During the second part of the night of November 1 to the morning of November 2 of 1968 Dr. X, was sleeping in his room when he was awakened by his son’s calls (he was not crying). Seeing his wife was still asleep, the Doctor rose up with some difficulty without turning on the light, and crossed the corridor from one room to the other. At that point, he became aware, although not paying attention to it, that a storm seemed imminent. He found his son standing up in his crib exclaiming and pointing very excitedly towards the window. The window blinds were of the solid kind and closed, but the small openings at the top and sides allowed the doctor to see the intermittent light of what he at first assumed to be flashes of lightning. While he was switching on the room light, it seemed like there was a mighty wind blowing above the house, while the rain whipped against the walls, the tiles, and the blinds.  Curious about those flashes of light The Doctor decide to investigate their source. Looking through one of the windows he saw what appeared to be two identical luminous objects, the one on the right seeming to be a little smaller and slightly above and behind the other one. Initially the Doctor was under the impression of being either two cigars or two circular objects seen in profile. Each object consists of two superimposed parts that are markedly symmetrical throughout their horizontal extent, the upper portion appearing perhaps to be thicker. The colour of the upper part appears to be a luminous silvery white, but much less so than the full moon. The colour of the under part is a deep sunset red, brighter at the top than at the bottom. No structure can be distinguished in either the white or the red portion. No variations either.

He can distinguish some vertical antennas on them.  They seem to be as the same colour and the same luminosity as the upper parts of the objects. The length is apparently equal to the thickness of the object. The bases of these two antennae are thicker than their upper part. The two other horizontal antennae seems to be of the same colour and brightness and apparently of the same length. However this horizontal antennae are more slender and do not appear to be thicker out at the base. They are seen as a silhouette in the red portion of each object and extend beyond it slightly. Their bases are located at the junction point where the red and the white parts meet. They are parallel and pointing slightly towards the left of the witness. At this moment only one horizontal “antenna” is visible on each object, any other possible “antennae” being hidden by the objects.  The lower centre part of each object is emitting a vertical cylindrical white shaft of light – brighter throughout its whole extent than the witness could have expected from a simple beam of light – which, as it passes through it, illuminates the thin storm mist hanging in the valley.  The source of the two beams of light is not discernible at that point. The two objects display in unison a cyclic luminous activity of a periodicity that is perceived to be about equal to one second. It begins with white flashes that give the witness the impression that they are “entering” through their external antennae, then another flash shoots out between the two objects, linking the tip of their horizontal antennas. The Doctor felt a strong impression that the flash shooting out between the two objects is a consequence of the external flashes, He says: “It seemed to me that the two objects were sucking in the atmospheric electricity and that I could see it entering through the antennae and then exploding between the two objects, the whole thing producing one single glow of light.”  The flashes are white, not dazzling, and are silent. The form they take is a slight prolongation of the antennae in a straight line, without any spreading, and with a slight trembling movement. Their intensity is the same as the intensity of the vertical beams of light.


At the beginning of the sighting, the two objects were moving as one unit towards the left, at the same time approaching slightly nearer to the Doctor. The two objects continue their movement in the same direction and at the same apparent speed. Then the two objects perform a rotation on their axes, the witness now discovers that the external horizontal antennae are performing the same luminous “absorption”activity as the inner antennae, They seem to lie on one single straight line which appears to be parallel to the trajectory of the two objects seen by the witness. Now located side by side, the Doctor described the objects of identical size, and presenting their horizontal antennae symmetrically. At the same time, the sources of the light beams become visible on the lower surfaces of the objects: it is a sort of protuberance of the same red colour as the lower surface, but of a darker shade. The two objects commence a new manoeuvre that consists in drawing near to each other increasing their the luminous activity. At this moment the witness observes that the lower spotlights of the beams are approaching each other, then they interpenetrate each other and become only one spotlight. For a brief instant afterwards, the inner antennae touch, and at once all the luminous activity ceases on all the antennae, which however remain luminous.  Darkness falls once more over the countryside. Meanwhile the two objects continue to draw closer to each other. The inner antennae interpenetrate each other and then disappear entirely when the two objects come into contact. There is now only one object, absolutely identical with the two antecedent objects except for one detail … at the precise moment of their complete unification, Dr. X sees for the first time “something that is moving” in the red (lower) portion of the object.

At the same time, the leftward movement stops, and the object begins to come straight towards the witness, growing rapidly in size, while the light-beam cuts a straight path across the plain towards the house, and the moving structures of the red portion appear more and more clearly visible. The object grows in size until it is enormous. Around the light-beam, its light and the light from the object dimly light up the houses and the trees. When it halts, the lateral antennae are seen as precise prolongations of the juncture points of the two portions, upper and lower, ”like a chicken on a spit”. The white upper part presents nothing singular as regards either colour or brightness. The upper antenna is merely an extension upwards. The device from which the cylindrical light-beam shone out had the appearance of a ringed corona, on which Dr. X is able to count, bounded by black lines, six sections on the side that is visible. These sections appear with the distortion due to perspective, wide in the centre and narrowing towards the edges. But it is the domed red (lower) part that presented the most impressive features. This part was also divided into ”sections” but, it seems, in violation of the laws of perspective. Of the eleven visible sections five (the paired sections) were traversed from top to bottom in about four seconds by a dark horizontal line “like the lines that move across a TV screen when you are adjusting it”. The moving line descending cyclically appeared like an intense deepening of the colour, with shading off on each side. The witness was unable to detect any coordination between the respective movements of the five lines. It merely seemed to him that when one line was disappearing towards the bottom, another one was appearing above. All the red portion of the object gave the impression of incandescent metal or of internal lighting.

Although all this animation of the red portion seems to have occurred in violation of the laws of perspective, the vertical bands were wider towards the centre, right opposite the witness. The activity in the red portion lasts for a period that the witness is unable to estimate subjectively, for he is obsessed with the movements of the horizontal lines. Meanwhile, after a period of time which seems long to him and during which the object remains totally immobile, he sees the spotlight move towards him, slowly at first, over a distance of a few metres, lighting up one by one the telephone poles and reaching the top pole.  This movement of the spotlight was the result, not of the objects having come nearer, but of a rotation around the axis formed by the two horizontal antennae, which rotation tipped the upper part of the object towards the valley and revealed progressively more and more of the lower surface. Suddenly the rotation speeded up in an astonishing fashion and the doctor was hit by the light beam, which shone all over him as well as probably over the whole front of the house. The total duration of the rotation was brief – of the order of a second. Meanwhile, Dr. X had sufficient time to observe the lower surface of the object, which appeared to be circular and divided into radial sections. He does not remember whether the movement of the lines was still visible in the sections. He had the impression that the corona from which the beam of light emerged was growing wider towards the periphery as the object tipped. During the tipping, the witness was frightened, and at the moment when the light-beam reached him he instinctively covered his face by a reflex action.

At the moment when the object was presenting its lower surface vertically, there was heard the first sound since the beginning of the sighting, namely a sort of “bang” while, according to Dr. X , “the object dematerialized”, leaving behind nothing but a cloudy, whitish, fleecy shape which at once disintegrated and was borne away eastwards by the wind. At the same time there came, from the centre of the space occupied up till then by the object, a sort of very luminous, fine, white, straight thread, which shot out vertically in a fraction of a second towards the sky and vanished there, forming, apparently at a height of several hundred metres, a small white shining dot which itself then vanished with the noise of a firework. The darkness having returned to the valley, the witness experienced a nervous breakdown. Deeply shaken, he immediately went back in the house and went to the previously-mentioned clock to see the time: it is 4.05 a.m. Ten minutes have elapsed since his first visit to the kitchen. He gets a notepad and writes down the details of his sighting along with sketches. Then he awakens his wife and tells her what he has seen. Both are very deeply moved. Suddenly Mrs. X cries: “Your leg!” And, in fact, Dr. X, who is walking to and fro, talking excitedly, no longer limps, and has completely forgotten his leg injury that was produced recently while chopping wood. Dumbfounded, he turns up the pyjama trouser-leg: the wound is healed and the swelling has disappeared along with the pain – never to return.

