, who was working at a hotel in Bala, stated that a group of men had arrived at the hotel, and stayed several days. They were involved in the operations at the crash site, but refused to answer any questions about the activities there.

One of the most compelling accounts of the events in Wales came from a lady who was a nurse living at Llanderfel.

She was asked by local police to assist in a plane crash near her house. Gathering her things together, and not having any one to watch her teenage daughters, she took them with her to the location given by the police.

She was driving on B4391, which goes from Bala to Llangynog. The road was nearly deserted, being at 10:00 PM on a cold, wintry night. As she proceeded up into the mountains, she was astonished at what she saw next…

There was an object “quite intact” which was large, circular, and glowing an orange color. Her and her two daughters were within a few hundred feet of it. She could not be mistaken at what she saw, a UFO.

She could also see police and military personnel, which were much closer to the UFO. They instructed her to leave the area, even after she explained why she was there.

Afraid for her and her daughters’ safety, she left without argument. Authorities escorted her from the site.

The roads around the site of the unusual object stayed closed for a number of days afterwards. The nurse talked to some of the local shepherds who complained that they were not even allowed to tend their flocks.

She and others were convinced of a military and governmental cover up of what really happened on January 23, 1974 near the Berwyn Mountains.

Was the explosion a mechanical failure of the orange glowing craft, or did another UFO crash? We may never know for certain. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











On 25 Aug 74, at 2207 hrs, US Air Defense radar detected an unknown object approaching US airspace from the Gulf of Mexico. Originally the object was tracked at 2,200 (2,530 mph) knots on a bearing of 325 degrees and at an altitude of 75,000 feet, a course that would intercept US territory about forty miles southwest of Corpus Christi, Texas.

After approximately sixty seconds of observation, at a position 155 miles southeast of Corpus Christi, the object decelerated to approximately 1700 (1,955 mph) knots, turned to a heading of 290 degrees, and began a slow descent.

It entered Mexican airspace approximately forty miles south of Brownsville, Texas. Radar tracked it approximately 500 miles to a point near the town of Coyame, in the state of Chihuahua, not far from the US border. There the object suddenly disappeared from the radar screens.

During the flight over Mexican airspace, the object leveled off at 45,000 feet, then descended to 20,000 feet. The descent was in level steps, not a smooth curve or straight line, and each level was maintained for approximately five minutes.

The object was tracked by two different military radar installations. It would have been within range of Brownsville civilian radar, but it is assumed that no civilian radar detected the object due to a lack of any such reports. The point of disappearance from the radar screens was over a barren and sparsely populated area of Northern Mexico. At first it was assumed that the object had descended below the radar’s horizon and a watch was kept for any re-emergence of the object. None occurred.

At first it was assumed that the object might be a meteor because of the high speed and descending flight path. But meteors normally travel at higher speeds, and descend in a smooth arc, not in “steps.” And meteors do not normally make a thirty-five degree change in course. Shortly after detection an air defense alert was called. However, before any form of interception could be scrambled, the object turned to a course that would not immediately take it over US territory. The alert was called off within twenty minutes after the object’s disappearance from the radar screen.

Fifty-two minutes after the disappearance, civilian radio traffic indicated that a civilian aircraft had gone down in that area. But it was clear that the missing aircraft had departed El Paso International with a destination of Mexico City, and could not, therefore, have been the object tracked over the Gulf of Mexico.

It was noted, however, that they both disappeared in the same area and at the same time.

With daylight the next day, Mexican authorities began a search for the missing plane. At Approximately 10:35 hours, there came a radio report that wreckage from the missing plane had been spotted from the air. Almost immediately came a report of a second plane on the ground a few miles from the first. A few minutes later an additional report stated that the second “plane” was circular shaped and apparently in one piece although damaged. A few minutes after that the Mexican military clamped a radio silence on all search efforts.

The radio interceptions were reported through channels to the CIA. Possibly as many as two additional government agencies also received reports, but such has not been confirmed as of this date. The CIA immediately began forming a recovery team. The speed with which this team and its equipment was assembled suggests that this was either a well-rehearsed exercise or one that had been performed prior to this event.

In the meantime, requests were initiated at the highest levels between the United States and Mexican governments that the US recovery team be allowed onto Mexican territory to “assist.” These requests were met with professed ignorance and a flat refusal of any cooperation.

By 21:00 hrs, 26 Aug 1974, the recovery team had assembled and been staged at Fort Bliss. Several helicopters were flown in from some unknown source and assembled in a secured area. These helicopters were painted a neutral sand color and bore no markings. Eye witness indicates that there were three smaller craft, very probably UHl Hueys from the description. There was also a larger helicopter, possibly a Sea Stallion. Personnel from this team remained with their craft and had no contact with other Ft. Bliss personnel.

Satellite and aircraft overflight that day indicated that both the crashed disk and the civilian aircraft had been removed from the crash sites and loaded on flat bed trucks. Later flights confirmed that the convoy had departed the area heading south.

At that point the CIA had to make a choice; either to allow this unknown aircraft to stay in the hands of the Mexican government, or to launch the recovery team, supplemented by any required military support, to take the craft. There occurred, however, an event that took the choice out of their hands. High altitude overflights indicated that the convoy had stopped before reaching any inhabited areas or major roads. Recon showed no activity, and radio contact between the Mexican recovery team and its headquarters had ceased. A low altitude, high speed overflight was ordered.

The photos returned by that aircraft showed all trucks and jeeps stopped, some with open doors, and two human bodies laying on the ground beside two vehicles. The decision was immediately made to launch the recovery team, but the actual launching was held up for the arrival of additional equipment and two additional personnel. It was not until 14:38 hrs that the helicopters departed Ft. Bliss.

The four helicopters followed the border down towards Presidio then turned and entered Mexican airspace north of Candelaria. They were over the convoy site at 16:53 hrs. All convoy personnel were dead, most within the trucks. Some recovery team members, dressed in bioprotection suits, reconfigured the straps holding the object on the flatbed truck, then attached them to a cargo cable from the Sea Stallion.

By 17:14 hrs the recovered object was on its way to US territory. Before leaving the convoy site, members of the recovery team gathered together the Mexican vehicles and bodies, then destroyed all with high explosives. This included the pieces of the civilian light plane which had been involved in the mid-air collision. At 17:46 hrs the Hueys departed.

The Hueys caught up with the Sea Stallion as it reentered US airspace. The recovery team then proceeded to a point in the Davis Mountains, approximately twenty-five miles northeast of Valentine. There they landed and waited until 02:25 hrs the next morning. At that time they resumed the flight and rendezvoused with a small convoy on a road between Van Horn and Kent. The recovered disk was transferred to a truck large enough to handle it and capable of being sealed totally. Some of the personnel from the Huey’s transferred to the convoy.

All helicopters then returned to their original bases for decontamination procedures. The convoy continued non-stop, using back roads and smaller highways, and staying away from cities. The destination of the convoy reportedly was Altanta, Georgia.

Here the hard evidence thins out. One unconfirmed report says the disk was eventually transferred to Wright-Patterson AF Base. Another says that the disk was either transferred after that to another unnamed base, or was taken directly to this unknown base directly from Atlanta.

The best description of the disk was that it was sixteen feet, five inches in diameter, convex on both upper and lower surfaces to the same degree, possessing no visible doors or windows. The thickness was slightly less than five feet. The color was silver, much like polished steel. There were no visible lights nor any propulsion means.

There were no markings. There were two areas of the rim that showed damage, one showing an irregular hole approximately twelve inches in diameter with indented material around it. The other damage was described as a “dent” about two feet wide. The weight of the object was estimated as approximately one thousand, five hundred pounds, based on the effect of the weight on the carrying helicopter and those who transferred it to the truck.

There was no indication in the documentation available as to whether anything was visible in the “hole.”

It seems likely that the damage with the hole was caused by the collision with the civilian aircraft. That collision occurred while the object was traveling approximately 1700 knots (1,955 mph). Even ignoring the speed of the civilian aircraft, the impact would have been considerable at that speed.

This is in agreement with the description of the civilian aircraft as being “almost totally destroyed.” What was being taken from the crash site was pieces of the civilian aircraft.

The second damage may have resulted when the object impacted with the ground. The speed in that case should have been considerably less than that of the first impact.

No mention is made of the occupants of the civilian aircraft. It is not known if any body or bodies were recovered. Considering the destruction of the civilian light aircraft in mid-air, bodies may well not have come down near the larger pieces.

Unfortunately what caused the deaths of the Mexican recovery team is not known. Speculation ranges from a chemical released from the disk as a result of the damage, to a microbiological agent. There are no indications of death or illness by any of the recovery team.

It would not have been illogical for the recovery team to have taken one of the bodies back with them for analysis. But there is no indication of that having happened. Perhaps they did not have adequate means of transporting what might have been a biologically contaminated body.

Inquires to the FAA reveal no documents concerning the civilian aircraft crash, probably because it did not involve a US aircraft. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











This very interesting case took place in Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. On October 25, 1974, one Carl Higdon was elk hunting in the northern section of the park.

As he shot his rifle at an elk nearby, a most bizarre thing happened. The bullet traveled in slow motion, as if he had entered another dimension.

It fell some 50 feet away, dropping into the snow covered landscape. He was able to recover the bullet. He felt a strange sensation over his body.

To his utter shock and amazement, he saw a humanoid entity standing nearby. The humanoid was quite tall, at over six feet in height. He was clad in a black jump suit with a wide belt.

The belt was decorated with a six-pointed star and emblem of yellow. With straight hair standing out from his head, he had no eyebrows. He stood bow-legged, with long arms ending with rod-like appendages instead of hands.

The humanoid spoke to Higdon, asking him if he was hungry. The entity threw some pills to him, telling him if he took one, he would not have to eat for 4 days. Higdon normally did not take any type of pills, yet he swallowed one of the offerings immediately.

It was surmised that the entity was smart enough to realize that Higdon may have been hungry, or else he would not have been hunting elk.

Soon, the alien pointed toward Higdon, and the next thing he knew, he was enclosed within a transparent apparatus, with a helmet on. Also present were two more humanoids, and the five elk he was previously stalking. The elk were in a frozen state.

He was told that the aliens were traveling to their home planet, located some 163,000 light years away. In a flash, they arrived at the distant location.

Higdon described the surrounding landscape as being occupied with buildings like the Seattle space needle, all lit up by a sun of intense power. The brightness of the atmosphere caused Higdon’s eyes to water, along with the aliens’. Higdon’s next remembrance was being back in Medicine Bow Park.

He says that approximately 2 1/2 hours had elapsed since his encounter with the humanoid had begun.

He was in a hysterical state, cold, and disoriented. For a time, he could not locate his truck, finally finding it some three miles from where he had left it. It had been stuck in a mud hole, and Higdon was unable to free it from the bog by himself. Using his CB radio, he summoned help from the local sheriff, who arrived at midnight.

Additional help arrived to free the stuck truck.

