George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter

A large object with a turquoise hue plummeted out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the earth south of Las Vegas near Needles, California.

Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since a bunch of helicopters came looking for it and then hauled it away.

The object was seen in the early morning hours of May 14. It appeared to crash into the ground just west of the Colorado River. And that’s when things got interesting for residents of the area.

Somewhere in the rough terrain just west of the Colorado River and south of Needles is a point of impact, maybe some burn marks, created by something that fell from the sky. Frank Costigan saw it because he got up at 3 a.m. to let his cat out — a fiery object that flashed across the sky, but it wasn’t a meteor he says.

“It was bright, bright enough that it illuminated the ground,” he said.

For seven years, Costigan worked as the chief of airport security at L.A.X. He says the mystery object flew out of the north east, heading southwest, traveling very fast, but at one point it slowed down, then sped up again.

“It went behind a hill, and I waited to see if I could hear it crash because as big as it was, it was bound to make noise,” he said.

But he didn’t hear a crash. Hours later, David Hayes, the owner of KTOX Radio in Needles, was coming to work when he spotted an odd formation of dark vehicles getting off the highway. He drew a picture of the lead vehicle, a large truck with a dome on top and a black structure that reminded him of a stealth fighter.

“It seemed like it was some kind of surveillance vehicle — four-wheel drive. It had government plates, U.S. government plates and behind it were a couple of vans that looked like support vehicles,” said Hayes.

The men inside had a military bearing, Hayes said, but weren’t in uniform. He made eye contact with one of the drivers and the guy followed him. Later in the day, one of the vehicles was parked outside the station, seemingly conducting a surveillance of the place.

“These guys staring you down had a ‘Men in Black’ feel to it?” asks Knapp.

“Absolutely. Very serious, serious as a heart attack,” said Hayes.

Coincidentally, Costigan, the ex-cop, works on investigations for Hayes. When he came in to the radio station, he told Hayes about the thing he had seen in the sky, and Hayes told him about the Men in Black.

Then they got another piece of the puzzle — a call from a man who lives in a houseboat on the river, who said he saw the fiery object — that it had crashed about 100 yards west of the river, that it landed with a thump. Hayes says he’s known the witness for years by the name Bob on the river. Bob thought a plane had crashed and tried to call 911 but his cell wouldn’t work, so he moved his boat out into the river, and then heard the helicopters.

In an interview with journalist Linda Howe, Bob says he saw at least five helicopters flying in formation, including a large sky crane. The crane picked up the oval shaped object, still glowing, and flew away, heading in the direction of Las Vegas. One odd detail, the choppers arrived only 17 minutes after the object crashed. He described it to Hayes.

“It was about the size of a semi-trailer, he says, oblong shaped thing,” said Hayes.

Out of the blue, the station got a call from a friend in Laughlin who said the Laughlin Airport had been inundated on the night of the crash with so-called Janet planes. That’s the airline that flies workers to top secret Area 51. Costigan says the airport could not confirm this because no one is on duty after 6 p.m. at night, not even in the tower.

The black vehicles have left Needles. Bob the houseboat guy can’t be found either.

“The fact that there were people here the next day, it was almost like they were doing some sort of cleanup or whatever. The point is, something definitely happened.

The I-Team phoned nearly every agency we could think of to see if they had received any report or knew anything. We were not surprised to learn that no one knew anything.

Here’s the list — police agencies in three states, the Laughlin Airport, the weather service, the FAA and several military bases.

A military watchdog group found a public record showing there was at least one army helicopter in the air in that area at that time. The helicopter, oddly enough, is listed as being attached to a U.S. base in Europe.

We are filing freedom of information requests and will report back when we get responses. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








My girlfriend and I were leaving her house to go to dinner just after 8:00 pm at Woodlake Ave. and Saticoy Blvd. Both of us were seated in my convertible with the top down. I remember there were terrible brush fires just to the north of us near Santa Clarita and the smell of smoke was heavy in the air.

Before I started my car to back out of her driveway I noticed a unusually large object in the northeastern sky that caught my attention. I have always been an airplane buff, I spent hours as a kid listening to my aircraft radio, always at the end of some runway, always one eye toward the sky, built untold plastic models.

So I know planes and can spot and classify military aircraft on sight. I have been to untold air shows and really enjoy the most exotic of aircraft, and what I saw that Friday evening frightened the hell out of me. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and she asked what it was, I replied, “Looks like a friggin’ UFO to me babe!”

Just between her and her neighbor’s house, low in the northeastern sky from up here in the foothills, an absolutely enormous V-shaped craft was lazily headed due north. Its lack of forward speed almost suggested a lighter than air vehicle if it was a reasonably sized craft, but I knew what I was seeing was either a distorted sense of scale, or this “V” had to be several hundreds of feet across MINIMUM!

There were numerous red lights visible from the lower rear, three quarters degree view we had, so we were at i’s “8 o’clock low” from its vantage. As far as the number of lights I cannot say for certain, I am now uncertain if they lined the forward leading edge perimeter, or were line abreast, across the bottom surface, (ventral) at right angle to the center line on the V.

There was a reddish glow emanating or reflecting off of the bottom, almost a shimmering, with some intricate fine detail barely visible underneath, through the reddish glow I first attributed to reflection from the nearby forest fire. There were no visible means of propulsion evident.

I cannot stress the lumbering slow movement of this object away from us ,and when it passed behind a neighbor’s leafless tree, I quickly sped 30 feet out of the driveway to gain a better unobstructed vantage again, away from the tree, no more than 5 seconds, it was gone!

I could not see any possible obstruction that could have prevented visual reacquisition. It just vanished! My girlfriend remembers being very aware then of numerous private and light commercial traffic in the sky, as there is always in the vicinity of the Van Nuys airport. I had this impression as well, but felt it was a result of such intense target fixation observing the object then having no stimulus directly forward tends to widen your perception from the tunnel vision we experienced.

We humans are predator by nature with both eyes fixed forward for expanded depth perception, keyed to movement. I wish I could say I photographed my sighting, but there are seldom good cameras when you need them around. I did make a crude animated .gif file the very next day to try and record the event to the best of my and my girlfriend’s recollection.

I didn’t come forward earlier because I have always scoffed and outwardly derided people who have claimed to have witnessed things like I now have. I didn’t want to be, “one of those people,” but I am now.

I’m not going to pilgrimage out to Roswell or anything or claim abduction stories, but I will share what I saw, and know to be seen by at least me and my girlfriend. Thank God she was there to back me up!

Lastly, this was above a major population area of more than 1.8 million in the valley alone, within easy visual range of one of the busiest private aviation airports in the world, Van Nuys airport. It doesn’t add up?

Casebook Reader Responds

In response to your story about the V shaped UFO over So Cal on November 14th, 2008, (see below), my family and I also saw it that night from our back deck in Calabasas. I immediately reported it to MUFON, and later spoke to them by phone. I also reported it to some other online sites.

For the next few days, I searched the Internet for others who may have seen it, but was unsuccessful. I did find a video shot on November 13th (a year earlier) in 2007, taken by two young women on their way from San Diego to Bakersfield off the 5 Freeway. It showed the exact same craft we saw.

