December 20, 2016, at 10:45 a.m., Mr. Flores and his teen son stepped out of their Centreville townhouse and to his car for a driving lesson. As Flores was about to enter his vehicle, a bright reflective object caught his eyes from the eastern sky. The unusual craft was moving slowly on an east-southeast trajectory and seemed to have turned slightly towards his direction.   Flores: “At first I thought it was an airplane, but as it became more discernable, the object was flashing two extremely bright, circular, white lights. I also noticed it had no wings, however, I could distinctly see that it was sphere-shaped with what looked like a white tail appendage sticking out from the rear. I also noticed that the side of the object gave a brief reflection from the sun which allowed me to observe its metallic/ aluminum body…the lights continued to glow off and on randomly. At times the lights would stop glowing or emitting light for about five to seven seconds, then would glow again. I noticed that the object came to a stop as soon as a passenger airliner flew by at a lower altitude below it, as if to observe it. The object then proceeded to continue its path moving from left to right across the sky.”    His son was also observing this UAP as it slowly flew southeast, but after a few minutes, they were about to lose sight of it, so they both jumped in the car and drove a few blocks outside their neighborhood and then stopped at Stream Pond Court and Pond Field Drive to an open area where they continued their observation.

Flores: “As I continued to look up, my son and I, who had been with me the entire time, noticed that the object stopped again. Suddenly, three white or silverish-colored airplanes appeared flying from right to left, one behind the other, leaving contrails in its path. I found the timing and the order in which these large airplanes were flying (one behind the other) rather strange. The airplanes flew in the direction of the UFO and passed a few thousand feet beneath it. The UFO blinked its lights a few more times as the airplanes flew by, and then moved around in circular directions, and then slightly moved up, then down, and then it continued to glow its light for a few seconds. The light then became dimmer to the point of going out, with the object becoming more transparent, but still discernible to my eye. The object’s light would then begin to glow some more with the object becoming more materialized and then slowly changing back to its transparent form until it eventually vanished.”   Flores described the three aircrafts as being silverish white without any identifiable markings and appeared identical from one another and did hear the sound of their jet engines – also leaving behind contrails. The only photo he took was of the three planes after they flew past and after they broke formation. The sighting lasted about 45 minutes. Dulles International Airport is six miles north from his house. The UAP did not make any noise. Flores added that what he saw protruding from this metallic sphere appeared to be “moving” at some point like a tail on an animal. I asked both Mr. Flores and his son to submit   sketches of what they saw, but specifically to be in separate rooms during their drawing development without coaching each other, of which they submitted to me. His son noted on his drawing the scope of the UAP which was about the size of a children’s aspirin. Flores is a 44-year-old and works as a human resources specialist.   I emailed the local fire department (Fairfax County West Centreville Fire Station 38) which is a few blocks away, to ask if they have seen or heard reports of an unusual aerial sighting on the date of the event. I have also sent an electronic FOIA request to the FAA and will update my report when I receive any documents relating to these sightings.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.













A New Hampshire witness at Lincoln reported watching and videotaping what appeared to be an unknown object following a jet, according to testimony in Case 81792 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was outside reading on a deck at 7 p.m. on April 21, 2016, when the incident occurred. “I am told that military pilots train in the mountains around where I live and I’ve always enjoyed seeing them fly through,” the witness stated. “This happens all the time. Jets and helicopters are a common sighting. So I naturally saw the jet and did a double take, because there was something following it.”

The witness thought that the object looked strange – possibly something the military built, but not a jet.   “I knew it wasn’t a jet because it was actually right behind one. The jet it was chasing left a long contrail behind it, but the UFO did not. The UFO was gaining on the jet. No helicopter could do that. I was blown away and luckily got out my phone in time to take a video. I watched the object gaining on the jet for about 10 seconds when I lost them in the trees.”  The witness felt excited and anxious at the sighting.   “I felt I had witnessed something very hard to dismiss as a weather balloon or some obvious type of aircraft. Shortly after the jet and object left my range of sight I saw three more jets and one helicopter going the same direction (in my opinion chasing the UFO).  NOTE: The above image is CGI.




I saw a UFO…. no joke!… All I can say is wow!   I was coming home from wal-mart about 8:15 pm on rt 902.  I was driving on Buggies mountain and off to the right a police officer was dealing a person with car trouble. I came down buggies, and was on the straight away heading to Summit Hill,  it’s about 1/2 mile long before going up the hill to the house. Then I looked up and saw lights.  First let me say the road is dark, and it was snowing.  4 cars in front of me started to slow down.  The lights were blinking one after another. going round and round.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It  was a UFO!   A very big UFO, moving very slow and heading north.  Did I say it was big, so big, about 300 ft off the ground.   Then it just hug the mountain and keep moving so slow. We flew up the hill,. the other 4 cars and my self.   I came home and made a few phone calls. one to 911.   It was a wow, wow night.   I never saw a UFO before.  It  was as long as my block.   NOTE: The above image is CGI.












Dr. X is 43, and the father of a small son. Before stepping on a mine during the Algerian War, he was a gifted pianist, but the resulting paralysis of both limbs on his right side ended his piano play-ing and left him with a noticeable limp. One other fact is pertinent: three days before the episode, while Dr. X was chopping wood, the ax slipped and wounded him on the leg just above the ankle. The wound was treated imme-diately, but on the night of the 1st, he was still in pain and walked with extreme difficulty. Sometime after 3 AM on the morning of the 2nd, during a rainstorm, Dr. X was awakened by his 14-month-old son calling from his crib. In the nursery he perceived, through closed shutters, powerful flashes of light he assumed to be lightning. He gave the baby its bottle, painfully descended the stairs, and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. By then, the rain had stopped, but not the light flashes. At some point Dr. X realized he had heard no thunder. He went to the living room, opened the French windows wide, stepped out onto the ter-race, and saw, far down the valley, two identical, luminous disc-shaped objects with horizontal and vertical antennas from which the flashes of brilliant light were being emitted at one second intervals. The two discs started moving up the valley toward him, at the same time drawing nearer to one another. Amazed, Dr. X watched the “inner antennae interpenetrate each other and then disappear entirely” as the twin objects came into contact and actu-ally fused, the two discs becoming one! The single disc continued to approach Dr. X’s house until, at about 200 meters from where he stood, it stopped and remained stationary. Then a light beam emanating from the disc (which was later calculated to be approximately 140 feet long and 35 feet thick) began moving toward him. The rotation of the disc’s lower portion speeded up formi-dably, the disc tilted, and Dr. X “received the light beam, which shone all over him. At the moment when the light beam reached him he instinctively covered his face.” An instant later, Dr. X heard a bang like a firecracker and the object suddenly vanished. Badly shaken, Dr. X returned to the kitchen and made notes on what he had seen, including sketches of the discs. He then went upstairs, woke his wife, and told her what had happened. Suddenly, his wife cried out, “Your leg!” Dr. X, who was striding back and forth and talking excitedly, was no longer limping. He pulled up his pajama leg. The ax wound was completely healed. A short time later all signs of his Algerian War wound — which had re-mained unchanged for 10 years — had completely vanished. He also was able to play the piano again as well as ever.

. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





A Florida witness at St. Augustine reported watching a disc-shaped UFO hovering in the night sky before moving out over the ocean, according to testimony in Case 79397.   The witness is a MUFON Field Investigator who was taking out the trash at 9:39 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2016, when the incident began.  “It was disc-shaped, but had sharp points on the top and bot-tom. There was a larger oval, very bright, white light on the top point that blinked, not strobed. That light was so bright it hurt my eyes. Surrounding the object along its side were strobing multi-colored lights that strobed from white/blue/green/red/ yellow very quickly. They reflected off the body that seemed to be dull gray, but sometimes looked dull amber depending on the color of the lights strobing at the moment. Its speed was quite slow, slower than a slow helicopter.”  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

Thanks to www.mufon.com case files and the MUFON Journal.












10:00PM: My husband, Sam and my 5 yr. old daughter were returning to Miami after a visit to Sam’s daughter in West Palm Beach. We got off the turnpike and headed toward hwy.441. Directly in front of the car we saw a bright light hovering about 40 feet above the road. We turned left onto 441 and the light followed our car for five minutes or so before it reached a clearing. The object then shifted into a disk shape. The lights around the center were alternating blue and white and seemed to going counter-clockwise. We pulled over and observed the craft for at least fifteen minutes. It let down a silvery, luminous rope or beam of light. After a couple of minutes an “astronaut” was let down. All we were able to see of this creature was that it was very, very tall and had on a suit of some sort. The craft which made no noise slowly headed toward our car and passed over it at a distance above us of about 10 feet. I pulled myself halfway out of the window to get a better look at the underbelly which resembled the bottom of a turtle. When the UFO crossed the street it changed into a ball of light once again then changed into a star-like object, zigzagged across the road and then went straight up at an astronomical rate of speed and disappeared. I know this sounds fantastic, but my ex-husband and I were not drinking and are of sound mind. We were never able to forget or stop talking about this extraordinary event. From now on we will never be able to look at the stars in the same way. The heavens are filled with a distant mystery. We now know that UFOs, though not identified, are very real.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.












Jan. 26, 1967; Jamaica, NY
1:30 a.m. EST. Three witnesses saw an oblong or oval object, gray or silver, with a red top. On top were several protrusions, along which moved green flashes of light. The object moved in erratic flight with a swirling motion and made a “weird” noise. A dog was reported to be upset by the phenomenon (animal reaction) during the sighting. (New York NICAP Subcommittee report and letter with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files..


Jan. 26, 1967; Kirkwood, MO
5:40 a.m. CST. A woman saw a disc-shaped object that was flat on the bottom and had a rounded top (dome). A group of closely spaced red lights was visible on the bottom. The object flew straight for 5-6 seconds before disappearing. (NICAP report form.)


Jan. 26, 1967; Havre, MT
8:15 p.m. MST. A man saw a solid ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which descended, circled a mountain, and flew off. (NICAP report form.)


Jan. 26, 1967; Heidelberg, Germany
8:30 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a pulsating sound, then saw a shiny, metallic dirigible-shaped (elliptical) object; hovering over a building. As jets approached the object, it took off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4.)


Jan. 26, 1967; Near Coffeen, Illinois (BBU)

9 p.m. John Cox, Methodist minister, driving on Route 185 saw a 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top, 10 ft thick, cross the road silently 300 ft away, at low speed. (Vallée Magonia 813; Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files)











Oct. 27, 1967; Over Atlantic Ocean NE of Jacksonville, FL
3:00 a.m. EDT. The pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two pilots and a passenger on board, saw a ” bright light, then visible as six huge, round, bright-white lights in a horizontal row on a darker object (body lights). It approached on a collision course, and was seen to be a gray equilateral triangle with a triangular opening at its center. The object made an un-banked 180 degree turn, then took off and disappeared in a flash
Oct. 27, 1967; Parshall, ND
3:00 a.m. CDT (4:00 a.m. EDT). A waitress driving home saw a large, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object was low and moving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she saw 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertically from the object. Her car gave the impression of having flat tires or of having rocks hitting the bottom of the chassis. A second witness, a police officer, saw a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch which illuminated the ground. The object moved slowly with vertical oscillations, and changed color from blue to green-white. It departed vertically, disappearing in 5 seconds. [Parshall, North Dakota, is located near the (H) Hotel Flight Launch Facilities Minot AFB ICBM Complex]
Oct. 27, 1967; Max, ND
3:30 a.m. CDT. A milk truck driver reported a round, spinning red object that followed his truck for about an hour. At one point it hovered silently over his truck. Finally, as it was hovering over a field, it turned blue and raced away (color change/motion correlation). (Hall, 2001, p. 188;   MUFON UFO Journal, Oct. 1987, p. 19; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3; McDonald letter, 12/19/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 6.) [Max, ND is located in the (D) Delta Flight Launch Facilities Minot AFB Minuteman ICBM Complex]

Oct. 27, 1967; Hampshire, England
2:20 p.m. LT (10:20 a.m. EDT) A man saw a black, mushroom-shaped object being chased by two aircraft. The sound of the aircraft attracted the witness’s attention. The black object turned without banking and climbed steeply into a dark cloud (Unidentified newspaper clipping and NICAP report form.)
Oct. 27, 1967; Weston Coyney, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, England
7:15 p.m. LT (3:15 p.m. EDT). A witness saw an object dropping vertically from the sky. The object stopped about 100 feet above the ground and hovered. Its shape was like “squared off” spinning top with a dark band around the center. The top section pulsated from bright to dull orange every few seconds, while the bottom section remained a constant red. The glow from the object lit up the sky around it. A soft humming sound could be heard, and a gray “vapor trail” was visible behind it. The witness felt a cold sensation all over his body. After about 10 seconds, the object 5 accelerated and sped out of sight to the north in about 30 seconds.