Hidgon was found in a state of panic and nervous exhaustion. He was shouting, “They took my elk!” He was taken for medical care to a local hospital. His blood work showed he had a highly elevated level of vitamins, probably from the pill he had taken.

The most fascinating aspect of his tests was that tuberculosis scars on his lungs were now gone!

Further investigation into the details surrounding the bizarre encounter revealed that Higdon’s wife, along with two other people, had seen a red-green-white flashing light moving in the area of the sighting.

The case was investigated by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming. Also included were Rick Kenyon, and Robert Nantkes, MUFON field investigators, and Frank Bourke, National Star Investigator. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












According to the Finnish newspaper Jakobstads Tidning, a UFO incident in late-March 1971 at Perho would unfold. And it would also contain some similar details to the other incidents we have examined here.

The main witness, Matti Lassila, along with his friend, Jorma Vasala, were riding their mopeds on the evening of 23rd March. As they were doing so, at around 8:30 pm, they noticed a strange glowing object seemingly hovering just above the treetops. They would estimate the glowing object was around 200 feet above the ground and would follow them for several miles. This would make the group so frightened that they quickly brought their mopeds to a stop and then dived into a nearby ditch in order to take cover.

Almost at the same moment, just as the strange object was about to meet their location, it changed location at the very last moment and disappeared into the distance. This seemingly trivial detail is one that shows up in many other UFO accounts of a similar nature. Is this a detail that shows the occupants are merely toying with such witnesses?

Following the disappearance of the strange craft, the group jumped back on their mopeds and returned to their respective houses, informing all who would listen of what they had seen almost as soon as they arrived.

Vasala would recall that the object, apart from when it disappeared, moved particularly slowly and was approximately 15 feet in width. He would further recall that the craft would change color several times, going through “all the colors of the rainbow”.

Precise Movements Suggesting Intelligent Control!

What’s more, Matti’s mother would venture outside with binoculars in order to see the object for herself. Although it was now a lot higher than when the two boys had witnessed it, she could clearly see the anomaly in the sky. She would particularly recall how the object appeared to “move on the spot”. This last detail perhaps suggests that the object was turning on its own axis.

All of the witnesses would further recall how the movements of the object were always “precise”. Because of this, they all believed that the object was intelligently guided and not something just caught in the wind. What’s more, when it did move, they would recall how it appeared that “lightning shot out” of the underneath of it.

What is perhaps also interesting, especially with this last detail in mind, is that there is a significant network of power lines along the same route the object moved. Might this object have been absorbing some of this power? Might this be why, like the sighting of the Talasas, the power outages often accompany such sightings?

Several of the witnesses would conduct sketches of the object. And what’s more, they would do so on their own and away from each other. All of them were remarkably similar to each other, suggesting that not only were the two young men who first witnessed the object likely telling the truth but so were the parents who witnessed the object after them, albeit from a distance.

What’s more, when investigators would speak to other residents of the area, they would learn, much like the other cases we have examined, that several other sightings around the same time, with very details had also been reported. NOTE: The above image is CGI.










Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada – September 1, 1974

From the Saskatoon Star Phoenix – June 13, 1992

Some residents of Langenburg a farming community about 70 kilometers southeast of Yorkton, believe they can create a tourist attraction based on an eerie event that occurred in a farmer’s field near the town in 1974.

On Sept. 1 1974, the skies were grey and threatening, but Edwin Fuhr was on his swather in a field of rapeseed (now called canola).

Moving up a small incline, he glanced up to make sure he would skirt a grassy, dried out slough just ahead when he spied something made of metal in the grass. His first thought was that someone was playing a joke on him or had dumped junk in the old slough.

As the swather moved up the incline, the slough came into full view. The metallic “something” was one of five machines rotating rapidly and hovering just above the grass.

Fuhr, startled, stopped his swather, climbed down and took a few steps toward the hovering machines. Then, overcome with fear, he stopped and began slowly to ease back to his idling swather.

The machines continued to hover and spin, then slowly lifted. About 100 feet above ground, they maneuvered into an echelon formation and rose at a much greater speed. Each vented a brief puff of smoke and in seconds. Disappeared over the horizon.

At the controls of his swather, Fuhr was almost paralyzed with fright and barely able to put the machine into gear. At lunch, he was unable to eat. When he inspected the site where the strange visitors had been, he saw five circular depressions.

Most of the tall grass was pressed down, and, in places, was twisted as it would be by a spinning object. The circles were exactly 11 feet (3.3 meters) in diameter and there was unflattened grass in the centre.

The shaken farmer reported the incident to the RCMP. In a few days, a newspaper story brought hordes of curiosity seekers to the farm, all expecting to see the landing site. Fuhr could not allow that because the estimated 3,000 people who arrived would have pulverized his crop.

Fuhr said the mystery machines were made of what looked like stainless steel, but had a “brushed” finish. Each was about five feet (1.5 metres) high at the peak of its dome-like structure.

There were no windows or portholes, no antennae or other projecting parts except something resembling a short exhaust pipe, the source of the vapor the objects emitted as they rose through the overcast.

The Centre for UFO Studies in Illinois sent a specialist to the farm and he found no reason to dispute Fuhr’s report.

Cpl. Ron Morier of the RCMP concluded that the five circles were caused by “something exerting what had to be heavy exhaust or air pressure. Whatever was in there came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell.”

Depiction of Fuhr UFO

Edwin Fuhr still lives in Langenburg where he’s regarded as a dependable, quiet spoken citizen not given to inventing tall tales. As one businessman said at the time of the incident, ”If that’s what Edwin says he saw, that’s what Edwin saw.”

Today, portions of the rings made by the strange machines are still visible on his land. About three years ago, there was a report of two UFOs that hovered briefly over Langenburg.

From the Star Phoenix – September 10, 1974

Saucer sighted, no hoax – RCMP

LANGENBURG (CP) – RCMP Constable Ron Morier says he doesn’t think a district farmer is trying to pull a hoax with his claims of seeing saucer-shaped objects hovering about a foot over a slough near his rapeseed field six miles north of here.

Edwin Fuhr, 36, claims five stainless steel objects stayed for 15 minutes before leaving. He says there were depressions in the foot-high grass about 11 feet in diameter where they had been.

Constable Morier visited the farm Monday in this community 120 miles northwest of Regina for a first-hand look.

“They took me out to where they’d seen these things in the grass. I saw the rings…” “Something was there and I doubt it was a hoax. There was no indication anything had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared.”

Constable Morier took photographs and measurements and sent his information to the National Research Council in Ottawa.

“Some farmers are afraid to work in their fields,” the Constable said, “At least that’s what I hear on coffee row.”

Mr. Fuhr says he got down from his swather and moved to within 15 feet of the objects.

“All of a sudden I noticed the grass was moving… turning near this thing. I just watched it for about two minutes and then noticed the whole thing was turning.”

“I backed up slow. I wasn’t going to turn my back on the thing. When I got back to the swather, I noticed there were another four to the left of me, all revolving. I just froze on the seat and didn’t move.”

“I was terrified. I froze. I couldn’t do anything.”

“Then they took off (after 15 minutes)… straight up. There was a grey vapor coming from underneath them and a strong wind. I had to hang on to my hat and it knocked the rape down.”

It took two minutes for the objects to disappear into the clouds and another two minutes for Mr. Fuhr to come down from his swather.

“I wanted to be sure they were gone.”

He then explained the circular depressions left by the objects. “I felt the grass to see if it was warm. There was nothing you could feel and there wasn’t any smell.” NOTE: The top image is real but from a different case file.











THE WELL-PUBLICISED Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO crash of 1965 has been touted as “Pennsylvania’s Roswell” and presented as a crash recovery story that has been shrouded in a veil of mystery and governmental conspiracy which is intended to keep the truth of the incident from the American people.

But, Lackawanna County’s city of Carbondale, Pennsylvania is also the location of a “downed saucer incident” that has caught the imagination and interests of ufologists and conspiracy enthusiasts throughout the nation. 9-11 November 2004 marked the 30th anniversary of Pennsylvania’s other Roswell incident. – the legendary Carbondale UFO crash or perhaps, I should call it “The Carbondale UFO Capers”.

As one of the three primary UFO investigators of the Carbondale saucer crash, I feel that it is time for me to present my recollections and reflections on this occurrence, as well as some thoughts on how and why the legend of the ill-fated Carbondale UFO has become a gleaming facet of contemporary ufological folklore. So, let me start my story at the beginning.

I was working quite late on the night of 10 November 1974 (on a design project) and had sketches and blueprints scattered about on the dining room table and floor. It was a little after midnight, (actually 11 November) and I had been listening to a local radio talk show when the programme’s host suddenly announced that his programme director had just handed him a note about an unidentified flying object which had apparently crashed at Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Since I had appeared on WWDB’s Bernie Herman show several times discussing the UFO phenomenon, I phoned the station without hesitation and asked if the matter was legitimate or simply a prank. Both the show’s host and his engineer assured me that the report was indeed “authentic” for they had just taken it directly from an Associated Press release.

I then contacted the Carbondale police department about the situation and spoke to a desk officer who told me that an airborne object had been observed by a group of five teens (but only three of the youngsters actually participated in our inquiry of the sighting), and that the UFO apparently plummeted into a pond and sank.

The youngsters agreed that a fiery object had fallen to earth in a shower of sparks and splashed down into a large coal breaker pit or ‘silt pond’, as it was called by locals.

The police had cordoned off the area in an attempt to keep curiosity seekers from possibly getting injured at the site, as two areas of the bank of the pond were rather steep and slippery. The acting police chief, Sgt Francis X. Dottle, confided that he didn’t know what the object in the water was, but that he and a couple of his men had observed it glowing while submerged on the night of 9 November – and that it remained aglow until the wee morning hours of 10 November (i.e. for a period of about six to eight hours.

As I later learned, the teens who observed the phenomenon saw a fiery object streak across the sky, “Coming over Salem Mountain” in the direction of Russell Park. According to the boys, they ran into the park from their street corner location where they were just hanging around on a “nothing else to do” Saturday night and discovered a strange light glowing in the pond about twenty feet. from shore.

The boys had run about two blocks to the pond and didn’t actually see or hear the object hit the water. There was a faint “fizz” or sizzling sound heard, however, and one of the lads said that “it sounded like someone had thrown a cigarette in the water.”

So, too, one boy thought the pond had an odour “like gas from a gas stove”, while another boy said that “the pond just smelled like it usually does”. The mysterious airborne object was described as being bright whitish-yellow in colour with a trail of reddish sparks. It was estimated to appear about as large as a five cent piece (a nickel) held at arm’s length.

But one of the boys would later say that it was about “three times the size of a basketball”. No sounds were noted by the teens as the object appeared to fall towards the earth, and they didn’t see a trail of smoke coming from it either.

One boy said, “It looked like a shooting star”. However, later versions of the story credit the boys with saying the object whistled as it sped earthward.

The boys left the pond to report the submerged light to the police about 7:00 p.m. and when they returned to the pond (around 15 minutes later) they thought that the light had taken up another position in the water, although no one actually saw the light moving at that time. The light was described as being yellow-orange in colour by two of the boys, while the third witness described it as “yellowish, almost white”.

