Early Reports Of Fast-Moving Lights

The first reports began to come in to several Washtenaw County police departments from just before 4 am on the 14th March 1966. Deputies Bushroe and Foster would report seeing several disc-shaped objects with “star-like colors” of red and green. They were moving across the black early morning sky with great speed. They also performed extremely sharp turns, unlike any known aircraft. By 4:04 am, Livingston County Sheriff’s Department would confirm the sighting and would send extra patrol cars to Bushroe and Foster’s location. Within the next ten minutes two more police departments – Ypsilanti and Monroe County – also confirmed sightings of the strange objects. At 4:20 am, Bushroe and Foster would report a further four objects of the same description. Just over half-an-hour later at 4:54 am, they would report another two objects. All traveled the same route.  Munroe County Police Department would begin receiving calls from concerned citizens of the strange high-speed lights overhead. Selfridge Airforce Base would further confirm anomalies over nearby Lake Erie.
By 6:15 am the objects appeared to have disappeared and the incident over. Deputies, Bushroe and Foster would make a formal joint-statement regarding their sightings. They would claim it to be the “strangest thing (we) have ever witnessed” and that they “would not have believed this story if we hadn’t seen it with our own eyes”. Bushroe would further add to the media that the object would “swing back and forth like a pendulum”. It would then “shoot upwards at tremendous speed”, hovering in mid-air before descending again “just as fast”.  Three days later in the 17th March, at a similar time of 4:25 am, Sergeant Nuel Schneider and Deputy David Fitzpatrick witnessed several strange objects hovering and rising in a purposeful fashion in the sky.  Three days later, things got stranger.

Strange Object Over Mannor Farm

On the evening of the 20th March, perhaps the most well-known of all the incidents on record would unfold. Farmer, Frank Mannor, was returning home following his usual walk with the family dog, Qazar. He planned some quality time with his wife and son and was looking forward to a hearty meal. As he entered his property, he noticed a strange light in the sky. It was a considerable distance away, however, and after a moments glance, he shut the front door and thought no more about it. Until Qazar began to bark, obviously agitated, that is.  After several minutes, Frank and his son, Ron, would go outside to investigate. And to calm the now worked up animal. As soon as they stepped out into the front yard they could see the strange light above them. It was now closer than when Frank first witnessed it. And it was descending.  The pair remained stationary and braced themselves for the aftershock of the apparently imminent impact. Then, in the most bizarre fashion, the object stopped dead and remained motionless over the treetops of the woodland opposite the Mannor family home. The would describe the craft as a “domed oval” with a “quilted or waffled” exterior. Lights also flashed from the middle and at each end.  After several moments, Frank quickly raced inside. With the object still hovering silently, he called the Washtenaw police to report the sighting. Then, he and Ron set out towards the swamps to where the strange craft came down.

A Disappearing And Reappearing “Brilliant Light!”

The two police officers who received the call to investigate the strange light over the Mannor Farm were Deputies, Stanley McFadden and David Fitzpatrick. They would pull up their patrol car near the Mannor’s land and then proceed on foot through the swampy grounds. It wasn’t long before they too witnessed the strange light for themselves.  As they approached the woodland “a brilliant light” was visible which “dimmed in brilliance” as they approached it. It would then appear again. Then disappear. Appear once more. Then disappear once again.  On the other side of the swampland, Frank and Ron Mannor were significantly closer to the lights. So close, in fact, they could see it was a distinctly solid object. Frank would estimate it to be the size of a car with a “cone-shaped” top and a flat underside. It had appeared directly in front of them seemingly out of nowhere. The whole area around them lit up as if someone had suddenly flicked a switch and caught them in a searchlight. A strange mist appeared to emerge from its underside, changing from green, to red, to white in sympathy with the intense glow of the craft’s lights.  Then, it vanished. A few seconds later it appeared again with equal suddenness but in a different spot to where it was only moments before. This continued several times before the craft then “took off” at breakneck speed. As it did, and unbeknown to Frank and Ron, it passed directly over the officers McFadden and Fitzpatrick.

