Although figures vary between different UFO organizations and groups, just under half of all UFO sightings take place near to a significant body of water. This statistic alone creates many theories as to why this might be. Some believe “alien bases” reside deep down at the depths of the Earth’s oceans, seas, and lakes. Others speculate that these cosmic crafts use the underwater world as a way to traverse the planet. Some even go as far as to suggest that “portals or gateways” may exist, or be created under the water, which allows travel to elsewhere in the universe.   One of these bodies of water, Lake Erie – one of the “five great lakes in North America”- is one that has a plethora of UFO sightings to its name. The ancient lake runs from the Ontario Peninsula in Canada and has shores in four US states. One of these US states, Ohio, was the subject of a highly detailed sighting of a strange, and still unexplained object in March 1988. Not only were there multiple witnesses to the events, these would include two members of the Ohio Coastal Guard, who would make an official report.

The Baker’s Usual Friday Night Drive Was Anything But!

The Baker family would eat out every Friday evening. Sheila and her husband, Henry, and their two children looked forward to it each week. On Friday 4th March 1988, all four of the Bakers were driving home following their usual Friday night meal. It was a little after 8:30 pm. Henry was driving, and the two children were in the back. The heavily pregnant Sheila, meanwhile, looked out of the passenger window at the frozen Lake Erie. The ice almost shined in the moonlight. Then, she saw a strangely lit object “rocking on the surface” of the lake.  She nudged her husband who took his attention away from the road for a moment. He could see it also. At Sheila’s insistence, he would turn the car’s direction towards the waterfront. Once there, they instructed their sons to remain in the vehicle before opening their car doors. They stepped out into the cold night and began to cautiously make their way the to the water’s edge. The lights were still there. What Sheila first noticed, though, were sounds that appeared to be the ice of the frozen lake cracking. She would liken them to “claps of thunder”.  As they got as near as they could without stepping on to the ice they could clearly make out a “football-shaped object” with bright white lights at either end. The object itself appeared to be of a “gunmetal gray” color and was hovering overhead as opposed to being on the surface. Despite the obvious movement, the strange craft made no noise whatsoever. All Sheila could hear were the sounds of cracking ice.  Suddenly, as if it had become aware of their presence, the object “swung towards them”, heading in their direction. Panicked and frightened, the couple turned and ran back to their vehicle.

Still Visible From The Baker Home

Henry would drive the remainder of the journey with alacrity. Once the Bakers arrived at their home and settled their children in bed, Sheila would contact the police to report the sighting. They would tell her that she would have to make the report to the Coast Guard. She did, and despite their initial refusal to deal with the case, would eventually agree to pick them up and take them back to the waterfront.  Meanwhile, the Bakers could clearly see the object hovering over the lake from the window of their house. As they watched, six independent triangular objects suddenly emerged from the larger one. They would move around the main object in a darting motion, before stopping suddenly. They would then move in the direction of the Perry nuclear power plant.  The Bakers would ask a neighbor to watch their children, and when the Coast Guard arrived, they would accompany them back to the lake. According to the officers, James Power and John Knaub, several other reports (including from their own employees) had come in regarding the object. As the coast guard’s vehicle pulled up at the waterfront, the smaller triangular objects were once again circling the main craft.  As soon as the coast guards opened their car doors the sound of “rumbling ice” met everyone’s ears. This was constant, as if the object’s purpose was to crack the ice and gain access to the water below. The coast guard’s report would state, “The ice was cracking and moving abnormal amounts”. Whenever the object came closer to the surface, the cracking sounds became more intense. The coast guards would radio back to their control base stating that “the object appears to be landing on the lake”.

