
Extraordinary British researcher John Lenard Walson has spent the better part of 2 decades observing space and objects in earth orbit. John has been a guest on the program many, many times in years past. His work has caused him to be severely harassed and even large Chinook helicopters taking flash photos of him and his home have been sent to intimidate him…flying just a couple hundred feet over his head.

Here are just some of the large machines parked in earth orbit he has photographed with his telescope on many a cold, dark night in the English countryside. The more you look at these space craft, the more detail begins to become discernible. Keep in mind that in space, no sleek aerodynamics are necessary, so these craft might look ‘different than many might expect.

The late Bill Tompkins was very impressed with these photos and told me they were entirely legitimate. Ever wonder where all this missing trillons of dollars have gone over the years? Here’s at least one answer…the deep black above top secret US space program.












The ABC Program relative to UFOs has prompted me to provide details of my sighting of unidentified flying objects. This is the first time I have offered this event to any type of media. I was a member of the United States Air Force at the time that I saw nine flying discs. I dutifully reported my sighting to the Operations Section at Travis Air Force Base as had been directed by the Senior Officer.

The pilot of our aircraft was also the officer in charge of the section that I was assigned to at the time. I was the Aircraft Distribution Officer of the Far East Air Materiel Command located in Fuchu, Japan in 1947. I had a project to take B-17 aircraft from the theater to Middletown Air Depot, Pennsylvania to have them modified to be air rescue aircraft. This involves such modification to accommodate a lifeboat attached the bomb bay which could be dropped for rescue at sea.

I was assigned to one of these trips to observe the modification process. I became a passenger on the flight of a B-17 from Japan to the Middletown Air Depot. The crew picked up a modified B-17 aircraft (without the life boat) for return to Japan.

On that return flight I had positioned myself in the nose of the aircraft. As we approached Promontory Point, Utah at 15:30 hours, 16 July, 1947, I noticed several objects rising from the Salt Flats. At first I thought they were big white birds but they were coming towards our aircraft at such great speed that I became alarmed.

However, in just a few moments they veered to the left of our aircraft, but close enough for me to identify them as nine round disks, approximately 40-60 feet in diameter with light blue underbellies.

They were in what appeared to be a V formation of three, three, and three. They passed off the left wing of our aircraft in a climbing flight. I immediately made my way to the cockpit to advise the pilot of my sighting. He had not seen them.

However, the flight engineer, Technical Sergeant GJH (name withheld), Serial Number AFxxxxxxxx, did see them and confirmed my sighting.

We only differed on one thing. T/SGT. He saw them as they were a little lower than our aircraft and he described the top of them as sand colored.

I had been in the Philippines Islands and Japan for approximately for 18 months and had not been aware of the UFO excitement in the States at that time.

The weather over the sighting area was perfectly clear and there was no way that I could have been mistaken about what I had seen.

I talk about this event to my friends and others that want to listen to my experience. Since there is so much reaction to stories of such sightings, I have never gone beyond just telling about the event.

Also, I never had any further contact with T/SGT. H since he was assigned to a different organization than mine.

I have kept the record of this event in my wallet all these years to make sure that the data was immediately available to me in the event someone wanted names and dates.

I also put a copy of the data in my personal strongbox for safe keeping.

There is one thing that I regret about this event. I had just purchased a movie camera with a telephoto lens while in the States on this trip, and had it right in front of me at the time, and I did not think enough to take pictures of the sighting.

However, on the other hand, the whole thing was over in just a few seconds and had I tried to take movies of it I may have missed the whole show. I thought this might be of interest to your group. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












The Fort Monmouth Case began with a watershed event which took place at 11:18 A.M. EDT on a clear morning in September 1951. It was Monday the 10th. The place was a radar facility near the coastline at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.

A young student Army Signal Corps radar operator, PFC Eugent A. Clark, had just picked up an unknown low-flying target moving faster than the automatic setting mode on his AN/MPG-1 radar set could plot.

As a matter of coincidence, a number of visiting Army officers happened to be standing behind Clark at the time, witnessing the strange event unfold. They watched in amazement as in just moments the curious radar blip traversed the coast line at an estimated speed of at least 700 miles per hour. It was lost off the scope near the Sandy Hook coastal peninsula, not far south of New York City.

This radar tracking caused a lot of excitement. In 1951, although jets had reached such speeds in special tests, they flew nowhere near those velocities on a routine or even sustained basis.

Seventeen minutes later, the story became even more bizarre. Just south of Sandy Hook, at 11:35 A.M. EDT, a T-33 jet trainer piloted by Lieutenant Wilbert S. Rogers, with Major Edward Ballard Jr. in the rear seat, encountered a completely unrecognizable object. They were flying northward at 20,000 feet over Point Pleasant, New Jersey headed toward Sandy Hook.

At that moment Rogers spotted off to his left a dull, silvery object passing far below on an opposing parallel course. It was southward bound in from the coastline peninsula of Sandy Hook and appeared to be about 12,000 feet below them. Rogers had been on a direct pre-approach heading toward a landing into Mitchel AFB, New York, but wanted Major Ballard to have a look at it.

Ballard, however, was on the radio so Rogers turned slightly to the left to linger and waited for him to complete his radio communication. Forty-five seconds later Ballard had caught sight of it, by which time the UFO entered a descending arc-like turn that was about to cut under their flight path. At that moment the pilots’ conversations were heard by ground control via an open mike.

Records show the pilots were excited as both men were watching the object bank. As it did, it revealed a ‘discus-like’ silhouette while continuing its turn. So Rogers kept turning left with it to keep it from going under his wing and thus out of view. While the object proceeded to descend further, Rogers nosed his jet down to eventually complete a hair raising 360-degree, 3,000 feet descending maneuver, just to keep it in sight.