Hi Ken…. I have featured on the papers website quite a lot this week and the debunkers are having a field day. Debunkers sure like to spread mockery and falsehoods about me. The fact is that alien visitation is real and so are the photographs I took and submitted.  Debunkers can’t handle the truth and that’s the bottom line. Anyway ken check this out.   It was the early hours of the morning and it was pitch black. I was outside sky watching and it was so cold and quiet. I quietly set up my equipment and just sat there waiting for something out of the ordinary to happen. Half an hour went by without seeing anything… Then all of a sudden I noticed some moving lights way off in the distance that were high up in the sky. The lights were blinking on and off and I quickly took some photographs and managed to capture these mysterious lights blinking. The lights then stopped blinking and they all came on simultaneously. The lights were very bright in intensity.  I was very excited at this point and I quickly began to zoom in on the lights to get a better look and try to figure out what the lights could be. Once I had zoomed in I could clearly see that the lights were in fact on a structured craft. The most shocking thing was that I could clearly see three aliens in this structured craft. The first alien was sat above the middle light and appeared to be looking down. It appeared that the alien was working some type of controls. The Alien to the left was looking in the direction of the first alien and seemed to be watching the first alien working the controls. The alien to the right seemed to be looking down at the town below. Then one of the aliens looked in my direction and seemed to know I was there.. with that the lights went out and the structured craft just seemed to disappeared from sight. I was left amazed by what I had just seen. I had managed to take some photographs of the alien craft. The above photographs were taken on the 29 of January 3:44 AM GMT at Newton Abbot Devon England.

The Herald Express, out of Torquay,  paper sent me some questions to answer…

(1). Firstly, how long have you been interested in UFOs and how did that interest first come about?
I have been interested in UFOs since I was young. It all started when my grandad told me how he had an encounter and missing time. He had stopped to rest after pedaling up a steep hill on his bike. He was leaning on his bike to catch his breath when a large shadow was cast over him and the ground around him. He looked up to see what could be casting such  a large shadow. He was shocked to see a large black cylindrical object that appeared to have squares in each corner. He also described it as being dirty looking like it was covered in soot. The black cylindrical object just hovered there right above him. He became paralyzed and could not move he then blacked out. He then remembered seeing the strange object start to move away while letting out a trail of vapor as it flew right over Newton Abbot and into the distance. He could not believe what he had just seen so he started to make his way home. Later on after arriving home he realized he had missing time of about an hour and knew that it should only take about ten minutes to get home. This story has intrigued me and it still does to this day. From that moment on I took a huge interest in Ufology and the paranormal. There was no internet available to the public back then so I would read books on the subject and watch TV Documentaries. But my real adventure into the unknown began back in the summer of 1993 when I had an encounter with mothman in broad daylight. This sighting took place at Buckland Newton Abbot Devon, England. This strange mothman creature had bat like wings and had no visible signs of a head on it’s body. On it’s chest there appeared to be red glowing eyes. As if this wasn’t strange enough the creature was wearing heavy looking well made black boots that had downward facing triangles on them. I could hear a whooshing sound as the wings of this creature made contact with the air. As the mothman flew over me it cast a large black shadow on the ground around me. The mothman creature flew off into the distance over the town and out of sight. I was left standing shocked, shaking and paralyzed in fear by what I had just seen. After this sighting I have been encountering UFOs and other strange phenomenon on a daily basis. I have witnessed things that should not exist. I have photographed many different types of  UFOs. I have even photographed USOs entering and leaving the sea off the English coast. I have seen and photographed flying humanoids and have encountered strange alien beings on many separate occasions.
(2). You have shared so many sightings with us over the last few months, but when and where was your first UFO sighting.
I took my first photograph of a UFO back in 2008. It was the early hours of the morning and I was watching the television when a thin beam of light suddenly came through the window and shone on the floor beside me. The beam of light then began to move along the floor back and forth as if it was searching for someone or something. The beam of light then went out. I immediately jumped up and looked out of the window. To my amazement there was an object slowly moving back and forth in the sky. The object seemed to be trying to get my attention. I immediately grabbed my camera and took a photograph of the object and then I continued to watch the object until it moved off into the distance. On inspection of the photograph the UFO appears to have an alien entity peering out from inside it. I was intrigued and found the photograph to be very interesting. since then I have gone on to take many photographs of different ariel phenomenon and have had many alien encounters. Ufology is definitely an interesting field for discovery and my adventures into the unknown continue to this day. The photograph was taken on June 11, 2008 at 3:21 AM GMT Newton Abbot Devon England.
(3). You have told us stories about encounters with aliens in the past, so obviously you believe that there are other intelligent beings out there – do you believe that they visit Earth or do you think they could be living among us?
All the encounters and UFO photographs I have submitted are true accounts and other people have witnessed many of my UFOs encounters. The alien are in their final stages of the genetic work with human DNA they have perfected their hybridization techniques and perfected there hybrid clones who now live among us and continue to go undetected. Only under certain circumstances can they be photographed and when they are photographed they exhibited very unusual characteristics indeed.
(4). A lot of people, including many of our readers are sceptical about your sightings – what would you say to someone who didn’t believe?
I believe in freedom of speech people have the right to comment in any way they please. People can be sceptical about alien visitation but it is true although you do some times need to see it to believe it.
(5). The sightings and encounters you have reported to us are all things you claim to have happened to you first hand, does it upset you that people don’t believe what has happened to you?
People I know do believe me and they have witnessed many UFOs and strange phenomena themselves. It doesn’t upset me one bit that some people don’t believe me. None of the comments posted on any off my featured articles have been intellectual.
(6). Why do you share your sightings?
I share my sightings because this is a major scientific discovery there is life in the universe and we are being engaged by many different alien species. The government covers up alien visitation with mockery and falsehoods. I myself  and all the people at Mufon believe it’s time they told the truth. The governments truth embargo has gone on for far too long and we believe that it has to end. People have the right to know that we are not alone in the universe.
(7). You seem to have experienced sightings of UFOs and indeed aliens almost weekly for the last seven months, whilst many of us will never see anything unusual in the skies above us in our lifetimes, why do you think this is?
Yes I have had weekly sightings of UFOs and other strange phenomena. I believe the main reason why I have these encounters is some how related to my encounter with mothman back in 1993. I urge everyone to look to the skies.
(8). When you sign your emails, you sign as Chief Photographer for World UFO Photos a website which thanks you as a researcher, how did you first become involved in the website?
I work for Ken Pfeifer who runs World UFO Photos.org. Ken Pfeifer is my boss and friend. I have known Ken Pfeifer for many years now and I have submitted many of my UFO photographs to him. Ken Pfeifer is the Chief Investigator for Mufon New Jersey and State Director for Mufon Vermont and Rhode Island. Ken served 16 Years in military and is a Veteran for Desert Storm (1991). Ken is also a private pilot and Ufologist.  Ken is also the Editor and Founder For


