JUNE 8, 2017 ………………..TROY NEW YORK
My wife ((wife’s name deleted)) was standing on our deck (south facing) and called me as she was wondering what a single reddish globe light in the sky was. The object came from the south (from Westfield/Eden direction) and traveled towards us. As the object neared, a second object (same color) appeared from the same direction. Shortly thereafter, a third object appeared. They appeared to be ˜globes and moved in a somewhat fast rate of speed. There was no noise. Their movement was very smooth (no quick movements). Object 1 traveled towards us and, at one point, began ascending straight up (it disappeared). Objects 2 and 3 passed the house (to our left look at the objects). As they passed, I noticed what appeared to be a single light (underneath) the object.
I could make out a black shape (outline from the light) but could not distinguish what it was. That is, they flew low enough for me to see that it did not have a bank of lights. I am confident in saying that it was not a plane as I did not see wings. The light was bright and did not flicker or pulse. I have seen and heard drones when deployed to Afghanistan. This was not, in my opinion, a drone. I am forwarding a picture captured of object 2 and 3 from our deck. I have other pictures but the size of the file would be too big to email. These were taken from my android phone (Samsung). Note that although it appears to be a ˜globe it is my sense that what you see is the light (under?) the object. I cannot confirm that it was, in fact, a roundish shape. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files |
GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA, MARCH 1967, @ 12:00 p.m. (approx.) USAF officer takes a photograph of a winter scene, with a clear, blue sky, and apparently photographs two objects that may have been hovering nearby. The first reaction NUFORC had to the photo was that the objects might have been so-called lens flares, but there are elements of the photograph, and the orientation of the two objects in the photo, that seem to us to militate against that hypothesis. We post below the statement that accompanied the photo, and include the photograph. We invite comment.
((COPIED STATEMENT FROM SOURCE OF PHOTOGRAPHS)) Recently we were going through a huge stack of family pictures taken over many decades. We were living in North Dakota at Grand Forks Air Force Base where my father ((deleted; an officer at)) a wing of nuclear armed B-52 bombers always on alert. We underwent a three day whiteout blizzard with 60 MPH winds that buried our house in snow in early March 1967. In between the houses the wind had blown the snow away to Canada since the ground is completely flat as far as the eye can see. One from the front of the house is a picture of me digging out our car. My father then took a boring picture a minute or two later of the flat area between the houses to show that the wind had scoured the open areas clean of any snow drifts. We didn’t think much of the picture at the time. It wasn’t until 2016 when we were going through the pictures that we noticed what looks like two UFOs in the sky over our house! Thought you might be interested because the picture is quite intriguing, to say the least! No one in the family noticed anything unusual at the time the pictures were taken. The picture was taken looking from Grand Forks AFB, back eastward towards the city of Grand Forks, about 20 miles away. We were in the last row of houses on the base so there are no other dwellings in the picture. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files |
In 1998 Dr. Steven M. Greer resigned his post as Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina to spend all his time and energy on exposing a massive corporate-government coverup of extraterrestrial contact that’s been kept under wraps for decades. Why does this matter? It’s not so much the dozens of deceased aliens secreted at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, Greer says, or even the super secret radionic technology that took the life of his assistant and two colleagues and nearly killed him. It’s not even the prototypes of UFOs that roam the Southwest’s friendly skies, looking so much like real E.T. craft that it’s hard to tell the difference. (Your tax dollars at work.) What’s important, Greer insists, is that if the government came clean with what it knows about E.T. technology, we could upgrade the planet. Not only would we wean ourselves off oil and other fossil fuels, but we could scrap nuclear power and implement clean, cheap, safe energy that any country or culture could afford. One problem: That might weaken or topple the corporate-government power structure that controls our fuel and energy systems, mass-produces war weapons and keeps a tight rein on the global economy. So how to shine a light on a shadowy consortium that promotes war while fostering scarcity, making gas prices astronomic? Based in Crozet, Virginia, Greer’s Disclosure Project has convinced hundreds of insiders, including military brass and CIA ops, to defy nondisclosure pacts. They’ve coughed up documents (some still classified) and signed testimonials. Greer’s got it all — in fact, he gave Peter Jennings’s producers access to these bombshell revelations for the ABC special on UFOs that aired last spring. But, as the good doctor found out, you can’t give this stuff to the mainstream media and expect it to air on prime time. “They won’t let us do it,” a senior producer told Greer by phone. “I said,’Who’s They?'” Greer recalls. “And he said ‘Dr. Greer, you know who they are.’ And click, he hung up.” So why not get these documents to the President of the United States? Been there, done that. “Hillary and Bill spent hours poring over them,” Greer claims a close friend of the Clintons reported, adding that when Clinton took office, he wanted two questions answered: Who killed Jack Kennedy? and What’s going on with the UFOs? It didn’t take long for Clinton to realize, says Greer’s friend, that he had a much better chance of completing his term if he followed his own “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. In 2001, Greer held a press conference at which many witnesses came forward, but it was eclipsed by 9/11. Since then he’s gathered more insiders willing to reveal what the government won’t. So if you’re tired of holding hands with the Saudis, or you think it’s time Earthlings had access to that cool, antigravity technology that allows UFOs to dodge our weapons (most of the time), check out DisclosureProject.org. “It’s about your pocketbook, not about little green men,” says Greer, who wants to replace fossil fuel and nuclear power with the advanced energy systems used by E.T.’s. Where do you get that? “Just ask the government,”Greer replies. “They’ve had it for 50 years.” Washington may not want to listen, but we certainly do. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.disclosureproject.org
I wanted to share my own little UFO experience. Taking a risk because people are cruel and judgmental. I’m surprised about how many people had not had an experience like that. I guess it’s about location, location. My experience blew me away, it was the infamous Illinois event, the big triangle airship that was sighted over parts of Southern Illinois & Indiana. I got to be one of those witnesses. So my story starts out where we are at a friend’s log cabin she had recently built out in the boonies, here in southern Indiana. In the boonies there’s no street lights or anything. Not to many folks, you know. So we’re out there and I’m with my family and it’s a winter’s night. We’d been there for an hour or so and I was inside. I just had this really strange feeling that I wanted to go outside and go out on the porch. It’s winter! I grab my hat, my jacket and my gloves…and I tell my husband I’m going out, hang out on the front porch for a little bit and just get a breath of fresh air. I don’t explain anything further, but I just have this feeling I need to go outside. So I go out there and I’m looking up at the sky. It’s a beautiful, starry winter sky. I love the winter. I remember looking to my left and, you know, seeing the stars and I remember panning to my right and, right there, is blocked out stars, it’s black, I can’t see the stars anymore. I’m looking and it’s in the shape of this triangle and it’s huge! I’m like focusing and trying to wrap my brain around what I’m seeing and it is hovering but it’s got a slow forward motion, just ever so slightly and it’s quiet. I mean, I didn’t even know that it would have been there had I not been looking up at the sky. If I’d have just been standing on the porch and not looking up, I would have never known it was there. And I’m watching it and by the time I gather myself and get my head together, I want someone else to see this too. Now I don’t want to be the only one to see this thing so I’m pounding on the windows, pounding on the doors. You know everybody’s inside, it’s winter time. I can’t get anyone’s attention. By the time I get their attention, they come outside it’s already started to move out of the field of vision because we’re surrounded by trees, which are now blocking it. I mean, like, you know, evergreens and stuff, blocking the view of this craft. I’m like, no one else sees it but me. Yeah, story of my life. So I’m freaking out and I’m telling my husband, “Dude, there was a UFO right there, as close as, you know, the trees, the treetops, just right there, I mean, like it was watching, like it was looking and watching.” It creeped me out because I felt like as I was watching it, it was watching me. I didn’t like that. It gave me that big brother feeling. What helped me feel better was the next day. I wasn’t the only one that had seen it, as there was actually police officers in the state of Illinois that witnessed this exact craft, as well. So I was thankful that I wasn’t alone in this experience and it changed me in so many ways. It was very profound because it happened to me. I’m an adult and a grown-up and it really was unnerving and the feeling that it gave me unnerved me too. So I thought I’d share my creepy story of my triangle shaped UFO in southern Indiana.
