These shape shifting UFO are seen around the world, but most often around July and August of every year. They are marked by the bumps on them that change positions and by the microbe-like appearance. They are most often mistaken for stars, but when you look through a camera, they are never just round. This one is unusually close, but it may be his monster zoom he’s got on his camera. The fact that he felt a presence as if someone was watching him is a fact that is sometimes reported by eyewitnesses. This is a living entity that is observing the people below. What a remarkable sighting. –SCOTT C. WARING–
Eyewitness States: I got up this morning at about 2 am, awoken by a strange dream. Somewhere around 5 am I noticed that there was a strange round object in the sky. I thought at first it was the reflection of my computer off the window. But then something else strange happened, I felt an odd presence watching me somehow, like a beam coming through the window, and then I grabbed a camera and started recording. And this is what I saw looking northeast.
Now I’m sure the scientists among you will provide me with whatever reasonable explanation there is, provided that meteors, or distant planets, or nuclear explosions in space can be thought of as reasonable. I myself was somewhat sleep deprived and looked upon whatever phenomenon was occurring with a sense of mystical appreciation and wonder. Perhaps it’s a planet, since Venus and Jupiter and Mars are visible this month in the eastern sky. Perhaps it is a star, and this is what a nuclear explosion in space looks like, which also might make sense. Maybe it’s a meteor flying though space. It does look a planet, for a while at least. And then it changes, becomes more liquid, becomes more fiery, seems to breathe and change shape, and does appear to be burning, and sort of beating like heart. Then it becomes more molecular, changes shapes again, and so on. At one point after I had concluded this video and was uploading it, I looked through the camera again, zooming in on the light source and it shuffled thorough a rapid series of geometric shape changes, square, triangle, hexagon and so on. All that said, what is this?
My daughter and I were laying on a hammock watching the sun set at my childhood home where I’ve watched the sun set and stars rise for over 30 years. My daughter said “look mom it’s the first star!” And before even looking I was like “no, it’s too early for the stars to come out.” I poked up and saw what she was talking about – a very bright, unmoving reddish orb about 20 degrees north of where the sun was setting. I asked aloud “could it be mars?” But I knew that wouldn’t be out until later too, and at a much higher degree in the sky (I’ve always loved tracking the stars, so I know generally what’s where any time and place from home). We were both watching it when it zoomed off straight up into the sky, faster than any airplane I’ve ever seen move on that same horizon. I didn’t get a photo of the orb (the whole ‘what is that?” moment lasted Less than 30 seconds). The photos attached show the aftermath of the trail of whatever it was, showing how the trail dissipated over the next 10 minutes or so.
On December 23, 2023 around 1:00 p.m. I was on an Aeroméxico flight from the city of Hermosillo, Sonora to Mexico City. I was returning from a work assignment and had perhaps flown for an hour, the plane was almost empty, at least where I was. I was in one of the right windows of the plane where I could clearly see the front of the plane’s wing, it was a clear day with blue sky and a few clouds below the plane, you could see a desert floor below. Looking out the window, suddenly a spherical-shaped object enveloped in white smoke and emitting flames, as if burning, came from behind the plane about two-thirds of the way up the right wing from my point of view and stopped suddenly at about a meter in front and above the wing. After hovering over the wing for a few seconds, the object began to move forwards, backwards, down, and up in straight movements of 0, 90, and 180 degrees, always remaining in my view.
His movements showed no acceleration, only speed, and he never made any other types of movements. It seemed to me that they were not random movements, it seemed to be “looking for something” or “watching the plane”. After a few minutes, maybe two or three minutes of moving and hovering, the object returned to its arrival position, on the wing, began to oscillate or vibrate intensely (moving up and down rapidly) and vanished. NOTE: the above image is CGI.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We received this report of two spinning pyramid-shaped UFOS over Arden, NC on August 9, 2011 from Trey New. Several days later, Trey sent an update explaining he looked at the night sky the following three nights and didn’t see the phenomena again. In his words, “They weren’t there anymore because they weren’t stars.”
I just wanted to let you guys know about something my fiancé and I witnessed around 1 a.m. this morning from her house in Arden, NC. We had been outside and it was very overcast for a large portion of the night. I had noticed something that was very much brighter than anything I have ever seen before! I could see glimpses of it through the clouds. It was golden in color and large; twinkling but throwing rays of light from it in a fascinating way so that I couldn’t stop looking at.