I was riding my bike to my friend’s house in the morning, I  in the summer of 1980.   It was a warm, sunshine day with no clouds, clear blue sky. I was riding on the raised dirt trail going from south to north along the Mount Anthony Union High School field on Park St in Bennington Vt. I was a little girl, in the summer of 1980 I would have been 10 or 11 years old depending on if it was before or after my summer birthday.  I stopped riding when I noticed a quiet, low, smoothly gliding big heavy black triangular craft over my head. Its width was wider than the road next to me.  It was as high as double the length of the telephone poles next to me. The bottom surface of the craft was smooth, looked like a very dark grey matt brushed metal. There were no windows, wheels or any type of elements attached to the bottom, the bottom was perfectly smooth. I remember when it was over my head, it emitted coldness from it. I felt the coldness on my body, especially on the back of my bare neck and arms, gave me chills. I assumed it was cold from being high in the sky recently. It was gliding so low that I couldn’t see it once it passed me beyond the trees over the horizon of the tree lines. I was perplexed and looked around to see if anyone else was noticing this, I only saw one station wagon drive on the road down below me, driving in the opposite direction of the craft and the driver didn’t seem to notice anything, the driver was just looking straight ahead with a blank look on his/her face. After the craft left, I felt odd, overly relaxed, without any thoughts traveling through my mind during the rest of my bike ride, basically spaced out.  If I remember correctly, the bike ride from my home to my friend’s house usually took about 12 minutes. At this point I was only about 2 to 3 minutes away from her home. When I got to her front door, I felt very relaxed, light headed and spaced out. She answered the door with an exasperation of where I had been, I was supposed to be at her home hours ago. She told me I told her on the phone I was leaving hours ago. And I typically would have done that, I would have left when I told her I was going to. I was confused by her confusion. She asked me if anything was wrong. I was confused, I couldn’t remember anything about my morning, past the moment I saw the craft. I couldn’t remember talking to her on the phone, I couldn’t remember leaving my home. I couldn’t remember my bike ride up to the point of seeing the craft. And up to this day, I don’t remember anything about that morning before I saw the craft.   I wasn’t so shocked by seeing the craft that it could have done that to my mind. It didn’t scare my senses out of me, it was quiet, peaceful, and smooth and it passed me by quickly enough before I couldn’t see it anymore. It didn’t scare me at all. It was as peaceful as watching a butterfly. But it was already afternoon by the time I had arrived at her home and I couldn’t understand why.
This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON.




Large, discus shaped object, silently hovering 60-70 ft AGL in front of my home. Surface smooth, & glowing orange-white.  I came out to close my garage door when I noticed an orange-white glow directly across the street from my house. I stepped to the garage doorway and saw a discus-shaped object silently hovering about 60-70 feet AGL. The object was approx 60 feet in diameter, and 20-25 feet thick from top to bottom, and the body occulted the star field and sky behind it. The distance to where the object was hovering from my house was approx. 150 feet. The front door of my house faces south (180 deg.).  The glow was not very bright, and appeared to be radiating from the surface of the object.  There were NO other anti-collision or navigation type lights as required by the FAA. The overall surface texture appeared to be smooth with no observable windows or excrescences, such as antennas, air intakes or engine cowlings.  I immediately walked into the house to get a cell phone to shoot video. I told my girlfriend about the object, as I went to the front door of the house. The garage and front door are side by side. I stepped through the door and re-acquired visual on the object, which had not moved. As I lifted the phone to begin video, the object silently accelerated away to the SW, disappearing in 1.5 seconds. There was no engine sound or rotor sounds such as a helicopter would make.   My longest time observing the object was in the garage, which lasted for 20-25 seconds. In that time I went through the momentary shock of seeing an object of this size, shape, and lack of engine noise hovering just above the power lines. Once I grasped what I was observing, I began to look at the details and structure of the object.  I have been around aircraft and aviation since I was a child, and can recognize almost any modern aircraft, including kit planes, helicopters, military aircraft (including RPV’s), and commercial jetliners. I have 2,700 hours time piloting single-engine aircraft with an instrument (IFR) rating. In my entire experience, I have NEVER observed an aircraft this shape, size, or configuration. And I have NEVER observed an aircraft silently accelerate from ZERO to what had to be multiple Mach speed and leave no sonic footprint.  There were no other aircraft nearby, overhead, or with the object. The nearest airport is KPGD ( Punta Gorda ) approx. 12 miles away to the SE. Conditions were CAVU (ceiling and visibility unlimited), with a clear star field.








article obama ufo ken pfeifer 1-26-17


It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.  After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain’s-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren’t flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.  We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he’d been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that’s sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.

We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.  I yelled to Bruce, “Holy s–t.” He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn’t intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn’t want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren’t on a collision course and we also weren’t gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.  We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.  As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of “Silly Putty,” two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.

Bruce and I just looked at each other. “Oh my God, what the f–k was that”, was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. “Nope, nothing but you,” came the response. “No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o’clock,” I replied. “No,” he repeated, “It’s a slow night. I’ve got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you’re all that’s been in it for the last hour.” Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. “So for the last say 40 minutes or so you’ve had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o’clock?” I asked. “No sir, not at your one or two o’clock, not anywhere, you’re all there is,” he assured us. A minute or so later, from over the radio came, “Air Midwest , do you want to report a UFO?” We looked at each other for a couple seconds and Bruce nodded his head. “Yes sir, we do,” I finally replied. “OK, take down this number and call when you get on the ground.”  After deplaning we called the number. “National UFO Reporting Center” said the voice from the other end. At the time I didn’t even know such a place existed, but they took collect calls from pilots and air traffic controllers. Bruce told the person on the other end of the line that we wanted to report a UFO. We were interviewed separately, first the captain and then me. When my interview was finished the man on the other end of the line said that we would never hear from him again and would never receive any additional information, this was going to be our first and only contact regarding the sighting. I asked, “Can I ask just one question, do you think we’re crazy, has anyone else ever reported something like this?”  “Oh no, you’re not crazy at all,” he replied. “This very same thing has been reported by pilots countless times.” And while neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn’t from here.  Our airline had no official UFO policy (nor did any that I ever worked for), but at the time we were both young with long and promising careers in front of us. We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren’t supposed to talk about UFOs so we swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed not to talk about our incident to any of our co-workers.  That was more than 25 years ago. Today I’m older, wiser and at the end of my career. In my last few years of flying the subject of UFOs occasionally came up in the cockpit. If it was brought up at all, it was usually by a younger, newer first officer who’d say something with much trepidation. More than a few pilots have shared their UFO stories with me, too. I’m not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, “close encounters”, alien kidnappings,… not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, “ya gotta believe”, and almost all of us do.







