OCTOBER 7, 2018 ……………….. SACO MAINE

My wife and I were driving home on a well traveled road. My wife was talking on the phone when I noticed what looked like a plane’s powerful head light flying low in an uncommon direction. It wasn’t in a usual flight path heading to any airport. I was driving east and the object was flying south so we would have intersected within a 30 seconds. I slow down just before it crossed my path. It stopped about 50′ – 100′ feet above the tree tops and about 100+ yards from the road. I had started to slowed down a lot to see what it was, then I pulled over to get a better look. My wife asked me what I was doing, and I told her I saw an object hovering above the trees. Excited, She yelled out if it was a UFO as I got out of the car. I told her what looked like, and it could be a UFO. I ran back about 200 feet and for a moment I saw a diamond shape craft with white & red lights at each corner and a powerful central light “beam like” pointing downward. Within seconds the lights went off and it “seemed” to vanished. The structure of the craft was obscured due to it being a flat black color, but you could see a basic structural diamond shape. Once the lights went off you could not see or hear anything. I was excited because it had been years since I had seen one that close. When I was a kid (10-12) a friend (15-16) and I saw one that had landed on the beach (low tide)in Saco, Maine at dusk. It was witnessed by many people. That one was clearly visible in shape with great detail. I have never forgotten it. A couple of years ago felt compelled to submit it your organization along with a detailed drawing. I called our friends whom we had visited earlier to tell them what I saw. I did not call anyone else. My wife was using my phone or I would have taken a picture of it.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.