After leaving the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, on the evening of 5th July 1972 where she was visiting her son following an accident when a cupboard fell on him at school, Maureen Puddy would drive to her mother’s home in Frankston to update her on his condition. And to have a much-needed cup of tea before making the final drive home. At around 9:15 pm, Maureen bid her mother farewell and set off back on her journey.  Shortly after, she noticed a sudden glow of blue seemingly coming from above her. Thinking it was likely a police helicopter she would pull the car over to the side of the road. As she stepped from the vehicle expecting to see an officer with a loudspeaker issuing instructions to her, she instead saw a huge, blue, round object, like “two saucers placed together”. She would estimate it to be around “two telephone poles” from the ground. Later investigations would estimate the size of the object to be around one-hundred feet wide.  As she pressed herself against the exterior of her car, now questioning her decision to exit the vehicle but remaining where she was nonetheless, she took in as much detail as she could. The entire blue-metallic surface had no joins or seams that she could see and was entirely smooth. Similarly, she noticed no doors or windows of any kind. An “intense blue glow” enveloped the entire craft and cast its brilliant wash all around the immediate area. As she continued to watch the hovering, though motionless object, she noticed a humming noise permeate the air.

Three Weeks Later, Same Time, Same Place

After several moments she suddenly snapped back to her senses and quickly positioned herself back in the driver’s seat, starting the engine in one fluid motion. She sped away from the scene but much to her horror when she glanced back she noticed the object was following her. No matter how much she increased her speed, the strange blue craft would maintain the exact same distance. This continued for several miles before the object suddenly disappeared leaving Puddy to see a “very bright light streaking” across the sky away from her.  She returned home, confused about what she had seen, but certain it wasn’t a dream or an illusion of some kind. She made a report to the police although they certainly didn’t take it very seriously. Nor did the several friends and members of her family who she told of the incident. So much so, she decided to keep the encounter to herself from then on.  However, following a similar hospital visit on the evening of the 25th July, at almost the same time of 9:15 pm, at roughly the same spot, the large, blue disc appeared again. This time, though, she decided against stopping the car. In fact, she gripped the wheel and pressed her foot down harder on the accelerator. However, instead of speeding into the distance, the car came to a calm stop at the roadside. As she looked out of her windscreen, the object was hovering above and in front of her.  Then, a voice entered her head.

“Tell The Media…You Are Now In Control!”

“Don’t be afraid, we mean you no harm” were the first words that went through her mind. This was followed by the rather bizarre “your tests will be negative. Tell the media…you are now in control”. What was meant by this is not sure.  Then, the car engine started of its own accord. She remained still for a moment before speeding away from the scene. She would make a report of the sighting to the police once more, if only to get it put on record.  Several months passed before UFO researchers, Paul Norman and Judith Magee would take an interest in the case. She would speak directly to the researchers as well as giving a public talk at their urging. Puddy would attempt to contact the wider media (as per the apparent instructions to do so) but decided against pursuing the action further due to the usual ridicule she was met with.  She claimed to still receive messages, however. And one evening, after claiming to have received a message to “return to the meeting place” she would contact Magee and Norman and arranged to meet them. It would be an evening that would prove to be one of the most bizarre of any of their lives.  At a predetermined meeting place near an electricity sub-station off the highway, they arranged to meet at 9 pm. Magee and Norman arrived slightly earlier and could see Puddy approach in her car. As she parked up she immediately ran from the car to the researchers and informed them she nearly “went off the road back there”. Magee and Norman left their car, locked it and walked over to Puddy’s station wagon, asking her to tell them of the encounter on the way to the “meeting place”.

Invisible Entities

As soon as Magee stepped into Puddy’s car she would notice a strange “electric” feeling. As if something simply wasn’t right, although she didn’t know what. They drove on and Puddy informed them that as she was driving to meet them a strange figure in a gold-foil suit appeared out of nowhere in the car. The shock of the sudden appearance almost caused her to lose control of the car. Both researchers would note how genuinely shook up she seemed to be.  They arrived at the meeting place, a quiet spot off the main road, and stopped the car. As they sat speaking, Puddy suddenly reached out and grabbed Magee’s arm. “There he is! Can’t you see him?” she exclaimed to the two researchers. As they both looked to where Puddy was looking all they could see was empty road ahead of them. Instead, Puddy appeared to be in some kind of strange trance stating that it was getting closer. So close that if they reached out they would be able to touch it. It was telling her to follow it, she claimed, but she didn’t want to go.
All the while, Puddy remained in her seat at the front of the car, apparently seeing something the researchers could not. At this point, Megee would offer to “go with her” and would attempt to coerce her out of the vehicle. However, instead of leaving, Puddy simply gripped the wheel as tightly as she could, refusing to move.  Then, while remaining in her seat and still very much in some kind of trance, she began describing the inside of the entity’s space-craft.