Both Rogers and Ballard estimated the craft to be around 30 to 50 feet in diameter and perhaps moving as fast as 700 miles per hour. By then the pilots knew that they were definitely not chasing a balloon because this thing was not only banking left but was by then out-pacing their jet which Rogers had throttled up from 450 to 550 miles per hour!

By that point the object had completed a 90 degree turn and was heading away from the coastline, traveling out over the ocean in level flight near the speed of sound at around 5,000 feet. Rogers vainly attempted to parallel its course from his current altitude of 17,000 feet as the UFO continued to increase its speed out to sea, covering 35 miles during the short two minute span of the sighting.

Rogers, an experienced WWII fighter pilot, was later asked by a reporter what he thought it was that they had seen that day. He shrugged and only said that the object was something he had never seen before in his life, and it certainly wasn’t a balloon because it was not only descending but moving at great speed. He added that the object looked perfectly round and flat with the center of the object being somewhat raised.

But was it a balloon? Two months later when Edward Ruppelt assumed the helm of the old Grudge project from Jerry Cummings, he carefully disseminated the information that had been collected on the case. Ruppelt was as intrigued as anyone with this fantastic sighting, and no one more than himself respected the experience of veteran flyers like Rogers and Ballard.

Yet, Ruppelt put objectivity first. He even fired three assistants from his project in those early days who became too biased in their approach to investigations.

It was one of Ruppelt’s more trusted associates, Henry ‘Hank’ Metscher, who came up with what he felt was a solid argument that the sighting over Point Pleasant and the radar data from Fort Monmouth may have been attributable to balloon launches. Ruppelt relied on Metscher’s more seasoned engineering background and careful analysis to compose a special November 30 status report to the Pentagon.

It stated: “At approximately 11:12 EDST, 10 September 1951 two balloons were released from the Evans Signal Laboratory, New Jersey, . . . and would have moved into a position nearly in line with Point Pleasant.”

Provided are illustrations from that report plotting the balloons and the course of the T-33 jet. Air Force records do prove that balloons were in the same area at the same time as the T-33, yet estimates place their altitude at 18,000 feet as opposed to the 5,000 feet ceiling Rogers approximated for the UFO.

Those same records also show each balloon burst at a height of 104,000 feet not long after the incident transpired.

To provide further detail, following is an excerpt from Ruppelt’s unedited manuscript to The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. This paragraph never made it into his published book but does detail how ATIC viewed the case at the time:

The sighting by the two officers in the T-33 jet fell apart when Metscher learned that a balloon had been launched in the area of the sighting just a matter of minutes before the UFO was seen. Hank got out an aeronautical chart and plotted the path of the balloon, the path of the T-33, and the reported path of the UFO.

The first thing that showed up was that the balloon was always along the line of sight between the T-33 and where the two officers thought the UFO had been.

With a little more figuring Hank showed how every reported motion of the UFO could have been due to the relative motion between the balloon and the T-33, and the observer’s inability to accurately estimate distances, since they didn’t know how big their “UFO” really was.

Colonel Rosengarten told the authors that he and Lt. Jerry Cummings personally questioned Rogers and Ballard. Although he too greatly respected their years of flying experience, Rosengarten is fairly convinced after talking to them that they simply saw a balloon under unusual circumstances. He also feels that a balloon with foil reflectors on it, accounted for the earlier radar sightings.

After news accounts of the pilot’s incident leaked to the papers, state police officials were queried by reporters, but no collaborating testimony could be found to substantiate the sighting of an unusual object.

Yet another incident did occur that same afternoon of the 10th. Again, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey radar picked up a strange target. This time it was 18 miles above the earth traveling slowly. Soon, ground observers visually confirmed it even though all they could see was a silver speck in the sky.

While Cummings conclusively proved that sighting was attributed to a balloon launch, more unexplained radar sightings followed the next day.

On September 11, a brief summary of the T-33 sighting was sent to ATIC from the 148th interceptor group at Dover AFB, Delaware, where Rogers and Ballard were based. On the next, day Wilbert Rogers himself followed up with another and much more carefully detailed summary to Dayton, addressed to none other than the Commanding General of the AMC! Fort Monmouth forwarded accounts too of the anomalous radar incidents.

Then both pilots were debriefed at Stewart AFB, Newburg, New York, on the 17th by Eastern Air Defense Force Headquarters officials who on the 21st sent a summary of all of the sightings to ATIC as well as the ADC headquarters in Colorado Springs.

This was done according to several official regulations of the time requiring the reporting of unidentified aerial objects. These included Air Defense Command Letter 200-1 of 11 April 1951 requiring the reporting of “unconventional aircraft,” and an Eastern Air Defense Force directive of 19 February 1951, stipulating the same.

Along with these new regulations was a directive from the Continental Air Defense Command in an earlier issuance of 200-1 dated 22 February 1951. It required any reports to be classified “confidential.” However, as will be detailed, these same reports were apparently caught in a paper shuffle and did not make it to Major General Cabell, the head of Air Force Intelligence (AFOIN), in a timely fashion.

This fact becomes the basis for the story to follow, namely because news of the T-33 sighting would first be leaked to the press. This leak came long before Cabell had a chance to be properly briefed on these seemingly fantastic events, which were not easily explainable at the time.

In setting the stage for this tale of a classic military snafu, it is also important to note that at that time Cabell had come under pressure by some American industrialists and scientists who felt the Air Force should be more responsive to UFO reports. Top among those influential men were Robert Johnson and a Mr. Brewster of Republic Aviation.

Republic carried a lot of weight at that time because they were at the cutting edge of high speed fighter development. In fact, research then going on at Republic would lead directly to the F-105 Thunderchief which gained great fame during the Vietnam war a decade later.

