I was 15 and home alone in a new housing development. I walked outside to sit on the porch because I was bored. I watched in the woods as a series of white and red lights seem to move in a stationary area in dense forest maybe 300-400 yards from me. I thought maybe someone was driving their car in the  thick forest area. The lights then changed to the most beautiful pulsating color display of every color I’ve ever seen. The object slowly rose to the top of the trees and began moving slowly toward me. I got up of my chair and walked towards it waiving my hands in the air as to get its attention. I heard no sound coming from it and felt no fear towards it. It slowly moved above me and I began to notice the objects shape. It was egg shaped with three circular pieces on the bottom. The object was a bright metallic color like a mirror surface or chromed titanium. Its lights seemed to be in the metal and pulsed and vibrated every color imaginable like the brightest LED. That’s when I noticed that the object was not just egg shaped. There was a dark outer shell around it that somehow magnified the stars in the sky to camouflage its true shape and size. It had black sparks shooting off around it and a few small lights trailing the object but, as it moved the stars in the camouflage seem to move in an alternate direction. I remember thinking, “I have to get my camera!” as I turned to get it my mind went blank. I looked up and the object was much further away than it had been seconds before at the extremely slow speed it was moving at and I was facing another direction feeling slightly confused. My mind snapped back and I raced into my house and grabbed my video camera and darted outside chasing it as it moved in an arc straight up and accelerated very fast making no sound in a maneuver that if it had been a jet it would have easily broken the sound barrier causing a massive sonic boom. I walked home confused about what had just happened and noticed that what I had thought to have only been a 10 minute experience had actually been more like 45 minutes. After that, I began to become obsessed with universal geometry and the occult. Two things I had not been interested in before. I recently had an x-ray of my head and noticed a small object near my left ear that showed up brighter than the bones themselves. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







The Ariel School, a small elementary school outside Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, listening to Elsa (not her real name) describe her encounter last September 16 [1994] with an “alien” being. In all, sixty children, ages six through twelve, reported seeing one large and several smaller spaceships land – hover, really – over the scrubby bushland adjoining their playground.  The twelve children interviewed over the course of two days all described the same event with a steady consistency of detail. In addition to the spaceships, the children had seen two “strange beings,” one sitting on one of the spaceships and the other running back and forth in the grass, “bouncing as if he were on the moon, but not quite so much.”  The beings were described as black with long heads, “eyes as big as rugby balls,” with thin arms and legs. The event took place during the children’s morning recess while teachers were in a staff meeting. Many of the younger children were very scared and cried. “At first I thought it was a gardener,” one fourth-grader told us. “Then I realized it was an alien.”  The event lasted about fifteen minutes, the children said, before the spaceships faded from view. But even in their state of fear, many of the children reported also being curious and fascinated by the strange beings they saw, whose eyes in particular commanded an intense attention. Elsa told us that she thought the beings wanted to tell us something about our future, about how “the world is going to end, maybe because we don’t look after our planet or the air.” She said she felt horrible inside when she got home that day. “Like all the trees will go down and there will be no air. People will be dying. Those thoughts came from the man – the man’s eyes.”  Isabelle, a composed and articulate ten-year-old, echoed Elsa’s feelings. “He was just staring. He was scary. We were trying not to look at him ’cause he was scary. My eyes and feelings went with him.” What came through her “conscience” as she looked at the being was, “We are doing harm to the Earth.”  The Ariel School sighting is one of the most significant in recent UFO history. It is the first time such a large group of people have reported witnessing the simultaneous appearance of spaceships and alien beings. After receiving a call in September from a BBC reporter telling us that a flight of strange objects and ships had glided across Zimbabwean skies for two nights prior to September 16 culminating in the dramatic sighting at the Ariel School, we decided to investigate firsthand. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