The light on the water’s surface appeared as an irregular disc about 5 feet in diameter. While several UFO researchers would later describe it as being an irregular shaped glow at 20 feet in diameter, I performed a very simple experiment with a flashlight in a darkened room and discovered that the central portion of the light’s beam appeared to be about five feet in diameter (when directed at the ceiling) and its outer, fainter, and more widely dispersed light beam was about 4 times larger.

This may account for the discrepancy in the estimates concerning the diameter of the glow on the pond’s surface – or perhaps, the later researchers may have misinterpreted the boys’ statements regarding the “position” of the light from shore, which was initially reported to be about twenty feet.

I asked the officer on the phone if the object might have been a small private plane, fearing that someone may have been trapped in an air-pocket within the fuselage’s wreckage. He said that the reports indicated that the object’s tremendous speed and the lack of floating debris on the water seemed to deny that possibility.

I then asked if the object could have been some sort of “space junk” and informed him that there were military tracking installations such as NORAD that should be contacted in regard to the situation.

My primary concern was that if the object were some part of an American or Soviet spacecraft or satellite which hadn’t completely burned up as it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, there may have been a possibility that some portion of its electrical system was still being powered by the “snap units” (or nuclear batteries) that were used to power various on-board instrumentation and guidance systems.

This seemed to be highly improbable, but, then again, there was that strange light beneath the pond’s surface, a light which appeared to pulsate with diminishing intensity and at one point suddenly rushed towards a small boat which police had launched to further investigate the matter.

But, unknown to me at that time, Sgt Dottle (the Acting Police Chief) had already been in contact with Dr J. Allen Hynek’s Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois about the situation. Dr Hynek advised Sgt Dottle that a meteor or a meteor fragment could not be the source of the light in the pond because burning meteors are immediately extinguished when they strike bodies of water. Sgt Dottle was further advised to obtain a Geiger counter to see if any radioactivity was present at the crash site, perhaps as a result of a faulty spacecraft or satellite re-entry.

Obviously, Dr. Hynek also feared that a snap unit had survived the re-entry and may have been leaking its contents into the pond.

Upon hanging up the phone, I awoke my wife, Grace, kissed her and our sleeping children goodbye, and started the early morning trek along the north-eastern extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike toward Carbondale.

As I drove through the Lehigh Valley I was still listening to radio news reports concerning the incident – and while some of the accounts seemed to be a bit sketchy, there were relatives of Carbondale residents phoning the radio station with additional information and some obvious rumours too.

As the events of the Carbondale saucer crash unfolded, the rumours would include suspicions that a Soviet missile was in the pond, that only a portion of a Soviet missile was in the pond, while still another section had crashed into Elk Lake about 25 miles north-west of Carbondale.

There was also a rumour that an alien space ship had landed – not crashed – in the silt pond and that the military had managed to recover whatever was in the water and spirit it away before anyone had an opportunity to see it (i.e., the story was beginning to take on characteristics of the earlier Kecksburg, Aztec and Roswell UFO crash reports). In one rumour scenario, the UFO was loaded upon a flatbed railcar that was brought to the site on a nearby (albeit, long abandoned) railroad spur – and in another account, two military helicopters were used to lift the object from the water and place it in an armoured truck.

Curiously, I too became linked to a rather ridiculous rumour which placed me at the scene as a government agent or high ranking Air Force officer disguised as a UFO field investigator.

But the truth was that I was just a guy who had an interest in the UFO phenomenon and had been investigating sighting reports for about two years prior to the incident. I had been in the US Army 12 years earlier, as a specialist Fourth Class (i.e. not quite the equivalent of a corporal) in the infantry.

I founded UFORIC, the Philadelphia-based UFO Report and Information Center, in 1972 and served as its director until 1980. I also swept the office floor and emptied the waste paper basket. I was simply a student of the phenomenon, not a self-proclaimed expert, and I went to Carbondale because the reported incident interested me. UFORIC was a very small research organisation, consisting of only five volunteer investigators.

Many of our reports were passed on to us by technicians at the Philadelphia Franklin Institute’s Fels Planetarium, several police departments, both commercial and military air facilities and two local newspapers – while direct calls from the public were also received and routinely investigated.

As I entered the community of Carbondale, about 4:30 – 5:00 a.m. on the morning of 11 November, I asked directions to the police station and briefly conferred with detective sergeant Dottle. He informed me that Dr Hynek was dispatching a UFO field investigator from New York State to assist the police in their efforts to identify and possibly recover the object in the pond.

Sgt Dottle then asked if I would assist him until Dr Hynek’s representative arrived and I agreed to do so. I was then taken to the crash site which was cordoned off by two Carbondale police officers and a group of youngsters who were members of the Civil Air Patrol (i.e., aeronautical boy scouts).

There were not any armed troops or technical military contingents of any kind present. But I did briefly speak to an Air Force officer (a major or lieutenant-colonel) at the pond much later in the day. I believe that he was involved with the Civil Air Patrol’s community service related activities at the scene.

I think that the officer’s name tag read “Merriman”. (?) Anyway, several volunteer fire companies from neighbouring communities were summoned and they assisted in the recovery efforts by pumping thousands of gallons of water from the pond as Sgt Dottle, Dr Hynek’s investigator, Mr Dains, Mr Barry of the 20th Century UFO Bureau and I felt that this was a far safer method of obtaining a look at the submerged object than permitting a scuba diver to enter the water.

By first light, several press people and scores of the general public were permitted to visit the site, as various attempts to locate the object were made and radiological surveys were performed. As the morning wore on, the news media people were clamouring for a conclusion to the drama as news story deadlines were rapidly approaching and the crowds which were estimated at between 1500 to 3000 people were becoming larger and larger.

I later learned that perhaps as many as 10,000 people had jammed the roads leading into the city in an attempt to see what was going on. Chief Dottle even had neighbouring community police departments assist with the control of the increased traffic into the area.

It looked just like a scene from a science fiction movie and fears grew that emergency vehicles could not have got through if they were needed. To make matters worse, although we hadn’t a ghost of an idea of what was actually in the water, rumours were spreading like a brush-fire and a few very vocal UFO enthusiasts who were milling about at the site were questioning the effectiveness of the police, fire companies and UFO researchers’ retrieval efforts.

Sgt Dottle began to fear that some minor incident involving the control of the crowds might spark a riot (or a panic) that his small police force couldn’t possibly handle. Sgt Dottle found himself caught in the rather unenviable position of being damned if he did and damned, still, if he didn’t do what everyone expected of him.

He wanted to ensure the safety of the public, his men and the volunteers at the pond, while the media and the saucer buffs in the crowd were chomping at the bit for a quick and spectacular climax to the story. The pressure and anticipation were building with each passing hour, and while Mr Dains and I shared Chief Dottle’s concerns about safety, we were also concerned that the mysterious object in the water be spared from loss or damage by our recovery efforts.

Of course, not everyone was on the same page (i.e. thinking about safety and the preservation of evidence). I distinctly recall one persistent and annoying fellow asking me why we hadn’t used more fire companies to do the pumping. When I replied that we didn’t think it necessary (or prudent) to leave the surrounding communities without adequate fire protection, he grew visibly agitated and said “Well, you should be digging for that damned flying saucer now that the water level is down a bit!”

Somehow, I knew that no matter how far we dug, if we still hadn’t found anything, this guy would be saying, “Just two more feet and a bit to the left!”

In fact, Sgt Dottle had requested the use of a large crane fitted with a massive magnet (i.e., the type used at auto salvage yards) since the pumping operations which commenced a little before noon hadn’t been very successful, and were taking far longer than anticipated to complete.

Silt, mud and assorted bits of trash in the pond were clogging the pumping lines and we even had concerns that the huge magnet might crush whatever was in the water so we opted to use a backhoe to help lower the water level of the pond by digging a drainage ditch from it.

This too, was time consuming and there were concerns that the pond might empty too quickly causing a deluge of polluted (and possibly radioactive) water to engulf the area. It seemed that we would have to send in a diver to take a quick look-see at the object. The diver, Mr Mark Stamey, age 26, was also a volunteer from New York State. He drove to the crash scene with a friend after hearing about the UFO incident on a car radio. He told me that he felt that all the publicity about his assistance with the sunken UFO would be a real boost for his fledgling diving business.

Stamey also asked me to write him a note informing his state parole officer that I had requested he cross state lines to assist in the recovery operations.

I told Stamey that I hadn’t the authority to do that and suggested he speak to Mr Dains or Chief Dottle about his dilemma. I later observed Stamey preparing his diving equipment and assumed that the question of his parole status had been straightened out. So, after briefing him on the scant information we had gathered and conveying our concerns that the object might still be electrified and/or radioactive, the diver slipped into his wet suit and prepared to enter the silt pond.

The UFO researchers were being interviewed by the press and a TV station’s helicopter circled the pond churning up the water. Although we still hadn’t any solid information on what the object in the water might be, Dr Hynek’s representative and I were starting to suspect that the incident might be a prank that the teens had perpetrated on a nothing else to do Saturday night whim.

We thought that perhaps their hoax simply got out of control and took on a life of its own – and that the boys may have been too scared to fess up to what they had done. Of course, it may have been that the boys had witnessed a meteor or a bolide (a large and occasionally exploding meteor) streaking across the night sky and mistakenly assumed that it was the same luminous object that they discovered moments later in the pond. This seemed to be a reasonable notion, as the boys’ description of the aerial phenomenon they had observed was absolutely meteoric in character.

In fact, I had very similar reports on file at the UFO report and information centre, reports that were later verified by technicians at the Fels Planetarium. One report stated, “About twenty stories overhead, a white fiery object with a red light on the underside about centre -flying east to west – it had sparks on the sides and coming from the rear section.” The sighting duration was 15 seconds. (Mr Sanford Epstein, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 14 June 1974 – 9:15 p.m. EST).

Moreover, while attempting to discover who had perpetrated the hoax (if one had been committed?) was one of the field investigator’s tasks, it was quite naturally, primarily a police matter as a great deal of the authority’s time and resources were expended during the 44 hour UFO drama.

The UFO researchers’ interests and responsibilities were to identify the object (if possible) and to preserve any evidence found from damage or loss (if possible). They would also gather eyewitness testimony on the incident to be used in later evaluation and analysis of the matter and in determining the veracity of the witnesses.

But in the Carbondale case, the researchers were also presented with the opportunity and distinct privilege of working with the community’s authorities towards a safe and successful resolution of the incident. Unlike other “downed UFO incidents” where UFO investigators and civilian volunteers were reportedly turned away from the area by the military and police officials, such was definitely not the case at Carbondale.

According to the boys, John Lloyd, 14, William Lloyd, 16, and Robert Gillette, 15, the object that they observed coursing through the evening sky was a relatively ill-defined flaming mass with a shower of sparks trailing it as it rapidly travelled on an east to west course. Report sketches provided by the Lloyd brothers show an oval object with the descriptive words “red, yellow and white” printed under the drawing.

