On July 25th, I was driving my car on the NJ Turnpike traveling northbound at approximately 3:30pm. I entered the NJ turnpike on exit 4 and had been driving northbound for approximately 10-30 minutes when I saw a ball/oval shaped object traveling at a high rate of speed directly in front of me in the distance. It ascended very rapidly and made a slight turn which caught my attention, then it traveled directly towards me. As I traveled northbound it traveled southbound directly over the NJ turnpike. Off in the distance was a small airplane carrying one of those big beach advertisements. The object was between me and the plane in the distance (I remember the plane being yellowish or light in color). I would think the plane would have been able to see the object too as it looks like the object originated very close to where the plane was. I did not see any wings on the object, when I saw it I was a bit surprised and didn’t know what it was, I estimate it as about the size of a helicopter although it was a ball shape it had no tail like a helicopter would. I turned my radio down and opened my window as the object quickly approached but I heard no noise as I typically would if it were a helicopter. The whole event from the moment I saw the object until it passed over me was probably no more then 8 seconds, it was very quick. I am the son of a retired pilot. Cars, motorcycle, helicopters, planes, hot-air balloons all interest me and I am familiar with many common shapes and sounds they all make and I can say with confidence I have never seen anything like this. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps it was a large unmanned drone? But I saw no markings on it as well as no way it could fly such as wings or helicopter style blades.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

This case is under investigation by State Section Director Ed Dobson of MUFON New Jersey.






This morning, New York Magazine featured a thoughtful article on ufology, Mark Jacobson’s “The End of UFOs,” which presented a recap of the recent MUFON Symposium in Pennsylvania. In the commentary Jacobson provided, I found the following excerpt particularly poignant, in light of a culture of belief that surrounds a subject about which, in pure honesty, I feel a number of its great adherents remain very “in the dark”:

“Fernando Garces-Soto, a wry, 60-ish Colombian-born music producer from Miami and fellow witness, was taking it more personally. ‘I’m spending a $1,000 to come to this. That’s a lot of money for the same old stories. This rehash, and more rehash. Probably next year I’ll spend another $1,000. What choice do I have?’ Fernando exclaimed, finding the existential humor of the situation. ‘I’m obsessed,’ he sighed. ‘I’m all messed up.’ “

In truth, maybe we’ll stay “messed up” if we continue re-hashing and re-hashing, and hiring only “celebrity ufologists” to come out and give lectures because they are “the big names in the field,” and hence, the ones who will sell tickets. There are a great many brilliant thinkers out there whose names you never hear, and who wouldn’t sell tickets to a large-scale event; but what they have to offer might do more than just amuse or entertain… it might cause you to think. Innovators in ufology today, who actually present the best case for the existence of a phenomenon which we don’t fully understand? Arguably, many of the brightest thinkers aren’t names you would even know… and hence, from a practical business standpoint, you likely won’t hear them lecturing at large-scale UFO events. I think we all have to understand this… but we also must remember to try and overcome our reservations about listening to new voices in the field, whose work we know nothing about… just like we must overcome our feelings about what a UFO skeptic has to say on the subject. In truth, we might learn something meaningful from each of them.   Innovators in Ufology today, who actually present the best case for the existence of a phenomenon which we don’t fully understand? Arguably, many of the brightest thinkers aren’t names you would even know… and hence, from a practical business standpoint, you likely won’t hear them lecturing at large-scale UFO events. I think we all have to understand this… but we also must remember to try and overcome our reservations about listening to new voices in the field, whose work we know nothing about… just like we must overcome our feelings about what a UFO skeptic has to say on the subject. In truth, we might learn something meaningful from each of them.

So is ufology “dying”? Is there so little to this phenomenon that there is nothing to be studied at all? I think that’s hardly the case; the problem, instead, is that we have become hung up in the ideological extremes, and the cult of personality surrounding those who have (and I say this in appreciation of their work) dedicated their lives, and livelihood, to studying this mystery. For a few of them, it has led to fame and notoriety… I wonder if they, after working so hard, and for so long, would really want people to shrug off new ideas and good research that may arise elsewhere, in favor of an autograph instead? It’s food for thought…Still, I would argue that the newest, and best innovators in this field are “below the radar,” so to speak. You may not find them at conferences, because they don’t draw crowds; you won’t see them on television, because they aren’t sensational enough to bring ratings. You may not even read about their work, because some of them are applying technical thought to the subject that publishers wouldn’t find appealing on any printed page… but they are out there, and they are working. I know, because I am familiar with many of them myself.  In fact, I would argue that some of the best innovations in the study of unidentified aerial illuminations aren’t even generally accepted as what we call “UFOs,” and largely due to the fundamental (but timeless) misinterpretation of the acronym UFO–meaning simply an unidentified flying object–being taken to mean an extraterrestrial spaceship, which was never the intended use of the term.