Dr. X and his wife discuss the incident for half an hour and then go back to bed. Ten minutes after he has fallen asleep again, Dr. X starts talking in his sleep – something that has never happened to him in his life before. Disturbed, his wife listens for a while and then finding that what he is saying relates to the phenomenon seen by him, she turns on the light and takes notes. She puts down this statement: “Contact will be re-established by falling down the stairs on November 2nd.” At about 7:00 a.m. the doctor stops talking. Mrs. X turns out the light and goes to sleep. She awakens again at about 10.00 a.m. and, seeing that her husband is still sleeping, she gets up without waking him. He sleeps on until 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

The mysterious triangular mark

In the days that follow, the doctor is under the impression that the wounds inflicted during his service in the Algerian War (which had remained unchanged for ten years) have completely healed. The nervous breakdown and the distress that had followed the events of November 2 are however so painful that he feels ill and cannot be sure of their disappearance.  He has lost weight and his features show great wear.  That same day, cramps and pains appear in the umbilical region. They persist, more or less acute, throughout the following week. On the evening of November 17, he begins to feel an itching and tingling around his navel, and a red cutaneous pigmentation of striated appearance develops. By midday on November 18, this pigmentation has assumed its final form, namely the shape of a perfectly geometrical isosceles triangle with a well-defined perimeter, measuring 17 cm. on the base and 14-15 cm. along the sides. At the same time the pains, itching and tingling cease suddenly and entirely. More and more worried about this preposterous phenomenon, the doctor and his wife telephone French ufo investigator Aimé Michel. This triangle certainly has no known precedent in the annals of Ufology, but he is reminded of the cases of irradiation reported on several occasions, and advises him to have a thorough medical examination. This is done, that same day. The medical examination is negative: the dermatologist can find no explanation for the phenomenon, which he considers so astonishing that he wants to make a report about it to the Academy of Medicine. Dr. X is little inclined to such publicity. Curiously, the next day, he calls Aimé Michel again, and says: “I think we must discard the psychosomatic explanation because the same triangle appeared last night on the stomach of my son. It is exactly like mine and located in just the same place. It doesn’t seem to be painful, for the child pays no attention to it.  It’s important to point out that similar objects to the one described by “Dr. X” were seen in Spain on the same day and on the previous evening, and then again on December 7 in Morocco and on December 9.

Photographs of the strange triangular marks experienced by Dr. X and his son.











After previously witnessing a UFO landing in a field and abducting cows for genetic material, a self-proclaimed UFO expert returned to Dawlish Warren for further investigations.  John Mooner claimed to have seen a UFO landing in a field in Dawlish on November 25, 2016. He came back to the area on January 4, 2017, and to his surprise, he saw the same thing flying across the sky.  The second sighting came just days after he noticed the first UFO of 2017 flying over Newton Abbot on Monday.  Mr. Mooner of Newton Abbot, who claimed to be a chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said he made a return visit to Dawlish Warren to conduct more investigations into his UFO sighting involving a landing in a farmer’s field. He was standing in the same position as the last time he experienced his UFO sighting to observe the area. He said that it was cold that time, but it was not enough to discourage him from his UFO watch.  He said he stood in the area looking in the field for hours when a similar or perhaps the same UFO flew across the sky that made him dumbfounded.  He started taking photos as the unidentified flying object flew over the field and off into the distance.  Because of the tremendous speed of the UFO, he did not manage to take a zoom into it. He just managed to take four photographs that show the movement of the UFO as it passed over the field.   When he got home, he enlarged the pictures to see the object closer. He said the UFO had no wings and looked oval. He was certain; the strange aerial thing was not a commercial aircraft.  He feels that the second UFO he spotted was the same transit van sized UFO he observed landing in the field last time. The photographs were snapped on January 4, 2017, at 3:27 pm at Dawlish Warren.

KENS NOTE:  John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for World UFO  John has been working for me for many years now and he has some of the most incredible UFO/Alien craft photos in the world.  His hot spot is Newton Abbot Devon England. 







article cone city ken pfeifer 1-11-17


The observation took place on May 24, 1971, from a dentists’ surgery on the first floor of a building on the Calle Pedro Molina, right in the very centre of the city of Mendoza, with a wide open pace towards the south, extending as far as the promenades of the civilian quarter. We observed, in the direction of the Military Circle, far off and high in the sky, an unidentified object (stated Señor Julio Suárez Marzal)… I remained alone in the dentist’s surgery, while Dr. Walter Griehl ran to get some binoculars, returning just as the object was disappearing. During his absence from the room, in just a few seconds of time, a whole series of events had occurred: I had seen the object come closer and perform the most curious movements.The object is moving silently, floating and drifting along very slowly from east to west, at an altitude of some 1,000 metres and somewhat over 1 kilometre towards the S. E. from me (rough guesses). The colour is a pearly-grey, faintly bluish, dull. Its brightness make it stand out sharply against the deep blue of the sky. At once it starts to descend with a rocking movement, and I perceive that it is slowly revolving, at least so I judge from a small bright circular mark which stands out on its surface. The object rapidly descends toward where I am, and approaches eye-level, with the astonishing speed which characterizes the close-up as shown by the camera, as it registers a dizzying succession of gradations of approach.

Now the object pours forth a dense cloud, like steam in turbulence, which surrounds it and grows . As it draws nearer it grows larger. It worries me that I can’t see it clearly (the witness is here referring not to the UFO itself but to the bright point on its surface, a will be perceived by what follows). However. I imagine it must be some kind of view-finder adapted to a tubular axis. The UFO darts sideways at such speed that it suddenly vanishes; then surprises me by reappearing much lower down, where it immediately stop, rocking to and fro slightly. When it first arrived it was incandescent, of a dark orange colour, and without the cloud around it. Now it is a clearer pearly grey.  It is very near me, at about 70 metres, and at 16º , to the S.E. While remaining stationary it now seems to glide along horizontally, moving away and then imperceptibly approaching again, like a photographic close-up. At this point in its approach I see only those parts of it that interest me and I pay no heed to the total appearance, which moreover seems cut off visually. For about four seconds it is completely stationary in the air, silent, vibrating very slightly. This is the actual flying saucer itself, a solid object, a sort of metal. l have a magnificent view of it, with absolute clarity, bathed in the sunlight. I suddenly feel myself very much alone, I experience an indescribable loneliness at the weird realization of the presence of this strange reality.  After a quick glance to take it all in. my eye is caught by one detail: the bright point mentioned previously is now close, in three-quarter profile, like an external telescopic eye; it is a short cylinder, bell-shaped, the colour of old bronze, with shining frontal areas. Attached to the upper part, on the projecting, clearer portion of the cylinder, is a tubular central fin (we could call it a handle) of the same greyish colour as the whole surface of the craft. I examine the structure of this viewer in every minute detail, and while I am studying its strange upper part the saucer gives a slight shudder and climbs away obliquely, travelling off rapidly towards the N.E., leaving me as it does so with a general view of the said upper part of the viewer; it seemed to have several other details on it, and I could make out a reddish contour on the back portion.  To my surprise, having lost sight of the saucer for some four seconds, it reappears, and even closer, and now in complete and total view, making great strange rocking movements. The thing I had taken to be a sort of “eye”, a viewer, assumes the position of a focussing lens (or, as we would say, a “sight”) and follows any given point by mean of marked corrections, upwards, downwards, right, left, centre, with the speed and the touch of someone who wants to take precise and rapid aim because of the movements of the whole body of the flying craft, including too a pronounced to-and-fro rocking motion through about 35º .