THANKS TO http://alien-ufo-sightings.com





Superstition Hill UFO Sighting. Summer 1997. I went camping off of Old Kane Springs Road, Borrego Springs, California, just south of Highway 78, and north of El Centro in the Anza Borrego Desert BLM lands. Arriving just before sundown to meet up with a friend who had arrived earlier in the day.  My friend carried on and on about unmarked gun metal blue jets flying very low passes at very high speed over the area since early afternoon. I did notice jets flying upon arrival but it wasn’t surprising since I knew the Navy’s proving grounds (mysteriously called Superstition Hills) was just a mile or so southeast of our campsite. You could see the chalky white hills slightly poking up from the desert floor with commercial air traffic from El Centro Airport in the background. After setting up my tent and popping a beer we enjoyed talking and watching the full moon rise from the southwest as El Centro’s plane traffic was visible to the southeast. Within 15 minutes of sundown, out of the blue, two gun metal blue F18s whizzed over us at extremely high speed and extremely low–lower than I’ve ever seen. And they came around again, criss-crossing each other in the skies at least three more times. My friend went bonkers, proclaiming he wasn’t a liar and I couldn’t argue with him. This was amazing and I ran to get my binoculars. With binoculars readily in hand I chased them around the sky as my friend frantically searched for his pair. At one point, the two jets lined up together side-by-side very low bearing southwest towards the direction of Table Mountain easily zooming directly overhead at over 400 mph. On approach, they split up and disappeared over the first set foothills. My friend was still searching for his specs as I watched, totally stunned, as a large glowing presence rising from them where the planes disappeared. I had no idea what I was witnessing as the entire side of Table Mountain lit up and then I freaked – small red orbs started to manifest below the whitish glow. As the glow grew brighter these red orbs crested the mountain in formation of a huge clock. The lights continued to rise together in a fixed circular formation until an entire ‘clock’ formation was visible. In the middle of the clock of red lights, a nebulous blob glowed brightly when all of a sudden, two smaller red lights at 4 and 7 split away and flew off in opposite directions at enormous speed, disappearing over and around Table Mountain. I surmised they were the jets I had just seen, but it was hard to tell. The shimmering red orb clock formation then rose up over the crest entirely in view and disappeared over another ridge and the lights dimmed into darkness. The hillsides went back to normal moon lit desert and I was screaming aloud that this was the wildest thing I have ever witnessed. But then it got wilder.

The strange giant ‘clock lights’ had appeared and then disappeared into the mountain landscape in less than a minute – all occurring as my friend finally found his binoculars in a futile attempt to zero on the subject of my pointers. All he could make out was the glowing mountains, but I excitedly recounted in detail what I had just seen. We relayed the experience to one another for perhaps 10 or 15 minutes as we scoured the sky and landscape with our binoculars. We got tired of looking with the binoculars and grabbed another beer to begin settling into camping, when very casually my friend suddenly pointed about in 70 degree ups towards the southerly sky and said, “what the *** is that?” I looked to where he was pointing but I couldn’t see anything. I was looking past it! The moon was full and bright and not a cloud in the sky, a billion stars, and right there about 1000 feet off the ground was an “invisible” moving object. It was very nebulous with no hard visible edges. Within or perhaps attached to it were a random arrangement of lights in varying brightness – virtually indistinguishable from stars in the sky. It was insane we could not make out the actual shape. This nebulous blob of sparkly lights appeared to about 2000 feet off the ground and about 2000 feet away – perhaps the size of a smallish blimp. It was also totally silent. We grabbed our binoculars, if you looked directly at it, it essentially disappeared into the background. You could really only see it if you looked to the side or below or above it, reminding me of how we were told to view Andromeda by looking to the side of it, allowing our peripheral vision to ascertain the galaxy. This was! clearly some form of cloaking technology, but the shape of the cloaked craft was indiscernible.  Moving extremely slowly from the northwest to the southeast, at various points it would just stop in the air, hovering silent, and discharge what appeared to be a bunch of flashbulbs going off in random order as if it was trying to blend into the sea of stars behind a full moon night sky. We continued watching this “cloaked” air machine for at least 15 minutes. It moved ever so slowly stopping at least three more times to “impersonate the night sky” light show as it moved over Superstition Hills and stopped again. We noticed at this point there were no more jets; in fact, El Centro’s plane traffic had completely stopped with only this smallish nebulous sparkly cloud in the southeastern sky. We wondered aloud if the Navy had told the airport to hold off takeoffs and landings.  We were actually getting bored of watching it through our binoculars when all of a sudden it took off like a streak of light towards the southeast edge of El Centro. It had to have moved at several hundred miles an hour – or faster – from a dead stop and then made a dead stop right at the edge of Highway 78 about a mile southeast of us. All this time is moved so slow, it was stunning how it suddenly moved and stopped so fast. While we stood there trying to process what this hovering nebulous sparkly blob thing was, it made another light show and suddenly in a blink of an eye it streaked away disappearing into the horizon towards the Yuma proving grounds. We couldn’t make any sense of it but I’ll never forget it. A minute or two later the El Centro air traffic started up again. I was a skeptic of UFO stories until this happened. Was this aliens? I don’t know but if it was, given the earlier presence of the F18s and their accompanying the ‘mother ship’ as it lifted over the mountains, the U.S. Navy is definitely in cahoots with them. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












UFO PICTURE DESCRIPTION: I was driving East on the I-40, near Flagstaff, AZ. It was approximately 2AM. It was very dark and desolate. Suddenly, the sky became very bright. My attention was drawn to the sky, North, toward Nevada. Within approximately 1000ft AGL, there appeared an enormous, energetic explosion of light, mostly blue and white, that cast down a shower of sparks, somewhat similar to en electrical surge.  The explosion seemed to create a ring-like effect, out of which, it seemed, emerged a large, oblong, glowing object. It had a blue, lazer-like appearance. The object rapidly ‘skittered’ and dashed across the sky, westward, covering at least a couple of miles (or perhaps many more) in a matter of only 5 or 6 seconds.  It seemed to leave a trail of ‘sparks’ or some kind of flaring energy. The entire event seemed to end suddenly, in another display of explosive light. The sky immediately returned to its normal state, and it was over. I felt shocked, amazed, afraid and excited, all at once, during and immediately after the event. I even wondered if I had hallucinated or imagined the entire thing because it seemed so ‘unreal.’ It was like nothing I have ever seen before, not even in movies.  I did, by chance, have my video recorder on and was able to capture the majority of the event. I later encountered another traveler who saw the event, but not with as much clarity.










