Navy Nuclear Submarine’s Alien Craft Close Encounter

Large ‘V’ Shaped UFO Encounter With US Navy Nuclear Submarine

A sailor reports about the UFO sighting he had while in the Navy. “I was assigned to USS Memphis (SSN-698), Homeport – Titusville, FL. (Cape Canaveral.) Our mission was Special Assignments which meant we protected the Space Program. We would go to sea and patrol while the shuttle was on the pad. Nine years ago, on October 24 and 25, my ship was on patrol about 150 miles of the Florida coast. We were cruising at about 500 feet when the submarine started experiencing electronics problems. The ship was malfunctioning, our tanks were blowing out of control, we were losing navigation ability and the communications area was totally lost. We went to all stop and tried to access what was happening. The controls in the reactor area started to malfunction. This presented a serious danger to our safety, so the captain ordered us to shut down the reactor, surface and go to diesel motors. When the ship surfaced I went to my watch station. The ship was still experiencing electronic difficulties but the mechanical devices such as diesel engines, cook stoves, and turbines were fine. It was raining and the entire sky was red like a red neon sign. I saw a large inverted V-shaped UFO off the port side. The executive officer told me to stand fast and he would speak to the captain. In a minute, the captain appeared on the tower and asked me for a distance to the craft. The laser range finder determined the closest point was 200 meters and the farthest point was 1,000 meters off the port. The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship but at about a 45′ angle. This huge vessel was over a half mile across. The UFO made a half circle around our ship then passed across the stern causing our electronics systems to go crazy. We had permanent damage in communications and the sonar room. As the craft flew over the stern, I could see the rain stop under its red glow. The water seemed to rise almost a foot as the UFO passed over silently. When the UFO finished its swing across the stern it paused – the sky got brighter red and it simply moved off at tremendous speed inside 15 seconds. When the UFO left our boat returned to normal with the exception of the radio and sonar. We did a quick system check and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get underway.

 The captain took two petty officers, the executive officer, and myself into the wardroom. He told us to not spread any rumors until we had a chance to talk to Commander Submarine Fleet – Atlantic. We reached port in about 7 hours where I was taken into “protective custody.” Two enlisted men and myself agreed we had witnessed a real UFO. I was the one who shot it with a laser range finder so I was the only one that had its exact sizes. I shot that vessel as it hovered and I got solid readings not spotty like I would on debris. We were in holding for about three hours when an officer from the Air Force arrived and gave us a line of bull about an exploding weather satellite. The Navy then transferred virtually everyone on the crew to new assignments. This included the her captain, the executive officer and the entire crew. They were split up which almost never happens unless one of them gets a promotion or a new command, neither of which happened. The military just split up a 4 year team. I was watching a program tonight that gave me the courage to share it. – MUFON CMS 

NOTE: The above image is my CGI









Russian Naval Official Claims ‘Humanoids’ Observed Underwater from Thursday, August 06, 2009

The objects were moving through water at over 420km/h, and divers 50 meters deep in a lake saw humanoids in silver suits. After the British Ministry of Defence published documentation about UFO research a few months ago, the Russia navy followed, writes Russia Today. I think about underwater bases and say: “Why not? Nothing should be discarded. Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.” “The documents have existed since the time of the Soviet Union, and the former navy official responsible for researching UFOs, Vladimir Azhazha, said for Svobodnaya Press that the materials they found are of great value. “Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” said Vladimir Azhazha for RT. The group which was led by the commander of the Russian navy, Nikolay Smirnov, gathered lots of evidence about unidentified flying objects, which they encountered numerous times. On one occasion a Russian nuclear submarine, which was on a mission in the Pacific, ran into six unknown objects. After some time, the objects simply took off and disappeared into the air. The retired Russian submarine commander Admiral Yury Beketov said that he had many encounters with UFOs in the Bermuda Triangle. UFOs most often seen in Caribbean and Bermuda Triangle. Beketov says that they noticed objects travelling at an incredible 426km/h on radar. This speed is even too fast for travelling on land, and when we take into account the pressure of the water, it seems these objects defy all the laws of physics. “There is one explanation: the beings that made them have certainly surpassed us,” he says. The former Russian intelligence official Igor Barklay says that UFOs were often seen in the Caribbean, in the deepest parts of the ocean. Besides that, they appeared in the Russian Baikal Lake, known for its great depths. A fisherman witnessed such an object, who says that a strong light came out of the depths, and then the object came out of the water. During an exercise in 1982, military divers at the Baikal Lake noticed humanoid beings in silver suits at a depth of around fifty metres. They tried to catch them, but did not manage to. – Javno News  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







It was in the evening, about 20:30 (8:30 PM) and the ship had just completed an eighteen hour “Flight Ops”. I had just taken a message off one of the broadcasts and turned around to file it on a clip board. When I turned back to the teletypes the primaries were typing garbage. I looked down to the alternates which were doing the same. I walked a few feet to the intercom between us and the Facilities Control. I called them and informed them of the broadcasts being out. A voice replied that all communications were out. I then turned and looked in the direction of the NAVCOMMOPNET and saw that the operator was having a problem. I then heard the Task Group operator tell the watch officer that his circuit was out also. In the far corner of the compartment was the pneumatic tubes going to the Signal bridge (where the flashing light and signal flag messages are sent/receive). There is an intercom there to communicate with the Signal Bridge and over this intercom we heard someone yelling “There is something hovering over the ship!” A moment later we heard another voice yelling. “IT IS GOD! IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!”.