But an earlier drawing by Bobby Gillette looks something like a lens seen on its edge – Gillette’s object also has a red dot in its centre. The teenage trio did not hear any sounds coming from the object as it descended, according to their first oral and written accounts – nor did the boys actually see it plummet into the pond. But one of the lads would later say that he saw cinders falling from it.

My inspection of the alleged crash site revealed that there were no topographical indicators to suggest that something like a plane, a large piece of space junk or a meteor had impacted the pond or the area surrounding it.

There wasn’t any obvious displacement of earth; there was no displacement of water from the pond; there were no indicators of a fire, downed tree limbs or skid marks creating a gouge in the soil like the one which is said to have been evident at the J.B. Foster ranch near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

Interestingly, the details of the Roswell UFO story were not very well known by the general public or the press corps at the time of the Carbondale incident, but the reported UFO crash at Kecksburg in the western part of Pennsylvania had occurred nine years earlier and had received some attention by the press. But Carbondale’s UFO (as a structural configuration) was not observed on the ground or while it was in the water. No one knew if it was a disc, a sphere like Sputnik or a cylindrical craft of some kind. There was just the glowing 5 foot circle of light on the water which the boys said had sizzled or softy hissed for several seconds.

Interestingly, while the police were poking around (in search of the submerged object) with a long pole that was fitted with a fish net, the disc of light suddenly charged their boat and one officer instinctively drew his revolver and fired at it!

In the pandemonium of the harrowing moment, the officer lost his balance and fell out of the boat into the silt pond which was said to have had a bottom like quicksand! I was unable to confirm this story with police officials at Carbondale back in 1974, but a deputy sheriff from the neighbouring community of Honesdale, Pennsylvania later told Ohio MUFON’s chief researcher, Mr Larry Moyers, that Officer Joseph Jacobina (or Jacobino) had fired six shots at the on-rushing light.

Reportedly, patrolman Mark Trella (or Eltrilla) thought that he had snagged the object in the fish net at one point while in the boat,but it seemed to be quite heavy and slipped away. It was thought that the attempt had up-ended the object and the light was either facing down into the silt or else, it went out entirely.

When the pole was retracted from the water, it was noticed that the fish net on the end of it was slightly torn. But, the effort was not completely in vain as it was also noted that the 5 foot in diameter disk of light on the water’s surface appeared to emanate from a much smaller point of light at the bottom of the pond.

In other words, the officers had observed an apparent cone-of-light in the water.

When Mr Dains took water samples from the pond, I was surprised to see that the water was basically clear and one could see for about a depth of 3 to 4 feet into it. I observed a discarded auto tyre, bits of trash and a sunken vehicle’s roof and hood areas.

Of course, looking at the daylight reflecting off the water’s surface made the water appear to be more opaque, and at certain angles the pond’s silt floor appeared to give the water a brownish-grey cast. The water was indeed polluted, but it wasn’t very discoloured.

Naturally, when the pond’s silt and muddy bottom were disturbed the water did become very cloudy and murky-looking. The pond was an abandoned coal cleaning breaker pit that had managed to fill up with rain water over the years. Mr Dains and I also walked around the pond with instruments to detect magnetic disturbances; none were noted.

This cone-of-light seemed to be consistent with Sgt Dottle’s early suspicions that the object was probably a flashlight. Moreover, Officer Trella’s remarks that the object seemed to be too heavy to be a flashlight were based on the difficulty that he experienced while attempting to lift the object in the net on the end of a 10 foot long pole.

In fact, he may have even been struggling with other debris, mud and silt on the pond’s bottom at the time (?). Anyway, it seems that the light in the water was visible for a period of six to eight hours – depending upon one’s acceptance of the boys’ reported discovery time or the initial observation of it by the Carbondale police. (i.e. from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on the night of 9 November to approximately 3:00-3:30 a.m. on the morning of the 10th).

It is entirely possible that when officer Trella attempted to retrieve the object in the net and he thought it had slipped away, he may have caused the lantern to fall into another location on the bottom of the pond.

Or he may have merely nudged the lantern which then resettled itself in the silt, thereby creating the illusion that it was rushing towards the boat. Additionally, any fisherman can tell you that lifting things on the end of a pole is strenuous, and that the object being lifted is perceived to be heavier and larger than it really is. NOTE: The above image is real but from another UFO case file.





Thanks to one of the leading UFO organizations in the world






Hi Ken : I pulled over in the car to take some photographs of some large radio masts that were opposite me in a field. I got out the car and zoomed in on the masts with my Nikon P900 camera and then started to take some photographs. While in the process of doing so, an oval shaped object appeared from out of nowhere and then promptly disappeared. I immediately flick through the photographs on the camera LCD screen to see if I had captured it. After flicking through several photographs I could see that I had indeed captured the object in one of the photographs. Looking at the photo I could see that the oval shaped object had appeared next to the left radio mast before it had disappeared and I got the distinct feeling that it had appeared to let me know that they were still watching me. For years now I have been under surveillance by an unknown alien intelligence and it is definitely due to my deep research into the field of ufology. I have seen and photographed thousands of alien crafts all across Devon and I believe that they are purposely revealing their presents to me and others around the area. I really feel that this is there way of soft disclosure and I truly believe that they want to make their presents known, but can’t because of competing alien forces that may not have our best interests in mind. The photograph was taken at 5:34 PM on the 20th of August 2020, at Paignton Devon England. All the best John.











  Case 108695: After football practice, Gerald and his son were returning from football practice near Rocky Mount, North Carolina.  It was about 8:30 PM.  They had just passed a local farmhouse when they both observed a dark, cigar-shaped object, inclined at an angle and moored to a water pumping station.  Confused, they pulled off the rural road a few hundred feet from the pumping station and simply watched for about 10 minutes to see what would happen.  Gerald described it as, “It was a dark cigar shaped object with flashing lights of red, green, orange and white going around it in the oblong direction.”  There were no pumping station attendants (human or non-human) to be seen, only the oddest of scenes that was otherwise incomprehensible. At the end of the 10 minute observation period, the hovering cigar released itself from the pumping station and gradually rose and followed a local highway westward.  The father and son, quite bemused, followed the cigar as it gradually gained altitude, and at one point, according to Gerald, “in a flash of light it was gone”.

The water pumping station was apparently near a river, most likely a small river, as the UFO might have otherwise entered a major river.  Submerged, the UFO might have been able to take on a water supply unobserved.  Some may wonder how a UFO can become submerged in water.  There’s an article in the August 2020 issue of The MUFON Journal in which I explain how some UFOs can travel in space, air and underwater.  As an historical point of interest, allegedly five-star General (later President) Dwight Eisenhower observed a USO (unidentified submarine object) emerge from the North Sea and fly off towards the horizon while he was aboard the aircraft carrier, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt. Case Disposition: Unknown NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Alamogordo, New Mexico would be the location of a UFO encounter involving Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody on August 13, 1975.

Moody was in the desert observing a meteor shower at about 1:15 A.M. when he saw a glowing, metallic, disk-shaped object falling toward the ground about 300 feet away.

The UFO was about fifty feet long and eighteen to twenty feet wide. As it descended to an altitude of fifteen to twenty feet, it wobbled on its own axis.

Then it began moving slowly and steadily toward Moody. He jumped into his car but was unable to start it. The UFO came to a stop about seventy feet away. Moody could hear a high-pitched humming sound. He noticed a rectangular window in the craft through which he could see shadows resembling human forms. The noise stopped and he felt a numbness crawling over his body.

The next thing he would remember was seeing the object rising up into the sky and disappearing into the distance.

Moody turned the ignition key and his car started immediately. Terrified, he drove off quickly. When he arrived home, he noticed, to his surprise, that the time was 3:00 A. M. He felt that he had somehow lost about one and a half hours. The following day Moody experienced a pain in his lower back.

Within a few days, a rash broke out over his lower body. Upon the recommendation of a physician, he began to practice self-hypnosis in an effort to recall what had occurred during the lost time period.

Over the next few weeks, he was able to piece together an almost complete picture of the events. According to Moody’s subsequent recollection, after being overcome by numbness on August 13, 1975, he had observed two beings approaching his car.

About six feet tall, the creatures wore skintight black clothing. After a brief scuffle with them, he was rendered unconscious. He awoke on a slab inside the craft. His limbs felt leaden and immovable. Next to him stood the alien leader.

The latter was distinguishable from Moody’s two captors by his short stature of about five feet, and the silvery white color of his suit. However, like the others he had a large hairless head, a protruding brow, roundish eyes, small ears and nose, and very thin lips. His skin was whitish-gray.

The leader asked Moody telepathically if he was prepared to behave peacefully. When Moody agreed to do so, the leader applied a rodlike device to his back which relieved the paralysis.

Moody was taken to another part of the ship where he was shown the drive unit, a device consisting of a large rod surrounded by three glass-canopied holes. Each hole contained a central crystalline object with one rod on each side of it. One rod had a spherical head, while the other was topped by a T-bar.

As he moved about the craft, Moody noticed a sweet, stifling odor. He was told that the alien mother ship was situated miles away above Earth. He was promised a future meeting with the occupants but warned that closer contact with Earth men would not be attempted for another twenty years.

The aliens told Moody that he would have no recollection of the incident until about two weeks later. The leader placed his hands on the sides of Moody’s head, rendering him unconscious once more.

An analysis of Moody’s claims by Charles McQuiston, co-inventor of the Psychological Stress Evaluator, indicated that he was telling the truth. Investigator Jim Lorenzen, however, questions a couple of contradictions in Moody’s accounts of the incident. In an early telling, Moody related that the alien mother ship was located 400 miles above Earth. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Thirty-four years ago this month, at the height of a glorious 41-year run that ended in 1994, the former Loring Air Force Base, off to my northwest, was in an uproar about several close encounters of the weird kind.

On Oct. 27 and 28, 1975, unidentified aircraft that buzzed the base, taking particular interest in the weapons storage area of the Strategic Air Command installation, had the base on high-alert status.

With a reporter’s appreciation for the offbeat news story, I cannot help but think of the incident each time I drive through the East Gate entrance to the old base that now is a civilian commerce center.

The story, well-chronicled by former BDN Presque Isle Bureau Chief Dean Rhodes in articles archived in the newspaper’s morgue, also can be found on several Web sites. I Googled “Loring AFB UFO sightings” and found a bunch of them.

Shortly before 8 PM, on Oct. 27, an airman patrolling the Loring weapons dump area saw an unidentified aircraft nearing the north perimeter of the base at an altitude of about 300 feet, its red navigational light and a white strobe light in operation.

At the same time, the Loring control tower got a radar hit from an unknown aircraft 10 to 13 miles east-northeast of the base. Numerous attempts were made to contact the aircraft, but there was no response.

The circling aircraft, described as having “helicopter-like” characteristics, came within 300 yards of the base nuclear weapons area. Loring went into alert mode and an intense ground sweep was conducted by security personnel.

The intruder circled for about 40 minutes before heading toward Grand Falls, N.B., some 12 miles away, where it dropped from the radar screen.