 Serious study of UFOs will always be criticized, but arguably, this is largely because it’s detractors are among those who don’t know where to look for the good research that’s being done. These critics will continually watch the sensational television shows, and sit in the back rows at popular conferences and events, criticizing arguments that, at times, are so easily deconstructed that it’s easily likened to shooting fish in the proverbial barrel. But what they are criticizing often isn’t the most meaningful, relevant, or up-to-date information on the subject; perhaps they should spend their time and criticisms more wisely, and go looking for a harder argument to deconstruct. And as for the groups who continually prop ufology high atop a rickety scaffolding of old cases, fringe theories, and sensational claims, they should learn to expect that critics will continue to attempt to debase their arguments. In truth, neither of these opposing sides seem to be interested in discussing the most relevant details pertaining to true anomalies which may exist in our world.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

KENS NOTE:  I have been harping for years as to why all of the UFO conferences do not have a showcase of UFO photos.  I had a presentation of UFO photos at the Baltimore Conference a few years ago and I feel it was a hit. There are many original and real UFO photo available to the public but they are never presented at a UFO conference.  Why ??  I am the founder of the largest UFO photos web site in the world.  Over 7000 great UFO photos and galleries of strange photos from the Moon and Mars.  I have all the information so there is no excuse why some of these great photos can’t be presented to the public and the world. 






AUGUST 2, 2014    ……    BANDERA TEXAS


My husband and I were sitting in the backyard so that I could smoke an after-brunch cigarette and facing the SE.  Dragonflies and butterflies, among other bugs and birds, were flying around.  I love watching them all so I try to catch every movement.  In front of me but at a good long distance away, a movement caught my eye and I watched it zip from my right to left a short distance and disappear all within three seconds.   As it faded, there were some leaves and limbs in the path of my view from a certain point and the object was never seen through it or from the other side of it.   The edges were somewhat blurry like a heat signature, but the color and details were clearer than I would have expected. It was about two inches long by 1/4 inch wide; yellow like a bee with black detail or windows, maybe both, on the top half.  I only saw it for 3 seconds and still can’t believe how much I saw since I can’t even see the details on a dragonfly flying by but I can see its shape and wings.  After it registered in my head that it was not a normal object, I told my husband what I saw and we discussed it. I didn’t want to report it, but then decided if there was a similar report that I would report it.  Doing a search in the data base for a cigar, gold to copper, the first person revealed seems to have seen a similar object just a couple of weeks ago so here I am.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









 Six adults and two small children were just finishing dinner at my sister’s house in Trooper, Pa. when, at about 9 PM, my brother-in-law went out to the mailbox to check for mail. He came running back in excitedly yelling, “Hurry, everybody come outside before you miss it”. We all went out on the front porch and looked up. There were about 12 bright lights, yellowish-white, flying in formation almost directly above us. They appeared to be fairly low (500-1,000 ft. high) in the sky and were absolutely silent and moving slowly. We observed them for about 5 minutes until they flew out of sight. I even went into the back yard where there was no noise and cupped my ear to the sky as the last one passed, but there was still no sound at all. I called 911 and reported the incident and the dispatcher said there was another report and the police were checking it out. He said they would call me back if they learned anything and, at about 11:15 that night they called me back to tell me there was a similar report from someone in Willow Grove, but that they still did not determine anything more. I contacted the Air Force and they suggested calling the FAA. The FAA suggested I contact MUFON. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


Thanks to MUFON CMS system.







 Shape: Disk – Duration: 1 minute – flying saucer makes touchdown then flees the scene.

 I was over a friend’s house yesterday. We were drinking a little and just having a good time at his place in West Suffield, CT. When we both stepped outside for whatever reason at the time and saw what appeared to be a great orb of light at first.  It was apparent that this was not an airplane because it was not moving.  It just remained still for about 30 seconds then suddenly started to jump in random spots in about a .5 mile radius from its original spot.  Then as crazy as it sounds I could actually make out the shape of the craft. It was a classic, old sci-fi movie flying saucer is what it appeared to look like with a system of lights around the circular edge.  What really freaked me out is when I looked even closer and could make out what appeared to be what some call a (touchdown). But the beam of light coming from the bottom of the craft wasn’t light at all. It blended in with the sky and I could only see the edge of it.  When suddenly the beam of whatever it was disappeared and the craft lights flashed starting with one bulb and went around the saucer ending with a single red flash from a bulb. That red flash was the last I saw from the craft as it quickly disappeared into the sky.  I don’t know what that thing was but I am just curious if I and my friend are the only ones who saw this craft that night. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.










MAY 17, 2008    ………     POTEAU OKLAHOMA

 I was at the drive in theater with my buddy watching a double feature. The sun had just gone down and the sky was that dim gray color from the city lights. The moon was bright that night so very little stars were visible adding to the weird glow of the sky. We were watching the movie Speed Racer and I was becoming rather disinterested. I noticed how clear the sky was except for one small cloud floating North on the left of the screen, towards the screen from my perspective(we were facing east), so I decided to watch it until it would pass behind the screen. I noticed it was moving pretty quick and I thought that there must be some pretty strong winds up there, but I have seen other clouds moving that speed. As it moved closer towards the screen it slowed and then stopped all together! I then slapped my buddy on the shoulder and pointed towards the cloud saying look! The cloud then proceeded in the opposite direction gaining speed and altitude. What happened next is difficult to describe. It’s like the cloud condensed into a spot and 3 rings of green lights with a kind of oval shape (I’m guessing because of the angle) appeared on that spot. They kinda randomly went in different directions. They then went up and seemed to gather in formation, then dive down what I assume was in a SE direction with incredible speed below the tree line and I lost site of them. This part happened very quickly. My buddy saw the lights too but he didn’t see the cloud. I don’t think his eyes had enough time to adjust as he had been looking at the screen. I have no idea if anyone else there had witnessed this. Please after years of scouring the internet I have never found a similar incident. It kinda threw me for a loop as I never believed in UFOs and thought people were just making things up. It has been driving me crazy. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. I have never publicly told this story for fear or ridicule. I have tried telling my friends but they always dismiss me. Even my buddy that was there does not want to dig into it but I simply cannot let it rest and be lost.  NOTE: the above image is a rendering.








