

In September of the following year a series of sightings of a similar craft was witnessed by students and staff members of a school in Matanzas, a neighbour Province of Havana.  One night around midnight a group of girls were gathered in a section of the dorm chatting while watching the stars through the window. Suddenly a gust of wind rushed through the windows’ openings and a humming sound was heard as a bright light illuminated the whole dorm. A craft was seen cruising horizontally slowly close to the building with a red and white lights flashing in some sort of sequence. The girls were running across the room franticly peeking at the windows to get a better look at this craft. They describe it as elliptical in shape from its side view.   They knew that this craft wasn’t the usual man made aircraft like an helicopter due to the lack of noise considering how close it was flying from the building. Also they discarded an airplane due to the hovering capabilities of this craft.


During the next two nights this craft seemed to coming back to scout the area and was witnessed every single night by the students and staff of the school. Some of the students were able to get a closer look of this craft while flying over the building. They described it as metallic and silver in colour, round in shape with a circular array of light around its perimeter. The lights configurations varies from red and white to blue or red and white, all flashing in sequence. A student notice some lines under the bottom of the craft that was following a radial pattern. One of the interviewed students stated that the craft was similar to one that she saw in earlier years, when was flying over by Cardenas, another town in the Province of Matanzas.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Chad Haines says he’s the last person who might believe in aliens, extraterrestrials or UFOs.  But after witnessing an unidentified flying craft near his house early in 2016, he can’t explain what else it could’ve been.  While deleting some images off his camera this past week to make space in preparation for Christmas morning, Haines stumbled upon some photos he took the night of Feb. 23, 2016, from his Bayview Road home.  Reviewing the photos once more, he still couldn’t find a rational explanation for what he saw in the sky.  The original, unaltered version of the photo of the unidentified flying object taken on Feb. 23, 2016.  From the street, looking across the water toward Random Island, Haines saw a hovering object near the moon.“It was out there for two or three hours,” Haines told TC Media today.  He says, after staying in the same spot, the object moved up and down and shot off out of sight quickly.  Haines was able to capture some photos on his camera of the unidentified flying object appearing over the water.  There were no stars in the sky that night, he says.  He says it wasn’t a plane and it was far too big to be a drone.


Like others, Haines has seen videos and reports of strange sounds, beams of light and other phenomena, but says anything could have made those effects.  But now, after witnessing and capturing an image himself, he’s unsure about the existence of the unexplained.  “I couldn’t believe it,” he said of his experience.  This isn’t the first time people have reported UFOs over Random Island.  In October, 1978, RCMP Const. Jim Blackwood was one of dozens of locals who spotted what they believed to be a UFO hovering over Random Island.










On the night of 8 March 1993 Erwin Lohre, an artist and former military pilot, was sleeping at his family home in Braunschweig, north-central Germany. At around 12:30am, he suddenly awoke with a stabbing pain in the area of his spine. “I at once took a painkilling tablet and lay down again,” he recounted to Dr. Peter Hattwig, a UFO investigator. “Meanwhile, my wife had also awakened simultaneously.” Suddenly, we heard a clear humming sound coming from the sky. After three or four seconds this noise, which seemed “metallic”, as though produced by a centrifugal force, grew louder, and then, through the bedroom window, we saw a bright round shining object stationary at a height of some 10 metres or so above the birch trees to the east. There was a full Moon at the time. But despite that, our bedroom and terrace outside was lit by something even more powerful than the moonlight – a bluish- white colour like neon lighting. At the same time we both felt a strange metallic sort of taste on our tongues.

