((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Mr. Ron Wright, former MUFON Field Investigator for MUFON/Oregon, for submitting this nice report, with illustration. He can be reached at PD))
This investigator has over 30 years of looking into crop circles, cattle mutilations, ufo sightings and other cases including a search and rescue of a missing woman in Eastern Oregon. But this is my first hand report of a ‘Close Encounter of the Third Kind’.
This incident comes by a phone call to my spouse on the late evening of 6 June 2018 at about 9:30 pm, she received a call from her son. He is a former US Army veteran, former police officer and currently a security guard at a local casino.
Watching my spouse’s face as she was talking to her son, was a look of concern. She handed me the phone and said, “You need to hear this!” As I listened to her son, he was sincere about what they saw and encountered.
The main witness was his girlfriend’s daughter who is age 12. Given permission, I spoke with the girl for over 30 minutes asking specific questions. Here is a short summery of that chat;
“What time and where did you have this sighting? About 7:30 today, 5 miles southeast of Siletz off a gravel road near Ojalla Road in the woods.
“How far was this creature from you? “About 100 feet or so, standing 2 legs, pale grey height 4-5 feet quarter size eyes (dark brown) ribs showing, super skinny, no clothes; head round oval, looked like no ears or nose, roundish bump where nose should be!”
“How long did you see it?” “10 seconds first time and about 12 seconds the second time…” “What else did you see or hear?”
“Birds were real quiet, then when it took off, the birds got noisy again. Prior to the sighting you could hear a ‘buzzing noise’. Then sounds got echoing, that lasted about 20 seconds, then sounds in area got normal again.
It, the creature moved unnatural, fast and quiet, no sound at all! “Did you see the whole creature? “Yeah, real skinny, ribs showing, thin like almost transparent, no clothes, quick movements…”
She went on to tell me the family checked that area for evidence and found only tuffs of black and white fur on the stump. Time I spoke with this yound girl was 9:30pm the evening of 6 June 2018.
The following is a full written report from this 12 year girl of her entity encounter;
“The night of June 6th, 2018 me and my family decided to go for a drive up in the hills 5 miles out of Siletz, Oregon. We were out to find wood to make ourselves a bow. My mom’s boyfriend “J” saw some sticks that were perfect for the bows so we cut them off the tree that they were attached to.
Then we went down the road and “J” saw some downed alder that could be used for firewood. I started hearing a faint buzzing noise but put it off as a bug in the car. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the most bizzare thing ever.
It was about 100 to 120 feet away from my moms car. What I saw was a human looking creature that was about 4 to 5 feet tall with pale grey skin. Its skin was so thin it was almost transparent and it was so skinny. I saw it a total of three times and this was the first. I saw it for about 10 seconds.
When I made eye contact with it everything went silent. The birds stopped chirping, everything was silent. Then it ran away. I told my mom and “J” and we thought ok, we’ll keep an eye out. Then I saw it again. I knew that something was up there. And as I said previously it ran away, but it looked like it came from behind the stump it was standing by.
Then I said “Hey I saw it again I think we should go up there and look around.” We went up there and looked around and then while I was standing where I saw it the first time and I saw it again!
It moved so quickly when it noticed that I saw it. And for moving so quickly it was incredibly quite. I yelled for “J.” “I saw it again!” So we went over to where I saw it the 3rd time and when we were talking it got really quite and voices echoed a lot more than the other places in the woods.
Near the site of the first sighting we found fur that resembled rabbit fur. It was black with brown tints to it and it stunk really bad! After trying to search for tracks we figured that it was to dry for it to leave tracks so we decided to head home.”
I spoke with the primary witness, this 12 year old girl. Very sharp, and sincere about what she saw that evening. I do not think this was a fabricated fantasy, as I could sense the fright and excitement in this young girls voice, which lead me to believe it did happen.
Besides the young 12 year old girl, there were 3 others that experinced the echo and the buzzing sounds; the boyfriend, her mother and her younger sister.
Other than the echo and buzzing sounds, to my knowledge none of these individuals suffered any other physical effects. As for the two listed, I have heard about this in the similar case in Salida, Colorado; A UFO encounter in which the family had the buzzing sound during their encounter.
As for knowing the boyfriend for over 15 years, besides being a combat veteran in Iraq, he is a sound individual and is sincere in what he believes happened and there is no question in his mind that this girl saw this entity in the woods.
All four truly believe this incident occured and I am sure it will be a memorable moment for this 12 year old girl! NOTE: The above drawing is the witness rendering.
ALIEN TYPE 1: The Greys.
Of this type there are several sub-types. All tend to appear greyish in color and for this reason are referred to as “greys.”
This is the type most commonly referred to as the greys. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area.
They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and “conquering worlds” to be the prime movers. They are normally about 4.5 ft tall with large heads and black “wrap around” eyes.
They have limited facial features, slit mouth and no nose to speak of. They have evolved beyond the need for reproductive systems or digestive systems and reproduce by cloning. Their genetics are partly based on insectoidal genetics.
Their science deals largely with the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They have supposedly had a part to play in the alteration of human genetics over thousands of years. It seems that they may be trying to cross breed with humans in order to create a “mixture race” that would be better than either.
(I’ve read that they are a dying species, that have cloned so much that now, with each successive cloning, the species grows weaker. They are trying to infuse new life into their species by creating the mixed breed.)
There seem to be two main social classes. One is the more hawkish and is more abrupt, crude and blunt. The more dove-like ones are more refined and capable of a more business-like behavior towards humans, and prefer to use more “diplomatic” behavior to gain control over human’s. This type of Grey is what I believe is being referred to as the “Orange” class of Greys.
They seem to be emotionless (by human standards) and therefore are seen as cruel in their treatment of human beings. They are able to take human lives without any regard for that individual. They apparently can use certain substances of the human body for their sustenance and therefore appear to be carnivorous in regards to humans.
(I also read that they extract fluid from some part of the human brain during intense emotional response [fear] and are able to use it like a recreational drug.) These greys are actually servants to a master race of reptilian-type aliens and are trying to prepare the earth for their arrival by gaining control over the earth through many means.
They tend to enjoy the feeling of freedom they have on earth, away from their masters and would desire the help of humans in confrontations with the reptilians… which appears to be a consideration for the near future (mid 90’s.)
These greys have their best known bases in New Mexico and Nevada but are also known to have bases in many countries of the world.
Tall Greys from Orion. Usually about 7 to 8 ft. tall (reports often exaggerate their height as being 9 to 12 ft.) with facial feature somewhat similar to grey type A with the exception of the large nose found on type B greys.
These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear “miraculous.” These greys are less viscous towards humans than type A greys (but are still considered “hostile”.) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. Their main bases seem to be in the Aleutian Islands. These are the type seen not long ago in Eastern Russia.
These are the shortest of the greys and tend to be about 3.5 ft. tall. Their facial features are very similar to the Zeta Reticuli greys and are of the same “root race.” They are just as hostile to humans as the Zetas. They are from a star system near the shoulder of Orion called Bellatrax.
THE REPTILIANS: A genetics akin to reptiles, these are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. They would perceive us much the way we would perceive a herd of cattle.
They are carnivorous in regard to humans. There is supposedly a “driven” planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizard-folk that is to enter our solar system in the mid 90’s if the present schedule is kept.
They consider earth to be their own ancient outpost and would expect to have complete control of the entire planet upon their return. Their own planet is becoming unable to adequately support life and they need somewhere else to live. These are the aliens who are served by the type A greys.
These are of a genetic base similar to humans of earth. They appear of “normal” height (5-6ft?) and tend to be fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have been abducted by the greys or are the offspring of abductees and have been trained by the greys as servants. These entities are totally subservient to the greys. HUMAN TYPE B:
These are aliens of similar genetics to earth humans and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys. These are from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual, benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time.
They had at one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a kind of “hands off” approach for the time being. These aliens are supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area of their home.
Very little is known about these. They are supposedly another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great benevolence to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is similar to other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don’t appear to be much involved with earth happenings at this time other than being concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to be of help to humans.
There are other known human type aliens of this “more highly spiritually evolved” nature that are apparently aware of the situation on earth and considering some possible course of action. These are from Arcturus and Vega.
The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine.
Non Earth-Born Humans This GROUP consists of three peoples from three distinct colony zones, namely Sirius, Pleiades and Orion. Genetically, they are nearly identical to Earth-born humans with the following exceptions. Abductees refer to these beings as the talls. Males average up to approximately seven feet in height; females, six and a half feet.
They are extremely fine featured, pale in complexion. Eyes are almond shaped, slightly slanted with a natural black liner, much like the renderings of ancient Egyptian royalty. There are three hair colors apparently related to colony origin: blonde (Pleiades), red (Orion), and black (Sirius).
The insignia of these combined human races is a triangular arrangement of three spheres. This symbol has deep significance, and is found throughout Earth history. History records these beings as goddesses, gods, devas, etc. A subgroup of GROUP A females is in command of most Terran projects.
Earth-Born Humans
These are Homo Sapiens whose origin is the planet Earth. They can be divided into two separate classes.