The Hillside County College Sighting

At just after 10:30 pm the following evening a student at the New Women’s Dormitory at Hillside College would report that a strange craft had descended near their dormitory before disappearing. The student would report that the strange object had flashing lights of red, green, and white. Furthermore, as well as herself, there were sixteen other students who had witnessed the incident.
A half-hour later, the same student again contacted the Civil Defense Office stating that the strange craft had suddenly reappeared and was now hovering close to the ground near their dormitory. The person who had taken both calls was the Civil Defense Director for Hillside County, William Van Horn. He would notify the police department who would send three patrol cars to the location. Van Horn himself would also make his way to the apparently other-worldly events currently unfolding.  When he arrived at the dormitory, he was taken to the room where the sighting was made. When he looked out of the window he immediately saw a strange object hovering or resting in a hollow on the ground. He noticed a dim orange light that would glow brighter, eventually turning a red, and then to a full white.  Suddenly, the strange object began to move, rising slightly into the air, hovering, and then descending again. As it moved, the glow allowed him to make out very definite details of a solid structure.  Both Van Horn and several of the students and staff remained at the scene observing the bizarre movements of the glowing crafts. The last sighting of them came just after 4:30 am when they simply disappeared.  NOTE.  The above image is CGI.






Thanks to Marcus Lowth and



Me and my wife (Margareth Orlandi Boaventura) were on vacation on Easter Island. We stayed at Hotel Victoria in Hanga Roa. On March 14, 2018, we returned to the hotel and I saw a silver object entering the cloud and I warned my wife. Then my wife saw another object farther on and also disappeared into the cloud. I was able to get only one photo of the unidentified flying object at 5:23 p.m. on March 14, 2018. In the last few days we saw bright strange lights at night that were not airplanes, stars, balloons, or drones. It was strange. On the 14th we saw by day the two silver objects that reflected the light of the Sun. We would like an analysis in the photograph.








It was on my birthday, I came home not long after 18:00. I noticed something in the sky, at first I thought that those were airplanes but there was no noise, and they circled too long above my village. I can’t say that it was a true circle path but they were going around and around and every..1 minute (approx) they would almost touch each other and then continue again and again and again. Each of them had 3 apparent lights. those lights would go on and off , not blinking, more like fade in and fade out. The two objects were perfectly synchronized with the fade-in-fade-out of the lights. I have a Canon 40D and a Canon 70-200 2.8 IS lens. I immediately ran and started taking photos.. It was much harder that I thought it would be. It was too dark, hard to focus, almost no stars, trees or clouds. Just plain dark.

I tried recording a video of it but the **** Sony would not focus on it. I did records few seconds with a different camcorder that had manual focus (I just noticed it before they left). Anyway, I took many photos but it’s hard to tell what it was from them. For approx 90 mins they were circling around the village and then suddenly they started..drifting west until they were too far to see. There was also an army helicopter (pretty common in Israel) but it was flying much much lower than the objects. Umm.. What else ? My family was mad at me for staying outside instead of celebrating my birthday :) I’m attaching some photos from my 40D.

This case is under investigation by International Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Isreal







MARCH 14, 2017 ………..ANCHORAGE ALASKA…….11.30 PM

3 orbs in the shape of a triangle, morphed to a long thin line of light above tree line in Anchorage

While taking the dog for a walk, at University Lake in Anchorage, we headed through a treed trail, and on to a clearing.  After several seconds, my daughter said, Dad, look at the lights in the trees.  To the north, I saw three white orbs in the shape of a triangle rise above the tree line.  It appeared to turn West, and as doing so, the orbs turned into a long thin bright white light.  Like a long fluorescent light bulb, but so much brighter.  It then headed West and no lights were visible.  I opened my eyes wide to let as much light in as possible (the moon was not above the horizon at the time).  That is when I noticed the shape, very much like a box kite, but with triangles on top and bottom; essentially an elongated diamond.  We stood there for about a minute after and headed back down the wooded trail talking about what we had seen.  After about 40 yards, I said let’s go back.  I was shining my flashlight on the tree line and my daughter said that if we see anything, she will record it with her IPhone.  Once again, three orbs in the shape of a triangle appeared in the same spot slowly rising above the tree line. This time my daughter took out her phone to record and her phone died.  She said it was at 60%.  The same scenario as above played out, the orbs turned to one long bright light, then as headed West was just a dark silhouette of an elongated diamond until it went out of view (total time about 20 seconds each occurrence.  At this point we left as it was cold.  My daughters phone did not turn back on until we got home and plugged it in.  it immediately showed 62% of battery power.  NOTE: The above image is the witness drawing.


