JUNE 8, 2017 ………………..TROY NEW YORK


My wife ((wife’s name deleted)) was standing on our deck (south facing) and called me as she was wondering what a single reddish globe light in the sky was. The object came from the south (from Westfield/Eden direction) and traveled towards us. As the object neared, a second object (same color) appeared from the same direction. Shortly thereafter, a third object appeared.  They appeared to be ˜globes and moved in a somewhat fast rate of speed. There was no noise. Their movement was very smooth (no quick movements).  Object 1 traveled towards us and, at one point, began ascending straight up (it disappeared). Objects 2 and 3 passed the house (to our left look at the objects). As they passed, I noticed what appeared to be a single light (underneath) the object.

I could make out a black shape (outline from the light) but could not distinguish what it was. That is, they flew low enough for me to see that it did not have a bank of lights.  I am confident in saying that it was not a plane as I did not see wings. The light was bright and did not flicker or pulse. I have seen and heard drones when deployed to Afghanistan. This was not, in my opinion, a drone.  I am forwarding a picture captured of object 2 and 3 from our deck. I have other pictures but the size of the file would be too big to email. These were taken from my android phone (Samsung). Note that although it appears to be a ˜globe it is my sense that what you see is the light (under?) the object. I cannot confirm that it was, in fact, a roundish shape.


thanks to case files



GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA, MARCH 1967, @ 12:00 p.m. (approx.)  USAF officer takes a photograph of a winter scene, with a clear, blue sky, and apparently photographs two objects that may have been hovering nearby.  The first reaction NUFORC had to the photo was that the objects might have been so-called lens flares, but there are elements of the photograph, and the orientation of the two objects in the photo, that seem to us to militate against that hypothesis.  We post below the statement that accompanied the photo, and include the photograph.  We invite comment.


Recently we were going through a huge stack of family pictures taken over many decades.

We were living in North Dakota at Grand Forks Air Force Base where my father ((deleted; an officer at)) a wing of nuclear armed B-52 bombers always on alert.  We underwent a three day whiteout blizzard with 60 MPH winds that buried our house in snow in early March 1967.  In between the houses the wind had blown the snow away to Canada since the ground is completely flat as far as the eye can see.

One from the front of the house is a picture of me digging out our car.  My father then took a boring picture a minute or two later of the flat area between the houses to show that the wind had scoured the open areas clean of any snow drifts. We didn’t think much of the picture at the time.

It wasn’t until 2016 when we were going through the pictures that we noticed what looks like two UFOs in the sky over our house!  Thought you might be interested because the picture is quite intriguing, to say the least!  No one in the family noticed anything unusual at the time the pictures were taken.

The picture was taken looking from Grand Forks AFB, back eastward towards the city of Grand Forks, about 20 miles away.  We were in the last row of houses on the base so there are no other dwellings in the picture.


Thanks to case files



Supervision place Moscow, Russia Date and time of supervision of 2012-12-01 18:25:00 UTC As looks Spherical Southwest direction.  Addition Shooting from the 11th floor the administrator. buildings approximately in 01/12/2012 18:25 NIKON D90 camera, object it was observed within 10 minutes then reduced brightness and I went out at all. The object was noticed over park where never in a night-time happens sufficient lighting. The object was allocated with brightness, shining the park territory. The luminescence was unusually uniform, shadows from the shined trees seemed the strange directed. by object consideration in the 28th multiple increase in any additional details it isnt revealed, whether unclear there was it flat or volume, but most likely spherical, the luminescence was absolutely uniform in all surface. The personal perception – seemed that in park the device of the lighting, any emotions not defiant was installed, then assumed that there is shooting or telecasts, but looking in the optical device, didn’t find in a vicinity of any person, the generator, a lighting cable, it seemed strange, in a few minutes light grew dull sharply approximately twice, in some (25-30) seconds at all went out. Not far from object the car stopped, the driver obviously didn’t decide to go further since the object hung over the road.