[Class A] (Ancient)
These humans were the companions and house servants of a GROUP A military mining and occupation force. When this force left the Earth sometime between 1,000 BC and 3,500 BC, it was decided to remove all humans that had been in close proximity with them.
It was felt that leaving them would only further disrupt normal human development. Class A humans are on an equal level with GROUP A and cooperate fully in all Earth projects.
[Class M] (Modern)
These humans are working on the same cooperative level as Class A. They were taken from the Earth in modern times. During some abduction projects, twins (either identical or fraternal) are induced in a female subject. During the first trimester, one of the fetuses is removed.
It is then grown to maturity by GROUP A. Abductees will meet their twins during some abductions. Very limited contact has been made by these humans.
Genetically Modified Earth-Born Humans
These humans are comprised of two classes and should not be confused with GROUP D Greys.
[Class W] (Workers)
– This class is the smallest in physical stature. They are described as approximately three and a half feet in height, large head and eyes, pale white in complexion. These workers were created by GROUP A through genetic modification of Earth human fetuses.
Their function is to perform menial tasks requiring limited reasoning abilities. In mental capacity, they are equivalent to a five year-old child. They are incapable of violence and, in some cases, are kept as companions by GROUP A individuals.
[Class T] (Technicians)
– These humans are basically the same as Class W. they are slightly larger, at approximately four and a half feet in height. Their complexion is tan or yellowish. Their reasoning and deductive abilities are higher. This allows them to perform more complex operations. They are often seen operating ship controls and in transport activities.
Both Classes W and T are telepathically camouflaged to appear as Greys to abductees. This is done to conceal the true nature of GROUP C. It is felt that perception of GROUP A maintaining a human slave population would hinder future contact efforts. This point will undoubtedly be a source of much heated debate in the near future.
[GROUP D] Greys
Of the six groups discussed in this paper, the Greys appear to represent the only non-human contingent. The following data should be considered tentative at best. Height is approximately five and a half feet. The head is large; eyes large, black and very slanted. Skin color is dark grey and non-porous.
All data so far indicates that they may be a cetacean-based life form. On Earth, this comprises the species of whales and dolphins. Descriptions of Greys’ skin color and texture closely match that of dolphins. The stare and stun effects approximate that performed by dolphins on potential enemies, such as sharks and barracuda.
Human and dolphin fetuses are nearly identical, up to a certain development stage. Some say they share a common genetic ancestor. If so, then this makes the hybridization of humans and dolphins theoretically feasible.
[GROUP E] Human/Grey Hybrids
One of the main ET projects, now in the completion stage, is the hybrid program. The goal of this project is to produce a being combining the best physical and mental qualities of both races. The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately fifteen years old.
Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale white/grey. The head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair is dark, high above the forehead, and worn in a very long ponytail. The face is very fine-featured, and attractive.
Like all the beings discussed in this paper, her main method of communication is telepathic. This has allowed a deeper understanding of her intellectual and emotional make-up. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects.
They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them agonizingly boring. The desire for human contact is greater than all others. Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Any physical attribute more human than Grey is a great source of pride. Their intellectual capacity is well above human standards. It is very likely they will exceed the capabilities of both races.
[GROUP F] Sasquatch
These have been seen both near, and on-board, UFOs. Little is known about them. Some have speculated that they are the original pre-human species from which Homo Sapiens were derived. NOTE: The above image is CGI
t was around 11 p.m. and I had just got to my friends house and as soon as we get out of his car he points out a little red dot in the sky flying in the SW direction. I said, “ Well that’s obviously a plane.” and as soon as i said that it changes its flight path to NE then back to SE and so it’s going back and forth and my friend and I are just puzzled. I say, “ Holy sh*t i think that’s a real UFO!” We’re standing there staring at this object until it disappears in the blink of an eye only to return even closer in the same speed. Now details were clear to make out, what seemed to be red lights spinning on the bottom as it rotated, the disc shape of the craft, and this was when i realized it was emitting no noise like a jet or helicopter would. The UFO then, what seems like light speed travel, flies to the original spot of finding in an instant and just hovers. It literally just hovered about half a mile away from me. Then it turned on its side and did a barrel roll or flip while hovering in the exact same location. No noise, no flashing lights like planes and helicopters have, no wing like appendages, NOTHING. This breaks every rule of aero dynamics to my knowledge. As we’re standing there talking about it the moment felt like it was over in an instant once it darted out of view in an instant again. I’m sorry for the lack of evidence but i took a video on snapchat that night that i didn’t save only because you couldn’t actually see the craft in it due to the darkness and quality. I now realized the video could’ve backed up my claim to see it at least since you could hear us freaking out and saying,” You can’t even get it on camera it’s moving so fast!” This story is 100% real, I believe what I saw was a UFO weather it be aliens or advanced technology made by the government. Any new sightings will be reported. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Hello my name is Richard, I am writing to see if you might be interested in my true UFO story regarding an encounter with a flying saucer back in 1980? With recent claims regarding the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, I thought I would strike while the iron is hot, I have always intended to make my story available for public scrutiny before my death and I feel like the time is now right to do so.
Let me take you back to December 26TH 1980, a day that would ultimately change and ruin my life forever. It was a bitter cold night and as a serving police officer I was on duty. I was attending to a report of a possible domestic/disturbance/argument in the town of Woodbridge, located in Suffolk, 7 miles north-east of Ipswich in the East of England.
I was roughly about a quarter of a mile away from Woodbridge when for no apparent reason my police radio was suddenly swamped with interference, static electricity and crackling noises started to emerge from it, so I decided to pull my vehicle over to the side of the road and see if I could figure out what the problem was.
No sooner than I had stopped the vehicle there was an intensely bright flash of green light that lit up the whole interior of the car like a christmas tree. (see image)
Not sure what to make of what had just happened. I got out of the car to see if I could possibly figure out what caused it. Not really expecting to see anything I was completely shocked to discover a huge green-whitish, glowing, illuminated, phosphorescent disk/saucer shaped craft hovering directly above me in the sky, it was an incredible and unbelievable but frightening spectacle to witness, my skin started to tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
The saucer was huge, slowly rotating and was making a quiet/soft whirring noise. As a police officer I always carried a polaroid camera in the boot of the police vehicle whenever on driving duties, it’s just something that I did.
I rushed to the boot and obtained my camera, I fired off three shots, I then stood there somewhat shaken and continued to view this object. After what felt like an eternity, but was no more than just over a minute or so, the saucer suddenly and without warning soared up high into the night sky at breathtaking and phenomenal speed and was literally gone and out of sight in a nanosecond, I was left standing there thinking to myself what the hell just happened?
Two of the photos came out completely fogged and showed absolutely nothing, but luckily one came out almost perfect and showed the saucer in all it’s glory, I have included that original and untouched polaroid with my email.
The time of my sighting was precisely 1.55 AM. It really was like something out of a star trek movie, to be honest, words are inadequate to even begin to try and explain just how fantastic and how mind blowing this encounter was, and the colour of the saucer, it was like no other green I have ever seen, the photo really doesn’t do it justice, dont get me wrong it’s a wonderful polaroid but to see that saucer hovering in the sky and the sheer size of it, and the phenomenal speed at which it departed, the two simply don’t compare, it was a truly mind blowing experience that no photograph could ever capture.
I had a very difficult time coming to terms with what I encountered on that December evening. Back then in 1980 there was no one to turn to, it’s not like it is today, what with the internet and a simple click of a few buttons and you are instantly online talking to support groups etc, it just wasn’t like that back then, plus I never wanted to tell anyone anyway, I mean would you?
And especially being a serving police officer it just simply wasn’t an option, so I just filed it away in the back of my mind and tried to get on with my life. That wasn’t to be though, soon after my encounter I started suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and clinical depression, I suffered terrible and frightening nightmares also and it wasn’t long before things started to destroy my marriage.
I took time off work but it didn’t help, all I did was drink myself into oblivion and sleep all day. Eventually I confided in my wife and decided to seek professional help. I ended up in therapy, I had a psychiatrist, I was on antidepressants, this whole UFO encounter turned my life upside down and eventually I had to leave the police force on medical grounds and unfortunately I have never worked another day since.
I have suffered with terrible physical and mental health problems ever since this thing happened and I know for a fact that all my health conditions are a direct result of my encounter with a flying saucer, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy.
That wasn’t the end of it, I also received menacing and threatening telephone calls, even death threats a few weeks after my encounter and a couple of months later my home was subjected to an attempted arson attack, my wife believed at the time that this was an attempt by someone to try and destroy my photographic evidence and intimidate me into keeping my mouth shut, it certainly was a very unsettling and frightening time.
I can tell you this also, several days after my encounter a very good friend of mine who was a high ranking senior police officer told me that he was visited at home by 3 men claiming to be military intelligence, he said he was simply TOLD in no uncertain terms that if anyone mentions the word UFO then simply tell them that they probably saw the lighthouse and simply tell them it was faulty at the time, he said they gave him other information but he wouldn’t disclose it to me.
