

After midnight in Cashion, Arizona, not only was a similar craft sighted, but it would prove to be another encounter that features substantial missing time. The witness, along with their four children had taken the short journey from their home to a public park in the neighborhood. Despite the late hour – they arrived there at around 11 pm – as it was such a short distance, they remained there for some time enjoying the peacefulness of the late night hour.

However, as the witness was sitting for a moment they noticed a “big light” heading toward them. Within minutes, the object – which was distinctly triangular with white lights at each of its corners – was directly overhead. The witness and their children all stood mesmerized for several moments looking up at the triangular object.

Then, things took a rather disturbing turn.

After standing and staring up at the strange object, the witness and their children suddenly found themselves “screaming and running into the house”. It was a little after 1:20 am. Almost 90 minutes had passed, and yet none of those present could remember anything that had happened. They couldn’t even recall making the short journey from the park back to their home.

What is also interesting, after gathering themselves at home for a moment, only the main witness (the parent) and their 15-year-old son could recall anything of the events. Even when they arrived home, the other three children appeared confused as to why they were running.

This is perhaps an interesting detail. There are many accounts on record where one or two people witness and recall a UFO event, only for others who were also present to remember absolutely nothing. Almost as if, as the witness in this case states, they were “targeted” for the sighting while the others were intentionally “tuned out”. NOTE: The above image is CGI.




THANKS TO JOHN MOONER AND https://ufologist.yolasite.com




On February 28, the crew of Air Shuttle flight 5959 initiated the reports. While cruising near Cleveland, they saw an unidentified, lighted object flying below them.

The pilot radioed Cleveland Air Traffic Control, and reported what he and his co-pilot were observing, asking the controller if he had anything near that position on his radar. The controller did not.

Shortly thereafter, the pilot of Mesaba Airlines flight 3179, who had been monitoring the radio communications, reported to the tower that he too had seen the UFO.

The UFO initially was reported as flashing white, but soon displayed an array of various colors. Shuttle 5959 also related to the tower controller that the UFO was several thousand feet below his plane, and about 10 miles away.

The only possible explanation that the Cleveland tower could suggest was that the crews were seeing a reflection in the clouds of a landing beacon. But both planes reported that the light was a distinct source of its own.

The pilot of 5959 decided to drop down below the object. When he did, he could still the spinning, pulsating object above him very clearly. This proved that the lights were not originating from the ground.

Mesaba 3179 even attempted to make contact with the UFO, by blinking its lights, but there was no response from the unknown object.

Mesaba would also report that one of their passengers had snapped photographs of the UFO, and the Cleveland tower reported that they would like to take a look at them.

What happened to the photographs is a mystery, as well as what the object was that was seen by two aircraft on February 28, 1996.

Below is an excerpt from the transcript of radio communications between Cleveland tower, Air Shuttle 5959, and Masaba 3179.

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Cleveland, this is 5959. We see traffic out there. Ah… twelve to one o’clock. Ah… low altitude. Do you have him on the radar?

Cleveland Control: Air Shuttle 5959, that’s a negative. Sir, I don’t have anything out in front of you at twelve to one o’clock.

Air Shuttle 5959: Ok…

Cleveland Control: He’s down well below you or can you get an estimate on an altitude on him?

Air Shuttle 5959: Well, that could be really difficult. Ah… we’re between layers here. I’m just going to estimate two-three thousand feet below us. Maybe and ah… sort of ah… pulsating light about, I don’t know, ten miles out.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Air Shuttle 5959. I’ll keep my eyes open. But I don’t see anything.

Masaba 3179: Was that northwest of Detroit did you see that light?

Air Shuttle 5959: Yeah.

Masaba 3179: Yeah, that’s where I saw it. A really bright white light, sometimes flickering… ah… underneath the clouds is where I saw it.

Cleveland Control: Air Shuttle 5959, is that traffic, ah… that you saw earlier? Do you see him out there any longer?

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Shuttle 5959, that’s affirmative and it’s a light that kind of… it goes dim and it gets bright. I don’t know if we’re getting closer to it or what? But it looks like a rotating light around it like ah… like a Frisbee type thing that’s going around it.

Unknown voice: UFO.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, do you see the same thing?

Masaba 3179: Ah… sir, I saw it coming out of Detroit and I wondered… ah… all I saw was just a couple really bright flashes of light and it almost looked like lightning and it caught my eye. And then I kept watching it and then it looked a little bit less bright. But it looked like it was underneath the cloud deck to me. And this was just as we were coming out of Detroit.

Cleveland Control: Ok, and can you get an altitude on it at all?

Masaba 3179: The light that I saw was just like, maybe, I don’t know… twenty-five miles northwest of Detroit. Is it what you’re referring to or you’re talking about the light at our twelve o’clock now about ten miles?

Cleveland Control: Any kind of target off to your twelve o’clock?

Masaba 3179: Ah… we have some kind of white light out there at twelve o’clock and the captain ah… says it’s pulsating. It looks like oncoming traffic. But it’s just sitting about the same place that it’s been the whole… here about ten or fifteen minutes we’ve been watching it.

Air Shuttle 5959: Year, Air Shuttle 5959. It looks like it’s almost over Saginaw from our position.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Air Shuttle 5959. Contact Saginaw Approach Control 126.45. I appreciate the information.

Masaba 3179: 3179, that target looks like it’s ah… below us. I would guesstimate maybe ten thousand feet.

Cleveland Control: Around ten thousand feet, would you think it might be like a reflection? Ah… maybe perhaps off a beacon that for some reason, it’s just one of those weird things. Ah… natural phenomena that you’re getting a reflection, cause I got nothing out there.