We all looked at each other, there were six of us in the Comm Center, and someone said, “Lets go have a look!”. The Comm Center is amidships, just under the flight deck, almost in the center of the ship. We went out the door, through Facilities Control and out that door, down the passageway (corridor) about 55 feet to the hatch that goes out to the catwalk on the edge of the flight deck (oppisite from the “Island” or that part of the ship where the bridge is). If you have ever been to sea, there is a time called the time of no horizon. This happens in the morning and evening just as the sun comes up or goes down over the horizon.

During this time you cannot tell where the sea and sky meet. This is the time of evening it was. As we looked up, we saw a large, glowing sphere. Well it seemed large, however, there was no point of reference. That is to say, if the sphere were low; say 100 feet above the ship, then it would have been about two to three hundred feet in diameter. If it were say 500 feet about the ship then it would have been larger. It made no sound that I could hear. The light coming from it wasn’t too bright, about half of what the sun would be. It sort of pulsated a little and was yellow to orange.

We didn’t get to looked at it for more than about 20 seconds because General Quarters (Battle stations) was sounding and the Communication Officer was in the passageway telling us to get back into the Comm Center. We returned and stayed there (that was out battle station). We didn’t have much to do because all the communication was still out. After about 20 minutes, the teletypes started printing correctly again. We stayed at General Quarters for about another hour, then secured. I didn’t see or hear of any messages going out about the incident.

Over the next few hours, I talked to a good friend that was in CIC (combat information center) who was a radar operator. He told me that all the radar screens were just glowing during the time of the incident. I also talked to a guy I knew that worked on the Navigational Bridge. He told me that none of the compasses were working and that the medics had to sedate a boatswains mate that was a lookout on the signal bridge. I figured this was the one yelling it was God. It was ironic that of the 5,000 men on a carrier, that only a handful actually saw this phnomenon. This was due to the fact that flight Ops had just be completed a short time before this all started and all the flight deck personnel were below resting. It should be noted that there are very few places where you can go to be out in the open air aboard a carrier. From what I could learn, virtually all electronic components stopped functioning during the 20 minutes or so that what ever it was hovered over the ship. The two Ready CAPs (Combat Air Patrol), which were two F-4 Phantoms that are always ready to be launched, would not start.

I heard from the scuttlebut (slang – rumor mill) that three or four “men in trenchcoats” had landed, and were interviewing the personnel that had seen this phenomena. I was never interviewed, maybe because no one knew that I had seen it.

A few days latter, as we were approaching Norfolk, the Commanding and Executive Officers came on the closed circuit TV system that we had. They did this regularly to address the crew and pass on information. During this particular session the Captain told us how well we did on the ORE and about our upcoming deployment to the Mediterranean. At the very end of his spiel, he said “I would like to remind the crew, that certain events that take place aboard a Naval Combatant Ship, are classified and are not to be discussed with anyone without a need to know”. This was all the official word I ever received or heard of the incident.

Being young and excited about my visit home and going to the Med, I completely forgot about it until years later when my wife and I went to see “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” at the movies when it first came out. In fact the friend that had been the radar operator was with his wife and went with us. As we walked across the parking lot to my car, I ask him if he remembered what We had experienced years earlier on the ship. He looked at me and said he never wanted to talk about it again. As he said it he turned a little pale. I never talked about the incident again. When I discovered “Aliens and Strange Phenomenon” on MSN and started reading the posts I started thinking about it again. Now I seem obsessed in finding out all I can about this phenomena.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

Jim Kopf
Mt. Airy, Maryland







I do feel comfortable sharing the top 25 U.S. cites with the most UFO sighting reports. Before we start I must point out that some of you will simply comment that each of these cities are major population centers. To that I say this: To have reports you need observers, and larger metropolitan areas have lots of potential observers. But keep in mind that big cities have serious light pollution issues, being able to report sightings at all under these conditions is very telling.

