1956   ….   ATLANTIC OCEAN
It had happened in 1956. Cruising at 19,000 feet, a Navy R7V-2 transport – a four-engine Super-Constellation – was flying west across the Atlantic Ocean. The next stop was Gander, Newfoundland. Final destination, Naval Air Station, Patuxent, Maryland.  The night was clear, visibility unlimited. In the senior pilot’s seat, Commander George Benton was checking the dim-lit instruments. At thirty-four, Benton had a decade of Navy flying behind him.  He had made the Atlantic crossing more than two hundred times. Back in the cabin were two extra Navy air crews, en route home from foreign duty.  Most of these men were asleep. Including Benton’s regular and relief crews, there were nearly 30 airmen-pilots, navigators and flight engineers aboard the Constellation.  As Commander Benton finished his cockpit check, he glanced out at the stars. Then he leaned forward, puzzled. A few minutes before, the sea below had been dark. Now there was a cluster of lights, like a village, about twenty-five miles ahead.  Benton looked over at his co-pilot, Lieutenant Peter W. Mooney. “What do you make of those lights?” Mooney peered down, startled.  “Looks like a small town!”  “That’s what I thought.” Benton quickly called the navigator, Lieutenant Alfred C. Erdman. “We must be way off course. There’s land down there.” “It can’t be land.” Erdman hurried forward from his map table. “That last star sight shows…” He broke off, staring down at the clustered lights. “Well?” said Benton. “They must be ships,” said Erdman. “Maybe a rendezvous for some special operation.”  Giant Flying Saucers  “They don’t look like ships,” said Benton. He called Radioman John Wiggins. No word of any unusual ship movements, Wiggins reported. And no signals from the location of the lights. If they were ships, they were keeping radio silence. “Wake up those other crews,” Benton told Erdman.  “Maybe somebody can dope it out.” In a few moments, two or three airmen crowded into the cockpit. Benton cut off the automatic pilot, banked to give them and the men in the cabin a better view.  As the transport began to circle, the strange lights abruptly dimmed. Then several colored rings appeared, began to spread out. One, Benton noticed, seemed to be growing in size.  Behind him, someone gave an exclamation. Benton took another look. That luminous ring wasn’t on the surface – it was something rushing up toward the transport. 
 “What the devil is it?” said Mooney. “Don’t know,” muttered Benton. He rolled the Constellation out of its turn to start a full-power climb. Then he saw it was useless. The luminous ring could catch them in seconds.  The glow, he now saw, came from the rim of some large, round object. It reached their altitude, swiftly took shape as a giant disc-shaped machine.  Dwarfing the Constellation, it raced in toward them. “It’s going to hit us!” said Erdman. Benton had known normal fear, but this was nightmare. Numbed, he waited for the crash.  Suddenly the giant disc tilted. Its speed sharply reduced, it angled on past the port wing. The commander let out his breath. He looked at Mooney’s white face, saw the others’ stunned expressions.  Watching out the port window, he cautiously started to bank. He stopped as he saw the disc.  It had swung around, was drawing abreast, pacing them at about one hundred yards. For a moment he had a clear glimpse of the monster.  Its sheer bulk was amazing; its diameter was three to four times the Constellation’s wing span. At least thirty feet thick at the center, it was like a gigantic dish inverted on top of another.  Seen at this distance, the glow along the rim was blurred and uneven. Whether it was an electrical effect, a series of jet exhausts or lights from opening in the rim, Benton could not tell. But the glow was bright enough to show the disc’s curving surface, giving a hint of dully reflecting metal.  Though Benton saw no signs of life, he had a feeling they were being observed. Fighting an impulse to dive away, he held to a straight course. Gradually, the strange machine pulled ahead.  Tilting its massive shape upward, it quickly accelerated and was lost against the stars.

Commander Benton reached for his microphone, called Gander Airport and identified himself. “You show any other traffic out here?” he asked the tower. “We had something on the scope near you,” Gander told him. “But we couldn’t get an answer.”  “We saw it,” Benton said grimly. “It was no aircraft.” He gave the tower a concise report, and back at Gander teletype messages were rushed to the U.S. Air Defense Command, the Commanding Officer, Eastern Sea Frontier, the Director of Air Force Intelligence and the Air Technical Intelligence Center.  When the Constellation landed at Gander, Air Force intelligence officers met the transport. From the start, it was plain they accepted the giant disc sighting as fact.

For two hours, Benton and the rest were carefully interrogated[debriefed], separately and together: How close did the object come? What was its size… estimated rate of climb… any electrical interference noted… what happened to the other luminous rings?  From the answers to scores of questions, the majority opinion emerged. The flying disc was between 350 and 400 feet in diameter, and apparently metallic. No interference with ignition noted; instruments not observed and radio not operating during this brief period.  Time for the giant disc to climb to the transport’s altitude, between five and eight seconds, indicated speed between 1,400 and 2,200 knots; the disc had accelerated above this speed on departure.  Not all the men in the cabin had seen the luminous rings. Of those who had, most were watching the huge disc approach and did not see the “rings” disappear. If they, too, were flying discs, in a rendezvous as some suggested, they apparently had raced off while the other one was checking on the Constellation.  At one point, an Intelligence captain asked Benton if he had seen any indication of life abroad the disc.   Intelligently Controlled  “No, but it was intelligently controlled, that’s certain. Benton looked at him closely. “That size, it would hardly be remote-controlled, would it?” “I couldn’t say,” replied the Air Force man.  Nor would he tell what the Gander Airport radar had shown about the disc’s speed and maneuvers. “What’s behind all this?” demanded Mooney. “Up to now, I believed the Air Force. You people say there aren’t any flying saucer…”  “Sorry, I can’t answer any questions,” said the captain. “Why not? After a scare like that, we’ve got a right to know what’s going on.”


 The Intelligence officer shook his head. “I can’t answer any questions,” he repeated.  As quickly as possible, intelligence reports with full details were flashed to the four Defense commanders already notified, with an extra message for the Director of Naval Intelligence.  After the Constellation reached Patuxent, the air crews were interviewed [debriefed] again, by Navy order. Each man made a written report, with his opinion of what he had seen.   Five days later, Commander Benton had a phone call from a scientist in a high government agency. “I’m informed you had a close-up UFO sighting. I’d like to see you.”  Benton checked, found the man was cleared by the Navy. Next day, the scientist appeared, showed his credential, listened intently to Benton’s report. Then he unlocked a dispatch case and took out some photographs.  “Was it like any of these?” At the third picture, Benton stopped him. “That’s it!” He looked sharply at the scientist. “Somebody must know the answers, if you’ve got photographs of the things.”  The other man took the pictures. “I’m sorry, Commander.” He closed his dispatch case and left.  At the time when I (Donald Keyhoe) learned of this case, I had served for two years as Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.  source:  Flying Saucer Review, Volume 49/2, Summer 2004, pp. 21-23  From the NICAP records, by Major Donald E. Keyhoe

NOTE: The above image is a rendering.