The viewer is pointing towards the parabolic shortwave antennae of the Central Post Office. The sunlight shows up the viewer more clearly, and I can now actually feel the presence of someone who, with precision and intelligence, is directing the viewer’s movements from inside the craft. (This scene lasted ten seconds in the opinion of the witness, who is accustomed to film-making.) The two appearances of the stationary saucer could have been filmed perfectly, or recorded on colour stills, for the saucer was magnificently revealed by the sunlight, thus permitting the sharpest, clearest vision. The remaining views of the saucer were extremely rapid, dancing, so that the eyewitness could not hold it well in focus.  When I first observe the saucer, it shoots away from the foreground like a bullet vanishes in the sky, then reappears instantly afterwards at a height of some 1,500 metres and at approximately 29º, towards the S.W. It slowly floats, as at the outset, from east to west. It changes shape, as when a conjurer does his tricks: at one moment it is elongated, then it is a globe. then it looks like a little hat, then it is oval, as it drifts along with a rocking motion. Suddenly, as though taking its bearings, it quivers two or three times in rapid succession, then does a right-angled change of direction and moves off fast towards the south leaving an ever-darkening veil of vapour (which assumes a pale old rose shade) that hampers vision, till finally it i lost to sight. It is very hard to say what size it was, seeing that it represents the unknown. Perhaps 6 metre in diameter and 2 metres high at its centre, as arrived at by a few calculations and sketches.

I am now inclined to think that the saucer was also training its viewer on the Central Post Office from other position : namely not only when stationary, but also when gliding along horizontally, this time as though “filming”, to judge by the long halt and the direction in which the viewer was permanently set. Quite apart from its moments of immobility, of imperceptible horizontal approach, of rocking or slow floating, situations all of’ which enabled me to observe it with the closest attention, I must remark upon the utter difference between its way of moving and the way an aircraft moves. The aircraft seems to be pulled along, and to be making a great effort. On the contrary to this, the flying saucer moved about in various directions, with an agility that is inconceivable, like a butterfly, at an unimaginable speed, beyond our laws of gravitation. NOTE: The above image is CGI












I was out walking our large super high energy dog who is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever around 6:30 pm and a few minutes into our walk she just suddenly sat down and would not move. This is completely unlike her, and it was then that I realized she was looking up into the sky at something and as soon as I looked up, I was suddenly mesmerized by this glowing, stationary orb like object that she was looking at as well. I have never seen anything like it. I have worked in aviation and with many airlines, and I know this object was not like anything that I have ever seen or experienced in my career or life up until tonight . I know this was a UFO. I can’t explain it but judging by the physical and emotionally overwhelming reaction that I felt during the sighting, I just “knew”.


After several minutes, my dog nudged me to go back inside, but I just couldn’t. I remembered that I had my phone in my pocket so I took some videos and pictures, and as soon as I began recording, I suddenly saw two other lights in the sky, both of which I believed may have been commercial airliners, in addition to the initial object. However, the original orb I saw, continued to hover in the same position, while the other two were following what looked like normal flight paths. Then suddenly one of the commercial planes, made a strange maneuver that seemed very abrupt and maybe intentional, due to how awkward the angle was that the aircraft turned toward the object in question and seemed to have intentionally crossed into the area where the orb was that I had seen initially. It was at that moment that the orb started to slowly move “backwards” as if it were a car that was in reverse, and disappeared into the clouds.











At 10:30 am on Saturday, May 3, Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel a young 23 years old pilot was flying his 58′ Piper PA-24 Comanche marked as XB-XAU from the city of Zihuatanejo.  That morning was cloudy with considerable smog, mist and very poor visibility. Carlos took off, nevertheless, at 10:30, without having his breakfast. He climbed his little plane to 13,500 feet but conditions were still bad so he climbed to 14,500 where he found a clear blue sky and continued on his return trip to Mexico City.  At about 12:30 pm, After establishing a set course, he wanted to visually find the Lagoon of Tequesquitengo, when he couldn’t find it, he re-checked his instruments and continued flying.  Shortly he became aware of something on his right and looked in that direction and was shocked to see an object with the appearance of two plates joined together at the rim with a dome which had what seemed to be some sort of windshield. It was positioned 20 centimetres above the surface of the wing and about 1 1/2 meters from the Piper’s cabin. Four or five seconds later, he observed a second flying object settling itself about nine inches over the left wing. At that moment, he began to feel extremely nervous and stuttered a bit while talking to himself trying to calm down; he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  Suddenly, he discovered a third object moving rapidly almost impossible to see, losing altitude and placing itself in front of the plane’s cockpit. For a moment, he thought that it was going to crash into him, but it plunged to the underside of his Piper at a 45 degree angle and hitting the lower part of his craft as he felt a loud bang coming from the bottom of the airplane. Carlos then noted that his airspeed had decreased from 140 nautical miles per hour to 120.


He tried to bank to the left, in an attempt to “bump” the object away from his plane but the controls were frozen and would not move. He then tried to let down the landing gear, hoping to get rid of the object under him, but with no results. The plane kept its original course, but it was gaining altitude, and Carlos feared that if it went any higher he would die because his cabin was not pressurized. Scared even more, which caused him to cry and he was badly shaking. He communicated with the Air Traffic Control Center and told them what was happening. Mexico Center did not answer him and the silence increased his fear. He thought that perhaps they didn’t believe him and most likely they didn’t even want to answer him. Since he was certain that the third object was attached under the plane’s fuselage, he decided to lower the landing gear in the hopes of detaching the object from the plane if possible or to find out if the landing gear was damaged. In effect, the landing gear did not come down, there were no light indications on the dashboard and the emergency lever did not work either, which meant that the object prevented the landing gear from lowering. He tried communicating again with Mexico Center and he informed them that unknown forces were controlling his aircraft and had lost control over it. Again, no response was received. He thought that perhaps his radio did not work or those objects were preventing it from working. After some time Mexico Center responded:”Take note extra alfa union, give me your position and your situation. We are contacting competent authorities and…” (Carlos interrupted again) Carlos: “The aircraft is out of control”. Mexico Center called also for any aircraft that was flying in the vicinities of Carlos’ position. They received a response form another small plane tagged as XC-SAG[Extra Coca-Sierra Alfa Golfo] at that time belonging to the Agriculture and Livestock Department. This air craft was flown by a pilot with the nickname of “El Charro”.  He was asked if he had visual contact with Carlos’ plane in order to confirm and validate Carlos’ story.  After a long silence “El Charro” confirmed that indeed there were three objects attached to Extra Alfa Union[XAU], then Mexico Center ask if he can aid Carlos’ airplane. Shortly after that and after Carlos’ airplane being escorted for 18 minutes for this unknown craft, while arriving at the Ajusco mountain range and nearly flying over the town of Tlalpan, These objects suddenly left Carlos heading towards the location of the Popocatépetl volcano at a speed greater than 900 km/hour. Carlos did not see them again and regained control of his aircraft, but he was still very frightened. As the objects departed, two radars at Benito Juarez International Airport captured the three departing UFOs around his craft making 270-degree turns in a very tight radius of action of just 3-4 miles. After gaining control of his Piper, Carlos made the operators know that his landing gear remained retracted, due to the impact with the third object. At this point, Mexico City International Airport closed its runways to traffic and prepared for the expected emergency landing.