Thanks to case files


MARCH 14, 2017 ………….ANCHORAGE ALASKA………….11.30 PM

3 orbs in the shape of a triangle, morphed to a long thin line of light above tree line in Anchorage

While taking the dog for a walk, at University Lake in Anchorage, we headed through a treed trail, and on to a clearing.  After several seconds, my daughter said, “Dad, look at the lights in the trees.”  To the north, I saw three white orbs in the shape of a triangle rise above the tree line.  It appeared to turn West, and as doing so, the “orbs” turned into a long thin bright white light.  Like a long fluorescent light bulb, but so much brighter.  It then headed West and no lights were visible.  I opened my eyes wide to let as much light in as possible (the moon was not above the horizon at the time).  That is when I noticed the shape, very much like a box kite, but with triangles on top and bottom; essentially an elongated diamond.   We stood there for about a minute after and headed back down the wooded trail talking about what we had seen.  After about 40 yards, I said let’s go back.  I was shining my flashlight on the tree line and my daughter said that if we see anything, she will record it with her IPhone.   Once again, three orbs in the shape of a triangle appeared in the same spot slowly rising above the tree line.  This time my daughter took out her phone to record and her phone died.  She said it was at 60%.  The same scenario as above played out, the orbs turned to one long bright light, then as headed West was just a dark silhouette of an elongated diamond until it went out of view (total time about 20 seconds each occurrence.  At this point we left as it was cold.  My daughters phone did not turn back on until we got home and plugged it in.  it immediately showed 62% of battery power.”  NOTE: The above image is real but from a Brazilian sighting.





thanks to case files


MARCH 14, 1965   ……………..  FLORIDA EVERGLADES

On the night of March 14, 1965, James W. Flynn, who is a rancher and hunting dog trainer, was camped out for the night in the Florida Everglades. Just as he was settling down for the night, his dogs became restive and upset.  He looked around expecting visitors, but instead he sighted a bright light silently and slowly descending about a mile away.  Thinking that perhaps an airplane had gotten into trouble and gone down, he prepared his swamp buggy for the journey and set out to render aid if needed. He was guided directly to the spot by the glow which continued unabated.  This worried Flynn as he expected to find a burning plane and probably injuries or fatalities. He found neither.  Pulsating Glow.  When about a quarter mile away, he grounded his swamp buggy and continued on foot. Soon he found himself in a large clearing and he wasn’t alone. Some twenty yards away he saw a circular, cone-shaped object with a pulsating glow.  It hovered just above the ground with a slightly perceptible wobbling motion. He detected, after a bit of study, a sound he could only describe as a hum.  He estimated the size at well over seventy-five feet in diameter and twenty-five to thirty feet thick.  There were four rows of ports or windows encircling the craft, each emitting a yellow light unlike the color of the craft’s overall glow. A partition immediately behind the windows prevented him from seeing any internal details or occupants.  For many minutes Flynn just stood there, amazed. He had heard of such things, but, until now, had never really taken them seriously. Overactive imagination, he’d thought. But this was not imagination. It was real.  Curiosity overcame fear. He started to approach the craft to get a better look. He never made it. A pencil thin blue light shot out from “somewhere” on the craft hitting Flynn on the forehead “right between the eyes.” He was unconscious before he hit the ground.  When he regained consciousness, he was partially blind, sluggish, had a terrific headache and a large, sore bruise on his forehead. The craft was gone. Somehow he got his swamp buggy going and got to his hometown of Ft. Meyers, Florida. He was rushed to a hospital for examination and treatment.  After he told his story, investigators went back to the spot. They found a large circular spot in the clearing where the ground and grass were charred. The tops of some nearby trees were severely burned. The trunks and limbs of some of the trees were scarred. 


The Air Force, at that time, normally debunked and belittled UFO sightings and the people who reported them out of hand, but in this instance, they did not reckon with Flynn’s standing in his community.  On this occasion the Air Force had to partially back off. They only took one shot, that I can find, in that they labeled it by innuendo to be a hoax.  Question is, how did Flynn fake the charred circle of ground, how did he burn and scar the trees and, most importantly, how did he self-inflict a bruise of such shape and intensity?  One final piece of evidence helped exonerate James Flynn. One of his physical injuries was atrophy of internal muscles. Medical science tells us that one can’t be faked; period!  It happened, probably exactly as Flynn described it. The trouble is he doesn’t know what it was nor where it came from. So, even today, it’s still carried in the annals of the UFO as unexplained!  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.