I also heard quiet a few strange tales from members of the public in the months that followed my UFO sighting, none of them were ever reported for fear of ridicule, they may sound far fetched to most people but not to me, not after what I saw.
One man told me that on the 28TH December at 3AM he was awoken by his dog barking furiously at the back kitchen door, he said he opened the door and there was a small glowing orb hovering around his back garden, he said the orb shot off and his dog chased after it, suddenly it went silent and when he got around the corner of his garden the orb had fled and all that was left of his dog was a gooey puddle, he claimed his dog had been vaporized, I asked him if he reported it, he just looked at me and laughed and asked me if I was mad.
One woman told me that on the 26TH December at 2.30 AM she woke up and found herself in a forest staring at a glowing pyramid surrounded by several small humanoid entities, within seconds she claims she was suddenly back in her bed. I could tell you more incredible stories I heard and maybe one day when I have more time I will.
For all those individuals out there who simply think that the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident was nothing more than a flying lighthouse or can be explained away by some other ridiculous explanation, let me say this, spare a thought for all those who were caught up in this, it was real, it happened FACT, end of story.
Hopefully one day soon and especially within my lifetime, I hope that all the information the government have including photographic evidence is released and made available to the general public as we all have a right to know the facts and truth as to what really happened in Rendlesham Forest.
I can’t mention any names or say too much, but a very trusted source told me that there are still many witnesses to come forward with their evidence. That person also told me that everyone thinks that the visitors were looking for nuclear weapons, they told me that is complete nonsense and the true explanation is that the visitors had boots on the ground and were doing something in the forest, still yet unknown and one of their team was captured, killed, bagged and tagged by the military and shipped out to a secret location for analysis and to be studied and that’s the reason the visitors were seen for several days, at one point shining beams of light down as they were obviously looking for one of their own.
Makes perfect sense when you think about it, why would a biologically and technologically advanced race of extraterrestrials capable of interstellar and probably intergalactic space travel be interested in such things? That would be like NASA suddenly releasing a statement expressing their interest in caveman technology! I will leave you all with this thought…
If you are interested in my true story and my photographic evidence and would like to use it for your publication/website etc, then you have my full blessing and permission to do so, all I would say is please keep my name out of the public domain and treat it with the strictest of confidence.
Observed a large black triangle-shaped object hovering over the Pee Dee River in close proximity to the electrical Dam. I observed the object hovering, then began slowly drifting to the West eventually overflying my position continuing in a western trajectory. When the craft overflew my position, I estimated it to be an extremely large craft estimate size of 300 ft. I and my cousin both observed an unusually bright light that appeared to be hovering over the dam near the Pee Dee River. My cousin asked me what did I think it was? I told him that it was probably an airplane heading in our direction which made it appear to be hovering. Then we both noticed that the object appeared to be stationary in the air. I then told him that it was probably a helicopter in a hover over the dam. We proceeded traveling East on Hwy 73. The closer I got the object, it appeared to something other than a helicopter. That part of Hwy 73 East is in a very rural, quiet area, If the object we were observing were a helicopter, we should have been close enough to hear noise from rotor wash…yet we heard nothing. I being a person of logic, then attributed the craft to be a blimp of some sort, but couldn’t find a reason for a blimp to be hovering over the dam. At that time I decided to pull over to satisfy my curiosity and to try to determine what it was that we were observing. As soon as I pulled over, the bright light at the front of the object went out. It was obvious to me that we had been spotted by a person or something inside of the object; I was of the opinion that the occupants of the object were deliberately trying to hide from us. When I exited my car, I saw the dark underbelly of the object. it was huge. I could tell due to it blocking out the stars above. I vaguely recall other people who pulled over to observe it too. The funny thing is that I do not recall talking to them about what we all saw. I do not have any recall of what happed the rest of that night. I am somewhat afraid to find out, but I feel that it must be done. Can you help me to find out? NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Due to recent revelations, I have decided to share my evidence. When I was younger I was a poacher, I lived very close to Rendlesham Forest and frequently went poaching there. So back in 1980, 28TH December I was in the forest poaching.
Now bear this in mind, before this encounter I saw and heard a lot of strange things in that forest. I could tell you stories that would bend your bones, so every time I went poaching I always took my camera always hoping to capture some evidence.
OK so let’s cut to the chase, so I saw a basketball sized red orb, it had a black centre like a pupil and looked just like an eye winking at you, just like Halt explained it.
It was zig zagging between the trees, strange, freaked me out, weird man, proper not right, I saw it before Halt.
It passed me first. Halt and his team was about 200 meters away, I could hear all the noise. Later I saw another UFO it was firing beams of light down to the ground, definitely looking for something, God knows what.
I tell you, what I witnessed was simply incredible, definitely extraterrestrial no two ways about it. You can read books and watch TV shows about it, but I’m telling you man you had to be there to really understand and appreciate just how incredible this thing was, changed my life for ever.
I’ve sat on this information for over 40 years and it feels good to get it out and show the truth. After this thing happened I was followed for weeks, I had my phone tapped, scary time man. Anyway enjoy my photos, these are the real deal!!! Peace and Love from John The Poacher.
It had happened in 1956. Cruising at 19,000 feet, a Navy R7V-2 transport – a four-engine Super-Constellation – was flying west across the Atlantic Ocean. The next stop was Gander, Newfoundland. Final destination, Naval Air Station, Patuxent, Maryland.
The night was clear, visibility unlimited. In the senior pilot’s seat, Commander George Benton was checking the dim-lit instruments. At thirty-four, Benton had a decade of Navy flying behind him. He had made the Atlantic crossing more than two hundred times. Back in the cabin were two extra Navy air crews, en route home from foreign duty.
Most of these men were asleep. Including Benton’s regular and relief crews, there were nearly 30 airmen-pilots, navigators and flight engineers aboard the Constellation. As Commander Benton finished his cockpit check, he glanced out at the stars. Then he leaned forward, puzzled. A few minutes before, the sea below had been dark. Now there was a cluster of lights, like a village, about twenty-five miles ahead.
Benton looked over at his co-pilot, Lieutenant Peter W. Mooney. “What do you make of those lights?” Mooney peered down, startled. “Looks like a small town!” “That’s what I thought.” Benton quickly called the navigator, Lieutenant Alfred C. Erdman. “We must be way off course. There’s land down there.” “It can’t be land.” Erdman hurried forward from his map table. “That last star sight shows…” He broke off, staring down at the clustered lights. “Well?” said Benton. “They must be ships,” said Erdman. “Maybe a rendezvous for some special operation.”
“They don’t look like ships,” said Benton. He called Radioman John Wiggins. No word of any unusual ship movements, Wiggins reported. And no signals from the location of the lights. If they were ships, they were keeping radio silence. “Wake up those other crews,” Benton told Erdman. “Maybe somebody can dope it out.” In a few moments, two or three airmen crowded into the cockpit. Benton cut off the automatic pilot, banked to give them and the men in the cabin a better view.
As the transport began to circle, the strange lights abruptly dimmed. Then several colored rings appeared, began to spread out. One, Benton noticed, seemed to be growing in size. Behind him, someone gave an exclamation. Benton took another look. That luminous ring wasn’t on the surface – it was something rushing up toward the transport. “What the devil is it?” said Mooney. “Don’t know,” muttered Benton. He rolled the Constellation out of its turn to start a full-power climb. Then he saw it was useless. The luminous ring could catch them in seconds.
The glow, he now saw, came from the rim of some large, round object. It reached their altitude, swiftly took shape as a giant disc-shaped machine. Dwarfing the Constellation, it raced in toward them. “It’s going to hit us!” said Erdman. Benton had known normal fear, but this was nightmare. Numbed, he waited for the crash. Suddenly the giant disc tilted. Its speed sharply reduced, it angled on past the port wing. The commander let out his breath. He looked at Mooney’s white face, saw the others’ stunned expressions.
Watching out the port window, he cautiously started to bank. He stopped as he saw the disc. It had swung around, was drawing abreast, pacing them at about one hundred yards. For a moment he had a clear glimpse of the monster. Its sheer bulk was amazing; its diameter was three to four times the Constellation’s wing span. At least thirty feet thick at the center, it was like a gigantic dish inverted on top of another.
Seen at this distance, the glow along the rim was blurred and uneven. Whether it was an electrical effect, a series of jet exhausts or lights from opening in the rim, Benton could not tell. But the glow was bright enough to show the disc’s curving surface, giving a hint of dully reflecting metal. Though Benton saw no signs of life, he had a feeling they were being observed. Fighting an impulse to dive away, he held to a straight course. Gradually, the strange machine pulled ahead.
Tilting its massive shape upward, it quickly accelerated and was lost against the stars. Commander Benton reached for his microphone, called Gander Airport and identified himself. “You show any other traffic out here?” he asked the tower. “We had something on the scope near you,” Gander told him. “But we couldn’t get an answer.”
“We saw it,” Benton said grimly. “It was no aircraft.” He gave the tower a concise report, and back at Gander teletype messages were rushed to the U.S. Air Defense Command, the Commanding Officer, Eastern Sea Frontier, the Director of Air Force Intelligence and the Air Technical Intelligence Center.