JULY 14, 1952  ….    CHESAPEAKE BAY MARYLAND   …..8 PM

Edward J. Ruppelt, head of Project Blue Book, which looked into such matters, chalked it up as “one of the year’s most fascinating sightings.”  “The evening was clear, and visibility was unlimited,” he said.  The pilot and co-pilot of a Pan-American DC4, flying at 8,000 feet on the New York-Miami run, saw a glow in the sky, “that soon resolved itself into six fiery red objects, each of them about 100 feet in diameter,” according to Capt. William B. Nash. “The edges were well defined, not phosphorescent or fuzzy in the least.”  Ruppelt wrote, “their shape was clearly outlined and evidently circular. Nash and co-pilot, William Fortenberry watched in amazement.”  The six disks in a narrow echelon formation were joined by two more, all flying at about 2,000 feet over the Chesapeake Bay. When the disks were almost below the airliner, they dimmed slightly and flipped on edge in unison.  The edges seemed to be about 15 feet thick, and top surfaces appeared to be flat.  After being interrogated by the U.S. Air Force, the two pilots were told the disks had been observed by seven other groups. Project Blue Book checked the positions of all known military and civilian aircraft in the area, finding nothing that would account for the sighting, which went into the official ‘unexplained’ category.  The Air Force, which has constantly fibbed about UFOs, and/or put down those who sighted the “unusual” up there, published a conclusion by author Donald Menzel, who concluded the pilots were fooled by fireflies (honest) trapped by the double panes in the cockpit window (snicker-snicker).  Obviously, many reported sightings were ‘mistakes’ or ‘phonies’ but there are too many that cannot be explained away. Heck, there are billions of stars out there, so it seems ridiculous to conclude we are the only ones with life. And, of course there are probably life forms far different from ours, acclimated to wherever they exist.  A major story concerns the alleged crash of a flying saucer near Roswell, N.M. Bodies were supposedly found inside the craft. Here is where we return to our state: Charles Berlitz and William Moore thoroughly researched the subject and, in a book they penned, noted, “the carefully preserved bodies remained stored (as of the ‘90s) in a CIA warehouse in Langley.”  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







 MARCH 20, 2014  ……     GILA BEND ARIZONA

On our way home from San Diego, California to Tucson, Arizona, my boyfriend and I were driving on Interstate 8. First I witnessed what I thought was a plane, then I realized the lights were much bigger and there was no aircraft, there were 3 round orb-like and orange lights in the shape of a triangle that were moving/flying rapidly upward then suddenly disappeared. At first I was very confused at what it was that I saw and why/how it disappeared, and if it was a plane how this was possible? I was totally perplexed and almost wanted to dis-acknowledge what just took place. What made me notice this was the size and triangular shape of the object and how quickly it was flying upward.

 After 30 minutes later my boyfriend and I were having a conversation when I noticed in my peripheral vision one giant orange circular/orb like light to the right of my vision (South of Gila Bend – seemed to have been outside of Ajo, Arizona). This light was not moving in any direction it was staying still in one spot but it was almost the size of a penny, and was about 20-35 degrees above a mountain. We continued to watch it for 2 & 1/2 minutes until we watched it dissolve into nothing, dissolving from bottom first then top. It almost appeared to look like a mini sun, in the middle of the night, I compare it to this because of how bright it was and the intense aura of light it was emitting, the light was a very bright orange hue and it was sparkling almost like a fireball or star in the sky but much more intensely than anything I’ve ever seen. It appeared out of thin air, there was no trail or streak of light before it appeared, nor was there anything left behind when it disappeared. It just slowly faded away and was gone. While watching this I just had no idea what I was seeing, I knew it wasn’t a plane or a flare because it would have left a streak or trail, I felt in shock at this point and awe at how bright this object was. I almost felt afraid because I had no way to explain what my eyes were witnessing.

Then about ten minutes later after we had driven away from the place we had stopped to watch it, we noticed that 4 more of these orbs appeared in a line. At this point we were further away from them, but they were the same color and shape ( bright orange orbs floating in same spot radiating intense light) then a minute later a 5th one appeared, and for the next 2-5 minutes these orbs continued to appear and disappear across different positions in the sky. Out of nowhere once again, it was as if someone flicked a light switch when they just disappeared. However, when they were still in the sky it did look like they changed shape at one point into a diamond like shape, but then they returned back into orb/circular shapes flickering immensely almost like extremely bright stars/suns. At this point I felt extremely happy/excited that I had seen something out of this world and unexplainable I was just happy and calling everyone I knew sharing that I was witnessing some crazy lights radiating this intense orange light. Then as I drove away I felt afraid and in shock for the unknown. At this point today I would just like to know what I had seen.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









APRIL 17, 1897    ……     AURORA TEXAS

 On April 17, 1897, a mysterious airship is said to have crashed in the town of Aurora, Texas…exploding into many small fragments. Reportedly, the occupant was child-sized and greenish, and the craft contained papers covered with hieroglyphics. The pilot’s body is supposed to be buried in the local cemeteryLegend has it that residents of Aurora, TX, had their own alien encounter more than 100 years ago. Just north of Fort Worth, Aurora has a population of 376. Something about it is different…mysterious, and some say, down-right weird.  “It’s just a legend,” said Barbara Brammer, Aurora Historian.  April 19, 1897 would change this town’s identity forever.  “They said, ‘Have you heard of the Martian that crashed his aircraft into a well site in Aurora?,'” Brammer said. “And I said, ‘No.” A former mayor, Brammer first heard the story of the UFO crash shortly after her arrival in the 1950s. “I kept the legend going whenever I was teaching or when we had new people in to the community,” she said.  Legend has it that in 1897 a number of reports came in from across the country of a cigar-shaped flying machine. An article in the “Dallas Morning News” reported that the craft came crashing down in Aurora. Today, the “crash site” is an old well, sealed with concrete. “About noon, the fire had gone out enough that they could get in there and see what really happened,” Brammer said. 

 According to a report filed by an Army officer from nearby Fort Worth, in the crash debris was the body of the pilot said to be badly disfigured and ‘not of this world.’ “They scraped up all the stuff that they could find, brought it down here to the cemetery and gave him a Christian burial,” Brammer said.  The grave site remains today under a tree in the old section of the cemetery. “They eventually came down and put a marker on it,” Brammer said. “The marker has been gone for several years.” It was stolen, Brammer believes, by souvenir hunters. The cemetery has been designated a “Texas Historical” site for, among other things, the legend of the UFO pilot.  No one has ever been able to prove the story or rule it out. In the 1970s, The Texas Mutual UFO network asked to dig up the grave but was denied. “The cemetery board said, ‘You’re not going to touch that,'” Brammer said. Board members denied the request, she said, because they were worried Spotted Fever, which wiped out much of Aurora around the time of the incident, would rear its ugly head again.  In 2008, another group of UFO hunters used ground-penetrating radar and did find a mysterious, unmarked grave. But the grave was so deteriorated, the radar simply could not identify what was there. So, the alien mystery continues, and the legend of Aurora is the only real thing that remains.  “It’s a good story,” Brammer said. “It’s got to be a good story. It’s been around 112 years.”  NOTE: The above image is rendering.