JANUARY 7, 1948 ………

Near Wilmington, Ohio, is the Clinton County Air Base. At 7:35 p.m., on January 7th, the same day as the Mantell UFO chase, S/Sgt. J. P. Haag was walking near the Clinton Control Tower when he became aware of an unfamiliar point of light in the southwest. He checked the weather and noted a low velocity southwest wind was blowing. The sky to the southwest was overcast, but right overhead it was clear of clouds. He guessed the overcast height at 5,000 feet and the cloud layer some 1,000 feet thick. Seen with the naked eye the puzzling light appeared to be about five miles away and between 15,000 to 20,000 feet high. It looked to be stationary and appeared to be casting off a crimson glow that resembled a plane on fire. This possibility sent him scurrying to the control tower. Upon reaching the control room, atop the tower, he used field glasses to take a better look at the red light. A careful observation convinced him the phenomenon was not a comet or a meteor; furthermore, the light was now “dancing,” an odd straight up and down motion that occurred some three to four times. A color change from red to green, when the thing moved, was also discernible. After it stopped “bouncing” the light sped to the southwest on a course of 210 degrees. It was screened momentarily by clouds but the phenomenon could still be discerned since the rays of light it threw off were strong enough to penetrate the overcast. It paused a few moments on its way to the southwest and then it fled quickly over the horizon at 7:55 p.m. No sound was heard.

A Cpl. J. H. Hudson, on duty in the control tower, also watched with binoculars and in a signed affidavit detailed his own version of the UFO’s appearance and motion. He estimated, for example, the UFO’s nearest approach at four miles and stated that the UFO was white in color when first sighted, but soon changed to a red hue. No shape was discernible until the UFO suddenly dropped down, at which time it assumed a cone-shape with the point-end down. The dimensions of the object appeared to be some 40 X 100 feet. When it ascended, the UFO reversed its position to a point-end up, or “pyramid” configuration. The shifts of position left a green mist trailing behind. The whole UFO seemed to have a glowing aura of burning light. There was no argument among the witnesses as to the fast elevator-type motion of the UFO. One witness compared the sight to a flare being violently tossed about by a thermal air current. When compared to the stars, there was a decided difference, the object brighter and of a distant hue. T/Sgt. Le Roy Ziegler on duty in the tower basically agreed with the other, witnesses calling the UFO a “circular thing, bright and star-like, only bigger than a star.” Not sure of its exact size, he still felt it to be very large. He said he noticed red and yellow colors. Surprised at the motion he said that it: “… seemed to go up and down and side to side at what seemed to be very great speed.” He also saw a faint exhaust trail which was visible only when the UFO was moving.  Since 4:35 p.m. news of the Mantell crash had flashed over the communications network in the Kentucky/Ohio region. Control tower personnel all over were eavesdropping on official exchanges of information about the disaster. At 7:45 p.m. Patterson Operations was on the air to Olmstead Flight Service discussing the Mantell case when two air traffic observers at Lockborune Tower at Columbus, Ohio, to the southwest of Clinton, interrupted to say that something strange had appeared near their airbase and had just left the area. Godman Tower, wide-awake after the events of the afternoon, heard that remark and intervened itself over the interphone to announce they now had visual contact with something too.

And that was the “official” report however….

Sgt. Quinton Blackwell updated testimony

quintonblackwellStg. Quinton Blackwell

Over 40 years has passed since the tragic Mantell incident in 1948 Around the ’90 the old retired St. Blackwell made a video interview with the family of Mantell in a show called “Sightings” in order to bring closure to Mantell’s family in regards the circumstance of mantell’s death. This time he had a very different version of the accounts that officially were presented on the Airforce report.

Blackwell never talk with no one about the accident but is still troubled by his memories of the incident. It was his son Jackie who convinced Blackwell to talk to Mantell’s family and break the gag order imposed by the Airforce in 1948 of what really happened that day. Based on what the official Airforce report said Tommy’s(Thomas) blackout for the lack of oxygen while mistakenly on pursuit of an experimental balloon. But in the home of Blackwell the family heard a more interesting story of this key eye witness.  Blackwell recalled that when he got to the observation tower to his amusement he could see clearly with the field glasses a flying saucer, He quickly called the base operation officer to inform about what is going on. The base officer replied to Blackwell after seeing the craft “Boy you got me in trouble now, I have to call to the base commander”. Soon after, some of the generals come up to the tower for a closer look. Among other relevant information Blackwell revealed on that interview the real reason why Lt. Clements and Lt. Hammond break off pursuit of the UFO to return to base. He said that they return to base to load their weapons with live ammunition on Mantell’s orders. This command can only be given by a wingman commander when he can see a verifiable threat and permission from his superiors has to be granted.

Blackwell stated that Mantell described the object as a 200 feet across by 70-75 feet thick metallic object with observation windows on the top portion of it. And the last thing Blackwell heard from Mantell radio transmission was when Tommy said ” I will move closer to get a better look”. The Airforce said that Mantell was hallucinating due to the lack of oxygen at the time of the sighting but Blackwell stated firmly that based on his opinion Mantell was fully in control of his aircraft. Blackwell had previous experience in dealing with pilots with anoxia and Mantell did not showed any know signs at that moment of anoxia.  Blackwell revealed also the identity of three other Colonels present at the time of the event on the tower. He mentioned that once they got notice that the airplane was down they quickly vanish from the tower as they knew that an investigation will be done and they did not want to write a report on this and this kind of saucer business is not precisely “career enhancement”.

Reconstruction of what Blackweel witnessed when looking through the binoculars in the observation tower.







