At around 6 pm on the evening of 24th January 2003, another sighting of a triangular object in the Ontario would unfold. This time in the Kingston region. The witness, who would withhold her name, would speak at length with UFO researcher and investigator, Peter Davenport. He would, incidentally, describe her as an “exceptional witness” and certainly someone with credibility.

At the time of the incident, she was driving in her car along Highway 15. She would recall how it was a particularly cold night with the skies long since darkened. However, with the music from her car’s cassette player filling the vehicle’s interior, she suddenly noticed something out of place in the sky that caught her attention.

She would describe this anomaly as “two, round, white lights” that were “much bigger than any (of the) stars”. And what’s more, the lights were heading toward her. She would quickly scan her immediate surroundings and, realizing hers was the only vehicle on the road, she would bring her speed down to around 15 miles per hour, perhaps a little less.

She brought her attention back to the object which was now significantly closer. The witness would claim the lights now appeared “like big bus headlights in the sky”. It was certainly something that she had not seen before. As she continued to watch the approaching lights, she noticed a third, smaller red light. It would “start on the inside left and blinked its way to the right”. And it would do so repeatedly. This, then, would suggest that the lights were very much attached to a much larger, solid object.

As the object continued to descend – now only several feet above the treetops – the witness would turn her car headlights to full beam. She would state she wished to “get a better look” at the approaching craft. At the same time, she brought the car to a virtual crawl along the lonely highway.

It was at this point that she could clearly see the object was a “black equilateral triangle”. What’s more, at each point of the triangle was a “large white dome light”. This would “glow”, almost in a throbbing way.

The witness would wind the window down in the car door so she could get an unobstructed view of the object. As she did so, she was indeed able to notice the underside of the object more clearly. Perhaps of more significance, though, is the direction the witness reported the object was going – towards the Kingston Mills Locks.

Once more, we have a close proximity UFO sighting which is heading toward a body of water. And what’s more, at least according to some researchers, locks are a particularly interesting place as they often disguise entrances to the inner world. We will come back to this later.

Regarding the object itself, she would recall how it was of a dark grey color, “almost shadow-like”. Perhaps of more intrigue, though, was the detail that attached to the underside of the object was a “very distinct 3-Dimensional black shape”. What’s more, this black shape had “arrow-like points” as opposed to the rounded edges of the main object. She would further describe it as being like “something out of a Star Trek movie”. The witness, though, was also questioning whether she might have stumbled under the flight path of a top-secret military aircraft. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





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