I saw a black saucer shaped UFO with spinning flashing red yellow orange and blue lights hovering slowly over our house in the Sky at night. I was 8 or 9 years of age. My step brother saw it too. I saw it slowly hovering over so I went in and got my brother to come and see. We were standing on the steps of our porch. My brother went back in but I was amazed at what I was seeing, for at least 20 minutes I watched that thing come over our trees and hover very slowly then stop and it started flashing the lights then it just kept going over our house. We lived back in a hollow a dead end one way road house. That’s why I couldn’t see it anymore after it passed over the other side of the house and forest behind the house. I know it was not an airplane it was very low hovering slowly and quiet and those flashes of light came from no modern aircraft. I’ve always felt different since then like all I want to to is study the Universe and figure out the secrets of Life. Ive had abduction experiences all the time in my teens like I was paralyzed in my bed but aware of them. Everytime I go back there I have these mind experiences like I’m one with everything like the forest the trees are apart of me. Which is where I’ve been trying to get a peice of land from family it is a family hollow. I was and still am antisocial. It started in my teens. I have pictures taken a few years ago when I was 24 of the sky and if u switch the color to negative U clearly see a Grey or Tall White aliens face. I have more photos. My thoughts are they have been watching over me and I’m not scared I embrace it. They are our God’s and they pick out certain humans at a young age. I think they want us to surpass religion and become our own “Gods”. I’ve always had a problem with my left inner ear I thought about how they could put an Implant inside to track you. Left side side if my brain tingles sometimes. I wish to meet them not afraid at all. We are all Universal Beings. Why would someone keep an eye on Earth? I only had one bad experience. I was 20 years old staying in a motel room. U know how when ur falling to sleep but u end up falling then suddenly wake up with a deep breath? In my dream it was pitch black dark and I was watching a door slowly opening with light shining through in the same room I was sleeping then all of sudden a dark figure darted straight at me then I woke up sat straight up deep breathe and I was stuck looking straight for at least 3 mins. I felt different I looked in the mirror I saw me but It was like I was outside my body for a min then I was ok. I thought about the beings and I said to myself “possession they tried”. I’ve always been more Universal and life over Societal Life, I despise it. I will show u the photos and explain more about my life and these Beings. Maybe after a phone call or something u understand.. BTW there was an old man who had a farm over the hill from us when we were kids we use to Explore the area one day we found a cow that looked just like a cattle mutilation. Surgical and no insides..  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On the evening of 24th March 1974, Hillevi Andersson would be witness to events that would change both hers and her husband, Ingvar’s lives. Along with her three young children, Hillevi was driving to her parent’s home for the day.  As they traveled along the road they noticed a bright light in front of them over a field. The light would disappear from their sight and they continued on their way, intrigued but not unsettled. However, shortly later, it reappeared. And this time, it would follow their vehicle.  Hillevi managed to get a prolonged view of the light. It looked, on closer inspection to be some kind of metallic aerial craft. Before she could make out any more it began to rise, turning a bright orange color as it did so. It soon became no more than an orange blip in the skies above.  They would finish their journey, arriving at the destination shortly after the object had vanished from sight. As they approached Hillevi’s parents’ home, however, all could see the orange glowing craft hovering over the forest that enveloped the small community. Three “rays of light” emerged from its underside and began to “zig-zag” in and out of the trees. At one point, one of these strange rays were on each side of the Andersson’s car, shining their glow inside.  She would learn a short while later that while she was witnessing this outside, residents in their homes were experiencing severe interference on their television sets. At some points, the picture was replaced by a series of “thick black and white lines!”

No Rational Explanation

Upon arriving back home later that evening, Hillevi would inform Ingvar of the strange episode. He would, as was his personality, immediately look for rational explanations for what his wife had seen. However, by the time Hillevi had contacted the police, and the government defense office, he accepted something very much out of the ordinary had taken place.  Furthermore, both his wife and their young children complained of headaches, stomachaches, and pains in their backs where their kidneys were.  As soon became apparent, Hillevi was not the only person to see the strange orange glowing object that evening. Over seventy official reports were made to police, and even the international media would take a passing interest in the apparent wave of sightings.  However, as UFO researchers descended upon the usually quiet region of Stockholm, it would soon come to light that sightings such as Hillevi’s were not isolated. Nor were they the most fascinating, or chilling.