MARCH 14, 1997    ……….. TUSCON ARIZONA
This event occurred at about 1:10 AM on March 14, 1997, about 18 miles southwest of Tucson, Arzona. At that time I was a 42 year old electronic engineer who operated a small home business, doing contract jobs for various clients. I had lived in Tucson for some time, and felt that the city was too noisy for me to concentrate on my work. I wanted to live in a quiet rural area where I would not be disturbed, and in 1996 I purchased a house in a sparsly populated area southwest of town. I had a neighbor across the road from me, and there was an unoccupied house furthur to the north. My property extended about 100 feet from the front of the house, and then there was a barbed wire fence. It had 5 wires, the top one being about 4 feet high. It was usually quite dark at night out there, however I had installed some floodlights on the front of the house, which I could turn on if needed. I went to bed around 10 PM, March 13, and was sleeping soundly when the event began. I was awakened around 1:10 AM, March 14 by the sound of someone attempting to open the bedroom window, about 6 feet away from me. The sound was like nails on a blackboard. The window was on the front of the house, and consisted of double-pane glass with track-locks on it, and a set of blinds which were closed. Although I could not see who was trying to get in, I had a profound feeling of being in mortal danger… as if whoever was outside meant to do something terrible to me. I’ve always had a good sensitivity to the feelings of people and animals, and I was confident that what I felt was genuine. As quickly as I could, I rolled out of bed, away from the direction of the window, and grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun from the closet. At this time my emotions changed from fear to intense anger and a strong determination to kill the attempted intruder, if he got in. I pumped a shell into the chamber, which made an audiable noise, then ran to the living room window, which was only about 10 feet from the bedroom window, also on the front of the house. That was where the switch for the floodlights was located. I hit the switch, and was totally shocked when I saw this thing, which was now moving away from the house towards the fence. I got a pretty good look at the back of it, for about 5 seconds. It was definitely not human. It was about 6-7 feet tall and had a large head, similar in shape to a football helmet. It was very thin and the arms were quite long. It wasn’t exactly running, but it was moving smoothly and very quickly. It reached the fence in just a few seconds, and then, without slowing down, it jumped right over the fence like a hurdle jumper in the Olympics, and kept on going. It continued down to the wooded area where the unoccupied house was, and within about 30 seconds I saw a disk shaped object rise up from there, and move off towards the south. It was about 40 feet in diameter and passed by the front of my house at a distance of about 130 feet, about 60 feet above the ground. It had steady yellow-redish lights on the bottom of it and made no sound that I could hear.
My state of mind collapsed into total shock and an overwhelming feeling of fear. All I could think of was what might happen if it came back. I spent the rest of the night virtually paralysed with fear, hiding behind a couch in the living room, clutching the shotgun. When the sun began to come up, I started to regain some of my senses. I carefully went outside and looked around. Everything seemed normal, except that by my bedroom window I found some footprints. There hadn’t been much rain and the ground was rather hard, but a few of the impressions were fairly clear. The prints were about 10-11 inches in length, very thin, and with 3 large toes. I should have photographed them, but at the time my only concern was my own safety, and I decided to go to a hardware store and get some bolt locks to secure the doors. This I did, and on the way back I stopped at a small cafe a few miles from my house, to pick up some coffee and breakfast. I entered the cafe, ordered some food, and then noticed that a casual friend of mine was there. He lived in a trailer a few miles to the south of me. When I saw him I simply said “man, something really weird happened last night” and he replied “you’re not kidding… a UFO came up the canyon”. I was startled to hear that, and asked him “what time ?” and he replied “about a quarter past 1”. When he said that I panicked and left the cafe without even taking my coffee or food. (Some months later I actually tried to find him, to ask him for some details, but I was told he had left the area back in March…) Anyway, I returned to the house and installed the locks on the doors. The following day I went into town and purchased a bunch of heavy plywood, and boarded up every window in the house. I didn’t have a television and didn’t happen to catch any reports about the so-called “Phoenix lights” until several years later. As to reporting the incident, I considered it but was doing some military contract jobs and was afraid that I might be typed as a lunatic or a security risk and lose my clearance… and in addition I simply had no desire to talk about it. The whole thing was just too disturbing. Eventually I moved away from that area, and although it’s been a number of years since it happened, I’m only recently feeling able to talk about it. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.