AUGUST 2006 ……………….. BALAD IRAQ

I was a Marine in Iraq on a post tower at about 1am Iraq time. Two other marines were in the tower with me and we were watching the stars and talking. In iraq in the middle of the night u can see everything, it seems like u can see every star. There isnt many planes that fly at all. You see are planes and when they get lower there lights go out. Plus u can here them from very far away. We were talking when one of my marine buddies said whats that and pointed to the sky in shock. I missed it, but he said he saw a object brake apart in the sky and that when I began to watch. The now two objects were flying as if they were folowing each other. Nothing much from wat I saw at first untill they would move vertical together in the sky at the sametime, stop in one spot, and then turn to a horizontal path. This would happen many times. Then they would sort of disappear and we would look fro them in the sky and one would appear. Maybe two sec later the other would appear and be away from it and catch up and be right behind it again. They would sometimes fly apart fast and then meetup when they turn back and when they get close enough stop and then move again together. Now sometimes they would go apart from each other and start to do their own thing. Once one of the objects shot up and then made a half circle like turn and then shoot down at amazing speeds. Now we did see at least one plain go by because it seemed as if the objects were goin to fly at it. This really showed how fast they could move. These objects were as bright as the brightest star in the sky. They had a light blue look to them. Once when they were apart one of the objects was flying around when the other one shot into it and they made a bigger obeject. I would say 3 times the size of the biggest brightest star in the sky. They had like a almost flash when they came togther to be one in the sky. Not some flash in the enire sky, sort of just around them. Later after a 15-30 sec time the object broke apart to be two again. That along with this was the most amazing part of the night.


At one point when they disapeared and we were looking for the objects we saw one apear in the main area we had been looking at that night, (that area was about 45 degrees up away from us, like you were looking at stars from your roof that were away from your house not just about you) When we were looking fro the other object I saw it at the corner of my eye. I then had to turn my body to see the object. After about a few seconds it shot across the sky all the way to the main area we had been looking at in about one second. I watched it move across the sky and I had to turn my body back to the orginal spot to see that it had now stoped next to the other obeject and they begain flying together again. This all went on for about 45min. After about 25-30 min, my ssgt, my sgt and two or three other marines showed up. When we began to tell them what we were watched my ssgt started making jokes and thinking we were being stupid and just watching plains or jets. When he came up to the tower his jokes and laughs at us stopped almost the second he saw what we saw. This man never shut up so for something to leave him speachless, had to have blown his mind. He then in a serious voice asked if any of us had a camera (most the time we always had one, and he said ,”Yall always wanna record yourself doin dumb@#$%, but then something like this is in the sky and no one has one!”) We had some marines in the humvee on post below us and im sure they saw some of this along with one of the marines that was in the humvee that my ssgt showed up in. The speeds and the moves that we saw that night are impossible. The three of us in the tower, the sgt,ssgt, and two other marines that showed up, and also the marines on the ground all saw this. We are trained military personal. Some who have been on airbase and seen what jets can do and no jet can do what we saw. No jet can stop and freeze in the middle of the sky or go across the sky at the speeds we saw, plus when they came together. This all is easier to explain in person then just words.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by International Director Ken Pfeifer








Caller reported the following:
The caller reported that at 2208 hrs. (eastern), she was riding the Staten Island Ferry from the tip of Manhattan to Staten Island. Just as the ferry was passing Governor’s Island, she became aware of a commotion on the east side of the ferry boat. People were rushing to that side of the ferry, shouting, pointing, and generally raising a ruckus.  She decided to try to determine was the cause of the disturbance, and walked outside onto the passenger deck. What she saw shocked her. The object was huge, and it obscured the passengers’ view of Governor’s Island. Many of them reported that the object looked like a city, with lights and a skyline. However, its presence apparently roiled the water beneath it, causing a froth to appear on the water’s surface!!  For days afterward, the witness handed out leaflets at the ferry terminal, hoping to contact other passengers who had seen the object. Those same people approached 9-1-1 facilities, requesting copies of the tape recorded reports of the object, which was also seen from Governor’s Island, but the tapes were either missing, or not made available, they were told.  This incident apparently was VERY dramatic, and it was witnessed by dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of people. – NUFORC  NOTE: A senior medical care executive called to discuss events re 09/15/95 sighting in NYC harbor. Many other responsible witnesses found, according to NUFORC.

