I had gone outside on my front patio to smoke before going to bed when I saw this object. The weather was completely clear in my area with possibly a few clouds in the distance. As soon as I sat down on my patio chair and lit my cigarette I looked up from my cigarette somewhat straight ahead, saw this object and immediately thought there was no way it was the moon. It seemed to be vibrating so I quickly snapped these photos to analyze them logistically thinking it has to be the moon and I must not be seeing correctly because I’m tired and about to go to sleep. The first came out bright so I took another touching my photo screen camera to make it focus taking the second clearer photo of the object. I then analyzed the photo seeing it is not the moon. I then looked back up and it had disappeared. I then did a quick surveillance of the sky away from my patio but it was completely gone. During this I can’t recall having any sort of emotional feelings other than disbelief, I was not scared or anxious in anyway. Later I had sent the photos to some friends and family and they didn’t have any ideas of what it could be. After some time I just concluded it was strange and didn’t think much of it since. Recently, it had come back up in conversation which has my analyzing the situation again and looking for some type of answer. I’ve done research online and have posted about it still with not any ideas about it from others. I’ve also researched the moons phase based at that time and date to further prove there’s absolutely no way it is the moon, at that time and date the moon was about 50% full, making it impossible to see and entire complete circle having it be the moon. This independent research has lead me here. In going back over the event, I could swear it had happened much later at night than when it did but I can’t conclusively say there is missing time connected to the instance. I trust the time stamp and dates on the photos, both on 12/06/2016 one right after another at 9:05PM. After this event, I have not knowingly experienced anything else.









My friend and I were at the western most end of Rawling road, in Conway Washington, when out of nowhere a  light appeared above the horizon over Camaoi Island.  After a minute or so another bright light  appeared next to it.  It was the same pattern as our previous sighting in the same area, so we instantly knew what we were seeing.  We had brought along a camera.  The UFO’s shown up as soon as we arrived at the area.  We took multiple long exposure shots of the crafts in flight and it was revealed while traveling at a faster speed that the UFO would cloak itself and could only be seen on camera.  We photographed the flight path of both objects departing the area and it was truly amazing.  About 10 minutes after they had left, they returned in the same spot.  They did relatively the same thing , hovering and pulsating in odd fashions.

They would disappear for minutes at a time, then suddenly reappear, then dart away after some time in the area.  The third time we saw this, one of us decided to flash a phone flashlight at it.  Upon doing this, at our surprise, the craft abruptly turned towards us in a frantic manner.  It had three lights in the front that appeared to scan us.  After that, it quickly darted in another direction and assumed a southwest bound flight path.  It was during its departure of the area that we noticed a saucer shape to it.  The entire craft was lit up with a large number of lights, pulsating in an intelligent manner.  during departure, we flashed lights again and this time it began to fly in a manner similar to an insect, going up and down and left to right.  We realized that we communicated with a potential extra terrestrial and that our lives would be forever changed.  The event lasted three hours.








Shortly after midnight on the 6th, an Italian security guard’s patrol car mysteri-ously quit running. At the same moment he saw four strange lights and stepped outside to investigate with gun in hand. Suddenly, he was struck from behind. “I  whirled and shined my flashlight and saw  this enormous green being,” he recalled. It is the last thing the guard remembers— in his conscious mind — until 105 minutes later when he found himself stunned by the blinding light and heat of a space-craft blasting off into the dark sky. Two weeks later, a group of experts listened in amazement as the 26-yearold guard, Fortunato Zanfretta, recounted under deep hypnosis the full details of his incred-ible UFO encounter. Their conclusion was that he was telling the truth. “I believe 90 percent of what he said was the truth,” said Dr. Mauro Moretti, the top medical hypnotist and physician who hypnotized him. And police say they found physical evidence to support the security guard’s story — a large, horseshoe shaped burn mark where the spacecraft was sup-posed to be and a 20- inch footprint which “could only have been made by a giant foot,” a police spokesman said. Zanfretta, a family man with a reputa-tion for honesty, was making his rounds in the village of Torriglia at about 11:30 PM when he saw strange lights at a cli-ent’s unoccupied villa. “As soon  as  I  saw  them,  the  engine,  headlights,  and  radio  in  my  car  stopped working,” he recalled. “I took my gun and flashlight and went to see what was happening. I started to walk around the house. Someone pushed me in the back, like a punch. I whirled around, shined my flashlight and saw this enormous green being.