There were even what looked to be squiggly green and yellow webby-looking fields around it a couple of times!!! When I focused on it, it seemed as if I sometimes saw tunnel vision. Everything around me, except for that anomaly, seemed almost fractal in a way. I have always looked up my entire life and seen many crazy things, but this by far is one of the top ones.
The clouds eventually broke for a few hours and we could finally clearly see this bright anomaly. It was a large pyramid that was casting light and spinning wildly. We watched it for hours, and were completely sober by the way.
I tracked stars on the horizon and this item moved against the rotation. It did look like the most brilliant star I have ever seen – times 40!! It stayed in a small area in the sky. If you focused on it, which we indeed did, you could see it move right, or left, or go straight up or go in small circles. There were a couple of times when it appeared to jerk up or down or wobble; and it was all the time spinning wildly!
My fiancé and I were both focused HARD on it! She was freaked out and I admittedly was too. I wish I had had a telescope or binoculars but I had nothing. She was telling me the exact motions I witnessed every time it moved. I would call out what I saw and it was spot on for her eyes as well. It couldn’t be our eyes playing tricks on us at the same time. I even fixated on known stars several times to verify that it wasn’t my eyes. This was a craft that moved in a manner that I have never seen, and displaying technology that we do not know about.
About an hour or so after seeing this pyramid shaped anomaly, another one that had red, blue, green, yellow, and other colored lights going wild all over it appeared. It also was pyramid shaped, but appeared to be stretched and elongated. It was diagonally to the north of the first one and appeared to be at a lower altitude. It, too, appeared to be spinning VERY wildly!!
As it was spinning, it seemed that one corner was fixed, somewhat like a gyroscope, only shaped like a HUGE elongated pyramid. Once this one started “twinkling,” the other one moved its position to a lower altitude and closer to where we were. It was also spinning slowly.
We could both see that it was indeed a lighted pyramid. I could see every “face” of the pyramid. It was just a little off of vertical and tilting to the right and slowly rotating. All of the faces were illuminated. (1) One of them had a green beacon illuminating it in a swoosh curved kind of way. (2) The next side was somewhat glowing all over and had blinking lights along the left edge with two of them that alternated. They appeared white and grey almost. (3) The next side was a dull shine and (4) the last side had a large black area in the middle and was illuminated at top and bottom. I literally sat there and watched this for 15 minutes, seeing each face over and over again as it rotated. It was the most unusual thing I have ever seen.
At around 4 am we had to go to bed. The second one we saw was still spinning wildly and had moved more toward the North. Again, it moved completely against the rotation of the horizon. The first one that was now spinning slowly was high in the sky. It also was going completely against the rotation of the horizon.
We saw these crafts from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. this morning, Tuesday, August 9, 2011. I was wondering if anyone else reported this to you or if you may have seen it yourselves. NOTE: The above image is real but from another case file.
On February 6, 2023, we were contacted by a man who’d recently seen a low-flying UFO over the DuPont State Recreational Forest which is southwest of Hendersonville, North Carolina. He saw it from Crab Creek Road near the intersection with DuPont Road. Below is what he reported to us. – The editor“I observed the object for around three minutes as it traveled from the southwest toward the northeast. It was about half the size of my thumb at arm’s length when I first saw it, but when it flew directly over me, it looked to be about the size of two large SUVs. There was no sound whatsoever.“From a distance, it was a thin oval of soft flickering light but it blackened out the sky as it flew over me. It was moving super slow until it was about 100 yards beyond me. Then it pitched up rapidly and went south toward Cedar Mountain.
“About five to six years ago, my wife and I saw another UFO directly over Cedar Mountain when the National Guard had a heavy presence there. I was told that the National Guard was ‘conducting training and aiding in a civil and environmental engineering project’ but what they were doing was confusing and strange – like roads bulldozed all through there that were never used.”
Frederick Valentich was a twenty-year-old member of the training corps of the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force)in 1978. On October 21, 1978, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., Frederick took off from Moorabbin Airport, a suburban Airport of the city of Melbourne, in the state of Victoria, Australia. His aircraft was a single-engine Cessna 182. It had enough fuel for five hours flying time. The destination of Frederick’s final flight was King Island, but his motivation for the flight is unknown. He told flight officials that he was going to King Island to pick up some friends, while he told others that he was going to pick up crayfish. Frederick had also failed to inform King Island Airport of his intention to land there, going against “standard procedure.” At approximately 7:12 p.m., Frederick contacted air traffic control and reported that an unidentified flying object (UFO) was following him at 4500 feet.