Earlier this month, I was searching the Net once again, and came across others who saw the triangle on Nov 14. This link shows one report from a family of four in Long Beach, in which one observer, a woman who is a technical advisor for military and police for film and television, saw the craft through high-powered binoculars.

It completely blew me away. She describes it as something out of “Battlestar Galactica,” complete with multi-level docking ports. NOTE: The above image is CGI from the witness.







2018…A BRITISH skywatcher got the surprise of his life when he spotted a UFO flying past the moon and now conspiracy theorists think it could be a secret NASA cover-up.

Video footage shows the moment Jason Callum aimed his telescope at the lunar surface to get a better look at the craters. But what he ended up uncovering left him stunned.

The clip, captured from Bracknell, Berkshire, shows the moment a small black object made its way across the screen, zooming from right to left. Jason attempted to follow its journey, but once the light from the moon had gone, it was impossible to track. Followers were asked what they thought it could be.

“Looks like a mothership dropping some aliens off,” one viewer claimed. Another added: “Looks like its circling the moon looking for something.” And a third claimed: “Could be the black knight.” The Black Knight satellite is said to be a spacecraft in near-polar orbit of Earth that is of extraterrestrial origin.








The Canadian Government has authorized open public access to thousands of federal government documents concerning UFOs. A total of 9500 digitized documents spanning the years 1947 to the early 1980s have been made available through the Library and Archives Canada website.

Titled “Canada’s UFOs: The Search for the Unknown” the files include correspondence, reports, memos and procedures, some of which specifically deal with UFOs. The files come from Canada’s National Defense Department, the Department of Transport, the National Research Council, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Canada’s release of its UFO X-Files follows closely upon the release at the end of January of Denmark’s UFO files. Britain continues to release thousands of UFO files through a program of gradual releases it began in May 2007 through its national archives with the most recent being on October 2008. The French Space Agency had earlier announced on March 22, 2007, that it was making public its secret UFO files through a government website.

The important difference between the released Canadian UFO files with other country releases is the inclusion of departmental analyses rather than simply reports of UFO sightings. According to Victor Viggiani from Exopolitics Toronto , who has been monitoring the Canadian Government UFO website since its inception, “The Canadian files do not simply list UFO sightings; they describe actions, meetings and inter-departmental memoranda generated by Canadian officials that attempt to make sense of the considerable onslaught of UFO sightings as well as referencing American problems with keeping abreast of UFO sightings.”

For example, a September 1967 memo titled “Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) – Investigations”, was released which stated: A number of investigations of the reports suggest the possibility of UFOs exhibiting some unique scientific information or advanced technology which could possibly contribute to scientific or technical research.

Another memo details a UFO sighting at Shag Harbor witnessed by member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and six civilian witnesses on the night of October 4, 1967. The memo describes how “[w]itnesses reported seeing an object 60 feet in length moving in an easterly direction before it descended rapidly into the water, making a bright splash on impact.” The report continued: “A single white light appeared on the surface of the water for a short period of time. The RCMP, with help from local fishermen and their boats, endeavoured to reach the object before it sank completely.”

Undoubtedly the most significant documents are those associated with a 1950-1952 classified investigation and analysis of UFOs by a Department of Transportation team led by Wilbert Smith, a senior radio engineer. In his Project Magnet Report, Smith commented extensively on the flight performance of UFOs that were far in advance to anything known at the time: … it is difficult to reconcile this performance with the capabilities of our technology, and unless the technology of some terrestrial nation is much more advanced than is generally known, we are forced to the conclusion that the vehicles are probably extra-terrestrial, in spite of our prejudices to the contrary.”

While not all of the information made available through the Canadian archives is completely new to UFO researchers, it does provide a comprehensive online archive for the public and media to scrutinize the Canadian Government UFO X-Files. Canada first began to release UFO files through its archive in October 2007, and these have quickly increased to its present level of 9500 files. NOTE” The above image is CGI.








At a little after 5 pm on 8th January 1981, Nicolai was at his home building a concrete shelter for an outside water pump. His home overlooked the land below it as it was built on a raised level. As he noticed how cold it was becoming, he heard a “sort of faint whistling”. He turned his attention towards the sound and in front of him was a “device in the air” at the tree-top height at the very edge of the land of his property.

He would distinctly remember the device “was not spinning”. And furthermore, it was “coming lower to the ground”. He moved closer to a stone cabin on his property so he could watch the object land. As it moved, there was no flames or clear sign of propulsion or an engine. Almost as soon as it touched down on the ground it rose again, the whistling sound still audible. It would take off with speed towards the woodland nearby. It had the shape of “two saucers, one on top of the other” and was a lead color.

The higher it went Nicolai could see “four openings” on the underside, although no lights or flames were visible from inside. Still a short distance away from where the craft landed, he would wait for a moment until he was happy it had gone. Then, he would walk toward the landing site.

Markings Of A Circle And “Abrasions”

Upon arriving at the location Nicolai could clearly see a circle around two meters across. Within this circle were “abrasions” or scorch marks. Following his reporting of the incident, further reports would reveal more intricate details of the area. One of those investigating groups was GEPAN who would investigate such mysterious sightings. They would find “mechanical pressure” most likely the cause of the impression left at the site. Very likely, the craft was of a weight of between four to five tons. Furthermore, indications were that the underside of the craft (at least) was of a temperature of between 300 to 600 degrees Celsius (between 500 and over 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Due to the relatively close location of the Canjuers military base, Nicolai would ponder if the device was some kind of secret military reconnaissance craft. And while UFO enthusiasts had an obvious interest in the case, many theories bizarrely enough, would revolve around “natural phenomena”. This, despite the report of a very physical and real nuts-and-bolts machine. As well as GEPAN’s own suggestion that a four or five-ton machine had made the impression on the land.

In total, from him first noticing the strange whistling sound to the object taking off from the ground and disappearing out of sight, the incident would last no longer than a minute. However, the investigations would all agree it was the alertness of the witness and his ability to take in as much as possible that made such a short and otherwise mundane sighting so rich with detail and subsequent information.

Alien Intelligence Or Military Advancements?

Given the size of the craft, while it isn’t impossible by any stretch of the imagination for a single pilot to fit inside, it is perhaps more likely that the craft was indeed some kind of drone or scouting device. If this is the case, then, would it be one of military origin or from further afield? While it apparently had the ability of propulsion, possibly based on electromagnetic energy (given the immense rise in heat upon its take-off), that is of an advanced nature, the object didn’t exhibit any breathtaking speeds or movements.

With this in mind, then, is it more likely that the brief landing is one of a clandestine military craft? Either French or from one of the numerous American bases in France and other parts of Europe? Might it even be a secret joint international-type project? Perhaps the design and propulsion is indeed based on recovered extraterrestrial technology? This itself would be reason enough to discredit or gloss over the incident.