When the Constellation landed at Gander, Air Force intelligence officers met the transport. From the start, it was plain they accepted the giant disc sighting as fact. For two hours, Benton and the rest were carefully interrogated[debriefed], separately and together: How close did the object come? What was its size… estimated rate of climb… any electrical interference noted… what happened to the other luminous rings?
From the answers to scores of questions, the majority opinion emerged. The flying disc was between 350 and 400 feet in diameter, and apparently metallic. No interference with ignition noted; instruments not observed and radio not operating during this brief period. Time for the giant disc to climb to the transport’s altitude, between five and eight seconds, indicated speed between 1,400 and 2,200 knots; the disc had accelerated above this speed on departure.
Not all the men in the cabin had seen the luminous rings. Of those who had, most were watching the huge disc approach and did not see the “rings” disappear. If they, too, were flying discs, in a rendezvous as some suggested, they apparently had raced off while the other one was checking on the Constellation. At one point, an Intelligence captain asked Benton if he had seen any indication of life abroad the disc.
“No, but it was intelligently controlled, that’s certain. Benton looked at him closely. “That size, it would hardly be remote-controlled, would it?” “I couldn’t say,” replied the Air Force man. Nor would he tell what the Gander Airport radar had shown about the disc’s speed and maneuvers. “What’s behind all this?” demanded Mooney. “Up to now, I believed the Air Force. You people say there aren’t any flying saucer…”
“Sorry, I can’t answer any questions,” said the captain. “Why not? After a scare like that, we’ve got a right to know what’s going on.” The Intelligence officer shook his head. “I can’t answer any questions,” he repeated. As quickly as possible, intelligence reports with full details were flashed to the four Defense commanders already notified, with an extra message for the Director of Naval Intelligence.
After the Constellation reached Patuxent, the air crews were interviewed [debriefed] again, by Navy order. Each man made a written report, with his opinion of what he had seen. Five days later, Commander Benton had a phone call from a scientist in a high government agency. “I’m informed you had a close-up UFO sighting. I’d like to see you.”
Benton checked, found the man was cleared by the Navy. Next day, the scientist appeared, showed his credential, listened intently to Benton’s report. Then he unlocked a dispatch case and took out some photographs. “Was it like any of these?” At the third picture, Benton stopped him. “That’s it!” He looked sharply at the scientist. “Somebody must know the answers, if you’ve got photographs of the things.”
The other man took the pictures. “I’m sorry, Commander.” He closed his dispatch case and left. At the time when I (Donald Keyhoe) learned of this case, I had served for two years as Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
Around sunset at 8pm on the 10th, I sat on my back porch enjoying the warm weather because it was a nice breeze. I was looking up toward the sky in a nice relaxed mindset thinking about the previous nights encounter of a strange light that I managed to take pictures of. All of the sudden out of no where a bright orange light overhead appeared from thin air stayed for maybe half a minute and then disappeared.
I shouted at the door for my mom to come to see but by the time she got there it had gone. A couple minutes later it appeared and seconds later a roar of a jet engine which sounded military appeared. The object appeared further south west in a straight line from it’s first appearance. The jet seemed to be circling the area and followed the path southwest, the timing made it seem like it was giving chase to something, the object appeared one more time just in eyesight of the tree line and then it was gone and the jet took off.
I never saw the jet but from the sound it made it was putting out some serious power. The object itself made no noise and we have a airport not far so I’m used to hearing planes. I looked through the recent UFO reports and their was a similar sighting with a picture in NJ. The pictures I am providing are from the previous night which include a strange triangle shape anomaly.
A coworker and I were closing the video store where we worked at the time, on a warm night in the summer of 1996. I’m not sure of the month/ year but it was after 95 and before 97, it’s a little fuzzy to me I can’t seem to remember a lot of details about it. But I digress. My coworker took the garbage out the back of the store to put in the dumpsters. She came running back 10 seconds later and said you have to see this. I then don’t remember where she was once she told me to come look. I don’t know if she ran Into the store or if she was looking out the back door with me. As I looked up at a huge UFO that took up my entire view!!!! Because it was so low and close to the top of the building and dumpsters were located in a little bowl type depression in the back of the store. It moved so slowly that I could’ve walked with a child beside it and kept pace with it. I was afraid to step out and down to the pavement to look at it, afraid of being beamed up. It was not even 20 feet above me! I try to remember every tiny detail the lights, the depressions and it even looked as if there were 2 spots on the bottom where it might dock into something else. It was pretty large. I watched it go over my head as I hung out the door still afraid to step out. As it went over the top of the building I yelled quick run through the store, let’s run out front and see it come over! We then bolted as fast as we could the 40 feet from the back of the store to the front of the store and out ran outside. I swear that ship never came over the top of that building! It was just gone and all there was were stars! I have a fog about it. I can’t remember a lot of details I don’t know if I was taken. But the next day I told another coworker what had happened afraid to say anything for fear of ridicule, but he told me that he and a friend had followed a UFO from the southside of Connellsville in our town to the shopping center where I worked and then they lost it! I was the manager of the store. I worked there for 6 or 7 years. I hired and fired people and I cannot to this day remember the full name of the guy that worked with me who chased the ship and I cannot remember the name or the face of the girl who was with me the night that we saw it at the store. I only know she was blonde. I really wish I could be hypnotized so that I could remember in detail what happened. NOTE: The above image is real but from another case file.
We’ve got an object that appears every night around the same time, hovering stationary but moves in several directions at short distances and always returns back to its original location. It appears to blend in with the star light, staying stationary for several minutes before it starts to move. It changes colors, but it seems to have a blinking strobe light. It will stay there for several hours before it eventually moves below the tree line. It cannot be a drone since no drone can hover that high in the sky, nor can it hover for more than 3 hours. It seems to be in orbit with the earth and stays equilaterally distant with the moon as well. When looking at it through my telescope, it actually orbits about the same speed as the moon’s orbital speed, almost as if it were pacing it.
This object has appeared every night for several years and we cannot figure out what the hell it is. I called Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, LA, and they hung up on me every time. I must sound like a loon, but I’m telling you it’s real. I had my wife witness it for several nights, as I also had an old Army buddy visit me from Oregon, and he witnessed it as well. Whatever it is, it’s not going away anytime soon. The first time I noticed it was in 2019 August. It also had a secondary object cross its path as if it were a shooting star, but it travelled much slower. It was also much fainter. Video was taken using a Cannon DSLR Rebel Ti3 hooked to a Celestron PowerSeeker 80mm f/11 EQ Refractor Telescope. The video shows the object moving up to the left but in reality, it is actually moving down and to the right behind the tree line. The setup did not move at all, so the object did move back and forth a little in that particular shot as it was moving along its apparent orbital path.
KENS NOTE: The two photos above were extracted from the video.
Back in 1980 my mum lived in Suffolk in the East of England. Late in the evening on December 24, 1980 (Christmas Eve) she had just finished making final preparations for Christmas Day and went into the back garden to put some rubbish into the bin.
Whilst in the back garden my mum saw 4 extremely bright glowing objects in the night sky, after observing the objects she went back inside and got her camera and took a couple of photographs. She then stood and watched the objects for roughly a further one minute before they all simply blinked out and vanished from sight.
My mum never told anyone about what she saw, she always kept it to herself. It was 3 years later when she read the newspaper article about UFOS witnessed by USAF military personnel in Rendlesham Forest written in the News Of The World that she realized that what she saw and photographed 3 years earlier was probably and more than likely something to do with and connected to with what Colonel Charles Halt and his men witnessed.
My mum always thought that it was simply too much of a coincidence not to be related, and let’s face it, within hours of my mums sighting Halt and his men were running around the forest chasing UFOS.
My mum now lives in a care home and is suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. As an individual who does not wish to speak out publicly regarding my mum’s UFO sighting, debate the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident with anyone, or speak to UFO researchers and UFO investigators, after much careful thought and consideration, I have decided to release this photograph to a list of credible and seriously minded people and UFO organizations I have compiled so that it can be made available for research purposes and so that the photograph and my mum’s UFO sighting can be made available to those who have an interest in the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects.
This photograph which clearly shows the objects that my mum saw has never been seen by anyone except for a few close family members and this is the first time in over 40 years that my mum’s story has ever been told.
Whatever the truth is regarding the now infamous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident and what Colonel Charles Halt and other USAF military personnel witnessed in Rendlesham forest all those years ago is, is at present still unknown and is still debated to this day.
Whether the objects that Halt and his men witnessed were something natural, man-made or possibly something even of an extraterrestrial origin as many have speculated, again is still yet unknown and is still debated to this day, and exactly the same can be said about the objects that my mum witnessed and photographed.
However, one thing that I can say without a shadow of a doubt and with absolute certainty, is that whatever the objects were that my mum witnessed and photographed were, in no way, shape or form any kind of lighthouse beam.
My mum’s UFO sighting and photographic evidence may not provide any conclusive answers regarding the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, and might even be completely unconnected and have nothing to do with it.