This is a witness account from January 5, 2000…the UFO incident in which police officers in Southern Illinois chased a triangle shaped craft across several counties. This witness sighting was in a rural area of neighboring Southern Indiana, seemingly before the Illinois sightings. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Thanks to http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com case files
Hauptstuhl, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany … I suffered a headache at around 11:00 pm so I decided to go to bed. I entered my bed room and my head began to feel heavy and eyes began to hurt with a intense pain. I got into bed and almost instantly I fell asleep. What seemed like seconds later I heard the TV and the Play Station 4 turn on down stairs. Upon hearing this I thought maybe my wife was home from work. I realized that couldn’t be possible because she didn’t get off until later that day. Fully aware of what was going on (but obviously still tired) I tried to get out of bed but found myself unable to move at the slightest. Sleep paralysis had been common for me throughout life so at first I wasn’t too worried but this was different. I began to panic and try to force myself out of this paralysis but every time I used energy I heard a voice inside of my head tell me to stop moving and sleep. I knew the voice wasn’t my own because at the same time I was talking to myself in my head (almost yelling) saying “wake up now!” This battle with the other voice, that almost seemed to control me went on for about 15 minutes until I finally had enough. I said a quick prayer and promptly rolled over onto my back trying to catch my breath when suddenly I saw it! Please be aware: the incident below happened in a matter of seconds so I am trying to describe as best as possible. Directly in front of me on my window sill was a small figure. If I had to estimate it was maybe 3 feet tall. I did not see any eyes because the room was pitch black, but the silhouette of the figure was clearly visible because of the light that shown through the blinds. I believe it had its back towards me, one hand was raised and there was a bright blue almost white light that was casting through the window onto it. A quick flash was emitted and the being was gone, almost instantly that the being had left that my headache, eye pain, and fatigue also left. This experience has truly, truly changed my life. I have had other incidents in my life that now that I look back on after doing more research I believe we’re other visitations and or abductions. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and if anyone could offer me help or insight, I’d be very grateful. – MUFON….NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Thanks to http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com cased files
Green lights in Chevron form flying over Fort Collins, CO. I was letting my roommate’s dog outside, when I saw a group of fluorescent green lights in the form of a chevron. This was observed a few minutes after 23:30 MST approximately 4 blocks south of CSU Fort Collins campus. The event lasted for 5 to 10 seconds. It was a clear night with no clouds, stars were visible. I was the only witness who saw this. I am a senior at Colorado State studying Civil Engineering and have a good understanding of physics, optics, and trigonometry. There were 5 to 7 lights in the formation, and were first seen 20 to 30 degrees above the horizon. I was looking south when I first sighted them, and watched them move north almost directly over head; they were 20 degrees from vertical to the east of me. As the chevron passed over head, it started accelerating and gaining altitude, before the lights disappeared 40 to 50 degrees above the horizon looking north. The lights were observed for a total of 100 to 120 degrees in the sky. As the lights passed from south to north, they changed shape from a chevron into a straight line. I live on a N-S-E-W street grid, and I can determine that the lights were traveling within 10 degrees of the N-S axis. From the observation point, the lights appeared relatively small, but much larger than a star. The individual lights were round, with a hazy edge and appeared to be about 1/6 the size of the moon. The chevron formation had a span of 3 moons, and stayed approximately this size for the entire duration, as they changed shape. As the object passed overhead, it made no sounds. The dog I was letting out did not respond to the event. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the witness, and we found him to be eloquent, and sober-minded. In part, because of his technical training, we suspect he is a very capable witness. He has submitted a very nice graphic, which illustrates the sighting, and which is posted to the NUFORC website. PD)) NOTE: The above image is CGI.
KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files |
MARCH 14, 2017 ………..ANCHORAGE ALASKA…….11.30 PM
3 orbs in the shape of a triangle, morphed to a long thin line of light above tree line in Anchorage While taking the dog for a walk, at University Lake in Anchorage, we headed through a treed trail, and on to a clearing. After several seconds, my daughter said, Dad, look at the lights in the trees. To the north, I saw three white orbs in the shape of a triangle rise above the tree line. It appeared to turn West, and as doing so, the orbs turned into a long thin bright white light. Like a long fluorescent light bulb, but so much brighter. It then headed West and no lights were visible. I opened my eyes wide to let as much light in as possible (the moon was not above the horizon at the time). That is when I noticed the shape, very much like a box kite, but with triangles on top and bottom; essentially an elongated diamond. We stood there for about a minute after and headed back down the wooded trail talking about what we had seen. After about 40 yards, I said let’s go back. I was shining my flashlight on the tree line and my daughter said that if we see anything, she will record it with her IPhone. Once again, three orbs in the shape of a triangle appeared in the same spot slowly rising above the tree line. This time my daughter took out her phone to record and her phone died. She said it was at 60%. The same scenario as above played out, the orbs turned to one long bright light, then as headed West was just a dark silhouette of an elongated diamond until it went out of view (total time about 20 seconds each occurrence. At this point we left as it was cold. My daughters phone did not turn back on until we got home and plugged it in. it immediately showed 62% of battery power. NOTE: The above image is the witness drawing. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files |
This may come as a surprise to some and something that many may find hard to grasp. Reports have surfaced from a reliable source that Dwight Eisenhower the 34th President of the United States Dwight Eisenhower actually met with aliens from another planet. Who is this source that some considered to be quite credible the late President’s own Great Grand-daughter, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Anyone who knows some of the backgrounds of this President would know he had an impressive military career before becoming President of the United States. Before his military career ended he would work his way up to the highest rank, there is that of a five-star general. He became a driving force during World War II on the Allie side. So, he would have had high-ranking military clearance, making him someone that would be briefed on highly secured matters such as alien encounters. According to Laura Eisenhower around this period, Dwight Eisenhower had a meeting with actually alien beings, one of three she claims happened. At one of the meetings, it was reported that Eisenhower actually negotiated with one alien race to obtain technology from them in exchange for the aliens being allowed to abduct a few humans for research purposes with no real harm coming to the test subjects. There is now documented proof online that these meetings did exist after years of speculation being circulated. Now comes perhaps one of the most undisputed sources an actual family member of the late Commander and Chief. Laura Magdalene Eisenhower has taken much time to account not only her Great Grandfather’s encounters with extraterrestrials but her own as well. There are interviews now online of her discussing in detail what she knows about President Eisenhower’s meetings and her own. But even with her being such a close source to the President some question the credibility of what she is saying. But despite the naysayers when we stop to look at this and the period it could make sense. Didn’t the crash of a UFO happen in Roswell, New Mexico around this time? What really goes on at Area 51, which by the way came into existence around this time. So, when stopping to examine this perhaps the possibility of a then high ranking general who would one day be President striking a deal to stop an all-out alien invasion may not seem so impossible.
SEE THIS 10 MINUTE VIDEO HERE…… https://youtu.be/7vNNUC3jRxU
(1)I was walking northbound from my parked truck to enter the building I work in. (2)I have always kept my eyes on the sky, even as a child. I have seen many unidentifiable craft in my days and my grandfather worked for Boeing and Rockwell. This helped create my interest in the sky watching at a very young age. (3) At first glance I thought that the object was a hovering helicopter, a bunch of balloons, or possibly a drone of some sort. The lack of noise or lights made me discredit the possibility of this object being a helicopter or drone. I work in the aerospace industry now and my company is 5 to 10 miles from LAX. There are multiple flight paths that I observe daily to my admiration of aircraft. There are also a large number of military flights that take place in this airspace, but the military craft are usually helicopters and not jets. They are always very loud and noticeable. V22 Ospreys fly over the 110 South and then hook a right westbound over Rancho Palo Verdes quite often as well. (4) When I first observed the object I was facing west from my location and I was under the impression that it was hovering in place. In retrospect, it may have been advancing towards my position because this was the only point in my observation that I was under the impression it may have been hovering. Once I noticed it was moving I also noticed it was doing so at a steady pace. It was traveling north east slightly (more north direction than east) and I observed it slowly adjust it’s path and change direction from north east to north west. It appeared to be attempting to morph. Despite the surface of this craft moving around in a very unstable and liquid type motion it’s velocity and trajectory were stable. It was almost like a cloud of heavy metallic black liquid but it’s overall shape remained relatively uniform. The nature of this object made it very hard to focus my vision on despite the fact that the craft was dark black and the grey clouds and sunrise made the sky very contrasted against the color of the craft. I felt as though it was tricking my eyes into looking at the clouds above it instead of the craft itself. Shortly after it changed direction (north east) it began to shift it’s shape more noticeably and it went from a big morphing liquid blob to an elongated and very small boomerang type black craft that was no longer morphing. It seemed to become completely solid at that point. Once again with no lights or sounds. Almost immediately after it shape shifted, It began to shrink in size at a extremely impressive rate. (5)I have witnessed many different types of unidentified objects and this was by far the most troubling and emotional sighting. I felt shocked and scared and for once I felt terrified instead of intrigued or awestruck. I have seen lights, orbs, but never anything like this. (6) It shrank in size until it was gone. Either it literally shrank, or it traveled away from me at a great speed. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Thanks to http://www.mufon.com case files
Colombia: Three Alleged UFOs Over Plata (Huila)
On March 3, 2017, starting at 3:00 p.m.,
A phenomenon was recorded over Plata (Huila) that left locals looking for answers. Three mysterious UFOs were sighted in the skies over the community. According to eyewitnesses, the objects remained static most of the time and as evening grew closer, they flew toward each other quickly until they vanished. A witness to the event remarked: “Three unidentified flying vehicles remained static most of the afternoon until dusk, then flew quickly toward each other until they vanished,” according to Lucas Martinez. UFO sightings over Colombia are on the rise with many more cases reporting everything from small lights to possible structured craft flying over towns, municipalities and even some of the nation’s cities. Photo shows white object, clearly from the witnesses.