He was forced to circle over the airport 11 times. He then opened a tool box he kept inside an used a large screwdriver as a makeshift lever to force the gear down. He finally after 40 minutes successfully landed the plane in a grass filed between two landing strip. He immediately was taken inside the airport clinic for a checkup and was given some sedatives to calm his nerves. After long tests and deliberation the physician confirmed his good health and gave him permission to continue flying. No ilegal substance was found on Carlos body that indicated an altered perception or hallucination of the events. Carlos de los Santos, like his brother and two cousins, was a student of astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. With this background, one could hardly confuse a balloon or the planet Venus with anything else. He described the objects as follows: “They were oval disc-shaped with a dome, about three to four meters in length without antennas, had a dull grey fuselage like the colour of a rat’s fur and a sort of windshield that seems polarized because he was unable to see inside the craft. The outer shell was all without rivets and completely smooth, the material were not as reflective as a regular polished metal considering that there was a strong illumination coming from the sun at the time”.  Several UFO investigators from Mexico and the U.S., who had the task of investigating Carlos de los Santos’ incident, have concluded that he was “a perfectly normal young man who was obviously frightened by something extraordinary that had arisen in flight.” NOTE: The above image is CGI.











On November 9, 1979, approximately between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Taylor, who was at the time working for the Livingston Development Corporation, parked his pickup truck at the side of a road with the intention of examining the progress of some saplings in the forest. Being unable to access the forest by truck, Taylor and his dog made their way into the forest on foot along one of the forest paths that lead up the side of Dechmont Law. Upon entering a clearing approximately 500 metres away from his truck, Taylor saw what he described as a large domed object totally motionless and silent hovering above the forest floor. He estimated the object to be about 20 feet in diameter. It had a ring or flange of some sort around it, which caused it to appear like a brim on a hat. Protruding from the outside of the UFO were stems pointing up, and topped with propellers. The object seemed to be constructed from a dark grey metallic material which appeared transparent in places. Taylor later described the surface of the object having rough texture similar to that of sandpaper and suggested that by having transparent areas on its surface, the object was attempting to camouflage itself with its surroundings.  Taylor began to approach the object and upon doing so two smaller spheres three feet in diameter, which looked to be made from the same material, appeared to drop from underneath the craft and began to roll towards him. Taylor described the smaller spheres as having appendages, making them similar to sea mines in appearance. As the small objects moved towards him, Taylor described them as making a “plopping” noise as the appendages made contact with the ground. The small spheres maneuvered around Taylor and by using their appendages, attached themselves to each side of his trousers, just underneath the pockets. Taylor said at this point, he heard a hissing noise coming from the small objects and he began to choke due to a strong acrid smell which he believes was being secreted by them. He described this smell as “burning automobile brake linings” which caused him to cough. By now, Taylor was aware he was being dragged by the smaller spheres along the ground towards the larger object. He eventually fell forwards onto his face and lost consciousness.  Taylor later regained consciousness and upon doing so discovered the object had disappeared. Taylor then discovered he had trouble attempting to speak and could not get to his feet. He then crawled 100 metres along the ground and managed to stagger the rest of the distance back to where he had parked his truck. On reaching the truck he attempted to call for help on the truck’s two way radio, but struggled due to his loss of voice. Taylor then attempted to get back home in the truck, but accidentally ditched it in soft earth while trying to drive in his condition. Due to his vehicle being stuck, Taylor walked the rest of the way back home.


He arrived around 11:45 AM. When his wife saw him, she was shocked. He had mud all over him, and his pants were torn. He began to tell her of his ordeal with the UFO. His wife urged him to call the police, but Taylor felt that they would only laugh at him. Instead, he called his job supervisor, Malcom Drummond. Drummond called a doctor, and he drove directly to Taylor’s house. He was so eager to hear Taylor’s story that he questioned him while he was in the tub. Drummond and Taylor both felt that there should be physical proof of the incident in the forest. Since the doctor was coming to check out Taylor, Drummond headed to the scene via Taylor’s instructions, but he could not find the right location.  While awaiting Drummond’s arrival, Taylor complained of a headache and kept saying that he had been “gassed”. Drummond and Taylor both attended the scene of the incident a short while later the same day and discovered strange indentations in the forest floor which Taylor stated had not been there earlier that morning. One set were described as looking like rungs in ladder, the other indentations which numbered forty in total were suspected to be the tracks left by the smaller objects. No scorch marks were seen on the forest floor. Staff of the Livingston Development Corporation later took photographs of the scene.


On the research regarding this incident we noticed that the craft/object witnessed by Taylor is being depicted spheroid in most of the available illustrations over the internet. We based our renderings on the drawing made by Taylor’s son-in-law shortly after the incident took place aided with the verbal description of Robert Taylor. Also, it is important to know that we did not find in the official reports made by Taylor indicating that the craft was completely a sphere.  In a recently produced documentary by the National Geographic Channel where this case was featured, new information has been revealed. In 2012, 30 years after the incident, David Hammond, Bob Taylor’s son-in-law and author of the famous UFO sketch that was used to described what Taylor saw that morning stated that he believe that the sketch he created may have mislead people whether the UFO had legs. Taylor described the object hovering over the forest floor but Hammond suggested that the UFO should have been resting on legs based on the “tread tracks” found on the ground by investigators.  Based on these findings, we decided to depict the craft in our renders without the “legs” . Still, the fact remains that those rectangular tracks on the ground seemed to be made by the object. There is no evidence to this day stating that these tracks were made from a man made machine. There were no matching equipment tracks on the region when police made their investigation. Neither found evidence that a machine was entering and/or leaving the area due to the lack of tracks on the surrounding area.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.










On September 5th of 1981 around 10:00pm of the Saturday night, in Corona, Queens. At least ten people said they saw a bell-shaped UFO with flashing multi-coloured lights making a beeping noise while hovering through the New York skies. The object hovered over a tenement block, a triangular-shaped ray of green light shot out from the bottom of the object and shone on the face of a teen-aged girl observing the object from the window of her friend’s house. She cried to her companion that she felt she was being “taken” by the UFO before she was pulled away from the window.  The UFO was observed near 104th St. and 44th Avenue in Corona, Queens. It was described as bell-shaped with a flashing green light on top and swirling coloured green and yellow lights around the bottom edge. Centred in the bottom part of the “bell” was a green triangular light surrounded by white circling lights. It was also said to have triangular windows lit with white light around the upper part of the bell and was making a beeping noise. Witnesses described it as flying about 40-50 stories above their tenement homes. The mysterious craft  moved slowly towards the end of the block of 108th Street, then it came back and hovered over a three-story tenement building located at 10447 44th Ave. witnesses said.