However, I believe it is a huge and extremely important piece of the puzzle and does indeed prove that Unidentified Flying Objects of a yet unknown origin were infact present in the skies above Suffolk around the Christmas period of 1980.
My mum was never interested in the UFO subject, however, she did read about the Rendlesham Forest case and was firmly convinced that what she saw was other-worldly, she was also of the mindset that both the American and British Government covered the whole thing up and know far more than everyone has been led to believe.
Editor’s Note: A big thank you to the lady who submitted this most interesting report, along with the photograph.
That afternoon I was in an architecture exercise abroad at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico. I looked east by chance and over the pines, high up, I could see the object. Due to the exercise we did, I brought my Nikon Coolpix L120 camera with me so I took it and tried to focus to take pictures, the exact time was 6:48 pm on March 6 so the light was poor and I struggled to focus on the object. I was able to take 6 photos, the best I achieved when I zoomed in, I was only able to take 6 photos and although the camera had a video option, I did not do it out of emotion. The object was flying in a circular pattern, when I observed it, I could see a flash on the object’s belly only once, it looked tilted 45 degrees while moving in a circular pattern and lowering the height, at one point it straightened and almost made it high Overall. At that moment I was able to zoom in with the camera and get the best photo, it only lasted a few seconds and began to climb. Although there were many people around me because of the emotion, I did not notify anyone, I only dedicated myself to taking the photos.
In the close-up photo, an open hatch appears to be observed, there appears to be a humanoid figure poking out of the hatch and what appears to be a flame is observed below the humanoid figure. I sent the photos to a program in Mexico called Tercer Milenio and when they observed that supposed flame they answered me that it was a cantoya balloon [ CHINESE LANTERN ] but those balloons do not fly at 45 degrees and if the wind tilts them the flame would burn it since it would remain vertical making contact with the paper. I made an over position of two images using as a reference the cracks in the wall of a building to appreciate the movements that I mention in this description.
REDFIELD, S.D. — A young truck driver who said he “never held any stock in flying saucer stories” told Wednesday of seeing a huge object in the sky that changed colors and moved with tremendous speed.
Others, including three newspapermen, also reported seeing the object at great distance.
Marlen Hewitt, driver for a dairy here, told this story of wacthing the object as he drove a tank truck from Pelican Rapids, Minn., to Redfield:
“It was about 1:15 when I first spotted it as I drove along. At first I thought it was a star, I’ve never seen a star that bright. There were other stars out at the time, and only a few high clouds in the sky.
“As I went on down the road toward Graceville, it changed colors a couple of times. Near Graceville, it changed colors four times.
“I thought my eyes were playing tricks with me. I stopped, turned off the lights and got out of the truck to stretch my legs. As I rounded the back of the truck, this thing swooped down about a half mile to the east of me and stopped about 1,000 feet up.
“I was very frightened — I was terrified.
“If it had been on the ground, it would have covered about a square block. It looked to be about 12 feet thick. It was a slate gray color, and from the distance looked like it was metal. It was round, and at the base was an opening about 1/10th the size of the object from which a very brilliant light was shining.
“It would tilt around and back and forth, gaining maybe 3,000 or 4,000 feet in the flick of any eye.
“Around the edge of this thing was a lighted outline. I couldn’t tell if there were windows in the lighted part or if there was exhaust coming out all around it.
“It would change colors from a blue-white to orange to red. I wanted to get out of there, so I jumped back into the truck and turned on the lights.
“When my lights went on, the thing turned a bright cherry red and shot up into the high clouds. It moved faster than anything I ever saw.
“As I drove toward Ortonville, it dropped down and went to the southwest at a tremendous rate of speed. Then it stopped and hovered.
“I could still see the light in the cloud when I got to Ortonville, and some editors who were going hunting came out of an eating place and watched it with me.
“After I got to Big Stone City, it came down out of the clouds again, further away but still changing colors.”
Hewitt said the object disappeared about five hours after he had first spotted the bright light in the sky. He had traveled about 150 miles in the meantime.
He said the roads were “very deserted” at the time and that as far as he knew the only others to see the object were those at Ortonville.
Hewitt said the object mde no noise. He added there was a little wind at the time the object was at its lowest level and it seemed to move into and away from the wind with equal speed.
Among the hunters who saw the object at Ortonville were three newspapermen, Lem Kaercher of the Ortonville Independent and Don and Dick Olson of the Marshall Messenger. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
B.C. and his fiancee were riding their Harley Davidson through the southern Sierra Nevada’s, in what is now Lake Isabella, California. They found an old dirt road that led down to the dry lakebed and pulled off the main highway to take some random scenic shots. Neither of them saw anything out of the ordinary at the time.
By Robert Stanley
This highly unusual photo has been in my family since before I was born. It filled me with curiosity during my childhood years. As I grew older I had my doubts about it being a real picture, but remained curious over the years. On my 27th birthday my father came by my apartment and gave me a birthday card that included the original color slide of this UFO image.
My father carefully explained how this photograph was shot by a friend of his named B.C., who did not actually see the UFO at the time he took the picture! It wasn’t until B.C. received the box of color slides he had shot that he noticed one picture with an image of a sideways, saucer-shaped UFO which appeared to be parked above an old oak tree.
According to my father, B.C.’s first reaction was that someone at the “Kodak” film lab must have been playing a trick on him. When B.C. showed the color slide to my father, he believed it was worth further examination. My father explained to B.C. how he had gone to some of the UFO meetings that were held at Giant Rock airport out in the Mojave Desert during the early 1950’s and that he believed something was definitely going on. At that time, they were both members of the Self-Realization Fellowship and had heard their guru, Parmahansa Yoganada, say that he believed there was life on other planets.
After having some copies and enlargements made, my father decided to take the original slide to the Los Angeles office of Time Life Magazine. It was in their possession for a few days before they concluded that the photo was authentic. According to their tests, it was not a lens flare, an acid splash or a double exposure. Oddly enough, they were instructed by their main office in New York not to run the story or the photo. They claimed it was not their policy to do so. I find this highly unusual considering that Life Magazine had published clear black and white UFO photos in the early 1950’s.
I decided to research if someone could possibly take a photo of something that was invisible to the naked eye. I discovered that our eyes only see a very small amount of the infrared, or ultra-violet radiation around us. Only about one octave of the available vibrations (wavelengths) is registered by our normal consciousness.
Film is much more sensitive to the other more subtle energies on our environment. Judging by the colors around the ’57 UFO it is mostly vibrating in the infrared range. Another possible theory is that a field of rotating energy surrounding the craft absorbs photons from bouncing back and registering on the observer’s eye.
Those are some of the logical explanations, and yet, as illogical as it sounds I have seen UFOs become invisible on more than one occasion during the day and night – both in and out of the city with and without witnesses. Now you see it… now UFO don’t!
Dr. Elmer Green is a physicist who worked just northeast of Lake Isabella for the Naval Ordinance Test Center, at China Dry Lake, from 1947 to 1957. He frequently heard about encounters with UFOs that would fly into range of their observation cameras. Many times while range testing new weapons systems, good quality films were made of UFOs.
He personally saw black and white still shots of UFOs that were taken by other scientists in his work group. While telling his story to scientist and author Richard Thompson, Dr. Green claimed that he knew of some 40 to 50 professional people who had some connection with UFO sightings during weapons testing at China Lake.
Dr. Green had even experienced a clear UFO sighting with the base’s photographic officer, Jack Clemente while watching an AJ Bomber coming in for a landing. According to Dr. Green, “As the airplane flew over, we saw an object about 16 feet in diameter flying about 400 feet below the bomber.
The object seemed to be a structured, mechanical craft. It had a semi-circular forward section that was amber colored. In the blink of an eye, the UFO flipped up to the wing of the plane. It remained there, pacing the plane for a few seconds and then it flew away at great speed vanishing from sight in 2 or 3 seconds.”
Dr. Green noticed that even though UFOs looked mechanical, they often seemed to perform beyond the laws of physics. Even though they could move faster than the speed of sound, they did not produce a sonic boom. Dr. Green compared these maneuvers to a spotlight projected on the wall and he considered that they might be real physical structures that were somehow being projected into our space-time.
Dr. Green also noted that during his early years at China Lake in 1947, many UFOs were sighted and that he would also regularly see the flashes from atomic bomb air bursts at the Nevada test site nearby. Some of Dr. Green’s co-workers even speculated that there might be a connection between all the UFO activity and the frequent atomic testing.
After showing the ‘57 UFO photo to a senior U.S. space engineer who has helped design many of our latest and greatest spacecraft including the Space Shuttle, I was given the following explanation:
Ambient interstellar light saturates our atmosphere and becomes polarized to our earth’s relative north/south rotation. This angle of rotation is given a relative 90 degree value which can be considered a phase that is unique to all other phases – such as a note on a scale of musical vibrations.
As a UFO enters our atmosphere, its relative 90-degree north/south rotation will occasionally align with our Earth’s polarity phase in harmony. During these brief moments of energy alignment UFOs become visible as bright lights or shiny metallic surfaces. This particular UFO is standing on edge, with its polarized energy field 90û out of phase from our Earth’s own polarized energy field.