Top people at Republic like Johnson and Brewster had an unusually tenacious interest in the early flying saucer sightings. The details are unclear, but AFOSI files show that both men learned of the Fort Monmouth cases and asked permission from the Eastern Air Defense Command to speak to Rogers and Ballard around September 20, still long before Cabell had been briefed on the incidents.

During their interview, Brewster showed the air crew “sketches,” possibly of experimental aircraft. Yet, both pilots told Brewster and Johnson that they had seen no indications of exhaust or propulsion units on the UFO. Records even show Brewster speculative of electrical propulsion of some kind. Brewster explained that he had names of other witnesses, who supposedly had similar sightings and were also interviewed by him and Johnson.

Aviation historian Joel Carpenter recently shared some interesting insights on why Republic may have been so interested in UFOs. As in many other instances, it seems that curiosity in flying saucers had less to do with astrophysical theories than the hard realities of the Cold War:

Each of the airframe contractors in the 40s and 50s had a specialty, and Republic’s was fighters. They had an ace designer named Alexander Kartveli who was very interested in supersonic aerodynamics and came up with some very radical concepts for early jet fighters. (The P-84 that was running up at Muroc when the first disc sighting was made there was one of his designs.)

In those days, Air Defense Command (or maybe still CONAD then) Hq was located at Mitchel Field, Long Island, and since Republic was right down the road in Farmingdale, it had an ³in² with the fighter command. Republic did a lot of studies for CONAD on the problems of how to use fighters to intercept high-speed bombers.

If a bomber is flying near the speed of sound, it is very hard to detect it with radar, scramble the fighter, get the fighter to the exact point where it can fire its weapons, and shoot at exactly the right instant to hit the target. . . You can see why the Ft. Monmouth incident would have had a bearing on this, if the radar operators were tracking UFOs that were going too fast to be jets, what could possibly be done about them?

So I think that the Republic men might have been in the Cabell meeting [when Cabell was finally briefed on the Ft. Monmouth incidents in detail on November 1] as experts on the problems of intercepting high-speed targets.

The other aspect of this is that just a couple of days before the Cabell meeting, Republic had been awarded a contract to build one of the most incredible aircraft ever designed, the XF-103. This was a true interceptor. . . projects like the XF-103 take years to develop and they probably thought that by the time it was operational, the Soviets might have supersonic bombers.

General Cabell had maintained an interest in the UFO mystery since he became director of AFOIN in May of 1948 but for whatever reason had delegated much of the responsibility to subordinates. By 1949, after the Sidney Shallet article, flying saucers were de-emphasized and collection memos for acquiring information on sightings were rescinded.

Grudge officially closed in December of that year although work still went on at ATIC as new sighting reports were handled through routine intelligence channels. Cabell, however, who later characterized the Grudge final report as “the most poorly written piece of unscientific tripe I’ve ever read,” seemed ready by late 1950 and early 1951 for a more active approach.

It is not known why Cabell suddenly took greater interest in flying saucer reports by that time. An extensive reorganization had been completed by mid-1951 which had previously occupied a great deal of his attention. Perhaps by then, he simply had more time to devote to the subject of UFOs as a whole, during a period in which there was already growing concern about possible Soviet developments in heavy high speed bombers.

It does seem once war in Korea began in June 1950, that Cabell was quietly reconsidering the specific issue of flying saucer reports. In fact, at that time he may have come to the realization that his subordinates in AFOIN and Colonel Watson at ATIC were of the growing opinion that they had more important tasks at hand than dealing with the saucer sightings.

This may be why they put such great emphasis on downplaying the investigations, so as not to make flying saucers an issue either privately or publicly.

We know by late 1950 collection memos on UFOs were re-issued and Major General Cabell started to express concern over what he saw as a continually troubling series of saucer reports. Colonel Watson and his deputy commander, Colonel Frank Dunn, were aware of this in particular.

Cabell’s office even later sent word down that he was to be awakened during the middle of the night if he was needed! Colonel Watson, although a very distinguished and respected officer, still apparently had a skepticism when it came to flying saucers. He continued to frown on anyone who claimed to have witnessed a sighting. However, it does seem his deputy, Frank Dunn, did succeed him somewhere around the timeframe in which the Fort Monmouth incidents occurred.

(The records show Colonel Watson was officially reassigned around July of 1951 yet because he was then resisting leaving his beloved ATIC command, Watson may have still been in Dayton, trying to get Cabell to either change his orders to an Air Defense Command, or preferably to stay at ATIC.

This would account for the fact that Ruppelt and Cummings both recalled in their correspondence that Watson had something to do with this story but also remember that his orders for reassignment came in before the Fort Monmouth events all played out.)

We do know from Ruppelt’s private papers that Cabell by at least early 1951 had caught wind of Colonel Watson’s hesitancy to divert significant manpower to saucer investigations. Ruppelt mentions that Cabell, at some point, climbed all over Watson and his Pentagon accomplices like Colonel Porter for “conspiring to kill the UFO project.”

It is known that Watson’s friend, Albert Deyarmond, remained at ATIC after the Colonel accepted a command in Europe. Thus “Moose” Deyarmond remained a key man in the ATIC hierarchy as Colonel Dunn filled Watson’s shoes. It certainly seems Deyarmond continued to enforce Colonel Watson’s so-called anti-saucer policies, as did Analysis Chief Colonel Brunow W. Feiling. The authors do not fully understand why because we also know Deyarmond was privately very interested in the subject and had been a strong supporter of an objective study when he was a member of Project Sign back in 1948. We also know that Ruppelt always understood him to be personally convinced in an extraterrestrial hypothesis for the origin of the phenomena.