As the UFO moved over towards 108th St., witnesses heard a airplane engine noise approaching. This airplane had two strong beaming searchlights, when the jet’ lights where beamed at  the UFO, at that moment the object shot out of sight.  Witnesses said they knew the jet was not a commercial airliner coming into nearby LaGuardia airport because the normal airport flight pattern was in a different direction. The noise of the jet was also said to be unusually loud, indicating it was flying lower than commercial jets.  Three members of the Colon family and their cousin Lewis Alya and Diana Martinez, who was hit with the green ray. and Diana’s grandfather waited until Sunday morning to tell their story of the UFO to Jayne Turconi, who delivers the “News World” and “Noticias Del Mundo” in the area. They did not call the police for fear of being considered “crazy.”  Throughout their story, they emphasized how terrified they were during the encounter.  Diana Martinez. 14. was at the home of Oneda Colon, 13, when she saw the object out the second-floor window. As she was looking with her head out the window, a green ray shot out from the triangular light at the centre of the object and shone on her face.  She then cried to Oneda. “Smack me. smack me! It’s taking me!”  Oneda hit her face and pulled her away from the light. Diana said, “For two minutes I looked away. Everything went blank for me.”  Oneda’s mother. Carmen Colon. 31, saw the UFO also. She said “The girls were screaming. So I ran to see what was happening and I saw it.”  Diana said. “The UFO was about ten stories high above the ground when the green light hit my face.” She said it appeared to be as wide as 2 1/2 city streets side by side(approx. 110 feet).

Jimmy Colon, 13, Oneda’s brother, said he saw the object when he was standing on the corner of 104th St. and 45th Ave. “It was about 5O stories high I above the ground, making a circular pattern around our area. The UFO rotated in circles. It had green light that beeped on and off.” The noise he described as “whoo-whoo.” sounding as the light flashed and stopping when it dimmed.  “It went around three times and then I came home and it disappeared. Before it disappeared it was still rotating but in the same spot and then after it had advanced a little bit. it slanted upward so fast I couldn’t see it. and it disappeared.” said Jimmy. He also said when the object stopped, it hovered over a power line.  Jenny Colon. 13. said she saw it after Diana and Oneda. She said the UFO took up an arc of the sky about three feet wide. “I saw a three-foot object with different colour lights swirling around the bottom with a green light lining on and off. It seemed to circle the area around our block. It went pretty last.” She said it lasted about 15 minutes.  The Colons’ cousin Lewis Alya also said he saw the object.  Other witnesses said they saw some coloured lights and heard the jet coming and saw the search lights from the jet.  Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) said that UFOs with similar characteristics, notably the triangular structures, were sighted in upstate New York in recent months.  Lebelson said APRO would probably investigate the sighting, perhaps using a dermatologist to see if the reported beam of light left traces of radiation on Diana’s skin.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.












On the morning of November 2,1982, Captain Júlio Miguel Guerra a flight instructor member of the 101 Portugal’s Air Force squadron was flying a DHC-1 Chipmunk for an aerobatic training. At about 10:50 a.m. at an altitude approximately of 5,000. He noticed below to his left, near the ground, another “aircraft.” This airplane seemed to have only a fuselage, it didn’t have wings and it didn’t have a tail, only a cockpit and it was oval in shape. In order to investigate, Guerra turned his airplane 180 degrees to the left in order to follow and identify this “object,” which was flying to the south. Suddenly the object climbed straight up to his altitude of 5,000 feet in under ten seconds. At first with some instability, oscillations, wavering motion, and then it stabilized remaining still.


This object seems to be a metallic disc composed of two halves, one on the top and another on the bottom, with some kind of band around the center, brilliant, with the top reflecting the sun. The bottom half was a darker tone that seems to be red or brown. At first it moved with his aircraft, then it flew at a fantastic speed in a large elliptical orbit to the left, between 5,000 feet to the south and approximately 10,000 feet to the north, always from left to right, repeating this route over and over. Right away, He realized it was an unknown object, and called the tower and told the controller that there was a strange object flying around him. He, and others from three or four other airplanes, said it must be some kind of balloon. Some of the pilots flying in other zones made fun of it, and He responded by asking them to come and see it with their own eyes. Two fellow Air Force officers, Carlos Garces and Antonio Gomes, communicated over the radio that they would join him to tag this ”object”.  When they arrived to Guerra’s location they stayed with him for about ten minutes while the object kept up its circular pattern, each loop almost the same as the previous one, and they conversed on the radio. Guerra was in the interior of the orbit and they were outside of it, so the object passed between the two planes. Because of that, they could estimate the size relative to the length of the Chipmunk’s fuselage. At various times the object had been very close to him and He was able to verify that it was round, with two halves shaped like two tight-fitting skullcaps. Carefully He looked at the lower half of this object and he noticed that had a hole or dark spot in the center. The middle band looked like it had some kind of grid, and possibly a few lights, but it was hard to tell since the sun was so bright.


After about ten minutes, Guerra decide to make an interception. He communicated to the two Air Force colleagues of his intentions. Since the object’s speed was much faster than Guerra’s airplane, He flew directly to a point along the trajectory of its elliptical course. The object came toward Him and flew right over his Chipmunk, positioning stationery right on top of his aircraft, like a helicopter landing but much, much faster, breaking all the rules of aerodynamics. This craft now was hovering, only about fifteen feet of him. Then without notice, flew off in a flash toward the direction of Sintra mountain to the sea. This was witnessed all the time by the two other pilots no far from Guerra’s airplane.  Right after landing, all three pilots filed detailed, independent written standard reports about the incident, and their planes were checked for damage, but they didn’t hear anything more about it from anyone in the Air Force, and they were not interviewed by the military. A little later, General José Lemos Ferreira, the Portuguese Air Force Chief of Staff at the time, authorized the release of all the records to a team of scientists and experts.

The scientific team studied all the data and the three pilot reports, after a meeting of all thirty investigators in Porto, in 1984, the group provided a written analysis of more than 170 pages. Among their findings, they determined that this craft was clocking more than 300 mph when flying vertically. They could determine its velocity to be about 1,550 mph when flying around Guerra’s plane. This speed is incredible, especially given the maneuvers it was making around the aircraft. The investigators did everything they could to understand this case, but they could not find an explanation for it. They concluded that the object remained unidentified.  NOTE The image is CGI.











According to the witness’ testimony filed with MUFON on December 19, 2016, he was standing outside his home in Orlando, Florida, at about 5:24 p.m. on December 18, 2016, when he looked up and saw a large and mysterious glowing craft flying northward from the south. The UFO, according to the witness, was flying below the normal altitude of commercial airliners.  “Had a feeling to look up as if I had to, and then I saw the glowing craft fly from south direction to north,” the witness told MUFON, according to Open Minds-TV. “It was flying high, but well below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during the afternoon.”  The witness took out his cell phone and began filming the mysterious glowing object in the sky.

He was unable to estimate the size of the UFO craft but he guessed that it was flying at an altitude of about 1,500 feet. He watched through his cell phone camera as it flew higher in the sky and eventually entered into a small cloud. The helicopter pilot waited several seconds for the UFO to emerge from the cloud but it did not.  “I filmed it and I saw it go inside a very small cloud,” the witness said. “It should have flown out of it in a second, but it didn’t.”  Amazed, the witness stopped filming and watched expectantly. After a few minutes, the mysterious UFO emerged from the small cloud. It changed direction, ascended even higher and eventually disappeared.  The helicopter pilot insisted that the object was unlike any man-made flying craft he had seen.  “I’m a certificate helicopter pilot and I know that this was not a plane, helicopter, rocket, meteor, birds, balloons, blimp, etcetera,” the witness said, according to Open Minds TV.










In September of the following year a series of sightings of a similar craft was witnessed by students and staff members of a school in Matanzas, a neighbour Province of Havana.  One night around midnight a group of girls were gathered in a section of the dorm chatting while watching the stars through the window. Suddenly a gust of wind rushed through the windows’ openings and a humming sound was heard as a bright light illuminated the whole dorm. A craft was seen cruising horizontally slowly close to the building with a red and white lights flashing in some sort of sequence. The girls were running across the room franticly peeking at the windows to get a better look at this craft. They describe it as elliptical in shape from its side view.   They knew that this craft wasn’t the usual man made aircraft like an helicopter due to the lack of noise considering how close it was flying from the building. Also they discarded an airplane due to the hovering capabilities of this craft.


