A “Brilliant Bright Light” In The Aggsbach Valley

In the early evening of 3rd August 1972, at around 8:45 pm in the Aggsbach Valley area of the Vienna Woods in Austria, head forester, Reinhold Hering, and fellow experienced hunter, Erika Graef, were walking towards their latest kill for retrieval. Hering’s two trained dogs accompanied the pair also.  Suddenly, Hering noticed a bizarre, bright light ahead of them and slightly to their right. He discreetly got Graef’s attention and the pair settled where they were, lifting their binoculars to their eyes to watch the strange glow more closely. As they did so, it slowly emerged from behind a large pine tree. The pair immediately pulled their binoculars away from their faces, the light now much too intense to view through them.  Graef would later recall that “with the naked eye you could clearly see the disc which gave off a brilliant light”. The object tilted slightly towards the pair allowing them to make out a very definite dark, solid surface with three separate lights on it. The first two lights glowed a warm red-orange color. The third, however, was much brighter. Hering would recall that this brighter light appeared to “come from a groove” like an “all-round headlight”.  Incidentally, Hering’s home is in Klausen-Leopoldsdorf which is right in the flight path of all aircraft approaching Vienna Airport. He was extremely familiar with all manner of aircraft in the region and this was most certainly something neither he nor his hunting partner had witnessed before.  The glowing craft continued to move calmly over the two hunters and the Aggsbach Valley. It would remain in sight for around fifteen seconds before disappearing behind the sloping landscape of Kreuzeck Hill. The pair both returned to their waiting car as quickly as they could, leaving their prize on the forest floor unclaimed. Once there, they drove to Hering’s home and made a report of the sighting to the local police.  It wasn’t long before his report found its way into the local newsrooms.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO and Marcus Lowth




It was June the 22 in 1996 on a Saturday when we drove to a fellows farmhouse.  It was the night that Holland had to play France in the European championships. It was around twelve o’clock when my friend and I decided to leave. We were the first to leave. I had to work the next day and I don’t like to go to bed late on work nights. We thanked our host and walked outside immediately I saw a disk like object with many lights under it circling above the farm house. It was nothing that I’ve ever seen before and I said to my friend, hey look at that, my friend thought that it is was probably from the highway. Imagine if you will total darkness on an old farm house road, no houses just a country road the highway was four or five miles away. We stepped inside the car and drove west towards a major road. My friend said that the object was flying adjacent to the car on the passengers side. I looked and saw it, turned left and the object turned with us when I speeded up the object speeded up as well, turned right and it proceeded to follow and the same speed. We drove another few miles and this object kept the same distance from the car. I guess I got brave, our stupid, and stopped the car, got out to take a better look at the object. It was spinning in a slow way counterclockwise and then stopped above a house on our right side, then started turning clockwise back towards us it was interacting with us. To get an approximation on the size of it I would have to know how high that he was flying, what I do know for sure is that it was close and large the size of a couple of football fields. It made no sound. It flew over the car a couple of times. After a few minutes I got back inside the car. Trying not to alarm my friend I keep my thoughts to myself. I drove on turning left on the middle peel road We thought that we had lost him because of the low tree line but that illusion was short lived, because one minute later it was back on the passengers side of the car.

When we reached Boekel we were driving under a lot of trees so we couldn’t see anything following us. My friend said to drive faster and hide the car under our garage so I did, we got out of the car and ran inside the house. When I told the baby sitter she said ” it was a shame that she couldn’t have seen it”. Me being of the nosey types had to look outside and to my horror it was hovering above the neighbors house. But now it was very close and I could see from the lights that he was slanting down in my direction, looking at me. I could see this because when this object was following us home we saw the whole underside with all the lights turning clockwise or counter clockwise now I could only see a row of lights where the lights were turning they were disappearing on the side and reappearing on the other side. I called for the baby sitter and my wife to come outside, but when they did the thing took off like a rocket it was like it just disappeared. Note that this was instantaneous and did not make the slightest noise or wind like a helicopter would do. Being a prior air force sergeant I know what the military has. When the two ladies went back inside a minute later it came back. And I called the ladies back. This time the object stayed and the baby sitter turned a little shade of white and said that she was going home because “this is scary” then she departed for her house. Just then (name removed) my neighbor, was returning home from a party. Walked over to me and the object took off again. When I told Jan of our “strange night” He laughed and I told him to stay put, it will come back, just then it returned and Jan was surprised He had never seen anything like this and a couple of minutes later it took off and we went back inside. Hoping that it would just stay away and it did. In this weekend we heard on the news that there were a lot of UFO sightings in that weekend. when I saw MUFON case that is exactly what we saw on the night in question. that is why I’m reporting this to you. I had already reported to other sites 20 years ago.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.