I , together with 50-100 people had witnessed a major UFO sighting in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1997, and it still mystifies me to this date. What is most surprising is that I am unable to find any reference to it on the internet and so am writing to you in the hope that you would be able to investigate.  The year was 1997 and I was doing my post-graduate studies in an internationally acclaimed institution in Lausanne that year. I am from Asia and have since gone back to live in Asia, it was only that year that I was spending in Lausanne. It was in the later half of the year probably in Aug or Sep. It was a Saturday night, and had gone out in one part of Lausanne with some friends. I then left that part of Lausanne and was walking to another part of Lausanne where I was meeting some other friends.  Suddenly, I saw hundreds of people who had stepped out of their restaurants and looking in the sky. This was near the Lake Geneva shore and the area was an upmarket one with classy restaurants. The people witnessing this were all urban, well educated and well-off people. I looked up in the sky and saw somewhere between 15 – 20 lights hovering in the sky. They were fairly low in the sky and hence could be seen clearly,  no room for doubt on maybe eyes playing game on us etc. The closest one could think of the lights was a formation of military aircrafts, but they couldn’t be aircrafts because they were just stationary and making no sound. As I mentioned, it was so unique that people eating in many restaurants there had all come out of their restaurants half way through their meal to witness this. After a few minutes, the lights moved up into the sky very quickly and disappeared in the same formation, perfectly synchronized. I myself am a well educated person in senior management, and not one prone to believing in unexplained phenomena. This was a very clear incident of unidentified flying object with no room for doubt.  Unfortunately, none of my friends were there. I expected this to be reported in the newspapers next day. But the newspapers were all in French and I don’t know French at all. I asked some of my friends who knew French whether anything was mentioned in the newspapers, and they said no. Those days of course, the internet was just in its infancy.  For years now, every now and then, I search the internet to see if this has been highlighted anywhere, especially in specialist ufo sites like yours, but surprise not to find anything. I am hoping you have associates in Lausanne, Switzerland who are able to talk to the locals there and find out. This took place in an area called Ouchy, that is just by the lakeside. There are a clutch of restaurants on Avenue Willaim Fraise very close to the Movenpick Hotel.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.











One 4th of July approximately 1992, we were observing fireworks from our back deck. The house is on a lagoon off Barnegat Bay. As my husband and I watched, we saw three distinct gray discs in a triangular formation. They were kind of translucent but could be clearly seen. They hovered, and seemed to be three separate objects, and not the “feet” or “pads” of a single triangle-shaped craft. Off in the distance, a star-like object was moving up and down, seemingly very far away. The three discs seemed much closer. Both the star-iike object and the three gray discs remained in place for several HOURS. It was almost as if they were watching the fireworks display. All of a sudden, the star-like object dipped below the horizon, then shot up at an amazing speed, too off and disappeared as it took off. The three discs remained for a while, then seemed to disappear. I did not notice them leaving, but all of a sudden they were gone. Lots of people had to have seen them, and as a matter of fact, several months later we saw a report on the 6 o’clock news (one of the NYC stations) that showed a videotape of exactly what we had seen. It must have been visible all up the NJ coast, because someone in another beach town had taped it and sent it in to the news. I am CERTAIN about the July 4th date, but I am uncertain of the year. It had to be during my daughter’s high school years – 1990-1993. I believe it was 1992. I have had several sightings over the years- the first when I was about 15. I was about 38-40 years old when I had this sighting. I am never afraid. I am always exhilarated when I have a sighting. It’s almost like I am excited to see them back again. Somewhere, a videotape of this must still exit.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


This case is under investigation by Frank Bretschneider of MUFON New Jersey.