After the object went out, it seemed logical, to see on its place the gone-out sphere, but in the optical device of anything, except trees and the road it was visible not. I decided to check that it was, from a shooting place to a place object of minutes 25 on foot on snow through ZhD an embankment. On a place there was nothing except traces of cars on the road, snow will be not touched, traces only mine, cables of the food, the thawed snow, the scorched branches, a smoke smell etc. wasnt. For a light source of such power it seemed unusual.


Thanks to case files


In 1998 Dr. Steven M. Greer resigned his post as Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina to spend all his time and energy on exposing a massive corporate-government coverup of extraterrestrial contact that’s been kept under wraps for decades. Why does this matter? It’s not so much the dozens of deceased aliens secreted at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, Greer says, or even the super secret radionic technology that took the life of his assistant and two colleagues and nearly killed him. It’s not even the prototypes of UFOs that roam the Southwest’s friendly skies, looking so much like real E.T. craft that it’s hard to tell the difference. (Your tax dollars at work.)

What’s important, Greer insists, is that if the government came clean with what it knows about E.T. technology, we could upgrade the planet. Not only would we wean ourselves off oil and other fossil fuels, but we could scrap nuclear power and implement clean, cheap, safe energy that any country or culture could afford. One problem: That might weaken or topple the corporate-government power structure that controls our fuel and energy systems, mass-produces war weapons and keeps a tight rein on the global economy. So how to shine a light on a shadowy consortium that promotes war while fostering scarcity, making gas prices astronomic?

Based in Crozet, Virginia, Greer’s Disclosure Project has convinced hundreds of insiders, including military brass and CIA ops, to defy nondisclosure pacts. They’ve coughed up documents (some still classified) and signed testimonials. Greer’s got it all — in fact, he gave Peter Jennings’s producers access to these bombshell revelations for the ABC special on UFOs that aired last spring. But, as the good doctor found out, you can’t give this stuff to the mainstream media and expect it to air on prime time. “They won’t let us do it,” a senior producer told Greer by phone. “I said,’Who’s They?'” Greer recalls. “And he said ‘Dr. Greer, you know who they are.’ And click, he hung up.”

So why not get these documents to the President of the United States? Been there, done that. “Hillary and Bill spent hours poring over them,” Greer claims a close friend of the Clintons reported, adding that when Clinton took office, he wanted two questions answered: Who killed Jack Kennedy? and What’s going on with the UFOs? It didn’t take long for Clinton to realize, says Greer’s friend, that he had a much better chance of completing his term if he followed his own “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

In 2001, Greer held a press conference at which many witnesses came forward, but it was eclipsed by 9/11. Since then he’s gathered more insiders willing to reveal what the government won’t. So if you’re tired of holding hands with the Saudis, or you think it’s time Earthlings had access to that cool, antigravity technology that allows UFOs to dodge our weapons (most of the time), check out

“It’s about your pocketbook, not about little green men,” says Greer, who wants to replace fossil fuel and nuclear power with the advanced energy systems used by E.T.’s.    Where do you get that? “Just ask the government,”Greer replies. “They’ve had it for 50 years.”

Washington may not want to listen, but we certainly do.


Thanks to





It was a hot summers day, and I was sitting in the garden, outside my building, when I noticed something shiny in the sky, I knew it was not type of airplane, because, I live under the flight path to two airport, Gatwick to the South and Heathrow heading to the North. I always take my camera and binoculars outside day or night. I took out my camera(old TZ8) and zoomed in and started taking pics, I managed to get about 5/6 pic, when I looked at them, I was so so shocked at what I was looking at, I decided, I was not staying out side anymore. I had/ have a Instagram page( its not in my real name), and later that evening I uploaded the pictures and told my followers, that I saw a UFO that evening.