I live in the country and alot of deer come in my yard to eat apples.  Something in the sky caught my eye. When I looked up, there was a long cylinder shaped object with protrusions on its side that was shooting out short bursts of light like a ray and it was ascending. It only moved a short distance at I would say a medium speed (but faster than an airplane) before it stopped.  It stayed right where it was until it disappeared. If I would hold a dime up at arms length, it would have been covered by the dime. I watched it for about a minute. It would flash a light now and then. I decided I had to get my husband up to see this even though he has to get up at 3:00 a.m everyday to leave for work at 4:00 a.m. So I got him up, told him there was something weird, maybe a satellite in the sky.  He went outside with me and I showed him the object. He said he could only see the light(s) but he only saw the one and possibly due to his eyesight or being just awakened, he could not see the shape. He grunted “Im going back to bed, have fun (or something like that)” and went back to bed. Thinking, “Im not going to have a witness”, I ran to my computer and posted on FB ” theres a UFO in the southern sky right now OMG”. Then I got on my boots and a hat and went back outside, but this time I stepped off the porch and down the steps. At that time, the object was still where it was when I had gone inside. Its lights were still emitting a flash of light now & then. I looked up and in a semi-circle, that was facing the first object were approximately 6 or 7 more of this same thing. They were also flashing their lights and it was all simultaneously. I stood and watched them for another minute or two, then they all just disappeared! There was only blackness where the objects had been. I waited a few more minutes, but they did not re-appear. I went back into my house and continued what I was doing on the computer. About 45 minutes later, my curiousity got the better of me and I went back outside and down the steps.  I did not see anything where they had been before, but when I looked South- South West, I saw one of these objects. Looking more, I spottd 4 or 5 more, and again, they were flashing their lights in unison. I probably only watchd them for a minute, then suddenly a beam of light came out of each of them..at the same time. The beams were not as bright as when their lights would flash, but were very visible. The beams came out of the crafts at an angle, like 4 o’clock on a clock in reference to the top of the craft being 12 oclock. I only watched these beams for about 15-20 seconds, then it was like a cloud covered the objects.  I could see the lights flash, but not as brightly. It was almost like there was a shroud over them, but I could tell they were stil there. And then they were gone.  Poof!   I posted a bit about this on my FB page then in the morning I went to WTTE Fox 28s FB page and posted asking if anyone else had seen this. Is it a coincidence that later that day, there were 4 big gray helicopters fly in the same path that the objects did, TWICE??   By the way, Ive been in the same home for almost 17 years and have never seen more than one helicopter at a time and its usually life flight. I don’t know. I’m not a UFO crazy.  I don’t watch shows about UFOs but I have seen some unexplained things before, but never something like this. I called my brother who is retired from the Marine Corps and he told me to report this sighting to you, MUFON. I just realised I’m supposed to tell you my feelings. I am amazed, excited and a bit nervous. The thought DID cross my mind “is this an Alien invasion?” Oh well. You can call me if you need to. I’m not shy, Im not embarassed to tell my story and Im not a wacka-doodle!   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








My sister and I are from Boring Oregon. That is where we lived at the time we saw this UFO!  We were young kids myself about 9 or 10, my sister 2 years older than I.  We always enjoyed sleeping outside in the summer, so the night of the sighting was like any other night.  We got our beds ready on the front patio of the house which our house was a good sized 2 story home with big sliding glass doors on the front of the house which is were the patio is and where we chose to sleep that night. The view from sleeping on the patio was an unobstructed view of the night sky. There were trees on the outskirts of my vision, but from a laying position I could see about all of the night sky.  I fell asleep with no problems that I can remember, and then I remember waking up to take the covers off my face, and when I did I was lying on my back and I opened my eyes to see the whole previously unobstructed night sky being taken up by this UFO!  The UFO was right over the top of us.  If felt like we were directly under the middle of it. Its height was very low and it seemed to be just over the topped off tree!  It was so close I could of thrown a rock and hit it.  With it being so close I remember I could see the different textures and see shadows casting off those textures on to the craft . I can’t recall direct lights in my eyes but the thing seemed to be illuminated by a soft dark light glow. I remember feeling like I was looking at someone that was looking at me but I did not see anyone.  It was very steady and not moving.   It just seemed to be hanging there. I did not even here any noises and it was so big and close.  So all that was about a minute of observing the UFO.  I then woke up my sister by shaking her. When she woke up we both got another look at it and then  threw the covers over our head.  I was very curious so I looked again and as I uncovered my head I just caught the thing with hardly any movement.   The craft was very fast and effortlessly.  Went from right over my heads to a little bigger than a big star way up into the sky, and then disappeared.  The only noise it made when it moved was a swish like the noise of the wind and air moving.  I was in shock when we saw it and I don’t really remember anything right after the sighting like falling back asleep or what we did?  I find that really weird also cause knowing me as a child my first reaction would be run screaming for my mom and I don’t even remember if I went back to sleep, went inside or anything till the next morning when we both told our parents. They were amazed by the story but kinda in disbelief.  They had us separately draw what we saw. I have thought about that every day since it happened and am very interested In learning more. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