He also reported that the object passed about 100 feet overhead and was moving at high speed. He described the craft as having a shiny metal surface with a green light on top. When asked to try and identify the aircraft, he stated: “It’s not an aircraft.” The transmission was interrupted by a “scraping metallic sound.” That was the last anyone heard from Frederick Valentich again. A sea and air search was undertaken that encompassed over 1000 square miles; however, no aircraft debris or body was ever recovered. The incident received national and international attention, because not only was a UFO report recorded on tape by air traffic control but there was no sign of the pilot and his aircraft. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
It was around the spring 1994, can’t remember the exact day. I was 9 years old and along with my mother and father we were turning back to home from neighbors. It was around 22:00 at night. When we were about 200-250 meters away from home I saw something just a little above the electric lines (about 8-9 meters long). There was a street lamp attached to the pole and it was making the cables around a little bit visible but the thing was about 80-100 cm above the cables, standing still with a few lights coming out of hole like places on its body. They were changing from reddish to orange and then yellow like colors. Differencing between those. It was about 20 meters long, diameter was around 2 meters I think. This huge thing was up in the air with no sound, no heat, no vibration, no wind.
A total silence and no disturbance, wasn’t moving a millimeter while holding up in the air without any visual outcome of power. My mother and father was afraid at first, we normally should turn left from that pole but they said to go back. Then me and my mother wanted to see a little bit more, so dad stayed with us too. That thing was just like looking at us as we look at it. It was not moving yet but the colors were changing coming out of holes, very little holes yet they were so dense. There were no windows on it. It was looking like a metal but was not reflecting the light. Its coating was close to black, yet a little grey but dark grey. It started moving so slow after 3-4 minutes. First it was about to come closer by turning its nose to us like a turn, and a bit moving.
My father was holding mom from her arm and trying to take back as mom was holding my hands. Then that thing stopped for about 10-15 seconds with no move. Then it turned back to its position as we first saw it. Very slowly. Hold like that for a while too, the change of its lights were stopped all of a sudden. It then started to move to northeast where there were trees on its path. Those trees were taller than its altitude and we all said its gonna hit them. While it was getting close to the trees, like it was 2-3 meters between each other the ufo disappeared so fast. Don’t know if we couldn’t see it as that direction was taking less light from the street lamp or if it just moved somewhere else so fast and we couldn’t see. Don’t know which happened to it. We were afraid at first sighting and the move try towards us but other than those we kind of felt it was not gonna hurt us. I wrote shortly after to authorities but they never replied. We talked I think twice about it but then when people started making jokes about us we didn’t talk much, instead said we must be mistaken something else with ufo. As I watched a tv series on Netflix named as “unsolved mysteries” I saw you people were talking on 2nd episode of 2nd season about ufo sightings. Just wanted to share our experience. We always talked about it while we were all by ourselves at home but didn’t talk with anyone else since then. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
⦁ Around 9:00 p.m. my neighbor started banging on my door. A forest fire was approaching, and I needed to evacuate.
⦁ The Cherokee Pass Rural Fire Department had already arrived. US Forest Service and Missouri Conservation firefighters also came. Two bulldozers and several firefighters with leaf blowers started work. By the time the fire was contained, the fire was just 500 feet from my house.
⦁ We went to the neighbor’s house and sat on the porch, talking, and watching the stars. Some of the stars were moving erratically. Some were flashing on and off and changing color. Stars don’t move that way. They weren’t stars. They were not aircraft. They were not satellites. They were a UFO swarm. Twelve of them. Yes, real UFOs. Real, legitimate UFOs. Doing what UFOs are famous for doing.
Parked unmoving in the sky, then immense acceleration, then an abrupt stop. Moving across as much as 5 degrees of sky in one second and one jump. One bright red UFO zoomed across 15 degrees of sky in about 10 seconds and appeared to stop and hover in the vicinity of Marquand. That UFO resembled Mars but was larger and much brighter.
Three or four airplanes crossed the sky, moving in straight lines, at a constant speed, with red and white blinking identification lights. Completely normal airplane behavior. Not UFOs. No confusion.
There were islands of scattered clouds internally mixed with areas of open sky. Airplanes crossing the cloud islands disappeared behind the clouds and reappeared across the patches of open sky. Some moving UFOs dimmed but did not disappear when crossing the cloud islands, suggesting that the UFOs were flying within or under the clouds, and offering an estimate of flight altitude.
One bright white UFO displayed a surrounding cluster of several smaller satellite lights, some blinking, some constant, and some with white, blue, and red changing colors. My neighbor got still photos and video motion pictures on his telephone camera. The video recording does show some detail under magnification, displaying a 4-armed cross, +, extending top – bottom – left – right from the central UFO body.