THANKS TO http://ufo-explorer.com




In the morning of July 13, 1959 at 05:30, Eileen Moreland turned on the milking shed light, and walked across a flat paddock surrounded by trees to bring in the small herd of cows for milking, with a torch in her hand. It was a dark morning, cold, with no wind, with a thick cloud layer estimated at 2000 feet. She then saw that there was a bright green light among the clouds, which puzzled her because it was the wrong place for the moon. When she had arrived halfway in the yards’ meadow, she saw two large green lights “like eyes”, surrounded by an orange circle, igniting in the cloud and going down quickly. The worrying green light lit all the meadow, she looked at her hands and saw that she was bathed in this green glow too and thought that she should not be here. She then ran among the cows bathed in the green light into a group of pines on the other side of the meadow and stood there to observe. 

Looking at the paddock she saw a flattish, saucer-shaped object slowly descending from about 50 feet above the ground and stop its smooth descent some 30 feet above the grass, hovering about 15 feet above a group of peach trees of 10 to 15 feet high. The ratio of height to width of the object was about 1:3, it was between 7.5 and 8 feet high and some 20 to 25 feet across. It had two circumferential rows of orange-green “jets” set into bands at the top and bottom of the main body. The jets were of brilliant orange color with greenish centers, and faded to the outside through orange to yellow. They made a faint hissing noise. They were located on metallic bands about 1.5 feet in towards the center from the upper and lower edges of the object.  The object hovered motionless about 40 yards out in the center of the paddock. When the craft stopped descending, the jets immediately shut off and reappeared at a slight angle. Each band of jets then began to counter-rotate at high speed, the top band from right to left and the bottom from left to right. The speed became so important that the bands of light became apparently continuous “like halos”. There was none of noises of a car or plane engine, instead, there was a loud humming and a hissing noise of the “jets”. The witness became apprehensive when she saw that there was a clear, glassy dome-like structure on top of the object, filled with a pure white light, the source of which was not visible itself, but seemed to arise from the center of the object. She saw that there were two figures seated one behind the other and facing the same way a little over an arm’s length apart. The two figures were dressed in almost skin-tight metallic-looking suits that crinkled and creased with each movement, and reflected the light. The figure at the rear stood up suddenly and leaned forward on his hands, as if to observe something between him and the other figure in front, possibly the brightly flickering light source. Mrs. Moreland thought that he must be a little over 5 feet in height. She could not see the face as he was not facing in her direction and the large silvered helmet covered from shoulder to shoulder. The figure then sank back to his former position while the front figure had not moved during the observation.


After a minute or two, the craft was slightly bent, the bands of jets turned off, then were re-ignited, without rotation. There was a strong hot air draught that reached Mrs. Moreland, and the craft rose vertically with its body always at a slight angle, accompanied by a very strong, almost unbearable high pitched whining sound, and it was lost from sight in the clouds. There was then a strange hot odor that Mrs. Moreland with compared with that of pepper and that thereafter was suggested to be the odor of ozone.  Eileen Moreland was so dumbfounded that she remained in the group of trees during one moment not knowing what to do. Then she decided to resume her normal tasks and gathered the cows, which had not reacted much to the object as only one or two did get up. She felt shaken a little shaken and embarrassed, not knowing at all what to make about what she had seen. She entered then the house and woke her husband, who had worked in night shift, and who did not make fun of her as she had feared, but asked her whether she had had phoned the police force or the Air Department. She told him she had not, and although she thought nobody would believe her she then phoned the police, who seemed interested. Her husband phoned the Air Force at Woodbourne.  An article about the sighting including descriptions of Mrs. Moreland was published in the Nelson Evening Mail newspaper.

It created such interest that their farm was plagued by hordes of inquisitive sightseers, with people wandering all over the property, uninvited, leaving gates open, upsetting the cows and generally creating such a nuisance that the Morelands said that if this should happen again they would not tell about it. Drawings of the craft and occupants were made. She was visited by the police and a representative of the Air Force, R. Healey, Operations Officer, and F. Simpson, a pilot, as well as an aviation engineer, D. Thynne, who requested a detailed sketch of the object. The Air Force personal indicated that residual radiation had been detected where the object was seen.  It was later noticed that the row of fruit trees beneath the position where the UFO had hovered died and had to be pulled out. On the contrary, grass in the vicinity grew much faster, becoming several times taller and much greener than grass elsewhere. After several days, Mrs. Moreland’s hands started to swell and patches of brown color developed on her face. She showed these symptoms to her doctor. The swelling gradually disappeared, but the brown patches on her face persisted much longer, with the last spot, above her right eyebrow, disappearing only six years later.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







THANKS TO http://ufo-explorer.com




At 11:00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School were just completing sports on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car was spotted.  According to the witnesses the object descended and then crossed and flew over the high school’s south-west corner, travelling in a south-easterly direction before disappearing from sight. It descended behind a group of trees and into a paddock at The Grange which was in front of the Westall State School.  During the incident a young student, Victor Zakruzny, stood to the left close to the object, three other students stood around in close proximity to the second object. A teacher and at least a dozen other students crowded along the high fence to get a view. The two objects rose up from the grass and took off, one to the west and the other flew up and orbited a small plane before flying off to the south west, with students in pursuit. The UFOs were described as about 1.5 metres in height and approximately 5.4 metres in width. Also described as being a “grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue”. It was twice the size of a family car, very round and large at the base but thinner at the top. Like an upside down saucer from a tea cup.   It was also reported that there were two other smaller craft of similar design that hovered over the dirt roadway at the front of the school, they did not land but just hovered above.  Additional reports suggest that the larger main craft which had landed in the paddock may have had some sort of problem and that the two smaller craft were there to assist it. One of the students, a girl, ran towards the craft that had landed and reached it before the other students had arrived. She was found in a collapsed and dazed state. An ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital. This student that was taken to hospital never returned to Westall High school. Her family moved out of the family home that night, never to return.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.