The next night featured a repeat performance. This time, airmen reported seeing a silent orange-and-red object shaped like an elongated football hovering over the runway. It was described as being about four car lengths long, solid, with no doors or windows, and with no visible propellers or engines. It eventually departed in the direction of Grand Falls.

A Maine Army National Guard helicopter out of Bangor was deployed to Loring to assist in the hunt for the interloper. Several years later, UFO investigators Larry Fawcett and Barry Greenwood interviewed witnesses, including CWO Bernard Poulin, a helicopter crew member.

Poulin said radar “was not painting the object that was being reported” by ground troops who had directed his chopper to locations where they were seeing the unauthorized aircraft. Observers aboard the helicopter never could spot the intruder.

Questions and speculation abound to this day. Was it an unannounced test of base security by SAC headquarters? A probe by an unfriendly force? Or (cue the ominous background music) was it a bona fide Unidentified Flying Object of the extraterrestrial upper-case kind, rather than a more earthly unidentified flying object, lower-case version?

Three decades after the event and 15 years after Loring was shuttered, is the incident still considered by the government to be too hot for the public to handle? If so, why?

On the Web site, the son of a former security policeman on duty at the weapons storage area the night of the first sighting wrote that his father, mesmerized, had been watching the hovering aircraft as 42nd Bomb Wing commander, Col. Robert E. Chapman, arrived on the scene.

“He asked my father what the hell was going on, and why he hadn’t called this in to the tower,” the son wrote. “My father’s response was that he had called the tower and they had told him he was full of [bleep], and they wouldn’t [alert] the wing commander because, as they saw it, there was nothing there.”

The colonel contacted the tower and asked the noncommissioned officer on duty to verify the light that the colonel was seeing. The NCO insisted he could see nothing out of the ordinary.

The commander then reportedly told the man, “If the eagle on my shoulder sees that light, then those stripes on your damned sleeve better see it, as well.”

The tower guy quickly replied that he could now clearly see the light.

The answer, authentic or not, endures. So, too, the questions.

Note: Loring Air Force Base (AFB) was a United States Air Force base in the town of Limestone, Aroostook County, in the state of Maine. Loring AFB was the largest base of the United States Air Force’s Strategic Air Command during its existence, until it was transferred to the newly-created Air Combat Command in 1992. (wikipedia) NOTE: The above image is CGI.










Over a period of about three weeks in October and November of 1975, several Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases in the northern tier states were placed on a high priority (Security Option 3) alert because of repeated intrusions of unidentified aircraft flying at low altitude over atomic weapons storage areas.

The Commander-in-Chief of North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) sent a four-part message to NORAD units on November 11, 1975 summarizing the events. See excerpts follow:

“Since 28 Oct 75 numerous reports of suspicious objects have been received at the NORAD CU; reliable military personnel at Loring AFB, Maine, Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, Malmstrom AFB, Mt, Minot AFB, ND, and Canadian Forces Station, Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada have visually sighted suspicious objects.”

On October 27-28, 1975, Staff Sgt. Danny K. Lewis, 42nd Security Police Squadron, while on duty at the munitions storage area of Loring AFB, Maine, at 7:45 p.m. saw an apparent aircraft at low altitude along the northern perimeter of the base.

Other witnesses were Sgt. Clifton W. Blakeslee and Staff Sgt. William J. Long. The craft had a red light and a pulsating white light.

A teletype message to the National Military Command Center in Washington, D.C., said: “The A/C [aircraft] definitely penetrated the LAFB [Loring Air Force Base] northern perimeter and on one occasion was within 300 yards of the munitions storage area perimeter.”

Staff Sgt. James P. Sampley, 2192nd Communications Squadron, was on duty in the control tower when he picked up the craft on radar nearing the base. He tried to make radio contact to warn the presumed aircraft that it was entering a restricted area.

The craft began to circle in the vicinity of the nuclear weapons storage area at about 150 feet altitude. When it penetrated the nuclear weapons storage area at an estimated 300 feet altitude, Lewis reported it to the command post.

The Commander of the 42nd Bomb Wing, Col. Richard E. Chapman, arrived at the weapons storage area shortly before 8:00 a.m. and security police units were ordered into the area. Security vehicles with flashing lights converged on the scene. Col. Chapman implemented a Security Option 3 alert.

At 8:45 p.m. Sgt. Grover K. Eggleston was on duty in the control tower when a call came from the command post requesting a radar track on the mysterious craft. For 40 minutes he observed the object on radar circling around, then it abruptly vanished from the screen as if it had either landed or dropped below the minimum level of radar coverage.

Witnesses observed the craft flying away toward New Brunswick. Radar tracked it again as it receded from the base until contact was lost in the vicinity of Grand Falls, 12 miles from Loring AFB.

Priority messages on the incident were sent to the National Military Command Center in Washington, D.C., the Air Force Chief of Staff, SAC headquarters, and other major commands. Loring remained on a high state of alert into the following morning.

Efforts to identify the “aircraft” through the Maine State Police, local police departments, and the Federal Aviation Administration office in Houlton, Maine, were not successful.

The next night at 7:45 p.m. a similar craft with body lights again approached the base, tracked on radar, and maneuvered around in the vicinity for more than 30 minutes.

Its speed and motions were similar to those of a helicopter. The craft would appear and disappear from view. Its lights went off and the craft reappeared over the weapons storage area at 150 feet (45 meters).

At about this time Sgt. Steven Eichner, a B-52 crew chief, Sgt. R. Jones, and other crew members spotted an unidentified red and orange object over the flight line. It looked like a “stretched out football” (cigar-shaped) and was hovering in mid-air.

As the B-52 crew watched, the lights on the object went out and it disappeared, but soon reappeared over the north end of the runway, moving in a jerky, erratic fashion.

When it stopped and hovered, Eichner and the others jumped into a truck and drove toward the object. As they turned onto the road that led to the weapons storage area, they encountered the object about 300 feet ahead hovering about five feet off the ground. Its length appeared to be equivalent to about four car lengths.

Sgt. Eichner said that it was like looking at a desert scene. “You see waves of heat rising off the desert floor. This is what I saw. There were these waves in front of the object and all the colors were blending together. The object was solid and we could not hear any noise coming from it.”

The object again was tracked on radar as it departed towards New Brunswick. And once again priority messages about the intrusion were sent to higher commands. No explanation was ever found.

On October 30, 1975, at Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, about 10:10 p.m., base personnel saw the running lights of a low-flying craft thought to be a helicopter, except that it hovered and moved up and down erratically near the base perimeter.

One white light was pointed downward and two red lights were visible near the trailing edge.

Airman Michael J. Myers, an air policeman on duty near the main gate, saw several unidentified lights near the western edge of the base. The object turned north and appeared to lose altitude.

Between 10:15 and 10:25 p.m., base security police at the back gate of Wurtsmith reported to the command post that an unidentified “helicopter” with no lights had come over the back gate and hovered at low altitude over the weapons storage area.

Radar was also tracking low-flying objects intruding into the base, and an incoming KC-135 confirmed seeing two unidentified craft that sped away each time they attempted to close in for identification.

A teletype message November 2nd from Loring Air Force Base, Maine, Office of Special Investigations (OSI) detachment to the National Military Command Center and OSI headquarters in Washington, D.C., reported another “unidentified helicopter sighted at low level over Loring AFB” over the past two nights (October 31-November 1).

It also referred to the intruder as an “unknown entity.”

Capt. Richard R. Fuhs, Operations Officer, 42nd Security Police Squadron (SPS), ” …advised that there had been three verified sightings of an unidentified A/C [aircraft] flying at low level over and in the vicinity of LAFB [Loring Air Force Base]” during this period. The initial sighting was made by Staff Sgt. Michael D. Scott, 42nd SPS, on duty at 11:14 p.m. Tech. Sgt. David E. Mott, Flight Chief, 42nd SPS, spotted the object from a position near the East Gate just past midnight, flying from east to west.

At Malmstrom AFB, Montana, November 7, 1975, electronic sensors at the Minuteman missile sites triggered an alarm indicating a breach of the K-7 site security at about 3:00 p.m.

A Sabotage Alert Team headed toward the site, and from a distance of about a mile saw a glowing orange object over the area. As they came closer they could see that it was an enormous disc, the size of a football field, whose light was illuminating the missile site.

They reported this to the launch control facility, and were ordered to proceed into the site. But they refused to do so because they were fearful of the consequences.

The object then began to rise and was picked up on NORAD radar at about 1,000 feet. Two F-106 interceptors were scrambled from Great Falls and sped toward the area, but the object continued to rise and disappeared off the radar screen at about 200,000 feet.

As noted in the NORAD Commander-in-Chief’s report cited above, the pilots were unable to obtain a visual sighting.

Later investigation established that computer codes in the missile warhead had been altered. Several other UFO sightings at the missile sites later that evening and next day were documented in military records.

During the same time period as the SAC base intrusions, civilians, police officers, military officers, and NORAD radar saw and tracked UFOs that alternately hovered and darted around at high speed at Falconbridge Air Force Station, a radar site near North Bay, Ontario, Canada.

The sightings occurred between 3:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. local time, November 11, 1975.

NORAD regional director logs obtained by Larry Fawcett and Barry Greenwood gave some indication of the events, with times expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or “Zebra” (Z) time.

1205 GMT. “Unusual sighting report” made.

1840 GMT. Jet interceptors were scrambled, airborne at 1750Z “due to unusual object sighting … UFO report from Falconbridge.”

At 0202Z on November 15, 1975, “Report sent to NCOC Surveillance, referred to Assistant Command Director Space Defense Center, and intelligence. These 3 individuals considered the report a UFO report and not an unknown track report.”

A detailed NORAD report on the incidents and a subsequent press release based on it both have been made public. Raymond E. Fowler quotes the NORAD report:

“Falconbridge reported [at 4:05 a.m.] search and height finder paints [radar targets] on an object 25 to 30 nautical miles south of the site ranging in altitude from 26,000 feet to 72,000 feet [appearing visually as like a bright star]. With binoculars, the object appeared as a 100-ft. diameter sphere and appeared to have craters [sic] around the outside…

To date, efforts by Air Guard helicopters, SAC helicopters and NORAD F-106s have failed to provide positive identification.”

On November 13, NORAD issued a press release in Sudbury, Ontario, containing essentially the same information. The press release added that, “Two F-106 aircraft of the U.S. Air Force Air National Guard’s 171st Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Selfridge ANGB [Air National Guard Base], Michigan, were scrambled; but the pilots reported no contact with the object.”

Seven Ontario police officers were among the witnesses to the UFOs that were also tracked on NORAD radar alternately hovering and darting around at high speed.

Capt. Gordon Hilchie, director of public affairs for the 22nd NORAD Region Control Center at North Bay, Ontario, acknowledged: “Yes, we saw this so-called UFO at the same time people outside were seeing it too.”

Lt. Col. Brian Wooding, Control Center Director, said: “We get quite a few UFO reports, but to my knowledge this is about the only one we’ve actually seen on radar, and the only time we’ve gone to the point of scrambling interceptors.