Or might the “downplaying” of evidence be another example of controlling what little information had already ventured into the public arena? Whether there is a connection or not, there are several similar sightings in France on record around the same time. And, possibly of more interest, an almost identical sighting in the immediate days following the Trans-en-Provence sighting, on the other side of the world, no less. NOTE” The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO Marcus Lowth and



On the evening of 15th May 1951, the unnamed soldier was making his way back home. It was 11:20 pm and he had just finished his shift acting as a driver for QM Colonel Cousin. After leaving the car at the US base, around five miles outside of Salzburg, he began his journey home, taking a short-cut through an overgrown brush area.

There was no moon this particular evening and consequently, the abandoned patch of land was almost completely in darkness. Suddenly, he noticed a figure coming towards him. He couldn’t see much other than the general outline of the moving shape. However, it appeared that it was a person, roughly his height, and someone wearing a helmet. Before the figure reached him, it pointed something towards the soldier who heard a very audible “click” sound. He would attempt to lift his arms so that he could shield his face. When he did so, however, he realized he was completely paralyzed.

The dark figure came close and placed a strange black square on the soldier’s chest, strapping it tight around his back. When this was done, the figure walked around to the soldier’s front. It then pointed the device in his hand towards the square plate, turning and walking in the opposite direction at the same time. The soldier, as if connected by an invisible rope and still completely paralyzed, moved in sympathy with the strange figure. It appeared as though his body was completely weightless as the unseen force pulled him along.

A Room With Transparent Walls

The brushland opened out to a large field and as the soldier moved along at the mercy of this dark stranger, he noticed a round object in front of them. He continued towards the object, rising off the ground so he was above it. The figure appeared to press a sequence of buttons. Suddenly, a doorway opened out of nowhere underneath them. The humanoid went inside, and the soldier would drift in after him.

As they both floated downwards, he managed to take in more details of the strange figure. He was dressed in a black one-piece-type suit and had a white face and head. There were only holes where ears and a nose would be on a person, and its eyes were “compound like an insect’s”.

Finally, the soldier’s foot touched the floor and their descent stopped.

A quick scan of his surroundings showed he was in a transparent room as he could see the stars and the night sky through the walls and ceiling as if it were merely glass. He began to move once more, this time towards a doorway. Once he was inside, the figure clicked the device in his hand once more, and the soldier was free of whatever force had paralyzed and dragged him here. He sank to the floor in a heap. The doorway to the room shut and the room began to “shake”. It was then that he realized they were rising as he watched the ground below, through the transparent floor, become further and further away. Within a matter of minutes all around him was space aside from the Moon and the Earth below. This is an interesting detail as many other such encounters speak of “transparent walls”.

Traveling In Space

After a short while, full feeling returned to his limbs and he was able to get to his feet. Sunlight was also shining into the craft. He could now see clearly the figure who had brought him here. He might have wished he couldn’t as he would later describe his abductor as looking “like a devil”.

The creature was completely bald, as the glass helmet revealed. Its forehead was unusually large, as were its eyes. Once more the witness noted how there were “lots of little eyes within the two large eyes” and that the creature had “the eyes of a fly”. The skin was a deathly white. The black outfit had a dark, silver shine to it in the light. All the time while the soldier was taking in as much detail as he could of the strange humanoid, it didn’t look or attempt to communicate with him at all.

The round room was completely transparent aside from a large, black rectangle in the middle of the floor under the glass-like material. From each corner of this square, black beams stretched out towards the walls.

Suddenly the soldier felt the intense heat of the sun as it moved across his body. At the same time, he noticed the strange creature manipulating some levers on the wall where it stood. A “covering like blue water” covered the roof of the room (and likely the entire ship) and with it, the burning sensation immediately ceased. He glanced upwards at the roof. Although it now had a blue-liquid tint to it, it remained transparent.

He then noticed how close they were to the Moon. So close, he could see the intricate detail of the craters. As he was taking in this fascinating sight he noticed that the ship had stopped.

A Planet “Like Paradise”

After several moments he felt the movement of the craft again. He assumed they were going back down to Earth. However, he quickly realized that the Earth and the Moon were now becoming smaller and smaller in his line of sight. They were moving away from them, and fast. In what seemed no time at all, another cosmic body was quickly getting larger in their field of vision. Just as it seemed they would crash into it at full speed, the craft stopped. It then began to move downwards and towards the ground.

As they descended he took in the truly breathtaking sight of this unknown planet. Underneath them were fields of red, and of grey-green. Within these fields were several large “chimneys” seemingly purposely placed there. As the descent continued he could see that the sun was shining and the entire surroundings were lit up fantastically. The craft was heading towards one of the fields of red. The soldier could make out several bright blue rivers which ran straight and were of obvious intelligent design. He could even make out several bridges and what appeared to be roads. He would later describe the scene as looking “like paradise”.

As the craft came to rest in the red field, he noticed numerous saucer-shaped crafts, exactly the same as the one in which he was riding. He moved his focus across the entirety of the large field and quickly estimated there were hundreds of these other-worldly vehicles. They each shined different colors. Some grey, some gold, and some silver.

The craft stopped once more before dropping to the ground like a stone and at a rapid pace. Then, around twenty feet from the surface the ship positioned itself on a purposely raised platform. He would later state the planet was Mars.

Other Ships With Other Humans

Upon landing a glass door opened in the craft and the humanoid would leave heading to another ship nearby. The soldier used the device the humanoid had used to control him and managed to move outside the craft. As he scanned the scene around him, he was amazed to see other ships with humans inside them. On one there were two children. On another, he could see a man and a woman.

He turned his attention to the ground and could see the “red” were some kind of wildflower, similar to sunflowers. He could now make out patches of green underneath which he believed was grass. When he noticed his abductor returning he moved himself back inside the craft once more.

When the humanoid reentered the craft, it began to rise again. Within moments they were back in the blackness of space, traveling at untold speed. The soldier could make out a moon that resembled a “tin ball” approaching them. As it passed it, he realized it wasn’t a moon at all, but some kind of metallic spherical device. It has been suggested by investigators since that this object was some kind of alien satellite.

Several minutes later, he could see what he believed to be the Earth. Again, the craft approached the cosmic body at breakneck speed, stopping dead again once it hit the atmosphere. From there it would “glide down” towards the ground.

Upon landing the humanoid, using the device, dragged the soldier out of the ship and directed him to the spot of their meeting. It then clicked the device once more, before turning and leaving him alone. After several moments, he could see a “saucer shape” rising high up above him. He checked his watch. The whole encounter had taken only ten minutes. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO and Marcus Lowth



At a little before 8:30 pm on the evening of 11th December 1996, running along the side of Fox Lake, two witnesses, FOX2 and FOX3 who were cousins, traveling together but in separate vehicles on the Klondike Highway, would witness a “huge UFO” seemingly hovering over the frozen water.

Seemingly each of them saw the bizarre and mysterious craft at the same time as each pressed down on their respective breaks in unison with the other. While FOX3 remained in his vehicle, FOX2 would exit his car in order to get a better look at the hovering, glittering craft.

As he did so, it appeared to move through the air towards him. In seemingly no time at all the object was directly over the top of him. As both of the men continued to look from their respective vantage points, the object moved away from them. It would eventually disappear over a nearby hill.

Each would later recall how the object was a “smooth and solid object” with various lights on the underside.