Phoenix, Ariz., tops the list at No. 1, while Arizona ranks No. 7 in the country UFO sightings. Why Phoenix you might ask? Well, ever since the Phoenix Lights event in 1997, residents of Phoenix and Maricopa County has been very diligent in reporting what they see. Second on the list was Las Vegas, Nev., which, frankly, surprised me for two reasons. Nevada only ranks 26th in the country for sightings. That said, I did get a lot of social media traffic from there about any sightings. Of course, they admit to not reporting it. Also, Las Vegas is constantly lit up, day and night, so the light pollution is terrible. Perhaps it’s because Las Vegas is a stone’s throw from Area 51; enough said.  Third on the list is Seattle, Wash. Washington ranks No. 3 in the country. I had thought that it was a toss up between Seattle, Wash, and Portland, Ore., as both regions of the Northwest host heavy UFO traffic. Portland, Ore., ranks fifth and Oregon ranks 13th nationally.  Not to be forgotten, Chicago, Ill., comes in at No. 4. Illinois ranks No. 8 in the U.S.  Finally, I must take a moment and discuss the city in 6th place. Last spring when the book came out, it was noted in the west coast media that California was No. 1 for UFO sightings. They were also quick to point out Los Angeles County was the No. 1 county for UFO sightings in the country. Many people mistakenly equated that with the city of Los Angeles. I’m here to set the record straight. Los Angeles ranks No. 6 in the country for cities.  We must remember that Los Angeles County covers an area of 4,751 square miles, while the city of Los Angeles is a mere 503 square miles. Sorry, L.A.

If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database services: or








On the night of September 13, 2017, I was walking my dog Nellie. Having seen a few strange objects in the sky near my home, I gaze around the sky whenever Nellie stops to sniff. This night the sky was clear and quiet. We were facing NW between my house and my next-door neighbor’s house. Suddenly, at about 11:15, I caught sight of 5 white lights in an upside-down V shape, with a larger red light in the middle of the V. They were above the trees to the right of my neighbor’s house, moving very slowly from NNE to WSW at a slight downward angle. When they were directly over the neighbor’s house, I could see that they were attached to a dark (grey or black) triangular object, which I could just barely make out against the night sky. I listened for any sound and for a couple of minutes I heard a faint airplane noise. I live near an airport, so that sound could have been unrelated, especially since I couldn’t hear it for half the 5 minutes or so that I watched the triangular object. When the triangle was directly above the my neighbor’s medium-sized house, it seemed to be about 1/5 the size of the house, about 20 ft. above the house, and about 20 ft. beyond it. It hovered there for a few seconds before continuing on. I had the feeling it knew I was there and was pausing either to observe me or to let me observe it. I lost sight of the object when some trees blocked it from my view. By that time, it was very low in the sky and no longer looked like a triangle, just a group of white lights in a horizontal row with the large red light below them. My feelings? Elated! Excited!

This may or may not be related, but just as the triangle lights disappeared from my view, another set of lights appeared out of nowhere, high in the sky directly above where I’d just lost the triangle sighting. These were 3 white lights in a vertical row, with a larger red light to the right of them. They were too far away for me to see, in the dark sky, whether or not they were attached to a craft. These lights were traveling a bit faster than the triangle, but still fairly slowly, in a horizontal direction from SW to NE. I watched them for a couple of minutes, then lost sight of them behind a house and a large tree. I waited about 3 minutes for them to reappear on the other side of the trees, where a large patch of sky was visible, but they never reappeared. Unlike the lights on the triangle, these lights blinked, or at least one of them did. I can’t remember for sure whether it was the white or the red that blinked; I think it was the white lights. I’ve seen lights like this on several occasions over the past couple of months. They don’t make any sound that I can detect, and when I lose sight of them, they never reappear. Usually I see them traveling SW to NE but sometimes I see them traveling NW to SE, as though they were headed for the airport. On these occasions, they are also losing altitude.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Vermont.








Near Sao Paulo where news is slowly leaking out about an alleged UFO landing in early October that seems to have been covered up by the Brazilian media until now.  Santos e Regiao is blaring the headline “Residents report alleged landing of ‘flying saucer’ on the coast of SP” and reporting that residents of Peruíbe, a coastal city west of Santos and southwest of Sao Paulo, allegedly saw a bright light around dawn on October 7 and found vegetation smashed to the ground as if a large craft had landed on it. The impression – measuring 13 by 2 meters (42.6 by 3.6 feet) – was not an elaborate geometric design like a crop circle (or in this case, rectangle) but was nonetheless cordoned off immediately by local officials to “avoid agglomerations that would hamper the work of the researchers.”.  Agglomerations means on lookers trampeling a scene of interest.

Saga noted that electricity went out in the neighborhood at the time of the sighting and those living close to the ‘landing’ site reported “nausea and malaise.” The city was justified in keeping out “agglomerations.” When the “landing” was finally revealed by the media, around 100 people showed up to check things out. That’s probably just the beginning. Santos e Regiao reports that Peruíbe is a hotbed for UFO activity, with 79 reported sightings listed on the UFO Hunters web site since 1998.  With that many sightings, it’s not surprising that the city hosts an annual Ufological Meeting of Peruíbe (Santos e Regiao reports over 1000 people attended in 2012) and is committed to ufology tourism. A survey of sightings made in 2010 found that most pass through eight points in the city where residents have seen UFOs, landing marks, lights and “luminous beings”.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Hi Ken : I was sky watching and I had my Nikon P900 camera setup on a tripod and I was facing towards the east. I was looking through the camera viewfinder at a blue part of the sky when a slow moving object came into view. I immediately began to zoom in on the object to get a better look and try to identify it. Right away I could see that the object was something strange and out of place and possibly other worldly.