 On 12/13/12 at 9:34pm I went outside to smoke but noticed a lot of traffic in the skies. Every day there is about 2-4 planes that fly overhead my home. My nephew likes to look at planes so I watch them with him, he is very young so someone must be with him, and about once every 3-6 weeks a helicopter will fly by. When I was outside at 9:34pm in a 10 minute span I saw 3 helicopters 2 of which were black or very dark in color for sure and 1 larger helicopter that appeared to be the kind that carry cargo (like the kind you see in old war shows on discovery channel with 2 rotors) flying from south to north west over my house. The larger copter was lit up very well so exact colors elude me but it was darker. There was also another helicopter flying over the Home Land Security buildings that are only 6 miles from my home. That stayed patrolling the sky above the HLS offices for about 5 hours. On top of the helicopters I saw 8 more planes one was very high going from south east to north west very fast ( faster then I have seen passenger planes fly at) a total of 4 planes came from the south east headed to north west while 3 came from south west to north west. The one that was flying high and fast was not as big as a passenger plane either and flew from north east to north west. This was far more air traffic then normal and I thought something was up. All of the helicopters and planes flew very close to one another several side by side while others followed them shortly after (about 30-45 seconds ). I thought maybe it was due to the meteor shower that they were flying all in the same direction and so close together, however that truly didn’t make sense. I returned out side every hour or so to smoke and watch the helicopter above the HLS buildings. Knowing that the moon was not visible last night I also decided to watch the meteor shower. At 2:53am 12/14/12 I went outside again to watch the meteor shower. I watched 4 shoot in different directions (some to the north east and some to the north west) one caught my attention as it was a gold/orange/yellow color and it had no tail. I watched it fly a short distance in the sky and then stop. It just hovered there for a few minutes and then it started this Ariel dance. It flew straight up stopped for all of a half second and appeared to flip over (upside down) then it shot left, making a 90 degree/ right angle maneuver and then stopped. Another light appeared from the first as the first got brighter. The second light looked like a small circle making the first light appear more diamond in shape as well as at least 3 times larger in comparison. The second circular light shot off to the west while the first light stayed behind. The diamond light got dim and vanished only to appear half a second later in a different spot a short distance away. It repeated this (teleporting) making a triangle back to it original spot. I was thinking this was amazing and was trying to figure out, running through known human made things it could be, if it was possible it could be one. I took my hand acting as if it were a plane and tried repeat the maneuver it did when it ascended, flipped upside down, and made a right angle allowing for the ways planes actually work with wind but it didn’t work in conventional ways, proving to me it must be something else. I was thinking in my head how I wish it would get closer and almost as if it knew what I was thinking it started coming closer. I was amazed as I watched it fly closer towards my house and then it started blinking. Thoughts ran through my head of “what if it really did make its way too me? What would I do? Is it piloted by someone/ something good or bad?” it then stopped and hovered briefly and the appeared to teleport back close to where it was before it headed towards me . They started to fly in a circle. It did that about 4 or 5 times then stopped, hovering for a few seconds before it started “teleporting” in a square. It did that for about 1 minute before it flew in the circle again. It repeated the circle, square, circle pattern several more times before it stopped. It starting blinking randomly and flew forward as if it was coming back towards be but stopped and “teleported”.  Back to its spot it was at once again. It did this 3 times and then stopped blinking. It got brighter for a few seconds or so before it repeated the circle, square patter again. I thought maybe they or it was up there watching the meteor shower as this whole time there were random meteors shooting in the sky for a bit. This was all about 76-80 degrees up from where I was looking traveling up and down, closer and then back. Before I knew, it was about 15-20 minutes I was out there watching this. I decided to run inside real quick hoping it would still be there when I got back. I ran inside grabbed some binoculars and a digital camcorder, but when I came back it was gone. I was only inside a minute at most. I waited a few more mins watched a few shooting stars and went back inside taking note of the time 3:21am. It was a very cool site, something I have never seen before. I stayed up for 2 more hours going back outside to see if it would come back but it never did. I had check to see if it was the ISS but it was not nor was it a satellite. I laid in bed thinking that maybe it had been spotted earlier and that is why there was so much air traffic when I went outside earlier, and why there could have been a helicopter patrolling the air above a Home Land Security building.  NOTE: The above image was photographed in Minnesota on 9-27-03.






Recently my brother was on a flight back from Florida and they were over the ocean and were told they were over 30,000 feet high. My brother just happened to be filming outside his window and what he captured was amazing and shocking.

This video as it is 100% real. Other passengers on the plane at the window saw the same thing but only my brother and another lady had time to shoot it. My brother not only shot it but took video of it.

