While driving north on Ventnor ave. in Ventnor NJ, I notice what seemed like a quick flash of light traveling west to east above me. I didn’t think much of it. Within approx. 30 seconds there appeared to be what I thought was a large hazy search light moving in the sky but it seemed to be coming from above the clouds rather than from the ground. Within a couple more seconds a second similar light appeared and they would seem to meet each other and then bounce off each other. They did this a few time and then other lights joined in. At first just a third joined in and then more seemed to join in just seemingly to move randomly in the sky. this lasted about a min. Finally approx. 4 or 5 of these lights rapidly came in from the south east, which is from the ocean, in a straight line, seemed to reach a certain point and then changed direction flying back over the ocean. One light remained in the sky where these lights seemed to bounce off of and then just disappeared into thin air. My first reaction was some sort of search light until all of the formations and zooming and bouncing off each other. I turned down my street, parked the car rapidly walked toward the ocean searching the sky, there was nothing there. I thought I would see police or other people searching the sky there was no on out as it was a dreary rainy night. I went home and surly thought there would be an explanation on the news, I found none. NOTE: The above image is a rendering
This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.