MARCH 2014    …..    DA NANG VIETNAM

 My girlfriend and I were sitting on the beach, about 100 meters north of Dana Beach resort in Da Nang, Vietnam.  We were sitting and talking for about 10 minutes or so when suddenly she saw something in the sky directly overhead that instantly caught her attention as strange. The time then was 6:45 PM.    She mentioned immediately after the first sighting that she ‘felt’ something strange was happening above her, and she was compelled to look up.  I looked up as well and my jaw instantly hung wide open, shocked and a bit scared at what I was seeing. It was a very large boomerang-shaped craft moving at a steady speed and straight line to the north, towards Son Tra mountain.  Instantly I could tell this was something strange, and my mind started racing to try and identify what this thing was. It didn’t fit anything I’ve seen in the sky before.   The object appeared extremely large, but it was also totally silent and had no lights whatsoever. My first reaction was that this thing was a kite someone had lost their grip on and was blowing over our heads. I quickly realized that this was no kite, because of its shape and altitude. There were two layers of clouds that evening, one low marine layer type sporadic clouds, and one blanket cloud cover at a very high, upper  atmosphere level that covered part of the sky, especially to the north.  The object appeared below the top layer of clouds, but well above the bottom layer. The outline was clearly visible when contrasting the top layer of clouds. It had a perfect boomerang shape. When passing in front of stars, it blacked them out.  The color was a greyish white and actually looked almost ‘smoky’ like it had some kind of ‘active camoflauge’. It appeared to be a craft that was designed not to be seen.  It maintained a steady, smooth speed as it passed overhead to the north and we lost sight of it as it blended in to the cloud cover towards the mountain. The sighting of the first craft lasted about 10 or 15 seconds.  We were totally awestruck by this, and immediately started trying to figure out what it could have been. I was racking my brain trying to come up with some logical explanation but it just didn’t fit anything I’ve ever seen in the sky.  I’ve been in dozens of airplanes in my life, big and small, I’m a skydiver, I’m a climber with lots of experience with high altitudes and weird looking cloud formations. This was nothing I could explain, no matter how hard I tried.  The shape was too perfect. It was at an altitude where there were no other clouds. Though it was similar in color, it contrasted to the clouds that were in the sky. It was moving too fast. It had no lights at all.  If it was an airplane of some kind, its relative size was too big. To look that big it would have to be flying at like 100 meters or something and would have been extremely loud. This thing was dead silent.  The size, speed, perfect shape, altitude, lack of lights, clear straight line flight path… all of this didn’t add up to any aircraft I’ve ever heard of.  Da Nang has a pretty active airport, right near the beach where we were. There are both commercial and military planes and helicopters flying overhead commonly every day. We’ve seen all of these and are familiar with them. I should mention that the skies were busy with air traffic that night, which is normal. There were no planes that seemed to interact with the craft we saw, and they looked like the normal blinking lights that we see everyday. So that was the first one. We were pretty excited to have witnessed this, and a little shaken up by it too. We started talking about UFOs etc. while looking straight up at the sky to see if anything else was there.  After a few minutes of neck straining I thought nothing was coming. Every plane would catch our attention for a moment until we ruled it out as ordinary. It was looking at one of these planes that my eye caught the second boomerang craft.  I could not believe I was lucky enough to be seeing this again. We got a longer look at this one, maybe 20 seconds or so before it blended in to the clouds to the north.  It looked exactly like the first one and had the exact same flight path. I checked the time after we saw it, and it came about 15 minutes after the first one, at 7:00 PM on the dot. We were basically dumbfounded at this point. And sat waiting and watching for anything else that might appear. Nothing came. It is the next day as I write this, and I’m pretty blown away by what I witnessed last night. I hope somebody else saw this besides my girlfriend and I.  NOTE: THE ABOVE IMAGE IS A RENDERING.











Chevron Island local Jack Purcell shot video of what looks very much like an alien spaceship flying through the sky near his home last Thursday night. He was in the front yard with his mother and friends when they noticed the object.  “We were all just sitting out the front and my mum pointed to the sky and said ‘look at that colourful plane flying over’,” Mr Purcell said. “Then it came to a sudden stop and was just hovering there. So I ran inside and grabbed my video camera.”  Residents are seen walking out on to the street to get a glimpse of the object while a police vehicle later stops to observe. Mr Purcell said the police officers had to “call it in” with a police helicopter later flying near the area.  “The police chopper would fly near it but then it would turn its lights off and disappear,” he said.  It was really strange. I was quite sceptical of these things but it just blew my mind.”  YouTube comments suggest the flying object was a remote control drone helicopter, but Mr Purcell disputes the theory. 

 “I’ve seen drone choppers and they’re not that big whereas this thing was huge,” Mr Purcell said.  “It was really high in the sky too, I don’t think this one was somebody mucking around.  “I have no idea what it was but in my guess I think it’s a UFO despite how crazy that might sound.”  A spokeswoman for Gold Coast Police said no police helicopters were in the area when the object was first spotted.  She said police were notified about the object but believe it was a radio controlled device.  Police believe it is a radio controlled device that was flying in the area and not a UFO,” the spokeswoman said.  If it was anything larger it would have been picked up by the air control radars.”








My girlfriend and I both saw a UFO at the same time. We both saw it from inside of our car. We were driving back home to Montgomery County in Maryland from Howard County in Maryland on Route 108. We were driving from the east to the west, specifically from the northeast to the southwest, more or less.  I believe we were still in Howard county around the town of Clarksville – or Highland – when we saw the UFO on the right side of our car – the passenger side. It was not very far away from us, as there were some tall power lines – or a cell tower of some kind – off the road in the field to the distance from us on the right of our car and a bit ahead of us as we traveled toward  it on the left. It’s hard to tell if it was one tower or a series of power line towers  but I will look more closely the next time we drive by and see what it actually is and exactly where it is in relation to the road (Route 108). The UFO was moving toward the tower – and then STOPPED!  It stopped by the tower right after we both noticed it up in the sky. It was NOT very far away from us. My girlfriend asked, “What is THAT?!” … I saw it, too, at the same time and also said, “Yeah, what IS that?!”  “It’s not a plane, I can tell you that.” she added, as she rolled down the window to try to hear any sounds coming from it. I slowed down the car. Neither of us heard anything at all. Then I said, “It’s not a helicopter, either, because I can’t hear anything – and that’s too big to be a helicopter – and planes don’t just STOP like that.” It had red and green lights that were slowly going on and off. The lights were the first things we both noticed before seeing the object itself. It appeared horizontally long, like a metallic cigar in the sky by the tower. Then my girlfriend said, “I have a creepy feeling. We should speed up. Whatever that is, I have never seen anything do that before.” So, I sped up, and as I did so, the object began to move again and was heading in OUR direction. My girlfriend said, “It’s coming this way, toward the road.  GO!” So I went even faster, and she took her seat belt off to look at it pass over the car and off behind us in the direction of the area behind my side of the car – back from the area of Howard county where we were coming from, back in the northeast direction, sort of.  She looked at it as it sped off quickly, and the lights disappeared – and then the object itself disappeared. There was no sound of a helicopter or an airplane going over us from up above as you would normally hear. Then it was gone – and we continued to drive back home.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