The UFO disappeared into the clouds and that was the last I saw of that one. The next day,I went back into my garden to do some reading,when I noticed, something red, in the sky,I took my camera out of my bag and started taking pics, I only managed to get one pic of this UFO, because it was moving so fast After seeing this UFO, I packed up and went inside, because I was getting scared. Since then,its been hell. I now have UFOs, coming over me and my building, every time I go outside to stargaze. I have pics and videos to prove what i’m saying is true, I also have witnesses who have seen UFO come and stop over me.


Thanks to case files


Date of Sighting: June 20, 1987
Time of Sighting: 12:15 PM Local Time
Date Reported: April 3, 2006
Duration of Sighting: Unknown
Location of Sighting: Cedar Point, Ontario, Canada (Southern Ontario)
Latitude:  44.8 Degrees North
Longitude: 80.18  Degrees West
Number of Witnesses: One
Weather: Clear Skies.

Description (In Witness’s Own Words):  The sighting occurred near Cedar Point, Ontario, Canada. I was flying my Citabria airplane at 3500 ft. ASL. The dull silver saucer shaped UFO was first sited over Christian Island as I was banking my aircraft to the right on a level turn. I opened my left side window to watch as the UFO passed approximately 500 ft. underneath my plane. I then banked the plane to the left so that I would not lose sight of it. The UFO continued on a straight and level path, and although I was going 110 m.p,h. the UFO’s speed was such that there was no way I could catch up to it. If I had to approximate it’s speed, I would guess at 400-600 m.p.h. As for the size of the UFO, I can’t really say, since there was nothing that I could compare it to. If I had to guess, I would say about 30 to 50 feet in diameter. It happened so quickly, but I did get a very good look at it. There were no windows or any markings on the UFO. The color was a dull silver, almost a grey color. I usually always carry a camera in my side pouch, but this time, it was in a bag behind the rear passenger seat. If I had a passenger with me at that time, I would have been able to get a very good picture with my 35mm camera! Now when I go flying, I always make sure that I have at least two cameras with me at all times.

Addition Information About Airplane Pilot Was Flying: The aircraft was manufactured by Champion Aircraft CO. in the USA.  The model is a Citabria 7ECA.

Investigator’s Notes: This is an example of a credible witness reporting an incredible sighting.  The witness did not report this sighting previously because he was afraid of ridicule.  He got a good look at the craft as it approached close to his aircraft.  The sighting occurred near the middle of a bright sunny day.  Not much more to say: Unidentified!  NOTE: The above image is CGI.










I’m talking to my friend and just enjoying the evening, we’re paddling, you know, we get to that, we get to the point where we have to make the curve and hit the last stretch. When we came around the curve, made that last stretch, I’m looking straight on to the source of the lights and the source of the lights was not on the bank or on the water’s edge, the source of the lights was set back into the woods. And at a 100 yards it was, it clearly looked odd to me. It was clearly something there, a piece of equipment, a machine, an object, something fairly large but it certainly wasn’t fishermen along the bank fishing. Okay, what is this? I don’t know but we’re going to find out because we’re drifting and slowly paddling closer to it. I would say probably at 75 yards out I can clearly tell this was a conical shaped object. Why was it conical because I could clearly see the side of it, the cut off top, the bottom, it was conical in a curve because on the right-hand side, my view looking straight ahead, on the right-hand side, it had three stationary lights lit up. I would call them bars or strips, bars, one two three clearly defining the curve of the object. They were amber in color, amber as in the same exact color that you find on your car in your driveway, your signal light. And they were just lit up. The machine was whitish, glowing. The forest floor all around it had an aura of a fog, a haze, something that you would see maybe as a special effect that would occur with the dry ice, the evaporation of the CO2 but yet there was no movement to it. There was just a white foggy aura over the earth. At 50 yards I can clearly see two entities… What it was, I don’t know, but it was two, not one, but two… two figurines that were hiding behind the machine. I’ll call it a machine. They were hiding because they were clearly looking out the side, peering out the side, taking a peek and watching us. They were watching us because at 50 yards I had started to communicate what my curiosity was. What is this? What am I looking at here? So I yelled out to them. ‘How’s it going tonight? How are you doing?’ Nothing. Dead silent. It was so dead silent that I didn’t hear a cricket. I didn’t hear a hear a frog. I didn’t hear anything. The whole environment around us is dead silent. Calm, warm, muggy evening. The two figurines, as I yelled out to them, at that point in time, have ferried behind the machine and made a quick duck behind the machine to hide. Okay, I don’t know what this is going on? I don’t even know what I’m looking at? This is odd. It was odd. What is this machine? What was it doing there? What did I just witness? I just witnessed two figurines, pale, white, with dark black shiny eyes They were larger than mine is the most identifying feature I can make to what I just witnessed. My friend sitting in front of me is witnessing this exact same thing. From a hundred yards to the 50-yard event I had been communicating with my friend and all the way up asking, ‘What is this? What the hell is this?’ I badgered this poor guy so much that he snapped back, I mean, he said, ‘I don’t know what it is, shut up!’ He was nervous. What were we watching. As we got closer, now, I’m within thirty 30 yards. The current is taking me towards this beaver dam. I’m no longer paddling. There’s no need to paddle. My eyes are focused on something and I can’t make out what it is and I, once again, the land is aglow, the machine is sitting there. I would say it’s about eight to nine feet tall. It clearly stood on at least three legs that I could tell. It had an additional feature to it. It had light. I call it light. It had an object on top of it and on the left hand side, as I’m looking at it, would be on the top left, during my shout out to whatever it is, I’m shouting out to with no reply, at a certain point in time, I couldn’t tell you if it was 50 yards. I’ll say 50 yards. It was a little bit of a distance.”