Hello…. I hope you are having a good night, I am the fianc of a marine who’s MOS is Mechanics for large helicopters and planes. I am familiar with a lot of air crafts because of it. I live in Ohio. I was traveling from the Kent University campus to my parents house in Uniontown, Ohio. I was taking a lot of back roads and highways that cut through the countryside, it was mostly corn fields and trees with the occasional house. Neither of which was lit. I had been on the road for about 5-6 minutes after leaving the Kent campus when I saw the ufo. I first passed it off as a plane with its headlights towards me (the ufo was a fair distance away at this point so it looked small enough to be a plane) The only thing that initially made me think its flight path was weird was that it almost seemed to be hugging the tree line from far off, I thought that was low. I was stopped at a stop light at the time, and I made a choice to ignore it. But when the stop light turned green, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the object shoot across the sky at a speed I’ve never seen before, and it stopped about what I’m guessing gave it about 5 miles of distance between me and it. That fast movement scared the crap out of me. I immediately gunned it and took off down the road. I would occasionally glance around at the sky to see if it followed me because it scared me, but I thought I lost it for a while. I didn’t see it again till I turned onto the road called Switzer street in Uniontown. It was sitting dead ahead of me all the way at the end of the road. It looked like a very bright light at this point I couldn’t make out the shape of the craft because of it. I just saw the giant ball of light. At this point it was about half the size of a full moon. I gunned the gas again and made it to my parents house and ran inside. They knew I was coming so the door was unlocked. I didn’t tell my parents about it initially. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy but when I was leaving the house later, I asked my dad to walk me to the car because I was still unnerved. He agreed to. As we walked it showed up again between the tree line. This time my dad saw it first and told me to look in its direction.
What ((words deleted)) is that my dad asked, as he walked a bit closer to the edge of our property. I think its probably just a plane. I responded. I really didn’t want to call it a ufo at that point, I was honestly freaked out and was trying to explain it away. That’s not a plane, it’s just sitting there not moving. Planes don’t do that. He said, exasperated. No sooner did he say that did the air craft slowly start moving so it swung around and stopped above our back yard. Still at the same far distance. My dad was spooked at that point and told me to go back in the house with him. I refused, I wanted to get back to Akron. I did not want to stay in the country side anymore. He argued with me, but eventually let me go, if I promised to call him as soon as I got back. I agreed and climbed into the car and locked the doors. I watched dad run back inside. When I looked up at the sky again the ufo was gone. It was a clear sky tonight. That shouldn’t of been possible for it to just disappear like that. I felt a pit in my stomach I did not like what was going on one bit. I pulled out of the drive way, paranoid, and still watching the sky. I took off and turned on to a road called Cleveland, Heading back towards Akron. It was a few minutes before I hit my first stop light. It was a red light again. That’s when the ufo showed up again this time it was close! It was directly above the power lines that were running up the side of the road. It turned out its big light and it was replaced with a bunch of small red and blue ones that traced the length of it. It was very long, almost cigar shaped but thinner. The lights were evenly spaced out. Thanks to the lights I could see the ship was about as big as two commercial planes put together. It had to be at least be 1000 feet in the air still. Which only leads me to believe it If it had landed, it would have been a crap ton bigger. I gunned a red light to get away from it. I didn’t see it again till I was merging on the highway. At that point it was around 10:40pm ish. I saw the same bright light as I did before, only this time it was at the same distance as it was when I first saw it. I nervously watched it, it moved out of my sight again, just as I was getting on to I77. I did not see it again. I called my dad when I got home and explained everything that happened and he gave me your organization’s number and told me to report it. I was also asked by the man I talked to on the hotline to give the ufo’s point of elevation. I am not sure what that is, but I will ask my fianc when he is off duty. He is stationed in Japan right now, and they are 14 hours ahead of us, so he’s in the middle of his work day. But I will include the point of elevation in an email along with a drawn picture of the ufo. I just need to find a printer to scan it into. I was unable to get a physical picture of the ufo because I was driving for most of this sighting. I hope this was helpful! Have a Good night! NOTE: The above image is CGI. . KEN PFEIFR WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files |