The Loch Raven Dam is located in Baltimore County, Maryland just north of the Baltimore City limits. On October 26, 1958, at 23:30 EST, two men, Philip Small and Alvin Cohen, witnessed an egg-shaped object hovering over the reservoir. It was approximately 100 feet long and 125 feet in altitude and brightly glowed white. The car power and engine failed when they approached at 200 to 300 feet from the object. The object emitted a flash. It then shot straight up with a loud noise and heat. The witnesses later reported their skin was reddened on the side facing the object.  Small and Cohen later stated:  “Shortly after you pass the dam…the bridge looms up in front of you at 200 to 250 yards away. We saw from that distance what happened to be a large, flat sort of egg-shaped object hanging between 100 to 150 feet off the top of the superstructure of the bridge over the lake.”  “We slowed and decided to go closer and investigate the object. When we got to within 80 feet of the bridge, the car went completely dead on us. It seemed as though the electrical system was affected: the dash lights went out, the headlights went out, the motor went dead. Mr S., who was driving the car, put on his brakes [after the motor went dead], turned the ignition once or twice. We did not get any whirring sound; we were pretty frightened at that point. We watched it for approximately 30 to 45 seconds and then, I am not sure of the sequence of events here, it seemed to flash a brilliant flash of white light, and we both felt heat on our faces. Concurrently there was a loud noise, which I interpreted as a dull explosion. Then very quickly, the object started to rise vertically. It didn’t change its position [aspect], as far as we could tell, during the rising.”  “The only different feature it had while it was moving was that it was very bright and the age became diffused so that we couldn’t make out the shape as it rose. It took from five to ten seconds to disappear from view completely. We were very frightened.”  “…We got back to a phone booth in approximately 15 minutes. We proceeded to call the Ground Observer Corps, with no result. Our story elicited only complete disbelief.”  Their initial attempts to file a report with the Ground Observer Corps were met with ridicule so they felt forced to report their encounter to the Towson Police Department who sent patrol officers to interview them. Noticing a sunburn-like appearance on their skin, the officers had them go to the local hospital for treatment. They were released later that night. The Towson police, not knowing how to handle the report, requested that Andrews Air Force Base investigation the sighting.


NOTE: Over the years, there have been a few undocumented incidents in the same general area. In 1978, a local fisherman, by the name of Mitchell, alleged that a ‘bright round light’ rose out of the lake (about 500 yds above the dam), hovered over the water for a few seconds, then dove back into the lake. A similar account was circulating among several Baltimore City Water dept. workers in 1983. The only difference was that the ‘ball of yellow light’ traveled along the shoreline for several minutes before it suddenly vanished. It was stated that the workers had trouble starting their work vehicles after the sighting. In May 2000, an administrator at Greater Baltimore Medical Center told me he witnessed a disc-shaped object that ‘looked like green fire’ fly across the reservoir while he drove home one evening in January 2000. He said he had a very good look at the object since there was snow on the ground and the lake was frozen and covered as well…which provided a very good contrast. This occurred near the Paper Mill Rd. bridge. He stated he stopped his car, got out and noticed a strong sickening-sweet odor that made him retch for several minutes. He claimed that he had trouble keeping food in his stomach for a few days and that his eyesight was so impaired that he was unable to operate a vehicle for almost a month. He also said that he experienced increased joint and back pain since the sighting. The cause of his illness was never determined. BTW, I attempted to contact the witness for some follow up information about a year later and was told he had taken his own life not long after our initial conversation. Since my original post in 2010, I have been told of two additional sightings. Both were disc-shaped craft that were seen hovering near the bridge area. I will continue to monitor the location. I believe that these craft and their operators have a specific attraction to the location, even though there have been renovations during the same period of time…Lon  Phantoms and Monsters.    NOTE: The above image was taken over the water on 8-25-11 at Bogeda Bay California.







One of the most controversial radar visual reports of the fifties occurred on August 31st, 1954. The story leaked out in December, 1954, and made front page headlines. The official navy file on the event remained classified until the Directorate of Naval Intelligence released a copy upon my request in 1982.  During his 1973 visit to Australia, Dr. Hynek was able to interview the pilot involved in this famous incident, which became known as the “Sea Fury” encounter. Dr. Hynek made his notes on this interview available to me during my 1984 visit to the Chicago headquarters of his organisation, the Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS). I, in turn, provided Dr. Hynek with a copy of the official file on the incident. Lieutenant J.A. O’Farrell was returning to Royal Australian Navy Air Station Nowra after a night cross country in a Sea Fury aircraft. After contacting Nowra at about 1910 hours, O’Farrell saw a very bright light closing fast at one o’clock.  It crossed in front of his aircraft taking up position on his port beam, where it appeared to orbit.  A second and similar light was observed at nine o’clock. It passed about a mile in from of the Sea Fury and then turned in the position where the first light was observed. According to O’Farrell, the apparent crossing speeds of the lights were the fastest he had ever encountered. He had been flying at 220 knots. O’Farrell contacted Nowra who in turn confirmed that they had two radar “paints” in company with him.  The radar operator, Petty Officer Keith Jessop, confirmed the presence of 2 objects near the Sea Fury on the G.C.I. remote display.  The two lights reformed at nine o’clock and then disappeared on a north easterly heading. O’Farrell could only make out “a vague shape with the white light situated centrally on top.” The Directorate of Naval Intelligence at the time wrote that O’Farrell was “an entirely credible witness” and that he “was visibly ‘shaken’ by his experience, but remains adamant that he saw these  objects”  In a recent interview, “Shamus” O’Farrell described the incident:  “I said, “Nowra, this is 921. Do you have me on radar?” “And a few seconds later they came back and said, “Affirmative 921. We have you coming in from the west. We have another two contacts as well. Which one are you.” “I said, “I think I’m the central one.”  And so they said, “Do a 180…for identification.” So I did a quick 180 and then continued on around and made it a 360 back to where I was going. “They said, “Yes, we’ve got you. You’re the centre aircraft.” I said that’s correct. They then said to me, “Who are the other two aircraft,” and I said, “I don’t know. I was hoping you would tell me, because I didn’t think there was anyone up here.
“They said, “Well there shouldn’t be, and they certainly shouldn’t be that close to you.” “So the conversation went on like this and I was very pleased to be talking to somebody because it gave me a lot of reassurance. With that these two aircraft came in quite close to me and I could really see the dark mass and that they were quite big, but I couldn’t make out any other lights or any other form of an aircraft. With that they took off and headed off to the north east at great speed. “I was about to press the button and tell them at Nowra that the two aircraft were departing when Nowra called me up and said, “The other two aircraft appear to be departing at high speed to the north east. Is that correct?” and I said, “Yes!”. And they said, “Roger, we’ll see if we can track them.”  They tracked them for a while and then lost them. “I came in and landed at 7.30 (1930) and when I got there there were quite a few people waiting for me. I thought it was a bit strange and so they came over, and they said, “You sure you had aircraft out there!” and I said yes. The Surgeon Commander came over and spoke to me. He said did I feel sick, or was I upset. I said no. He ran his hand over my head to see whether I had any bumps. He had a look at me and decided I was okay. So then he said, “Perhaps you’d like to come to the sick bay after you’ve changed and we’ll do an examination.”  So after I was finished I went up to sick bay and he gave me a more thorough medical, and said, no, I appeared to be alright. I found out later, that at the same time, they checked to make sure I hadn’t been drinking before I took off and all that sort of thing.” During this interview, Dr. Hynek’s involvement came up: “This man (Hynek) – a professor – had made a study of thousands of sightings all around the world and he had decided my sighting was one of those that he had not been able to explain away by other means.  Any way I had a talk with him. He was a very interesting chap and he made the comment that there were about 13 or 15, I don’t remember, sightings that he was aware of over the years that were like mine and could not be explained away. The interesting thing he said was that all of these sightings had been made by professional people in aviation.  By that he meant they were military pilots, military air crew, civil aviation operators, air traffic controllers, and the like, or airline pilots.
 These were the ones he was now (1973) going around meeting the people themselves and investigating.  All the others he had written off and had been able to explain down to some other phenomena. It came to the point where he said, “Your sighting cannot be explained away.” And he left it at that. To this day I wouldn’t know where it came from or where it went.” I have had the opportunity to talk extensively with Shamus O’Farrell. I was particularly interested in how the interview with Dr. Hynek in 1973 came about: “It was done through Sir Arthur Tange, who was secretary of the Department of Defence at the time. Hynek contacted him direct… Sir Arthur Tange contacted me and said Hynek was coming out. He had written to him, through the US Embassy, to set up a meeting.  And the next thing I knew I had a telephone call one day from Sir Arthur Tange saying that Hynek was coming and he would like me to met him. I said, well, I haven’t got all the facts, there all a bit hazy. So he sent me the two Defence Department files over to read, to refresh it all.” Bill Chalker: “That seems to indicate a high level of interest in Hynek’s visit at the time?”  “Yes, well, I don’t think so. All that happened was that it was more of a courtesy because he was a very important guy, Hynek, and they wanted to show him the courtesies etc. As far as Defence was concern it was dead and forgotten but they had not got rid of the files. They kept them.  Normally when files like that are written off they are either decided they’ll put them in Archives or dispose of them and destroy them. But they had done neither. They had remained in the JIO. They’d kept them. I don’t know what they had in mind about it, I never questioned it. I just used them as a means to refresh my memory.  “Later the guy who became the chief Defence scientist, John Farrands, was very interested in it too, and he had done a lot of early investigations in most of the reports when he was chief defence scientist and in the period just before he became chief defence scientist. He had a talk with me.  I was a friend of his. I used to meet with him at lunch. He went over it in great detail. He knew it all. He agreed it was something that couldn’t be refuted. No matter how hard they tried, and they tried very hard to knock it all back. They checked everything from medical, down to when was the last time I had had a drink…”  Bill Chalker: “That must have been a bit of a concern to you?”  Well, I wanted to hush it all up. That sort of investigation made me look a bit of a fool. I was worried it wasn’t going to do my career any good. “(Apart from the radar witness) it locked in a sighting over the NDB (non directional beacon) at Narulan, at the same time. There happened to be a guy working on the NDB.  It was down at the time.  He had gone to repair it. He happened to look up at the time because he saw these lights fly overhead. Also the air traffice control officer in the tower at Mascot saw them approaching him. “It was all investigated by the then RAAF guy who did it and later it was also investigated by the Joint Intelligence Bureau.”  In 1993 I assisted The Extraordinary television programme with a recreation of the Sea Fury incident. Shamus O’Farrell, Keith Jessop and I were interviewed on the show. The case stands as one of the best unexplained radar visual UFO cases on record in Australia.  Written by Bill Chalker  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