I was with a friend as we were walking back to a rental cottage in Ocean Grove, NJ around midnight on a Saturday night. It was the Summer of 1964. On a perfectly clear cloudless night, we stopped to gaze at the millions of stars visible near the beach at night. Suddenly our attention went to a single “star” that was moving straight up. Then, it suddenly changed direction and moved straight down. It repeated this a few times. We knew it wasn’t a plane because panes don’t move like that, and as it was a small as a star, too far away to be a plane anyway. Suddenly a vapor trail began to come out of it- we stood as if glued in place. My friend thought it might be a skywriting plane, but I knew it wasn’t because it wasn’t writing anything, skywriters don’t write at night, and it was too far away to be a small plane. Eventually the vapor trail began to descend. forming a large cloud-like shape. This “cloud” was easily as big as a house– oddly, although we could see the dark night sky through it, we could not see any stars- and we should have been able to see the stars. The rest of the night sky was filled with them. It was as if inside the cloud the stars became invisible. As it got larger, we realized it was getting CLOSER and at that point we heard a strange noise that I can only describe as sounding like hundreds of wheels and gears turning at the same time. The sound jolted us out of our lethargy and we began to run towards home. As we ran, we looked over our shoulders to see the “cloud” following us at about the level of the treetops. There were NO cars on the street- at that time, Ocean Grove did not allow cars in or on its streets from midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday. They actually had village gates that were locked, and no cars were allowed to be parked on the streets either. No lights seemed to be on in any houses, and at that time Ocean Grove had no shops or stores that would be open at night. NO gas stations. No 7-11 or WaWa. There wasn’t a soul around. We heard the noise as the cloud followed us- we were laughing and crying at the same time. We were only about 2 blocks from the house we were staying at, so we reached the porch before the cloud reached us. We climbed up the stairs, bursting through the front door, waking my friend’s mother and grandmother. Of course, she was upset that we were crying- we told her we had gotten frightened walking home, We went to the room we shared, pulled open the shade and the cloud was right outside the window. Hysterical by this time, we pulled the shade down and stayed up all night. We vowed never to tell anyone in authority (like police, etc) because no one would believe it wasn’t just two teenage girls who got scared walking home in the dark. To this day we remember it s clearly as the night it happened. We have lost touch over the years, but every once in a while we reconnect and remind each other about that night.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.


This case is under investigation by Robert Spearing of MUFON New Jersey.







JULY 15, 1970    ………    BENNINGTON VERMONT

Outside a shoe store in broad daylight, on a nearly cloudless day, in the town of Bennington in Vermont in the year 1970. I was with a young woman at the time that was outside the store, while my parents were shopping in there. There was no sound from the disc at all. When we first noticed the object, it was just hovering there in the sky about six hundred feet away, and about one hundred feet off of the ground. It started to move in a slow and straight motion to my left. The sighting was an interest that invoked curiosity and wonder at what it was that we were witness to. I mentioned to her to go and tell everyone in the shoe store to come out and to see this. The disc shaped object exited the sky in a display of non ballistic motion before anyone else could arrive. My father was a prominent university theologian that was the author of several books that focus around psychic phenomenon, and classified government research. There was no mistaken idea as to what it was that the two of us were seeing on that day in broad daylight. It was a positive experience that was without fear or apprehension as to what it was that we were witnessing. A miracle with a divine providence was what it was that we had seen that day. I have watched the government of this country ensure the security of information and unusual phenomenon that is supported by a use of lethal force. The reciprocity from me was one of being perplexed, and I gathered that a mandate of very stringent conditions of containment in access to information was being implemented by the Department of Defense. I never saw the occupants of the UFO, since the age level precluded my ability to assimilate the ‘who,what,when,and where’ to a greater degree. I have watched other good men and women pay a high personal cost in order to become the victims of those that want to control the telepathic influence of these beings. This stands in contrast to being a part of the solution in society that is directed towards an understanding as to why these intelligent life forms that are from other planets are visiting the Earth.


NOTE: The above image is real and was witnessed 1-17-13 in Palm Harbor Park in Florida.


This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator ken Pfeifer of MUFON Vermont.









On a winter’s night in 1952, it was pandemonium at a Girls Club when they all saw a Flying Saucer.  I was eleven years old when this happened,” Diane says.  Diane was leaving the Binghamton Girls Club at approximately 9 p.m., in February 1952. The facility was located intersection of Frederick and Liberty streets in Binghamton, NY. The girls had just been dismissed for the evening, so the front yard was full of girls age 9-16, about 45-60 in number, all heading for home.  Diane was fascinated by the night sky and the beautiful stars so she was constantly looking up at them. The winter sky that evening was crystal clear, so she took advantage of the opportunity to look around. To the west she saw the moon as a simple crescent. As she glanced toward the southeast sky, she saw something odd and interesting.  “It looked like a shark’s fin at first… I may have been the first to notice the thing.” She says.  Diane described the object as self-illuminated; “It had a harvest moon orange color sort of appearance. No other lights were visible.”  She explains that the object drew closer and enlarged in size,”then it flipped or sort of rolled over, I saw this whole thing very clearly, when it sort of turned over or revolved horizontally it appeared as a disk and approached us very quickly and stopped in the sky about 45 degrees up from the south horizon.”  Diane says the object was totally silent. She further states that it was like an orange football or blimp shape with portholes around the middle, and it appeared solid.  “I had the distinct feeling that we were being observed or scanned or something. It was a very oppressive feeling I had never experienced before. When someone yelled”it’s a flying saucer” it started a stampede back into the Girl’s Club door, if you can imagine a large number of teen-age girls all trying to get back into a small door all at once.”  Inside the girls club the group of teens were yelling at the two women directors, telling them that a flying saucer was outside. The staffer reluctantly went outside for a look. By this time the craft had moved to the southeast and it quickly moved away in an apparent straight line becoming quickly smaller to an orange point of light and disappeared.  The director of girls club in an effort to calm the frightened youngsters told them simply.”It’s the moon.”  Diane tells us that she objected to the trite explanation, telling the director “no.” She pointed to the moon setting in the western sky. The director paid no attention to what the eleven year old had to say about it. Diane tells us that she did check the local newspaper the next day but couldn’t find a report of the event.  Finally Diane tells us that for her it was a life changing experience, “I entered The University of Michigan as an astronomy major in 1958, as a direct result of fascination based on this event.”   NOTE: The above image is real and was taken on 1-1-13 in Westport Connecticut.