Masaba 3179: I don’t know. I mean we can see a clear, you know, relatively solid cloud deck… ah… below us and this is definitely ah… distinct whitish ah… well, now it’s looking a little red and greenish white, sort of pulsating light and it’s constant. It’s not a beacon.

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Cleveland, Air Shuttle 5959.

Cleveland Control: Go ahead, sir.

Air Shuttle 5959: Yeah. Hey, be advised we’re descending to four thousand feet right now and as we descend through ten thousand feet, that object is above us right now. It is not on the ground. It’s about ten thousand feet.

Cleveland Control: Ok, sir. We’re checking on it right now. I don’t have anything out in front of You at all I’m showing. I appreciate you coming back to the frequency and letting me know.

Air Shuttle 5959: I’ll keep you advised. I tell you what that is weird. It keeps sitting there pulsating.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, where is it relative to you right now?

Masaba 3179: Twelve o’clock sir.

Cleveland Control: I’m trying to do a little investigating as to what this might be. If you would keep me advised on this.

Masaba 3179: Ok, sir. I’m going to blink my lights at him and see if I can get a reaction. 3179, was the other guy that saw that light was he headed southeast bound or was he headed to (garbled)?

Cleveland Control: Well, he was inbound to Saginaw and actually when I sent him over to Saginaw, I expected that was going to be the last I heard from him. He came back up on the frequency and advised me that his clearance was down to four thousand and that he said that what he saw, was still up above him and was like a red… he said it was red and green light that was pulsing and like rotating. He said he would keep me advised and give us a report once he got into Saginaw. You don’t have a camera on board, do you?

Masaba 3179: We could probably get one from one of the passengers. You want us to ask?

Cleveland Control: Yeah, that would be kind of interesting to have a couple of pictures. I think… ah… might make our case a little better.

Masaba 3179: Ok, 3179, we got a passenger taking a picture of it right now and ah… we have a flight attendant who says that ah… they might have saw the same thing the other night.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, I copy that. Ah… Masaba 3179, when you flashed your lights, did you get any response?

Masaba 3179: Didn’t appear to, sir.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Masaba 3179, I’m going to send you over to Minneapolis now sir. Is it still on your twelve o’clock?

Masaba 3179: Ah… negative sir. It’s at about our two o’clock now. We ah… made a turn.

Cleveland Control: Ok, so it’s off your right side about two o’clock. I’d sure be interested to see those pictures. Can I ah… get you an address that you might be able to send a copy, if you get a copy of them?

Masaba 3179: Yeah, sure. We can do that and actually we made a right turn and he’s off about ten to eleven o’clock.

Cleveland Control: Ok, so he’s off your left side. Ok.

Masaba 3179: Ok, thirty-two-nine. We’ll see you. I wonder if those pictures will show anything?

Masaba 3179: Air Cleveland, Masaba 3179.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, go ahead.

Masaba 3179: I just want you to know that I took a picture, as captain on the left side. I also took (unrecognizable) of some of the stars above, so the lowest light on those pictures. The only single light at the bottom of the picture should be ah… what you’re looking at. And you might be able to get a position with the sky if you want to go that far.

Cleveland Control: Ok, great. That’s a good idea, I appreciate that.

Masaba 3179: It was an instamatic camera. Good night sir.

Cleveland Control: Good night. NOTE: The above image is CGI.









Hi Ken: It was dark outside and I had a real urge to go out and do some sky watching. I really couldn’t wait to see what I could spot in the night sky so I grabbed my Nikon P900 camera and binoculars and went out through the back door into the garden where I sat down in my garden chair and began to scan the night sky for anything out of the ordinary. I was sat for about 15 minutes before I spotted something of interest. There was star like object that was very bright that wasn’t present in that part of the sky the last time I had looked so I turned my full attention towards it and began to watch. I could now see that it was moving and I thought to myself “maybe it’s a satellite” but with that the object just suddenly stopped and hung there in the sky. I knew that satellites couldn’t just stop like that so I ruled that theory out. Looking through the viewfinder of my Nikon P900 camera I zoomed in on the area of the sky where the object was situated and immediately took a photograph. I then decided to get a better look at the object through my binoculars so I put down my Nikon P900 camera and then picked up my binoculars. Looking through my binoculars at the object it looked like it was hexagon shaped at first, but the more I stared at the object the more rounded it became in appearance which I thought was odd. Maybe it was the orientation of the object in the sky that gave that impression of it’s appearance. Then my attention was drawn to the dark black centre part of the object where a light suddenly appeared and then started to move around inside it. The object now looked bizarrely like an eye ball that was looking around the sky. I was very perplexed by what I was seeing and as I continued to watch the object it began to fade away until it was no longer visible in the sky. I was left scratching my head… What had I just witnessed? The photograph was taken on the 8th of March at 6:15 pm at Newton Abbot Devon England. Stay safe my friend all the best John.

KENS NOTE: John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for World UFO Photos. John’s location has been a hot spot for many years. We are still trying to figure out why.