Although the two cousins were not aware of it at the time, several moments before they watched the object approach and pass over them, two other witnesses, FOX4 and FOX5, a young couple with their young child, traveling in the same direction, were approaching the southernmost tip of Fox Lake.

From their perspective, they could see “rows of lights” moving across the surface of the lake. Around these steady rows of lights, several other, flashing and seemingly random lights would appear. The pair would entertain the thought that what they were seeing was a truck or even a commercial airplane that had crashed into the lake. Then, the situation forced them to think again.

They reasoned that the lights were moving much too slowly and purposely for such a scenario. The slow realization swept over them that what they were seeing was a craft of unknown origin.

They watched the strange object for several more moments before it vanished over the hill and out of their sight. A little unnerved they decided to proceed with their journey. When FOX5 checked the clock on the car’s dashboard it read 8:23 pm.

It would be several minutes later when FOX5, with FOX4 in the passenger seat, passed by the two cousins, both of whom were now stood outside their cars. He would bring their car to a stop so they could speak with them. As he did so he asked out loud: What the heck was that?

The four of them talked for several moments before FOX5 and FOX4 returned to their vehicle. They would go to the Braeburn Lodge where they stopped to pick up a coffee. As he walked in, FOX1 was leaving. Several moments later, FOX2 and FOX3 arrived.

A sixth witness would also come forward. However, unlike the other witnesses, FOX6 was unsure of the exact time. Looking at the statements of the other witnesses, though, it would appear she was driving past Fox Lake at between 8 pm and no later than 8:30 to 8:40 pm.

She would suddenly notice a “sudden glow” hit the interior of her vehicle that was most definitely not due to the dashboard. Any such notions were dispelled when she looked out of the window to see a “large arrangement of multicolored lights” moving across the sky above. At the same time, the electrics of the vehicle appeared to fail as the lights went dim and the tape player slowed almost to a stop.

Beginning around somewhere between 8:30 pm and 9 pm came another multiple witness sighting in nearby Pelly Crossing. The small town sits around two hours away from Fox Lake. Incidentally, the witnesses are recorded in a similar way to the Fox Lake sightings above.

The witness, PEL1 was tending to his game traps when he noticed several lights in a row moving across the top of the hills in the distance. Much like witnesses to the Fox Lake encounter only minutes previously, PEL1 at first thought he was witnessing a large aircraft crashing to the ground. However, he then noticed how slow and purposeful the movement was.

Suddenly, the realization hit him – “it’s a UFO!”

He began walking towards the craft, his flashlight swinging, almost forgotten, in his grip as he did so. Unintentionally, he would catch the lights in the beam of the flashlight. As if in a reaction, the craft then headed in his direction, speeding up somewhat as it did so.

In what appeared to be no time at all, the solid craft with multiple lights was hovering no more than 300 yards from him. No sound whatsoever came from the craft, but suddenly, a light emerged from the underside. It made sweeping motions of the ground below as if it was a searchlight.

As PEL1 remained where he was watching the craft move slightly to one side as if looking for something – or someone – several other beams of light emerged from the object. One, heading straight out in front, was an illuminous green color. Two more similar beams appeared to project from the back.

He began to back away from the scene, a little unnerved. He moved his focus away from the craft for a moment. When he looked back, it was gone.

While there were 12 separate witnesses between the two locations of Fox Lake and Pelly Crossing, in the nearby village of Carmacks, a further 9 witnesses from two separate locations would also report sightings of what is almost certainly the same object. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO and Marcus Lowth



Shortly before midnight on the 4th August 1963, and continuing into the early hours of the 5th, 18-year-old, Ronnie Austin would experience one of the most bizarre incidents of his young life. And one that is still open to investigation today over 50 years later.

That evening, Ronnie was driving back from a drive-in movie site at Mount Vernon with his girlfriend, Phyllis Bruce to see The Great Escape. It was as they were heading along Illinois Route 15 past Mount Vernon Airport when Austin first saw something strange out of the window.

He would later describe it as a “round ball of bright white light” which was approximately the size of a washtub. He pointed it out to Phyllis, asking her if she thought it was an airplane. She would reply:

No, it’s not an airplane. It doesn’t have flashing red and green lights!

Ronnie would speed the car up slightly and was a little unnerved to see that the object sped up also. When he slowed, it slowed. It was obvious that whatever it was, the strange glowing light was keeping pace with their vehicle.

A little concerned, but not overly alarmed, the pair continued with their journey. They would head north towards Phyllis’ parent’s home. As they did, the object continued to follow them. As it remained at a safe distance, however, each of the teenagers remained calm. Perhaps, they thought, it was just coincidence.

A High-Speed Pursuit Along The Quiet Gravel Roads Of Illinois!

Upon arriving at Phyllis’ house, her sister would come out to greet her. When she did, she also witnessed the glowing object overhead. All three of them would watch it for around fifteen minutes before Phyllis went inside. Ronnie then turned the engine back on and set off for home.

At first, it appeared the light was content to observe his journey. However, when he turned his car off the main road on to a quieter, gravel-type road, it suddenly sped towards him. It would cut him off from a diagonal direction. It would then come to rest over the top of a barn slightly ahead of him at a crossroads.

As he looked a little closer at the glowing ball, it was now turning from a brilliant, bright, white light to a darker orange glow. He could see he was approaching the crossroads. As he did, he pressed down harder on the gas. He would burst straight over them and past the orange ball traveling much faster than the conditions dictated he should. Ronnie would estimate later that he was likely moving at around 120 miles per hour.

Even more worrying, however, was the fact the orange ball began to glow brighter once more. It would immediately burst into life and pursue his vehicle again. It took only seconds to be no more than 100 feet away from his car.

Half looking at the road rushing forward to meet his headlights, and half looking at this now large, car-sized craft close behind him, Ronnie continued onwards into the night. Then, his car radio which had quietly scored the bizarre events descended into a cacophony of hisses and static. At the same time, a “cooling effect” went through him. The light passed right over the top of the moving vehicle.

Changing Colors And Brightness! A Small But Intriguingly Important Detail!

Ronnie was now operating on the edge of panic. However, he remained in control enough to stay in control of the car. He had, though, the distinct feeling, as he would tell his father later, that whatever intelligence was behind this mysterious glow, it had waited for him to be alone before beginning such an aggressive pursuit as it was now.

It would make several more passes over his vehicle before returning to the barn area. When it did so, the light also returned to the duller orange.

This is an interesting detail in that many other reports over the decades speak of different shading or urgency of lights in relation to their movement or lack thereof. Given that Austin’s encounter in 1963, this was certainly not a well-known “fact” of UFO sightings at the time. Remember, at the time, there were very few UFO organizations, and the ones that did exist were far from the slick, professional, and far-reaching groups that are active today.

By this time, Ronnie was a mere three miles away from his home and family farm. He pressed down hard again on the gas pedal. As if in response, the strange light surged forward and across his path. It passed over him, settling again behind and gave chase. The car’s engine began to struggle. Even threatening to cut out and stop working entirely.