During the next two nights this craft seemed to coming back to scout the area and was witnessed every single night by the students and staff of the school. Some of the students were able to get a closer look of this craft while flying over the building. They described it as metallic and silver in colour, round in shape with a circular array of light around its perimeter. The lights configurations varies from red and white to blue or red and white, all flashing in sequence. A student notice some lines under the bottom of the craft that was following a radial pattern. One of the interviewed students stated that the craft was similar to one that she saw in earlier years, when was flying over by Cardenas, another town in the Province of Matanzas.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Chad Haines says he’s the last person who might believe in aliens, extraterrestrials or UFOs.  But after witnessing an unidentified flying craft near his house early in 2016, he can’t explain what else it could’ve been.  While deleting some images off his camera this past week to make space in preparation for Christmas morning, Haines stumbled upon some photos he took the night of Feb. 23, 2016, from his Bayview Road home.  Reviewing the photos once more, he still couldn’t find a rational explanation for what he saw in the sky.  The original, unaltered version of the photo of the unidentified flying object taken on Feb. 23, 2016.  From the street, looking across the water toward Random Island, Haines saw a hovering object near the moon.“It was out there for two or three hours,” Haines told TC Media today.  He says, after staying in the same spot, the object moved up and down and shot off out of sight quickly.  Haines was able to capture some photos on his camera of the unidentified flying object appearing over the water.  There were no stars in the sky that night, he says.  He says it wasn’t a plane and it was far too big to be a drone.


Like others, Haines has seen videos and reports of strange sounds, beams of light and other phenomena, but says anything could have made those effects.  But now, after witnessing and capturing an image himself, he’s unsure about the existence of the unexplained.  “I couldn’t believe it,” he said of his experience.  This isn’t the first time people have reported UFOs over Random Island.  In October, 1978, RCMP Const. Jim Blackwood was one of dozens of locals who spotted what they believed to be a UFO hovering over Random Island.










On the night of 8 March 1993 Erwin Lohre, an artist and former military pilot, was sleeping at his family home in Braunschweig, north-central Germany. At around 12:30am, he suddenly awoke with a stabbing pain in the area of his spine. “I at once took a painkilling tablet and lay down again,” he recounted to Dr. Peter Hattwig, a UFO investigator. “Meanwhile, my wife had also awakened simultaneously.” Suddenly, we heard a clear humming sound coming from the sky. After three or four seconds this noise, which seemed “metallic”, as though produced by a centrifugal force, grew louder, and then, through the bedroom window, we saw a bright round shining object stationary at a height of some 10 metres or so above the birch trees to the east. There was a full Moon at the time. But despite that, our bedroom and terrace outside was lit by something even more powerful than the moonlight – a bluish- white colour like neon lighting. At the same time we both felt a strange metallic sort of taste on our tongues.

Up till then I had scarcely given a moment’s thought to UFOs, but it was now quite clear to me that I was looking at an unknown flying object, and I said to my wife: “Look! See what it is! They are going to land here!” Being a former fighter pilot myself, I wanted of course to see what was going on. But when I tried to stand up, I found that I could not move, and for my wife it was just the same. Also our two kittens, which sleep on the foot of the bed, were both sitting there, both upright, and looking as though they had turned to stone. Meanwhile, our bedroom window was being bathed, on and off, in a bright yellow beam of light apparently coming down from above.  I didn’t get frightened because I was so completely spellbound. Indeed, if anything, my feeling was rather one of annoyance because I was immobilized and unable to get to the window. But afterwards, my wife had a thorough fit of the shakes. The eerie apparition lasted altogether about 40 seconds or so, and then the vivid light ended abruptly. Then, some 30 or 40 seconds later, we saw the UFO fly over our bedroom window in a westerly direction and vanish. Simultaneously the paralysis ended for both of us. My wife was too upset to be able to sleep anymore, and so was I.


Then, about half an hour later, we heard the same sound again, coming from the other direction. Our bedroom has windows on the two sides, and so we got a full view of the UFO for the first time. From a distance of about 300 metres, we watched it flying straight towards us. Again we heard the same sounds as before, and for about six seconds or so we could see its shape absolutely clearly. The craft was shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow … the cupola was a bright, shining silver. The underside had three coloured apertures and a central light.  Then, just as the disc – which I estimated to be about 10 metres wide – was nearly right over us, something quite unbelievable happened. It simply dissolved into thin air – between one-tenth of a second and another – and it was gone, without any transition!

Lohre reported the encounter to a local newspaper. “After the newspaper had published the report,” he said, “25 people contacted me, including one whole bowling team that had been traveling home at the time. Unfortunately none of them was prepared to go public as eyewitnesses.” Dr Hattwig asked Herr Lohre if he had the impression that the craft was ‘seeking’ him personally. “Absolutely!” replied Lohre. “For it was hovering there right beside my bedroom window, as though they knew exactly where I was. It is true that my wife and I were both paralyzed, but unlike me she felt no pain in the spine.”


The day after the incident, a number of peculiar developments occurred. “At 4 p.m.,” recounted Lohre, “my wife and daughter and I – who were all in different rooms at the time – saw a light like a photo-flash in front of our TV sets, accompanied by a crackling sound. Then, an hour later, phenomenal discharges came from the TV sets downstairs. Furthermore, we found that our computer had acted up. We never found any reason for that, and it has never happened again. Then, at about 10 p.m., suddenly a tremendous banging started up inside our wardrobe, as though somebody was shut in there. But despite all our efforts and searching, we could find absolutely no reason for the noise. And every time we opened the wardrobe, the noise stopped. On and off the eerie happenings went on for a further eight weeks, and disturbed us badly.”

“After the encounter”- Lohre said  – “I had constant pain in the spine, and, a week later, using a mirror, I discovered on my spine, at the level of the buttocks, two red marks, about 2 cm apart. I went to see a doctor, who then found two black spots below the skin. He applied an ointment, and he referred me for a CAT scan (Computer tomography), but before I was able to go there two little black lens-shaped things came out of my back. I put them away very carefully, to show them to the doctor, but by the second day following they had simply evaporated.”

Dr. Hattwig asked Lohre what was his explanation for the little black things and the latter had none. Dr. Hattwig asked:  “Have you ever heard anything about UFO abductions?”. Lohre eyed Hattwig with an unbelieving look. As he was to admit to him later, such an idea was utterly new to him, and up till then he had never heard of anything of the sort.  But later on Lohre replied: “I did indeed read about it later on, and I did play around for a while with the idea of undergoing hypnosis, but so far I haven’t taken that step.”   This was a wise decision on Lohre’s part because regression hypnosis is known to be very unreliable. NOTE: The above image is CGI.













In the early morning of November 27, 1995, Samuel Rodolfo Barreras was working as a security guard at a place called “El Trigal”, an urban area outside of Havana City. While inside his post shelter through the window, he noticed a bright light approaching his location from the sky. Samuel assumed that the light was an aircraft that was having trouble and was in danger of crashing. To his amazement, the light shortly became a hovering flying saucer above the roof of one of the building. While in awe watching the craft, he realized that he was completely paralyzed and was not able to move a muscle. The craft displayed some flying maneuvers in order to descend to the centre of a small plaza that was in the middle of this building complex were Samuel was guarding. Slowly, the craft descended hovering half a meter over the ground.  Due to shock, Samuel still was unable to move, but still remained watching out the windows while the craft was coming to a stop. He did not see any landing gear, the UFO was simply floating half a meter over the ground completely still. A minute passed and a hatch opened upward from the lower part of the craft. This door or hatch was not initially visible or noticeable by Samuel when the craft was hovering prior to stopping.