John Mooners web site https://ufologist.yolasite.com/




Driving home on an extremely misty night I noticed four lights very close together and low in the sky. I was on a date and we pulled over to see what we were looking at because we couldn’t understand why there would be so many. We drove after the crafts to figure out what they were. Only to realize as we looked there were more and more of them at every direction. We stopped in the road when we came to a field on our left with a clear view of two crafts coming in from the left together and another craft closer to us and low down joining up with the other two while two more crafts where approaching from higher heights from our right. They all were blinking And  completely quiet about the size of a car just barely over the tree line as well as at varying heights and distances in the sky. Some were moving faster than others but they seemed to be merging in some places and then continuing onwards while others floated around by themselves . All of the crafts had lights on them and because the night was so cloudy they all stuck out in the sky even the far away ones. We then drove Up to a cemetery on the top of town to get a better view and for over an hour saw over 30 of these aircraft some moving together then splitting up some just hovering while others moved close nearby them.  Generally they were all heading in the east direction whether they immediately sped up to go in that direction or hovered in their area before eventually going over until out of view. I was able to see at least 10 at any given time and various distances away and heights throughout the sky with very dense fog on the ground. They seem to be never ending and unclear of where they all were coming from but it was obvious they were all heading in a similar direction I eventually started my drive back home again and saw a few more of them less concentrated and more staggered throughout the sky but right before I got into the next town over there was no mist and the skies were completely clear and empty there. Many people I know keep trying to tell me I saw drones, but I these had a solid structure with a wide front that was a front width of the length of a car . Seemed Pancake shaped with edges to it as well as a wide front. The sheer number of them as I know there where many more than what I saw in that hour is the most alarming to me. I followed up with the drone academy of NJ-the next day which isn’t far from that town and they reported no meet ups or any events that could have explained what I saw. They mentioned maybe government operations and to call local police. I did and they had no reports that night and said given the closeness of local small airports it’s unlikely anything non commercial would be allowed in that airspace. The officer I spoke to said growing up in the town that on a few occasions he himself had witnessed strange hovering lights overhead driving into town from the same direction I was. Still freaked out but very sure of what I saw. What I saw was unexplainable. I’m just happy someone else was with me to also witness it. NOTE: The above image is CGI.

Chief Investigator Glenn Green of MUFON New Jersey is investigating this case.









I am a 69 yeard old male. What I am about to describe happened to me when I was 16 years old. I have kept this event to myself my entire life as I believed no one would truly believe me. As I enter the winter of my life I wish to leave my story and perhaps it will help serious investigators with the UFO phenomenon.

I spent nearly all of my summers at a friend’s family cottage bordering Echo Lake, in Chepachet, Rhode Island. This is located in Northwest Rhode Island bordering Putnam, Conn. One early morning in July of 1966 I was up at sunrise and decided to go fishing at the end of our fishing dock which is approximately 20 feet over the water. It was a beautiful sunny morning, I was dangling my feet in the water and paying attention to my line when a dark shadow caught my attention. Turning to face the east I thought at first it was a storm coming in over the water when I noticed this gigantic disk coming toward me from the edge of the lake which I suppose was about 2 miles away from me. It had two rows of very large elongated dark windows in the center and descended slightly above the lake. It was no more than 50 feet in front of me when it turned west just above the pines and headed out. I heard several sirens coming from nearby Route 44. There were about 4 vehicles racing, police, sheriff, fire trucks following this object. For someone with investigative experience, I’m sure you could get their records. If someone from Mufon would contact me I can give significantly more detailed information. Date of event July 4, 1966. NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Rhode Island.









For example, on 30th November near Caselle Airport in Turin in Italy, pilot, Riccardo Marano was preparing to land his Piper Navajo plane when he noticed a “luminous multicolored ball of light” hovering over the runway. He would note who the strange object was “changing from violet to blue to dark red”.

Marano would bring his plane in a little closer. As he neared the craft, however, it would move suddenly and take off “in a most irregular fashion”. It would make movements that the witness had “seen no plane do”, including “sudden vast jumps to and fro”. Even more bizarre to Marano was that his calculations would suggest the object was traveling around 900 miles per hour.

Further to Marano’s sighting, a corroborative report would come from Colonel Rustichelli from the Caselle military facility. He would confirm that he had viewed the anomaly on the base’s radar screen. Another witness, Commander Tranquillo who was piloting an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 on its way to Rome. He would claim that what it was definitely “solid” and “lit up like a plane on my radar”. Visually, the pilot could see “a shining thing giving out intermittent flashes of light”.

Yet another pilot who was coming into land, Commander Mezzalami, would state that he saw “something very strange indeed”. Although he didn’t wish to guess as to what it might have been.

Four days later, the strange objects were seemingly back over Turin.

An Object “Clearly Visible” To “Thousands Of People!”

According to a story that appeared in the Washington Post, as the night took control of the skies over Turin on 4th December, “thousands of people” would witness a huge object simply hovering overhead. And once more, like the sighting four nights earlier, corroborative radar sightings would come from the nearby military facility. As well as further sightings by members of the local police department.

Furthermore, the incidents over Turin that we have highlighted here are but a small number of the mini-wave of sightings over the north Italy region at the time.

The object was “clearly visible to the naked eye”. And hovered overhead for several minutes in full view for anyone who cared to look skyward. So seriously did the local police treat the incident that they would dispatch no less than six patrol units to investigate the reports.

They would arrive “at a spot more or less underneath the object”. Before they could investigate further, though, the mysterious craft “shot upwards at great speed and disappeared” NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com




 In an unprecedented move for this country–and perhaps the whole world– military authorities have made public a video showing 11 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) captured by an aircraft belonging to the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA).

This video shall be presented today by journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan.

In an exclusive interview with the La Prensa newspaper, Maussan stated that the Secretary of National Defense himself, Ricardo Clemente Vega Garcia, authorized the broadcast of this material to both domestic and foreign news media.