Anders’ Experience, 23rd March 1974

The previous evening after finishing work late, an electrician would begin his journey home. It was arguably the strangest walk home he would ever take. Most sources state the man’s name as Anders, although some claim him to be Harald Andersson (no relation to the Andersson’s mentioned above).  For reasons unknown to him, he would take a route unfamiliar, and not one he had used before. He would even state he had a feeling of guidance to take the route he did. As he walked a sudden light “hit” the side of his head from out of nowhere. Everything went black, and the next thing he knew, he awoke outside his house.  His wife was at his side, a look of deep concern on her face. It was then that he realized that painful burns raged all over his body. Furthermore, he couldn’t answer his wife’s questions as to what had happened. He had no memory of the incident whatsoever.  At the hospital at Lindholmen, Dr. Ture Arvidsson would treat Anders, and took an immediate interest in his case. Instantly suspecting UFO or extra-terrestrial involvement, he would suggest to Anders that he allow him to hypnotize him. This, he assured him, would recover his memories following the bright light hitting his head.

Revelations Under Hypnosis

According to the story told by Anders while hypnotically regressed, following the flash of light he was “sucked” upwards, through the air and towards the light itself. The next thing he knew, he was on a table in a large room.  All around him were tall creatures, at least four that he could see. They had a “transparent” look to them but also had solid faces, with eyes, nose, and a mouth. He couldn’t, however, see if the creatures had ears or hair as they each wore some kind of hood that “shimmered” as they moved.  They used metallic tools to prod and test his skin. He briefly attempted to fight off the intrusions but was quickly overpowered. During the struggle, he even received an injury to his forehead.  One interesting thing that Anders would repeat several times while under hypnosis was “I can not say anything!” Even during the regression, he struggled to divulge information of his account, not through lack of memory, but because it was forbidden. He would eventually state that he was warned not to talk about his experience. He even claimed his abductors had put “some kind of mental block” in his mind. They informed him they would not harm him but they would “not allow him to remember!”  Incidentally, Anders would display signs of prolonged exposure to “very powerful electrical fields” for some time after the experience. He even found he displayed “abilities” and “senses” he hadn’t had before.  While there is no certain connection between the incidents on consecutive nights in March 1974 just north of Stockholm, it is not at all a stretch of the mind to imagine a link. Furthermore, despite the investigations by Swedish authorities, no explanation exists for the bizarre episode. NOTE: The above image is CGI.









I was up in the mountains in a Remote location in Weitchpec California visiting friends around August 2009. During my month on the mountain, I observed almost every single night red, blue and yellow orbs almost like clockwork, right after nightfall flying around over the river below. One night I was waiting for my friend to come back from the coast when I was sitting outside stargazing. I felt a rumble of sorts in the ground all the sudden I started to see lights coming through the trees to the left of me above the cabin I was staying at. All the sudden it was above me. It was a rotating UFO covered with lights of every color that you could imagine. Just as quickly as I realized it was overhead directly above me I experienced a lapse of time. The next memory I have was my dog staring up at the sky next to me barking as the UFO slowly moved out of my sight to the right over the tree line. A few seconds later my friend, who has been waiting for, drives into the clearing where I was. She jumped out of the car while it was still running asking me if I heard or saw something flying. I told her what it happened and she said that was all that normal in that area. Honestly I feel as if  I have been seeing them, no matter where I’ve gone since then.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







Witness report: Yesterday while walking around outside looking for birds to film and photograph I noticed a strange flashing light in the sky near an airplane. It was moving slowly in the sky, a little slower than the planes flying around. I could see the random flashing coming from the object for about 10 seconds. I tried to film it with my camera. Using my GH5 and Leica 100-400mm lens I was able to grab a few frames of the object. I did not think I captured it at all because the focus would only hunt and not lock on. When I got inside and checked the footage I was blown away by what I saw. I have no idea what this object is. It is pill shaped with bullet headed ends. This is in rural North Carolina just outside of Greensboro. Enjoy the photo and let me know if you have any idea as to what this object is.