When Life Magazine decided not to publish this authenticated UFO photo, my father left the original slide sitting unprotected in the desk drawer of his office which had a leak in the skylight. Over the years, mold grew on the film, but fortunately the original image of the UFO has remained intact.
Even though this picture is very old it still tells the story of the future – the implications of which are enormous. I believe sometime in the future, the beings that operate these cosmic craft will reveal themselves and awaken all those who are still sleep waking through life. A wise man once said, “Ignorance is bliss… enjoy it while you can.”
An Air Force RB-47, equipped with electronic countermeasures (ECM) gear and manned by six officers, was followed by an unidentified object for a distance of well over 700 miles, and for a time period of 1.5 hr., as it flew from Mississippi, through Louisiana and Texas and into Oklahoma.
The object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew as an intensely luminous light, followed by ground-radar and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47.
Of special interest in this case are several instances of simultaneous appearances and disappearances on all three of those physically distinct “channels,” and rapidity of maneuvers beyond the prior experience of the aircrew.
Introduction In the early morning hours of July 17, 1957, an RB-47 was flying out of Forbes Air Force Base, Topeka, Kansas, on a composite mission that included gunnery exercises over the Texas-Gulf area, navigation exercises over the open Gulf, and finally ECM exercises scheduled for the return trip across the south-central United States.
The RB-47 was carrying a sixman crew, of whom three were electronic warfare officers manning ECM gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. Their names are as follows: Lewis D. Chase, pilot; James H. McCoid, copilot; Thomas H. Hanley, navigator; John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor; Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor; Walter A. Tuchscherer. No. 3 monitor.
I shall draw upon my interview with the crew as well as case files which I finally located.
The files consist of a three-page TWX filed from the 745th ACWRON, Duncanville, Texas, at 1557Z on July 17, 1957, and a four-page case summary prepared by E.T. Piwetz, Wing Intelligence Officer, 55th Reconnaissance Wing, Forbes AFB, and transmitted to ADC Hq., Ent AFB, Colorado, in compliance with a request of August 15, from Col. F. T. Jeep, Director of Intelligence, ADC. That summary, plus a 12-page Airborne Observer’s Data Sheet, was forwarded on November 17 from ADC to Blue Book, and was evidently the first notification Project Blue Book received concerning this case.
The 12-page Data Sheet (AISOP #2) was prepared by Major Chase on September 10, and contains a number of points of relevance not covered in other parts of the case file. There is very relevant information in the case file as to precise times, locations, and other circumstances, and the case file does have the great virtue of representing a summary account prepared while all of the details were fresh in the minds of the crew.
Before describing the first ECM contact, it is necessary to explain briefly the nature of the ECM gear involved in this case. (Details are no longer classified, although all of the basic case-file documents were initially SECRET.)
This RB-47 had three passive direction-finding (DF) radarmonitors for use in securing coordinate information and pulse characteristics on enemy ground-based radar.
The #2 monitor, manned by McClure, was an ALA-6 DF-receiver with back-to-back antennas in a housing on the belly of the RB-47 near the tail spun at 150 or 300 rpm as it scanned an azimuth. (Note that this implies ability to scan at 10/sec past a fixed ground radar in the distance.)
It’s frequency range was 1000-7500 MHz. Inside the aircraft, the signals from the ALA-6 were processed in an APR-9 radar receiver and an ALA-5 pulse-analyzer. All subsequent references to the #2 monitor imply that system.
Number 1 Monitor The #1 monitor, manned by Provenzano, was an APD-4 DF system, with a pair of antennas permanently mounted on either wing tip. It was working at a higher frequency. The #3 monitor, with a frequency range from 30-1000 MHz, was manned by Tuchscherer.
It was not affected and will not be described here. VHF communications were likewise not affected.
For emphasis, it needs to be stressed that the DF receivers are not radars and do not emit a signal for reflection off a distant target. They only listen passively to incoming radar signals and analyze signatures and other characteristics. When receiving a distant radar set’s signal, the scope displays a pip or strobe at an azimuthal position corresponding to the relative bearing in the aircraft coordinate system.
For the case of a fixed ground radar, approached from one side, the strobe is initially seen in the upper part of the scope and moves down-scope, a point to be carefully noted in interpreting the following discussion.
Having completed the navigational exercises over the Gulf, Chase headed across the Mississippi coastline, flying at an altitude of 34,500 ft, at about Mach 0.75 (258 kt IAS=500 mph TAS).
The weather was perfect and practically cloudless under the influence of a large high-pressure area extending throughout the troposphere.
There were no showers or thunderstorms anywhere along the flight route. Shortly after the coast near Gulfport was crossed at a point marked A on the map on page 00, McClure detected on the #2 monitor a signal painting at their 5 o’clock position (aft of the starboard beam). It looked to him as if he were receiving a legitimate ground-radar signal.
Upon noting that the strobe was moving up-scope, McClure tentatively decided that it must be a ground radar off to their northwest painting with 180 deg ambiguity for some electronic reason.
But when the strobe, after sweeping up-scope on the starboard side, crossed the flight path of the RB-47 and proceeded to move down-scope on the port side McClure said he gave up the hypothesis of 180 deg ambiguity as incapable of explaining such behavior.
Fortunately, he had examined the signal characteristics on his ALA-5 pulse-analyzer, before the signal left his scope on the port side aft.
In discussing it with me, his recollection was that the frequency was near 2800 mcs, and he recalled that what was particularly odd was that it had a pulse-width and pulse repetition frequency (PRF) much like that of a typical S-band, ground-based, search radar.
He even recalled that there was a simulated scan rate that was normal. Perhaps because of the strong similarities to ground-based sets such as the CPS-6B, widely used at that time, McClure did not, at that juncture, call this signal to the attention of anyone else in the aircraft.
The #1 monitor was not working the frequency in question, it later developed. The #3 monitor was incapable of working the frequency in question, McClure and the others indicated to me.
I next quote information transcribed from the summary report prepared by the Wing Intelligence Officer, COMSTRATRECONWG 55, Forbes Air Force Base, concerning this part of the incident that involved this aircraft (call sign “Lacy 17”):
ECM reconnaissance operator #2 of Lacy 17, RB-47H aircraft, intercepted at approximately Meridian, Mississippi, a signal with the following characteristics: frequency 2995 mc to 3000 mc; pulse width of 2.0 microseconds; pulse repetition frequence of 600 cps; sweep rate of 4 rpm; vertical polarity. Signal moved rapidly up the D/F scope indicating a rapidly moving signal source; i.e an airborne source. Signal was abandoned after observation …
Initial Visual Contact If nothing further had occurred on that flight to suggest that some unusual object was in the vicinity of the RB-47, McClure’s observations undoubtedly would have gone unmentioned and would have been quickly forgotten even by him. He was puzzled, but at that point still inclined to think that it was some electronic difficulty.
The flight plan called for a turn to the west in the vicinity of Meridian and Jackson, Mississippi (Point B), with subsequent planned exercises wherein the EWOs did simulated ECM runs against known ground radar units.
The contemporary records confirm what Chase and McCoid described to me far more vividly and in more detail concerning the unusual events that soon ensued.
They turned into a true heading of 265 deg, still at Mach 0.75 at 34,500 ft. At 1010Z (0410 CST), Major Chase, in the forward seat, spotted what he first thought were the landing lights of another jet coming in fast from near his 11 o’clock position at, or perhaps a bit above, the RB-47’s altitude.
He called McCoid’s attention to it, noted absence of any navigational lights, and as the single intense bluish-white light continued to close rapidly, he used the intercom to alert the rest of the crew to be ready for sudden evasive maneuvers.
But before he could attempt evasion, he and McCoid saw the brilliant light almost instantaneously change direction and flash across their flight path from port to starboard at an angular velocity that Chase told me he had never seen matched in all of his 20 years of flying, before or after that incident. The luminous source had moved with great rapidity from their 11 o’clock to about their 2 o’clock position and then blinked out.
The Airborne Observer’s Data Sheet filled out by Chase as part of the post-interrogation gives the RB-47 position at the time of that 1010Z first visual contact as 32-00N, 91-28W, which puts it near Winnsboro in east-central Louisiana (Point C).
The descriptions obtained in the 1969 interviews with these officers are closely supported by the original intelligence report:
At 1010Z aircraft cmdr first observed a very intense white light with light blue tint at 11 o’clock from his aircraft, crossing in front to about 2:30 o’clock position, copilot also observed passage of light to 2:30 o’clock where it apparently disappeared.
Chase did not observe any magnetic compass anomalies during the flight.
Actions over Louisiana — Texas Area Immediately after the luminous source blinked out, Chase and McCoid began talking about it on the interphone, with the already alerted crew listening in. McClure, recalling the unusual signal he had received on his ALA-6 back near Gulfport, now mentioned for the first time that peculiar incident and concurrently set his #2 monitor to scan at about 3000 mcs, to see what might show up.
