I live in Jericho, Vermont. I’m 27.  I had my entire life until the late 2000s memories and experiences involving short bluish purple skinned things in burlap-esque cloaks as well as taller thin-framed things.   I can only really describe as the stereotypical gray aliens except their skin was a sort of sand / tan color. Their eyes are huge and sort of wrap around their head a bit. As I get older, I find it harder to remember these events for some reason, especially visually, and I get a sort of mental block, a fogginess when I try. In fact, since these experiences have sort of stopped I have a hard time visualizing anything at all in my mind as far as photographic memory. I also get this feeling if I try to tell anyone in great detail about my experiences with a lot of thought (of which I pretty much never have for obvious reasons and I have told very few people,) a sort of feeling like I am not supposed to talk about these things, and a sort of feeling like I am doing something wrong. The best way I can think to describe the feeling is like when being a young child and an adult or parent is hovering over you for fear of you misbehaving or messing around with something valuable they don’t want you to break. Like when my thoughts pertain to them enough, they somehow know. In fact my mind is getting foggy every time I try to put this stuff onto here. I guess I will just put what comes into my head and the bits of experiences and memories I have the best I can here. I currently reside about a mile from the neighborhood I grew up in, the house I grew up in. Many events happened there but I have had experiences where I currently live as well. I have a memory of being a young child.  My dad and my brothers used to watch TV together until everyone fell asleep in the living room to which we’d usually be sent to bed. Sometimes he’d fall asleep first and we’d all just end up sleeping wherever we were on one of the couches or chairs.. I have this memory of waking up, seeing my dad asleep on the couch, there was no sound at all, it was like somehow the sound everywhere was just turned off. For some reason there was enough light in the house to see, a sort of grayish blue hue of light, but I knew it was night time because behind the couch where my dad was was the kitchen and there’s a window out there and it was black (the curtain behind me would have been shut.) The light not too bright but enough to see everything in the room fairly clearly. Suddenly my dad woke up, his eyes just opened and several of these short things in robes sort of walked over to him from the front entryway area. I think there were four, they surrounded him and lifted him, I can see him screaming but there’s no sound at all. I remember being feeling I should be frightened but at the same time calm despite what I saw. I couldn’t move, or didn’t move, I don’t know why. I watched as they all worked to lift him up and take him towards the front door entryway of the house (which was about 5 feet from living room.) As they were carrying him I remember him reaching out towards me as he was screaming. When he was out of sight that memory ends.
I’m really struggling to piece this together enough to put into words here. I have to stop and think hard. It’s a very strange feeling, it truly is. This is a sort of after thought that keeps coming to my head diving into this memory though: my parents have told me, specifically my mother before, that when I was very young I used to come down stairs when I was supposed to be in bed when they were watching TV (I guess I would have been sent to bed as they stayed up and watched TV more,) and in her words I seemed to be in a trance that I couldn’t easily be woken from, usually with my eyes shut or barely open and would often head for the front door. I guess they would often wake up in the morning and find me on the couch downstairs when I was supposed to have been in bed because I had been sent to bed and had gone, or to the side of my bed on the floor in my bedroom. I actually sort of remember being woken up like this… I remember my dad being upset I was out of bed and getting annoyed that I kept coming down. I would sort of just be more awake than I was. I have an extremely faint memory of trying to unlock the door in the middle of the night because I had to go outside but for why or what I don’t know. This reminds me as well of a memory I have from this age or earlier of waking up in bed because of light emanating from my closed bedroom curtain despite it being night, and just laying in bed with my blankets over my head because I felt someone or something was coming. Something bad. I remember feeling very dizzy and the room feeling like it was spinning then the light went away and I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. I don’t think I can write anymore right now I’m starting to feel nauseated and it’s getting real hard to type things out. I will try more another time. Thank you for taking my information. I still have a lot to give. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Special thanks to a new friend who finally decided to share his many experiences with me.  Much more to come in the future.