Nevertheless, Colonel Watson’s skeptical saucer policy still seemed to be in effect at ATIC by the fall of 1951. In fact, when word of the incredible Fort Monmouth sightings were officially reported to ATIC on the 11th and 12th from Dover AFB and the EADC at Newburg on the 21st, the accounts were dismissed by Colonel Feiling. Feiling completely bypassed Grudge and gave the reports directly to James Rodgers, who was by then no longer even in charge of Grudge.

Although the files do suggest that Colonel Dunn had learned of the incidents as early as the 11th. Records explain that on the 11th, the Air Materiel Command’s Public Information Officer, Colonel Taylor, acquired a summary of the pilot’s sighting from his counterpart at Mitchel AFB, PIO Major John B. Barron. Taylor passed the summary onto Colonel Dunn via Rex Smith, AMC Assistant PIO, on that same day. Yet the Pentagon never received any follow-up investigation from ATIC.

To Dunn’s later horror, the only report that did make its way to Washington was initiated via that curious correspondence between PIO officers to a Colonel Carter of the Field Liaison Section, Directorate of Public Information in the Pentagon. When these sightings subsequently found their way to the national media as early as the 12th, Cabell eventually blew his top. We say “eventually” because, oddly, the General didn’t catch wind of it until long after those press leaks made national headlines in papers like the Washington Daily News and The New York Times. Further, Cabell did not seem to learn about any of this until the 27th or 28th of that month! (The leak first originated from Mitchel AFB when Major Barron allowed a Long Island newspaper reporter, Dick Aurelio, to interview the pilot after Aurelio heard rumors of the sighting.)

Cabell had already told ATIC he wanted personal notification on any new UFO activity, and now he had to read about this outwardly amazing series of cases from a press desk circular that happened to cross his desk, 18 days after the event occurred!

After the news made headlines, the Air Defense Command also wanted more information. They had not received a final report on the sightings even though it involved pilots of its own [Eastern] Air Defense Command. ADC thus wanted Grudge on it right away, but they had no idea that the project had become so understaffed.

As Cabell attempted to wade through this horrendous mess on Friday morning of the 28th, his wartime years as a Pentagon assistant to the Commanding General of Army Air Forces, General “Hap” Arnold, may have come back to haunt him. Cabell had held a unique job as a trouble shooter on Arnold’s personal staff during the madness following the attack on Pearl Harbor. That act by the Japanese, and the shortcomings which military intelligence subsequently found itself guilty of, forever dominated Cabell’s thinking.

Apparently by noon on that Friday, someone at ATIC found himself in a heated telephone conversation with Cabell. After receiving a yard long Teletype message from AFOIN later that afternoon, right at ATIC’s 4:00 P.M. closing time, Analysis personnel knew they had to act. Colonel S.H. Kirkland Jr. was then moving up the ladder at ATIC and working with Colonel Watson’s good buddy Moose Deyarmond, they secured orders (via the administrative ATIN office with a WD form 67) for Lieutenant Colonel Rosengarten to go to New Jersey. Rosengarten was to oversee an investigation of the case in time for a scheduled late Monday afternoon Pentagon conference on the matter with Cabell himself! It is of interest, however, that they told Lt. Col. Rosengarten to hold off on giving the General any definite analysis until all the facts of the case could be studied. (Keep in mind, this is already 18 days after the sighting took place.)

Because Lt. Col. Rosengarten was head of the Performance and Characteristics Branch under the Aircraft and Propulsion Section within ATIC’s Analysis Division, he technically had the old Grudge project under his many commands. Lt. Col. Rosengarten always devoted a hundred percent effort to every task he was given and also sought to carry out assignments in a thorough and careful manner. So he took some time to consider seeking assistance on this important task. As he looked out from his office down the length of Analysis’ long hut-like home, he saw many desks lined up. At one of them he noticed Ed Ruppelt. Ruppelt occupied the exact same desk left by Alfred Loedding who, ironically, left ATIC eight months earlier for a job in Pennsylvania the very day Ruppelt arrived. Since then, Ruppelt had been recruited on occasion to assist with UFO assignments.

Yet logically, only one man should have the task because he was responsible for running Grudge. Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s keen eye moved onto that man, good old Jerry Cummings. Cummings had only recently come to Grudge and like Ruppelt had been reactivated with the start of hostilities in Korea late in 1950. Although recently discovered files do reveal that Cummings did have an earlier tour at the old T-2 Intelligence group in Dayton during the tail end of World War Two. So he was obviously a capable man with prior experience in technical intelligence and apparently a highly skilled Cal. Tec. trained aeronautical engineer.

Rosengarten’s opinion of Cummings was very high. It is evident from the UFO files released by the National Archives that a more serious approach was taken as soon as he took over what was left of the Grudge operation back in July. Cummings, however, often faced many hurdles. In fact, Cummings had been very put out when Feiling bypassed his office with the Fort Monmouth reports. He had complained about this to Deyarmond and to Lt. Col. Rosengarten. So now Rosengarten was giving him the chance to do his job. Cummings was going too.

Although a few researchers have simply characterized Rosengarten and Cummings as doing damage control for ATIC, both men appeared eager to conduct a detailed and objective investigation. Admittedly, there are mysteries from those critical three days, spanning Friday, September 28 to Monday, October 1, but it is clear they were on a mission for Cabell which even had an “Operational Immediate” designation to it. Operational Immediate was the highest peacetime priority code issued at that time and this one had come direct from the old man himself! (It should be noted however that during our interview with Colonel Rosengarten in 1999, he told us that he only made the trip in person to ensure that Cummings received full cooperation.)