An Out-Of-Body Experience

According to Puddy, she was standing in a large circular room. The entity was in front of her, pointing to a “mushroom-like object” in the middle of the room. This object was around ten feet tall and continually moved “like a jelly”. At the base of this mushroom-shape were symbols or “lines like Roman numerals”.  She suddenly became extremely agitated blurting out, “I can’t get out. There are no doors or windows. I can’t get out”. Magee would later state that all the while, Puddy was crying very real tears. If this was some kind of bizarre hallucination, it was very real, if only in her mind.  “He wants me to close my eyes” Puddy would offer out of the blue. She did so and appeared to instantly relax. All the while, the two UFO researchers looked on, both amazed and slightly spooked at what was happening. She would continue describing what she could see “inside” the craft, eventually becoming extremely animated once again.  Then, just like that, she was “back” inside the car with them. However, before each of them could take a breath, she went back into the trance stating, “I’m back in there again”. She went quiet, but remained calm, before stating to the researchers that the entity was no longer in the craft. She then “returned to the car”, the incident apparently over.

The sightings of Maureen Puddy would ultimately lead to one of the strangest cases of alleged abduction on record. The events began on a lonely Australian road as she drove home from visiting her son in a Melbourne hospital in July of 1972. Following two strange sightings, she began to receive telepathic messages and would ultimately be called back to the “meeting place” by the apparent entity behind them, where two UFO researchers witnessed a most bizarre contact experience.  NOTE: The top image is CGI.





THANKS TO Marcus Lowth and https://www.ufoinsight.com




JULY 5, 1959  ……….. MATAZAS BAY CUBA

It was the morning of the 5th of July of 1959. At 9:30 a troop of Boy Scouts who had set out from the Versailles district, walked along the nearby coastline. There were a total of more than 30 people clustered to one edge of the shore, while their guides were relatively nearby. The troop’s exact position was nearly facing L’Amours Beach. It was a clear, sunny, and virtually cloudless morning. Unexpectedly, shouts came from the troop leaders. “Look at that!” The formation broke up and all ran toward the beach. In awe, the witnessed an object which according to the first ones to see it, had emerged from the sea and hovered scant meters over its surface.   The object was oval in shaped, although some said it resembled a spinning top, while others stated it was a disk, given its resemblance to what was commonly known as “flying saucers”. Seconds later, the bright disk levelled off, parallel to the water. It immediately rose skyward vertically at prodigious speed, vanishing into infinity in less than fifteen seconds.   According to Eyewitness accounts, the machine appeared to be metallic, with a silvery color. Everyone could see that at the critical moment, a boat with two fishermen sailed rather close to the object. The fishermen looked upon the scene in astonishment. The object was wingless and measured between 6 and 8 in diameter. As was  subsequently determined, the craft rose from a depth calculated at 15 meters without making any noise or leaving a wake. All this happened barely 200 meters from the shore.   The party furnishing the details on this fascinating account solemnly swore having witnessed the event. In fact, Leonel Rodríguez retold is unforgettable experience eloquently – another one to be added to the annals of the worldwide UFO phenomenon.
What the Matanzas Press Had to Say

Headlines for the 6 July 1969 issue of the “Adelante” newspaper proclaimed: “Strange Object in Matanzas Bay”. Highlighting the sighting in one of its columns, the paper said: “Despite the investigations performed, its exact nature remains unknown. There is speculation, of course, as to whether it was a flying saucer or one another the objects known to fly in space.”   The “El Republicano” evening paper set the matter on record with the following headline: “Strange Silver Object Seen in Our Bay.” It was later known that the “El Imparcial” newspaper also picked up the controversial story.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.
THANKS TO http://inexplicata.blogspot.com


I have always believe in UFO’s most of my life It maybe one of the reason my love for astronomy is so great. I have spent 1000’s of hours under the stars observing and have keep my eyes open for object that I or my colleagues could not be explained away I have to say that there has been a couple of times that what I was observing was questionable but could always be logically explained . With that I can say that there is one time I did see an object that was and is today my belief of the real thing and the real reason I believe The sighting was on July 5th, 1981 between 10:00 to 11:00pm, camping along the Conejos river, in Conejos county, in the Colorado mountains. My wife went to bed and I had decided to stay up. I was sitting in the lawn chair just outside our tent. I was looking at the satellites with a pair of 10×50 Bushnell binoculars. I was trying to catch them tumbling as they traveled across the sky. I was able to catch a hand full of satellites traveling east to west and west to east. Some of them did tumble. As I was looking for the next satellite I saw a set of 3 lights traveling north to south The satellites looking lights were in a triangle configuration. At this time in my life I have never seen a set of satellite traveling in a triangle formation. So moving my lawn chair around to get a better view with the binoculars. I look at the 3 satellites with the binoculars and saw a large black object with white lights at the corners of the black triangle. I should have seen the satellites traveling through the stars but only saw the very large black object I brought down the binoculars. Looking at the 3 objects, I saw 3 lights and all the stars as though there was no object I was seeing right though the object. I look through the binoculars again and saw the large black triangle and the white lights at each point of the triangle, they were not blinking. The black object was so large it filled almost the whole field of view of the binoculars Being so large I was thinking it should be making sound of some type Maybe a jet sound. Bring down the binoculars, I tried to hear something But not a thing. The out in the middle of nowhere quiet. By now the hair on my arms were started to stand up. I was looking at the 3 satellites moving through the stars again I look again through the binoculars again the very large object by this time I knew what I was looking at. I was thinking I needed to get my wife up to see the object. Bring down the binoculars, I look for the satellites looking light. The lights were gone. No moving satellite They vanish. I brought up the binoculars and started look for the large object. No large object. As large as this object was I should be able to fine it right away, but it was gone. disappeared, vanish, gone just that fast. I saw what I saw. Out of the 1000’s of all nighter under the stars, this has been my one and only true unexplainable event over 3 decades of observing. I am hoping that one night I will see again a life altering event like I did in 1981.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