According to the researcher, the encounter occurred on March 5, when an aircraft belonging to the Mexican Air Force, a Merlin C26/A, was engaged in drug interdiction patrols. At around 17:00 hours it detected the presence of 11 objects following it.

The routine flight took place between Copalar, Chiapas and the State of Campeche. The encounter took place near Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. It was there that the aircraft, belonging to the 501st Air Squadron was performing its routine patrol when it suddenly detected the presence of an object on its radar at an elevation of 3500 meters, as well as through its infrared equipment (FLIR).

The airplane immediately pursued the object, which according to the video footage, lost itself in the clouds. Minutes later, the presence of other objects — for a total of 11 — was detected. They followed the aircraft and surrounded it.

These UFOs were captured on radar and by the FLIR gear. However, they were never seen by the aircrew despite having been two miles distant from the aircraft at one point.

The crew consisted of eight monitoring specialists, among them the pilot, Maj. Magdaleno Castañón Muñoz, radar operator Lt. Germán Martin Ramirez and FLIR operator Mario Adrian Vázquez Tellez.

These military men were interviewed and claimed having never seen a similar phenomenon, since the speed and movements detected by radar confirmed the fact that the [objects] were not aircraft.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE >> https://youtu.be/Q2Rk9cpykwU









SAN FRANCISCO — An airline transport pilot with 14 years’ experience in commercial aviation can’t quite explain what he saw at 11 PM, November 3, 2004. The jetliner P.A. was flying was making its approach into San Francisco.

The jetliner was approaching the city from the east, passing just north of Stockton, when P.A. received instructions from the tower to descend from 35,000 to 24,000 feet (10,500 to 7,200 meters). And then it happened.

“While approaching San Francisco from the east,” he reported, “an orange dot began to glow and seemed to flash higher up to the west of us. I thought that it was a planet. It then changed color from orange to white. Again, I thought a planet could be illuminated through a (local) atmosphere that would explain the color change.”

“It then began to move in a northeasterly direction. Once again, being in an airplane, it is very easy to think an object is moving, from small corrections the autopilot makes. I found a handful of stars to serve as a reference point and verified that the object was slowly moving north.

It moved about 30 degrees and then stopped. Then, it made a slight tangent to the right and continued moving for about 20 more degrees.” “It stopped and turned again to the right and continued for 10 degrees, then stopped again and disappeared.”

“The whole sighting ran about two minutes or so from start to finish. It was difficult to judge the actual distance and speed. When I talk about ‘moving in degrees and turning,’ I am talking about my (cockpit) viewpoint and compass degrees.” “The UFO’s size was very small, about the size of the stars and planets you see in the sky.”

“We had initially been at 35,000 feet (10,500 meters) but had descended to 24,000 feet (7,200 meters) when we saw the object. We were above the clouds with a clear view, and there was a crescent moon behind us. The weather in San Francisco was partly cloudy skies and light rain.”

“There were two of us in the cockpit, and we both witnessed the same thing. We were both in awe. I have been flying for 14 years have never witnessed something like this before.”

NOTE: The above photo is real but from another sighting in Ohio.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com




, Robert said the encounter occurred Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004, when he and Anne saw a ball of light in the night sky about 7:10 p.m. He said they saw the apparition through a sliding door leading to a deck off the kitchen. He described “a huge ball of brilliant white light coming toward the house from the west,” slightly above the tops of trees. As the object came closer, he said it appeared to grow bigger, and stopped above the house, where it appeared “absolutely huge, maybe two, maybe three football fields. The white light engulfed everything.”

Despite the intense light, the glare didn’t hurt their eyes, he said, but hovered silently for a few minutes before a pale blue light emitted from the underside and formed a perfect square on the deck. Robert said the light fully engulfed Anne, who was lifted off the deck, prompting Robert to open the sliding door with one hand and grab Anne’s waist by other. He said he pulled her into the house and the shut door. When he looked out again, the strange light was gone, he said.

During the ordeal, Anne went unconscious. When she came around, she said she remembered seeing the blue light and that Robert described it as square, but could not remember any details after that. A short while later, they said they received a phone call from Robert’s sister and her husband, about five miles to the east, saying they too saw a ball of white light trailing a blue tail, moving parallel to the ground. Robert said he noticed blisters on his hand, just below his middle finger.

In the report, Robert said he and Anne subsequently noticed unusual occurrences in their own home, including a microwave open beeping at random and objects flying off shelves. Robert said many of these occurrences would happen during the day, and Anne would relate them when he returned home from work. Hypnosis helped her recall details but didn’t work for him, he said. However, he recalled an eerie instance in which he said he administered CPR to Anne as she lay on the floor.

“After I got her off the floor and on to the couch I looked into the kitchen and saw what looked like snow or fine pellets of Styrofoam pouring in through the sliding door – I guess didn’t shut it all the way. After icing my hand for awhile I told Anne, I’m going in the garage to get the shop vac to clean up the mess.’ When I looked again all the white stuff was gone and the small carpet in the kitchen was dry.” He added, “Also the white light outside looked like it flowed like a liquid wrapping itself around everything,” and no shadows formed.

Billerica police said they did not receive any reports of an unusual sighting in the sky Dec. 12, but said from time to time, they, like all police departments, do get calls from concerned residents of a strange light or sound that turns out to be something ordinary. Petty said someone also reported seeing something peculiar in the sky over Billerica around 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 29 and reported the incident to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Wash. That report describes “a very large, circular, bright-white light above the clouds going around and around in a very large circle” at high speeds. The report said the witness looked out again and saw the same light about an hour later and insisted it wasn’t a search light or plane.

