It was around 10 am on the morning of 23rd November 1963 when the main witness and his usual school walking buddy and friend, Robert, arrived back at Robert’s house. They had been to school that morning as they would every morning.

However, even though it was a Friday, the school had made the decision to remain closed for the day in honor of the assassinated US president the previous afternoon. An assassination that shocked citizens of the world as much as it upset many Americans across their country.

For the young boys, however, the occasion was a surprise day off where they could do as they wished. So, under the bright sunshine but still wintery crisp cold conditions, they made their way to the temporary community of construction workers near the Mattagami River, around 80 miles out of the James Bay region who were working on the hydroelectric power dams in the northern Ontario area.

Indeed, the community was cut off from the outside world by road – all goods and people arrived and left by train. However, an internal road network between the dam sites was regularly used by the community themselves.

Once there, the boys took up residence on the back step of the property. Robert was practicing his guitar while the other witness gazed into the distance towards one of these internal roads – Smokey Falls Road.

On both sides of the road were trees, as well as several ditches and dirt lanes. He would estimate they were around 70 feet away from the start of the road. Then, despite “never hearing or noticing it arrive”, he could see the glittering object just above the trees.

Sat In Silence “Watching It, As It Watched Us!”

The witness would later recall how the craft was “just sitting there” around 30 feet from the ground, and about ten feet higher than the trees themselves. Without taking his eyes off the hovering object he nudged Robert, who was still strumming away on his guitar. He stopped when he saw what his friend was pointing to. Each of them sat “in silence watching it, as it was watching us!”

They would later estimate it was just short of 100 feet across and very much “saucer-shaped”. Although it did catch the sun on occasion, it appeared to be made from a “dull aluminum” material. Around the middle section of the craft, appearing to go right the way around it, were evenly spaced, black windows.

Then, the craft suddenly tilted forward with the “closest side down and the rear of the saucer up”. The boys had the distinct impression that the reason for this sudden tilt was to allow whoever was inside to “get a better look” at them.

After several moments, the craft would settle back down to its motionless, hovering position, as if sitting on an invisible base. Then, it began to slowly move to the west of the boy’s location. After several seconds, it had disappeared behind the trees.

In total, from first noticing the craft to it vanishing from their sight, the witnesses would estimate it was visible for no more than a minute. Each, however, would also state how it appeared much longer than that. Whether that was merely how the human mind perceives situations, or whether there was some kind of employment of a time-distorting technology is perhaps open to debate.

“Attacked” By A Low Flying Saucer!

Several nights later, the main witness’s father received a phone call from one of the construction sites he was overseeing which, incidentally, would continue 24 hours a day, seven days a week, featuring a constantly revolving workforce working in shifts.

On this occasion, there was a problem at the site as three of the electricians, whose presence was paramount in order to maintain the electrical light generators providing the workforce with light, had suddenly quit and refused to return to the location. Perhaps of more interest to the two boys, though, was the reason the three terrified electrical workers had given. According to them, they had “been attacked by a low-flying saucer”.

One of the workers would even claim to have thrown his hammer at its underside. And of even hearing a thud as it made contact.

After requesting another unit of electricians to transfer to his location, the witness’s father would drive the original electricians back to the camp. However, it was a journey that took longer than usual due to the several stops he made to allow one of them to get out of the car to be sick. In fact, none of the three electricians looked well at all.

The following morning, the worker who had been sick several times on the way back to the camp would seek medical attention such was the worsening of his condition. They at first believed he had suffered some kind of intense sunburn as they applied lotion to his blistered skin. Upon discovering the burns occurred while his clothes were on, at night, no less, it was the cause of much perplexion.

Whether the electrician mentioned his experience to the doctor is uncertain. However, the burns seem understandable given the close proximity to the craft. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO MARCUS LOWTH AND https://www.ufoinsight.com


I have been seeing these little silver orbs during the day along with strange chem-trail clouds and cloaked craft (triangles) in the swirly clouds just hovering. I have pictures of these. So, I thought I would go outside at night to see if I could see anything weird. Well, it started off fun, friendly, and exciting.

I would blink a little red lazer and they would appear (several) little orbs and then the craft seemed to appear out of nowhere. Then last night, I was sitting on the porch and began to see what looked like stars start to blink, next thing you know there would be this craft fly over my house. I heard people setting off fireworks from a distance, and then I heard a very loud pop, pop, pop, like gunshots.

There was no one outside, all was dark and quiet. It scared the hell out of me, so I ran inside, called the police to come patrol the neighborhood. When they arrived, it couldn’t be anymore quiet, not a sound.