No sound was noticed, but the UFOs were high up and miles away, probably too far for any sound to be heard.
UFO sightings records go back thousands of years, are shown in ancient petroglyphs in the southwestern States, and are mentioned abundantly in the Bible and other historical documents. Those UFOs come in two flavors: Solid Material UFOs, and Energy Projection UFOs.
UFOs made of solid physical material must (as far as we know) obey Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: Force = Mass x Acceleration.
UFOs made of solid material, probably Mothership types, would instantly break apart if doing the extreme start-stop changes in speed and instant, high-speed, zero-radius turns for which UFOs are famous. Living creatures onboard would go SPLAT against a hard surface.
UFOs that are Energy Projections, advanced HOLOGRAMS, are not limited by Newton’s 2nd Law because photons have no mass, so Newton’s equation reads Force = zero x Acceleration, or Zero Force.
An example is a Photon Energy Beam from a flashlight shining a spot of light onto a wall. You can move and shake the flashlight as fast as you want and the moving light spot on the wall will not influence the flashlight because light photons are massless and Newton’s 2nd Law equation equals zero.
Probable Energy Projection UFOs have been seen entering the water without making a SPLASH. A solid UFO definitely would make a VERY BIG SPLASH. An Energy Projection UFO would not disturb water any more than shining a flashlight beam into the water.
Now there may be a third category of UFO, and that has the US Department of Defense worried. DoD and NASA currently are studying UFOs to determine whether some modern UFOs are homegrown, that is, built by US enemies. These worrisome UFOs include the more conventional drone aircraft and also functional reproductions of traditional (space alien?) UFOs.
Solid material UFOs crash occasionally. What if a UFO crashed in China, Russia, or North Korea, and the scientists and engineers took the UFO apart, found out how it works, and built a fleet of UFOs to be loaded with nuclear weapons and flown into American skies when the opportunity arises? Not as far-fetched as it may seem, and our National Security people are investigating.
If DoD and NASA are interested, I’m interested.
An exciting night. I have long wanted to see a UFO. Saturday night I saw 12 UFOs, plus the danger of a forest fire that came within the width of a gnat’s eyebrow from destroying my house.
Were UFO swarms seen at other locations that night along the 37-38 degrees north latitude “Paranormal Freeway”? Do UFO swarms often happen in southeast Missouri? Is there a geological connection? Does this mean anything? Look at the sky next time you are outside on a clear, very dark, Moonless night. Some of the lights in the sky may not be stars. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
SPECIAL THANKS TO THE WITNESS William Jud, Geologist, Author.
At approximately 1:30 in the morning, I was letting my dog out to use the bathroom before we went to bed. Full disclosure, I went outside to pee with him. Immediately after I started peeing something got my attention, in the air. Mind you it’s dark out and there is a full or almost full moon above my house. I remember this because I had to stand behind a pillar on my porch, so I wasn’t seen by a late night neighbor. As I look up, I hear a humming noise. Almost like a vacuum cleaner from a distance. It is the middle of the night and dead silent out. I immediately holster myself, for lack of better words and watch for a few seconds as a craft was moving from my left to right (west to east) approximately 80-90 feet off the ground and seemed to be going really slow for a jet, I thought. I was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the military.
I lived next to the runway for 24 months of my life. So, I’m very familiar how slow a jet can go and how much noise it makes. At this distance a jet would of woke up the entire neighborhood and set off every car alarm around. I immediately knew this wasn’t something from around here unless the military had some super-secret something flying 80 foot of the ground in a public area. Very doubtful. My dog that barks at the sound of wind was dead silent. I immediately run through my house and out the front door. By this time, it is turning south. But not like I would think an aircraft would turn. Because it was too tight of a turn. In the span of 200 feet it went from straight east. To straight south. If I had to guess how fast it was traveling, I’d say roughly 40-50 mph. Now this is the main reason I have been wrestling with whether or not to report this to anyone.
The craft description, when I first saw it in the backyard, I was shocked by how clear it looked. I don’t exactly know how to describe what I saw. Picture an F16 aircraft shape. Only that shape is made up of 2 foot silvery diamond patterns. There was a fixed red light on the forward facing side of it. When I made it to the front yard, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this thing should just fall out of the sky because it was going so slow. Start to finish was maybe 20-25 seconds. NOTE: The above image is real but from a Wales case file.