However, he would ultimately reach the family home, swinging the car around in the large driveway and stepping from the vehicle the instant it came to a stop. He glanced to the sky as he did so. There, the glowing object hovered over one of the farm’s outbuildings around 200 yards away from the main house.

An Abundance Of Witnesses To A Most Unusual Event!

Ronnie rushed inside, calling to his parents and siblings as he did so. Checking the wall clock, he could see it was just short of half an hour past midnight. Regardless of the late hour, both of his parents, as well as his brother and sister, ventured outside to see what the fuss what all about.

Much to their surprise, the object remained exactly where Ronnie said it was. Hovering amid the dull glow of its own light over the farmhouse opposite. Not at all sure what to do, Ronnie’s father was very much aware of the surreal and unique nature of the situation. He would telephone Jefferson County authorities requested that they notify the nearby Scott Air Force Base.

However, perhaps not treating the incident as seriously as they might, they instead contacted Deputy Lee (pictured above) to investigate. He duly did. Unbeknown to him, though, two state troopers, Richard Gidcumb and George Sexton, had heard the exchange over their police radio. As they were close-by, they would decide to investigate for themselves.

They arrived at the Austin’s family home at 12:45 am. 25 minutes before Lee. Each of them clearly witnessed the hovering, glowing light upon arrival.

As if making sure they were not experiencing some kind of bizarre group hallucination, Ronnie’s father telephoned their friends and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Withrow. They would go outside and from their yard, they too could see the glowing orange craft. It would begin to ascend higher and higher before it became no bigger than “an extremely bright star”.

In fact, in total, eleven people would witness the glowing light that evening (including Phyllis and her sister), with the only person at the scene who missed them being Deputy Lee who did not arrive until 1:10 am.

However, perhaps not treating the incident as seriously as they might, they instead contacted Deputy Lee (pictured above) to investigate. He duly did. Unbeknown to him, though, two state troopers, Richard Gidcumb and George Sexton, had heard the exchange over their police radio. As they were close-by, they would decide to investigate for themselves.

They arrived at the Austin’s family home at 12:45 am. 25 minutes before Lee. Each of them clearly witnessed the hovering, glowing light upon arrival.

As if making sure they were not experiencing some kind of bizarre group hallucination, Ronnie’s father telephoned their friends and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Withrow. They would go outside and from their yard, they too could see the glowing orange craft. It would begin to ascend higher and higher before it became no bigger than “an extremely bright star”.

In fact, in total, eleven people would witness the glowing light that evening (including Phyllis and her sister), with the only person at the scene who missed them being Deputy Lee who did not arrive until 1:10 am.

Initial (And Twisted) Reactions

The “star” was still there right until the moment dawn took over watch over the Earth below. By that time, mainly from the sedative, Dr. Conarski recommended several hours previously over the phone that his parents administer to him, such was his state of shock at the time.

In fact, by the time professional UFO investigators arrived in the area to speak to the witnesses, Ronnie’s father, Orville Austin, was critical of the local press and how they had “put words in the boy’s mouth” and even taken advantage of his shocked and dazed state of mind only hours after the encounter had unfolded.

What’s more, following the initial wave of local press interest the wider national and international press agencies picked up the stories.  This would go on for almost a week. Then, on the 10th August, while sightings were unfolding all around the state, members of the US Air Force would arrive at the Austin home. Two of the three men present, Robert Friend and Hector Quintanilla had involvement in the Project Blue Book program. NOTE: The above image is CGI.







This bright unidentified flying object was caught on tape over Holtwood, Pennsylvania on 21st April 2019.

Witness report: Glowing orb that ascended very quickly, changed direction and shape from a glowing pulsating orb, to a dark grey reflective triangle. My boyfriend and I were having a small bonfire and were sitting facing south toward the river and noticed a strange fast moving red/orange orb coming up the horizon behind the trees, we got out our cell phone and recorded this orb and as it flew overhead. It pulsated a red, orange glow. It changed direction from south to west and seemed to change shape as it flew into the clouds. It also seemed to turn off its lights and then it was a dark grey black triangle that reflected the clouds and was semi-transparent. We recorded this, but its hard to see where it flew into the clouds.







Wurzburg, Germany – March 8, 2009

Last Sunday I had a rather strange encounter with a disturbing object in the sky above Wurzburg, Germany. I was walking along the railroad lines along the river Main to scout new fishing locations. It was already pretty late, it was getting dark, I started to freeze and I wanted to move back towards the city, when I noticed the silence.

There was no car, nothing. I stopped and looked around me. Although it was a pretty bad day to be out, nature had a strange beauty in the fading daylight.

Suddenly I got a strange feeling in my chest, like when I was standing on a vibrating platform, but only very faint. Suddenly I felt weak and then I noticed an object in the sky.

It was hovering just at the base of the deep hanging clouds and disappeared every once in awhile into the moving clouds maintaining its altitude.

There was no sound except some light wind, only the strange humming feeling inside my body, maybe like pulsating electricity, I have no idea, I haven’t felt like that before.

At first, while it was still pretty close, I didn’t move at all. I was like in a shock. But while it slowly moved away I realized that what I was seeing might be quite unique and took out my cell phone.

I wanted to take a picture but the display wasn’t working right. The images had stripes and pressing the trigger didn’t do anything.

Only when the object was already pretty far it worked, I shot the attached picture and then, seconds later, the disk was covered in clouds once more and I never saw it again. Here are a few facts:

Size: can’t tell, but I would guess it was pretty big, like 50 meters maybe? The clouds, although deep this day, are still a few hundred meters above ground, so the thing should be bigger than just 10 meters.

Shape: flat gray disk with lights at the bottom

Height: just below the clouds/ in the clouds

Time: around 6 PM, dawn

Speed: slowly moving across the sky

Lights: three white/bluish and one red, no blinking etc.

Duration: very hard to tell, it felt much longer than it probably was, maybe 15 seconds for the whole encounter

As I work for the local city administration I cannot give you my real name, nobody would take me serious anymore here in Wurzburg. I never believed in aliens or UFOs, but this thing got me thinking and I actually have no satisfying explanation for it.

Maybe you guys know more about this thing, especially because it doesn’t look like the typical UFO that I have seen on the many silly photos on TV.







Winsted, Connecticut – January, 2011 – 8:00 PM

As shoppers were coming out of stores and restaurants in Winsted, Connecticut, several onlookers spotted something in the sky.

A glowing, oval-shaped object was clearly seen in the night skies.

Several of the shoppers grabbed their cell phones and began filming the unknown craft which emanated a bluish hue.

Witnesses stated that no sound was heard coming from the object. Some witnesses claimed that the UFO would appear, disappear, and then reappear in a slightly different area of the sky.

Part of this video was hosted on the History Channel; the rest came from individual posters.








On the afternoon of 13th August 1947 trout farmer, A.C. Urie, along with his two young sons, 10-year-old Billy, and 8-year-old Keith, would witness an event unlike any other before or since.

Urie operated the Auger Falls Trout Farm whose waters ran through the Snake River Canyon. On this summer’s day, at around 1 pm, Urie’s two sons were crossing the water in a small boat from the north side of the river. He couldn’t understand what was keeping them as both of whom were experienced enough to control the vessel. He made his way to the river bank, looking down on the water.