JULY 8, 2014    ……..     JOPLIN MISSOURI

 Missouri witnesses in Joplin, reported watching a silent, boxy object “bigger than a house” traveling about 300 feet off the ground about 9:15 p.m. on July 8, 2014.  A husband and wife were traveling home when they say they noticed a man in the street trying to flag them down as he pointed to to the sky.  “He was walking his dog who was barking wildly at the object and jumping high in the air,” the witness stated. “It approached from the northeast. As he watched, it crossed directly overhead. It looked like it was 300 feet off the ground.  “It was off-white in color appearing to be illuminated by a yellowish light coming from within it. It was as big or bigger than a house and was completely silent.”  The object’s shape was not aerodynamic.  “It was boxy-shaped with multiple angles kind of like on a stealth airplane. It looked like it had darkened square windows in parts of it.  It was flat on the bottom with round orange and red randomly flashing lights all around the bottom edge. The lights were round with dark center – like donuts. They were the size of stop signs.”  The object moved southwest and then south of their location and appeared to be traveling at about 100 mph. They then noticed a change in the lighting.  “It suddenly turned off its lights. All of them went off like they were quickly dimmed and not just cut off. Two lights on the back, one orange and one red, stayed on slightly longer than the others – about half a second.  These lights seemed to have a burnt look to the dark centers as if maybe exhaust or flames had at one time come out of there.”  The object then appeared to be descending like it was going to land or possibly crash.  “It stayed perfectly level as it descended behind the trees on the horizon. It seemed to form a light mist or fog around it as it descended.”


 The witnesses also noticed the strange behavior of animals in the area.  “I noticed that along its flight path every dog was going crazy, barking and howling.”  The three witnesses then decided to follow the object in the couple’s vehicle.  “We were using a spotlight that plugs into the cigarette lighter to search the fields next to the roads. After driving about a mile, the spotlight suddenly went very dim and the seat belt warning beeper started sounding repeatedly and quickly. Also the Jeep’s automatic transmission would not change gears. When I tried to go into reverse it would not go into gear without a struggle.”  All of this continued for about five minutes and then suddenly everything went back to normal. It is a newer model Jeep Wrangler and has never done anything like this before.”  The group then became nervous, but decided to keep looking.  “We continued searching nearby roads and fields but didn’t find anything unusual. On our way back home, as we passed the same location as before, our spotlight again dimmed and the beeping alarms in the Jeep began again.”  Despite the vehicle’s problems they again continued to search for the object.  “Shortly after, we turned around and passed this spot a third time, but this time nothing happened. We finally gave up our search and went home. By then the spotlight was working at full power and the Jeep was working properly and nothing else occurred.”  The man that flagged us down turned out to be a neighbor who lives about a block away. He is a retired commercial airline pilot from England.   He said he had “never seen anything like this before.”  This report was filed on July 9, 2014 and is currently under investigation.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








JULY 16, 2014     ……..    DIXON MISSOURI

 Shape: Chevron – Duration: 3 minutes – Bright Light boomerang/stealth/triangular object.

I saw a bright light through the trees while sitting on the back porch of our home at roughly 0500 this morning (07/16/14). It was as bright as the moon.  At first, I had assumed it was the moon, although it would have been in an unusual position/location. It disappeared due to the leaves blocking my view.  Then I saw it again in a clearing of leaves. Again, it disappeared. I stood up and watched it above the tree lines. I wanted to see the shape before I woke my husband.  Already I was thinking “this is a UFO” due to its apparent shape and size and brightness. When I saw the shape, I knew.  So I ran into the house and woke my husband. I told him he had to get up, because he would never believe me. He did, and we watched it fly over the house together.  I ran into the front yard to continue watching it. I was a little frightened and hid under some trees in case it was watching me. I cannot tell you its size, maybe 1/6 size of the moon and later the size of a large star.  It was solid white, almost blinding light. It was either a chevron shape or boomerang shape, similar to a stealth shape, but not a complete triangle.   It did not change directions, but instead flew in almost a straight line until it blinked out. It was too bright for my husband to make out the shape of it, but I could see the shape as it flew directly over my head prior to waking him. We were able to watch it together for at least 30 seconds before it disappeared from our sight.  I am a military vet and my husband is an executive on an Army base.   This was definitely an aircraft with no blinking lights, nor colors. It seemed to be an illuminated craft, as opposed to a craft with outside lights. It was blazing bright. NOTE: The above image is real and was taken on 10-19-13 over the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona Arizona.