As I was coming home from a night class at the Univ. of Rhode Island, early April, 2008, about 9pm, up ahead at the intersection of Ministerial road (rt. 110) and Old Post Rd, in the Perryville section of South Kingstown, RI.  I saw a large (maybe 15 ft. across), round, off-white light hovering above a telephone pole (power transformer attached to pole). My immediate thought was ‘that’s not suppose to be there.’  I slowed down as I approached the intersection from the NW (Post Rd North) and stopped at the four-way stop sign, keeping my eyes on the light. There were no other cars on the road at that time.  The night was clear with stars and cool. I was fixated on the light as I crossed the intersection and stopped my car below the large light, trying to make out the shape of the craft, which I thought was either triangle or chevron shaped. I was a dense, dark object with only the lights prominent. There was no noise whatsoever as the craft just floated perfectly still above the pole. I then noticed a small ‘electric green’ flashing light, like a neon light, and a beautiful green color, at what I would call the rear of the craft. I estimated that the craft was about 30 ft. to 50 ft. in length. There were two homes on either side of the road where I stopped (noticed no one inside) and an automotive garage (Scott’s automotive) which is usually open nights ’till 11pm, next to the house across from the pole. I got out of my car, keeping my door open in case I needed to beat a hasty retreat for any reason, while I observed in fascination this craft. At that moment a car came out from a small dirt road/driveway next to Scott’s Automotive and I thought it would stop…instead, it accelerated past me and blew through the stop sign heading North on Old Post Rd…the driver must have seen the craft I was looking at and in fear sped away. I was alone again at that point, and as I watched the craft in slowly and ever-so smoothly pivoted, rose up a bit, and slowly drifted off across Ministerial Rd, heading NW, over a hill and toward the town of Wakefield. At that point I had this strange sensation that time was slowing down, even as I got back in my car to head home nearby. I called the South Kingstown police to report this incident as I drove. The female dispatcher took my call seriously and said no other calls had come in related to it at that point. As I drove away from the spot the feeling of slow time seemed to go away. I was too fascinated to be scared of what I saw but never felt threatened by the craft at all…just felt lucky to have such a fascinating observation.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Rhode Island.








While camping alone on the cliffs of Gay Head, Aquinnah, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts I made this observation. It was Bill Clinton’s birthday, as mine was the day before, so I guess we were both celebrating on the island…my accommodations were a bit more primitive than his I’d guess. To save money I drove my motorcycle to a secluded spot on Gay Head Cliff, looking out to No Man’s Island, an uninhabited island that had been used by the military for bombing practice, about a mile off shore. It was very dark, but a nice starry night. I had passed Clinton’s motorcade earlier that day and was just enjoying the solitude and peace of that beautiful island. The beach front lay before me at the bottom of the cliff; a clothing optional beach, very famous, was nearby and got extensive use on sunny summer days. The President had done a book signing that day in Vineyard Haven and may have been coming back from the beach when I saw his motorcade. It was late, about 1am, when I finally settled down, as I wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible; camping was illegal there. I had only a sleeping bag, which was enough for that nice weather. As I was looking out over the cliff to the SW I saw a fishing boat way off, a dragger, with all its very bright lights on, not moving so it seemed. Suddenly, to the right of the boat appeared a large, spinning, pinwheel kind of light, with reds, oranges, and yellows going round and round, going clockwise. It was just at the ocean surface and not far from the boat..I thought, those guys on the boat have to be looking at this light. It was kind of freaky watching, trying to figure out what it could be. It was not related to the boat at all. I watched it stay steady for about ten minutes when all of a sudden it just went out, like someone pulled a light switch…just gone. The boat was still in the same spot. I wondered whether it was still there with its light out or moving in the darkness with out lights. I kept watching but never saw the light again..I didn’t sleep much that night, wondering if it might find me there alone, miles from the nearest habitation. Just a weird and lucky observation for me. I wonder what the boat crew thought. I’d say the pinwheel was almost the size of the ship and that they were very near each other, relative to my position. Was it observing the boat? I don’t know. – MUFON CMS    NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