Their trip began after boarding a TWA commercial airliner late that Friday night at 11:30 P.M. EST. Rosengarten and Cummings flew direct to New York. The next morning they traveled to New Jersey and coordinated with the G-2 Signal Corps radar station at Fort Monmouth. While at Fort Monmouth they received excellent cooperation from the personnel at the radar station who were all very helpful to their investigation. Lt. Col. Rosengarten recorded:

Interrogation of the student [radar] personnel occupied Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday morning and part of Sunday afternoon. Much time was spent attempting to fix with greater detail dates, time, and circumstances in order to find something of value. . . . Then, the two pilots, Major Ballard flying as observer, and Lt. Rogers who was flying as pilot of a T-33, sighted an unidentified flying object and they flew into Fort Monmouth for interrogation.

Cummings and Rosengarten were truly working around the clock because early into Monday morning Lt. Col. Rosengarten sent an R and R (routing and record sheet) wire message to the Office of Special Investigation.

This 3:30 A.M. R&R or special transmission officially requested follow-up assistance from the 2nd District AFOSI office on Broad Street in New York City. The AFOSI, in fact, routinely assisted with UFO investigations. Although in this case it seems Rosengarten initiated the AFOSI investigation himself, with authority from the commanding general at the Fort Monmouth radar base.

For some reason, however, Ruppelt recalled that this created a “famous hassle” at ATIC. Following is Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s 3:30 A.M. Monday morning message to the NY AFOSI that caused such a stir:



Earlier at 9:05 P.M. Sunday night, Lt. Col. Rosengarten had phoned the New York AFOSI and informed them of his oncoming wire. Then he again talked by phone to AFOSI duty officer Lieutenant Michael O. Pettee around the time of the 3:30 A.M. wire. Rosengarten told him that Mitchel AFB PIO Major Barron had no malicious intent when he allowed the pilots to talk to the press, but that the release of information in principle did violate regulations.

He also feared a security breach had occurred despite Barron’s best intended efforts as this AFOSI internal memo demonstrates:

Lt. Colonel Rosengarten, AFOIN-ATIAA-2, is assigned to the Director of Intelligence, Headquarters USAF, with duty at Wright-Patterson AFB, in Technical Intelligence. He dispatched the wire referred to in the R&R from Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, indicating that the information released carried the classification of Secret.

He also stated in the wire that the inquiry had been personally and urgently requested by Major General Cabell, Director of Intelligence, Headquarters USAF, and that it was mandatory, if at all possible, to have the results of the interview available at AFOIN-TC, 1 October 1951, during which Rosengarten would be in conference with General Cabell and other personnel of the Technical Capabilities Branch, of OIN.

The significance, if any, of this activity is unknown to OSI. Full information has been requested and has been promised by Major Parker, OIN, for 2 October 1951. I also pointed out verbally to OIN the irregular manner in which the request was made to OSI.

Lucius L. Free, Lt. Col., USAF Sabotage and Espionage Branch.

The AFOSI certainly worked fast. By 11:00 A.M. that Monday morning AFOSI Detachment Commander Major Paul L. McCoy had made a synopsis of the case. By 11:45 A.M. Lt. Col. Rosengarten was informed of the results of their speedy interview of Major Barron. McCoy then said he would forward any additional findings to the Pentagon in time for Rosengarten’s 4:00 P.M. deadline with Major General Cabell.

In 1999, Colonel Rosengarten told the authors that leaks to the news media did indeed have the potential to cause unnecessary harm. Other primary sources have confirmed what will be documented later in this story, that there were key people in the Pentagon and Intelligence community who believed that one good tale about a “flying saucer” in a large newspaper could cause many people around the country to start looking for UFOs.

Because most average citizens are not accustomed to closely observing the sky, they in turn will see things that are in many cases natural or man-made phenomena of which they themselves have no understanding. In theory, this would then lead to a flood of other UFO reports which would cause a great deal of extra work for the Air Force.

It would take men like Ed Ruppelt off analysis work on Soviet aircraft and send him chasing all over the country interviewing UFO witnesses. This scenario would also hamper sincere efforts by ATIC to study the phenomenon. But most importantly, the main point is that public hysteria over UFOs could cause other units of the military to be overwhelmed with the issue and perhaps even hamper their ability to respond to a more earthly Cold War threat, the Cold War being the much more important concern of the day.

Although such a scenario would later be championed by the CIA, it was one growing Air Force concern even at this time, whether the theory itself was valid or not. Thus, those at ATIC like Ed Ruppelt, despite what they felt personally, had to respect this attitude. Former ATIC veterans stated that this was simply respect for duty.

Even with such concerns, UFOs received attention by the Air Force. Any object in the sky of an unknown origin has been of interest to units like ATIC since the 1946 “ghost rocket” reports over Europe. Today, successor organizations are still just as worried about objects that cannot be identified.

But, there are “UFOs” and then there are “flying saucers.” Some like Colonel Watson and Major Boggs wanted to keep tabs on any UFOs associated with the USSR. But “men from Mars” did not openly seem to figure into their concerns even though others like Major General Cabell may have been more broad minded. Cabell, at least, became specifically concerned with the broad issue of flying saucers.

So if there is any moral for this brief side bar to our story, it is that UFO projects after Sign had to first be focused on public reaction to UFOs. That is what Grudge became during Colonel Watson’s reign. Grudge’s successor, Blue Book, under Ruppelt’s tenure would seek a more multi-dimensional role by 1952 but still had to keep in mind the Pentagon’s desire to discourage the media from generating undue public concern.

Now to return to our story of the Fort Monmouth case, late into Sunday night the 30th and even on Monday morning of October 1, Cummings and Rosengarten worked to finish their investigation in time to meet Cabell’s 4:00 P.M. Monday deadline for the all important Pentagon meeting.

Neither man had had much sleep or food since they began their journey, but at least by Monday morning they felt they had done justice to their mission. At the last minute, however, they realized they couldn’t even get a Signal Corps aircraft off the ground in time to make Washington by 4:00.