In his probe in the reported Dec. 12, 2004 incident, Petty said, among other steps, he made inquiries to several area police departments, interviewed many of the couple’s neighbors and have filed a Freedom of Information Act request from the federal Aviation Administration regarding aerial activity in the area on that evening. He said Billerica police provided a printout of police log entries from the time of the reported sighting, but that log activity suggests no unusual reported occurrences. He said Burlington police sent a written response indicating nothing unusual. An inquiry to Bedford police received no response, he said.

Anne, 58, a disabled contractor, agreed to meet recently with a Minuteman reporter, but would not give her or Robert’s last name. She showed the small porch where she said the object appeared and which she said lifted her a few feet in the air before Robert grabbed her and pulled her inside.

But she said any physical evidence – the burns on Robert’s hands, which she showed in a photograph, and the powdery residue she described – are gone. She said, after the incident, her sister called on the phone to say she, too, had seen a bright object with a trailing tail while traveling on a highway. They’re not UFO or science fiction buffs, she said, and books and movies of that ilk are sparse in their collection. Anne, who said she recalled a peculiar sighting of a lighted object in her youth, said the experiences she reported suggest the possibility of extraterrestrial presence. However, she remains as mystified as anyone, she said. She said, “I’ve always been very open-minded. I’d be arrogant to think we are the only beings in this vast universe.”

NOTE: The above image is real but from a New York trail camera.









 Eagle Point and White City, Oregon-3-20-2007 about 11 AM.

With my eyes it was first seen as a small, shiny, white dot. I got my camera out and tried to zoom in and couldn’t find it.

Then I saw the shining again and zoomed in and started recording, and it was dark again and then shiny again, and then dark again, before it was blocked by a tree and I couldn’t find it again, about 16 seconds of video.

It was just above the mountains and when I was recording it, it seemed to be moving south. When I watched it on the TV and on computer it appeared to stay in the same place above the same cloud feature. We were on Modoc Rd. headed towards Medford, Oregon, and it was east of us towards Eagle Point or White City.

I thought maybe it would turn out to be a plane when I watched it on the TV screen, but I still couldn’t tell what it was exactly.

The truck was bouncing me around and it was hard to keep it on the object and we couldn’t pull over because we were working. My husband was with me but he was driving and couldn’t see it.

There were no airplanes or helicopters in the area. It was a cloudy day, but no rain. There were no electromagnetic effects, missing time, or smells associated with the sighting.

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO >> https://youtu.be/NOG-c1NpPZM









An expert believes the UFO came from an underwater alien base.

An eyewitness was able to record a video of a UFO hovering over the Black Sea in Bulgaria. According to a UFO expert, the alien vessel came from an underwater base and had shape-shifting capabilities.

The incident happened on March 31, 2018 at around 2:19 in the morning. The strange object in the video, which was captured by photographer Rosen Zheynov, was spotted flying over a portion of the Black Sea near Burgas City in Bulgaria.

Based on the video, a spherical dark object can be seen moving downwards. As it descended, its bright outer layer pulsated as it changed shape and color. The mysterious object carried out with its strange behavior until it disappeared from the frame.

The eyewitness caught a glowing wheel UFO over the Black Sea this week, Waring wrote on a blog post. “The object has a huge hole at its center and a shape changing wheel that stands upright. The Black Sea has had many UFO sightings over the last decade. Some of which are disks which show two alien pilots.

Due to the numerous sightings in the area, Waring speculated that there could be an alien base under the Black Sea. He said that the UFO may have just emerged from its underwater base. He said it was probably drying itself off before it embarks on its journey.








An ex-US Marine suggests the cigar-shaped UFOs that have been observed across the country in recent months could be something beyond a secret military programme.

Such strange UFOs first came to light back in June when a YouTube user observed an unusual light over California’s Mojave Desert. They often appear long, thin and shaped like a cigar or snake.

Soon, several UFO enthusiasts went to the internet to show their videos of the strange aerial objects from one being seen in Wyoming during a meteor shower to another in New York that seemingly moving like it was alive.

Nick Karnaze, a former US Marine Corps soldier who served as an Intel Officer in Afghanistan, has now revealed that the objects have been observed across the Earth.

Nick travelled around the globe recently along with other investigators to collect proof of their theory that aliens have been in contact with Earth.

Nick said that people are usually assuming that those types of objects could be a potentially classified government programme and that they are restricted to certain areas. However, they have reports from different parts of the world of witnesses seeing similar objects.

For Nick, it indicates something potentially beyond a secret programme because the military community would only test those classified programmes in certain areas.

He added that deploying that kind of technology should be with extra caution on where it should take place.

He further explained that deploying it to a random country outside any present threat to the US or any open war zones would be very unusual. NOTE: The above image is real but from another sighting.








A California witness at Lake Silverwood recalled a UFO incident from 1983 when a boomeranged-shaped object passed overhead, according to testimony in Case 95355 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The incident occurred at 2 a.m. on May 15, 1983.

“Me and two friends were going catfish fishing at Lake Silverwood,” the witness stated.  “We were off road going to the south side of the lake and entered by the north side by the dam. We were on a switch back and as we came around a curve our view was northeast looking out over the valley and saw a bright white light way out in the distance many miles away.”  The witness later Googled the location and discovered “it was coming from” Area 51.  “When we came around the next curve on the switch back it was just about on top of us.  My buddy yelled stop and turn off your engine. My cousin had a UFO burn out his electrical system on his car. I did and turned off my lights too. We jump out of my 4×4 and the three of us stood in front of my truck and were all looking at this thing as it came towards us.”