The ET escorted him to a very large, triangular spacecraft with several portholes and a round or semi-circular base. “He said there was brilliant light inside the craft and it was very hot,” Dr. Moretti continued. “There were rows of instruments and control panels. Inside there were about 10 ET beings like the one he had met outside. All the beings  looked alike and they had fingers like ours.” Though they spoke no Italian or any other Earth language, Zanfretta said they communicated with him by “light signals and sounds” transmitted through a hel-met placed on his head. The helmet was so tight it gave Zanfretta a headache, Dr. Moretti said. Zanfretta  did  not  need  hyp-nosis  to  remember  what  happened  when  the encounter was over. He recalled: “The next thing I knew, I was standing in the dark, feeling groggy. The being was gone. I picked up my flashlight from the  ground and ran toward my car. “As I ran I saw this great, blinding light rise up. It was a UFO. I only saw that it was flat, triangular and white.

 It was enormous and it gave off so much light and heat that I couldn’t see it clearly. When the space-craft was gone, Zanfretta glanced at his watch. It was 1:15 AM. He assumed he  had fainted when he first saw the entity  and had regained consciousness sec-onds before the craft took off. Giovanni  Cassibba, another guard, was sent to find  out what was wrong and found Zanfretta sitting in his patrol car, looking dazed. “His face was cold but his head felt hot,” Cas-sibba said. “He was in a state of shock.” The guard’s boss, Gianfranco Tutti, said: “I don’t believe in creatures from other planets, but I do believe in Zanfretta…” A huge triangular-shaped object also chased off two Chilean Air Force F-5E  fighters at supersonic speeds — and then  vanished mysteriously into the upper at-mosphere with other jets in hot pursuit. Af-ter an incredible chase that ended when he was forced to make a “combat dive” to escape, Capt. Lira Bustos declared, “I can now believe in other civilizations on other worlds. “The incident occurred on the 16th when a platoon of police in the town of Calama, along with thousands of civilians, spotted a giant UFO in the sky. Four jets were sent aloft and, follow-ing ground radar instructions, picked up the UFO at an altitude of 15,000 feet. The craft rose almost straight up as the jets approached, keeping the aircraft about 5000 feet below it. “Suddenly it appeared to be heading right at us,” recalled Capt. Lira Bustos. “I was scared. I hit the radio. ‘Verify that what I’m seeing is coming right at us,’ I  radioed.” Another jetfighter pilot, Cmdr. Javier Pratt Corona confirmed the UFO —  “an immense triangle with intense lights joining the edges” — had changed di-rection and Capt. Lira Bustos and another pilot went into a steep dive to avoid the craft. Comdr. Pratt Corona and another pilot, Lieut. Jose Fernandez Martin, then took up the chase as the Extraterrestrial craft headed skyward again. “I was   shocked when I first saw it close,” recalled  the lieutenant. “As I passed beneath it, it appeared to be completely staticliter-ally suspended in air. It gave me an eerie feeling in my gut. It’s impossible that any normal aircraft, with the huge dimen-sions of the triangle, could maintain itself airborne, completely stable.”