So, at Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s initiative, he chartered a private plane to fly them to Washington. When they reached the Pentagon they briefed the General but soon found themselves participating in a briefing with not just Cabell, but other top AFOIN brass. (This meeting may have not occurred until the next morning at 10:00 A.M.)

Ruppelt’s book provides a provocative description of that top secret meeting. Because of the significance of the passage it deserves to be quoted in full exactly as stated by Edward Ruppelt:

[Major] General Cabell presided over the meeting, and it was attended by his entire staff plus Lieutenant Cummings, Lieutenant Colonel Rosengarten, and a special representative from Republic Aircraft Corporation. The man from Republic supposedly represented a group of top U.S. industrialists and scientists who thought that there should be a lot more sensible answers coming from the Air Force regarding the UFOs. The man was at the meeting at the personal request of a general officer.

Every word of the two-hour meeting was recorded on a wire recorder. The recording was so hot that it was later destroyed, but not before I had heard it several times. I can’t tell everything that was said but, to be conservative, it didn’t exactly follow the tone of the official Air Force releases, many of the people present at the meeting weren’t as convinced that the ‘hoax, hallucination, and misidentification’ answer was quite as positive as the Grudge Report and subsequent press releases made out.

Toward the end of the two-hour conference a general asked Lieutenant Cummings to review the activity of the UFO investigation for the past year and a half. Maybe it was just a lack of sleep, or maybe it was just Cummings, but the general got the straight answer, for all practical purposes the project was dead.

Then Cummings proceeded to elaborate on the details, the attitude at ATIC, the opposition to his reorganizing the project, and the methods of processing reports. Lieutenant Cummings didn’t miss a point. He later told me that all of the generals and about three fourths of the full colonels present at the meeting turned the shade of purple normally associated with rage while a sort of sickly grin graced the faces of the remaining few.

Then one of the generals on the purple-faced team glared at the sickly-grin team and cut loose.

The first thing the general wanted to know was, ‘Who in the hell has been giving me these reports that every decent flying saucer sighting is being investigated?’

Then others picked up the questioning.

‘What happened to those two reports that General __ sent in from Saudi Arabia? He saw those two flying saucers himself.’ [That case actually occurred after this meeting took place during the next year of 1952 to a General E.M. Day, apparently the case that was so discussed at that meeting was the Mantell Incident.

Because Ruppelt made such an effective argument in his book that the Mantell Incident was not UFO related, he probably substituted the Saudi Arabia sighting so as not to bring the issue of Mantell up again.] ‘And who released this big report, anyway?’ another person [we now know this was Major General Cabell] added, picking up a copy of the Grudge Report and slamming it back down on the table.

We understand that during the meeting Cummings told Cabell all he knew about the behind -the-scenes influences on Project Grudge. Yet, research cannot completely pin down Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s own view. In 1999 Colonel Rosengarten simply told the authors that he just leaned back and let Cummings go.

Lt. Col. Rosengarten did not necessarily disagree with him but would not have characterized the situation in that manner nor have the discourtesy to reprimand Cummings in front of his own superiors. He knew Cummings had no intention himself of making a career out of the military. Besides, Rosengarten said everybody loved that guy if for no other reason than he was so bright.

Ruppelt simply wrote that about that time in the meeting, ‘Cummings dropped his horn rimmed glasses down on his nose, tipped his head forward, peered at Major General Cabell over his glasses and acting not at all like a first lieutenant, said that the UFO investigation was all fouled up.’

Through personal conversations with Colonel Rosengarten, the authors learned of his high regard for not only Cummings but Colonel Watson, and Watson’s administration of ATIC. These authors also greatly respect Colonel Watson’s service but do not understand his apparently skeptical attitude toward UFOs and why ATIC sought to focus only on the public relations issues under his command. Colonel Watson was, in fact, an outstanding officer, no one ever stated anything to the contrary.

In his early career he had been a highly technically trained ‘engine man.’ Since earning his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1933 and completing some more course work at Yale, Watson proved himself a valued research engineer for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company. By 1936, however, he decided to join the Army Air Corps. Watson wanted to learn to fly.

He did become a flying cadet and soon came under the experienced wing of none other than Lieutenant Curtis LeMay, strategic bombing visionary and future Air Force Chief of Staff. Watson excelled in flying school as he did in every endeavor in life but due to what was considered a mature age of 25 and an unusually high technical expertise, he was destined for desk work.

So in June of 1937 he began a tour at Langley Field as an Engineering Officer. Although not one to be detoured from his passions, he learned to fly almost every aircraft in the inventory despite his assigned duties.

In 1939, while beginning the first of five tours at Dayton, 1st Lieutenant Watson went to work in the Wright Labs Power Plant Division, specializing in engine quality and production liaison with major manufacturers for the Air Force. It was around this time that Watson and Red Honaker became such close friends. Honaker was a clerk at the flight desk in those days and always gave Watson the word when a hot new aircraft came into the field, Watson still being eager to log flight time on his weekends off.

By the time America entered the war, Lieutenant Watson was working to complete his masters degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Michigan. This was quite an opportunity as only three people from Wright Labs were picked for this advanced course work.

After graduation, Captain Watson returned to being a valuable trouble shooter in engine quality control and even testified before Senator Harry S Truman’s oversight committee as an expert in aircraft power plant production.

Moving from captain to major in one month, he became a key Army liaison with the Wright-Aero factory in Cincinnati, Ohio. During the latter part of the war Lieutenant Colonel Watson distinguished himself as Director of Maintenance for the 1st Tactical Air Force in an overseas assignment in England.

His work impressed General Hap Arnold, Commanding General of the Army Air Forces. But it was Commanding General of U.S. Strategic Air Forces, General ‘Tooey’ Spaatz, who picked him for the assignment he is most known for. Spaatz put him in charge of Operation Lusty‹an endeavor to recover German aircraft technology.