It’s clear that it is a UFO and the shocking thing is this thing did not move. It was hovering and its not a weather balloon or sate-light . It has a large glowing blue dome and is glowing and as the plane moved it stayed still.

It also appeared to just hover there and was bigger than a bill board you would see on a highway and the shape is almost a triangle. The FAA is already aware of it as it was reported by people on the flight and the pilots ran out of the cock pit as soon as the plane landed.

There is an investigation under way as this is clearly something out of a UFO movie. My brother also contacting CNN and other media outlets about this event.







While driving North on I-65, we saw something with 2 bright, white flood lights & a blinking red light in the middle. The lights were brighter than any, I have ever seen. We thought it was a tower. I was supposed to turn left after getting off at the Shelby Co. Airport exit but just had to go right and check it out. As we got closer (about1 1/2mi. N. of the Airport) I kept saying “I don’t see any legs on that tower”. My wife was busy facebooking it on her phone & only looked up for seconds at a time, to say “Its a tower”. The closer we got the more I insisted, there were no legs on this “tower”. We got right next to the thing, & I told her “Look at it!” She finally, looked up & didn’t say a word! We saw from very close up, a silver disc, with white lights on either side & a red flashing light on the middle front. I felt as if it was watching us because it was tilted towards us.  She said “lookout!” as I was going into the other lane and a car was coming. We then had a 2 story building, between us & it. I whipped it around, & went right back (less than 60 sec. had passed) It was Gone! I said…”Where is the tower go baby!” lol.  We felt excited and nervous for several hours after the sighting. I had left my video camera in our other vehicle, so no photos. I know of 4 other people that say they saw it too, but none checked it out as we did. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







As we are driving, my husband noticed a light in the sky, showed it to me and told me “that star is really bright”, I looked at the “star”, but told him “No, that’s not a star, its in the wrong position, there are no stars, especially bright ones, in that direction”. The reason I knew this, was because, like my husband, I had grown up in the area and my Grandpa used to show me the different constellations and tell me Native American stories about them. I noticed this “star” was flashing red than blue, than red, than blue. My husband than said “I think its an airplane, maybe flight-for-life (medical plane/helicopter)?” (I was thinking flight-for-life helicopter), but after both of us looked at it closely we realized, its not, because at night, usually the plane has two distinct separate lights, white on the tail, red on the wing, sometimes green on the other wing, as does the helicopter). My husband and I, at the time, both worked for Public Safety so we were familiar with different medical vehicles. These lights were not like that, they were flashing like they were in the same place, not separate. As I’m driving, we are discussing the light/”star”, at this time, it was as high as a small airplane would be in the sky to us, and it seemed to be coming closer to us, like it was going to go over us. Than all of a sudden it comes straight out of the sky toward us, like the light just got bigger, which makes me slam on, as my husband is yelling at me to stop. I have slammed on because this thing is right in front of my car, this “light” has somehow turned into an orb, a round metallic looking (like molten silver or gold, but reflective)orb with spinning rings going around it (it looks like the planet Saturn) and these rings, which are not rings, are sparking blue than red (like static electricity) and I get the impression that this is what is powering this “vehicle”. I don’t know why I think that, but I do. I am so scared, and my husband is yelling (I have never ever heard my husband yell that way), I want to look at my husband, but I am too scared to take my eyes off this object. Its like everything in my life, spiritual, mental, physical, instincts, has all turned upside down, because I cannot believe what I am seeing or thinking, I’m numb. This orb than comes to the drivers side, probably about 50 feet away, its on the other side of the road and its in the ditch hovering, slowly moving north, just hovering, and I remember seeing the reflection of the light poles, the sky, the ground, the fence and the road as it goes by, than I see my van in its reflection, and I see the reflection of me and my husband (my husband is ducking back into the van), and it made no sound as it went by, but I remember thinking “it just wants to see who we are, its curious”. Everything seemed to slow down, as its going by, than sound and sensation seems to come back to me, I hear my husband hollering “I’m going to shoot it!” and I can hear him rummaging under the seat for his safety box where his gun is stored. I’m still staring at this orb, watching the lights as they circled the circumference of this orb, and I realize I’m crying and whimpering, I have passed beyond being stunned or scared and I don’t remember doing these things, I just know that my face is wet and I feel like my heart is going to burst. I than look away to see what my husband is doing, and he has his gun out, and ducks back out of the car, my husband looks back in the car at me and says it was there, than when he went back out of the vehicle, it was gone. I am so upset that my husband takes over the driving and the whole time during the drive, we don’t say a word to each other and I cry all the way back home (you have to understand, I don’t easily cry, I grew up with 7 brothers and a bunch of boy cousins, I’m pretty tough, but this, this one night has changed how I look at the world). You would think that after seeing something that extra ordinary, you would be talking, excitedly, but it was like we were drained. We haven’t been able to tell anyone, even our kids, what happened that night, this is the first time “talking” about it. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