I was in my parent’s driveway, and I noticed the stars looked like they were moving. Upon a closer look it was something blocking stars as it moved overhead. It was Huge! I’m not good with sizes. But what I compared it to was 2 football fields, maybe bigger. Only portion of it was over my parents’ house or more accurately the street they lived on. It was so big, I was able to see the closest portion of it relatively close. However, I could not make out any material markings. They were no lights illuminated. It was also dead silent. It was dark, which made me think the ship was black. It was night time. The main thing I could see was where it was blocking out the night sky the stars. That’s how I could make out the shape and size. I knew this was not normal but strangely I was not afraid. After about 3-5 minutes I had to go inside. Thinking about it now, it’s very weird how I didn’t say anything to my parents upon entering the house.
I didn’t mention it to others out of fear of being made fun of or not believed. Before moving to Waldorf my family lived on Andrew’s Air force base. My Dad was stationed there when he was in the Navy. I was used to planes, fighter jets flying around d frequently. I do remember hearing them later after my sighting. I was curious if this was really happening to me because I thought that jets from Andrew’s AFB would have or should have been there to do something. Not sure what but something. I have been hearing more stories recently about sightings which kind of jarred loose the memory which is why I’m reporting it now after all this time. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
A Virginia witness at Charlottesville reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that briefly hovered and moved away at a fairly low altitude, according to testimony in Case 76512. The witness and her husband were driving home along Barracks Road when her husband pointed out an object in the sky saying, “That is not a regular airplane,” about 9 p.m. on May 21, 2016. “I looked out the window and stopped in the road when I saw it was hovering almost slightly above us,” the witness stated. “Distance cannot be determined – maybe 2500 feet above. An Illinois witness at Spring Grove reported watching a “large, illuminated” triangle UFO at close proximity about 9:30 p.m. on May 22, 2016, according to testimony in Case 76537. The witness first noticed the hovering object while driving southbound along Wilmot Road. “Object was at an estimated height of 200 feet above ground,” the witness stated. “As I drove closer, I was able to get almost underneath it (~75-80 degrees from horizon).” The witness continued driving in order to find a location to turn around, losing visual observation behind trees. NOTE: The above image is a rendering by the witness.
In the modern world, fake UFO photos and videos are common. However, centuries ago, the only means to capture something for memory was to draw it.
Therefore, many ufologists consider the early stories of UFO sightings to be more truthful than modern ones, because people then, in fact, had no reason to invent something for the sake of popularity and publications in the press.
The same can be attributed to the strange images of objects similar to UFOs or aliens that can be found on rocks and which are from several hundred to several thousand years old.
True, this article is not about such a deep antiquity, but about events that happened quite “recently”, at the end of the 18th century. This event had so many eyewitnesses, including members of the royal nobility, so it was eventually captured in an engraving.
On August 18, 1783, four people, standing on the terrace of Windsor Castle (royal castle) in the English county of Berkshire, saw something unusual in the sky at about 9:45 pm.
As it turned out later, the same phenomenon was seen by many people throughout the county. Among the inhabitants of Windsor Castle were seven eyewitnesses who later officially documented their observations: Thomas Sandby, founder of the Royal Academy, his brother Paul, Tiberius Cavallo, Dr. James Lind, Dr. Lockman, and two unknown women.
The engraving shown below was drawn by Thomas Sandby and his brother Paul, which depict exactly what they saw then. At first, people noticed flashes of light on the northern horizon, behind which a round, shiny object appeared flying across the sky.
Its size was about half the width of the moon. The object moved slowly at first, but then it accelerated and became brighter.
This observation was later recorded in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1784):
“There was an oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Beneath this cloud a luminous object could be seen, which soon became rounded, brightly lit, and then stopped.
“This strange sphere at first appeared pale blue in color, but then its brightness increased, and soon it flew east again. The object then changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the southeast.
“The light he gave off was amazing, he illuminated everything on earth for us. ”
Tiberius Cavallo described what he saw:
“It is evident that between 21:15 and 21:30 that night, a very bright meteor, entering the earth’s atmosphere over the open waters of the North Sea, passed along the entire east coast of northern Scotland and England.”
Of course, in 1783, no one had ever heard of UFOs, but the object they saw was clearly not a meteor, judging by the description that it stopped movement and then resumed it again. Meteors, of course, do not do that.
It was also reported that over the next ten minutes, many residents of the territories from the Shetland Islands to Brussels (!) saw how a luminous bright spherical object changed its shape into something ovoid and then repeatedly changed its shape, becoming again round, then ovoid.
A survey of some residents of England showed that it seemed to all of them that the object was flying at a very high speed, at least 20 miles per second, or even more.