We first observed one of these orbs from our house on NW side of Kalamazoo. The orb appeared to us to be star-like and following a ‘setting’ movement slowly into the west. What struck us, however, was that this orb appeared to move slightly right and then left, up and down. Upon further examination after turning off all the lights in the house, we could see pin-pricks of bright white lights streaking to and from the orb and sometimes in arcs. We jumped into the van and drove west into Van Buren County and parked near the Kal-Haven trail in the Mentha area. There is a ridge that runs north-south about a mile west of where we were parked. We viewed these orbs rise above the tree line and hover what appeared to be about 100 feet above the trees that were on the ridge line. We watched as these orbs would move mainly from the south to the north. Then one came from the south, moved past the center orb and headed north over Timber Ridge. It moved in a sporadic manner. Fast then complete stop then move up/down or back and forth before moving on.

The center orb then began to move toward us as we were video taping it. As the video clears at points you can make out that this one orb is actually made up of three bright orbs with a smaller red orb trailing behind. Small white flashes also blink out of it. It appeared as if the orb shape shifted into the shape of a human aircraft. Airplanes were flying in the vicinity. We could easily see that this entity was not a man-made aircraft. It was not like anything we had ever seen before. This orb flew over us I am guesstimating about 1000 feet. After it passed overhead I attempted to take some still shots with my van door open. There was no aircraft sound. The 3-orb entity, with it’s red orb trailing, turned south and flew about a mile before abruptly turning east again. We drove in the same direction and saw it make another abrupt turn northeast and fly on very quickly. We lost track of it. This whole ordeal lasted nearly two hours!









I was walking to a friends home when I looked up into the sky and noticed a very bright glowing orb at a 60 degree viewing angle. After moments of looking at the object for a minute or so the orb faded away completely. It then reappeared about 20 seconds later, at the time it was whey below cloud cover, so it left no explanation of it’s vanishing. Over the next 15 minutes or so the object would reappear in different locations that were far distanced, and not in a forward direction. The orb then was at a closer distance to me, and was noticed to have shaped into a triangular craft in shape with sequential flashing lights, with 2 brilliant bI was walking to a friends home when I looked up into the sky and noticed a very bright glowing orb at a 60 degree viewing angle. After moments of looking at the object for a minute or so the orb faded away completely. It then reappeared about 20 seconds later, at the time it was whey below cloud cover, so it left no explanation of it’s vanishing. Over the next 15 minutes or so the object would reappear in different locations that were far distanced, and not in a forward direction. The orb then was at a closer distance to me, and was noticed to have shaped into a triangular craft in shape with sequential flashing lights, with 2 brilliant bright lights, that were somewhat cloaking the object I was trying to view. Noticeable was an inferred light that was omitting from the front of the craft that extended some large distance. This same thing had occurred multiple times during viewing it, as it’s most intriguing capability was it’s ability to go from a super bright orb and  then completely vanish and appear in other parts of the sky, which it had done multiple times! This is the second encounter I have had with this type of craft…However last time was a much closer encounter that had psychological impacts on me for over 6 months. Feel free to contact me for more specific information pertinent to this report!right lights, that were somewhat cloaking the object I was trying to view. Noticeable was an inferred light that was omitting from the front of the craft that extended some large distance. This same thing had occurred multiple times during viewing it, as it’s most intriguing capability was it’s ability to go from a super bright orb and  then completely vanish and appear in other parts of the sky, which it had done multiple times! This is the second encounter I have had with this type of craft…However last time was a much closer encounter that had psychological impacts on me for over 6 months. Feel free to contact me for more specific information pertinent to this report!   NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator of MUFON New Jersey.