Up till then I had scarcely given a moment’s thought to UFOs, but it was now quite clear to me that I was looking at an unknown flying object, and I said to my wife: “Look! See what it is! They are going to land here!” Being a former fighter pilot myself, I wanted of course to see what was going on. But when I tried to stand up, I found that I could not move, and for my wife it was just the same. Also our two kittens, which sleep on the foot of the bed, were both sitting there, both upright, and looking as though they had turned to stone. Meanwhile, our bedroom window was being bathed, on and off, in a bright yellow beam of light apparently coming down from above.  I didn’t get frightened because I was so completely spellbound. Indeed, if anything, my feeling was rather one of annoyance because I was immobilized and unable to get to the window. But afterwards, my wife had a thorough fit of the shakes. The eerie apparition lasted altogether about 40 seconds or so, and then the vivid light ended abruptly. Then, some 30 or 40 seconds later, we saw the UFO fly over our bedroom window in a westerly direction and vanish. Simultaneously the paralysis ended for both of us. My wife was too upset to be able to sleep anymore, and so was I.


Then, about half an hour later, we heard the same sound again, coming from the other direction. Our bedroom has windows on the two sides, and so we got a full view of the UFO for the first time. From a distance of about 300 metres, we watched it flying straight towards us. Again we heard the same sounds as before, and for about six seconds or so we could see its shape absolutely clearly. The craft was shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow … the cupola was a bright, shining silver. The underside had three coloured apertures and a central light.  Then, just as the disc – which I estimated to be about 10 metres wide – was nearly right over us, something quite unbelievable happened. It simply dissolved into thin air – between one-tenth of a second and another – and it was gone, without any transition!

Lohre reported the encounter to a local newspaper. “After the newspaper had published the report,” he said, “25 people contacted me, including one whole bowling team that had been traveling home at the time. Unfortunately none of them was prepared to go public as eyewitnesses.” Dr Hattwig asked Herr Lohre if he had the impression that the craft was ‘seeking’ him personally. “Absolutely!” replied Lohre. “For it was hovering there right beside my bedroom window, as though they knew exactly where I was. It is true that my wife and I were both paralyzed, but unlike me she felt no pain in the spine.”


The day after the incident, a number of peculiar developments occurred. “At 4 p.m.,” recounted Lohre, “my wife and daughter and I – who were all in different rooms at the time – saw a light like a photo-flash in front of our TV sets, accompanied by a crackling sound. Then, an hour later, phenomenal discharges came from the TV sets downstairs. Furthermore, we found that our computer had acted up. We never found any reason for that, and it has never happened again. Then, at about 10 p.m., suddenly a tremendous banging started up inside our wardrobe, as though somebody was shut in there. But despite all our efforts and searching, we could find absolutely no reason for the noise. And every time we opened the wardrobe, the noise stopped. On and off the eerie happenings went on for a further eight weeks, and disturbed us badly.”

“After the encounter”- Lohre said  – “I had constant pain in the spine, and, a week later, using a mirror, I discovered on my spine, at the level of the buttocks, two red marks, about 2 cm apart. I went to see a doctor, who then found two black spots below the skin. He applied an ointment, and he referred me for a CAT scan (Computer tomography), but before I was able to go there two little black lens-shaped things came out of my back. I put them away very carefully, to show them to the doctor, but by the second day following they had simply evaporated.”

Dr. Hattwig asked Lohre what was his explanation for the little black things and the latter had none. Dr. Hattwig asked:  “Have you ever heard anything about UFO abductions?”. Lohre eyed Hattwig with an unbelieving look. As he was to admit to him later, such an idea was utterly new to him, and up till then he had never heard of anything of the sort.  But later on Lohre replied: “I did indeed read about it later on, and I did play around for a while with the idea of undergoing hypnosis, but so far I haven’t taken that step.”   This was a wise decision on Lohre’s part because regression hypnosis is known to be very unreliable. NOTE: The above image is CGI.













In the early morning of November 27, 1995, Samuel Rodolfo Barreras was working as a security guard at a place called “El Trigal”, an urban area outside of Havana City. While inside his post shelter through the window, he noticed a bright light approaching his location from the sky. Samuel assumed that the light was an aircraft that was having trouble and was in danger of crashing. To his amazement, the light shortly became a hovering flying saucer above the roof of one of the building. While in awe watching the craft, he realized that he was completely paralyzed and was not able to move a muscle. The craft displayed some flying maneuvers in order to descend to the centre of a small plaza that was in the middle of this building complex were Samuel was guarding. Slowly, the craft descended hovering half a meter over the ground.  Due to shock, Samuel still was unable to move, but still remained watching out the windows while the craft was coming to a stop. He did not see any landing gear, the UFO was simply floating half a meter over the ground completely still. A minute passed and a hatch opened upward from the lower part of the craft. This door or hatch was not initially visible or noticeable by Samuel when the craft was hovering prior to stopping.