From there, he had a “close-up view of the flying saucer” as it zipped past him going around 100 miles per hour and at an altitude of around 75 feet from the surface of the Canyon. Urie would elaborate that both he and his sons watched the disc-like craft from their differing angles.

He would state that it moved in sympathy with the surface below it:

…up and down over the hills and hollows at a speed indicating some type of control faster than the reflexes of man!

He would further state that it would use “atomic energy” and, perhaps importantly, would make a “swishing” sound. The exact words that Urie would use to describe the shape of the craft was like “an inverted pie-plate” or a “compressed straw hat” which was around 20 feet in length, as well as around 10 feet each in height and width.

He continued to watch the shining otherworldly craft as it quickly moved out of his, and his sons’ line of sight. Not at all sure what he had seen, Urie was more than aware that something different had taken place. In fact, even at that point, he believed he was involved in one of those “flying saucer” situations.

When he was later pressed if he really believed he had seen a “flying saucer” he would state bluntly:

I know a number of people who have seen them. And I know that they’re not just imagining seeing these things or trying to get their names in the paper!

While he wasn’t a “believer” in such things before, the fact he had seen such a craft with his own eyes had changed his mind completely. Of his two young sons, he would claim they were “scared and uneasy” during the incident, although they remained calm throughout, each providing their own detailed report.

Ultimately, over three decades after the sighting, J. Allen Hynek would write that it was almost certain that the Urie’s were truthful in their account. And what’s more, as we will examine shortly, the number of sightings at the time of a very similar nature is just a further testament to this.

Further still, while there were already three witnesses to this sighting, nearby were several other witnesses who would, circumstantially at least, corroborate the sighting. NOTE: The above image is CGI.







I was looking outside of my window at night in my dorm room and then all of a sudden I saw this bright light way in the distance I thought it was a plane at first but it was just hovering. I got my phone and started recording a video. It hovered in the same area for about five minutes and I saw that it looked like a disc that was a reddish orange color and then it started going towards another building on campus that lights up blue. And then it disappeared. About five minutes later another one or the same one came and hovered in the same place again.

Below is a couple examples of the orbs we have been witnessing throughout the world.








Pilot describes moment an Airbus with up to 220 people on board came dangerously close to crashing into ‘UFO’ as it came in to land. Plane narrowly avoided the ‘blue and yellow’ object at 3,500ft.

Drama happened 13 miles outside Glasgow Airport. Nothing else was noticed on the radar at the time. Object passed beneath the plane before crew could avoid it.

The plane was less than 10 seconds away from hitting the object as it flew over Baillieston on the outskirts of Glasgow at 3,500ft and prepared to land.

Despite an extensive investigation, the UK Airprox Board – which investigates reports of near misses – was unable to identify the ‘blue and yellow’ object which passed below the Airbus 320.

The pilot was clearly shocked and reported that there had been a ‘high’ risk of collision following the incident on December 2 last year.

He told his control tower: ‘We just had something pass underneath us quite close. Have you got anything on in our area.’

They replied: ‘Negative. We’ve got nothing on radar and we’re not talking to any traffic either’

The unidentified flying object passed directly beneath the plane before either of the crew had a chance to take action to avoid it.

Both pilots described the object as ‘blue and yellow (or silver) in colour with a small frontal area but that it was “bigger than a balloon”.’

The airline involved has not been identified by the report authors. Several companies fly in Airbus 320 planes from the airport and they can seat up to 220 people – although the number of seats varies.

Approach: The plane was 13 miles away from Glasgow Airport (pictured) when it came within seconds of colliding with the unidentified object. The report authors said they had not been able to work out what the object was.

They wrote: ‘The controller stated that he was not talking to anyone else in that area and that nothing was seen on radar. Search action was taken with no result and the A320 pilot stated his intention to file an Airprox.

‘Additionally, a further detailed review of individual radar sources did not yield any conclusive radar data that matched the A320 pilot’s description of the encounter.

Near miss: A diagram in the report which shows the pilot’s direction of travel and the unidentified object which is marked as ‘CPA 1246’.

This is a transcript of what the A320 pilot told the control tower.

A320: ‘Glasgow Approach [A320 C/S]’
Air Traffic Control: ‘[A320 C/S] pass your message’
A320: ‘Er yeah we just had something pass underneath us quite close and nothing on TCAS have you got anything on in our area’
Control: ‘Er negative er we’ve got nothing on er radar and we’re n-not talking to any traffic either’
A320: ‘Er not quite sure what it was but it definitely er quite large and it’s blue and yellow’
Control: ‘OK that’s understood er do you have a an estimate for the height’
A320: ‘Maybe er yeah we were probably about four hundred to five hundred feet above it so it’s probably about three and a half thousand feet.
‘…we seemed to only miss it by a couple of hundred feet it went directly beneath us … wherever we were when we called it in it was within about ten seconds’… couldn’t tell what direction it was going but it went right underneath us”’
Control: ‘do you suspect it might have been a glider or something like that’
A320: ‘well maybe a microlight … it just looked too big for a balloon.”

‘The Air Traffic Control unit’s own radar replay also showed no surveillance traces in the immediate vicinity of the A320 at the time. Once on the ground the A320 pilot gave a further description of the event to the Glasgow Aerodrome Controller.

The pilot said: ‘We seemed to only miss it by a couple of hundred feet it went directly beneath us – wherever we were when we called it in it was within about ten seconds; couldn’t tell what direction it was going but it went right underneath us.’

Asked if he thought it was a glider, the pilot replied: ‘well maybe a microlight – it just looked too big for a balloon But the board ruled out any such aircraft and were baffled.

‘The board initially considered likely candidates for the untraced aircraft. The A320 crew had not been able to assimilate any information regarding the form of the untraced aircraft in the fleeting glimpse they had, reporting only a likely colour,’ it said.

‘Members were of the opinion that, in the absence of a primary radar return, it was unlikely that the untraced aircraft was a fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft or man-carrying balloon. ‘It was considered that a meteorological balloon would be radar significant and unlikely to be released in the area of the Airprox.

‘A glider could not be discounted but it was felt unlikely that one would be operating in that area, both due to the constrained airspace and the lack of thermal activity due to the low temperature.

‘Similarly, The board considered that a hang-glider or para-motor would be radar significant and that conditions precluded them, as they did para-gliders or parascenders.

‘Members were unable to reach a conclusion as to a likely candidate for the conflicting aircraft and it was therefore felt that the Board had insufficient information to determine a cause or risk. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








A group of UFO researchers has seen orange coloured orbs and managed to record the mysterious event on video. David Twine, a Hampshire UFO Group member, said the incident took place during a group skywatch on the night of April 9, 2016. Four of them witnessed the orbs in their naked eyes and viewed them later through binoculars.

They were on a former Royal Air force station Stoney Cross, located close to junction 1 of the M27, Cadnam.

The group was looking on the Northern part of their viewpoint when the orb-like objects came into view, flying left to the right. The group recorded the video of their sighting with zoom function activated and in black and white. No sound from those flying objects was recorded or heard.