It should be noted that in that era, not only Cavallo, but also many other educated people decided that it was just a rare type of meteor. At the same time, for some reason, they completely did not take into account such strange characteristics of the object as changes in speed, appearance, brightness and glow.
You can also find information that the passing meteor did not leave a crater behind and no one saw or heard how it exploded in the sky or fell to the ground.
But to just pause and think, if it was the first ever sighting of a UFO, no-one would’ve known about aliens in the first place, so it can’t be ruled out.
My family and I were on the lake; we had been out there all day. We threw out some floats for catfish around 8 pm and headed back to the docks slowly cruising on the pontoon boat.
As we came around the bend of one of the bays, we could see the lights from the docks.
Just above all the lights there was a small very shiny “star.” I said to my son “Hey, look at that star.”
We all looked, and then it got bigger and bigger. The light was so bright but didn’t have a beam as any other light would when shining at night.
Then as it came closer to the boat we stopped and shut the boat off. The light started to dim; then it came about 30 ft. from the boat or less and hovered for a minute or two.
Then it went to the left as it hovered over the water. There were pulsating lights of a silver tint. It wasn’t a huge craft, but it was big.
The light was so bright at the beginning of the sighting it was unreal. It was so close to us, and it was transparent or black at the same time.
I think I could see through it, but it was black at the same time. This could have been from the sky, but I am not sure. The whole thing was pretty incredible. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Former U.S. Navy pilot Ryan Graves gave a detailed description of regular encounters that flight teams had with a black box UFO they were seeing “every day.”
Appearing on the latest episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Graves spoke about what a pilot who saw the unidentified object saw. As the podcast began, he highlighted his credentials and history with the Navy, saying he studied mechanical and aerospace engineering. After graduating from college, he went on to fly F-18 jets for the Navy.
He said that multiple pilots repeatedly witnessed a strange UFO phenomenon on their equipment, as well as with their own eyes, starting in late 2013. He said the pilots were seeing these objects by eye and also on their radar after receiving upgrades to their aircraft. The objects were always up there, every day, as they conducted training exercises.
In June, NASA announced that it was commissioning a study team to examine what it called “observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena” from a scientific perspective, starting in the fall. A report is expected by the spring of 2023.
On his podcast, Rogan asked Graves: “You guys go from not having any idea that these things are out there to an upgraded radar system, to seeing them every day? What is the thought, how are you feeling? Is there an evolution of the thought pattern, of how you are addressing these things?
“Initially you are thinking they are [radar] errors. When do you start getting a thought of ‘What the f*** is this thing?'” Rogan said.
Graves replied that questions arose about what these UFOs were after a pilot first saw one of them.
“There were two aircrafts from my squadron, and they took off in a flight of two,” he said. “They are essentially flying in a formation like [one diagonally in front of the other]. As they hit the area, one of these objects went right between their aircraft.
Graves continued: “The lead pilot saw the object. The [second pilot] did not, which is not surprising because you are usually very focused on flying formation. The lead really has leeway to look around. He saw it and he immediately came back.”
Detailing what the pilot saw, Graves said: “He came back and said, ‘Hey, I almost hit one of those damn things.’ We all knew what he was referring to even though we didn’t necessarily have a name for it, just because we were seeing them so much.
“He described it. He said it was a black or dark gray cube and that cube was inside of a clear translucent sphere. Essentially, the corners or the apex of that cube, as best as he could tell, were touching the inside of that sphere.”
Graves admitted that the mystery surrounding the UFOs did not mean that aliens, or something supernatural, were involved.
“The high-probability answer was this was some type of classified program, of our own making, that had started operating in an area they were not supposed to, for whatever reason,” Graves said.
He continued: “That was kind of our assumption. We submitted a safety report because of that near midair [collision], a haz rep, a hazard report. This is essentially a notice that goes out to the whole fleet that says this is a potential hazard that can cause a loss of an aircraft.
“It was due to us almost hitting an unknown object of unknown origin, and that is how it continued for a while. There were a number of Haz reports about that,” Graves said.
Newsweek has contacted the U.S. Navy for comment. The top image is real and from a Texas UFO encounter.