 I was driving down a neighborhood street at night on my way somewhere and I saw an extremely, noticeable light in the sky. I knew it wasn’t a plane because it was too large of a light and did not blink but was a steady white color the same size as if you were looking at a streetlight from afar. I also, at first glance, thought maybe it was the north star until I saw how big it actually was and that it was moving. As I drove to the traffic light at the end of the street, I was at a red light so I was able to actually get a good look at it. It turned toward my direction and as it went over me I realized it was about as low as a plane who was getting near its landing destination (but not as low as a plane landing). It had a bright light in the front of a white color, but was a round blunted point in the front and circled around in the back. Its perimeter seemed to have a few neon colored lights (red-blue-green) but not very noticeable. Also, the front seemed to have lights around the somewhat pointed parted. It went over head where I could not see it any longer, and my traffic light turned green. I started driving and turned right as I was going to, and turned my head completely around to see where it went after I had turned, and this object in the sky turned abruptly upwards in a 90 degree angle and there was a pathway of light in the sky with doted neon lines leading up to an opening of yellow-white light in the sky which the object disappeared into and vanished and the light opening quickly closed and it was all black again. I know what I saw and was instantly freaked out. I am not sure what it was, but it was nothing normal. Afterwards, I had an eerie feeling that it knew I saw it and that was not a good thing. Very strange.  The picture is not much of a closer view, but rather me zooming in on my iphone 4s camera. I wish I had gotten a video or picture when it was flying overhead, but I was far too amazed at what I was seeing and did not want to miss a thing.

KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS  ……  This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.






“Looked up to see a large, orange-yellow glowing blimp-like craft flying under the cloud cover,” the witness stated. “I thought it was a commercial jet at first, but it was about 10 times brighter than a jet’s navigation lights and did not flash strobes like jets do at night.” The object did not appear to be anything that the witness was familiar with. “It was not appearing like any normal craft, jets, helicopters, etc. and when I realized it was totally silent, I was perplexed. It traveled a little faster than corporate jets that fly by the house for Bridgeport, CT, airport. It was fairly low in the sky passing behind trees and eventually lost sight of it in the northeast sky.” The witness summed up the experience. “It looked about the size of a blimp, but made no noise, and traveled straight, but with a dancing type trajectory. I never saw anything that closely resembled this object in 60 years of seeing aircraft, etc. at night.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







It was very late. My wife was driving and I was in the passenger side of car. We had arrived at Albany airport at 11:20 or so from a long day of traveling. A few minutes after midnight, (now Dec.29) I saw an craft fairly close and under the low cloud cover. At first, I just assumed it was a low flying plane.  Upon inspection, I noticed it was barely moving. I began to look at it very closely and at the same time tell my wife my observations. We were traveling south-bound on the NYS thruway. Around mile marker 140 or so. (By the time I thought of mile markers we were at 133, but that was a good 5 minutes or so after the sightings) I was in the passenger side of the car looking at the western skyline. The object was directly to my right, and either hovering or moving very slowly in a northerly direction. We had a very low cloud cover and this object could be seen very clearly below the clouds. It was close enough that I could see the actual structure of the craft, along with its very bright lights. It was a very large triangle shape, with very bright white lights at each point of the triangle, with a smaller blue-white light at its center periodically, and a very bright red light at the rear, just behind and between two of the bright white lights. It did have some type of strobe like effect at some points, going through the center, from its front white light through its center to the red light at its rear. As we were driving it began to get out of sight and I was telling my wife how excited I was to have finally seen a REAL UFO, which was very obviously not a conventional aircraft. Then, just as the craft was getting out of site I noticed, even a bit closer to the car, another one! This one appeared to be moving very slowly, going in the same direction as the first. But, even though it was closer to the car (meaning more directly overhead) it was more difficult to see details, being just barely in the clouds, so I couldn’t make out the actual structure of this craft. But, it was the same general size as the first, and the light patterns were identical. I just turned my body and kept looking out the back window of the car, watching until it was out of sight. I was very excited to have seen them, but being late and both of us being tired from traveling all day, we didn’t try to pull over or try to find an exit to follow. I tried to get a photo with my cell phone, but by the time I got it out and ready, the craft was way too far away to even bother! NOTE: The above image is a rendering.