After the figurines had ducked back in to hide, this object, on top of the machine I’ll call it, it made a complete 180 and turned around, nice and slow, and shined right at us which appeared to me to be a typical spotlight, a floodlight of some sort. Only problem was, it was shining right at us. This round white light source but there is no light shining on our canoe, our bodies, on the water. I don’t know how but we were not lit up despite this light shining on us. This did raise a few hackles on our neck, I guess. This is not natural for this type of thing to happen. I’m curious but I’m also respectful not to, you know, butt in where I don’t belong. I’m assuming whatever’s going on maybe I don’t need to know. Maybe it’s none of my business. Am I seeing something beyond my comprehension, what’s on this earth? Is this entity not human? This machine is nothing like I’ve ever seen in my life. What is it? No clue. Yet it’s there. It is in front of me big as day. It’s silent. No communication. As we drift closer now, we can’t be more than 30 yards from this machine in the woods. The canoe makes its way through the current and finally lands on top of the washed-out beaver dam.


At that point in time, you know, we actually literally have to get out of the canoe, just kind of drag it over a little bit, so we could carry on. At that point in time, before we did this, now I’m standing there, you know, we’re just stuck there for a while, just looking at it and, standing right there, just came out of nowhere, standing right there, about 15 feet across for me, to where the water is, to where the bank is, is now standing there, one of those entities that we saw earlier, standing right there 15 feet from me. It looks like a figurine. No identifiable clothes. No identifiable anything. It looks like a figurine. I can only describe it as an artist’s model doll that they use, where they are posed to draw with, this smooth normal shape figurine. This is exactly what it looked like. At 15 feet I should have been able to make out great detail of clothes, of what it was, unfortunately, we’re in pitch-black darkness, the light source of the machine, the glowing light, is 30 yards back, the figurine is half that distance. It’s 15 feet right in front of me yet it’s facing me and what all I’m seeing is the dark side of it much like you would at a campfire sitting around with your friend; you two could all see each other’s faces, but if you were to get up and turn and face away from the fire to talk to an incoming incoming friend, they probably wouldn’t see your face or be able to make out who you were because you are now black. There’s no light shining on you. This unfortunately was the situation for me. It was right there 15 feet away yet I’m looking at just its outline against the light backdrop and it’s just this figurine shape; no identifiable clothes, no hats, no shorts, sleeve shirt, sleeves, no pants that I could tell. He’s smooth, very defined figurine. The figurine made an attempt to communicate with us at this time.