The object looked like a number eight turned on it’s side or maybe it was more like witnessing cell division under a microscope It was very odd and I just couldn’t understand what I was seeing. In the middle of each round part of the object there was a purple part that was dark but also seemed transparent which made me think they were possibly some sort of windows. I quickly took a photograph and watched as the edge of the object lit up and got intensely bright. The purple parts of the object then seemed to open up revealing two humanoid aliens that were looking in my direction from within the brightly lit object. I was shocked but I still managed to take another photograph of the object and its occupants. I continued to watch as the object then began to fade away and I only just managed to take one more photograph just before it completely vanished from the sky.

The three photographs were taken on the 15th of October at Newton Abbot Devon England. On analysis of photograph two I was able to enhance, Isolated and cut out the humanoid aliens from the photograph it really is quite remarkable. All the best John.  









I’ve collected a few available reports of known UFO activity during the Korean War, including an incident where an American soldier was struck by a beam of light from a supposed UFO.

This text is an edited transcript of an interview between Mr. Francis P. Wall, a private first class (PFC) in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and John Timmerman, an associate of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Chicago, Illinois. The interview took place in January, 1987. Noted UFO researcher Richard F. Haines checked military records and found Mr. Wall listed as a Korean combatant in the infantry unit he names below. Haines also requested and received from Mr. Wall a drawing of the aerial object he claims to have seen. The drawing depicts a very typical “flying saucer.” CNI News thanks John Timmerman for permission to reprint this text. Mr. Wall recounts his experience as follows:

“This event that I am about to relate to you is the truth, so help me God. It happened in the early Spring of 1951 in Korea. We were in the Army infantry, 25th Division, 27th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, ‘Easy’ Company. We were in what is known on the military maps as the Iron Triangle, near Chorwon.

“It is night. We are located on the slopes of a mountain, below [which] there is a Korean village. Previously we have sent our men into this village to warn the populace that we are going to bombard it with artillery. On this night, we were doing just that. We had aerial artillery bursts coming in.

“We suddenly noticed on our right-hand side what appeared to be a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain. And at first no one thought anything about it. So we noticed that this thing continued on down to the village to where, indeed, the artillery air bursts were exploding. It had an orange glow in the beginning. We further noticed that this object was [so] quick that it could get into the center of an airburst of artillery and yet remain unharmed.

“[The] time element on this, I would say, [was] anywhere from, oh, forty-five minutes to an hour all told.

“But then this object approached us. And it turned a blue-green brilliant light. It’s hard to distinguish the size of it; there’s no way to compare it. The light was pulsating. This object approached us.

“I asked for and received permission from Lt. Evans, our campany commander at that time, to fire upon this object, which I did with an M-1 rifle with armor-piercing bullets. And I did hit it. It must have been metallic because you could hear when the projectile slammed into it.

“Now why would that bullet damage this craft if the artillery rounds didn’t?  I don’t know, unless they had dropped their protective field around them, or whatever. But the object went wild, and the light was going on and off. It went off completely once, briefly. And it was moving erratically from side to side as though it might crash to the ground. Then, a sound — we had heard no sound previous to this — the sound of, like, diesel locomotives revving up. That’s the way this thing sounded.

“And then, we were attacked. We were swept by some form of a ray that was emitted in pulses, in waves that you could visually see only when it was aiming directly at you. That is to say, like a searchlight sweeps around and… you would see it coming at you. Now you would feel a burning, tingling sensation all over your body, as though something were penetrating you.

“So the company commander, Lt. Evans, hauled us into our bunkers. We didn’t know what was going to happen. We were scared. These are underground dugouts where you have peep holes to look out to fire at the enemy. So, I’m in my bunker with another man. We’re peeping out at this thing. It hovered over us for a while, lit up the whole area with its light, and then I saw it shoot off at a 45 degree angle, that quick, just there and gone. That quick. And it was as though that was the end of it.

“But, three days later the entire company of men had to be evacuated by ambulance. They had to cut roads in there and haul them out. They were too weak to walk. They had dysentery. Then subsequently, when the doctors did see them, they had an extremely high white blood cell count which the doctors could not account for.

“Now in the military, especially the Army, each day you file a company report. We had a confab about that. Do we file it in the report or not? And the consensus was ‘No.’ Because they’d lock every one of us up and think we were crazy. At that time, no such thing as a UFO had ever been heard of, and we didn’t know what it was.

“I still don’t know what it was. But I do know that since that time I have periods of disorientation, memory loss, and I dropped from 180 pounds to 138 pounds after I got back to this country. And I’ve had great difficulty keeping my weight up. Indeed, I’m retired and disabled today.” – John Timmerman, J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies (credit: CNI News)Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War NOTE: The above image is CGI.