Triangular Objects “Scouting” The Area

The coast guards would continue to advise the control room of the situation. As the triangular crafts became active once more they would report that “there are other objects moving around it”. Furthermore, these objects were “going at a high rate of speed”.As Sheila and Henry, along with the two coast guards continued to watch the fascinating display, they noticed one of the triangles suddenly turn in their direction. It was heading straight for the coast guard’s vehicle. Right before what seemed to be an inevitable impact, the object veered upwards in a “blur of light”. It then returned to the main, larger craft, as did the other smaller, triangular objects.  All the while, the sound of ice cracking continued. It seemed that the previously bright, white lights of the craft were now beginning to flash and glow in a display of red, blue, orange, and green. The craft itself appeared to be descending. The lights went out for a second and then returned.  And then, without warning, the lights and the rumbling audible carnage were gone completely. The witnesses were not clear if the craft had sped away or if the lights had simply gone out. Perhaps it was still hovering over the ice only now they couldn’t see it. Sheila, though, would voice her suspicion – for reasons she doesn’t know – that it had plunged directly below the ice and into the frozen waters.  Although several of the smaller triangular objects were seen flying directly overhead a little later that evening, the larger craft didn’t reappear. One of the coast guards would report that the triangular crafts behaved as though they were “scouting” the area. None of the coast guards could identify any of the objects they witnessed.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.






On the evening of April 3, 1996, my husband and I had been watching the Hale-Bopp comet. On the way home, we watched the total eclipse of the moon from the Staples shopping center. When that ended, around 9:00 p.m., we headed home in our car. We were near the top of Pearl Street, heading west towards Lake Champlain, when the event happened. From there we had a clear view of the lake, the Adirondack Mountains, and the sky above them. Suddenly, a very bright whitish/pale-yellow sphere of light came into view on the far left. The sphere was moving slowly across the sky in front of us. For most of the time we watched it, it was moving in a straight line, parallel to the lake, from south to north. Just before we lost sight of it, it seemed to be moving in a slight downward arc. From where we were observing, it appeared to be just above the mountains, and to be about the size the sun looks at midday. It had a thick trail of bright whitish/pale-yellow sparks behind it that was so long that at one point the sphere plus the tail stretched across about two-thirds of our view. This tail was coming from the whole left half of the sphere, and coming to a point at the end, forming a cone, like an ice-cream cone, with the sphere itself the ice-cream. The right (forward) side of the sphere emitted no sparks or flame. We heard no noise. We estimate the total time elapsed to be about 30 seconds from the time the sphere first appeared to our left until it disappeared from our view.  As soon as we got home, about 3 minutes later, I wrote down all the details of the sighting and called a local radio station to report it. The station wasn’t interested. We then called the police, who took down the report. The police called us back. They had called the airport and been told nothing had been observed and that it must have been a meteorite. It wasn’t a meteorite. It wasn’t hurtling downward; it was traveling horizontally, much too slowly to be a meteorite.  NOTE: The above is CGI.
This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Vermont.