The witness described the object.
“We noticed that the light was on the bottom of the object and it was huge. The front of it looked like wraparound sunglasses. We were able to see into it and counted that it was four decks thick. We were all talking to each other what we were seeing. We could see columns from deck to deck. On the most upper deck we could see humanoid figures moving about. We were like saying things like look at the guy looking out. Is he driving it or what? It looks as if someone was shining a light up at it like the one that was seen in China.”  As the object continued to pass directly the group, it blacked out a good portion of the sky.  “Everything around us seemed to be crackling. I could feel my insides humming. Thinking of it now I’m glad I turned off my truck. As we were looking at the back of the craft there were four boxes that were louvered and shimmered like a road on a hot summer day. The boxes looked like a TV when there’s no channels on, black and gray from top to bottom of the craft. I had heard of small flying wings being seen on the Hudson in New York around the same time. This came to me later on in life. Four decks thick. Four boxes. Sixteen smaller craft would fit in this no problem. I worked in aircraft after this and was in the world’s largest building by volume in Everett, Washington. It wouldn’t fit in there. The ceiling would collapse with all the structure having to be removed to fit it. That’s how large this craft was. Also, later on in life, the Phoenix Lights happened. Yep, now we’re getting there, but what we saw was larger. I’m telling this story now and can still see it in my mind’s eye. It changed my life in many ways – even what I went to as a career, aircraft structures final assembly. Did the B-1-B bomber and all three aircraft that was built at the Everett facility. The direction I figured it was going was towards Norton Air Force Base.”  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








A witness in Poços de Caldas, Brazil captured a video of a strange looking object he cannot identify. The witness reported the object to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) along with still images and video.  The sighting took place on August 6, 2017. The witness claims to have noticed two bright star-like objects moving across the sky, even though it was during the day and still light out.

Here is the witness report, verbatim:

It was still day, and I saw two bright and strong lights, looking like stars. But no other star appeared, and it was too soon for them to appear. They moved together in a constant trajectory, not fast, not slow… and in the same direction (SE to NE), and really far away. Constant brightness all the time. One of them was bigger and brighter, and other smaller, but still bright. This small one disappeared suddenly, but the bigger kept on moving. They passed over right above me. Strange because it was to UFOs, very bright all the time… (sun reflection not the case).  I took a picture of a plane passing by, with maximum close up from my camera. The same close with I took the pictures. I changed ISO, so some pictures were darkened. And at the end of the mp4, there is the video.





THANKS TO https://www.theufochronicles.com


A woman who had been enjoying a trip to the beach with her boyfriend reported a rather strange UFO experience. The incident occurred on Karekare Beach, Auckland on Sunday, March 31st.

“We were on the beach, my boyfriend and I, and saw two bright orange/red lights far on the other end of the beach,” the woman wrote on Reddit. “In a matter of seconds, one of the lights started moving at full speed, in a straight line, no more that 200m above the water until [it was] directly in front of us.”

“The UFO had changed from having a red light to a bright white light… shining directly at us. We presumed that it was a helicopter with a spotlight, but there was no sound at all coming from it.”

“After about 2 minutes (or what I think, we could not tell time at this point) it moved away very quickly, flying incredibly fast and with perfect precision, until disappearing behind a mountain.”

The second object moved in a similar fashion before also disappearing in to the distance. Little did the couple know however that this would not be the end of their close encounter.

“We were lying down looking at the stars for a while and then stood up to leave, before realizing there were five [objects] surrounding us in different areas of the beach,” the woman wrote.

“One of them was flying up and down and another from side to side. The others were just still switching between red and white spotlights.”

“This was when we decided to leave, scared ****less.”

As things stand, the exact nature of what they encountered that night still remains a total mystery. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com


Interestingly, the V-shaped UFO spotted in the United Kingdom seems very similar to the alien spaceships depicted in Hollywood movies. Popular conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has recently uploaded a video that shows an eerie V-shaped flying object hovering in the skies of Failsworth, United Kingdom. Interestingly, the perfectly cut V-shape of the UFO seems very similar to the spacecraft which people have seen in Hollywood sci-fi films. Even though the image was captured by the witness last October, pictures of this incident became viral after it was shared by a website named UFO Sightings Hotspot, and later by the YouTube channel UFOmania. The creepy photo is now being submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), and they are apparently investigating the authenticity of the image.

As the image went viral online, many people have started arguing that this UFO could actually be an alien vehicle from deep space. Most of these extraterrestrial buffs argue that aliens who live in the far nooks of the universe used to visit earth regularly to monitor human activities. “It looks straight out a movie… which makes you wonder what Hollywood knows?” commented Ninorc Sinned, a YouTube user. In the meantime, a section of other conspiracy theorists claims that these V-shaped crafts could be secret military vessels developed by the United States Air Force. Conspiracy theorists have long been claiming that the USAF had developed a triangular craft allegedly named ‘TR-3B’ during the time of Gulf War. It should be noted that the shape of TR-3B often depicted by conspiracy theorists seems very similar to that of the flying object spotted in the United Kingdom.







A “Dull, Silver Hat” Hovering In The Air On The Walk Home From School!

On the afternoon of the 25th August 1972, 13-year-old Michio Seo was returning home from school, using the same route he would use every school day. On this afternoon, however, he would witness a bizarre, metallic object hovering in the air over a rice field that ran along the side of the road.

Although a little unnerved, Seo was beyond curious. So much so, he approached the strange object and began making his way across the water-soaked field. However, before the could get too close, a strange beam shot out from the object in his direction.

