


On a cold, clear November evening in 1952, I was playing outside with my dog. I was four years old. The next thing I knew, I was up in the air in some kind of flying vehicle.  I had but one fear: Would my dog be okay down there on the ground by himself? (He was).  It is strange that I felt no fear. I was calm and curious. Today I realize this lack of fear was illogical; by most standards I should have been terrified. Was I drugged or hypnotized so as not to be frightened? I don’t know the answer.  The pilots of the small vehicle paid no attention to me. I could see only the back of their heads. One of those looked like a giant grasshopper’s head – insect-like.  Suddenly I was in a corridor of some larger place. I know now it was a larger craft. I remembered many details and specifics of my time aboard this craft during my hypnotic regression with Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle many years later. These incredible specifics are available in my book “The Transformation” on Amazon and Kindle.  However I do have conscious memories too, which have always been with me. These are memories of sitting on an Earth-like bench with a human-like man sitting a few feet away, talking to me. He might have been using telepathy, I’m not sure.  I describe him as “human but enhanced,” although I cannot define this specifically. His eyes were amber in color and seemed translucent.  As bizarre as my experience was, it is the memory of this being which haunts me, and has motivated me throughout the years.  He explained that he and his people were from Earth’s future. He told me that he and I were to be part of a project which would be important to the human race. I realize I was only four but I understood these concepts at the time, almost as if I had his understanding of them.  I remember staring at what might have been a hologram across the corridor which was surrounded by a few plants and flowers. I realize now that the swirling hologram with its pastel colors of yellow, pink, and blue might have been a mechanism to calm my mind.  There was indeed a medical procedure; this is undeniable. At some point of which I have no conscious memory, a membrane in my mouth was removed. It was the membrane between the upper lip and gums, along the line of symmetry. Many years later, a plastic surgeon confirmed to me that it looks like a laser scar. A laser in 1952?  I first noticed the scar on the outside of my mouth when I was about nine years old and experimenting with make-up. As the years went along, I asked my parents many times how and when I got it. They had no idea. I looked into dental procedures or a possible birth defect which was corrected, and into every possible mundane answer.  All of them were a resounding, No!”


The mouth is the most blood-nourished part of the body and has ideal tissue for cloning. But on the other hand, that tissue sample may have been used to cure me of childhood leukemia. I realize that I had symptoms back then which would have been tested today. Did these UFO occupants save my life or did they rob me of my DNA, or both?   Like many other abductees, I spent my entire adult life searching for answers to my childhood encounters. My second encounter took place on the shores of Eagle Lake, Ontario, in the same year. Even today there are many UFO sightings over Canadian lakes.  In adulthood, I began receiving “downloads” within my mind during the years I was teaching school. I taught for eleven years in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, and in St. Petersburg, Florida. The messages I received were about a number of coming crises and catastrophes on  Earth. These messages seemed to be from the being whom I had encountered at age four! The messages also stressed taking care of our planet and her life-forms, before it is too late.  Do I have any regrets? Should you feel sorry that these incredible experiences happened to me? Please don’t, because I would not change a thing! Yes, my encounters changed my life’s path in a number of major ways; they inspired me to learn about quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, ancient tribes and their histories, and so much more!   Because of my encounters, I was motivated to live in Kilkenny, Ireland, for five years and then to experience the Giant Rock area of the High Desert of California for two years where George van Tassel called the aliens to land in the 1950s and 1960s.  I then moved back to my native Iowa, right where my childhood encounters took place. Yes, there is plenty of flat, remote land here if the scout craft would like to land again, but what I have done with my ten acres is to establish our Star Network Animal Sanctuary and Wildlife Refuge, which has been flourishing for 19 years, helping uncounted animals in great need.  What have I concluded after being an investigator for MUFON and the Arial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) in the late 1970s, and then publishing my own books and publications for abductees and experiencers?  I believe that the primary purpose of our UFO visitors is to nudge humankind forward so as to achieve a higher level of collective consciousness. The UFO phenomenon is more about humans taking a step forward in our evolution than it is about the extraterrestrials.  I believe in the Human Future! We not only made it through these very difficult times, in the future we are respected members of the Galactic Community.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.


KEN’S NOTE.   I have been in contact with Diane Tessman for a while now and her story is very unique but typical of many alien abductions happening all over the world.  My boss George Filer, MUFON State Director, was also abducted as a child in a space craft with his friends.  Diane’s story is the tip of the iceburg .  Please go to Diane’s links for the whole story.





Diane’s website: www.earthchangepredictions.com

Diane’s email: dianetessman0@gmail.com

Diane’s newest book:  UFO AGENDA http://www.amazon.com/The-UFO-Agenda-ebook/dp/B00DUEPPJ4

THE TRANSFORMATION:  http://www.amazon.com/Transformation-Channeling-Tibus-Diane-Tessman-ebook/dp/B00IU1AVSM