I was awakened at 2:38 a.m on 3/12/14 by a sound like my cellphone ring but it was only five notes. I opened my eyes and there was an image, about 2’x3′ on the wall in front of me. It was obviously bamboo trunks and leaves. The image faded to black in about 3 seconds. This has happened before with other images, like forest scenes. These wake-up calls are usually accompanied by craft being sited outside my window. This time my blinds were open. I rolled over and there was a very large star-like object (as big or larger than Venus or Jupiter.) Every amateur astronomer with even a 70 power scope knows how fast the moon and stars are moving up there. You have to keep adjusting your telescope constantly or the object drifts right out of our field of view in a few seconds. Knowing this, I positioned my view so that the bright object was against the window frame and waited. The object did not move for 10 minutes. After that, the angle started to increase from 45º to about 50º which was the opposite direction from the moon (which was visible and which decreased its angle during the time the bright object was both stationary and moving in a retrograde motion from Earth’s rotation.) I determined then to get my Nikon D7100 camera and do a telephoto long exposure shot, sort of thinking aloud, “If you don’t want me to photograph you, you can leave before I get back with the camera.” It did not leave. I held the camera against the glass and window frame and took the shot. The camera automatically did a 2 or 3 second exposure. I will attempt to upload the full resolution photo. It appears to have captured some detail, not just a sparkle as would be the case with Venus or Jupiter since I only have a 200mm optical telephoto zoom on the camera. I have had more than 20 sightings since the first during the Phoenix lights flap. This is the first time I have ever attempted to take a picture of any of them. 








 An adult male, with sky-watching experience, witnesses an unlighted, triangular shaped object glide across the night sky.   When last observed, the object was headed toward Chattanooga, TN.      At 10:55 EST in Hixson, TN, a suburb of Chattanooga, I was standing outside letting me dog out when out of the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a triangular object with no lights on it gliding across the night sky.   It was difficult to tell how high the object was, because there were no lights on it to help judge the distance, but I would guess relatively low due to the fact that it was about 1/8 to 1/5 the size of a full moon.   There was no sound, and it was traveling east south east toward the center of Chattanooga. I observed the object for about 12 seconds or so as it flew out of sight remaining the same speed and direction the entire time.   I’ve always been interested in looking up at the stars, and I own a telescope.   I have never seen anything like this before.   Since it had NO lights on it, it appeared a dark gray over the night sky.   I strained to get as clear of view as possible and could not make out any form of a plane or bird.   It definitely had a triangle shape.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.





 Another geographical triangle, located in the middle of Lake Michigan. It, too, is the site of mysterious disappearances of both land and sea craft….similar characteristics of the Bermuda Triangle, including ghost ships, strange disappearances and even UFO sightings.  “There’s been some strange disappearances out there, there’s been many ships that have been lost that haven’t been found.”  Bill Wangemann is a historian from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He’s spent a lifetime gathering tales about the Lake Michigan triangle.   the legend doesn’t end with sunken ships; nearly 40 planes have disappeared over Lake Michigan too. Probably the most famous is northwest airlines flight 2501 that took off from New York City headed for Minneapolis in June of 1950 and plunged into Lake Michigan just off Benton Harbor. No one survived.  Then, there are the sightings of UFO’s and other strange anomalies in the sky. In fact there have been so many sightings of strange objects and phantom planes that the Federal Aviation Administration created a special lake reporting service to catalog the reported sightings.  And yet still, thousands make the journey through the Triangle every season.  “There’s dozen’s of these stories about different things that have occurred out there and people that have been lost and sailors that have disappeared off of ships and some people claim that there is something supernatural going on out on the lake,” says Wangemann. 


 The wreck of the schooner Rosa Belle and the loss of 11 crew members and passengers, all members of the Benton Harbor cult House of David, shocked the nation in the fall of 1921. The wreck was discovered on Oct. 30, floating upside down by the Grand Trunk car ferry Ann Arbor No. 4. The captain of the ferry said it appeared as if the schooner had been in a collision with another vessel. But no other ship was found to have been in a collision that week. The aft section was smashed, the cabin was wrenched away from the deck and the ship’s rigging was floating loosely about the hull. The mystery of what happened to the Rosa Belle was never solved.  Strange too was the fact that it was the second almost identical wreck for the Rosa Belle. The vessel capsized in the same area and drifted ashore near Grand Haven, Michigan, in August, 1875. Ten crew members were lost. The wreck was recovered at that time and rebuilt.  Among the strangest of the mysteries was the disappearance of the schooner Thomas Hume, which disappeared without a trace in a Lake Michigan gale on May 21, 1891, while sailing empty from Chicago to Muskegon, Michigan to pick up a load of lumber. Seven sailors, including Captain George C. Albrecht, were lost with the ship. Even though the lake was searched thoroughly, not a stick of lumber or piece of flotsam from a wreck was ever found. Old sailors speculated that the Hume, a wooden vessel, could not have sunk without some wreckage floating away. To this day, the Hume’s disappearance remains unsolved.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









Yugoslavian Army jet fighter pilot Sauda Hamzica shared his UFO belief and his personal encounters. He believes that space UFOs have been visiting Earth based on many accounts by highly credible people along with his own personal experiences of these mysterious aerial objects. His first sighting was in the early afternoon in the spring of 1972 when he was in the region on Delcina flying a Mig-21 on a routine reconnaissance flight. Captain First Class Stipic Dusan was at the back of the two-seater jet.  Hamzica was very certain that the UFO was higher than he was but could not determine the mysterious object’s altitude. Their jet was not equipped to fly at high altitude or at a speed over Mach 1.6 because it was only a reconnaissance flight.  Hamzica decided to fly high to the limit of their jet to look the object closer. As he got closer, the object also started to get bigger. Even if he was 13,000 meters from the ground, he still could not tell the high altitude of the UFO. He estimated it to be at 17,000 or even 24,000 meters high. He saw the object moved between 4,000 to 6,000 km/h or 2500 to 4000 mph to the west and disappeared.  Hamzica and Stipic discussed the sighting only between themselves and never talked about it to anyone else. No official report was filed and they thought the experience was part of their job. Few months later, Hamzica’s second sighting happened on a beautiful summer day. He noticed a silver, round UFO above one of the runways. He was in a square with members of the 352 reconnaissance squadron including pilots and technicians. He first assumed that it was a weather balloon but it was too early to be launched. Moments later, he observed that the object was not actually floating upwards like a weather balloon. He shout out loud the word UFO because of excitement.  Everyone looked up and some made jokes about extraterrestrials. However, most people around him did not pay much attention on the UFO and only few did continue to watch. Similar to what Hamzica first witnessed, the UFO remained in one place then it zipped off to the west and disappeared. Those people who remained observing the object got puzzled but only very little discussion about the incident.