A hunting trip with his four dogs in the Florida Everglades by experienced woodsman, James Flynn in March 1965 would result in a close encounter that would leave physical consequences for the rest of his life, including being legally blind in one eye. While there is debate as to whether the craft Flynn witnessed was extraterrestrial in nature or a clandestine military project, there is little doubt that he witnessed something very real in the cut-off environment of the Everglades.  At the time, Flynn firmly believed the craft was “some secret aircraft of ours”. Furthermore, once he could prove it, he would bill them for the repairs to his injured eye. Over three decades later, in 1996, however, he would state when speaking of the incident in light of no satisfactory explanation for it that, “I’m (still) waiting for the day someone turns up the truth about this thing”. Now, twenty years on from that statement, and over half a century removed from the incident itself, that truth is still waiting to be uncovered.  The US military, aside from an initial interview with the witness, would essentially wash their hands of the affair. This is very likely due to a wave of UFO sightings in the south Florida area at the time. One of which occurred at the Crestview School several years later, which we have examined before. It is highly likely the craft witnessed by James Flynn was under the same intelligent control as many others witnessed across the state of Florida in the mid-sixties.

A Bright Yellow Glow Over The Trees

It was around 1 am in the opening hours of the 15th when Flynn first caught sight of something slightly strange. The object was around a mile in front of him. It would glow a bright yellow as it moved just above and through the tree-tops ahead. After several moments it disappeared into the distance. However, only minutes later, it returned and hovered over the trees once more, again for around five minutes.  Flynn continued to force the swamp-buggy forward, now heading directly for the strange craft’s location. As he did so, he witnessed the object once again vanish into the distance. He continued to head towards its previous location, though, and once again the glowing craft soon returned.  With the marshland becoming increasingly thick he stepped out of his swamp-buggy. He would continue forward on foot. He scanned his surroundings once more, refocusing on the object ahead, and then set out in its direction.  Now, only a quarter-of-a-mile away, Flynn watched as the object appeared to land in a small clearing in front of him. Believing he was witnessing a helicopter he snatched a quick look through his binoculars. It didn’t take long for him to realize it wasn’t a helicopter he was seeing. At least not a conventional one. Perhaps, he reasoned, it was a secret military aircraft from the (relatively) nearby Cape Canaveral. Either way, he was as intrigued with glowing craft as he was concerned for his still missing dogs.

Light Beam Delivers “A Blow Like A Sledgehammer!”

Although determined to see what this strange object was, he would proceed forward with caution. As he neared its location he could see it was like an “upside-down cone” with a distinct circular underside, from which came an orange-yellow light. He would estimate it to be around seventy-five feet across and around thirty feet high. As he studied the craft even closer, he could make out “portholes or windows” around the side in rows. A yellow glow leaked out from the inside of the craft through these windows. Although he tried to see signs of activity inside, he was unable to make out any particular details.  Then, as he studied the craft more intently, an intense “diesel generator-type whirring” filled the air. Inside the cage on the swamp-buggy nearby, Flynn’s dog became immediately agitated and nervous. Flynn remained in the shadows on the outskirts of the circle of light cast on the ground from the craft’s underside.
He took a breath before walking forward, waving his arms as he did so in an attempt to communicate. Suddenly, the whirring intensified into something more akin to a jet engine. At the same time, a powerful wind appeared out of nowhere within the circle of light. So powerful was this blast of air that he fell to the ground unable to stand. He pulled himself to his feet, gathered his thoughts and approached the craft again.  He was only yards away from the mysterious object when a sudden “light beam” shot out and hit him directly in the middle of his forehead. Flynn would later describe it as “a blow like a sledgehammer between the eyes”. He looked around the scene for several more moments, although his mind wasn’t able to process what was happening. Then, he lost consciousness.

