Viewed to North, direction of travel from east to west. Duration of observation 2-3 mins. My partner and I stepped outside to smoke a cigarette before going to bed. I noticed the super brilliant Orange/Red spherical object just over the rooftop. She also witnessed this event. Orb/object was surrounded in a conical Iridescence, possibly ionization from the atmosphere, which varied in shape aft of the object and decreased in shape and visibility further downrange to the west. Initially the object size at first sighting overhead was the size of a “BB” held at arms length. Appx Altitude was 30-40,000 feet, ceiling:Unlimited. To slow to be meteoric. To low to be a satellite. I am ruling out aircraft military/commercial and this was not an Iridium Satellite flash sighting folks…Anyone else see this? I have uploaded my Photo Shop rendering of the object and it is Spot On! NOTE: The above image is a rendering.