An entity emerged from the inside of the craft. Samuel described it as a humanoid in figure, around six plus feet tall but based on his mechanical movement he assumed that was some kind of “robot”. The entity walked from the ship in the direction of the location were Samuel was stationary. Samuel was growing in fear and tried to break a piece of the window to use their parts as defence weapon just in case, but it was impossible due to the paralysis that he was under. Luckily almost 10 meter away from Samuel’s location the entity made a turn in a different direction and decide to inspect another area.  Samuel observed this entity carefully. It was wearing a tight dark clothing that seems very “shiny”. He noticed the unusual shape of its head and it had very big dark eyes – he said, Samuel stated that he was not sure but its eyes seemed similar to a camera diaphragm. The entity stood still over 15 minutes while moving its head in different direction looking around, then retraced its steps back to the craft location and board it. The hatch closed immediately and some seconds after the lower part of the craft lit up with some sort of lights or turbines as Samuel described them based on the high luminosity and humming sound that was creating similar to bees but in a higher pitch.  The craft started a slow ascend while this circular array of blue fluorescent lights were gaining in intensity and power. Once the craft was an altitude parallel to the roof of the building, in a split of a second it took off at an impossible speed, it looked like it disappeared instantly from the location. Shortly after the craft departure, Samuel gained control of his body and was able to move, he quickly searched for a paper and pencil to sketch the craft that he just witnessed.

NOTE: The above image is CGI.











It was the last weekend in July, 1996 approximately 11:55pm. Sue and Sarah were on their way from Whitehorse to their home in the goldfields southeast of Dawson City. They were travelling on the Hunker Road driving up a steep hill towards King Solomon Dome, a beautiful spot where one can see for miles from the divide between the Klondike and Indian Rivers. There they spotted a very strange sight indeed, they could not believe their eyes! Suspended in the sky was a giant cigar-shaped “something”. It had a row of rectangular windows and was sitting there motionless and at a slight angle. Sue looked at her watch, and recalls that the time read 1:50 am, however she also noted that her watch had stopped. After driving between hills and round curves in the road they could now see much more detail of the craft which was almost directly ahead of them.


  They noted a swarm of small “ships” buzzing around what they gathered to be the front of the object, these “ships” had not been there previously. They assumed the front was the end that slightly tilted towards the sky. The smaller ships appeared as bright hazy lights, 12 to 13 in number as they made an attempt to count them. They were going in and out of the big cigar-shaped thing! They drove on down the steep descent along Quartz Road into the valley before loosing sight of the objects behind a hill on the left hand side   after regaining view of the object again the “little ships” were gone. Apparently they had “tucked themselves away” but they couldn’t believe how close this thing appeared to be.

They passed a mining operation on their right hand side where the workers outside seemed oblivious to the UFO. They thought about pulling in and alerting the work crew but the need to return Sue’s son was much greater. Astounded they watched this thing as it started to go behind Haystack Mountain, this was 12 km away from them on the other side of the Indian River! With the mountain partly in front of the craft they realized the enormity of the object was totally unbelievable! This thing was huge! Its angle of tilt had also increased as it continued to descend behind Haystack Mountain. They were expecting it to shoot off into the sky at any second, up and to the left, as they perceived that to be the front of the craft. To their astonishment this thing continued to descend at the same angle behind Haystack Mountain. “How could this thing fit behind Haystack unless it sunk into the dirt” was their thought. They came roaring into their driveway honking their horn. Their son came running out, the sisters jumped out of the car and tried to look for words to describe the awesome event. They were beside themselves. Their son managed to get in a few words in edge wise. “Where have you been? It’s 3:30 in the morning!” he said. Apparently the sisters were missing 2 hours from their journey.