UFO is anything that is not explainable readily and that it appears to move through or at least is suspended in the air, used primarily to refer to the objects that seem to be of small yet familiar aircraft size. While most people believe that UFO is just a fictional character, they cannot deny the fact that there are too many people who witnessed them. Recently, two workers worked at the beach. These workers have claimed to have seen odd objects entering in the Wilsthorpe Beach, nearby the Bridlington in East Yorkshire. Paul Sinclair, the Paranormal investigator shares this story called the Wilsthorpe incident, which has been branded as the Britain’s latest Roswell owing to the mysterious military activity that is seemingly connected to the alien sightings. According to him, the two men were working at the bait shop nearby Bridlington Harbour when it occurred.

The two workers were at the Wilsthorpe digging during a high tide. It was a place where the bait shop owner told Mr Sinclair that they had reported seeing various bizarre triangles entering into the sea. Later on, they were surrounded by armed soldiers who asked them what they were doing and where they were going. They were being interrogated and were a bit off with them. However, one soldier threatened to arrest them if they are going somewhere. The bizarre claims of these two workers concerned the night of September 14, 2009, when the woman went to turn off the lights to sleep, and she saw a glow outside. Before she opened the front door to see what it was, the latter saw glowing several unidentified objects above the coast. It remained for half an hour. Next day, two helicopters full of RAF staffs landed at the beach.

Mr Sinclair submitted to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) a Freedom of Information request to know why the military operations took place on September 15. However, “routine military exercise” were the reasons for such operations. However, Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case since he believes that such operation is connected to a UFO activity.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Florida has a U.S. senator who once flew aboard the Space Shuttle.
A congressional candidate from Miami can go one better: Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says she’s been aboard a spaceship too. But this one was crewed by aliens. As in extraterrestrials.  Three blond, big-bodied beings — two females, one male — visited her when she was 7 years old and have communicated telepathically with her several times in her life, she says. (Sen. Bill Nelson served as payload officer aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1986. All seven people aboard were from Earth. As far as is known.)  Rodriguez Aguilera, 59, a Republican who is running to replace retiring Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, recounted her experience with the ETs during a 2009 television interview.

She described “going up” inside the spaceship — though whether it went into space or just hovered around town was left unclear.

“I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes,” Rodriguez Aguilera said.

In two separate videos posted to YouTube years ago, one by local Spanish-language station America TeVe and another by a political critic with the user name DoralGirl26, Rodriguez Aguilera spoke on television in detail about her extraterrestrial experiences. She said the alien beings reminded her of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Christ the Redeemer, with arms outstretched.

The Miami Herald asked Rodriguez Aguilera about her experiences Friday. She responded with a statement that waxed astronomical, but sadly failed to mention close encounters of any kind.

“For years people, including Presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone,” she said. “I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”

Rodriguez Aguilera was a Doral councilwoman from 2012-14 and served as the city’s first economic developer. She works as an entrepreneur and has taught leadership seminars at local universities.

She declared her candidacy in late August and raised about $10,000 during the most recent fundraising quarter, she said — a paltry amount she attributed to halting her campaign during Hurricane Irma.

Rodriguez Aguilera’s daughter is former Republican National Committee Hispanic outreach director Bettina Inclán Agen. Her son-in-law, Jarrod Agen, is Vice President Mike Pence’s deputy chief of staff.

Miami attorney Rick Yabor, a frequent political commentator in Spanish-language media, said Friday that Rodriguez Aguilera’s account could hurt her congressional campaign. “Being a politician, to come out and say that, it’s odd,” Yabor said. “She got into details that are not very mainstream. Someone who’s running for Congress — you’ve got to raise a lot of money. A donor might have second thoughts.









Schoolchildren claimed to have seen a UFO in a nearby field in 1977, but their teacher did not believe them. They did not have an idea then that it was the beginning of a series of events that stay unexplainable until today.  The lovely sandy beach of the small Pembrokeshire village of Broad Haven in South West Wales has been the favorite spot to enjoy for most visitors to the area. Some find enjoyment in passing through on the Puffin Shuttle bus. Looking at the small village from the outside, the place is just a traditional Welsh seaside resort.  But going into below the surface, there’s confusion, uncertainty, and many questions – just like the classic television science fiction series The X-Files.

Just this week, locals gathered at the village hall to finally attempt in finding answers that have eluded them for 40 years.  Flashback to 1977, something had made the children at the local school to come running all of a sudden into their classroom with their hearts probably pounding with fear.  The children outside claimed to have seen a mysterious silver object hovering over a field beyond their playground.  Headmaster Ralph Llewellyn did not believe the pupil’s claims and dismissed it without going outside to check the reason. Little did he know, it was a decision he would regret in his entire life.  Today, those children, who already adults, maintain there was only one depiction of what they had witnessed – an unidentified flying object.  Schoolboy David Davies was on the playground when the incident took place that February Friday afternoon. He stood looking at something that would leave him with a fascination and drive to dig in the truth of what was that thing.

He says that it was pearlescent silvery-grey with about 40 feet long and a shape of a torpedo, cigar-shaped. He adds that it had an upper domed section that covered the central third of the UFO and topped with a pulsating red light. However, their claims were being ignored and David, along with his classmates, passed a petition to the police station.  The headmaster separated the schoolchildren and asked them to draw the UFO they had just seen, and he was amazed to see their drawings were almost the same to each other.