Okay, so, during this peculiarity, as I’ll call it, I’m a mechanic by trade, I’m the tradesman, worked on all types of equipment. I can’t tell you I’ve ever seen anything that quite looked like this object, this machine, nothing that I know of in the world. Never seen anything like it what it could possibly be used for? It was a conical shaped machine of some sort. Back to our friends, our figurine entities who were hiding and that from us, who showed apprehension, I would say, I would call it, didn’t reply to us like a human being would. Who wouldn’t shout, who wouldn’t shout back if you’re only 30 yards away as I’m yelling out to you. I’m just a fisherman in a canoe with a friend, fishing, you could be anybody in the woods at a campsite or whatever it is you’re doing. Perhaps you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing. I couldn’t tell you if anything like that was going on. My story is, I think, it has much more going on than that, but at that point time we had reached that Beaver Dam. We were stuck there. We had to get out and leave. I’m looking at an angle. I’m standing here in a canoe and I’m looking back at an angle, this figurine is standing right there not 15 feet from me. So all that’s separating me is the water. To them, I’m on 15 feet of water to that bank. It’s looking right at me, of course, like I told you, it is pitch black out and so I could see its perfect figurine outline against the lit background of the machine that it’s, it’s behind it. Well, this is what the figurine did to me and my friend and I take this as a form of communication, I would say. You could see its arm, I’ll call it an arm. It’s appendage. You can clearly tell it had a flat sleek hand, probably had a thumb, you see the V here, it didn’t wave but it’s arm was perpendicular to its torso, very square, like perpendicular, just like this, and this is what it did, in this very slow motion form of a wave, I guess, and its wrist was very articulated, just like, you see what I’m doing with mine, just like this.

That was too much at that point time for my friend to handle. I think he got nervous. This was a very odd experience as you could tell by this story. At that point in time, he had already jumped out of the canoe, yanked it from out from underneath me, I was literally, almost fell into the water, I had the paddle to stop me from going face-first into the into the creek. I grabbed the canoe and yelled some choice words to stop and wait a damn minute and at that time, I had looked back at my figurine friend here, who was now no longer waving. He was just standing there in a very statuesque pose, doing nothing. I never felt I was in any kind of danger. I never felt that I was in trouble. My curiosity overcame all these things but yet something told me to get the hell out of Dodge with my friend and leave which is what we did.










HI Ken : On the 8th of ‎May ‎2017 at 1:31 PM I spotted a UFO that was going vertically up into the sky at great speed. I quickly took two photographs of the object. Then at 1:44 PM I witnessed the same object coming back down vertically heading in the direction from where it had originally come from. I managed to take another two photographs that once again show the object in flight. The photographs were taken on the 8th of ‎May ‎2017 at Newton Abbot Devon England. Photograph one and two were taken at 1:31 PM while Photograph three and four were taken at 1:44 PM. Having witnessed many UFO on the same flight path going back and forth it leads me to believe that there must be an alien base somewhere in the vicinity. The area from where this UFO are emerging seems to be Decoy Country Park. Decoy Country Park has a Very Deep lake that was once a clay quarry. Ball clay was found at Decoy in the late 19th century and the clay was both mined and quarried at the site from 1850 until 1965. When the quarrying ceased the pit quickly filled with water and became the deep lake that we see today.

I believe that these objects are going in and out of this lake undetected. I know for a fact that these alien craft have the ability to cloak and become completely invisible to the naked eye, furthermore they have the ability to enter the water without making a splash or any sound.  I believe that there could be an alien base or a portal at the bottom of Decoy lake and I also believe this is were the alien crafts are emerging from. Decoy lake would be a great place to hide and be undetected. Two years ago while investigating this area for any evidence of this I had an encounter with a Pleiadian being. For me this is proof that aliens are in this area and that there is a base in the vicinity. All the Best John