We have examined before the mysterious and intriguing UFO sightings of the early-1980s in Hudson Valley, New York. And how these sightings are still happening today. However, while Hudson Valley is perhaps one of the first places that might come to mind when thinking of UFOs and strange activity in the state of New York, it would appear that the true epicenter of such bizarre activity is the apparently typical and quiet suburb of Pine Bush.  Indeed, while the locals are happy to talk of their latest strange sightings, such is their normality to Pine Bush residents, outsiders regularly travel to the area, risking (and receiving) fines for trespassing, in order to catch a glimpse of these apparently otherworldly visitors. And to investigate for themselves the multiple conspiracies connected to the region.

Perhaps the first person to begin to draw widespread attention, albeit slowly, to the Pine Bush region was author and UFO researcher, Ellen Crystal. Following an eleven-year investigation in the region, Crystal released the book ‘Silent Invasion’ in 1991. In it, she detailed several close encounters with UFOs, some of which she witnessed landing or taking off from some of the region’s open fields. She even offered several pictures of some of these incidents. They were, however, extremely unclear, something many used against her and her research. In her defense, she would offer that this was “due to intentional magnetic or microwave disruption focused on the camera (or) film by the aliens in order to camouflage their craft”.  Not surprisingly, many dismissed her claims unreservedly, even some in the UFO community. However, over time, many other paranormal and UFO researchers began to visit the area. Slowly and quietly, the word began to spread that there was “something strange” about Pine Bush. These initial researchers into all-things-strange formed a loose and unnamed organization that would regularly travel to the area in the early nineties. They would watch the skies, and discuss, swap, and compare notes of strange accounts they had heard from the locals.  By the mid-to-late 1990s, and on into the 2000s, the strange activity in the region continued. And while widespread attention was still a little way off, the researchers who were paying particular attention to Pine Bush treated the incidents with seriousness. As they might, considering they were increasingly strange, further blurring the lines between different fields of research.  Incidentally, Ellen Crystal passed away from Cancer in December 2002 at the age of just 52-years-old. Her initial investigation into the Pine Bush area continues through other researchers today. The video below features Crystal’s work.

Claims Of Alien Abduction In Pine Bush

It wasn’t long before local newspapers began to pick up on the increased presence of these researchers, and the bizarre encounters and incidents they were recording. Many local residents and even visitors to the area would begin sending in images they had captured of strange aerial objects to various local publications, while others would tell of their bizarre close encounters with the occupants of these strange crafts.  In 1993, for example, The Poughkeepsie Journal ran an article on a local group, the United Friends Observer Society, whose members included people who claimed to have been the victims of alien abduction. One such member would tell the Journal that he had recently been abducted and that “it started like it always does, with the noise in my ears”. The alleged abductee would go on to tell how he would become paralyzed. Only able to move his eyes he would soon find himself in a strange room “filled with entities”.  Another local publication, The Times-Herald Record, would tell of the account of Jim Smith. Smith was a long-time Pine Bush resident and a sergeant at the Woodbourne Correctional Facility. According to Smith, he had “seen so many of the beings” that he knew much about them. From how they moved to what different sizes and shapes of the entities there were. He would tell the paper, “when you see them so much, you know they are not of this Earth”.  These types of claims appeared to come thick and fast out of Pine Bush in the early nineties. And while some were undoubtedly motivated by money or the need for attention, many others are very likely genuine. As you might imagine, not everyone was happy about the increased attention on the region. Not least, the original researchers of the area.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.






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