In the F.Y.I. section of the New York Times, dated October 24, 1999, the following information was published in reference to to a reader question “Have there been any major U.F.O. sightings around New York City in recent years?”:  According to Mr. (Peter) Davenport (NUFORC), the first occurred aboard the Staten Island Ferry on Sept. 15, just after 10 P.M. As the ferry passed Governors Island, he said, people began rushing to the port side, entranced by an object to the left, between the ferry and the island. Sylvia Mok, a Wall Street proxy manager, said she was aboard the ferry that night, and saw a blazing white light shining through the window. ”At first I thought we were passing too close to a big ocean liner, so I went outside to see,” she said. ”I look up and there’s a city floating on the sea. There is no movement of water. The city was laid out in blocks, and had buildings at one end, lit up. But no one was there. There was something insubstantial about it. It appeared to be more of a…whirling shape.”  Ms. Mok said 75 to 100 others watched the ethereal floating city from the upper deck, but only a handful of fellow passengers were willing to corroborate her account later. “Within 24 hours, doors started slamming in my face,” she said.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Hi Ken : It was a sunny day and the sky was clear so I decided to go out and do some sky watching I was hoping to capture something strange and out of the ordinary. It didn’t take me long to spot something strange and out of place… I was scanning the sky looking east when I spotted something moving in my direction. I couldn’t make it out at first but as soon as it got a bit closer  I zoomed in with my Nikon P900 camera and I could clearly see that it was in fact a flying saucer. The flying saucer was very high up in the sky and was directly above the town centre.

I quickly took a photograph and watched as the flying saucer then flew off at incredible speed heading north where by I lost sight of it. I see UFOs all the time around here day and night it really is something. I can’t wait to photograph more of them. The photograph was taken on the 18th of ‎April ‎2018, ‏‎11:39 AM at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John. 

KENS NOTE:  John Mooner is the Chief investigator and photographer for World UFO Photos in England.  He has submitted countless real alien craft photos over the years.  Apparently his area is a hot spot for alien craft and strangeness.








It was 9pm or a few minutes after and the orb passed over my neighbors home and dropped down in to right above my fence line in the back yard. I ran inside an grabbed my phone to document the event. The orb was moving very slow and was silent, I observed it changing shape and looked like it had openings it was closing, I got closer as it was almost to the end of my fence and said “no wait, come back” it changed directions and came closer to me. It hovered there for a moment and then went back to the path it was on. It almost appeared to be a life form more than a mechanical device.

I watched it continue the fence line towards the water treatment plant were it went into the trees and stopped, turned red and the light faded to dark, as it was leaving my kids arrived from church a caught a brief view of it leaving our yard.







Below the UFO the water began to chum. Mist swirled into the air. A center plume of water shot up to the bottom of the UFO. It was a waterspout. The UFO moved slowly to the left.  Ten to fifteen seconds passed while I stared at this amazing scene. Suddenly the waterspout collapsed. The UFO angled off to the left, climbed at a sharp angle, and disappeared into the hazy sky.  For years witnesses have seen many types of UFOs cruising off the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Southern California. UFOs have actually been seen to come out of the water in the San Pedro Channel. In the early seventies, my friend Jim was on the boat returning from Santa Catalina Island to San Pedro Harbor when he spotted a low, flying disk cruise silently over the channel boat. The craft was so close he could make out every detail of its structure including the four hemispherical pods on its underside.  Strange blue-green lights have been seen in the water since 1989. In 1989, and again in 1990, witnesses have seen as many as 20 events an hour. One large light appeared to be as much as 100 feet in diameter. This large light spawned babies no larger than 10 to 12 feet in length. These lights were seen to move swiftly under the ocean’s surface some 500 to 1,000 feet from the coastline in Abalone Cove. The hypothesis that these may be luminescent fish is discounted by a local marine biologist. These lights were too large and too swift to be fish. One of the lights was reported to have emerged from the water. Large numbers of dead fish are often noticed after the UFO is seen diving into or emerging from the water causing speculation that the propulsion system using high energy electrical systems kills the fish.

On one occasion on February 19, 1982, on Lake Lacar, Argentina a UFO had plunged into the lake and shortly thereafter a large number of dead fish were observed. The dead fish were sent to a laboratory and the fish’s air bladder systems had been compressed by a shock wave. The rapid movement of the UFO may have been to blame.  In 1992 a sea kayaker viewed an amazing sight off the Palos Verdes Peninsula. He was four or five miles south of Los Angeles when a waterspout suddenly formed some hundreds of yards ahead of his kayak. As he observed this spout, the forward motion of the funnel stopped, the curtain of light mist surrounding the waterspout disappeared and a rotating column of what seemed to be solid ice appeared. As the sun reflected off the rotating mass of ice crystals, it appeared to be a sight of extraordinary beauty. The height of the ice column was estimated at 100 to 150 feet. When the ice column collapsed back into the ocean, it created a whirlpool. After this amazing event, the kayaker paddled over to examine floating fragments of ice and found specimens of fish embedded in the frozen pieces.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.