Shape: Star Trek like spaceship

Duration: 15 seconds
Direction: West to East over to where Yatala Gaol on a level path
Witnesses: 4

Nick, saw the UFO, with 3 other men.  Nick was sitting outside with 3 of his mates, when all of a sudden a bright light appeared out of nowhere in the sky. First off, Nick thought it might be the Police helicopter, and that it had turned on its search light. But, what seemed strange to Nick and made him change his mind, is that as the object got closer he could make out that it was quite large, and coloured a blue colour, not white, like the search light would be.  When she asked Nick how big he thought the object looked to him, he said it was long and quite large. He said, he felt it looked like a ship and reminded him of a Star Trek like spaceship.  ” It just appeared from behind a tree !!… I sat there with my mates and we watched it travel levelly for about 15 seconds. I live near the Northfield Velladrome and it moved from West to East over to where Yatala Gaol is. The funny thing was, it all of a sudden spurted a bright coloured tail…the same sort of colour that you get with a gas flame, that colour blue.  It seem to spit out the flame, which then made it move…then it again stopped…spitted once, then twice, the flame came spinning out of its end and started to move off again, then to our surprise, as we watched it just disappeared.”  Charmaine spoke to Nick about how it had been said in the media that a Meteorite was reported in the night sky at the same time.  “NO, NO, I know what a meteorite looks like, I’ve been interested in the night sky for some years now, since I was a young kid.


My parents owned a shack down at Willunga and I know I have seen some strange things in the sky down there, in fact I would say some UFO’s. I own a telescope, (which he has had for approx. 12 weeks) and have read up on things in the night sky, so I truly believe that it was NOT a meteorite, but something else. How could a meteorite just disappeared into thin air? I should have been able to follow its path through the sky”  Nick and his mates sighting lasted for approx. 15 seconds and during that time, Nick stated the object travelled on a level path. Nick is happy to be contacted again, if any further info is required.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.










December 6, 1999…….. GUYRA AREA,  AUSTRALIA
Time Reported: 2.30am
Location: New England HWY between Armidale & Glen Innes “Guyra area”
Reportee: Brian Renworth aged 74 years a credible witness
Description of object: Huge White Object – lots of lights.

Report: Brian called to say he was a witness to a UFO. He thought he had better call because he had seen the report on TV about the Guyra object crashing into the dam. A very credible witness rang me on Thursday 8th December 1999, she told me she had called the Armidale police station to find out if anything strange had been reported on Monday 6th December 1999. The Police Woman said she had heard that quite a few reports of a strange red beam of light came down from the sky that Monday evening of the 6th December 1999.

Interview with Brian Renworth.