JUNE 22, 2019 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-SOMERSET ENGLAND

Hi Ken: I went to Somerset to visit Weston Super Mare and watch the air show which they have yearly. The beach was packed with people but luckily I managed to find a nice spot on the beach with a nice clear view. I had sat down in my chair and began to watch the air show. I was watching a formation of planes performing aerobatic maneuvers when I spotted a flying saucer that was at a higher elevation and was stationary in the sky. I immediately turned my full attention to the saucer and took a photograph. I then watched as the saucer moved up into the thick cloud cover and disappeared from sight. I looked around the clouds for a while hoping to get another glimpse of the saucer but it never re-emerged from the clouds so I turned my attention back to the planes and continued to watch the air show. When I zoomed in on the flying saucer in the photograph I could see that the edge of the saucer was cog / gear like which I thought was very interesting. I know of no aircraft with this configuration. I could also see that there was no means of propulsion for the craft. The saucer was not the only strange object that I observed around the area. I also observed a black basketball shaped probe that flew along the shore line before it flew up into the clouds. I managed to capture this in a photograph along with a reflective silver craft that was also flying amongst the clouds. There seems to be a lot of UFO activity around this area and I would normally put this down to the increased number of aircraft in the sky but in this case I would point out that Hinkley point power station is near this location and can be seen from Weston Super Mare. Hinkley comprises of two nuclear power stations. I think that these crafts are most likely monitoring these nuclear sites. There is always an increased UFO presents around nuclear facilities. It really is quite compelling. The photographs were taken on the 22nd of June , 2019 at Weston Super Mare Somerset England. All the best John Mooner.    https://www.ufologist.yolasite.com







JANUARY 24, 2018 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-GLASGOW SCOTLAND

A Scottish witness at Glasgow reported a fast-moving object emitting three lights that formed into a single beam, according to testimony in Case 89841. The witness was inside playing Xbox at 8:04 p.m. on January 24, 2018, when an extremely bright light that flashed from the UFO caught his attention. “I thought the object was a military aircraft or a normal jet,” the witness stated. “The object was small, looked weird and had a blue-grayish tint to it. It had three beams going across it to the front, which was circular. Its lights then twisted, turned and got brighter as if to focus on something. It then created a thick, white light as the three lights merged at the front. It started to move northeast before abruptly changing direction and strangely seemed like it was going in one direction before cutting away in another direction, then back to northeast.” The witness said that he “felt confused” at first as to what was going on. “When I saw the UFO move, I felt threatened; however, I also had another strange feeling. I felt that whatever was in the craft had seen me, or something else and was also scared, trying to make a swift escape. This could explain the various quick movements it was seen making. After seeing the craft, I felt weird, like it hadn’t really happened. I also felt a connection with the craft and felt like it was not evil. I lost visual contact when it managed to do five or six quick movements, seemingly defying what direction it had intended to go in, before hovering and vanishing.” United Kingdom MUFON Field Investigator Robert Young closed this case as an Unknown-Other. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On the gray, dull morning of 12th February 1954, at around 10:30 am, Second Lieutenant Lamar Barlow was piloting his F86 Sabre jet over the North Shore Mountains, and specifically Grouse Mountain in British Columbia, Canada.

Earlier that morning, Barlow had left the runway from McChord Air Force Base over the state border in Tacoma, Washington. Although the jet was fully armed the flight was simply a standard instrument checking exercise. However, shortly after 12 noon, the control tower began receiving “Mayday” calls from Barlow.

According to the report, he had lost the use of his compass and consequently was now lost himself. Records from McChord Air Force Base show that at 12:06 pm, Barlow was approximately 60 miles north of Vancouver. Nine minutes later, and with the aid of radar operators, that distance was reduced to only 15 miles.

By this time, however, the F86 was beginning to run remarkably low on fuel. Preparations were made for an emergency landing at Vancouver’s Sea Island Airport. Before permission to land was granted, though, all communications were lost.

We will examine the speculative circumstances in a moment, as what exactly happened following this loss of communication is unclear. And certainly the speculation is not part of the official version of events.

However, at an altitude of 2,700 feet and at a speed of over 750 miles per hour, Barlow, still strapped firmly into his seat (which is how military recovery teams would find his body), slammed squarely into the mountainside. Debris would fly into all directions and travel a considerable distance.

Official Explanation Claims Pilot Error – “Radar Ghosts!”

Several days later accounts began to appear in newspapers, locally and nationally. The cause of the crash, according to the United States Air Force, was pilot error. Barlow, they said, was seeing “radar ghosts”. This, combined with the loss of his navigation equipment, confused the pilot, who believed he was nearer to Tacoma than he actually was. When Grouse Mountain suddenly came into view, given the speed at which he was traveling, the pilot simply had no time to react.

