A Sydney, Australia abduction experience from 1992, with biological evidence, became the subject of the world’s first DNA PCR “alien abduction” related investigation, yielding intriguing results that have suggested fascinating new lines of investigation and speculation.  Born in 1964, in Lebanon, Peter Khoury migrated to Australia in 1973. He met his future wife, Vivian in 1981, marrying in 1990. They have 2 children. What might be Peter’s first encounter with a UFO occurred in Lebanon in the summer of 1971 at age 7. He and seven other children had gone up onto the flat rooftop of his neighbor’s house to play. Peter was the last to walked through a heavy door that leads onto the roof. He then saw all his friends “frozen” like statues in front of him, while a silent egg-shaped craft hovered above.  All eight children later found themselves on the ground floor after some time had elapsed, with no memory of the intervening period.  In Sydney, during February 1988, Peter and Vivian saw a strange light doing extraordinary movements in conjunction with a beam of light effect.  A frightening and life changing alien abduction experience occurred on July 12, 1988. Khoury had lay on a bed and was overwhelmed by paralysis. A number of beings became apparent around him. One of them, a tall thin golden yellow colored being, with large black eyes, inserted a long needle like object into the side of his head. Khoury blackout.  He regained consciousness with a start and rushed into the adjoining room where he found other family members in a “switched-off” state. Rousing them, Khoury found that while they thought only some 10 minutes had passed, in reality it seemed between 1 to 2 hours had passed. An injury to his head was verified.  At that time Peter Khoury had no real context to anchor his disturbing experience. Eventually he became aware of abduction experiences and entered the UFO field to initially understand what happened to him. Eventually, frustrated with the problems and politics that plagued his association with ufology he formed a support group – the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA) during April, 1993.  Despite trying to focus on supporting others, Peter Khoury found that strange experiences had continued for him. In retrospect, the most striking one occurred on July 23, 1992, according to diary entries.  He had been recovering from head injuries received in a job site assault (he worked in the building industry in his own cement rendering business).


At about 7 am, having returned to his Sydney suburban home from the train station, after dropping off his wife, Khoury felt unwell and lay down on the bed to sleep. He awoke with a start sometime later, becoming aware of something alighting on the bed. He was shocked to see two strange women kneeling on the end of his bed.  Both were naked. One appeared Nordic and the other Asian. Aspects of their appearance were quite odd. The Nordic female had a very elongated face and a sharply point chin. Her eyes appeared to be blue and 2 to 3 times larger than normal. She had very fine wispy blonde hair that seemed to be oddly blown up. Her skin color was quite light.  The dark brown skinned Asian looking woman seemed to have almost completely black eyes. Her hair was black and set in a firm page-boy style.  Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian looking woman some sort of instruction.  What followed was quite disorientating for Khoury. The Nordic woman, who seemed to be over 6 feet tall and apparently very strong, reached forward and pulled Khoury’s head to her breast. He resisted, trying to pull away.  She did this 3 times. Finally Khoury, trying to cope with the shock and disorientating nature of this experience, bit on her nipple apparently swallowing a piece from it. The Nordic woman, although seemingly confused, did not react with any pain and nor was there any sign of blood. She seemed to convey to the other woman that this was not the way things were supposed to happen. Khoury was overcome with a coughing fit. Moments later, looking up again, he found that both women had vanished.  The coughing caused Khoury to go to the bathroom to get a drink of water. When he went to urinate he found it very painful to do so, due to, it turned out, some very fine blonde hair wrapped tightly under his foreskin. Khoury removed the hair and had the foresight to place it in a plastic sachet bag with a seal. He did that because he felt there was no way it should have been there.It was unlike his wife’s hair. Khoury concluded that something extraordinarily bizarre had just occurred and linked the 2 pieces of blonde thin hair (about 10-12 cm & 6-8 cm long) to the strange tall, blonde haired Nordic looking woman. Even though Vivian had been very supportive of him about his 1988 abduction experience, Peter refrained from telling her what occurred for about 2 weeks. She accepted it far better than Peter did, telling him it was something he has no control over and they would deal with it as best as they could.  Like many other abductees Peter Khoury has had a number of experiences. During November, 1996, while lying in bed with Vivian beside him asleep, he felt an energy presence intruding into the room. He opened his eyes. He saw what seemed to be several hooded small figures (similar to his 1988 experience) appearing to come through the mirror. As they came closer Peter experienced paralysis and felt he was being floated horizontally feet first towards the mirror.   Touching the surface of the mirror with his feet felt like he was going into water, like a change of density, not something solid. Khoury felt a sense of electrical static buzzing right through his body. He watched as the reflection of his head approached his face. As soon as they touched, he blacked out. He did not remember anything else other than waking up in the bed again.  There were other episodes in about 1994 or early 1995 involving a light burst or sound of an explosion, this being witnessed in part by Vivian. On another occasion he felt a “pins and needles” paralysis developing. He tried to wake Vivian. He was eventually after great difficulty able to touch her. She woke up and simultaneously it was “like somebody ripped the sheets off him”. Peter likened it to as if something was sucked out of him. The feeling had been engulfing him and as soon as he touched Vivian the feeling was gone.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


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