First reports involving these UFOs happened over Mevagissey in Cornwall, and then they were reported to fly east 185 miles towards Oxfordshire, around 50 to 80 miles north of the group’s location. The objects then continued moving across Northamptonshire and on towards Bedfordshire.

A jet aircraft can be seen at 4.38 time of the footage from the lower right to left. The pilots and/or passengers must have seen these orange objects.

The group sent Freedom of Information Request letters to the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Defence for any additional information regarding this mysterious event. However, the group did not get a response. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On February 28, the crew of Air Shuttle flight 5959 initiated the reports. While cruising near Cleveland, they saw an unidentified, lighted object flying below them.

The pilot radioed Cleveland Air Traffic Control, and reported what he and his co-pilot were observing, asking the controller if he had anything near that position on his radar. The controller did not.

Shortly thereafter, the pilot of Mesaba Airlines flight 3179, who had been monitoring the radio communications, reported to the tower that he too had seen the UFO.

The UFO initially was reported as flashing white, but soon displayed an array of various colors. Shuttle 5959 also related to the tower controller that the UFO was several thousand feet below his plane, and about 10 miles away.

The only possible explanation that the Cleveland tower could suggest was that the crews were seeing a reflection in the clouds of a landing beacon. But both planes reported that the light was a distinct source of its own.

The pilot of 5959 decided to drop down below the object. When he did, he could still the spinning, pulsating object above him very clearly. This proved that the lights were not originating from the ground.

Mesaba 3179 even attempted to make contact with the UFO, by blinking its lights, but there was no response from the unknown object.

Mesaba would also report that one of their passengers had snapped photographs of the UFO, and the Cleveland tower reported that they would like to take a look at them.

What happened to the photographs is a mystery, as well as what the object was that was seen by two aircraft on February 28, 1996.

Below is an excerpt from the transcript of radio communications between Cleveland tower, Air Shuttle 5959, and Masaba 3179.

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Cleveland, this is 5959. We see traffic out there. Ah… twelve to one o’clock. Ah… low altitude. Do you have him on the radar?

Cleveland Control: Air Shuttle 5959, that’s a negative. Sir, I don’t have anything out in front of you at twelve to one o’clock.

Air Shuttle 5959: Ok…

Cleveland Control: He’s down well below you or can you get an estimate on an altitude on him?

Air Shuttle 5959: Well, that could be really difficult. Ah… we’re between layers here. I’m just going to estimate two-three thousand feet below us. Maybe and ah… sort of ah… pulsating light about, I don’t know, ten miles out.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Air Shuttle 5959. I’ll keep my eyes open. But I don’t see anything.

Masaba 3179: Was that northwest of Detroit did you see that light?

Air Shuttle 5959: Yeah.

Masaba 3179: Yeah, that’s where I saw it. A really bright white light, sometimes flickering… ah… underneath the clouds is where I saw it.

Cleveland Control: Air Shuttle 5959, is that traffic, ah… that you saw earlier? Do you see him out there any longer?

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Shuttle 5959, that’s affirmative and it’s a light that kind of… it goes dim and it gets bright. I don’t know if we’re getting closer to it or what? But it looks like a rotating light around it like ah… like a Frisbee type thing that’s going around it.

Unknown voice: UFO.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, do you see the same thing?

Masaba 3179: Ah… sir, I saw it coming out of Detroit and I wondered… ah… all I saw was just a couple really bright flashes of light and it almost looked like lightning and it caught my eye. And then I kept watching it and then it looked a little bit less bright. But it looked like it was underneath the cloud deck to me. And this was just as we were coming out of Detroit.

Cleveland Control: Ok, and can you get an altitude on it at all?

Masaba 3179: The light that I saw was just like, maybe, I don’t know… twenty-five miles northwest of Detroit. Is it what you’re referring to or you’re talking about the light at our twelve o’clock now about ten miles?

Cleveland Control: Any kind of target off to your twelve o’clock?

Masaba 3179: Ah… we have some kind of white light out there at twelve o’clock and the captain ah… says it’s pulsating. It looks like oncoming traffic. But it’s just sitting about the same place that it’s been the whole… here about ten or fifteen minutes we’ve been watching it.

Air Shuttle 5959: Year, Air Shuttle 5959. It looks like it’s almost over Saginaw from our position.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Air Shuttle 5959. Contact Saginaw Approach Control 126.45. I appreciate the information.

Masaba 3179: 3179, that target looks like it’s ah… below us. I would guesstimate maybe ten thousand feet.

Cleveland Control: Around ten thousand feet, would you think it might be like a reflection? Ah… maybe perhaps off a beacon that for some reason, it’s just one of those weird things. Ah… natural phenomena that you’re getting a reflection, cause I got nothing out there.

Masaba 3179: I don’t know. I mean we can see a clear, you know, relatively solid cloud deck… ah… below us and this is definitely ah… distinct whitish ah… well, now it’s looking a little red and greenish white, sort of pulsating light and it’s constant. It’s not a beacon.

Air Shuttle 5959: Air Cleveland, Air Shuttle 5959.

Cleveland Control: Go ahead, sir.

Air Shuttle 5959: Yeah. Hey, be advised we’re descending to four thousand feet right now and as we descend through ten thousand feet, that object is above us right now. It is not on the ground. It’s about ten thousand feet.

Cleveland Control: Ok, sir. We’re checking on it right now. I don’t have anything out in front of You at all I’m showing. I appreciate you coming back to the frequency and letting me know.

Air Shuttle 5959: I’ll keep you advised. I tell you what that is weird. It keeps sitting there pulsating.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, where is it relative to you right now?

Masaba 3179: Twelve o’clock sir.

Cleveland Control: I’m trying to do a little investigating as to what this might be. If you would keep me advised on this.

Masaba 3179: Ok, sir. I’m going to blink my lights at him and see if I can get a reaction. 3179, was the other guy that saw that light was he headed southeast bound or was he headed to (garbled)?

Cleveland Control: Well, he was inbound to Saginaw and actually when I sent him over to Saginaw, I expected that was going to be the last I heard from him. He came back up on the frequency and advised me that his clearance was down to four thousand and that he said that what he saw, was still up above him and was like a red… he said it was red and green light that was pulsing and like rotating. He said he would keep me advised and give us a report once he got into Saginaw. You don’t have a camera on board, do you?

Masaba 3179: We could probably get one from one of the passengers. You want us to ask?

Cleveland Control: Yeah, that would be kind of interesting to have a couple of pictures. I think… ah… might make our case a little better.

Masaba 3179: Ok, 3179, we got a passenger taking a picture of it right now and ah… we have a flight attendant who says that ah… they might have saw the same thing the other night.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, I copy that. Ah… Masaba 3179, when you flashed your lights, did you get any response?

Masaba 3179: Didn’t appear to, sir.

Cleveland Control: Ok, Masaba 3179, I’m going to send you over to Minneapolis now sir. Is it still on your twelve o’clock?

Masaba 3179: Ah… negative sir. It’s at about our two o’clock now. We ah… made a turn.