The jets were scrambled because the indications were there was something very evident to a large number of people, and because we did manage to get some sort of radar sighting.”

Del Kindschi, spokesman for NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs, said the UFO was tracked on radar intermittently for six hours, first spotted 25-30 miles south of the radar site.

The object zoomed from 26,000 feet to 45,000 feet, ” … stopped a while, and then moved up very quickly to 72,000 feet.” The first visual sightings were at 3:00 a.m. from Sudbury, Ontario, as brilliant lights that hovered low in the sky, then suddenly shot straight up at tremendous speed.

Addendum: On September 27, 2014, the UFO Casebook received information from an eyewitness of the events described above. Here is his account:

My name is Garel W. White, Retired USAF and now living in the Seattle Area. I don’t know if you will get this response, but over the years it has become more clear than confusing about the nature of the Wurtsmith UFO incident in October 1975.

Reading about the incident in the early years suggested I was not telling the truth until I now read that 2 UFOs were in the area and split up while being chased by a KC 135 Tanker. One shot toward Saginaw and the other found its way over to our Capehart Gate Housing Area and Motor pool and Munitions Storage.

This is where I became clear on the incident because even in your current story you key on the Capehart Housing Gate Flyover. Here is my story.

Garel W. White, Sgt, stationed at the Main Gate, Wurtsmith AFB approx. 1020 hrs.; almost ½ hour of initially being posted there for the Midnight Shift. I never really noticed the extra activity over the radio because I was busy controlling the small rush of vehicles entering the installation and was normal for that time.

I got a call on the Hot Phone from the Command Post and answered it. The Command Post asked me if I saw anything over the Lake (Lake Huron) just like that! I looked and saw a bright white light that looked similar to the Planet Venus low in the sky.

I reported that to the Command Post and they told me to keep an eye on it and they could give me no more information when I asked what was up? I thought nothing of that and continued to my duty with on-coming vehicle traffic entering the base.

Approx. 10 minutes later the Hot Phone rang again. This time I glanced up and noticed it was not the Planet Venus low in the sky. It was larger and appeared to be coming toward landfall of the Michigan shoreline. I watched it for about a few more minutes as the traffic coming on base died down and I could pay more attention to it.

I noticed another Security Police Vehicle approach with my Squadron Commander Major? I can’t remember his name but I can get it. The white light was approx. 5 miles away when the Major and I watched it approach. I noticed some red lights and a slight swooshing sound as it closed in and stopped almost centered over the Main Gate (Less than 100 feet to the right of the Main Gate) about 150 feet in the air.

It was a piercing white light; so bright you could not see behind it, around it, over it, etc. I felt it was low enough I could pick up a rock and hit it. At this time no traffic entered the base. I stepped off the platform of the Entry Control area, walked about 100 feet from the Main Gate directly under the blinding white light.

It stayed there for more than 5 minutes; whoosh, whoosh, whoosh in 3 second intervals was the only sound I heard. The Major walked over and we were both perplexed to what it was. We were both directly under it. This was for a little less than 5 minutes.

I walked back to the gate and it began to move slowly approx. 2 to 3 mph down the roadway direct line toward the flight line, about 2 miles away from the Christmas Tree Alert B-52s and Alert KC-135 Tankers, illuminating the roadway as it went until approx. 3 blocks away the light went out, then lots of radio traffic.

I don’t know where Michael Meyers was, but he did stop by and compared notes with me. The Major departed after the lights went out to the Command Post. I was told not to speak of the incident, and I didn’t until I was going to retire at Grissom AFB, INDIANA in 1990.

I told a batch of new 1st year troops of the encounter with a UFO when I was in my first 4 years of service.

They said I was pulling their leg until one of them went to his room and came back with a “TIME LIFE” Book on UFOs and listed under Malstrom AFB UFO was word for word of the UFO account except it only said Capehart Housing and not the Main Gate encounter.

I’ve sort of kept my mouth shut until 2003 when I noticed the KC-135 was chasing 2 UFOs in a story starting from Loring AFB and wound up at Malstrom AFB. (I saw the 2nd one!). Now I feel better about the whole incident. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












     The following is a statement given by Major Richard R. Shoop, Office of Chief of Tech. Engineering Division, Muroc Army Air Field, Muroc, California, statement given on 11 July 1947

      At approximately noon on 8 July 1947, my attention was called to an object in the air by Colonel Gilkey. I observed between five (5) and eight (8) miles to the North what appeared to be a thin metallic object. It appeared to be metallic because the method in which it was flying caused the sun to reflect like an apparently aluminum colored surface. The object moved from an intermediate altitude in an oscillating fashion, almost to the surface of the ground and then started climbing again. It climbed to a fairly high altitude and moved off slowly into the distance. The object appeared to be the size of a pursuit airplane but did not have the shape of a conventional plane. The time that the object was in view was approximately eight (8) minutes. This same object was seen by my wife at the same time.

     This statement was given freely and voluntarily without any threats or promises under duress. This statement consists of one (1) page, and is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have initialed all corrections deemed necessary.s/s   richard r. shoop 

NOTE: The above image is real but from another ufo sighting.











The authenticity of UFO cases is usually judged by the respectability of its reporters, especially those dealing with abductions. That being the case, the report of an extraordinary series of events from three women from Stanford, Kentucky is highly regarded.

It would be on January, 6, 1976 that Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, and Elaine Thomas would have a terrifying experience with a UFO and alien beings.

The added strength of a well-conducted investigation make this one of the most quoted events in UFO annals world-wide. This report would include not only abduction, but other validating sightings, physical evidence, animal reaction, and electromagnetic effects.

Not only was this case fully reported and researched, it was followed up on; determining the long-range effects on the health and lives of these three well-regarded women.

January 6 was Mona Stafford’s 36th birthday. She was joined by her best friends Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas to celebrate the event, and just have a friendly dinner together. The three good friends took their dinner plans to the Redwood restaurant, which was located south of Lancaster, Kentucky on U.S. 27, thirty-five miles from their hometown of Liberty.

As the three finished their dinner, they started what they thought would be a nice, pleasant drive back to their houses. Little did they know what lie in store for them in what would be a night they would never… could never forget.

As the began journey, it was 38 degrees, with a south wind of 15 mph, and a visibility of 15 miles.

Leaving the Redwood eatery at 11:15, the three women were in a jovial mood as Louise Smith sat behind the wheel of her 1967 Chevy Nova. It should be noted that none of the three had any beer or liquor to drink that night. Leaving Stanford and heading for Hustonville on Highway 78, the three suddenly see a “bright, red” object in the clear, night sky.

The sighting frightened Mona, who thought it was an airplane on fire, and heading for a crash landing. As the glowing object came closer, Smith lost control of the automobile…

Smith, Stafford, and Thomas

The little Chevy was now going 85 mph, a speed never traveled before by Smith. In a panic, she cries, “I can’t hold the car on the road.”

Mona reaches over and tries to help her, thinking that something is wrong with the steering, but she cannot control it either. The car continued its high rate of speed without deviation.

Later, Louise would state, “My foot wasn’t even on the gas pedal.” In a moment, the unknown object was frighteningly close to the Chevy. It followed from behind for a short time, then flipped on its end, coming extremely close to the driver side.

All three women would later recall the same thing. What they were looking at was an enormous, metallic, disc-shaped object with a dome on top, and a ring of red lights around its midsection. The women all saw it close enough to see a yellow, blinking light on its underbelly.

The UFO hung over the driver side of the car for a time before it moved ahead of it on the highway. As it did, a bluish-white light shot into the car, lighting up the interior of the vehicle. Later, Mrs. Smith would describe the inside of their car as being filled with “a haze like air, sort of a fog.”

In a second, all three women suffered from a burning sensation so strong that they could not open their eyes from the irritation. The last thing in the memory of Smith, Stafford, and Thomas was being backed into a pasture entrance in a “crazy manner.”

The entry was flanked on both sides by an old stone wall.

One hour and 20 minutes later, the three found themselves back in the little Chevy, again driving toward Liberty. They were shaken and tense with exposed areas of flesh; painful from the burns.

The three frightened and scared ladies finally arrived at Mrs. Smith’s home, and when they entered they noticed that the clock in the kitchen showed 1:20 A.M., confirming the trip of 35 miles had taken just over two hours. Normally it took about 45 minutes.

They immediately went to the house of their neighbor, Lowell Lee, who confirmed the time loss. Confused as to what to do next, they called the Police station. The next day, they phoned the Navy recruiting station.

Neither of the two calls afforded them any aid. The Navy station did give some of the details of the event to a Lexington TV station. The story quickly reached the press, and was given headline status. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











This UFO incident took place in 1976 over and around the Cannon Airforce Base which is located a few miles outside of Clovis New Mexico and was witnessed by a student of Journalism.

Bruce, who works for a major media outlet, witnessed the objects, and the jet aircraft that persued them, and who was fortunate to capture one of these objects on film.

A little background on Bruce around the time the incident took place: Bruce was working in the news department at Channel 3, the PBS station in Portales, New Mexico. In addition to working at the PBS station he held a couple of part time jobs with two of the local radio stations as well.

At that time money was an issue due to Bruce being a college student. Working at the different media outlets it was giving him the experience he needed for his upcoming career in Journalism. One of the overnight jobs Bruce had was in Clovis, New Mexico at KMTY FM 99.1 which was at that time one of the 100 thousand watt radio stations in the country.

First Night’s Encounter With Unknown Objects

On January 21, 1976 Bruce received a call from the radio station manager to see if he would mind working as the station was going to do some performance checks on the transmitter. Bruce would stay out at a remote location where some of the station’s equipment was located. This is how Bruce ended up at the right time, and the right place, to see the events that were about to unfold in front of him in the skies above.

A side note to this story is that Bruce was also a storm spotter for West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Bruce was given a small kit which held a pair of binoculars, a note pad and a bunch of telephone numbers that he could call if a storm was spotted coming through the area.

Bruce had spent alot of time at Cannon Airforce Base as he was in the civil air patrol. At that time his senior flight instructor had given him his primary flight lessons. Being on the base, and not in the military, Bruce had become friends with a lot of the base personnel. Since he worked at one of the local radio stations he would play requests that were called in from the base security and night maintenance. He got to know them all very well.

Bruce mentioned that Cannon was located between the University of Portales and Clovis and it was common to see the F-111’s and Aardvarks taking off from the base with full afterburners carrying out nighttime flight operations.

Bruce arrived and was sitting in his truck at the location of the transmitter. While waiting for the phone to ring in the transmitter shack he noticed a number of pin-point lights popping up in the sky which appeared to look like light-bulbs on a string. Two of them dropped downward until they reached a lower altitude, stopped and hovered. The lights were seen between his location and the Airforce Base at this time.

While watching these strange objects Bruce grabbed the pair of binoculars he had with him. He describes the two lower lights as the classic saucer shaped craft and they had a bluish glow to them with a red radiant glow on the bottom side of the craft. A small dome shape could easily be seen at the top of each of the two objects.