With this, Seo began to back away immediately. He wasn’t sure if there was anyone inside this small craft, or if it was under any type of control, but he took the shot very much as a warning and decided against any further investigation.

He would rush home and after relieving himself of his school equipment, rushed back out again to tell his friends of this strange encounter. And, with safety in numbers, would look to return to where he witnessed the strange craft.

The Return Visits

Seo, along with his friends, Hiroshi Mori, Katsuoka Kojima, Yasuo Fujimoto, and “Yuji”, would return to the field shortly after, arriving at around 7 pm. They would keep watch for close to an hour with no activity to report. Then, however, the object returned and hovered over the field once more.

All five of the young boys watched the object as it hovered over the rice fields. As the dark arrived to claim the skies, however, the object itself began to glow and cast out a multicolored array of lights.

As the group began to cautiously approach the object it would let out a sudden and loud bang. At first, this froze the boys in fright. After a moment or two, though, they each turned and ran as fast as they could.

Over the coming nights, the boys would return to the field in the hope that the strange object would return once more. However, each night they would leave disappointed. That was until the evening of 4th September.

On that evening, at a little after 9:30 pm, the strange, metallic object returned. This time, it appeared to be much lower than normal, about three feet above the ground. Of more concern to the group of youngsters, though, was the that it was heading straight for them. Glowing brightly as it did so.

Once more, this would cause the five teenagers to quickly turn and run. They would arrive back from the field safely. Before they each returned to their respective homes, they would decide they would return the following night.

The following evening on the 5th September, the five young boys returned. Their efforts and patience, however, would go unrewarded. Undeterred, they would return the following evening. And this time, the night would be anything but uneventful. On this evening, with night already gripping the sky above, the boys would spot the object hovering extremely low to the ground.

As soon as the area lit up in the glow of the camera’s flash, the object burst into motion, spinning tightly and ascending directly upwards several feet.

As it did so, the boy with the camera managed to snap a second picture. Then, almost in response, the object sent out an intense flash of its own before descending once again. The boys watched in awe as the object continued to spin, as if it were trying to dig itself a tunnel in the ground below. Then, it suddenly stopped. After several moments, the group approached, slowly. Hiroshi Miro would continue forward, eventually bending down to pick up the strange, metallic craft. He would later claim that he witnessed “something moving” inside it. However, it is not clear what this might have been, or if he was certain of what he saw.

Miro would then wrap the object carefully and place it inside his backpack. From there, the five friends would make their way to Miro’s parent’s home, where they could examine their find a little closer.

Examination And Disappearance!

Once there, they would carefully unwrap it and begin exploring it more closely. It was around 4 inches across and around 8 inches high, with strange circular grooves on the underside. Furthermore, on the middle section of the round underneath, was a square with 31 holes, surrounded by three strange symbols.

Although they had all seen this object fly on several occasions, including this evening, now it appeared decidedly still. They studied it closely, turning it over and around. However, try as they might, they could not see or discover what might make it fly. There was no obvious engine or propulsion system.

They would ultimately decide to take the object to Fujimoto’s home, whose father was, at the time, the director of the Center for Science Education. He had said to his son if they happened to “catch” this strange object he would look at it. However, when he did, he would declare he could see nothing of any real importance about it. He would later claim “regret (at) not having studied it more.

The boys would place the object back in Mori’s backpack. They would decide what to do with it later. However, the following day, when they went to examine the object once more, it was gone. It had seemingly completely disappeared. NOTE: The above object was the real object that was found.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com and Marcus Lowth


In Bastian, Virginia at around 8:30 pm on the 3rd March 2017, an anonymous witness was picking up her 16-year-old daughter from a school function. As they began on their journey home, the witness noticed a “super bright star” to the left of the vehicle.

The witness was driving along mountainous roads at the time. Their home is situated in the valleys of the area. However, the object didn’t disappear from sight as she guided the car down the roadway. Instead, the glowing object appeared alongside the car and began to descend at a similar pace. The strange light would follow the witness for several minutes before finally disappearing. She would later state:

It looked rectangle-shaped and you could see red lights all along its side!

Another strange incident took place several months later. At just after 5 am on the morning of 4th June in Latham, Tennessee. According to the witness, they and their family had seen “lights in the sky for months”. Even descending as “orange balls of light” and actively followed his vehicle.

On this particular morning, after seeing the balls of light in the trees, he would leave his vehicle to investigate. When he walked a little way into the woodland, though, the lights instantly began to head towards them.

He would state that when the “light” was around 20 feet away, he could see that it was a “7 feet tall, grey, smooth-skinned alien-looking being” heading in their direction. The lights, he would claim, were actually the creature’s eyes.

Why Are UFOs Following Witnesses?

Another incident was reported at a similar time – around 4:30 am – on the 31st July. This time in Exira, Iowa. The witness was on their way to work and was driving along F58. Then, they noticed two bright lights heading towards them.

They would pull the car over, thinking it might be a small airplane in trouble. However, they couldn’t make out any other details that would suggest it was a plane. They could, however, see a “big white orb” on the underside of the craft. The object would follow the witness for another mile or so before disappearing.

One of the most recent incidents took place on the 23rd December at around 9:40 pm in Kincardine in Scotland. The witness would recall seeing a “metallic triangle with red and green lights” on the underside. On the underside was a “continual bright white light”. Very similar, perhaps, to the “white orb” witnessed by the driver in Iowa six months previously. The object would follow the vehicle for several miles before the driver lost sight of it while making a turn.

