Year – Air Force – Navy Losses
1952 2,274 2,086
1953 2,075 2,325
1954 1,873 1,911
1955 1,664 1,566
1956 1,530 1,358
Of this astonishing total, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various ‘unsafe conditions’, and –9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to ‘unknown factors’. Thanks to Timothy Good’ book, “Need to Know” P.172 Comments: When I chased a UFO we exceeded the red lined aircraft air speed by 20 knots. In the excitement of the chase it is easy to exceed aircraft capabilities and often some part of the aircraft may fail. Many stories are told of firing missiles and making direct hits on the UFOs that were unharmed only to have them return the fire and destroy the interceptor.
Lt. Chidlaw entered the Air Corps Engineering School at Wright Field, Ohio, and later directed the development of the United States’ original jet engine and jet aircraft. He spent most of his career at Wright Field which established Chidlaw as an expert on materiel, especially aircraft. He became chief of the experimental Engineering Branch, where he monitored the jet engine development. In March 1945, he took command of the Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Forces and was promoted to major general the next month.
Chidlaw returned to Wright Field in July 1945 as deputy commanding general for operations of what became Air Materiel Command (amc). He was flown to Roswell, New Mexico at the time of the UFO crash announcement in July of 1947. In October 1947, he became deputy commanding general of amc, with rank of lieutenant general, and full commander on September 1, 1949. General Chidlaw was given the task to evaluate UFO sightings and his group agreed the phenomena was real and approved the Research and Development Board. It is likely his team attempted to back engineer and develop their own flying discs.