He found he was getting a strong 3000 mcs signal from about their 2 o’clock position, just the relative bearing at which the unknown luminous source had blinked out moments earlier.
Provenzano told me that immediately after that they checked out the #2 monitor on other known ground-radar stations, to be sure that it was not malfunctioning; it appeared to be in perfect working order. He then tuned his own #1 monitor to 3000 mcs and also got a signal from the same bearing.
There remained, of course, the possibility that, just by chance, this signal was from a real radar down on the ground and off in that relative direction. But as the minutes went by and the RB-47 continued westward at about 500 mph, the relative bearing of the 3000 mcs source out in the dark did not move down-scope on the monitors as should have occurred with any ground radar, but instead kept up with the RB-47, holding a fixed relative bearing.
I found these and ensuing portions of the entire episode still vivid in the minds of all the men, although their recollections for various details varied somewhat, depending on the particular activities in which they were then engaged.
Chase varied speed, going to maximum allowed power, but nothing seemed to change the relative bearing of the 3000-mcs source. They crossed Louisiana and headed into eastern Texas, with the object still maintaining station with them.
Eventually they got into the radar-coverage area of the 745th ACWRON, Duncanville, Texas, and Chase dropped his earlier reluctance about calling attention to these peculiar matters and contacted that station (code name “Utah”).
The crew was becoming uneasy about the incident by this time, several of them remarked to me. That phase of the incident is tersely described in the following quotes from the report of the Wing Intelligence Officer:
Aircraft comdr notified crew and ECM operator Nr 2 searched for signal described above, found same approximately 1030Z at a relative bearing of 070 degrees; 1035Z, relative bearing of 068 degrees; 1038Z, relative bearing 040 degrees.
Note that the above time would indicate that McClure did not immediately think of making his ALA-6 check, but rather that some 20 min went by before that was thought of. Note also that by 1038Z the unknown source of the 3000 mcs radarlike signal was moving up – scope relative to the 500 mph RB-47.
The Wing Intelligence Officer continued:
At 1039Z aircraft comdr sighted huge light which he estimated to be 5000 below aircraft at about 2 o’clock. Aircraft altitude was 34,500 ft, weather perfectly clear. Although aircraft comdr could not determine shape or size of object, he had a definite impression light emanated from top of object. At about 1040Z ECM operator #2 reported he then had two signals at relative bearings of 040 and 070 deg. Aircraft comdr and copilot saw these two objects at the same time with same red color.Aircraft comdr received permission to ignore flight plan and pursue object. He notified ADC site Utah and requested all assistance possible. At 1042Z ECM #2 had one object at 020 deg relative bearing.
In my interviews with the aircrew, I found differences between the recollections of the various men as to some of these points. McCoid recalled that the luminous source occasionally moved abruptly from starboard to port side and back again.
Chase recalled that they had contacted Utah (his recollection was that it was Carswell GCI, however) prior to some of the above events and that Utah was ground-painting the target during the time it moved up-scope and reappeared visually. As will be seen below, the contemporary account makes fairly clear that Utah was not painting the unknown until a bit later, after it had turned northwestward and passed between Dallas and Ft. Worth.
Chase explained to me that he got FAA clearance to follow it in that off-course turn (Point D) and indicated that FAA got all jets out of the way to permit him to maintain pursuit. The Intelligence summary continues:
At 1042Z ECM #2 had one object at 020 deg relative bearing. Aircraft comdr increased speed to Mach 0.83, turned to pursue, and object pulled ahead. At 1042.5Z ECM #2 again had two signals at relative bearings of 040 and 070 deg. At 1044Z he had a single signal at 050 deg relative bearing. At 1048Z ECM #3 was recording interphone and command position conversations. ADC site requested aircraft to go IFF Mode III for positive identification and then requested position of object. Crew reported position of object as 10 n. mi. northwest of Ft. Worth. Texas, and ADC site Utah immediately confirmed presence of objects on their scopes. At approximately 1050Z object appeared to stop, and aircraft overshot. Utah reported they lost object from scopes at this time, and ECM #2 also lost signal.
Chase, in reply to my questions, indicated that it was his recollection that there was simultaneity between the moment when he began to sense that he was getting closure at approximately the RB-47 speed, and the moment when Utah indicated that their target had stopped on their scopes. He said he veered a bit to avoid colliding with the object, not then being sure what its altitude was relative to the RB-47, and then found that he was coming over the top of it as he proceeded to close.
At the instant that it blinked out visually and disappeared simultaneously from the #2 monitor and from the radar scopes at Site Utah, it was at a depression angle relative to his position of something like 45 deg.
Chase put the RB-47 into a port turn in the vicinity of Mineral Wells, Texas (Point E), and he and McCoid looked over their shoulders to try to spot the luminous source again. All of the men recalled the near simultaneity with which the object blinked on again visually, appeared on the #2 scope, and was again skin-painted by ground radar at Site Utah. The 1957 report describes these events as follows:
Aircraft began turning, ECM #2 picked up signal at 160 deg relative bearing, Utah regained scope contact, and aircraft comdr regained visual contact. At 1052Z ECM #2 had signal at 200 deg relative bearing, moving up his D/F scope.Aircraft began closing on object until the estimated range was 5 n. mi. At this time object appeared to drop to approximately 15,000 ft altitude, and aircraft comdr lost visual contact. Utah also lost object from scopes. At 1055Z in the area of Mineral Wells, Texas, crew notified Utah they must depart for home station because of fuel supply. Crew queried Utah whether a CIRVIS Report had been submitted, and Utah replied the report had been transmitted.At 1057Z ECM #2 had signal at 300 deg relative bearing, but Utah had no scope contact. At 1058Z aircraft comdr regained visual contact of object approximately 20 n. mi. northwest of Ft. Worth, Texas, estimated altitude 20,000 ft at 2 o’clock from aircraft.
Chase added further details on this portion of the events, stating that he requested and secured permission from Utah to dive on the object when it was at lower altitude.
He did not recall the sudden descent that is specified in the contemporary account, and there are a number of other minor points in the Intelligence Report that were not recollected by any of the crew.
He told me that when he dove from 35,000 ft to approximately 20,000 ft the object blinked out, disappeared from the Utah ground-radar scopes, and disappeared from the #2 monitor, all at the same time. McClure recalled that simultaneous disappearance, too.
It should be mentioned that the occasional appearance of a second visual and radar-emitting source was not recalled by any of the officers when I interviewed them in 1969.
Actions over Texas — Oklahoma Area McCoid recalled that, at about this stage of the activities, he was becoming a bit worried about excess fuel consumption resulting from use of maximum allowed power, plus a marked departure from the initial flight plan.
He advised Chase that fuel limitations would necessitate a return to the home base at Forbes AFB, so they soon headed north from the Ft. Worth area (Point F). McClure and Chase recalled that the ALA-6 system again picked up a 3000 mcs signal on their tail, once they were northbound from Ft. Worth but there was some variance in their recollections as to whether the ground radar concurrently painted the object.
McCoid was unable to fill in any of those details. Fortunately the 1957 Intelligence Report summarized further events in this part of the flight, as they moved northward into Oklahoma:
At 1120Z aircraft took up heading for home station. This placed area of object off the tail of aircraft. ECM #2 continued to [get] D/F signal of object between 180 and 190 deg relative bearing until 1140Z, when aircraft was approximately abeam Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.At this time, signal faded rather abruptly. 55 SRW DOI [55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Director of Intelligence] has no doubt the electronic D/F’s coincided exactly with visual observations by aircraft comdr numerous times, thus indicating positively the object being the signal source.
It was Chase’s recollection that the object was with them only into southern Oklahoma; Hanley recalled that it was with them all the way to Oklahoma City area (Point G); the others remembered only that it was there for some indefinite distance on the northbound leg between Ft. Worth and Topeka, their home base.
Blue Book The records indicate that Project Blue Book received summary information on this incident from ADC on Oct. 25, 1957 (over two months after occurrence of the event). A “Brief Summary” ends with the following paragraph:
In joint review with the CAA of the data from the incident, it was definitely established by the CAA that object observed in the vicinity of Dallas and Ft. Worth was an airliner.
This refers to a near-collision of two DC-6 American Airliners near Salt Flats, Texas, 50 mi. from El Paso at 14,000 ft at 3:30 a.m. of this day. (See the map on page 68.) The case is now carried in the official Blue Book files as “Identified as American Airlines Flight 655.” NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Hi Ken : I was outside in the back garden sat at the outdoor table with my ASUS laptop viewing the live map on planefinder.net, so that I could easily identify any air traffic that was flying over the area. Even though dust from the Sahara desert was causing a slight haze in the sky over England I was still outside sky watching. I then saw a propeller plane approaching, so I decided to take some photographs as it flew over the area. The propeller plane was a Cessna A150M Aerobat and it’s registration was G-OMAS. I was in the process of photographing it with my Nikon P900 camera, when all of a sudden a round object flew right past the plane at great speed. I managed to capture this unidentified object in one of the photographs, and I immediately checked the planefinder live map to see if there was any other air traffic up there beside the plane but there was none. This means whatever this object was it had no transponder and should not have been up there near that Cessna plane.