NOTE: The above image is CGI.











On the morning of November 5, 1996. Haraldo Westendorf  took off in his single-engine airplane from the city of Pelotas near the southernmost tip of Brazil for a routine recreational flight of the kind he takes for fun whenever time allows. On this occasion, he had been in the air only about 12 minutes and was flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet over a large lake some five miles southeast of Pelotas when he saw ahead of him an enormous aerial object. The time was about 10:30 a.m. He radioed the Pelotas tower to learn if they could see the object from the ground. They confirmed that the object was visible to them and asked him for a close-range report. Westendorf then decided to fly as close as he could. Westendorf emphasizes that he did not believe in UFOs and says this accounts for his initial willingness to fly close to the object. He didn’t know he might be in danger.

 When he got close to the object, he realized that in his twenty years of piloting experience he had never seen or heard of anything like it. Since he had done stunt training in the United States and had also flown in France, he had become acquainted with some very advanced and exotic aircraft. But he knew that this was not an airplane. Westendorf showed several detailed color drawings of the object, with his own plane drawn to scale alongside it. He describes the object as a faceted cone, flat on the bottom with a rounded point on top. On each of the eight or ten sloping side panels were three large bulges, like triangle-shaped bay windows on the side of a house — but they did not look like windows. The entire surface was brown in color. The structure was about 70 meters (225 feet) high and about 100 meters (325 feet) in diameter, big enough to fill nearly an entire soccer field if landed. His own plane, less than 6 meters wide, was tiny by comparison. Westendorf says he spent about 12 to 14 minutes in close proximity to the object, trying to see as much as he could. Although the Pelotas air tower does not have radar, he believes the airport radar at Curitiba (nearly 450 nautical miles northeast of his position) tracked the whole encounter. However, officials at Curitiba deny this.

The object was spinning around slowly and moving southeast toward the nearby seacoast at a speed of about 60 nautical miles per hour. Westendorf managed to fly entirely around the base of the object three times. At one point, he says, his wingtip came within about 40 meters of the object. After his third lap around the object, Westendorf noticed that the rounded top seemed to disappear, leaving what looked like an open hole at the top. Then he saw, emerging from inside the object, a classic flying saucer. It rose sideways, its long axis vertical until it cleared the top of the larger object, then tipped down to assume its normal orientation and departed at tremendous speed. Westendorf said that this saucer was about 10 meters in diameter, or nearly twice as wide as his own plane, and he thinks it flew away at more than Mach 10. The saucer showed no indication of noticing Westendorf’s presence nearby.

As soon as the saucer disappeared, Westendorf decided to try to fly over the top of the object. Brazilian media later reported that he wanted to fly his plane into the interior of the object, but he says he never even considered that. He only hoped for a peek through the opening. To get more altitude, he flew his plane several hundred meters away from the object, turned around and began a steep climb. He noticed that the object was now rotating much faster. Then he saw brilliant beams of red light shoot from the top of the object toward the sky. He quickly abandoned his plan to fly over the top.

Then, to his amazement, the object rose straight up at tremendous speed. For the first time, Westendorf was scared, because he believed the object’s rapid acceleration might produce a shock wave of turbulence that could overwhelm his own plane. As a trained pilot, he knew that air traffic controllers recommend staying at least three minutes behind a large aircraft to avoid such turbulence. He estimated that the unidentified object probably weighed at least three times as much as a 747 jumbo jet, so its shock wave should be huge — and he was only a few hundred meters away. He quickly began emergency procedures in case his plane went into a spin or a stall. But to his surprise, he did not encounter any turbulence. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