An entity emerged from the inside of the craft. Samuel described it as a humanoid in figure, around six plus feet tall but based on his mechanical movement he assumed that was some kind of “robot”. The entity walked from the ship in the direction of the location were Samuel was stationary. Samuel was growing in fear and tried to break a piece of the window to use their parts as defence weapon just in case, but it was impossible due to the paralysis that he was under. Luckily almost 10 meter away from Samuel’s location the entity made a turn in a different direction and decide to inspect another area.  Samuel observed this entity carefully. It was wearing a tight dark clothing that seems very “shiny”. He noticed the unusual shape of its head and it had very big dark eyes – he said, Samuel stated that he was not sure but its eyes seemed similar to a camera diaphragm. The entity stood still over 15 minutes while moving its head in different direction looking around, then retraced its steps back to the craft location and board it. The hatch closed immediately and some seconds after the lower part of the craft lit up with some sort of lights or turbines as Samuel described them based on the high luminosity and humming sound that was creating similar to bees but in a higher pitch.  The craft started a slow ascend while this circular array of blue fluorescent lights were gaining in intensity and power. Once the craft was an altitude parallel to the roof of the building, in a split of a second it took off at an impossible speed, it looked like it disappeared instantly from the location. Shortly after the craft departure, Samuel gained control of his body and was able to move, he quickly searched for a paper and pencil to sketch the craft that he just witnessed.

NOTE: The above image is CGI.











It was the last weekend in July, 1996 approximately 11:55pm. Sue and Sarah were on their way from Whitehorse to their home in the goldfields southeast of Dawson City. They were travelling on the Hunker Road driving up a steep hill towards King Solomon Dome, a beautiful spot where one can see for miles from the divide between the Klondike and Indian Rivers. There they spotted a very strange sight indeed, they could not believe their eyes! Suspended in the sky was a giant cigar-shaped “something”. It had a row of rectangular windows and was sitting there motionless and at a slight angle. Sue looked at her watch, and recalls that the time read 1:50 am, however she also noted that her watch had stopped. After driving between hills and round curves in the road they could now see much more detail of the craft which was almost directly ahead of them.


  They noted a swarm of small “ships” buzzing around what they gathered to be the front of the object, these “ships” had not been there previously. They assumed the front was the end that slightly tilted towards the sky. The smaller ships appeared as bright hazy lights, 12 to 13 in number as they made an attempt to count them. They were going in and out of the big cigar-shaped thing! They drove on down the steep descent along Quartz Road into the valley before loosing sight of the objects behind a hill on the left hand side   after regaining view of the object again the “little ships” were gone. Apparently they had “tucked themselves away” but they couldn’t believe how close this thing appeared to be.

They passed a mining operation on their right hand side where the workers outside seemed oblivious to the UFO. They thought about pulling in and alerting the work crew but the need to return Sue’s son was much greater. Astounded they watched this thing as it started to go behind Haystack Mountain, this was 12 km away from them on the other side of the Indian River! With the mountain partly in front of the craft they realized the enormity of the object was totally unbelievable! This thing was huge! Its angle of tilt had also increased as it continued to descend behind Haystack Mountain. They were expecting it to shoot off into the sky at any second, up and to the left, as they perceived that to be the front of the craft. To their astonishment this thing continued to descend at the same angle behind Haystack Mountain. “How could this thing fit behind Haystack unless it sunk into the dirt” was their thought. They came roaring into their driveway honking their horn. Their son came running out, the sisters jumped out of the car and tried to look for words to describe the awesome event. They were beside themselves. Their son managed to get in a few words in edge wise. “Where have you been? It’s 3:30 in the morning!” he said. Apparently the sisters were missing 2 hours from their journey.

NOTE: The above image is CGI.











On the morning of November 5, 1996. Haraldo Westendorf  took off in his single-engine airplane from the city of Pelotas near the southernmost tip of Brazil for a routine recreational flight of the kind he takes for fun whenever time allows. On this occasion, he had been in the air only about 12 minutes and was flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet over a large lake some five miles southeast of Pelotas when he saw ahead of him an enormous aerial object. The time was about 10:30 a.m. He radioed the Pelotas tower to learn if they could see the object from the ground. They confirmed that the object was visible to them and asked him for a close-range report. Westendorf then decided to fly as close as he could. Westendorf emphasizes that he did not believe in UFOs and says this accounts for his initial willingness to fly close to the object. He didn’t know he might be in danger.

 When he got close to the object, he realized that in his twenty years of piloting experience he had never seen or heard of anything like it. Since he had done stunt training in the United States and had also flown in France, he had become acquainted with some very advanced and exotic aircraft. But he knew that this was not an airplane. Westendorf showed several detailed color drawings of the object, with his own plane drawn to scale alongside it. He describes the object as a faceted cone, flat on the bottom with a rounded point on top. On each of the eight or ten sloping side panels were three large bulges, like triangle-shaped bay windows on the side of a house — but they did not look like windows. The entire surface was brown in color. The structure was about 70 meters (225 feet) high and about 100 meters (325 feet) in diameter, big enough to fill nearly an entire soccer field if landed. His own plane, less than 6 meters wide, was tiny by comparison. Westendorf says he spent about 12 to 14 minutes in close proximity to the object, trying to see as much as he could. Although the Pelotas air tower does not have radar, he believes the airport radar at Curitiba (nearly 450 nautical miles northeast of his position) tracked the whole encounter. However, officials at Curitiba deny this.

The object was spinning around slowly and moving southeast toward the nearby seacoast at a speed of about 60 nautical miles per hour. Westendorf managed to fly entirely around the base of the object three times. At one point, he says, his wingtip came within about 40 meters of the object. After his third lap around the object, Westendorf noticed that the rounded top seemed to disappear, leaving what looked like an open hole at the top. Then he saw, emerging from inside the object, a classic flying saucer. It rose sideways, its long axis vertical until it cleared the top of the larger object, then tipped down to assume its normal orientation and departed at tremendous speed. Westendorf said that this saucer was about 10 meters in diameter, or nearly twice as wide as his own plane, and he thinks it flew away at more than Mach 10. The saucer showed no indication of noticing Westendorf’s presence nearby.

As soon as the saucer disappeared, Westendorf decided to try to fly over the top of the object. Brazilian media later reported that he wanted to fly his plane into the interior of the object, but he says he never even considered that. He only hoped for a peek through the opening. To get more altitude, he flew his plane several hundred meters away from the object, turned around and began a steep climb. He noticed that the object was now rotating much faster. Then he saw brilliant beams of red light shoot from the top of the object toward the sky. He quickly abandoned his plan to fly over the top.

Then, to his amazement, the object rose straight up at tremendous speed. For the first time, Westendorf was scared, because he believed the object’s rapid acceleration might produce a shock wave of turbulence that could overwhelm his own plane. As a trained pilot, he knew that air traffic controllers recommend staying at least three minutes behind a large aircraft to avoid such turbulence. He estimated that the unidentified object probably weighed at least three times as much as a 747 jumbo jet, so its shock wave should be huge — and he was only a few hundred meters away. He quickly began emergency procedures in case his plane went into a spin or a stall. But to his surprise, he did not encounter any turbulence. NOTE: The above image is CGI.