An Idaho witness at Shoup reported watching a hovering, teardrop-shaped object that quickly moved away, according to testimony in Case 90127. The witness and an assistant were parked near the intersection of Colson Creek Road and Salmon River Road at 8 a.m. on February 7, 2018. “This location is extremely rural but has several cabins located along the river to the south of our location,” the witness stated. “As we exited the vehicle my assistant pointed to an object in the air. I immediately looked up and observed this object approximately 500-feet AGL to the northeast of our location. At first it appeared to be small in size, but I soon realized it was larger than appeared as compared to trees and brush at a similar distance. I first believed it to be a balloon but thought otherwise after realizing the size and the actions of the object.” The witness began to film the object with a cell phone while the object hovered for several minutes. “I felt slightly overwhelmed and found it difficult to operate my phone. Not normal as I use my phone daily. I dropped the phone, and the object ascended until it disappeared. Nothing further to report. NOTE: Shoup is an unincorporated community in Lemhi County, Idaho, United States. Shoup has a population of 25. Shoup is located on the Salmon River 23 miles northwest of Salmon. Shoup has a post office with ZIP code 83469, and a general store. Shoup was named for George L. Shoup, first governor of Idaho. Wikipedia. The above image is CGI.
We were traveling home from Allen and we’re traveling west on Glen Oaks Drive when we (my daughters and I) saw a gray cigar shaped object traveling north. It was at a 45-degree angle from us into the sky. It appeared solid and there was a distinct color difference between it and the sky behind it. There were approximately 10 lights in a row which appeared to be possible ports as they were emitting light as bulbs do. I spotted it easily and watched it for a few seconds before I called out to my daughters and asked if they saw it too as I pointed at it. My 17 yo said “yes! What is that?!” And my 8 yo said, “I’m scared. What is it?” I was traveling west when it crossed over the roadway heading north which caused me to turn north onto Ridge Road. We all watched it as my 17 yo fumbled with her phone trying to turn on the camera on and I raced north looking for a place to turn into to exit the vehicle. I turned into Dowell Middle School and parked the car abruptly and jumped out and ran j to the field to get a better view to find that it had vanished. We did not see it accelerate away or vanish. It was just gone. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Fighter jets chased mysterious bright objects – some of them 300 ft wide and traveling at 11,500 mph – in Brazil’s epic ‘Night of the UFOs’.
Five bewildered pilots testified to seeing 21 objects appear and disappear, while hundreds of troops on the ground also witnessed them – and air force chiefs admitted: “there is no explanation.”
What happened is set to form a part of a hearing taking place in the Brazilian Senate into UFOs this week.
The event comes after Congress held a hearing response to footage taken from US Navy fighter planes showing mysterious, unexplained objects darting in the sky – the now famous ‘Tic-Tac’ video.
But the story of what unfolded on a night in Brazil a decade before those videos were taken is every bit as mind boggling.
Over several hours, hundreds of witnesses, including the elite of the country’s military, saw strange objects that seemed to move at a terrifying speed.
Pilots found themselves looking at objects in front of them that didn’t appear on their aircraft radars – and sometimes the other way around – as the objects played “cat and mouse” with them.
The first signs of anything unusual were reported by Brazilian air force air traffic controller, Sergeant Sergio Mota da Silva, on the evening of May 19, 1986.
He spotted a light in the sky from the control tower of an airport near the city of Sao Paulo.
“It doesn’t go up or down, it doesn’t go to the left or to the right, it’s just standing there”, he said
Mota asked controllers at Sao Paulo’s international airport if any planes were heading to his airfield, to which they replied there weren’t.
At one point he said he dimmed the lights on the airport’s runway, making the objects come towards the control tower and then, when he turned up the brightness, they moved away.
Sergeant Sergio Mota da Silva claims to have spotted a strange light in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo.Aloisio Mauricio/Fotoarena via ZUMA Press
“Whether they were trying to interact with me, I don’t know. What I do know is that they behaved intelligently,” he told the BBC.
Around 8 pm around 2000 cadets and officers from an air force training school in the same area, reported spotting the lights.
Then an hour later, a plane piloted by the president of aircraft maker Embraer reported several objects in the sky as it landed at the same airport.
The lights in the sky were also seen from two passenger planes, including one traveling in the interior of Brazil. NOTE: The above image real but from another case file.
April 1561 – A War In Heaven? One of the most astounding of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place in 1561 over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described could only be called a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses. The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle. Comets and such were well identified and charted in this period, so it is highly unlikely that what the people witnessed was merely a celestial phenomenon like a ‘meteor shower’, as some debunkers suggest. Rather, what is described are physical objects of unique detail and shapes, in ‘battle’ for over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical ‘motherships’. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene… It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses, globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later, when “the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun,” and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick cloud of smoke. According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the “dreadful apparition” filled the morning sky with “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about.” Between the spheres, there were “crosses with the color of blood.” This “frightful spectacle” was witnessed by “numerous men and women.” Afterwards, a “black, spear-like object” appeared. The author of the Gazette warned that “the God-fearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their merciful Annunciation with St. Emidius Father in heaven, will mend their lives and faithfully beg God, that he avert His wrath, including the well-deserved punishment, on us, so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there, live as His children.”