Diane Harrison: You said you were travelling from NSW to Queensland between 2.00am and 3.00am in the morning?
Brian Renworth: Yes, thats right. That was on Monday morning.
DH: Brian, could you explain what you saw while travelling up the road near Guyra?
BR: Well, I don’t know if I passed Guyra or if it was before Guyra. Now on this section of road there was hundreds of red and white reflectors, it looked like a busy traffic intersection. There were no vehicles other than myself and a trailer coming a long way back behind me.
DH: How far back would you say the trailer was?
BR: A quarter of a mile I suppose.
DH: Was the truck close enough to see what was going on?
BR: He had his big lights on and they were worrying me. I had mine on at low beam. When I saw all this frizel of lights ahead of me, I thought what the hell was it. It just looked like a landing strip and as I approached it I was struck with this red light. It just lit everything up and everything went red.
DH: Everything went red?
BR: Yes, and I could feel the heat of what ever it was.
DH: Brian, could I just clarify something. When you said you saw something that looked like a landing strip, what kind of shape did you see?
BR: Well, it was like both sides of the road looked like an Island, in the middle of the road on both sides.
DH: An Island? Did you see a shape at all?
BR: It’s just a maze of reflectors ahead of me, so I had to slow down.
DH: Were the reflectors in any sort of pattern?
BR: They were on both sides of the highway, they looked like they where every 10 feet, for as far as you could see.
DH: You said when you got close they all turned to a bright colour, what was it?
BR: This red glow, what ever it was lit all the white reflectors, they went red. And, I was totally blinded.
DH: When that happened what did you do?
BR: Well, I just drifted along and slowed down on the other side of these lights, I got away, out of them and then I slowed down because I couldn’t darn see.
DH: Where was the truck, do you remember the truck?
BR: Oh yes, he was way back. I don’t know if it was a truck or a semi trailer, but he had his high beams on and then that made it worse, it lit everything up and caused my lights to….it’s only a reasonably new motor car I got and it has bright lights too, but I was on low beam and you would have sworn you were coming into a Kingsford Smith Aerodrome with all these reflectors.
DH: Was it that bright?
BR: Yes.
DH: What kind of car do you drive?
BR: I dirve a Suburu wagon, a 98 model.
DH: Brian, what was the reason for going to Queensland?
BR: I was travelling up to visit my daughters for Christmas. I’ve been driving for some fifty odd years and I have never seen anything like this.
DH: When you said ‘the lights blinded you, what did you do next?
BR: Well, I drifted through these rows of lights, they thinned out and I slowed down onto the side of the road and sat there for a little while because I couldn’t see. Well, I really had been flashed in the eyes with all this reflection.
DH: When you said you drove through the reflection, what impression did you have of where the light was coming from, was it on the ground or above you?
BR: It seemed high and it seemed to be behind me, I could feel the heat of it. I copped it back in the rear view mirror, it hit me in the eyes.
DH: Did you hear any noise at all?
BR: No, no noise, I had my windows up, it was quiet in the car. I didn’t hear any unusual noise at all, I did have the radio on.
DH: Did anything happen to the radio?
BR: Well, it gave a screeching, thats all, other wise the radio’s intact.
DH: How is your car?
BR: The car, yeh well, it seems alright, I drove it for the first time today.
DH: Is there any physical evidence or signs of any damage at all, like paint work damaged?
R: No.
DH: What about yourself, how are you?
BR: Well, I had the shakes on Monday and my sight was affected. I couldn’t stand any sunlight, I had to wear dark glasses and even on Tuesday morning I still had my dark peppers on and we went shopping. My daughter drove her car and took me shopping. I couldn’t drive mine, and this afternoon I left Ipswich to come over here, a Bay Island.
DH: comment: Some details have to be left out to protect Brian.
BR: And thats the first time I’ve driven the car since I landed at Ispwich on Monday.
DH: Brian, you said you actually called the Ipswich police.
BR: I rang them this morning from Ipswich, because I heard on the radio all about this stuff down in that Guyra place, and hell nobody seemed to know what time it happened and this happened to me between the hours of 2.00am – 3.00am on Monday morning.
DH: What time did you end up getting to Glen Innes, which is the nearest town if you where heading that way to Brisbane?
BR: Look, I don’t know, I can’t remember, I fueled at Armidale and I had enough fuel to last me right through up to here (Ipswich). When I landed at Ispwich, my daughter said ‘gee dad, what’s up with your eyes?’ like one eye was all blood shot, really blood shot.
DH: How are your eyes now?
BR: There’s still a little bit on the blurry side, otherwise I’m alright.
DH: What about the rest of yourself?
BR: I’m a little pink just like I have a mild sunburn. I’m going to the doctors in the morning for my checkup.
DH: Could you let me know what the doctors says?
DH: When you rang the Ispwich Police, what did you ask them?
BR: I asked them if they got any or would they know of any laser beams or anything on the road like that, they said “no we don’t use them”, they said that the lights are a speed laser which they use here, its a red laser, but you don’t see any beam from it. But this was, hell, I don’t know, it sort of lit everything up.
DH: Brian, how did you feel at the time this was happening?
BR: Thats a silly question ha!! I didn’t know how the hell I felt, I know I couldn’t see properly.
DH: How long had you observed the reflector for?
BR: I could see them at least half a mile in front of me.
DH: What happened to the truck that was behind you?
BR: I saw it zigzag on the road then it pulled over about half a mile behind me. We we’re the only ones on the road. I’m sure he must have seen what I saw.
DH: Do you remember if the truck passed you and what time do you think you got to your daughters in Ipswich.
BR: That puzzles me about the truck I can’t remember seeing him pass me at all. It took me an extra hour and half as it only took me around 14 hours before. You know Diane, it was a laser type beam, the thickness of a broom handle, it hit the side mirror and flashed back in my face, I could feel the heat of this thing.
DH: I asked Brian not to wash his car, because we were going to have a magnetic anomalous signature of the car to see if anything strange had happened to the car itself. The first test proved very interesting. The drivers side door seemed to have a magnetic misprint which went off the scale.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