The small group of ace test pilots and master mechanics Watson led around Europe at the end of the war became known as Watson’s ‘Whizzers.’ They all had great admiration for their commander, by then a full Colonel.

While in this assignment, Watson finally got to do some ‘official’ test flying. Of course, in actuality, he had always managed to fly the latest new aircraft, working out mechanical problems. Until this point, however, Watson had never been rated as a test pilot. As head of Operation Lusty he had the chance to make that grade while flying many new high performance German designs such as the Messerschmitt 262 jet fighter.

The assignment certainly fit Watson’s flamboyant personality and called on his widely varied talents, but it was indeed dangerous work. On one adventure Watson almost lost his life when a German saboteur attached an explosive device to a Junkers-290 transport that he and his men were returning home on via a bold Atlantic crossing.

When the fearless Watson landed in this huge aircraft, the bomb was discovered under the main fuel tank and luckily disarmed without incident. For his many exploits during Project Lusty, Colonel Watson received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal.

As an interesting side note, many individuals who were involved in other projects to recover German technology during the war (like Albert Deyarmond, Howard McCoy, Miles Goll, Malcolm Seashore, Donald Putt, and John O’Mara) ended up working with Watson over the years. Virtually anyone who had the honor to serve with or under Watson spoke of him highly.

The authors also stress that they have the highest respect for Harold Watson. His biography by Air Force historian Bruce Ashcroft even begins with a statement that he ‘was the type of person who would roll up his shirt sleeves and work side-by-side with his people.’

He was a fine officer, but what accounts for his skeptical behavior in regard to UFOs, or perhaps we should say flying saucers? Why did he seem to have such little patience or interest associated with UFO investigations?

Perhaps he gained unique insights on the phenomenon during his third tour at Wright Field as head of the Collections Division for T-2 in 1945 and 1946. Or during a tour at the Industrial College and then the Pentagon in 1947 to 1949, when he learned something modern researchers do not understand.

Maybe he was quoted by Ruppelt as saying ‘flying saucers are a bunch of nonsense’ because he knew the reports to be unreliable. These authors are willing to appreciate that there are other insights, and certainly Colonel Watson was in a position to have a first hand perspective.

However, one source suggested to the authors that Watson may have actually believed in ‘flying saucers’ and certainly Cabell did. Although, this is not to imply that they believed in an extraterrestrial origin per se but the reality of a phenomenon or a whole set of phenomena. Watson did apparently come to loggerheads with Cabell but not over belief in UFOs.

They both knew there was something unexplainable. It was all over their approach. Watson wanted to deal with flying saucers by discouraging investigation into them and making it an unpopular issue in the press. In short, the disc reports were just so unexplainable that he wanted to ignore them to concentrate on Cold War issues.

Major General Cabell, on the other hand, desired investigation, as good an investigation as ATIC’s budget would allow, but wanted the press controlled with tact, not ridiculed. Both men also clearly worried about the UFO issue hampering the military’s effectiveness, as has already been detailed.

To back this up, an anonymous source stressed to the authors that the public’s impression in the 1950s was that the primary job of the Air Force was supposed to be air defense. Although numerous other high ranking officers may have also believed in flying saucers ‘as a phenomenon,’ they did not want this known. They worried that if it became common knowledge the public might lose confidence in the Air Force’s ability to defend America’s skies.

Along with this thought, many in the Air Force sincerely worried about creating a state of panic as was believed to have been demonstrated by Orson Welles’ well-known 1938 Halloween radio drama. On that famous night the dramatic actor Orson Welles produced and narrated a play based on H.G. Wells’ book, The War of the Worlds.

Like the classic account of a Martian invasion, the radio show was a frightening success. Unfortunately for many East Coast listeners, it seemed so real that some were claimed to have flown into a panicked frenzy, actually believing aliens were landing in Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Apparently, a few suicides actually occurred as a result.

A portion of Ruppelt’s early unedited manuscript to The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects discusses the Orson Welles’ broadcast. Ruppelt states that his office was even ordered to investigate the so-called panic and present a report on it.

While concern over that 1938 incident may sound ridiculous today, these authors have proof it was a very real mind-set of Pentagon and government officials from that time. Of course the clear implication here is that in order for those same officials to subscribe to such a theory, they must have believed that the discs were extraterrestrial in origin!

Our source did not know if Cabell or Watson’s views went that far but did suggest to us that they were believers. Ruppelt’s personal papers also characterize Cabell as ‘pretty much a believer in the UFOs.’

In regard to this famous Pentagon meeting, however, Colonel Rosengarten recently told the authors that contrary to Ruppelt’s account, it was mostly low key with nowhere near the number of participants described. But as stated, he fondly and respectfully remembers Cummings going on about Grudge and making quite an impression.

Colonel Rosengarten said with affection, ‘that boy could talk a starved dog off of a bloody meat wagon, he was so persuasive.’ Colonel Rosengarten also has a very clear memory of Major General Cabell. Near the end of the conference Cabell apparently did get worked up, taking the Grudge report and driving it into the table.

But Colonel Rosengarten states that Cabell, also unlike in Ruppelt’s account, was not angry with ATIC in general, just all the press coverage of UFOs. His point here is that Cabell wanted to prevent the media from focusing too much public attention on the subject until the Air Force had a fair chance to investigate the phenomenon.

Cabell, in fact, challenged ATIC to prove that UFOs did exist! In other words, Cabell thought that trying to prove a negative assumption was a futile exercise in any sort of Intelligence endeavor. Colonel Rosengarten also stated that Cabell was a very fine officer and treated both him and Cummings with great respect and attention.

Never at any time in Colonel Rosengarten’s memory of that meeting did the General express doubts in ATIC’s ability to face the challenges associated with UFOs under the new leadership of Col. Dunn.