On Saturday evening, March 27 at 8:50 p.m., a man in Fairfield, Ohio (Butler County) spotted an unidentified flying object while sitting outdoors in his backyard. From his vantage point near Mack Road and Crestview in Fairfield, and looking west to southwest toward Colerain, Mr. Chris Medecke (name used with permission) observed an unusual object the size of a dime at arms length. The strange object, looking like one solid round pulsating and flashing light, was first noticed low, as if in a treeline which the witness first said looked like it was ‘coming at him’ for a duration and then it moved off traveling north, but again changed direction and then started moving straight up and then straight down. Sometimes jerky and abrupt, these ‘up and down’ maneuvers continued for about 15 to 20 minutes. Medecke said that the light on the object was white with a tint of red, giving it an almost orange look. He stressed that only one light could be seen, no additional flashing or warning lights were apparent.
The witness, whose vantage point is more or less on a hill, observed the situation for over 15 minutes and said repeatedly that he could not identify the object. He called for his wife (36-years old and two sons (13 and 12-years old) to witness the situation as well. The object remained low and crested the treeline, but not obscured by trees the entire duration of the sighting. Medecke estimated the object was within one mile of his vantage point and stressed that he heard no airplane sound. The object moved slow and stayed low. He said the motion of the object was like nothing he had ever seen before. It would shift upward drastically and then jolt back down. He characterized this motion as that of a ‘fishing bobber’ on the water. Menecke said the the sighting could have happened in the vicinity of Route 4 through Fairfield, a well traveled and populated quarter. He said the object then departed to the north and was gradually out of sight. At that point, Medecke picked up his telephone and called directory assistance (411) asking to be put in touch with Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
The call was connected and he spoke with the base operator, a female receptionist, who advised him that there was nobody present at the airbase to take his call about a UFO sighting. She then referred him to the Cincinnati UFO Hotline (513-588-4548). Medecke called the hotline and left a message, and around 9:50 p.m. Medecke says that a second UFO was sighted. This object, according to Medecke, also was first seen to originate from the same general direction (over Colerain). This object, he said, was identical in appearance and conduct. “This second UFO – or whatever it was – had the same type of performance and maneuvers, moving at slow speed,” he said. Mr. Chris Medecke said the second object was visible for about 10 minutes and departed with some noticeable elevation or climb toward the south. I talked to Mr. Medecke after getting his recorded sighting report from the hotline after 10:00 p.m. Medecke, 36-years old, is currently employed as a truck driver and has 12-years experience as an aerospace machinist. He says he is familiar with jet fighters and easily recognizes jets on approach patterns to the Greater Cincinnati Airport.
Further, he is aware of the Hamilton County Police Helicopter facility on Hamilton Avenue (off of I-275 past the Forest Fair Mall exit) and he said this was not the police chopper. “Unmistakable, it was not the police chopper,” he said. “I would have heard it. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Mr. Medecke said that he also lives close to Mercy South Hospital and is familiar with the Air Care Chopper that frequently lands there. “The way this thing was going up and down, no way it could have been anything we’re familiar with,” he said. Weather conditions at the time are crystal clear skies with half-moon, temperatures in the upper 50s. Special note: This is not the first case in which a witness has used the term ‘fishing bobber’ to describe the ballistic conduct of a UFO. In the spring of 2001, a Springboro, Ohio witness used that exact term to describe an flaming object seen in the vicinity of Interstate 75. NOTE: The above image is real but from another case file.
On July 30, 2021, the hosts of “Breakfast Television” in Canada appeared befuddled when they were unable to explain a shape-shifting phenomenon captured on video by a German airline passenger. They weren’t the only ones amazed by this truly Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Around that time, there were reports of the UAP as far away as India.
Well, only a portion of the video was broadcast. So, we looked for the original and found it. Unlike the TV morning show, the original video is seven minutes long and includes audio which gives credibility to the sighting. There is the constant sound of the jet’s engines; very faint muffled voices of passengers; and late in the video, the stewardess gives ordinary instructions to the passengers in both German and English. The video is worth watching.
Three frames of the UAP from the seven-minute video
But here’s another side of this story. The original video was posted on June 9, 2018. That means it took three years for mainstream media to catch up with the news. We’d like to thank Ed Johnson for suggesting that we look into this Canadian news report.