The Australian UFO Research Network Hotline received a phone call from AUFORN investigator Kay McCullock at 6.30am, after she had just recieved a phone call from her mother in Manly West Qld at 6.00am. Kay’s mother told her a mysterious object had landed in a dam in Guyra. I then got another call at 7.00am from our Northern Suburbs Brisbane investigator Martin Studer, he told me to turn on the TV and watch Channel 7 the ‘Today Show News’. He said, “They’re going to show a news report and some footage regarding an object that crashed into a dam called Gara”. Knowing Martin was a local to the area, I asked him if he knew anyone he could contact. Martin being a keen AUFORN investigator started to contact some of his old friends to see if he could find out more. As it was so early in the morning I thought, now who should I call…”yes” the, RAAF base at Amberley Ipswich.  Report of telephone conversation dated: 9th December, Time approx: 8.34am
I spoke to office staff at Amberley RAAF and they told me they had heard it wasn’t a meteorite, that it was an object of some kind. It was funny they were having a laugh with me saying maybe it was a space ship, ha! I was told that people have been sent to measure radiation. I was aksed to hold the line and they would transfer me to someone who could help me with my enquiry. I got transfered to the, RAAF base at William Town NSW.  Report of telephone conversation dated: 9th December 99, Time approx: 8.47am
I spoke to Tracey at William Town RAAF base, she said: “We are on hold at present”.  “The police divers are in the lake looking for what may have landed. Williams Town RAAF are waiting for the Police to report back before moving”.  “It was still not clear what had come down, it could have been space junk or meteorite or a plane. Tracey said. It has been reported a (5 meter area of reeds was flattened by an object)”.  Tracey said that she would keep me posted.  1800 Freecall UFO Hotline….Some readers might be aware I manage the Australian UFO Freecall Hotline and after looking back through the log, I did notice quite a few UFO Callins had been reported from Monday 6 th December to Tuesday 7th December 1999. I will endeavour to try and unravel and present all details of the interviews reported to AUFORN investigators. It will be up to you to make up your own mind . Lets start with the UFO Hotline and what happened over a three day period. Here are the reports for you to read. I might add this will probably add more confusion to the whole Guyra mystery, but I feel that it is very important to note all the strange occurances that happened in Guyra and around Australia.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.


Duilio Guidone, 65, a businessman and commercial pilot, entered into La Pampa at 00:30 hrs through the toll booth located some 5 km from Catrilo and some 90 km from Santa Rosa on his way back from Capital Federal. He spoke briefly with police personnel on the booth about where he could get something hot to drink due to the low temperatures that prevailed at the time.
At 01:30 hrs he entered the Service Station lot (fuel service) at Lonquimay, located on National Route 5, to drink some coffee at the cafeteria on the premises. Finding it closed, he decided to continue with his trip. The distance between Catrilo and Lonquimay is about some 20 kilometers. He remembers having entered the highway and…then waking up to find his vehicle rolling along, seated with his hands on his knees and his feet under the seat, while his body shook.
Faced with this unusual situation, he left the paved road and stopped the car. He got out and ascertained that he was going up a slope or hill. The sluggishness was due to the fact that the pickup truck lacked the power necessary to go up the slope in question. He checked his wristwatch time and again under the dome light and with the headlights, disbelieving that the time could actually be 4:30 a.m.!
Surprised and unable to understand what might have happened, he resumed his trip only to find, a short distance away, a road sign indicating his proximity to Anguil, a community some 40 km away from Lonquimay and 25 km from Santa rosa, being completely unaware of how he could have traveled along the road with his car rolling. He continued the trip to Santa Rosa, where he informed his relatives of the experience.

Guidone stresses that the missing quantity of fuel, according to the pickup’s gague, corresponds to what was used in the Anguil/Santa Rosa stretch, being completely unaware of any other details related to the strange experience. Now he only has “…a tremendous question mark in his life…” referring to the missing time episode.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