31st March 1999, we had been out for a bar meal to a small village called Pailton in the Warwickshire countryside. There were four of us in the car that night, at approximately 9.30 pm we left the White Lion public house and headed home. We turned onto the Fosse Way near the village of Monks Kirby and immediately noticed some bright lights ahead of us. The lights were ½ mile away and just off the road to the left.  We drove down parallel to the lights which I now estimate as being only 100 feet away! We had slowed right down by this point. I stared at the four lights which were in a row, but not level with the ground, I would say they were tilted at approx. 25% to the horizon. I stared into the light on the far left, this light was the highest side of the tilt with the far right light being the anchor point for the 25% angle. It was at this moment I also noticed a fifth smaller spurious light off to the left hand side.


As I stared into the end light I could see a criss cross of lines a bit like a traffic light lens, it seemed to pulse very rapidly in a digital fashion, i.e. on off not up and down. As I was looking at this light and then the lights in general I noticed a shape start to appear around them, the edges looked like the sky was rippling but they and the body, I believe, were transparent at that time.. As soon as I had realised there was an object there it tilted slowly upwards in a most peculiar fashion, like an airship or submarine, the object was now solid and fully materialised in a triangular shape.  The tilt was not from the centre of the craft but from the rear, i.e. the rear end stayed where it was and the nose rose in the air. It was so low that if it had pivoted from the centre of the craft the rear would have struck the ground! I noticed the surface looked to be alive, it was like a lake of dark grey liquid similar to Mercury, the liquid although tilted quite steeply looked as though it had waves running up and down the surface, like ripples on a lake in a breeze. On top of this “lake” were silver lines running up and down the surface, they were like box sections raised off the surface which interlocked like an old fashioned maze .


I could see how the crafts top and bottom surfaces joined to a lighter central core, like a sandwich. No nuts and bolts, rivets or welding seams visible. There were no apertures, no antennas or protrusions of any kind. It was immediately obvious to me this was not an earthly object.  I was shouting stop, stop, let me out (I wanted to get even closer!) but the driver pulled slightly forward to enable her to reverse into a gateway off the main road. The result of this was that a large hedge momentarily blocked our view of the craft. I thought to myself “if it’s going to clear off now would be a good time” and sure enough it did!  NOTE: The above image is CGI.











The sighting occurred on Monday May 14, 2007 in the German city of Kelsterbach between 1:00 AM and 1:50 AM. Two friends (Identity hidden by request) saw a boomerang shaped flying object in the clear night sky which was flying very low over one of the witnesses yard. The other fiend saw it first and initially it appeared to be a very fast moving cloud. It uncloaked itself and initially it appeared to be transparent. Then hw was able to see some small lights on the bottom (which by that time were turned on). He was able to see whole ship, it appeared to be of a silvery color with a strong reflecting effect like a mirror, it looked heavily polished.  In a blink of an eye the craft re-cloaked and turned into a “cloud” again, but then instantly reappeared! By that time one of the friends informed the other one what was going on since Initially he was looking in a different direction. The ship seemed to reappeared in the skies near the “Great Dipper” star constellation. There was not a single cloud that night; so this thing certainly caught their attention. There was a church tower near by so they figured that the object was flying quite low (approx. 82 feet/25 meters). This aircraft uncloaked in front of their eyes, and as soon as it had passed the Great Dipper it cloaked again and disappeared. It had an orange glow at the front, some sort of dome at the rear and some sort of lights (which were turned off) and the bottom. They were able to see this object in full detail. The ship’s body and its dome were silver in color. The big lights at the bottom appeared to be tinted, the small lights described above where not visible any longer because they seems to be turned off at the end of the sighting. The estimate craft’s wingspan was the size of at least three or four Airbus A380 Airplanes put together. The sighting didn’t last long, maybe a couple of minutes and a few seconds.

NOTE: The above image is CGI.














Madeira island  is located about 500 miles west of Morocco. On May 22 nd 2008 at about 21.57 pm local time my wife and I witnessed a strange light which at first  I thought was an extremely bright star.  I had just walked out onto our balcony, I then realized that it was moving in relation to the stars in the sky .I then thought it must be a shooting star and expected it crash in to the atmosphere ,which did not occur. By this time my wife got the camera and managed to take two pictures before it disappeared from view over the apartment, heading northeast almost directly above us. The sighting lasted about 3 minutes. Unfortunately we are not great photographers, the images are not great but left us quite surprised and confused at what they revealed .  In them both appears a star and the object, they were taken a few seconds apart.


This case is under investigation by International Director of Portugal Ken Pfeifer.









  article-infra-red-ufoARMY TEAM’S CLOSE ENCOUNTER IN IRAQ.



I was with an US Army infantry team in Southern Iraq at the time. We were on mission, sitting stationary in 3 humvees near the Iraq/Iran border, watching for mortar fire. After about 30 minutes of sitting in place in total blackout, the lead humvee gunner, Specialist Henry Merrill spotted one glowing, pulsating circular object hovering close to a mile away at about 45 degrees from horizon. The object then began to sway, almost like a slow dance before it started to seperate into dozens of different but similar objects. All objects continued to sway in unison as the seperation continued to fill the sky over a period of 30 minutes. Rhe movements were all similar, literally had the feeling of an aerial slow dance. Moving closer amd further away, spinning, almost seeming to change shape, all simultaneously. The objects then stopped, rapidly got in-line back to the 45 degree inclination before descending below the horizon. When I first noticed the object my first thought was that it was either a star or a distant helicopter. That thought only lasted about a minute before I realized it was neither based on the movement and the fact that the objects were ONLY visible through infrared. At first I felt worried that nobody knew what the original aircraft was. Once it started seperating, I became less worried the object was hostile and just became puzzled. The feeling of worry was rekindled when the objects got in line because this was so different from the previous movements and seemed almost hostile, like an attack formation. Once the objects descended, we all decided to end the mission early and RTB.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.













Photographic evidence shows a very strange object.  This UFO sighting is very significant for many reasons. First, the reliability of the witnesses are beyond reproach. Second, the photographic evidence shows a very strange object, and if one looks carefully, two of the photos appear to show the silhouette of at least one occupant, possibly two.

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, Pepe (fictitious name) and his wife, daughter and son were in the process of exiting their house to enter their vehicle. Son alerted Pepe about a bright light hovering above near the zenith. Pepe saw the light and remarked it was not only too high over the horizon to be the planet Venus, but also brighter. The object was stationary and to Pepe’s eyes it seemed to consist of two lights in one. Pepe asked wife to bring camera from the house and asked her to take a photo of the light. Wife took the first photo. Camera is an old Sony digital camera, model DSC-HX200V, with an integrated zoom lens made by Carl Zeiss. Wife handed over the camera to Pepe. Pepe took a photo. He waited a few minutes and when he tried to take another photo could not locate the object in the LCD screen. His son advised the object was still in the same place and after re-acquiring the object he took another photo. Pepe advised the three photos had different zoom settings.

After approximately 7-10 minutes a large cloud hid the object. After realizing it would take a long time for the cloud to pass they decided to enter vehicle and departed area. From time to time Pepe pulled over the vehicle in order to try to locate object, but the cloud was still hiding the object. When the cloud finally moved away the object was gone.  Pepe regrets he did not try to take more photos of the object at different zoom settings. He thought at the time the object lacked any features and was not doing anything. His overall impression of the experience is that whoever controlled this object wanted for him not just to see it, but to take photos of it.