Cleveland Control: Ok, so it’s off your right side about two o’clock. I’d sure be interested to see those pictures. Can I ah… get you an address that you might be able to send a copy, if you get a copy of them?

Masaba 3179: Yeah, sure. We can do that and actually we made a right turn and he’s off about ten to eleven o’clock.

Cleveland Control: Ok, so he’s off your left side. Ok.

Masaba 3179: Ok, thirty-two-nine. We’ll see you. I wonder if those pictures will show anything?

Masaba 3179: Air Cleveland, Masaba 3179.

Cleveland Control: Masaba 3179, go ahead.

Masaba 3179: I just want you to know that I took a picture, as captain on the left side. I also took (unrecognizable) of some of the stars above, so the lowest light on those pictures. The only single light at the bottom of the picture should be ah… what you’re looking at. And you might be able to get a position with the sky if you want to go that far.

Cleveland Control: Ok, great. That’s a good idea, I appreciate that.

Masaba 3179: It was an instamatic camera. Good night sir.

Cleveland Control: Good night. NOTE: The above image is CGI







Laporte, Indiana – 07-03-18

I was driving my work truck heading west towards La Porte on West 400 South. As I came out of the trees I saw a reflective object about 200 feet up or so moving very slowly.

I approached the intersection of West 400 South and Long Lane. I observed and began recording at that time. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, but it was very abnormal how slow it was moving.

It was fairly large as you can see in the video and also very shiny and reflective and made no noise, It looked like a shiny egg or pebble. It moved very close to the high tension power lines .

I watched as the object moved along the power lines from west to east, then over the farm. I watched until it was out of my view. As I was driving away on West 400 South I could see it hovering above the farm in my side view mirror on my work truck.

The whole incident lasted about 4 minutes. I was nervous because I’ve never seen an aerial vehicle like that. I’ve seen military drones at the railyard near our town.

I have a quad-copter and I’ve been to many air shows. I wanted to follow it, but I was nervous and I was on the clock and had to get to the job site. The last I saw that it was hovering over the barn.

I found it very odd with no easy explanation as to what it could have been. I called the La Porte County airport and spoke with Diana. She informed me at that time they had no radar hits and she had not given out any permissions for agricultural drones that day.

I’m attaching the video I took. I apologize for the “f bombs.” I was just very surprised at what I was seeing. I narrated the video to document what I was seeing and the location.








The eyewitness was apparently recording a volcano in Mexico using a live camera, and it was at this time that the strange flying object made its presence.

“I have no idea the actual size of this thing, so if you can estimate, please comment. Could be anything from a UFO to a bug. Interesting how it is still, then zooms off in the same direction it came from though!

I don’t know… I have seen bugs look that way on film, but it seems pretty big. That is a huge volcano, but I don’t know how to tell the size of it,” states the eyewitness.

After analysing the video, Waring also argued that there might be an alien base 4-6 kilometres below the volcano.

He added that local people in the area have several times witnessed bizarre UFO sightings in and around the volcano, and it clearly indicates that a hidden alien base is located there.

Waring even claimed that he himself had recorded more than 10 UFO sightings near this volcano. However, apart from the recent clip, he did not release any previous UFO recordings shot from the vicinity.

“This particular volcano is famous for its UFO sightings over the last five years. I personally have recorded about ten videos of flying objects near the mouth of the volcano in the past.

Even the locals have reported seeing UFOs and even alien creatures on the volcano, so this video is not a surprise but is excellent evidence that an alien base does exist there,” added Waring.







A Sudden Whistling Like Someone Blowing Into A Bottleneck

Shortly after midnight one evening in March 1958, at a Foreign Legion camp near Bouamama in Algeria during the Algerian War, a Legionnaire known only as “NG” was on sentry duty. It was not a particularly large outpost, with only light weaponry defending the base which was essentially “dug out of the ground” and connected to the main camp by a single telephone line.

This particular evening, the sky was a perfect black host to a brightly shining moon. Underneath, the desert stretched into the distance like a never-ending sandy ocean. NG was expecting an uneventful night and so, while remaining alert, enjoyed the ironic serene peacefulness of the moment.

However, at around half-past-midnight, that peaceful serenity was very much broken.

A sudden whistling sound came from above reminding NG of the sound of someone “blowing into the neck of a bottle”. When he turned his attention upwards, he could see an “enormous, round object” heading his way from above. At approximately 100 feet away from him, it came to a sudden stop. It would remain, hovering silently.

He continued to watch the truly huge craft estimating it to be perhaps 1,000 feet wide.

A pale, green light appeared to envelop the craft. Even more bizarre, a “conical beam of emerald green light” emanated from the middle of the craft towards the ground. Despite orders to either fire his rifle or telephone the main base if anything at all should occur, NG simply stood there in awe of the fantastic events unfolding around him.

A Fluctuation Of Moods And Emotions

Before he knew it, 45 minutes had passed, all the while NG had simply stood staring at the cosmic craft hovering above him. He almost felt as though he was in a strange trance, so enthralling were the colors around the craft.

Suddenly, however, the whistling sound returned, snapping him back to his senses. He could see the object now beginning to rise once again. It continued to do so before it suddenly shot off into the night sky, vanishing within a few seconds.

For several moments following its departure, NG’s state of mind was seemingly affected. He would quickly fluctuate between sadness and calmness, before fully returning to his “normal” state of mind as he was before the sighting.

At this point, he picked up the telephone and contacted the main base to report the incident. However, rather than the response he was expecting of a back-up unit to come and investigate and take a full report, he was simply told to continue his watch.

When he was eventually relieved of his duty at the normal time at the end of his shift, he would immediately seek out his superiors to report the sightings again. And while they would take more notice of his urgency on this occasion, it was still far from the reaction he was hoping for or indeed expecting. None of the superior officers doubted his sincerity. They believed he believed what he had seen. NOTE: The above image is CGI.





THANKS TO Marcus Lowth and


Burleson, Texas – 01/23/19 22:48 – 15 minutes duration

Description: 6 flickering red/white lights linked together in a broken “V,” converged to form a hexagon, then flew away.

Driving down I-35 westbound and Rendon Crowley Rd., next to Texas Health Huguley Hospital, I was on the phone with my girlfriend, driving ahead of me, and we both witness strange red/white flashing lights in the sky a little in the distance.

We drove parallel to these lights and it looked like they were linked in a chain together 3 lights majority stay red followed by one majority staying white, then 2 more majority red (still flickering the opposite color red to white or white to red). They formed a broken V-shape, while spread out seemingly linked together somehow.

I wanted a better look so we exited the highway, turned around, and then came into the view of the strange lights. They were remaining still the first time we drove by them. As we approached they seemed to form a hexagonal shape, and started to glow the same color, but would randomly flicker the opposite light individually (red to white).

As we got closer to the spot we first witness them, they drifted away further and further ahead.

Background: I don’t have any UFO viewing experiences, but have always wanted to see something out of the ordinary. Absolutely love watching documentaries about UFO’s. I had some slight doubt at first.

Just so absolutely happy I was finally able to witness this wonderful event. I am 25 years old, white male, manage an electronic retail store. NOTE: The above image is CGI.