In the fall of 2000 I became privy to intriguing information about an Air Force veteran who was stationed at Adair Station (Corvallis, OR) in the early 1960s.  I obtained contact information for the veteran through my communication with other UFO investigators.  Through email I initiated contact with the veteran.  I later communicated with the veteran through regular mail.  The veteran said that he was asked to photograph President John Kennedy meeting with what he now knows was an alien at a secret airbase in September of 1963.  The veteran was an Air Force photographer and was flown to the secret airbase in a light aircraft.  He was accompanied by two plain clothes men in black suits. Click here to read veteran’s Air Force record obtained obtained from the Military Records Center (PDF).

Little is known about the veteran who allegedly snapped the pictures of the President shaking hands with the alien.  I did verify a few more details from the veteran about the Kennedy ET meeting through two e-mail messages and four letters. The veteran has asked to remain anonymous and has requested that I no longer contact him.  I have verified that the veteran was stationed at Adair Station in 1963 and that he was a still photographer.  I also verified all of the details of the veteran’s military career.   

The veteran related that the alleged alien was “a head taller”, than the President, wore a gray jump suit, had large black eyes, and long thin arms.  Based on the veteran’s description I estimate that the alleged alien was about 7 feet tall.  The veteran said that the airfield had a small ground crew and a tower.  The veteran said that he saw a saucer type aircraft with a ladder protruding to the ground. The mysterious letters A-TIPACIL  were on the saucer.  The veteran said that he now knows that this insignia designates a flying saucer type craft.  How he knows this is still unknown. (Recent information obtained from a Navy veteran suggests that the letters may mean “Atomic Testing in Pacific Islands.”)

He observed no other aircraft at the field.  The alleged meeting of the President with the alien lasted about 30 minutes after which the veteran was flown back to Adair Station.  He developed the pictures and the two men took all of the pictures and left.  One of the men told the veteran that this could never be told to the public.  The veteran speculated that President Kennedy wanted to tell the public and this was the reason that he was assassinated about two months later.  The veteran was told that he would be “eliminated” if he ever revealed this experience.  He says that he is very ill now and it is time to reveal this secret. 

I attempted to estimate where the secret base was located where the President met with the alien.  According to the veteran they drove 45 minutes to an airfield and then flew about 2.5 to 3 hours each way in a twin engine aircraft.  He did not know the direction of travel.  Based on this distance, I estimate that the base could have been located up to 600 air miles from Corvallis, Oregon.  Area 51 (Groom Lake, NV), Edwards Air Force Base (Southern California), and Norton Air Force Base (San Bernardino, CA) are close to 600 air miles from Corvallis.  Several witnesses (unrelated to this case) over the years have come forth with information that flying saucer type craft have been seen at these bases.  Recently a Navy veteran stated that the Kennedys owned (still own) property at Mt Madonna, California. He said that a small airport with a tower is (and was located in 1963) at Mt Madonna. Could this be the airfield mentioned by the veteran? (See map for location of Air Force bases and Mt Madonna, California.)

An investigation was made in an attempt to determine where President Kennedy was in the time period of when the veteran claimed that the “meeting” took place.  Through the Kennedy Library I was able to determine the President’s travels in the September-October, 1963 timeframe (when the veteran recalled that the event took place).  The veteran could not remember the exact date, but estimated the date from the middle of September to the middle of October, 1963.






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