JULY 1, 2009    ……..    TONOPAH ARIZONA


The following report concerns alien contact and a possible MIB encounter. It was submitted to NUFORC and occurred near Tonopah, Arizona on July 1, 2009 at approx. 10:30 PM. The area is in western Maricopa County, Arizona, approximately 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix off Interstate 10. The community of Tonopah is near the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the largest nuclear power plant in the country. There have been considerable UFO/alien accounts from this general area including rumors that a deep underground facility is nearby:


While in the desert near the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, the main witness and some friends saw a very large triangle shaped UFO. They were driving down a dirt road and saw a bright flashing light. They had seen objects in the area before and their intentions were to look for UFO’s. According to the witnesses, people that live in this area have been chased in their cars and seen objects on a regular basis. They went off the road behind some mountains, and no sooner had they come around the mountain they saw the large flashing light. All of them were scared but, at the same time, curious.


The main witness friend’s girlfriend was crying and telling them to turn around; they got within 2 to 300 yards from the light. It was the size of three football fields, triangular in shape, and had windows around it. It was about 3 stories tall, and about 30 feet off the ground, they flashed their lights and it flashed back, in the same sequence of flashes. The main witness and his friend, James, got out of the car and walked closer. The closer they got, the better they could make out what was standing in the windows. They could see small big headed aliens, and then 7 to 9 foot tall aliens, they based this on the size of the windows. Some of the windows they could see through, the other windows were dark, but then the dark windows, cleared up one by one, and as they went clear more and more aliens appeared on the windows. James was supposedly videotaping the whole time. The main witness was terrified but excited at the same time.

They walked closer and had to stop because the heat coming from the craft was so intense. The craft hovered and then landed. A large panel at the bottom of the craft opened and two aliens proceeded to walk out. This absolutely terrified the witnesses, but they couldn’t move or talk. The main witness remembers trying to scream and run but they couldn’t move or talk. Two others were in the car honking the horn, and screaming for them to come back, but they couldn’t respond or move.

The aliens walked up to within 20 feet of them. One of them was very thin and tall, about 8-9 feet, the other one was about 3-4 feet tall. The witnesses stood there in amazement, shocked because they couldn’t move or speak. Then calmness came over them and the aliens began speaking to them telepathically, they were saying not to be scared that they were not going to harm them. This “conversation” went on between the 4 of them for 15-20 minutes. They said they were here to help us, so that we would not destroy our planet, and that there was a horrible event coming soon, that it had to be stopped. One of the witnesses asked if it was something like ‘9/11’ and they said that it was bigger and that it would come from the Middle East. The main witness then thought to himself that he had been in this situation before and the tall alien heard his thoughts and repeated his name and said that yes, he had been visited before when he was 6 years old in Deming, New Mexico. He had been in the desert exploring and they had talked to him then. He had blocked that out, but it all suddenly came back, they said they knew they were coming and wanted them to warn people about global warming and what was to come if they didn’t take start taking care of our planet. Visions of disaster then entered their heads, as if to show them what was to come.

The taller alien then walked closer, and held his hand. He was no longer scared, neither was his friend, James. They said that they would see them again soon and to warn people about ‘saving our planet’. Supposedly James was recording the whole time. The aliens then returned to the craft and it was gone in a split second. When the craft left they both felt weak, but managed to make their way back to the car, when they got there the occupants of the car, Heather and Jamie, were not crying anymore they just hugged the witnesses.

For a minute the car would not start and suddenly it just turned on by itself. As they started to drive away three military helicopters appeared and began shining their lights on the witnesses. Then two military Hummers showed up and chased the witnesses. They tried to avoid the Hummers but were told over a speaker to pull over or they would be forced to shoot at them. They pulled over and military personnel surrounded their vehicle.

Two men dressed in black opened the door and asked them to get out. One of them looked familiar to the main witness. He asked the witnesses to get out and both questioned them, while the military personnel searched the car. They asked them what they had seen, how long they had been there and if they had had any contact with the alien ship. One of the soldiers then found the video camera. The men in black reviewed it and told the witnesses they were not to speak of this, they then confiscated the camera and took the main witness with them. The other 3 witnesses asked where they were going and they told them not to worry about it. He left with them and they questioned him further. He kept staring at one of the men since he looked familiar. They then dropped him off on the I-10 highway near Tonopah Joe’s restaurant. There he was later picked up by his friends.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.







Colonel H. G. Shaw, along with his friend Camille Spooner, had a close encounter with unknown entities in 1896.  Shaw was in charge of putting together an exhibition to be displayed at a Fair in Fresno.  Shaw and friend were traveling by horse and carriage in route to Stockton, when their horse froze with fright.  To the two men’s shock, they saw the cause of the horse’s actions; three tall alien looking beings with small delicate hands at the end of their spindly arms stood by the road. They had no hair on their heads, yet a soft, light fuzz over their bodies. Large eyes made their small mouths and ears appear even smaller. The two eyewitnesses would later tell authorities that the beings had a “strange” type of beauty to them.  All of the beings carried with them a bag of some kind with a hose which they often stuck in their mouths, obviously to breath with. Although there was still some daytime left, the beings also carried with them egg-shaped lamps which glowed. This glow would later illuminate a waiting spaceship.  As the men watched the aliens, the beings were communicating with each other by a type of chant, as no English words were heard by Shaw and Spooner. The men would tell authorities that the aliens made an attempt to abduct them, but that the large difference in mass between the human and alien body thwarted the effort.  Soon, the three alien beings made a move toward a nearby bridge. Using their other worldly lamps, the aliens lighted up the bridge, showing a nearby craft. The UFO was of a cigar shape, and it hovered quietly over the water.  The beings seemed to be almost lighter than air as they moved toward their craft. It seemed that the aliens would almost leave the ground as they walked on the earth.  The beings entered the hovering cigar UFO in a most unconventional way also. They sprung up from the ground and above their craft, and then floated down into the craft through an unseen entry. Soon, the object flew away. Shaw later told investigators that, in his opinion, the craft had come from Mars, a common theory for the time. This unusual case occurred on November 25, and was reported by Jenny Randles, in “Alien Contacts and Abductions.”  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.