UFO enthusiasts formed a pilgrimage to Broad Haven to celebrate the 40th anniversary of an event in a place known as The Welsh Triangle.  The incident has brought a media frenzy to the tiny farming community in what became the beginning of a series of sightings.  Weeks later after the incident, couple Pauline and Billy Coombes saw a seven-foot humanoid figure in a silvery suit at the windows when they were watching television in their isolated farmhouse late at night. They did not see the face as it was just a black space.  The police investigators who were called to the scene later confirmed that the family couple was so frightened that they did not want to go outside their house. Later in the same year, it was reported that the entire herd of cattle disappeared only to reappear in a faraway field.  The number of sightings continued to grow as well as the interest on them. Rosa Granville, a hotelier residing close to the school, claimed that she saw an apparent upside down saucer late at night when she was awakened by a light coming from it in the field next to her hotel. The object was said to emit flames with two humanoid creatures without faces, but with pointed heads.  Rosa reported the incident to the authorities and a Squadron Leader from nearby RAF Brawdy visited her. The Squadron Leader told her that nothing was unusual on the field and there was nothing that could cause someone to see the strange craft. However, he also asked her not to tell anyone what she had witnessed.

Close to the area of the sightings were high-security military bases, including RAF Brawdy. In the height of the Cold War, RAF Brawdy was believed to be the facility where a top secret US-Soviet submarine listening station was situated but disguised as an oceanographic research center.  The Ministry of Defence did not admit that time that they were carrying out an official inquiry into the affair. It was later reported that the RAF in West Wales was tasked to perform a discreet probe on UFO and alien reports while telling the media and the public that it was no defense significance.  Forty years later and the Broad Haven people are still seeking answers. Recently, a public meeting was held to address questions about what took place back in 1977.  Mr. Davies, the former schoolboy, is now in his fifties and still maintains he observed what he saw. He described what he witnessed during the meeting.








It all started Monday, October 16th at around 10:00pm when I went to sleep. I woke up (presumably sometime around 12:00-2:00AM) in a cold, brightly lit room. I was paralyzed from the neck down and my ears were ringing. Above me was a bright, white light. It was so bright I could barely keep my eyes open all the way. All of a sudden, surrounding me on all sides, were these tall (About 7′), slender, gray figures. There where about 5-6 of these figures leaning over me. I tried to scream, but I was so terrified that I couldn’t make a sound. I was more focused on the figure nearest to my head on the right of me. I felt it staring right into my eyes. I was only able to see from the waist up. It’s eyes were hard to make out because it’s head was directly under the light, thus making it’s face hard to describe (oddly enough I could see it’s small, toothless mouth that seemed to be talking, but, on account of the relentless ringing in my ears, I couldn’t hear anything). One thing that stood out to me was their skin. it was a light, grey color that was smooth and hairless. It stood out to me because it looked exactly like human skin, but it was gray, which really freaked me out. I couldn’t really figure out how long this lasted, but it felt like forever. Then there is where the memory stops, it just goes fuzzy. The next thing I know I wake up around 3:00am and slowly start to remember everything that went on. And my right side hurt pretty bad. As time passed I remembered more and more details of the abduction. I knew it wasn’t a dream because I can clearly remember the sensations and the sound of the ringing in my ear as well as what I saw.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








While visiting my Father in Rockford, IL. Approximately 2 hours after having a 20 min conversation about UFO’s and the government’s role in these crafts, my father witnessed a triangular shaped craft hovering just above the tree tops and above the houses across the street towards his home through the front bay window. My Father said “Look son, there is your UFO.” I laughed it off because I thought he was making fun of me. About 5 seconds later I took him seriously and looked. What I saw was a triangular shaped craft with 4-6 off-white/ yellowish lights shining down on the ground. The craft had red, white, and blue lights on the side chasing each other in a sequential pattern. I ran out side to get a closer look and the craft began to continue it’s path from East to West behind the trees and the houses next door, and went out of site. We stayed out side for about 30 mins, and saw another craft which we thought was the same, make the the same path from east to west. It had lights under neath, and flashing lights on the side, but it seemed to be a different craft because this craft made noise like a plane, and left a jet stream, where as the first craft made no noise and had no jet stream or disruption to the atmosphere surrounding it. I caught the second craft on video but, not the first craft. The second craft definitely looked like a plane. However what was awkward the lights underneath the plane and the lights on the side, which normal aircraft do not have. I work for an airline and my father works for aerospace manufacturing. So we are somewhat familiar with planes.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








I had trouble sleeping one evening so decided to go for a walk. It was about 04:00 on the 14th of October in 2015 in Harlow, UK. It was a clear night so I was looking at the stars a lot. As I changed direction my attention came to a different part of the sky where I noticed the object. It was a cigar shaped orange light that was stationary. The light had no blinking lights that aircraft would normally have, but was just a orange light with what appeared to be diagonal lines going through the light. It also appeared to be a dark shape around the light almost squarish. I thought the light was strange so I sat and watched it for a few minutes to see if it was moving. It was not. I also noticed there was no noise coming from the object which was also strange as aircraft overhead normally make a noise. After it hadn’t changed direction or moved I decided to take a picture of the object.