Whether there is a connection between these sightings or not is open to debate. The accounts of a “humanoids” sitting within these strange, glowing orbs, might indeed prove them to be some kind of cockpit. One, if the 2017 descriptions are accurate, are on the underside of a dark, metallic craft. Indeed, it is perfectly reasonable, for example, to suspect that the sightings of these strange, piloted orbs, actually sightings of metallic crafts where only the lit-up orb-like cockpit is visible.

Why are these crafts actively pursuing witnesses – albeit in an inquisitive manner as opposed to attacking? Perhaps that is the area of concern. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com and Marcus Lowth


Alabama’s 1930 “Glowing Ball” Sighting

According to an account in the Syracuse New Times, an incident from Waterloo in the Lauderdale County area of Alabama in the autumn of 1930 also features a “glowing ball”. The account in question would come to the newspaper through “Jesse” – the grandson of the main witness, his grandmother.

At the time, as the industrial and technological revolutions met and the United States became electrified, the Lauderdale County area was growing at a rapid rate. Even tiny town (relatively speaking) such as Waterloo would see increased growth of their populace. Just to put this into perspective, today the population of Waterloo is a little over 200 people. In the 1930s it was just short of 500.

According to Jesse, on this particular late-fall evening in 1930, at around 6:30 pm, his grandmother and three friends were sitting in a car outside their high school. They were there to perform in a school play. And were waiting for a member of staff to open the doors.

Not long after arriving, however, Jesse’s grandmother would notice a strange light. Like a “ball of fire” heading towards the car. She alerted the other three and a quick hush came over the vehicle. They wondered if the light might be a flashlight or possible the headlight of an oncoming vehicle.

As it came closer, the brightness increased dramatically. In fact, it was so bright that the entire interior of the car lit up. And was “as bright as day”. Whenever Jesse’s grandmother would recall the encounter, she would describe the object as being “the size of a basketball” which floated by and around the car at a distance of 2 to 3 feet. It would then venture off into the nearby woodland and disappeared.

“Sub-Car Sized Sphere” Weaving Through The Woodlands Of Wetumpka, 2011

If we return to modern day Alabama, we see that these orb-like sightings are still occurring today. And what’s more and perhaps of more concern as we shall examine shortly, incidents of UFOs – orb-like or otherwise – “chasing” witnesses still occurs today in our contemporary era. Right across the United States and the rest of the world.

In Wetumpka, Alabama, shortly after midnight on the 1st March 2011 – according to MUFON case number 31948 – a resident would report seeing a “sub-car sized sphere” appear over a field where it hovered for several moments lighting up the ground and surrounding area in its brilliant but pale orange glow.

The witness was driving home after a late shift at work and could see the object from several miles away. He would report having seen them on several occasions before, some of which stretched back several years.

He would continue his journey, all the while keeping the mysterious orb in sight. It would eventually, and similar to several other such encounters, head off into the woodland. Seemingly weaving in and out of the trees. Occasionally appearing above them. Like an orb-like whale breaking free of the surface of the trees before diving back beneath them.

The object eventually vanished from sight leaving the witness to contemplate just what it was he had seen. He would later speak to his mother of the sighting. She too claimed to have seen strange lights from the house at the same time. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO https://www.ufoinsight.com


UFOs seen East of Lexington Ohio 06/13/2009 Saturday night 11:20 pm EDT. My wife 41, our 5 year old son and I were headed South coming from Mansfield, OH when my wife noticed 4 lights, not blinking, hovering over Interstate 71 about 1,000 or less feet up in a straight horizontal line. Then they flew over the interstate and went vertical when I finally was able to focus in on them. At that time a 5th showed up came from over trees on east side of 71. I slowed down and noticed the few other cars slowing and a couple stopping on the side of the road. I saw the objects change formation from 4 in a vertical row to a staggered formation when the 5th appeared from what seemed to be out of nowhere it was so fast at first. The 5th one flew over fast to the west from the east over the trees, bigger and closer to us than the other 4, larger than a mac truck.. I stopped the car when the 5th object flew into view. It V-lined straight over towards the others but stayed on the north of them and stopped. The other 4 stayed for a few seconds and went up towards the south, south west, east and 4th disappeared. The 5th larger object went incredibly smooth and slow towards us and when it got over our car (with me out the sunroof opening trying to take pictures with camera) and then went fast towards us, headed north, and then did a perfect curve straight upward into the stars disappearing within about 5 seconds till it looked like a star then was gone. My wife tried to get pictures but the camera she uses daily kept going into timer mode (which is a manual knob you would have to turn and it was not on this setting). I took camera and tried changing settings, turn off and on… and it went to 10 sec timer wait mode for me too. After about 6 tries, I turned off camera and manually put on burst mode, held down the camera trigger and powered it on at the same time, and it took about 20 pictures with most of them blank/black, we managed to get 2 pictures out of the 20 and I made sure to get the I-71 bridge with cars going under it for comparative reference.. The objects appeared to be bigger than the size of the traffic and trucks on the road. When the 5th came from over the trees and West out over 71 then hovered, it was shining bright orange light that sort of morphed colors like yellow, orange, red, blue and black randomly a couple of times but mostly orange. You can see in the photo zoom that one of them is morphing to yellow below. After reviewing the overpasses on the map, it looks like they were just south of Orchard Park Rd. and the closer one came from behind the trees by the fields and pond or lake in the map below to the right of 71 or from the east somewhere. My wife comes from an aviation family and has witnessed everything from NASA rocket launches to home made flying machines. She said she can not believe that anything on earth could ever maneuver that accurate and move that fast silently.