Strange Internal Injuries That “Can’t Be Faked!”

When he awoke several hours later, his eyesight was severely hampered. So much so that he was almost blind. His head also ached terribly. He would later discover a dark bruise where the light beam struck him. He looked around him. The strange craft was no longer there. However, as he stood he could see the grass underneath him was “charred” in a distinct circular shape. He also noticed some of the nearby trees were also singed and burnt somewhat.  He would call on a friend to assist him in returning to his home in Fort Myers. Once there he would seek out medical treatment and would remain in hospital for several days. As well as the apparent damage to his sight, doctors would discover slight damage to his hearing. Perhaps a little stranger, he also had damage to his muscle and tendon reflexes, which were discovered during examination. It is worth noting, when considering Flynn’s integrity, the report of Dr. Paul Brown. It would state this muscle and tendon damage could not have been faked. Incidentally, although his vision would return to normal over time in one eye, the other is permanently, and legally, blind.  While he was in the hospital he would receive communication from several military intelligence officers. This phone call apparently came at the orders of General O’Keefe who was stationed at Homestead Air Force Base nearby. They would record basic details of the encounter before informing Flynn that they would visit him again once he was out of the hospital. To the best of anyone’s knowledge, this second visit never happened. In fact, the military appeared to positively distance themselves as much as possible from the incident. This, as we shall see, despite Flynn offering evidence of something untoward for analysis.

Evidence Remains At The Scene

Flynn also began to experience numbness in his arms over the following days, leading him to visit Dr. Harvie Stipe. Stipe was not only an expert in his field, but he had known Flynn for over twenty-five years. He also had a genuine interest in Flynn’s encounter. So much so that he, along with two other local residents, would accompany Flynn back to the scene of the incident on the afternoon of 26th March.  The burned circle of grass that Flynn had recalled waking in following being hit with the light beam was still very visible. A measurement would reveal it to be over seventy-feet across. While elsewhere the usual “forest debris” lay, in this circle of scorched grass, there wasn’t a single item. It appeared as though someone had swept it clean. Flynn would recall the strong gust of wind and how it must have been responsible for the clean appearance of the area.  The group would even take soil samples and photographs of the scene and send them to the Homestead Air Base. However, not only were they not returned, they were not even acknowledged, or answered. Whether this silence was down to involvement on the US military’s part or whether it was simply an attempt to publicly distance themselves from a situation they “officially” had no interest in, and very likely, no explanation for is open to debate. That strange aerial crafts were zipping around the skies over Florida throughout 1960s, though, isn’t. Indeed, Florida as a location is interesting, both due to its (relative) close proximity to the South American continent, another hotbed of UFO activity, as well as the ample amount of US military bases there.







FEBURARY 2, 2018 ……………………..MIAMI FLORIDA

Ok…for the last two weeks, Miami is being inundated w/UFO’s and many nights we see Coast Guard choppers and helicopters, with no lights, buzzing the UFO’s, boats in Biscayne bay w/no lights and I’ve heard military jets multiple times.  I live on 33rd floor of a Miami high rise and look straight north over Biscayne Bay with unobstructed views. Starting two weeks or so ago we started seeing whitish orbs basically popping up in the sky out of nowhere. For the past few days, they are popping up further north and sometimes northeast over ocean and moving very slowly to about 150th to 41st north and the middle of Biscayne bay. They then hover for 5 to 30 minutes at an altitude of approximately 2-4 thousand feet moving occasionally up, or in other directions when commercial aircraft are coming their direction then going stationary again.

When they move out of view they start moving from hovering position to the west towards the city or south over my building and climbing sometimes very high then out of view. I have a ton of video and still shots showing this and from directly underneath. From underneath, they show different structural make up. Maybe 3 or 4 different types Disc, tube, boomerang, and some other shape I cannot discern. NEVER, never do any make a sound…completely silent. They only come out at dusk and continue throughout the night. These are not lanterns as they hover then move in different directions other than with the wind and at times zigzag out of commercial traffic’s way. Not drones either. Whatever is going on is the real deal and needs to be investigated immediately!!