Cold-War era incident that occurred in October 1982. It involved an American RC-135 spy plane that, while monitoring Soviet military operations, came under some kind of surveillance by a large, unidentified and brightly-lit aircraft. The USAF base detailed in the report was located at RAF Troodos on Cyprus, and discussed an incident involving an unidentified aircraft which lasted close to 90 minutes.This is particularly intriguing to me, as I have a story that to a degree is somewhat similar to the one which Micah refers to. It’s a case that also revolves around both U.K. and U.S. authorities. The location is the same: Cyprus. The UFO, in both cases, was described as being large. And, the case brought to my attention occurred in the summer of 1981, just one year before the case referenced by Micah. Also, both UFOs were in view for a considerable amount of time. It’s important to note that I can’t be accused of having fallen for a modern-day hoaxer, as the story was given to me years ago. In fact, it takes up three pages of my first book, A Covert Agenda, which was published way back in 1997, a full twenty years ago.For a period of time beginning in 1981, the source of the story was employed as a radar operator at a particular military facility on the island of Cyprus (RAF Akrotiri)..On August 16, an unknown vehicle, described as being vast was tracked approaching the island at a height in excess of 30,000 feet, and at a speed of around 900 miles per hour. It was initially believed that this was a conventional aircraft, although one of an undeniably extraordinary size. This tentative conclusion was quickly blown out of the water, however, when the UFO came to a complete halt in the skies hovering high above RAF Akrotiri for close to an hour. Those who saw it described it as being of a brilliant white color, triangular in form, and somewhere in the region of seven hundred feet in length.Interestingly, the informant who shared his story with me on January 12, 1993 revealed that at some point before the incident took place, the Ministry of Defense had issued what was described to me as a complete stand-down of military planes in the area, in the event that something both unusual and extraordinary might be seen in the sky which it certainly was. Reportedly, a huge amount of photographs of the object were secured. They, and the station’s log-book, were handed over the next day to a man and a woman from the Ministry of Defense, and who had flown in from London. All those involved in the curious affair were reminded they had signed the British Government’s Official Secrets Act..It’s interesting to note that, soon after, according to the informant, a meeting was held at a U.K. military facility called Royal Air Force Lakenheath, located in the English county of Suffolk. Those who attended the classified meeting, specifically to discuss the event, included representatives of the British Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations.There’s no doubt that the most baffling part of the story revolves around the claim that the MoD seemed to have prior knowledge that the UFO would appear in the skies over Cyprus. In light of this, I asked the guy who who related the story to me if he had pondered on the possibility that the object was not a UFO, after all, but some kind of secret, highly-advanced aircraft of a terrestrial rather than extra-terrestrial nature. Given that the craft hovered over the base for around three-quarters of an hour and was around 700 feet in length, he felt that such a scenario was highly unlikely. But, he admitted that he had no answer as to how the MoD knew the craft might appear. After A Covert Agenda was published, Mark Birdsall, the editor of Eye-Spy magazine informed me that he had received a near-identical story years earlier. Maybe, in light of all the above, we’ll soon learn more about what was afoot in the skies of Cyprus in the 1981-1982 period. NOTE: The above image is CGI..KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWShttp://www.worldufophotos.orghttp://www.worldufophotosandnews.orghttp://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com