THANKS TO http://ufo-explorer.com




MARCH 1967   ……….. COAST OF CUBA

One day in March, 1967, the Spanish-speaking intercept operators of Detachment “A” located at Key West Naval Air Station in Florida heard Cuban air defense radar controllers report an unidentified “bogey” approaching Cuba from the northeast. The unidentified aircraft entered Cuban air space at a height of about 10,000 meters (about 33,000 feet) and sped off at nearly Mach 1 (nearly 660 mph). The Cuban airforce scrambled two MIG-21 jet fighters to intercept. The jets were guided to within five kilometers (three miles) of the UFO by Cuban ground control intercept radar personnel. The flight leader radioed that the object was a bright metallic spheroid disc with no visible markings or appendages. When a try at radio contact failed, Cuban air defense headquarters ordered the flight leader to arm his weapons and destroy the object. The leader reported his radar was locked onto the bogey and his missiles were armed and ready to engage. Seconds later, the wingman screamed to the ground controller that his leader’s jet had exploded. When he gained his composure, the wing man radioed there was no smoke or flame, that his leader’s MIG-21 had disintegrated in mid air


. Cuban radar then reported the UFO quickly accelerated and climbed above 30,000 meters (98,000 feet). At last report, it was heading south-southeast towards South America. Within hours, Personnel of the Detachment received orders to ship all tapes and pertinent data to NSA and to list the Cuban aircraft loss in squadron files as due to “equipment malfunction.” At least fifteen to twenty people in the Detachment were said to be fully informed of the incident. Presumably, the data sent to NSA included direction-finding measurements that NSA might later combine with other site’s data to triangulate the location and altitude of the MIG-21 flight paths. If the AFSS equipment in Florida was sensitive enough, the UFO could have been tracked by its reflection of the Cuban ground and airborne radar.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.






THANKS TO http://ufo-explorer.com





The sighting occurred Saturday, May 20, 1967, in an area near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada, approximately 75 kilometres north of the American border in the rocky edge of the great Canadian Shield. Stefan Michalak was an amateur geologist and had worked the area many times. In his pursuit in finding silver deposits he traveled from his home in Winnipeg to Falcon Lake to try his luck. Around 12:15 p.m while working, Michalak was startled by the cackling of some geese, who were obviously disturbed by something. He looked up and was surprised to see two cigar-shaped objects with “bumps”. The objects now clearly a disc-shaped objects descent together from the SW at an angle of 15°-20° above the horizon. One stopped 10-12 ft. above the ground; the other continued downward, and landed on the flat top of a rock outcropping 160 ft. from him.  The one in the air when departed was changing colours from a bright red to orange to grey and so on as it flew into the west, where it disappeared into the distance. Now focusing his attention to the object on the ground, Michalak saw that it, too, was turning from bright red to orange to grey, until it finally was the colour of iridescence of hot stainless steel, surrounded by a golden-hued glow. The craft had no markings. Intense purple light shone from apertures around the dome of the craft. For the next half-hour he stayed near the rock, making a sketch of the object and noting various features.

The craft was saucer-shaped, about 35 to 40 feet in diameter and approximately 8 feet high. Its upper cupola or dome was an additional three feet high. Michalak became aware of waves of warm air radiating from the craft, accompanied by the “smell of sulphur.” He also heard the whirring of what sounded like a fast electric motor, and a hissing, as if air were being taken in.  He noticed that a hatch on the side of the craft had opened. Initially, he could see nothing inside, because the light was too bright after adjusting his googles he can see like beams of purple light forming a column on the centre of the craft. Michalak approached to within 60 feet of the craft, and heard two humanlike voices, one with a higher pitch than the other. He was sure that the craft was an American experimental test vehicle, and walked closer to it, sarcastically asking, “Okay, Yankee boys, having trouble? Come on out and we’ll see what we can do about it.” When no response was heard, he tried Russian, German, Italian, French, and Ukrainian. The voices stopped. Suddenly, three panels slid over the opening, sealing it “like a camera shutter.” Michalak had noticed that the craft’s walls were about 20 in. thick, with a honeycombed look or something similar to what he described as “grate pattern”.  After the hatch closed, Michalak touched the craft with his gloved hand, burning the fingertips of his glove. The craft tilted slightly and started to spin rapidly. He was standing near a patterned ventilation or exhaust area on the craft’s side. When the craft started moving, a blast from this opening burned his upper abdomen and set his shirt and undershirt afire. He tore off the shirts and threw them to the ground, stamping out the fire. His outer shirt was almost totally burned, but he retrieved the remains of his undershirt. A hole also was burned in the front of the top of the cap he was wearing. He was left with burns on his abdomen and sickened, apparently as a result of inhalation of vapours from the machine. He looked up in time to see the craft depart like the first, and felt a rush of air as it ascended. The craft was turning orange and was clocking speed far exceeding known aircraft capability and disappeared in the direction from which it came

When the craft had left, Michalak noticed a strong smell of burning electrical circuits mixed with the original smell of sulphur. He walked over to where he had left his belongings, and saw that the needle on his compass was spinning erratically. He went back over to the landing site and immediately felt nauseous and a surge of pain from a headache. He reached the highway and requested help from a constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who was driving by. The constable refused to help. He also failed to get help at the park headquarters and went back to his motel were he stayed the night before. After several hours, he took a bus to Winnipeg. While waiting for the bus, he telephoned the Winnipeg Tribune to request assistance, asking, at the same time, he said, that they give his experience no publicity. Michalak was met by his son, who took him to hospital for medical attention. The burns on his abdomen were diagnosed as superficial, and returned home. He continued to complain of nausea, headache, offensive odour from his lungs, lack of appetite, and rapid weight loss.  Two days after the alleged event, Michalak was attended to by a personal physician, whom he had not visited since Spring 1966. The following day he was taken to hospital to be checked for radiation trauma by the hospital’s Department of Nuclear Medicine. A radiation pathologist found no evidence of the effects of radiation on the burned area, in his blood, or on his clothing. He reported that the burn was thermal. A week after his sighting MIchalak was checked in the whole-body radiation counter at an Atomic Power Installation. This counter detects and measures gamma radiation from isotopes in the body. The test showed no count above normal background. MIchalak said he lost a total of 22 lb. over the next seven days, but had regained his strength and some weight 11 days after his sighting.








THANKS TO http://ufo-explorer.com





A UFO, about 20 to 30 feet in diameter, was caught on camera hovering for around one to two minutes at approximately 60-70 feet. UFO researcher Yusuke J. Matsumura at Flying Saucer Research group in Japan had snapped a picture of the object before it was able to take off at an estimated Mach 152 in 70- degree elevation. The witness was outside his resident at 1687 Hama Isogo Ku Yokohama at around 13 minutes to 10 in the morning when the incident took place. He said that he was leaving his house to go to Tokyo when he saw a metallic flash just above his house. He managed to get his primoflex automatic – Japanese rollei automat – camera and took a picture. After hovering for a minute or two, the large UFO took off toward southeast in general direction of Tokyo Bay.





