On the evening of 15th May 1951, the unnamed soldier was making his way back home. It was 11:20 pm and he had just finished his shift acting as a driver for QM Colonel Cousin. After leaving the car at the US base, around five miles outside of Salzburg, he began his journey home, taking a short-cut through an overgrown brush area.

There was no moon this particular evening and consequently, the abandoned patch of land was almost completely in darkness. Suddenly, he noticed a figure coming towards him. He couldn’t see much other than the general outline of the moving shape. However, it appeared that it was a person, roughly his height, and someone wearing a helmet. Before the figure reached him, it pointed something towards the soldier who heard a very audible “click” sound. He would attempt to lift his arms so that he could shield his face. When he did so, however, he realized he was completely paralyzed.

The dark figure came close and placed a strange black square on the soldier’s chest, strapping it tight around his back. When this was done, the figure walked around to the soldier’s front. It then pointed the device in his hand towards the square plate, turning and walking in the opposite direction at the same time. The soldier, as if connected by an invisible rope and still completely paralyzed, moved in sympathy with the strange figure. It appeared as though his body was completely weightless as the unseen force pulled him along.

A Room With Transparent Walls

The brushland opened out to a large field and as the soldier moved along at the mercy of this dark stranger, he noticed a round object in front of them. He continued towards the object, rising off the ground so he was above it. The figure appeared to press a sequence of buttons. Suddenly, a doorway opened out of nowhere underneath them. The humanoid went inside, and the soldier would drift in after him.

As they both floated downwards, he managed to take in more details of the strange figure. He was dressed in a black one-piece-type suit and had a white face and head. There were only holes where ears and a nose would be on a person, and its eyes were “compound like an insect’s”.

Finally, the soldier’s foot touched the floor and their descent stopped.

A quick scan of his surroundings showed he was in a transparent room as he could see the stars and the night sky through the walls and ceiling as if it were merely glass. He began to move once more, this time towards a doorway. Once he was inside, the figure clicked the device in his hand once more, and the soldier was free of whatever force had paralyzed and dragged him here. He sank to the floor in a heap. The doorway to the room shut and the room began to “shake”. It was then that he realized they were rising as he watched the ground below, through the transparent floor, become further and further away. Within a matter of minutes all around him was space aside from the Moon and the Earth below. This is an interesting detail as many other such encounters speak of “transparent walls”.

Traveling In Space

After a short while, full feeling returned to his limbs and he was able to get to his feet. Sunlight was also shining into the craft. He could now see clearly the figure who had brought him here. He might have wished he couldn’t as he would later describe his abductor as looking “like a devil”.

The creature was completely bald, as the glass helmet revealed. Its forehead was unusually large, as were its eyes. Once more the witness noted how there were “lots of little eyes within the two large eyes” and that the creature had “the eyes of a fly”. The skin was a deathly white. The black outfit had a dark, silver shine to it in the light. All the time while the soldier was taking in as much detail as he could of the strange humanoid, it didn’t look or attempt to communicate with him at all.

The round room was completely transparent aside from a large, black rectangle in the middle of the floor under the glass-like material. From each corner of this square, black beams stretched out towards the walls.

Suddenly the soldier felt the intense heat of the sun as it moved across his body. At the same time, he noticed the strange creature manipulating some levers on the wall where it stood. A “covering like blue water” covered the roof of the room (and likely the entire ship) and with it, the burning sensation immediately ceased. He glanced upwards at the roof. Although it now had a blue-liquid tint to it, it remained transparent.

He then noticed how close they were to the Moon. So close, he could see the intricate detail of the craters. As he was taking in this fascinating sight he noticed that the ship had stopped.

A Planet “Like Paradise”

After several moments he felt the movement of the craft again. He assumed they were going back down to Earth. However, he quickly realized that the Earth and the Moon were now becoming smaller and smaller in his line of sight. They were moving away from them, and fast. In what seemed no time at all, another cosmic body was quickly getting larger in their field of vision. Just as it seemed they would crash into it at full speed, the craft stopped. It then began to move downwards and towards the ground.

As they descended he took in the truly breathtaking sight of this unknown planet. Underneath them were fields of red, and of grey-green. Within these fields were several large “chimneys” seemingly purposely placed there. As the descent continued he could see that the sun was shining and the entire surroundings were lit up fantastically. The craft was heading towards one of the fields of red. The soldier could make out several bright blue rivers which ran straight and were of obvious intelligent design. He could even make out several bridges and what appeared to be roads. He would later describe the scene as looking “like paradise”.

As the craft came to rest in the red field, he noticed numerous saucer-shaped crafts, exactly the same as the one in which he was riding. He moved his focus across the entirety of the large field and quickly estimated there were hundreds of these other-worldly vehicles. They each shined different colors. Some grey, some gold, and some silver.

The craft stopped once more before dropping to the ground like a stone and at a rapid pace. Then, around twenty feet from the surface the ship positioned itself on a purposely raised platform. He would later state the planet was Mars.

Other Ships With Other Humans

Upon landing a glass door opened in the craft and the humanoid would leave heading to another ship nearby. The soldier used the device the humanoid had used to control him and managed to move outside the craft. As he scanned the scene around him, he was amazed to see other ships with humans inside them. On one there were two children. On another, he could see a man and a woman.

He turned his attention to the ground and could see the “red” were some kind of wildflower, similar to sunflowers. He could now make out patches of green underneath which he believed was grass. When he noticed his abductor returning he moved himself back inside the craft once more.

When the humanoid reentered the craft, it began to rise again. Within moments they were back in the blackness of space, traveling at untold speed. The soldier could make out a moon that resembled a “tin ball” approaching them. As it passed it, he realized it wasn’t a moon at all, but some kind of metallic spherical device. It has been suggested by investigators since that this object was some kind of alien satellite.

Several minutes later, he could see what he believed to be the Earth. Again, the craft approached the cosmic body at breakneck speed, stopping dead again once it hit the atmosphere. From there it would “glide down” towards the ground.

Upon landing the humanoid, using the device, dragged the soldier out of the ship and directed him to the spot of their meeting. It then clicked the device once more, before turning and leaving him alone. After several moments, he could see a “saucer shape” rising high up above him. He checked his watch. The whole encounter had taken only ten minutes. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com and Marcus Lowth

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