One of the strangest incidents during this period also comes from the United Kingdom, and on this occasion, also features a brief encounter with the apparent occupants of these strange ball-like crafts.

At around midnight one early December evening in 2003, an unnamed 25-year-old man was making his way home on foot from his girlfriend’s home in Longbridge. As he was walking past a park that was on his route, he noticed a strange “mechanical” humming sound, similar to an idle car engine. He stared into the park area and noticed strange lights moving behind the trees.

He made his way toward the lights and upon peering through a gap in the trees could see a “large round object” in a clearing, hovering around five feet in the air. The sphere appeared metallic and it was obvious that the humming sound was coming from the hovering ball. It was as he was taking in as much detail as he could of the object that he first noticed the “shadowy figures” below it.

He turned his attention to these strange entities, noting how their arms and heads were too long and too large for their frames. As he was studying them, he suddenly felt a surge of fear run through him. A second later, the figures all turned toward him as one. As they did, he could see clearly how large and black their eyes were.

Now beyond terrified, he would turn and run out of the back and out into the road. A black car pulled up at the same time, its driver seemingly halting to see what the matter was with this obviously distressed man. However, when the man staggered over to the car, the driver, dressed in a dark suit offered to him that “you didn’t see anything, did you?” It was spoken more like an order than a question.

The witness would gather his thoughts as best he could and make his way home. He would make a report to the police, but they were largely dismissive of the incident and offered only that no other reports had been made.

As a quick side-thought, the inclusion of what would appear to be a visit from the Men In Black is an interesting notion. What should we make of such claims? Does it discredit this particular account or merely add another layer of interest to it?

And if so, does that suggest a secret, covert government involvement in these and other UFO sightings? Or are these entities themselves of an extraterrestrial or ultra dimensional origin? NOTE: The above image is CGI.




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