My two best friends and I (and my friend’s six year old son) went winter camping in our usual spot at Handcart Campground in Pike National Forest two nights ago. I will call my friends B & C for sake of anonymity. B & C and I stayed up until about ten p.m. watching the campfire while B’s son had gone to bed in the giant tent we were all sharing. We were drinking a few beers and passing around a whiskey flask, but none of us were drunk…not by a longshot. The sky was absolutely clear with probably the best view of the stars I’ve ever seen. The three of us put out the fire, climbed into the tent, and went to bed. The wind really picked up shortly after we went to bed. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep, much more than usual when I’m in the woods, but I did eventually doze off. I’m an experienced camper and not generally afraid of the wilderness, but I had a feeling of unease in my gut. It was odd but I chalked it up to the solitude of being at high elevation in the off-season, in an area four miles from the nearest houses and up a road we had to do a lot of rugged four-wheeling to get to. Around eleven thirty I woke up and had to urinate. My phone said it was 11:30 p.m. I still felt uneasy, just something in the air, I guess, so I threw on my boots and took my 10mm pistol with me. It was very cold so I made it quick. I got out of the tent, did my business, looked around for a moment and climbed back inside. Something did not feel right out there. Words cannot describe it, but I was not at ease. Also, the wind was incredibly loud, which made falling back to sleep impossible. I lay there, restless, for about an hour, until the event happened. An especially brutal blast of wind hit the tent and the rainfly battered the top of the structure. That’s what made me open my eyes. And that was when I witnessed what appeared to be camera flashes going off just above our tent. Just as the wind hit its peak velocity, those lights went off at the same time and lasted for about seven to ten seconds, covering a specific side of the dome’s top in an area visible to me of about three feet by two feet. At first, I thought it was lightning accompanying the wind, but I knew there were no (and I mean zero) clouds in the sky that night. I blinked a few times and whispered to my friend C, who was sleeping beside me. There was a muffled response and I asked him if he’d seen that light. I said I thought it might be lightning. There was no further response and I didn’t believe anyone else in the tent had either witnessed the lights or even been awake to see them (In the morning I found this was not the case.)
For the next ten minutes I stared at the roof of the tent, watching, terrified. My heart was racing, and try as I did, I could NOT get it to slow down. I exercise regularly and my heart rate was so fast it felt as if I’d just gotten done with a three-mile run. And it would not slow down. I tried to close my eyes and will it to slow, but it was impossible. I am not an overreacting kind of person but I was fairly certain I was at risk of having a heart attack as I lay there. My left arm even tingled off and on. I remember checking the clock on my phone but I cannot recall now what time it read. As the wind battered the tent I heard my buddies shuffle in their sleeping bags and I tried to talk to them again, but again I got no response. So I dug out my hip flask and took a few swigs of whiskey, trying desperately to calm my nerves. It was then I remembered the earplugs that were still in my coat pocket from when we’d gone out down the hillside to shoot rifles earlier that day. I dug them out and put them in my ears to block the sound of the wind and the tent skin flapping against itself. Then I could really hear my heart and it scared the hell out of me. At that point, I closed my eyes and tried to breathe as slow and deep as I could. I felt like I was calming, but my pulse still raced and I was wide awake. After what I can only guess was about fifteen minutes since the first pulse of light, another giant blast of wind caught the tent, the worst of the whole night, and I opened my eyes again to see another round of lights, this time green and situated at the opposite side of the tent’s top, flashing like paparazzi cameras for about five seconds. It was absolutely terrifying and I didn’t know what to think. After that I called out to my friends, not in a whisper, and again I received no response. I could make out their forms in the dark tent so I knew they were there but they didn’t respond. I gripped my pistol inside my sleeping bag and felt my shotgun resting right beside the bag. But neither of them brought me comfort. After that second round of lights the wind died down some. Not completely, but a fair amount. My heart still pounded and I put the foam earplugs back in, trying to drive out all other input but my own thoughts. I don’t know how long I lay there, but it felt like probably an hour passed as I tried, unsuccessfully to calm my pulse. The next thing I knew I was waking up to early morning light. I had managed to fall asleep at some point and was eternally grateful to see the sunlight playing at the edges of our tent through the trees.
My friends all woke up relatively soon after that, and I asked them was if they’d seen the lights. My friend B’s face said everything. And the first thing he said was he thought he was going to have a heart attack. He repeated an experience that was identical to mine above, including the inability to slow his heart and having pain in his left shoulder associated with it until he finally passed out. The exception to his story being he also heard a series of shrill mechanical beeps just before the second round of lights (something I decided I must have missed due to the earplugs). He also said he heard me ask about lightning after the first flashes but never heard anything else from me, possibly because of the noise of the wind. Our friend C did not witness any of the lights or sounds but said he did not sleep well at all, partly because of the wind, but also partly because he didn’t feel right. The child slept fine and didn’t wake up once, despite the wind. We made it back down the mountain and home yesterday morning. We didn’t even stick around to make breakfast, which we traditionally always do. I looked around in the snow in the area surrounding our tent but didn’t find any tracks, but to be honest, I didn’t attempt to look too hard. We broke camp, packed up, and got the hell out of there. I slept much better in my own bed last night, though thinking of the event still makes me shudder. I’m still processing it. It terrified me. And as a lover of camping and the outdoors, it pains me to say that I have no desire to go camping again anytime soon.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.