A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers.

For example, why was the plane carrying 24 fully armed rockets on what was essentially a training exercise? Although skeptics to the UFO claims – which we will get to in a moment – point out that this is to produce the realistic weight of a plane should it be heading into combat – this would appear to be something achievable without using fully armed weaponry. Certainly not with an inexperienced pilot, if we accept for a moment the US Air Force’s claims regarding Barlow and his error causing the crash.

Furthermore, the entire area was roped off and protected by armed guards 24 hours a day for several days after the incident. Officially, and understandably, this was to retrieve “most” of the 24 rockets in question. Whether that is an honest assessment or not, it certainly provided ample reason for the military to shield the activities at the crash site from the public.

Was Lamar Barlow On A Secret Armed Intercept Mission?

Returning to the question of why the F86 jet was armed, some researchers believe the reason to be far more serious than a mere test. Even sinister. According to some who have studied and researched the Grouse Mountain incident, Barlow’s mission that morning was not to check onboard instruments. According to some researchers, he left the runway that gray morning with orders to pursue and intercept a UFO. With deadly force if necessary.

As a quick side-thought here, all reports concerning the clean up operation following the crash mention that “most” of the rockets were retrieved. Might there still be missing weaponry from the F86 somewhere in the woodlands of Grouse Mountain? Or might it be that one or more of the rockets were discharged during the two hours or so that Barlow was in the air? Again, while that is pure speculation, it is certainly worth keeping in mind. NOTE: The above image is CGI.







A Minnesota witness at Fridley reported watching two sphere-shaped red lights in the sky and a helicopter that moved into the same airspace to intercept them, according to testimony in Case 92957 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The incident occurred at 10:30 p.m. on June 26, 2018.

“My wife had left some things on the clothes line and it was forecast to rain late evening,” the witness stated. “I work nights and had been up about an hour. I took the clothes down and put the basket on the patio. I usually always have a smoke and walk around the yard, check out the sky. The far side of the yard is pretty clear with a good view west. As soon as I looked up, I noticed two very bright red lights. Had no idea what this was.

“Both were motionless, one was much larger than the other. From my vantage point one was about the size of the moon, the smaller one about the size of a very bright star. I stood staring at them for about a minute or so and the small light was at about 11 o’clock in relation to the large light and maybe what looked to be about six inches between them. The small light slowly moved right above the large light keeping what looked to be the same distance. It again was motionless for maybe 20-30 seconds and returned to the 11 o’clock position. Within about 30 seconds it slowly went straight up into the cloud cover.

“The large red light this whole time has not moved or changed the intensity of its red color. The small red light was not visible through the clouds. About 10-20 seconds it became visible again and was descending until it was nearly out of sight because of the tree line. Just before it left sight, the large red light flashed very bright, in fact enough to eliminate a quick red glow on the clouds above. It then started to descend.

“With the small light now no longer visible and the large one nearing the tree line I could hear a helicopter not far away east of my location. Just as the large light dropped out of my line of sight, I could see the helicopter because it had a very powerful spot light on the front. It travelled nearly over my house at a very high rate of speed, at least I’ve never seen a helicopter at that speed at tree top level in a residential area before.

“In fact, I was quite surprised because we have high tension power lines very near us and they ate up much higher than the tree level. At this point both objects/red lights are totally out of my view and the helicopter also left my sight in the same vicinity as the lights. I’m guessing the distance was maybe a quarter mile or just slightly more which puts two major freeways, 94/694 West and 252 going north and south nearly right underneath where I saw the lights. I didn’t know what to think when I first saw the lights, but the movement and flash of light was spectacular, most likely a once in a life time observance. The helicopter with the search light sealed my thoughts and confirmed it was most likely something more than just red lights. This whole episode was less than five minutes and it has definitely changed my perspective on UFOs.”

Minnesota MUFON Field Investigator William Odden closed this case as an Unknown-Other.

The above image is real but from another sighting in Scotland.








I was 14 yrs old. I was sitting in my mother’s car alone waiting for her and siblings to come out of a friends home then go home where we lived in Graniteville, VT. The car and driveway was on a side hill facing south. I observed a bright light “zipping” back and forth over the mountains south of the home at incredible speeds from left to right then back again. It would cover miles in just seconds, then hover for 10-20 seconds, then go back to where it started, again in seconds, then hover again. It repeated this 3 or 4 times. All of a sudden, it was like it knew I was watching, and  “zipped” straight at me from over the mountains to right above me. It hovered over me at a high altitude for 10-15 seconds then “zipped” back over the mountains and started repeating the earlier flight paths over the mountains. My mother and siblings came out to the car to leave, and I was, as you can imagine, very excited and was telling and showing them the light. My mother basically dismissed it and we left but the light all of a sudden came towards us and then followed us halfway up the Graniteville Rd. We were all a little scared and nervous as we watched this “light” follow us. Then, it “zipped” away and disappeared  towards the south. I remember we talked about it after it disappeared and decided that we shouldn’t say anything because people would think we were crazy. Only one of my brothers remembers the incident. I have told a few close friends over the years, but even they were kind of skeptical.  I know what I saw. I felt it was time to publicly say something . NOTE: The above image is real but from another MUFON case.