At 7.30pm on Monday, 12 February 1996, I received a ship-to-shore telephone call from a fishing vessel in the Denmark Straight, off the West Coast of Iceland. The caller told me that a huge triangular craft had appeared and was hovering low in the sky close to his boat. At that precise moment the transmission was cut off. Approximately fifteen minutes later the caller rang again to say that all electronics on the ship had suddenly failed. He told me that he and the rest of the crew had seen the triangular object move away from the boat then suddenly descend into the sea. The moment it had disappeared all electronic power was restored. At 9.00pm on Sunday, 18 February 1996, a further call was received from the boats at sea. On this occasion the caller told me that the whole crew was terrified because three huge black triangular objects, accompanied by three independent red balls of light, had come out of the sea and were hovering silently in the air close to their boats. I asked if the balls of light were connected to the triangles and he said, No they are totally separate and independent. The caller was asked if the triangles were showing on the ships Radar. He replied, No the Radar is not picking them up, the whole crew is standing on the deck watching them. Were the objects close to the boat? Yes, they are hovering near the port bow, we are all scared. Asked if he could hear any sound coming from the objects, he replied, No there’s no sound coming from them. Were there any lights on the triangles? Yes there are small lights on different parts of them. He then said, The whole crew is out on deck watching them. Suddenly the transmission was lost and the phone went dead. A short time later the connection was restored and the voice at the other end said, The objects have now gone, they all descended and went down into the sea. At 3 am. On Monday, 19th February, 1996 a call was received in the middle of the night, from a fishing boat at sea, off the coast of Iceland. The caller said, We have just been watching a gigantic sphere, hovering in the air, not very far from our boats. It slowly moved away from us and then descended and disappeared into the sea. We have no idea what it was.
An hour later the telephone was ringing again and once again the message was from the fishing boat. There are now large florescent tubes like objects hovering in the air close to our position; they are a blue color and not making a sound. All these strange things are making the crew very frightened, we don’t like all this. At 10.55pm. On Tuesday, 23rd. April, 1996, a further telephone call was received from a ship which was fishing 200 miles South West of the coast of Iceland. The caller said, You are not going to believe what we have just seen. We were fishing fairly close to a group of American Warships and suddenly there was a blinding flash of light and one of the warships just disappeared in front of our eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but I can assure you it happened a short time ago. Soon after this an American boat came over to us an ordered us and other fishing boats to leave the area immediately. Our Captain didn’t need any telling, he told us to get our boat out of the area as quickly as possible and to return to our base in Iceland. We are now making our way back. The incident has upset us all, particularly the Captain, he has retired to his cabin with a bottle of whisky. On Sunday, 19 January 1997, a large number of UFO-related events occurred off the south coast of Iceland. Reports were received of large numbers of UFOs gathering over the sea. I can assure readers that these reports were coming from ships at sea, witnesses on the ground and from airline pilots. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Thanks to George Filer and the Filer Files
APRIL 28, 2017 ………NEW BRUNSWICK NEW JERSEY…….10.30 AM Description: Shiny, silver disk witnessed high in sky above highway I-287 in New Jersey. On my drive home early from my job as a senior research laboratory technician on I-287 South in New Jersey, I caught a glimpse of a shiny metallic object in the sky. The sky was crystal clear blue with not a single cloud in sight. At first I dismissed it as a plane, but with longer examination I realized it was a slim, nearly-flat silver disk with no vapor trail. It appeared to slowly hover to the South then in seconds it swiftly changed direction and zipped off to the East and completely vanished. I noticed other drivers had slowed and were looking and pointing at the same region of the sky where I witnessed the craft. NOTE: The above image is CGI. . KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS http://www.worldufophotosandnews.org http://www.kenpfeiferdiscoveries.com Thanks to http://www.nuforc.org case files