His third encounter happened in late 1973 or early 1974 as he could not clearly determine the exact date. He was in a night training flight when he saw a glowing light. He first thought that it was a commercial plane but after a closer look, he figured out that it was a UFO as the light changed from light green, yellow to slightly purple. The UFO disappeared behind the clouds.  Hamzica said that after he retired from the Army, he had other sightings and managed to record mysterious lights in two occasions in 2008 and 2011. In both cases, the lights were very bright then suddenly disappeared. He checked news reports to know if somebody also had seen the lights but it seemed that the lights never appeared as no news about them in the media. Everyone looked up and some made jokes about extraterrestrials. However, most people around him did not pay much attention on the UFO and only few did continue to watch. Similar to what Hamzica first witnessed, the UFO remained in one place then it zipped off to the west and disappeared. Those people who remained observing the object got puzzled but only very little discussion about the incident.  His third encounter happened in late 1973 or early 1974 as he could not clearly determine the exact date. He was in a night training flight when he saw a glowing light. He first thought that it was a commercial plane but after a closer look, he figured out that it was a UFO as the light changed from light green, yellow to slightly purple. The UFO disappeared behind the clouds.  Hamzica said that after he retired from the Army, he had other sightings and managed to record mysterious lights in two occasions in 2008 and 2011. In both cases, the lights were very bright then suddenly disappeared. He checked news reports to know if somebody also had seen the lights but it seemed that the lights never appeared as no news about them in the media. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







 While bringing trash cans to end of driveway, I looked up into the night sky and observed the constellation Sagittarius. To the left of the constellation I noticed what appeared to bea very bright star. However it pulsated and changed directions very rapidly. I moved into the road, which was very dark with a clear line of sight away from tree branches, and noticed that it continued with this color and travel pattern. Several aircraft flew in different directions, at what appeared to be much lower altitude, during the entire time of observation. I am convinced that this was no plane or helicopter, due to the rapid ability of the object to change directions constantly and stop.

I then came inside my home and told me wife to accompany me to observe the UFO. We continued to observe the object for approximately 20 minutes. A neighbor came out to place his trash cans at the curb, and I called him over. He claimed to be a military pilot in the past and tried to explain it as one, at first. But when I pointed out the rapid direction of travel while not following a flight path, he couldn’t explain it. I had my cell phone with me and for the first time, decided to try out the video taping function. At this point in time, I’m not sure that it recorded, but it enabled us to zoom in on the object. It was at that time that we could see the vivid colors pulsating on the surface of the orb, as well as in a ring that appeared around it. I came inside to get my video camcorder, but found the battery was not charged. At the time of this report, I’m not sure if I have the video on my cell phone, but will try to find out how to retrieve it by checking on line (its a company provided cell phone – Motorola Droid Razr). I should mention that I had observed multiple UFO’s in 1967, when I was 14 years old, which rapidly changed flight paths before bursting at high speed into space. I’ve often checked the night sky and haven’t seen anything resembling a UFO until this point. I have prior law enforcement experience, with extensive observation and investigative skills while in the corporate security profession for over 35 years. This includes report writing and court testimony. So I have established total credibility throughout my career. I have also been a certified NJSP certified security officer Instructor since 2007.  NOTE: The above drawing is a witness rendering.


This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.







A former Navy serviceman reported an encounter with a ball of light mirroring his ship’s course and speed during a multi-national naval exercise near the Hawaiian Islands, according to March 10, 2014, testimony in Case 54547 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.  The witness was in transit back to a San Diego home port from the RIMPAC multi-national naval exercises about 10:15 p.m. on August 4, 2010, when the events occurred.  “Course and speed was roughly 010 true @15 kits,” the witness stated. “I had just finished my watch in sonar control and went to the smoke deck on our starboard quarter (aka starboard break). I was not alone, however, I do not remember how many people or who was there that also witnessed the event.”  The witness described what he saw that night.  “I saw a medium-sized ball of light about 10 or 20 feet above water approximately 3 kyds away almost as soon as I got there. Initially I thought it was another ship that was also in transit and continued to observe it because, to my knowledge, we were alone in transit on our Pim. (Strike group commander set course and speed). It was mirroring our course and speed almost exactly with no discernible difference to our own for a period of about 15  minutes.”  The witness watched the light move.  “The ball then traveled very rapidly from a forward position relative to my ship to aft and then changed elevation and rose vertically nearly instantly to an elevation of about 200 feet or so from my perspective. It then appeared to mirror our course and speed from that elevation and follow us.”

The witness decided to report the event immediately.  “Startled and perplexed I put out my cigarette and went directly to the CIC (Combat Information Center) to report what I had seen to the CIC watch officer and radar operators. I told the CICWO my findings and was brushed off.”  But the conversation was overheard.  “I then went to the SPS-49 7 radar operator and he had apparently overheard my story. The petty officer on watch proceeded to show me that he had contact on the surface and air search radar that corresponded to what I had witnessed. He also told me that the same chain of events has been reported three other times by other individuals and had been occurring since our transit had begun two days prior.”  The witness is not sure if the events were officially logged.  “I do not recall if the incidents had been logged or not in the CIC watch contact log. I seem to recall being told by this petty officer that they were instructed to maintain contact and observe its movements, but don’t bother logging it as it didn’t appear hostile or of any interest. I was also told by him that the past two nights they had lost contact due to extreme elevation at about the same time each night. A few hours before dawn.”  The witness states that there were other reports of communications failure.  “Oddly enough during the actual RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise) exercises, my ship, as well as every other ship in our strike group, experienced strange connectivity and communication issues. An investigation was launched by the strike group commander under the premise that there was a suspected probe initiated by the Chinese on our entire strike group. I later discovered that the commications and systems phenomenon the ships experienced had no explainable origin and no evidence of an attack from a foreign nation was detected.”  No images or videos were included with the report, which was filed on March 10, 2014. Hawaii has a current UFO Alert Rating of 5 with a low number of recent reports nationally. Hawaii had 2 UFO reports in February 2014 – the 39th highest reporting state – while California had 59 reports – the highest reporting state in the nation.  You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.






SInce its launch on March 9, 2003, the asteroid explorer Hayabusa has succeeded in interplanetary flights. After its 2 billion kilometer journey, Hayabusa arrived at the asteroid Itokawa on September 12, 2005 and has carried out scientific observations on the asteroid since then.   New images of the giant Asteroid Itokawa (Its size is 540m x 270m x 210m) taken by Hayabusa JAXA Asteroid Explorer probe shows a huge mysterious spherical object above the so-called ‘Woomera Desert’ of the asteroid.

The ‘Woomera Desert’ is a large basin and there is a high probability that the basin is actually a large scale-crater. (The name was picked from the ‘Woomera Desert’ in South Australia.)    What is this incredible object and from where it come?   There are researchers who say that some asteroids are used by aliens as Extraterrestrial outposts.   Why has Japan so much interest in this big asteroid rather than many others?   Is it possible that Japan has discovered such an alien outpost on the asteroid Itokawa?   In the following video Mundodesconocido provides an analysis on this object, including detailed images of this mysterious object.  KENS NOTE: Please click on the above underlined links to read the rest of the story…







NOVEMBER 16, 2011    ….    COLOMA WISCONSIN  …..   5.50 PM

 Over a rural road, six horizontal lights appeared low in the sky for a few seconds and disappeared, silently.  My husband and I were driving on County GG near Coloma, Wisconsin and at approximately 5:50 PM we saw 6 horizontal, evenly spaced lights appear in the sky. They appeared low in the sky and reminded us of stadium lights but in a horizontal pattern as I described. We both asked, “what is that?” and they immediately went dark. Within seconds, we stopped the car, turned off the engine and got out to listen. There was no sound. We expected a plane, helicopter or something, but it was silent.  This is a rural, county road. There are no trees, etc. or other visual obstructions where we were. The only other traffic was a truck 1/4 mile ahead of us that appeared oblivous to this. There are no towers, city lights or nearby airport.  My husband and I have lived in this area for 30 years. We are both retired teachers. I am 51 and my husband is 62 and have never seen anything like this. This is the first time I have ever reported something like this.