I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left.  I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does.  It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky.  I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace.  Nothing public or private can fly without authorization.  Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?”  That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric.  I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before. There was what looked like a bright light on it as well.  It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. I stopped randomly between working and tried the video recorder, but the object simply disappeared from sight. It would not show up on video.  The object turned slightly as it moved but you guys tell me what this is.  I couldn’t find any records of aerial pictures of city nor reports of anything happening at airport. When the object just simply disappeared and I could not see it anywhere in sky I thought this to be extremely weird.  Seeing as it had taken so long to get to my location and I could see it anywhere in the horizon, it’s like it never happened really.  After the object was gone, 2 army jets made multiple passes over the area. They returned then flew off again out of site only to return and do this again.  I’m at a loss as to what I saw and am not discounting anything; as long as it’s realistic and logical.  NOTE:  The above image is a rendering.







Donald (Deke) Slayton “Mercury Seven” astronaut, stated in an interview, that he had seen a UFO in 1951:
“I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then realized that no kite is gonna [sic] fly that high. As I got closer, it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing, it didn’t look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disc. About that same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me – and there I was, running at about 300 miles an hour. I tracked it for a little while, and then all of sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45-degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared. A couple of days later, I was having a beer with my commanding officer, and I thought, ‘ What the hell, I’d better mention something to him about it.’ I did, and he told me to get on down to intelligence and give them a report. I did, and I never heard anything more on it.”


Vladimir Kovalyonok, Major-General of Aviation stated:
“On May 5, 1981, we were in orbit [in the Salyut-6 space station]. I saw an object that didn’t resemble any cosmic objects I’m familiar with. It was a round object which resembled a melon, round and a little bit elongated. In front of this object was something that resembled a gyrating depressed cone. I can draw it, it’s difficult to describe. The object resembles a barbell.

I saw it becoming transparent and like with a ‘ body’ inside. At the other end I saw something like gas discharging, like a reactive object. Then something happened that is very difficult for me to describe from the point of view of physics. Last year in the magazine Nature I read about a physicist… we tried together to explain this phenomenon and we decided it was a ‘ plasmaform.’ I have to recognize that it did not have an artificial origin. It was not artificial because an artificial object couldn’t attain this form. I don’t know of anything that can make this movement… tightening, then expanding, pulsating. Then as I was observing, something happened, two explosions. One explosion, and then 0.5 seconds later, the second part exploded. I called my colleague Viktor [Savinykh], but he didn’t arrive in time to see anything.  “What are the particulars? First conclusion: the object moved in a suborbital path, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to see it. There were two clouds, like smoke, that formed a barbell. It came near me and I watched it. Then we entered in to the shade for two or three minutes after this happened. When we came out of the shade we didn’t see anything. But during a certain time, we and the craft were moving together.” (Videotaped interview with Giorgio Bongiovanni in the village of Kosnikov, near Moscow, 1993.  NOTE: The above images are renderings.








 I had a sighting of a UFO while I was working at the TVA plant in Cumberland City, TN on Oct 19th (Wednesday), 1994 at 6:30 in the evening. Weather conditions were warm and the sky was clear. I was working for a construction company as a safety inspector during a boiler renovation at the facility. I was making my rounds thru the boiler when I walked out onto the 6th level catwalk and faced west to watch the setting sun as it went down behind a small hill (distance of which I would estimate to be a half a mile to a mile away) that ran along the western side of the property. As I was gazing in that direction, I noticed a dark object that appeared to be coming out of the sun and heading in my line of sight. The object appeared as a black inverted triangle, 100 feet in length with the 2 opposite points on top and 1 point facing downward. The object was completely silent as it traveled parallel to the small hill. The hill itself is tree covered by pines and various other types of vegetation. As the object began to pass in front of my line of sight, the top of it began to “tilt” at an angle towards me and change shape. I observed a disk that was circular, except for a portion that looked like it had been “spooned” out, creating a crescent shape on the right side, possibly the front of the object. The object was huge. I would put its size as 300 ft in diameter. It had three circular rings. There was a smaller black circle in the center, a copper or burnt bronze colored ring surrounding it and a silver or metallic ring surrounding the outside. The copper and silver rings were rotating in opposite directions. The copper ring clockwise, the silver ring, counter clockwise. As it passed in front of me, it remained completely silent. The craft traveled the length of the hill until it came to an opening which was constructed for the purpose of positioning electrical towers that ran from TVA off into the northwest portion of the property. As the craft neared the towers, it “tilted” again to its original position, an appearance of a black inverted triangle. It then began to rise and traveled directly over the top of the towers and power lines and eventually disappeared off into the distance.  Cumberland City isn’t far from Ft. Campbell, KY. I don’t know if what I saw was “military” in nature, but it appeared to be other-worldly. After my sighting, I inquired if anyone else had ever seen anything strange in the sky at the plant and to my surprise, there were 2 other individuals that said they had seen objects that they couldn’t identify while they had worked out there during various times at the plant. They hadn’t seen anything like I described and neither had a daylight sighting. To this day, I haven’t been able to find a sighting like the one I had, experienced by someone else in TN or anywhere else. It’s something that I’ll always remember as a unique experience.   NOTE: The above image is a rendering.

