Occurred : 9/15/2009 14:30 (Entered as : 09/15/09 14:30)
Reported: 8/12/2017 1:25:01 PM 13:25
Posted: 8/17/2017
Location: Milton, FL
Shape: Disk
Duration:40-50 seconds

Silver disk with a slight dome in the center, about 20-30 feet in diameter, made no sound.

My memory on the date is the only thing that is foggy.   The sighting occurred at coordinates 30.741037, -86.987174 on Steel Bridge Rd. in Milton, FL, which is right beside Whiting Field Nas-South.

2 of my friends and I had arrived to the area in the afternoon, maybe 2-3 pm, to set up a campsite for some other friends that were joining us there later that evening. Steel Bridge Rd. itself is used mostly by the local canoe rental company as a drop off point into Blackwater River, and isn’t really a campsite per say. There must have been the off season (Fall or Spring) because the road was usually very busy with river goers, but no one was on the road that day. Seeing as we weren’t really sure about the legality of camping at the time, we had parked farther down Steel Bridge Rd. and were walking towards the river (East of where we parked) with a tent, a couple chairs, etc.

We were about by said coordinates, when I looked up to the tree line to our right and noticed what could only be described as a stereotypical flying saucer. It was fairly small only slightly larger than a car or truck, maybe roughly 20-30 ft in diameter, and silver in color. It was a disk shape, but had a slight dome in the center that could maybe have fit 2 – 3 people. It was hovering maybe 10-15 feet about the pine trees, and making NO sound whatsoever. I pointed it out to my friends and we couldn’t help but start laughing and pointing at it out of shock as it looked like nothing we had ever seen before. There was absolutely no way it could have been anything besides a ‘flying saucer.’ It was well lit outside and we could clearly see the craft as it was only 100 – 200 ft from us. As we were pointing at it, it must have noticed us as well because it went from a totally stationary position to moving towards the river, where we were also heading (Eastward). It moved under 5! mph in a seemingly straight line, staying about the treetops, and not venturing over the road. I looked down for maybe a split second (probably to see where my phone was to take a pic) and looked back up and it was already about 300 feet away. And then it was across the river and out of our sight over the tree line in a matter of a couple seconds. It was in the middle of the day so it really didn’t feel creepy to us at the time. We were more astounded than anything.

The next morning, we woke up to the sounds of “Reveille” being played on horns, and it sounded like it was coming from the east side of the river which was the direction the UFO flew (we were camping on the west bank). The Naval Air Station however was about 5 miles southwest of where we were camping. I make this note because at the time I thought the horns were just from the Naval Air Station, but as I’ve thought about it, this really doesn’t make any sense. Not only did the horns sound MUCH closer than 5 miles away, they sounded like they came in from the direction where the UFO flew, which was in the opposite direction of the base. NOTE: The above image is my CGI.