Although the exact date is unknown, an incident thought to have taken place toward the end of October 1970 is perhaps of interest to us here. What’s more, it would take place at a similar time to that which unfolded over Anten.

At around 11:30 pm on the night in question over the town of Helleland in Norway, a motorist, Reidar Salvesen would arrive home following a particularly grueling journey from a business trip as market-advisor. Along the way, he had noticed a bright, glowing light overhead. What’s more, he had an extremely close encounter with the said object. He would, however, despite the incident weighing on his mind, continue to negotiate the relatively quiet roads under the constant downpour of rain that had accompanied the arrival of evening.

Salvesen had been driving for around 6 hours. He would continue to keep the object in his sight and carried on along his route, desperate to get home.

When he did arrive home, he would go straight inside and immediately tell his wife of the incident. He would state to her that he had undergone a “strange experience” that he had no explanation for. What’s more, it was both a “frightening sight, but at the same time, fantastic”.

He would then relate the incident to his enthralled and slightly confused wife in full.

He had set off on his journey around 5:30 pm and while the journey was largely uneventful at first, he would soon notice a “dazzling light” in the skies overhead. In fact, so bright was the light that he had to stop his vehicle in order to attempt to look at it.

When he opened the car door, he noticed a bright “circular object” above the roadway. He would state how the object was completely silent and would move forward with speed before coming to a stop. It would repeat this several times. The next thing he realized, however, the object was only several feet from his vehicle.

He would reach into the open window of the car and grab his notepaper in order that he could compose a sketch of the bizarre object. Salvesen would later describe it as a “flying saucer”.

He would later state that at this stage, despite the close proximity of the incident, he was not at all afraid. He would also state that this was likely due to the fact he was overcome with a need to draw the object while it was in front of him. Because of this, he had very little time to think.

His description of the object was almost identical to many others of disc or flying saucer-shaped crafts. He would claim that there were no “doors, windows, nor hatches”. Neither were there any joints, grooves, or any type of connecting seam. The only differentiating feature of the shining metallic exterior was a part at the edge of the body that had the appearance of corrugated iron.

He would estimate, although he couldn’t be sure, that the object was close to him for around a minute. Then, without warning, it would shoot straight up into the air at great speed. The next thing he knew, he was falling to the ground, landing in a sitting position, seemingly knocked off balance by the blast of the takeoff.

As he was coming to his senses with the realization that he had fallen to the ground, he was also coming to terms with the fact he had also heard a loud “cracking” sound. When he pulled himself to his feet he could see a large crack in the front window of his car. He instinctively looked up to the sky and noticed that the disc was now nothing more than a bright, red-yellow object, similar to a “fireball”. Then, it vanished from sight.

He returned his attention to his car once more. He noticed there was broken and splintered glass on the seats and the floor. It was around this time that he realized he had cut himself when he had fallen to the ground.

Careful not to injure himself further, he returned inside his vehicle and then started the engine. After moving the vehicle to the side of the road out of the way of any oncoming traffic he would quickly sweep the seats of glass. Then, after testing the lights, brakes, and engine, he would set out on his way home. Several hours later, he would inform his wife of the incident. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





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