My first photo was faded but I had time to change the camera settings which was all new to me and took about a minute to figure out and take another picture. This picture had clearly caught the object as well as some stars. I was then checking out the photo to make sure it was a good picture and just shortly after the object just disappeared. I physically saw this object with my own eyes for several minutes before capturing it on camera. I can’t explain what I saw that night it didn’t look like anything I have seen in the sky before or aircraft so to me it is a UFO. I would be keen to find out if anyone else has seen anything else like this or can explain it. People have said its lens flare but that does not explain how or why I saw it with my own eyes. When you zoom in on the picture you can see a shape around the light it would be interesting to see if someone can make this object clearer.








Hi Ken : I was sky watching when I spotted a large diamond shaped object in the sky above me. I watched as the object then began to move away and it flew off in the direction of a approaching passenger plane. The object then started to approach the passenger plane from behind and began to follow the passenger plane as it flew across the sky. I quickly took a photograph capturing the plane and the object as they flew across the sky. I continued to watch and after a while the object finally broke off it’s pursuit of the plane and flew off to the north whereby I lost sight of it. I then turned my attention back to the plane and watched as it safely flew across the horizon and out of sight. What are these strange large aerial objects I keep photographing near passenger planes in the skies above Devon.

I sky watch on a regular basis and I always see them every time a plane is approaching. The pilots of these planes have a clear view of these objects and must be bemused by what they are seeing. These objects come in many shapes and sizes and are definitely unconventional and I believe that they are not man made. There must be extensive radar data of these unidentified object and there bizarre fight paths around the skies of Devon. What on earth are these objects doing observing commercial airliner around this area. It really is quite puzzling. The photograph was taken on the 12th of October at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.







A paranormal documentary filmmaker who explores people’s extraordinary beliefs, has tackled the often ridiculed topic of alien abduction, and the related phenomenon of alien implants. However, this documentary features an actual doctor, a credible alleged abductee and some science. All of which has convinced filmmaker Jeremy Corbell that alien implants deserve a serious examination.

Jeremy Corbell investigating the alien implant case in a scene in Patient Seventeen. (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/

Of all of the fringe ideas in the UFO field, the idea that people are being snatched up by aliens and then returned without their knowledge is pretty hard for many to swallow. Added on top of that the claims some of these people have had implants placed inside of them by the aliens, well, for many, that is bat-poop crazy.

When first asked to document a surgery to remove an alleged alien implant, Cobell responded it was “way outside of my scope of knowledge or interest.”

“It seemed too wild for me to put my mind around,” explained Corbell.

However, since he was asked by friends, and has an interest in extraordinary beliefs, Corbell decided to do it. His experience ultimately resulted in his newly released documentary, Patient Seventeen.

One of the main characters, who Corbell grew very fond of, is pediatric surgeon and alien implant specialist, Dr. Roger Leir.

Dr. Roger Leir post-surgery. (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/

Incidentally, Leir was also skeptical when he was approached years ago with the request to remove a suspected alien implant. He thought it was ridiculous. But when he removed the object, begrudgingly, he said it was unlike anything he had seen before, and became very interested in the topic. He then removed, or aided in the removal, of dozens of the objects before passing away in 2014.

Corbell says Leir passed away while he was putting his documentary together, but it was not so much Leir that convinced him the alien abduction and implant phenomenon may be real.

The suspected alien implant removed from patient 17. (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/

“It was the patient that transformed my opinion,” says Corbell.

Corbell describes the man he refers to as patient 17, the namesake for his film, as an “average guy of above average height.”

He is six foot nine.

He is referred to as patient 17 because he wishes to remain anonymous, and because he was Leir’s 17th patient to undergo an “alien implant” removal. Corbell says patient 17 is a very down to earth person.

In fact, Corbell says, “He was, and remains, the biggest skeptic that this object removed from his leg — that is hands down extraordinary — has anything to do with his abduction experiences.”

The man known as patient 17. (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/

So what is so extraordinary about the object? Well, for the full story you will have to watch the film, but, according to Corbell, some experts have interpreted the data from test results conducted thus far as being made off-world.

Corbell admits more testing has to be done, but he is convinced this thing is really weird.

The object removed from patient 17 under a microscope. (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/

A short version of Patient Seventeen was entered into the EBE Film Festival at the International UFO Congress several years ago. Although I knew Leir personally, the film exposed me to aspects of his life I was not familiar with, such as a beautiful scene of Leir playing a gigantic organ. The scene was very intimate and moving.

As for patient 17, the man. He did come across as credible, and certainly does not fit the mold of what many think of as an “alien abductee.” He came across as an independent professional who did not seem interested in seeking attention.








