 Two or three nights prior to the incident, my friend (I’ll call her “A”) and I drove to pick up her niece from her boyfriend’s house. I drove my car. We picked up the niece and on the way home, “A” suggested we take another back road that was a shorter route. This particular route was done a lonely country road through a very rural farming community. We approached a railroad crossing and just before I drove over the tracks, I saw the silhouette of an airplane flying directly above the treetops in front of us. I stopped at the stop sign to watch what I assumed was a military issued plane flying at an alarmingly low altitude (barely above the treetops). The strangest thing was, the plane’s engines weren’t running–there was no sound. I turned off the car engine and poked my head out the window to better be able to hear and I was really confused as to how this military plane could possibly be flying so low without any engines running and not crash? We all watched the plane as it flew over a patch of pine woods, until we could no longer see it. We all thought it was strange, but nonetheless, we didn’t dwell on it and we went on with the ride home without thinking any more of it. **It should be noted parenthetically that we didn’t actually see any identifiable markings on the plane that would authenticate it as being a U.S. military aircraft. I make that assumption based on the shape of the plane being consistent with other U.S. military aircraft and its dark color. TWO OR THREE DAYS LATER: My friend “A” and I are, again, in my car. We were heading out of town to look for jobs. We decided to take a back road through the woods and farmsteads, since it would connect us quicker to the highway than the normally traveled route (not the same road from a few nights earlier, but around the same area). We’d used this road before with no incident. It was a perfectly clear day, around 1:00pm or 1:30pm and the weather was warm and bright. We were both very eager to apply for jobs that day. The road we traveled was a dirt road (red clay) that cut through some very isolated terrain. To our left was a single farm house and an expansive corn field and to our right was a pine forest. We had only been driving this part of the road for about four minutes (we’d JUST passed the farm house) when I saw what looked like the same military plane flying out from over the pine woods to our right. It was AGAIN flying just a few hundred feet above the tree tops with NO SOUND. This time, I immediately stopped the car, shut off the engine and we both exited the car and stood in the middle of the road, in the middle of the day, to see just what the hell was going on. Again, we were so perplexed as to how this plane could just glide smoothly without any engines running and manage to stay at the same altitude?? The plane glided (like a hang glider) over the outer edge of the pine woods, along the edge of the road, headed in our direction. As we stood and watched, I barely noticed a flash of white somewhere over the pine wood, just on the other side of the plane. I didn’t give it any attention because I was so transfixed on this plane with strange flying habits. “A” suddenly asked, “What is THAT thing?”, to which I dismissively replied, “It’s probably a bird” (there were large white crane-like birds in the area). My friend shouts, “That’s not a *** bird!” I take my eyes off the plane to take a look at the white object (I was a little irritated that she was distracting me, while I’m trying to figure out what this plane is doing). Just as the plane veers back over the pine wood, this “thing” flies from over the tree tops, directly BENEATH the plane and out into the clear, right above us.
The plane has now disappeared over the tree tops and out of sight and we never saw it, again. It was (this is the best I can describe it) a white object that was shaped like a dumbbell or a peanut that was turned on its side, horizontally. It moved at a slow, but steady pace and in a straight line, from right to left. Since it flew just below the plane, I could tell easily, that it was about the size of a standard yellow school bus (approximately 30-35 feet long). It had no markings, no windows, no seams, no rivets, no hatches, no engines or exhaust–nothing–just a solid object, colored white, that was low enough that its appearance could be easily determined. As we watched (neither of us spoke for the next ten minutes), the object changed from a solid white to silver (like mercury) and reflections of the pine trees and corn field could be seen on its surface!!! After a few moments, the object (still moving steadily, but painfully slow) “changed color” again, this time, however, it turned “opalescent” and seemed to shimmer in hues of pastel pink, blue and white. That’s when it became completely transparent, like glass, and only a faint outline could be seen. It bears repeating that this was a perfectly clear day with not even a single cloud in the sky–not one. The object “shimmered” back into view and was again, opalescent and then, silver colored, then white, again. This pattern repeated itself for the duration of the sighting. The object has now made its way across the dirt road and over the vast corn field. All of a sudden, from the left of the sky, there was a white “cloud” (I use the term loosely, because while it had the same color and texture as a white cloud, it was smooth and almost perfectly spherical, like a cotton ball. The cloud seemed to literally appear out of nowhere. The object, still “changing color”, approached the “cloud” and entered it. The cloud and the object were roughly the same size, the “cloud” being only slightly bigger as to barely accommodate the size of the object flying into it. The object never emerged from the “cloud” and within a few seconds, the “cloud” itself just faded out of existence, as though it was never there. The sky was once again empty, clear and blue. I snapped out of the slack-jawed trance I seemed to be in and immediately knelt down and drew the peanut shaped object I witnessed, in the dirt, with my finger. My friend, now crying, said, “That’s what I saw, too”. From the time we saw the plane and stopped the car, until the time the object and the “cloud” disappeared was approximately ten minutes.
We were both effectively scared and confused by what we saw AND at the idea that whoever was flying the military plane HAD to have seen that we were watching this phenomena unfold and they might come back for us, having seen something we weren’t supposed to. We got back in the car and I drove her back home. I, too, went back home and didn’t leave my house again for almost a week. During this time, I told my aunt about the incident, just in case I suddenly went missing. Please understand, that I’m not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I a paranoid person. In fact, I would normally condescend those that claim to have encounters with UFOs or the “men in black”. After this, however, I have respect for those people. I won’t claim that what I saw was extraterrestrial because I don’t have enough information to come to that conclusion. It could’ve been some secret military weapon or experimental aircraft, for all I know. I DO know that whatever we saw, it was NOT normal and I’m pretty sure it was none of our business. I was thirty years old that summer and my friend was twenty-five. I no longer live in South Carolina, but I am still connected to this young lady via Facebook and about once a year, I send her a message asking her to remind me that I’m not insane and that we really saw what we saw. She always replies that, yes, we did see it and that no one believes her when she tells the story. Unfortunately, we did not have a camera to take pictures or video. This occurred in 2008, before the advent of the smart phone. I can’t prove to anyone else that what we saw was real, but I know it happened and so does the young lady, “A”. The events transpired as described, without any embellishments or assumptions. What you’ve read is how it happened. I’m willing to take a polygraph.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.