KENS NOTE:    Fort Campbell is a United States Army installation located astride the Kentucky-Tennessee.  Fort Campbell is home to the 101st Airborne Division and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.  The fort is named in honor of Union Army Brigadier General William Bowen Campbell, the last WhigGovernor of Tennessee.







I was station at Camp New Amsterdam in 1980 (9/2/1980) and was working ZULA alert for the Air Force and the ground mechanic on F-15 C, fighter jets.  That night approximately 8:30 PM I believe, both of our jets scrambled for Rendlesham area, and flew over for about an hour and a half were killed their BINGO fuel, and had to RTB, return to base.  The pilots flying was [Name removed/cms/tg], and [Name removed/cms/tg]. We recover the aircraft, and as mechanic’s job is to download the video set a UHF cassette and put in a new one for the next flight.  The pilots came back that night and instantly started talking about the scramble with us. Both them indicated they thought they were chasing them up unauthorized helicopter trying to find it on the radar, because of the low level and low-speed.  However, they did mention that two objects left ground level and proceeded at 35,000 feet within seconds. They told us the actually told the tower, without somebody shot missiles up in the air they were tracking. However the objects stopped at 35,000 hovering briefly and then took off at 70,000 feet, or until the radar cannot track them anymore.  The video(s) were downloaded by a crew chief friend of mine, on the recorder, which is standard protocol. I observed two objects that appeared to be black in color, it was difficult due to the quality of the video, and the speed the fighter jets were moving towards the objects approximately 650 kn,  The video also records radar tracking, and the objects shows approximations according to all aircraft loaded in the memory system so the fire just can have a match or friend or foe, the computer designated no match for the items. There was also no MODE 4 or squawk, friend or foe that typical aircraft send out under FAA regulations of that time. 

The pilots reported the objects came back, approximately 35 miles down range, and simply could not catch up with them even though they were stopping for skipping moving from 45,000 feet to 2000 feet.  The one pilot, the Capt., Was a Texan a good old boy, and he indicated that he was not a believer in UFOs he was that night. There was no man in black, however there was some closed door meetings days later, but they never asked the ground crew me us, about videos or the radar.  What I saw on the video recorded from the F-15 HUD, heads-up display by McDonnell Douglas, wasn’t night but did indicate an object with no wings, triangular shape, and no FAA regulation lighting but did have one maybe two lights, not sure where, the object was about 1 mile distance in front of the F-15.  We did notice, when the pilot(s) returned they had indicated their radar when off-line briefly as well as their INS, for both aircraft this extremely improbable if not impossible.  The F-15 aircraft were turned around and put back on 15 min. alert status. The next night I was not there but they did scramble again back to England. I notice none of the reports from this airbase indicated Col. Halt, that any aircraft jets were scrambled.  And I’m indicating they were, because I was there.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.








JULY 3, 1992    …….     JERSEY CITY NEW JERSEY

I was living in Jersey City at the time, and I was coming from my second job at a video store, riding my bike, since it was only five blocks away, and as I was one block from my house.  I saw out of the corner of my eyes, what I thought was a meteor because it was coming straight down at lightning speed, so I looked up and it was like an orange fireball when it was coming down.  When it got to, I would guess 200 feet from the ground, it stopped and that’s when I saw that it wasn’t a meteor. It was a flying disk and it looked like it was a meteor because it was coming down on its edge, but as it stopped it slowly began to turn right side up and that’s when I saw that it was dark grey on top.  Then it slowly turned on it edge and I saw the bottom. It had 5 pentagon-shaped lights which covered the whole underside. They were emerald colored and they were arranged one in the middle and the rest around it.  Then it just shot up at a high rate of speed after being just hovering. It just accelerated so fast that my eyes could not follow it and it did all this without a single bit of sound. That’s why I know this thing was not made here.  All flying machines made by us make sound and none had the flying characteristics of this thing. I stood motionless as I saw it and my tears started to come out, I don’t know why, because I felt no fear at all, just an overwhelming feeling of disbelief, and then admiration.  I remember I stood there for about half an hour after it left, just looking up, and my tears coming out. I went home and never talked about it until a few years later.  I just know that people look at you like you were on drugs when you talk about these things, so I kept my mouth shut, especially from my dad.  NOTE: The above image is a rendering.