A large ufo event took place 3-6 a.m. here in Newburgh, indiana that I personally witnessed and made contact with one of the craft using a green laser and we made contact that night and the following night also. (Original story typed around 7pm on 8/24/2017)I went out for around 6 hours last night with friends and as i was returning home around 3 30 a.m I noticed a large ufo above the treetops flashing multiple colors of lights behind and to the southeast of the gas station on stacer road and highway 662. As I grew nearer I could tell it was moving slowly.

I started driving slow south on stacer around 15-20 mph and lost it halfway down stacer. Turned east on pollack and cleared the two curves near the nursing home and I saw it or possibly another one cross pollack near multzer crushed stone and lost it again until I pulled into my apartments on pollack. Went straight to side of building when I pulled in and immediately noticed it far away and it had gained altitude and seemed stationary and resembled the stars we see that flash red,green ,yellow or white and watched it until sometime after 4 a.m. and remembered my green laser and that many people have gotten some sort reaction from ufo s from them .

So I started hitting it for brief moments with no reaction but my hand was shaky and that puts the beam all over the place at distance. Walking to the privacy fence on east side of complex I live in, I put the laser on the fence and put a steady beam on the object that had moved but barely noticeable. As soon as the beam stayed on it steady for 1 second it moved as to where leaves and tree limbs blocked it’s view. I continued this game for around 10 minutes with this craft moving so much I am sure someone would notice besides me. As this progressed the object became what I perceived as agitated and would start doing fast and very tight circle patterns or bounce all around in a very tight pattern. After 9 or 10 times of doing this it did something to me,the laser batteries and I discovered awhile later my phone battery was drained to 7 percent .

The feeling I had when I felt it’d shot something at me or onto me was fear and it gave me tremors in my eyelids that have continued today and drainage from eyes. I saw the object do it when it seemed to elongate and became what was very close to a boomerang shape and craft had a Long row of led looking lights all the way across its shape with no more colors flashing. Then it went back ro the red, green  and yellow flashing .   I continued this with the laser but into only would work for about 3 seconds then shut down and the object would slowly move behind tree cover.  The ufo had reacted 3-5 times where I felt it did something to me and it was the same feeling each time. I also witnessed several large orbs eminating very bright light and it looked like it was over downtown  and maybe 4-5000 feet also multiple fast movers.  They most certainly know when I am watching them.   I witnessed 4 daytime ufos mimicking  birds of prey then disappeared with 2 days ago.  UPDATE…. one single one showed up but it amazed 4 more people from my household and 2 neighbors from across the street.  Everyone was mind blown.   Since my first very close encounter over 2 years ago, I started seeing things but briefly. The  last 4-5 months it has really stepped up. I am going to need night vision to film them.








USOs Detected by Navy

THE US Navy is running a top secret program to detect unidentified submerged object – or USOs – beneath the sea, according to a UFO exper Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for UFO organization MUFON, said he witnessed what he believes must have been an alien craft travelling at impossible speeds while he was on board a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic ocean.

Marc D’Antonio says he witnessed Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in the North Atlantic Ocean

Marc then heard a naval officer ordering the sonar operator to log the unidentified object – which was travelling at “several hundred knots” – as part of the “Fast Mover Program”.

Currently most submarine and torpedoes can only go up to 40 knots – due to the resistance of the water. The Russians reportedly have a torpedo that can go in excess of 200 knots – but a speed of “several hundred knots” would appear to be impossible for human-built crafts.

Marc, who runs a special effects company called FX Models that undertakes Naval contracts, said: “As a thank you for doing some work for them Navy asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes. Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me. “Submarines are loud – people think they are very quiet and it’s true they are on the outside because the sound doesn’t get out. But inside you hear fans, noise – it’s a constant din on a sub.

Marc was on board a US Navy submarine when he saw the USO.

“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts ‘fast mover, fast mover’ and I’m jolted awake – thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’

“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says ‘How fast is that going?’

“And the kid said ‘several hundred knots’. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’

So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly – it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’. When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ – in other words log it and bury it.” Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw. I asked him ‘can you tell me about the Fast Mover Program?’” Marc explained. “He looked at me and said ‘Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that program’. “So he basically confirmed to me that the program exists – he said everything without seeing anything. “What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a program in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”

Marc made the claims at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming – where UFO enthusiasts from around America met at the site of Close Encounters of the Third Kind rock to discuss alien-related findings. He also revealed he is currently working on a project with Close Encounters visual effects supervisor Douglas Trumbell, which he hopes will scientifically prove the existence of alien life.

Marc is currently developing a project to scientifically prove the existence of alien life. The pair has been designing UFO detecting ground units which they hope to eventually place in countries all over the world. Marc, who also runs the Sky Tour Live Stream YouTube channel where he takes viewers on live tours of the night sky, is currently testing the units in his observatory. He said: “The UFOTOG II system will bring Ufology into the 21st century by marrying real science with standard observation.

“The system will look for phenomena in the sky and if it finds something that isn’t a satellite, a plane, or some known object that we can access in a database, it will alert us by sending a message via GPS satellite to our cell phones.”We’ll make all the data we collect open and available to everyone. “We are open minded and believe that visitation by an advanced alien race is not a scientific improbability.”