NOVEMBER 16, 2011    ….    BERLIN WISCONSIN    ….    6 PM

I was driving home from work the evening of Wednesday, November 16, 2011 on County Rd D through the White River Marsh located between Berlin and Princeton WI. It was very dark and I was about halfway through the marsh, I don’t drive very fast because the marsh road is very curvy and I was approaching some “S” curves when I noticed a car parked alongside the road with its lights on. This is rare in the marsh so I was busy watching the car closely as I drove by because I had thought they had hit a deer. I believe I kept watching the car in my rear view mirror because I can’t believe I wouldn’t have seen “it” sooner. As I rounded the 3rd curve, veering off from the Rustic Road, I looked straight ahead and there it was. Straight in front of me, eye-height looking out my front windshield, the only way I can explain it was that I didn’t have to bend to see it above my car. The object was just above tree height. The object/row of lights appeared to be positioned over the abandoned farm area near the next curve. I cannot believe the people in the house on the corner did not notice it. There are only about 4 homes in that area of the marsh. I saw a row of rectangular shaped lights that were illuminating the object above and below the lights but not the complete object. It appeared to be circular in shape, maybe grayish in color. At first I thought and may have even said it aloud, “Oh my goodness, do hot air balloons fly at night?” “No, not with lights,” I said. It was that close to me at first, the ‘texture or surface’ of the object appeared to have the “look” of a hot air balloon or something similar to the :Airbus” surface. The big Wisconsin balloon flies low and close by in the summer sometimes, so that is why I thought it had a similar look to the surface of a balloon, but not colorful more of a matte gray. The illumination on the object from the lights reminded me of the haze around a streetlight when it is misting.  By this time, my mouth is wide open I am saying, “Oh my God!” over and over. I’m sure I was barely going 10 mph but for the life of me I don’t know how I made it around the next curve without going off the road because I never took my eyes off the object. Within seconds of first viewing the object, I could no longer see the object illuminated around the lights; all I could see is the row of vertically rectangular lights. I assumed later that the object was moving from me. It appeared to be backing further away but off to the left of its original position. The curve of the roads veers to the left and the object was still pretty much in front of me. The lights were like vertical windows at night, framed by black darkness, I believe about 7 or 8 lights, and the “row” of lights was slightly curved which seemed to support the circular shape I had first saw. The sky was completely dark with the exception of these lights. Then all of a sudden the lights went out but not like someone had switched off a light switch but more like someone was pulling a curtain or drapery shut over each window, from my right to left and then the lights were gone. Right after they were gone a small flash appeared that looked exactly like the flashing lights of an aircraft flying at night except it only flashed once and then all I saw was complete darkness. I kept watching in the area where I had last seen the lights to see if I would see movement or a shadow or something but I did not. I kept driving slow and watching out the window to my left almost the entire way home. I did notice a lot of jet-noise that night and also remembered hearing the jets flying at night the 2 nights previous to Nov. 16.


It was strange because I met another car about ¾ mile on a straightaway in the marsh parked alongside the road with its lights on as well. But I think this car would have been too far away to have seen it. I am wondering if the first car that I had met parked alongside the road had seen it. It was only about ¼ mile from where I saw the object. The entire time I was driving, more like crawling while I am watching the lights/object I am reaching in my purse for my phone to try to capture a photo. Never did get it out. But I kept staring at it to get a clear picture in my mind and immediately came home and drew what I saw. At first I drew the row of lights with the light framing black rectangular darkness but when I also drew the row of lights with the darkness framing the vertically rectangular lights that appeared to be closer to what I saw. I’ve scanned my drawings the first drawing is closer to what I remember. I told my husband and my son when I got home. They really didn’t react too much. Later it was bothering me, I felt I should report what I had seen. I did place a call to what I thought was the Green Lake County sheriffs dept but instead I had dialed the Green Lake City police dept. As I explained it to him he kind of laughed, said he had not heard of any other reports but would mention it to the sheriff’s dept if he spoke to someone. He did say I could call them to report it. The next day I told a friend of mine at work of the sighting and he encouraged me to contact the UFO center. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









At approximately 9pm this evening, my fiancé and I were relaxing on the couch watching television. The lights in the house were off. When we watch television we are facing one small and one large picture window that looks out onto our wooded yard. Our house is tucked into a forested lot so that even the headlights from the very occasional passing car going to and from a neighbors house is not seen from our living room. There are very few houses on our road.   As we watched our show at least 3 bright orange flashes of light flew from the right side of our house in the air the whole time and moved across to the left. Even though it only lasted a few seconds it was clear that the light originated and continued in the air, though maybe not tree top height. The trees around our property average about 20-30 feet high. From where the flashes originated there is nothing but wooded property and our garage.

The flashes seemed to be no more than 6-10 feet off the ground but grew in height. My fiancée thought something in the garage had exploded. However, there was never any sound at all. I thought the lights to the truck had flashed a few times.   My fiancé ran out onto our front deck to look and see what it was but there was nothing there. Nothing was out of place.   The lights were bright orange and clear quick flashes with 3-5 of them successively within the span of 3-5 seconds. They moved from right to left completely silently and were so bright they lit up our front yard (which is about the size of the parking lot of a small business) and all the trees in our yard. To give you an idea of how big our yard is, we could probably park 30-40 cars in our front yard alone. 

  I don’t know if it’s at all related or not but last night (the night before this happened) around 3:30 in the morning, our dog who sleeps on her bed in the living room, came into our bedroom and alerted to something in the living room or at the front door. This is out of character for her. Just as she woke me, I heard a very slight sound but I could not pinpoint the sound. It seemed to resonate throughout the house. It was a very slight but deep sound. You could liken it to a (Wah-Wah-Wah-wah) sound. I could feel this sound just as much as I could hear it and I can’t explain it better than that. It lasted for just as long as it took me to walk the few feet from our bedroom to the living room. Then it was just gone. It just immediately stopped.   I have a really tough time falling asleep last night. The dog acted as if there was someone at the door and I felt like there was too but our motion sensor lights weren’t on and I saw no one. I felt the weird need to sleep in my f! our year olds bed with him at that point. At this point, my healthy ((xx-years)) old dog would not leave my side.   Suddenly, my dog collapsed onto the floor and laid there with her eyes open but not blinking. She would not respond to my voice or my touch. She would not even respond to my commands. This scared me. About two or three minutes later she came to again and acted totally normal again. It seemed as if she had been drugged but of course she had not.   I am a college educated ((deleted)). I also hold a degree in ((deleted)). I do believe that we are not the only intelligent life out there. However, like most people I have never encountered anything personally that would give me that absolute undeniable truth. I’m not going to say that this experience is that undeniable truth.   To be quite honest, I don’t and I can’t know what this was that we saw but it is a very strange experience and it happened just as I have told you.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.