This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer








A British witness at Hemel Hempstead reported watching a triangular-shaped object under 500 feet with an inverted, lit-up dome, according to testimony in Case 89653. The event occurred beginning at 3:35 a.m. on January 17, 2018. “A bright light came through bedroom curtain,” the witness stated. “A triangular vehicle was spotted gliding in a straight line. Underneath the vehicle was an inverted, lit dome virtually touching the three sides. The inverted dome had arched ribs from bottom to top with a center pillar projecting a bright light.” The witness said he had a perfect view of the object until it disappeared over nearby buildings. “My first reaction was it was a strange plane out of Luton Airport, then immediately realized it was not a normal aircraft.” United Kingdom Assistant National Director Michael Price closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

“Having reviewed the information, this case provides me with a somewhat difficult assessment to make,” Price wrote in his report. “The witness is an aircraft enthusiast, and being one myself I know how accurately we can identify known aircraft both civilian and military with a lot of accuracy even in the dark. This for me rules out mis-identification of a known aircraft and type. “The second interesting point to note is the description of the central light, not only in its shape and luminosity, but also the fact that it was clear enough for the witness to notice that it almost touched the three sides of the triangle. The arched ribs description is very interesting with a central pillar of light.

I have heard this described before by whistleblowers out of AREA 51 and Lockheed that state that bright light given off is plasma charging through the anti-gravity drive, which could have a wave expulsion pattern similar to a black hole forcing out light from the top and bottom of the center. This could explain the pillar of light observed with the arched ribs providing the skeleton for the plasma charge containment. “Without any additional evidence or secondary observed sighting, it is difficult to investigate further, but based on the short description what was viewed was an Unknown Aerial Vehicle of ETV classification. I have classified the case as UAV in the absence of any reliable identification of TR3B or Aurora military craft.” Hemel Hempstead is a town in Hertfordshire, England, located 24 miles northwest of London, population 94,932. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








“In December of 2003, Afghanistan, we were preparing a raid on a small village in Khost province. Looking for a high target ID. It was around 0330hrs and were stationed just outside the village that was around 9,000ft. high in the mountains. What I witnessed that morning was exactly the same account that the people from Phoenix, Arizona witnessed back in March 1997. That only difference was that I had NVG’s and a Thermal nuclear scope. That early morning it just finished snowing and the sky had just cleared up. I could see all the stars in the sky. There a few clouds as far a my eyes could see. I was a gunner pulling guard on top of a vehicle so I had a 360 degree view. That morning I saw what I believe to be a fighter jet flying over us since we had air reconnaissance, they were our eyes in the sky for this mission. But what I witnessed right after was breathtaking and shocking at the same time. The first thing I saw was a dim white light coming from behind us at a very slow speed almost like a floating balloon, moving very slowly. My first instinct was it was one our ours. But then the more I saw it moving I realized it wasn’t one of our aircrafts. So I pull down on my NVG’s to take a closer look and what I realize was that this light, as it was moving forward it was covering all the stars in the sky. So I looked up and behind me and I could see a triangular shaped with three dim white light on every corner as far as my eyes could see with the exception of a fourth light which was much bigger and brighter of an orange color. This orange color bright light was center to the triangular shaped object.

And from this light I could see something burning like a white phosphorus light going from bright white light to bright red and then orange. And every time this happened a light was shooting down and it kept doing one after the other as if smaller light were flying off this colossal object. I try getting the attention of my squad and bringing it up to my NCO so I explain that there were some weird lights in the sky and he quickly dismissed it as of: we had air reconnaissance flying over us. So my next instinct was to dismount the Thermal nuclear scope I had on top of my cursor weapon so I could aim it at the object. What I saw with this scope was thousands of small fragments of lights following this object. It was like a scene coming out of a science fiction movie. This object covered at least 3/4th of all the sky and covered at least 3/4th of all the stars in the sky. Whatever this thing was, was enormous. To this day I have never seen anything like it. Just as it came, it left making no noise what’s so ever. Like it never happened. I related my story to my wife many years ago and stand firm on the testimony I have written.” – Freddy Fernandez NOTE: The above image is CGI.