Pilot Giancarlo Cecconi, in his G-91R fighter is attached to the 14 Group 2nd’ Air Force Fighter Wing is returning to Treviso Air Base, Italy after having carried out a reconnaissance mission on June 18, 1979, at 11:30 AM. The Istrana radar center (TV), registers the presence of an intruder on its radar screens, and gives Cecconi directions to approach the unidentified craft that has penetrated a prohibited area. Having unused film in his aircraft cameras, the pilot activates them and approaches the UFO up to a distance of 70-80 meters and at speeds estimated at 300 knots (450-500 km. The airport ground staff follows the scene with binoculars. The Treviso Control Tower personnel call Cecconi to warn him that the object is discharging a strange “blue trail.” He is in close pursuit at 7,000 feet altitude but does not know its wake. When the Pilot closes on the object it makes up and down movements a 1,000 feet at a time, climbing up to 13,000 feet. Cecconi makes seven to eight passes close to the object and each time takes gun camera film of the UFO resulting in a total of 82 frames depicting the intruder. The apparent UFO is stationary relative to the G-91, but the radar center confirms Cecconi it is moving, course and speed defined. The pilot tries to pass (and resume) just next door, but it does not succeed because the object “appears to operate” in order to get over him in the front angled or otherwise, without the side completely set before him.
The witness recalls a “gas tank” of matte black and the presence of a small white or clear “dome” located on the upper side, of the slightly flattened object. The “dome” is like a kind of shaping or fairing like those found on sports cars. While Cecconi is making yet another tack to get back to doing another round of photographs, Istrana radar calls to report the object suddenly disappeared from theirs and other radars. After a few seconds, the Treviso control tower confirms the UFO has visually disappeared. A few minutes later, the plane lands and the films are removed and quickly developed. The pilot is very curious to see the pictures that came out well, including the white.””dome” The object is a cylindrical tank at least eight meters long (26 feet) with a maximum three in diameter suspended in the sky at thirteen thousand feet high.” The case is important because of the gun camera film, radar, and visual confirmation with several witnesses including a highly respected fighter pilot.
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS.ORG ……….. Thanks to George Filer and his Filer Files.