I was unable to identify the object, so I continued to watch and photograph the Cessna plane, when to my surprise two more smaller sphere type objects flew past the plane at speed just missing it. I managed to capture these objects in two photographs. These objects also had no transponders, so whatever these objects are they were all breaking the laws of the UK Civil Aviation Authority and were putting other air traffic at risk, but don’t worry, no one in the british government seems to give a damn about air safety and the presents of these unknown foreign aircraft in our skies. The UK has open borders, letting anyone in, so why not have open skies as well, where unregulated foreign aircraft can fly freely around the sky in dangerous close proximity to commercial or privately owned aircraft. Could the pilot of this Cessna plane please get in touch with me via my email at JohnMooner-chief@protonmail.com. I would like to ask this pilot if they were at all aware of these objects in the sky around them as they passed over Newton Abbot. The Photograph was taken at 3:02 PM on the 1st of April 2021 at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.
Me and my girlfriend at the time went outside around 3 am with our dogs. For some reason I brought out my telescope out and was looking at the moon. The object came from the other direction. It stopped over our heads for a second and shined a light that lit up the whole neighborhood. Even though it only lasted a couple seconds I remember it being as bright as if the sun were out at noon. No noise, no air movement almost as if it wasn’t touching our atmosphere. And it just left extremely fast not up but went sideways changing a few different colors. It was out of sight in less than a second. I made a rudimentary website which has been sabatoged since talking about the event. Then things got weird. US marshals from Boston came to see me. There are 3 other witnesses that were present when the marshals came. They were asking me questions about if I noticed cars in the neighborhood and stuff like that. When they were done they stated that they were investigating and they had my back.? There is much more that has happened since then. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
One of the most baffling and most publicized cases of a close encounter of the second kind occurred in 1957 at Levelland, Texas. Actually, there were no less than eight well-documented reports of the same craft, and seven more that were unverified; the seven called in by anonymous persons.
Some of those who made their reports have kept their names secret. Sadly, this is the case in many UFO reports. Many of those who had thought they were doing the right thing have regretted their decisions later because of public ridicule. However, the Levelland case has many respectable witnesses who have come forward, especially several members of the Levelland Police Department who witnessed the fantastic sights of November, 2, 1957 in the town of about 10,000.
To understand the full impact of this case, a chronological account is preferred. 11:00 P.M… Only one hour after the Russian Government launched their second dog-carrying satellite, and before America was aware of it, an unusual set of events began in the small town of Levelland. Patrolman A. J. Fowler was on desk duty when he received the first of fifteen different frantic phone calls in what would be an unforgettable night for him and his fellow officers.
About four miles west of Levelland, Pedro Saucedo and his friend Joe Salaz were driving in Pedro’s pickup truck when they saw a brightly lighted, cigar-shaped object moving in their direction. As the object approached, Pedro’s car engine began to sputter, and his headlights went out. Finally, the car rolled to a stop. Later, a terrified Saucedo would sign a statement which indicated that the object was about 200 foot long. Calling Fowler from the small town of Whiteface, his call was dismissed by Fowler, who thought that the two men had been drinking.
11:45 P.M… Fowler receives a second call from a man identified only as Mr. W. The man was driving near the town of Whitharral, about four miles east of Levelland, when he came upon a brilliantly lit egg-shaped object, actually sitting on the pavement in the middle of the road. Mr. W’s car engine stopped, and his headlights failed. Frightened, he left his vehicle, and after a brief period of time, the object silently lifted up to about 200 ft. and disappeared. His car started back up, and he sped away to make his phone call to Fowler.
12:00 A.M… Fowler receives a third call, this time from a man who was traveling 11 miles north of Levelland, when he spotted an unusual flying craft landed on the road. His car also faltered, and he sat watching the silent object for a brief period of time, until it rose up and disappeared into the night. Again, after the craft left the area, his car started, he left the scene, and called the Police station. 12:10 A.M… A nineteen year old freshman from Texas Tech University, Newell Wright, was driving 9 miles east of Levelland, when his car engine began to cut out, and his lights falter.
After stopping his car and checking for some loose wire under the hood, he suddenly noticed a vivid object sitting on the pavement ahead of him. He described the object as about 125 foot long, and a bluish-green in color. Frightened, he tried to start his car again to no avail. He sat in his car; hoping that another car would come by.
None did. After a little while, the object silently rose and faded away into the sky. Afraid to make a report, the young student waited to tell his parents when they arrived home from a trip. They encouraged him to report what he had seen. He made a statement at the Sheriff’s office, and his report was included in the US Air Force’s Project Blue Book.
12:15 A.M… Officer Fowler receives another call. This time from a man in a phone booth near Whitharral, who, as he was driving 9 miles north of Levelland, encountered an object of some kind sitting in the middle of the road. He had the same mechanical problems as the other motorists, and after the craft took off, his engine started again.
At this point, Fowler’s curiosity and concern motivated him to call the other patrol cars in the area, and report what he had heard from the different travelers. Later, he would state that “something odd” was going on. In a matter of a few minutes, two different Officers radioed in that they had seen two different flying objects with extremely bright lights, but had not yet encountered any engine problems. 12:45 A.M… A man driving west of Levelland very close to the spot of Saucedo’s initial sighting, sees a large orange ball approaching in his direction.
The man testifies that this unknown craft softly lands on the road about 1/4 mile away. The motorist also related a very interesting fact. He stated that the craft, orange at first, became a bluish-green color upon landing on the road. He also noticed that the craft spanned the width of the road. After the craft landed, his engine also failed, and he sat in the cab of his truck, which was lit up by the glow from the craft. After a time, the craft lifted up and left the area.
This man did not make a report at the time of the sighting, but did file a report the next day. 1:15 A.M… Fowler receives a call from a truck driver from Waco, Texas, who states that while driving northeast of Levelland, he witnessed a large, glowing object, and at the same time, his truck engine failed. Fowler noted that the caller was extremely frightened. The driver added that the object was about 200 ft. long, and after it left the area, his truck roared back to life, and he “got the hell out of there.”
1:30 A.M… Fowler receives the first definite sighting of the object by two law enforcement officers. Sheriff Clem and Deputy McCullough, who were receiving constant updates from Fowler, had observed a “large, glowing object,” pass across the highway. The two officers were trying to track the object by the radio calls from Fowler. They were about 4-5 miles outside of Levelland when they saw the object. The two officers stated that the object looked like a large, red sun and it lit up the entire highway as it passed over.
The events of the night finally came to an end. Fowler would later state that he had received no less than fifteen calls from observers who claimed to have seen the unusual craft. He also said that they were legitimately excited, and some of them extremely frightened. The unusual number of witnesses to the Levelland events only solidified the theory that some unusual craft had been in the area of the city for at least 2 1/2 hours that night. The dramatic accounts of the landings on the road set this case off as one of the most convincing cases of an encounter with the unknown.
The next day the small town of Levelland, Texas was bulging over with reporters, anxiously awaiting some official explanation for the events of the night before. The Air Force did investigate these sightings, but offered no reasonable cause for what was seen that night, save for an electric storm. The case is still considered “unexplained.” NOTE: The above image is CGI.
November 10, 1957. Features: Brilliant illumination, physiological effects, animal reactions.
Mrs. Leita Kuhn had been going back and forth between her house and backyard dog kennels checking on an overheating stove on a snowy, windy night.
About 1:20 AM, everything was in order, so she shut the kennel door. The snow had stopped and it was dark, with no moon or stars visible.
As she stepped away from the kennel she saw a huge, glowing object in back, about 60 feet above the ground.
It was about 40 feet wide and 10 feet thick with a dome on top, and glowing with a phosphorescent light.
The top was brilliant and it hurt her eyes to look at it. Puffs of apparent exhaust appeared around the bottom increasingly, until she became unnerved by the spectacle and ran in the house.
When she looked out the window, the object apparently had disappeared. The time was 1:55 AM.
She stayed up all night caring for an apparently frightened dog that subsequently died of cancer. A few days later she sought medical treatment for eye irritation and skin rash, and was advised to report it to Civil Defense because of suspected radiation effects.
She developed an abnormal craving for honey, other sweets, and water.
For nearly two years she experienced a variety of physical ailments, some painful and emotionally disturbing. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
BOCA RATON, FL–Residents in a Boca Raton neighborhood say they looked up Monday night around 9 pm and saw a mysterious green light. Ryan Helfrich says, “this thing was going crazy zig zagging, like shot across the sky. That was unbelievable! Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” They claim it drew images in the sky for two and a half hours. Eric Vandernoot, an astronomer at Florida Atlantic University, says it wasn’t the space station, but it was definitely not a UFO either. “I think it’s something here of earth nothing extra terrestrial.” He has a few theories on what it could really be. He claims it looks similar to debris falling from a satellite, but that wouldn’t dart across the sky the way the witnesses described. It’s not just kids who saw this, Boca Raton police say one of their officers also saw that green glow and called his supervisor to report it. July 6, 2008.