In his estimation he believes the objects may have been at least 30 to 50 in diameter. The two objects were hovering parallel to one another and then started to move off at a slow rate of speed in perfect formation heading towards the airforce base. Bruce said he followed them with his binoculars for approximately 15 minutes.

The objects flew past a number of buildings which were at the edge of the base and they proceeded to climb in altitude as to where they again looked like a small light in the clear night sky. Bruce said it looked as if the lights on, and in, the buildings were dimming due to the objects being in close proximity. Later after talking to base personnel, this proved to be true, the lights had dimmed, and the objects were noticed by the base personnel.

Bruce usually carried a small camera with him but on this day he had not brought it with him.

Bruce called the station as he was excited to talk about what he had just witnessed. Some of the other people at the station had also been watching the events unfold that night. Through Channel 3’s connections they heard that the objects were widely seen by many that night and by the state police. An article was written on the objects seen that January.

Second Night’s Encounter With Unknown Objects.

The next evening Bruce had gathered together a few people from the newsroom. Since Bruce was staying in a dorm on campus he knew a good number of folks on campus. He was able to get the keys for the door to the roof so Bruce and his friends could sit up on top of the building’s roof to watch the skies just in case something should return. Although a cool night the group stood watching. This time Bruce did bring the camera.

At approximately 12:45 a.m. four objects dropped down from the night sky and started darting around. (This is where Bruce was finally able to capture an image of one of the crafts on black and white film.) As the people observed the objects, the Airforce Base had scrambled the F-111’s jet fighters out of Cannon.

The jet aircraft began trying to intercept the objects. As the aircraft got close to the vicinity of the unknown objects, the objects, at an incredible rate of speed, would shoot across the sky making 90 degree turns leaving the fighter aircraft trailing way behind as they just weren’t able to keep up with the strange craft. As the objects made unusual turns a plasma type glow could clearly be witnessed by the group of people watching the event.

The cat and mouse chase between the objects and jets went on for approximately 45 minutes. Because the witnesses were on one of the tallest buildings in Portales, New Mexico, they could clearly see the flight-line at the Base. One of the men had brought a 150 power telescope which enabled the fellows to see the objects fly at a low altitude over the flight-line. As the objects passed over the lights running down the flight line, all the lights went out.

Eventually the objects shot up and were gone in a second, or so, and the F-111’s were recalled back to the Base and landed safely.

Bruce told me that a couple days after the second night sighting of the objects a couple of the Base security personnel had called and explained how the lights went out over the entire base. Of course, Bruce was asking a lot of questions at this point.

The security officer from the Base told Bruce that everyone at the Cannon AFB were freaking out as they did not know what these objects were. Also the security officer said that the Cannon base was bringing in new light towers from a SAC base in North Dakota to place on the flight line.

The security officer told Bruce to keep an eye on the base as it would be really lit up after the new lighting was installed. A few days later the AFB was lit up brightly. Bruce talked to another military man from the base who said that the base had radar tape of the objects from both nights but certainly did not want Bruce to mention where the information came from.

Because there were others who were there who witnessed the events that took place over the Cannon Airforce Base I will be attempting to contact these witnesses to gather their reports on the event. One other important bit of information to this case is that there is a Freedom Of Information Act document to say that jet aircraft were scrambled out of the Cannon Airforce Base that evening in 1976.

Although there has been no explanation as to why, this still gives us a valuable clue that something very unusual took place that night.

Update: After Bruce went public with his story on the Jeff Rense national radio program, he and his family were threatened.

Bruce called me on July 20, 2004, after he appeared on the Jeff Rense radio program with me on Friday – July 16, 2004, when he told what he saw over the Cannon Airforce Base back in January 21, 1976. Bruce told me on the air that he had taken a black and white photograph of one of the objects that had been observed out-maneuvering the jet aircraft which were scrambled from the Cannon AFB. On July 20, 2004 at approximately 1:30 a.m. Bruce had a disturbing telephone call from an unknown person and the report on this is below.

Bruce wanted to point out to me that he does carry two cell phones with him at all times. One is for business, etc.. and the other is for personal business to keep in contact with family and close friends. He stated that no one had his private cell number as it was not listed and the only people that had this number were his wife, children, and some close friends. His children are grown up and now living on their own.

Bruce kept his cell phones on the night table. His work phone turned off, but the private phone turned on, just in case one of his children might need to contact him in case of an emergency.

As I mentioned above, it was around 1:30 a.m., Bruce and his wife had turned in for the night and were sound asleep when his cell phone started ringing. Knowing that he had his work cell phone turned off he knew it was a call from one of his children, and of course being a parent, he worried as he grabbed for the phone. Bruce answered with a hello and a voice spoke back saying,

“Mr. Bruce (last name). Bruce said there was a very professional sounding gentleman on the other end. The man said he needed to talk to him about a matter of utmost urgency! Bruce still half asleep asked the man who he was, what was this call was all about, especially at this hour of the morning. The fellow said this is about your recent radio appearance and discussion about some photographs that you took back in New Mexico.

At this point in the conversation Bruce said to the man,”you have to be kidding me,” thinking this had to be some kind of hoax, asked who was this. The man said there is no need for you to know who I am. He went on to say, “it would be in your best interest to discontinue this line of discussion and do away with those photographs. Destroy them!”

Bruce at this point is in shock about this man. He looks on the cell phone to see what phone number is displayed and it shows “number not available”. The man told Bruce that “this is no joke and ‘we’ feel that this would be in your best interest, and for the sake of your family, that all of this go away.”

Bruce told the man that if he wasn’t willing to reveal himself then the conversation would be terminated. The man then went on to tell Bruce what his children were involved in, meaning their daily activities, where they lived, etc.., what Bruce’s wife was doing, such as personal activities within the family, etc… and said that he could fax Bruce his life’s history within a few seconds. That was it, Bruce hung up and that ended the call with the stranger.

After this incident took place and some weeks had gone by, a neighbor of Bruce’s caught up with him outside one day and told him that they had been seeing alot of traffic in and out of Bruce’s property. Cars would pull up and stay for a while and then drive off. Other times the cars would pull into the driveway, stop, and men would get out and walk around the home. Then they got back into their cars and drove off. These cars that were coming and going had government license plates on them.

One other interesting fact to this story is that Bruce put together a package for me, Jeff Rense, George Filer and Peter Davenport. In this package there was a copy of the photo he had taken over the AFB. Bruce mailed out the packages to us all and not one of us have received the information. Bruce says he is going to try again and send it through a different means. I hope once I receive the material I can update this story.

So that is where this story stands right now. note: The above image is CGI.











Large triangle object/ craft emitting extremely bright light and deploying smaller lights/ objects

This sighting took place over two nights/ mornings starting on August 4th, 2020.

August 4th, 2020- 0300 hours: I witnessed a large in scale object in the sky in a Northeast position above the State Capitol building in downtown Madison Wisconsin. It was emitting an extremely bright white light that was almost difficult to stare at due to it’s intensity. The object in question was mostly stationary in the sky only varying a pattern of clockwise movement in a minute fashion, and was slowly rotating on axis. In comparison to cargo jets flying nearby it was determined to be at least 4 to 5 times the size of a large jumbo jet (example being an Airbus A380).

The object in question was not a satellite or the ISS due to it’s size, placement within the atmosphere/ sky, and contradiction to ISS flight path per NASA source.

0330: I witnessed several small lights/ lighted objects dart out of the primary object in question, they flew out in all directions toward the horizon. The object maintained a super- vibrant light emission and proximity to the aforementioned.

0400: The object began to slowly move upward in the sky and diminish in size as if moving out of the atmosphere. Just after dawn broke it was gone.

August 5th, 2020- 0300: The object in question returned, but at a much higher altitude/ further distance than the prior night, it again maintained a somewhat fixed position for a period of time though was rotating on axis more. I maintained observation as able while performing work duties.

0330: I observed the object in question intensify and diminish it’s light projection, and begin to move to higher altitude/ outward toward atmosphere, then back to previous altitude.

0400: I observed several of the smaller lights/ objects move from west to east under the primary large craft in question, then spontaneously disappear just low and east of the large object. The large object had maintained the high intensity light emission once again.

0430: The large object in question once again moved upward and outward in a moderate consistent pace out of the atmosphere until it had disappeared from physical view right around dawn breaking. NOTE: The above image is CGI











One of the most bizarre reports of unusual phenomena occurred in 1976 in the Spanish Canary Islands. Although the case features a most extraordinary description of aliens and their craft, the occurrence is extremely reliable in that it includes multiple witness reports which agreed in all aspects of the case.

The phenomenon began on the night of June 22, 1976, as residents of Tenerife, La Palma, and La Gomera began reporting the sighting of unusual lights in the sky.

These lights and their maneuvers were different from anything residents of the area had seen before. Newspaper headlines the next morning proclaimed that “thousands of people” had witnessed a “spectacular phenomena” which lasted “twenty minutes.” The most sensational aspect was the sighting of the aforementioned “sphere” occupied by strange alien beings.

Three days later, the Commanding General of the Canary Island Air Zone named an “Investigative Adjutant” to make sense of the events. His findings were forwarded by a Spanish Air Force General to journalist J. J. Benitez in 1976, and the details of the case quickly reached beyond the scope of the Islands to the outside world. Benitez’s investigation would be the basis of his book, “UFOs: Official Documents of the Spanish Government.”

The case would regain momentum in 1994, when files of the investigation were released as part of the unveiling of Spanish records, a type of “Freedom of Information” act. The 1976 report was massive, containing over one hundred pages of testimony, evaluations, drawings, and more.

The official Air Force report of the incident was headlined by depositions of fourteen witnesses. A type of standard was established with witness reliability based on social status. A doctor’s report was considered a high priority, whereas a common laborer’s report was given little, if any, weight.

In this particular case, this unfair standard did not take away from the acceptance of the facts, since all involved were in full agreement as to what they saw. The report was very detailed, and presented chronologically.

The initial report of the Canary Island UFO came from the Navy’s armed escort ship, the “Atrevida.” The ship was located off the coast of Fuerteventura Island. The ship’s captain gave a detailed report of what he and his crew observed at 9:27 P.M. on June 22.

The entire crew saw an extremely bright yellow-blue light moving from the shore in the direction of the ship, located three and a half miles at sea. Several of the crewmen at first thought they were seeing a conventional aircraft with its landing lights on. The lights soon faded, and a type of beam began to rotate, similar to a lighthouse effect.

Afterwards, an intense halo of yellow and blue could be seen from the fantastic craft. Amazingly, the crew watched the craft for a full forty minutes. The craft seemed to be playing tricks with its lights, as they constantly changed from one form to another. Even though the light show was observed for a long period of time, no signature was evident on the ship’s radar of any flying craft.

Actual transcript-Captain of Atrevida.

“At 21:27 (Z) hrs. on 22 June, we saw an intense yellowish-bluish light moving out from the shore towards our position. At first we thought it was an aircraft with its landing lights on. Then, when the light had attained a certain elevation (15 – 18 degrees), it became stationary.