NOVEMBER 5, 1996   ……..     PELOTAS BRAZIL


Perhaps the most impressive UFO story told during the recent Brazilian World UFO Forum was that of Haraldo Westendorf, who made news headlines when he allegedly flew his private plane within a few dozen meters of an enormous unidentified flying object.  Westendorf is 40 years old, a father of three children and a successful businessman. He is also an avid private pilot rated for acrobatic flying. The following account is based directly on his one-hour presentation at the Brazilian UFO conference, which included several detailed illustrations.  Westendorf says he took off in his single-engine Piper Apache [correction: the plane was actually an Embraer EMB-712, the Brazilian version of the Piper Cherokee Archer II] from the city of Pelotas near the southernmost tip of Brazil on the morning of November 5, 1996. It was to be a routine recreational flight of the kind he takes for fun whenever time allows.  On this occasion, he had been in the air only about 12 minutes and was flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet over a large lake some five miles southeast of Pelotas when he saw ahead of him an enormous aerial object. The time was about 10:30 a.m.  He radioed the Pelotas tower to learn if they could see the object from the ground. They confirmed that the object was visible to them and asked him for a close-range report. Westendorf then decided to fly as close as he could.  Westendorf emphasizes that he did not believe in UFOs and says this accounts for his initial willingness to fly close to the object. He didn’t know he might be in danger.  When he got close to the object, he realized that in his twenty years of piloting experience he had never seen or heard of anything like it. Since he had done stunt training in the United States and had also flown in France, he had become acquainted with some very advanced and exotic aircraft. But he knew that this was not an airplane.  Westendorf showed several detailed color drawings of the object, with his own plane drawn to scale alongside it. He describes the object as a faceted cone, flat on the bottom with a rounded point on top. On each of the eight or ten sloping side panels were three large bulges, like triangle-shaped bay windows on the side of a house — but they did not look like windows. The entire surface was brown in color. The structure was about 70 meters (225 feet) high and about 100 meters (325 feet) in diameter, big enough to fill nearly an entire soccer field if landed. His own plane, less than 6 meters wide, was tiny by comparison.


Westendorf says he spent about 12 to 14 minutes in close proximity to the object, trying to see as much as he could. Although the Pelotas air tower does not have radar, he believes the airport radar at Curitiba (nearly 450 nautical miles northeast of his position) tracked the whole encounter. However, officials at Curitiba deny this (see below).   The object was spinning around slowly and moving southeast toward the nearby seacoast at a speed of about 60 nautical miles per hour. Westendorf managed to fly entirely around the base of the object three times. At one point, he says, his wingtip came within about 40 meters of the object.  After his third lap around the object, Westendorf noticed that the rounded top seemed to disappear, leaving what looked like an open hole at the top. Then he saw, emerging from inside the object, a classic flying saucer. It rose sideways, its long axis vertical until it cleared the top of the larger object, then tipped down to assume its normal orientation and departed at tremendous speed. Westendorf said that this saucer was about 10 meters in diameter, or nearly twice as wide as his own plane, and he thinks it flew away at more than Mach 10. The saucer showed no indication of noticing Westendorf’s presence nearby.   As soon as the saucer disappeared, Westendorf decided to try to fly over the top of the object. Brazilian media later reported that he wanted to fly his plane into the interior of the object, but he says he never even considered that. He only hoped for a peek through the opening.  To get more altitude, he flew his plane several hundred meters away from the object, turned around and began a steep climb. He noticed that the object was now rotating much faster. Then he saw brilliant beams of red light shoot from the top of the object toward the sky. He quickly abandoned his plan to fly over the top.  Then, to his amazement, the object rose straight up at tremendous speed. For the first time, Westendorf was scared, because he believed the object’s rapid acceleration might produce a shock wave of turbulence that could overwhelm his own plane. As a trained pilot, he knew that air traffic controllers recommend staying at least three minutes behind a large aircraft to avoid such turbulence. He estimated that the unidentified object probably weighed at least three times as much as a 747 jumbo jet, so its shock wave should be huge — and he was only a few hundred meters away.   He quickly began emergency procedures in case his plane went into a spin or a stall. But to his surprise, he did not encounter any turbulence.  NOTE:  The above image is the witness rendering.