An old NASA video clip from the 1971 Apollo 15 mission which shows a flying saucer UFO — presumably an alien UFO — parked on the lunar surface apparently observing the Apollo 15 Moon landing. The footage, reportedly filmed by U.S. astronaut Jim Irwin (March 17, 1930 – August 8, 1991), as he descended to the lunar surface, is one of a series of high-speed, time-lapse videos of the Apollo 15 Moon landing in the NASA archives. One clip shows the astronaut stumbling as he descends, due to the tilting of the lunar module on uneven lunar surface which left the footpad dangling above the ground and unstable under the astronaut’s foot. A subsequent clip shows Irwin and Commander David Scott setting up filming equipment and collecting sand and rock samples. Another clip shows Irwin releasing the rover from the lunar module and Scott climbing into the rover and driving off. The particular footage of interest here is the one labeled in the NASA archives as “Journal Text: 120:06:18 2 minutes 47 seconds (Real Video Clip: 0.7 Mb or MPG Video Clip: 25 Mb).” The footage, filmed by Irwin, shows in the background what appears, according to YouTube UFO hunters Paranormal Crucible, a large flying saucer parked on the lunar surface (see video below) The approximately 2-minute extract of the original 2 minute 47 seconds clip was posted to the YouTube on April 18, 2015 and has been viewed more than 40,000 times. It employs a technique called “colorization,” purportedly to make the object of interest stand out clearly against the background. According to Paranormal Crucible, the UFO was probably observing NASA’s moon landing. “Remarkable footage has emerged of a possible flying saucer observing the Apollo 15 crew on the moon. The footage which was filmed by astronaut Jim Irwin appears to show a saucer shaped craft hovering on the lunar surface.”