The original light went out and a luminous beam from it began to rotate. It remained like this for approximately two minutes. Then an intense great halo of yellowish and bluish light developed, and remained in the same position for 40 minutes, even though the original phenomenon was no longer visible.

“Two minutes after the great halo, the light split into two parts, the smaller part being beneath, in the center of the luminous halo, where a blue cloud appeared and the part from which the bluish nucleus had come, vanished. The upper part began to climb in a spiral, rapid and irregular, and finally vanished.

None of these movements affected the initial circular halo in any way, which remained just the same the whole time, its glow lighting up parts of the land and the ocean, from which we could deduce that the phenomenon was not very far away from us, but was close.”

Only a few minutes later, this same object was seen by residents of Canary Island proper. The bulk of the sightings were by citizens of three villages; Galdar, Las Rosas, and Agaete. A cross section of professions were involved; medical doctor, schoolteacher, farmer, taxi driver, and housewife, among others.

A thorough search of records by the Investigator Adjutant determined that there were no reports of “aerial traffic or military exercises at the time of the reports” that could possibly account for the sightings of the unknown object . The Adjutant, for the sake of clarity, divided the investigation into two different categories.

One was the larger craft observed by ship crewmen and others, and the second the smaller globe with the aliens aboard. By his own admission, and consistent with human nature, the Adjutant had no problem believing the reports of the larger craft, but had reservations accepting the orb since occupants were observed which were not consistent with human beings.

The Investigator General’s last word on the subject was: “The fact that a very strange and peculiar aerial phenomena occurred on the night of 22 June is a true and proven fact, as incredible as its behavior and conditions may seem.”

The incredible account of the sphere was submitted by Doctor Francisco Padron Leon, who lived in the city of Guia. His report is the most voluminous of the entire investigation. His background was thoroughly investigated, and he was found to be an upstanding, sane professional, whose word was considered truthful.

Padron had been summoned to make a house call, and commissioned a cab to take him to the location; the town of Las Rosas. As they rode along, the doctor and cab driver were engaged in light conversation. Suddenly, the car lights pointed out a slightly luminous object in the shape of a sphere.

The object was either landed, or hovering just above the ground. The object was made of a totally transparent and crystalline-like material. The doctor and driver both observed stars through the sphere. The object was bluish in color, with a radius of about 100 feet. The lower part of the orb contained a platform of aluminum-like material with three consoles. At each side of the center there were two huge figures from eight to ten feet tall. They were dressed in red, and always faced each other.

The beings were humanoid in shape, with large heads covered with a type of helmet. The doctor, hardly believing his own eyes, asked for confirmation from his cab driver.

“Are you seeing what I am?” he asked.

The driver exclaimed, “My God! What is that?”

The cab was only a short distance from the patient’s house, and upon arriving, the doctor observed a type of bluish smoke coming from a tube rising through the center of the object.

The doctor stated:

“We were talking about hunting… as we entered the last part of the road, the car lights pointed at a slightly luminous sphere that was stationary and very close to the ground, although I can’t say for sure if it was touching it.

It was made of a totally transparent and crystalline-like material, since it was possible to see through it the stars in the sky; it had an electric blue color but tenuous, without dazzling; it had a radius of about 30 m. [100 ft.], and in the lower third of the sphere you could see a platform of aluminum-like color as if made of metal, and three large consoles.

At each side of the center there were two huge figures of 2.50 to 3 m. [8.5 to 10 ft.] tall, but no taller than 3 m. [10 ft.], dressed entirely in red and facing each other in such a way that I always saw their profile.”

“Then I observed that some kind of bluish smoke was coming out from a semi-transparent central tube in the sphere, covering the periphery of the sphere’s interior without leaking outside at any moment.

Then the sphere began to grow and grow until it became huge like a 20-story house, but the platform and the crew remained the same size; it rose slowly and majestically and it seems I heard a very tenuous whistling.”

The sphere grew to an enormous size as it began to ascend into the sky. The doctor ran into the house, and told the family about what he had seen. Running outside, they observed the orb, which was now extremely high in the sky. It reached an enormous speed, accelerating toward Tenerfie.

Finally it dissolved into a smaller size, and disappeared. Another witness, a lady who was a relative of the patient, was watching television when suddenly the screen went blank, and her dogs began to bark outside. Running to a window, she saw the doctor’s cab, and the blue sphere above it. She also noted that the sphere was transparent, with two beings inside. Shocked, she closed the windows and doors, and began to pray.

Map of Area

There were several other sightings of a similar nature throughout the year of 1976 on the Island. The final “official” report was ambiguous at best.

The observance of the craft by all who saw it was accepted as genuine, although no “earthly” explanation was offered for its unique look and behavior.

On the other hand, although the witnesses of the smaller orb with aliens were classified as totally reliable, the actual presence of the beings was questioned. In other words, the witnesses were telling the truth, but what they saw was too far fetched to believe.

No other explanation was forthcoming on an official level, and the Canary Island phenomenon remains today as an authentic, well documented sighting of an unidentified flying craft with occupants.











An extremely compelling case of an invading UFO occurred in Tehran, Iran in September of 1976. On the 19th, the Air Force of Iran began receiving calls from local citizens reporting an unusual, unidentifiable object in the skies.

The Air Force duty officer called the Assistant Deputy Commnder of Operations informing him of the situation, and asking for guidance in how to handle the situation. He knew there were no planes flying at the time that could account for the strange reports.

At first Yousefit thought the edgy citizens were seeing just stars or the planet Venus, but after even more inquiries, he decided to look for himself.

As he checked out the unknown object, he knew immediately that it was no star. It was much larger and brighter. He made the decision to scramble an F-4 jet from Shahrokhi Air Force Base to get a closer look at the unusual object. The plane left the runway at approximately 1:30 AM to intercept the UFO.

The plane sped toward the large, bright unknown which lay some 70 miles north of them. About half-way there, the plane began to experience communication problems.

Instrumentation was also faulty, so the pilot dropped off course, heading back to Shahrokhi. As the F-4 changed course, instrumentation and communication was suddenly restored.

Had the UFO compromised the plane’s functions as it approached, and then allowed them again as the plane dropped from its course?

Another F-4 left the air base, attempting to identify the UFO. As the second jet approached the UFO, they made radar contact. Crew members stated that the size of the radar return was similar to that of a 707 jet. The actual size of the object was impossible to determine visually because of the brilliance of the glowing object.

The jet drew nearer to the UFO.

For a time, the F-4 bridged the distance between itself and the UFO, but even flying above Mach 1, the UFO suddenly shot away from the F-4. This incredible burst of speed was confirmed by the plane’s radar and also visually.

The pilot of the F-4 was not able to gain any ground on the UFO, but managed to pace it as they sped through the skies.

The crew of the plane would later say that the UFO had strobing lights arranged rectangularly. The lights alternated from red, blue, green, and orange in color. The plane’s crew was astonished to see another, smaller object emerge from the large UFO. The plane and UFO were now flying south of Tehran.

The smaller object made a bee-line to the F-4 moving at incredible speeds.

Fearing for their very lives, the pilot aimed an AIM-9 missie at the approaching object, but just as he did, the weapons control panel went off line, and he lost all communication. The only course of action left was to dive to try to avoid a collision with the approaching UFO or weapon.

The approaching object followed the plane into its dive briefly, but then tailed off, and returned to the larger UFO. All functions were again on line as the UFO left the jet behind.

There was never an explanation for what two F-4 jets chased over the skies of Tehran.

The crew members stated that the UFO moved at incredible speeds and had the ability to disable the plane’s instrumentation. This is one of the best documented UFO / Plane chases on record. NOTE: The above image is CGI.










An unknown flying object appeared in the skies over the farm of Bill and Linda Pecha. When a power outtage occurred, Mr. Pecha went outside to see if he could find the cause.

As he walked around the corner of his home, he spotted the unknown object.

Pecha estimated the object to be 150 ft. in diameter, 20ft. in height, and was a silver-gray in color. It hovered without making a sound.

Pecha further described the object as having appendages hanging below. Tentacle-like objects could be seen coming from the object, and lights were seen coming from the UFO.

As Pecha became frightened, he ran back into the house, informed his wife of what he saw, and they watched the UFO though a window.

Soon, the object flew away. They took their children to a neighbor’s house, who also witnessed the mysterious flying craft. NOTE: The above image is the witness drawing.









Occurred : 6/29/2020 00:55 AM)

Location: BAYONNE, NJ
Shape: Triangle
Duration:<1 minute
Triangular shaped unidentified flying object with three lights at its corners hovering over the Hudson River for roughly 45 seconds.

I took a ride down to my favorite fishing spot just to see if I saw I need fish jumping this evening after I stop at Quick Chek to pick up a pack of cigarettes. I got out of my vehicle and was looking around, I decided since I didn’t see any fish I would take a look up and see what the Stars looked like this evening, I even turned on my Google Sky Map. As I was in miring Jupiter and Saturn brightly shining south of me, I turned to the east, looking towards Brooklyn. Just for reference my fishing spot is located right near cruise port Bayonne for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. From this position I have an amazing view from Staten Island to the Verrazano Bridge, all of Brooklyn oh, and the entirety of Manhattan all the way around to the Statue of Liberty and most of the Jersey City skyline.

As I was looking due east I noticed a very large triangular shaped object with three lights at each point of the triangle. It appeared to me to be at roughly 10,000 feet and moving very slow pace. I was trying to train my camera on the object my phone camera does not have enough resume ability 4 me to be able to get a clear picture it was all distorted and pixelated. For even more specificity, from my location it appeared to be above Mars by a few hundred feet. So, the long and short of it is I observed large triangular shaped object moving Eastward slowly for about 45 seconds before it basically cook off at a speed that is unimaginable to me in need Eastern Direction and that was the last I saw of it. I have lived in this town my entire life oh, and this is the first time I have ever seen what appeared to be a UFO over this town. It was absolutely incredible to see. I will never forget it! NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Hi Ken : I was in the back garden taking photographs of Jupiter which was very bright in the morning sky when I spotted something unusual that just seemed out of place. Whatever it was it appeared to be very bright at first but it seem to dull down as it moved. I zoomed in on it with my Nikon P900 camera to see what it could be. I could now see that it was an object that was round in appearance with an inner circle that glowed a golden colour. I thought I could see something moving around inside the inner circle part of the object so I immediately took some photographs. I took four photographs in total and then continued to watch as the object ascended into the sky and slowly disappeared from view. I have witnessed many UFOs with this appearance over the years and I call them centered type UFOs.

This year I have seen a real increase in UFO activity around this area of Devon and now that the U.S. government has admitted that UFOs are real and not fictitious, I believe that it is the right time for the British government to stand up and take the lead in disclosing the truth to the world about the presence of alien crafts in our skies. I firmly believe 2020 should be the year for disclosure. We are definitely not alone in the universe. The photographs were taken at 2:10 AM ON the 8th of ‎August ‎2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.

John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for World UFO Photos. His web site is on the right of this page.