  On July 5th 2007 my nephew came to my room and asked me to go outside and look at something. I asked him what, but he responded he’s not sure, need to look for myself. This was daylight around 8 P.M.  I went into the backyard with him and he pointed in the sky. I saw a profile/underside of a large black triangle motionless and hovering beyond the roofs of the houses. The shape was similar to a manta ray except the outer shape was a near to perfect triangle with straight lines. The under side had 3 red lights towards each corner, this appeared to be propulsion. I could see it pulsated more to a white intensity color as it moved later on. From my view the object was half the length of a standard house looking over the roof line, hard to determine it’s exact distance or size. Had to either be very large and real far away, or just large and closer. I’ll estimate it at maybe 100 feet wide being the closer/smaller size because I could see some details in the lights/propulsion. There was no observable windows or doors anywhere on the craft, looked totally smooth throughout.  I affixed my hand to the side of the porch and used my thumb to determine if I saw any movement whatsoever, the object did not move with the wind like a balloon or a kite would do. We stared at it a good while and it started getting dark. I was looking at the clear night sky and the moon when at the south-east side of the moon I noticed a red light appear. As I watched this light it got larger, I told my nephew and we watched it come all the way into earth’s atmosphere and join up with the first triangle. It turned out to be another triangle the same. It took this triangle less than a minute from deep space to our location. At this point I realized that I was truly seeing a UFO..and in that sense I mean something not from earth. When triangle two got to triangle one, triangle one moved all erratic, then triangle two did something similar. Triangle one then darted off way into the distance, up down and all different directions and appeared to even come back to the same position as was. The speed and maneuvers were incredible. Triangle two did some erratic movements then shot off back into space, following the same pattern it came from. Again it took less than a minute and was totally out of sight on a very clear night sky. Triangle one then started to do what appeared to be a search pattern. Slow hovering and can see the triangle tilting in different directions as it moved around. After around two minutes of this triangle one darted off into space the same path triangle two took. Also out of sight less than a minute.  I have no video or images of this event. I did not want to leave and miss anything plus most likely nothing was charged. Always assumed it was possible other life exists than our own…we exist after all. I believe my nephew and I witnessed the proof that it’s not only possible but a reality. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.










On July 5, 2015, (Sunday) at 4:30 PM CDT, my son and I were hanging up new flags on my flag post. He was hoisting up the flags, so I was looking into the sky, watching them go up.  Much to my surprise, right in my line of sight, a UFO was passing overhead. It was traveling from due South to due North at what appeared to me to be a very high velocity. It was snow white with no visible markings or lights. I had a very clear view of it before it disappeared out of my sight. I could clearly see it for about 5 to 10 seconds.  If it was the size of a 747, I would estimate the altitude at 2500 to 3500 feet. My gut feeling is that it was much larger than a 747. It was traveling at an angle of about 70 percent from the plane of the earth. At speed and angle traveling it looked like it was heading into orbit.  To our South was a large bank of white clouds – the north was deep blue clear sky and very clear visibility with no haze or air pollution.  After I have had time to reflect on it, I think it may have been cloaked white, while it was in the clouds, and not cloaked to blue in time not to be seen. At rate of speed and angle of ascent, it could not have left the ground more than maybe 10 miles South of my location. and there are no known airports or military base in that area.  It had two short stubby wings in the front, about 10 to 15 percent from the front of the fuselage. These apparent wings were only about 5 to 10 percent of the length of the fuselage. Very short and nothing like I have ever seen before – almost like the were just stabalizers while in flight in the atmosphere.  The front of the craft was rounded like a normal plane. The rear was also rounded and only about 25 percent as wide as the front. There was absolutely no tail gear on it that I could discern.  ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with this witness, and we found him to be quite objective in his description of the object, and seemingly quite sincere. He is a former member of the U. S. military, and we suspect that he is a very good witness. PD))  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.