Now before we stop there, the authors have just recently uncovered still a third version of this landmark Pentagon meeting. We have read what Ruppelt wrote in the pages of his popular book and studied what Colonel Rosengarten recalls. Yet, here is something from Ruppelt’s private papers that is straight from the mouth of Jerry Cummings.

The passage originated from a conversation Ruppelt had with Jerry Cummings on January 14, 1955, when Ruppelt was compiling his manuscript. Surprisingly, it seems to suggest Colonel Watson may still have been at ATIC as late as the end of September or at least around that general time frame. We thank Professor Michael Swords for sharing this very important document from his files:

[Edward Ruppelt writes:] On 14 January 1955, I had lunch with Jerry Cummings who was then working for Radioplane Corporation in Van Nuys. Since Jerry had been in charge of Blue Book in September 1951, he had the story on how the project got a shot of added emphasis from the sightings at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. (Jerry got out of the Air Force shortly after this and went back to work at Cal Tec.)

Jerry said that on the afternoon of September 1951 [no exact date given but his story apparently begins in mid month] he was in the office when he got a call from Lt. Col. Rosengarten, who was chief of the Aircraft and Propulsion Section at ATIC. [sic, Performance and Characteristics Branch of the Aircraft and Propulsion Section.] Rosy [sic, his nickname was spelled Rosie] was out [sic] boss.

Rosy had a wire that had come in from Ft. Monmouth telling about the sightings there of the past few days. The wire was about 4′ long and very detailed. It was obvious from the tone of the wire that it had created quite a stir at Ft. Monmouth.

When the wire had come into Feiling’s office (Col. Bruno[w] Feiling, Chief of the Analysis Division) about 1300 he had sent it on to Capt Roy James in the Electronics Branch since the sighting involved radar. Somehow Jim [James] Rodgers, ex-chief of Blue Book (at the time it was Grudge and there is no evidence Roy James ever headed Grudge) had gotten into the act.

Rodgers and [Roy] James were laughing about the whole thing when Cummings first heard about it. He was a bit hacked because he was supposed to have the Project but there was nothing that he could do.

The reason for the interest by Rodgers and James, supposedly the first team, was that there had been a rumble that someone in Washington was interested and a quick answer was needed. Cummings was ‘too slow.’ After they messed around with the report for awhile, [the ATIC records show a number of days] speculating on what they could use for an answer, Rosy had gotten wind of the report and he went into Feiling’s office to complain that if he was responsible for the UFO reports he should be the first one to get them.

Rodgers was called in and he gave the report to Rosy. Rodgers already had an answer, ‘the whole outfit were a bunch of young impressionable kids and the T-33 crew had seen a reflection.’ Rodgers had supposedly reported these findings to Col. Watson, the Chief of ATIC, and Watson had supposedly bought the idea. Rosy didn’t like this answer and Cummings like[d] it less, when he saw the wire in Rosy’s office.

They decided not to call in James again because neither one of them trusted his judgment. Cummings was just getting ready to go over to Wright Field to get someone from the Radiation Lab to take a look at the report when a wire came in from Washington. [Apparently now Cummings is referring to Friday, September 28th.]

The time was now about 1600. The wire indicated that [Major] General Cabell had seen a copy of the wire from Ft. Monmouth [heard of it via the news leak on the sighting] and that he wanted to know what ATIC thought. Rodgers put the pressure on to send his answer back to the Pentagon and ‘get them off our backs.’

He claimed that Watson was in agreement with him. [Ruppelt adds here:] (Possible Watson wasn’t there. If Watson wasn’t there it was Dunn, but this doesn’t sound like Dunn. Jerry kept saying Watson.)

Both Rosy and Cummings were against this and when it looked as if Rodgers might be going to win out when someone (I didn’t get who) called the Pentagon and talked to Gen Cabell’s assistant, a colonel [John Schweizer]. This colonel was very surprised to hear that there was even any question at all as to whether or not anyone would go out and investigate the report so whoever it was from ATIC that was on the phone weaseled around to make it sound as if they were going to go to Monmouth and had planned to do it all of the time. [This may have been Albert Deyarmond.]

The Colonel, Cabell’s assistant, added that the General had said that he wanted this report fully investigated and that if they weren’t getting the proper cooperation they should call him or the General and get him out of bed, if necessary.

With this it was decided that a trip should be made and Rosy and Cummings got a hurried set of orders [we now know from Cabell himself but approved by the new ATIC Analysis chief by the 28th, Colonel S.H. Kirkland] and were on their way. When they got to New Jersey [on the 29th] they called the Pentagon and found Cabell had left word that he was to be briefed at the earliest possible moment.

The General said that he wanted to be briefed on Monday (??) [October 1] at the latest. [It seems this order for a prompt investigation and a follow-up Pentagon meeting on Monday October 1st was already part of the Operational Immediate message received by ATIC on September 28th which initiated the whole trip.]

When they got to Monmouth, Cummings and Rosy got in touch with the OD and the OD got them transportation. The Signal Corps was very cooperative. They talked to all concerned and got their story. [This is all confirmed by Colonel Rosengarten.]

The pilot and passenger of the T-33 flew up to Mitchel (??) [the next day, Sunday September 29th] and Rosy and Cummings went over there to talk to them [and was still working with them on Monday morning the 1st of October]. They [the pilots] were both completely sold that the UFO was real. They didn’t have any idea what it was but they were convinced that it was something ‘intelligently controlled.’

[Ruppelt’s reflections again:] (It is interesting to note that weeks later, when we proved, at least to my satisfaction, that the UFO was a balloon, the two officers said that we were nuts. They found several holes in our analysis.)

[Colonel Rosengarten confirmed this to the authors. He said, ‘those pilots would have reached out and slugged us when we interviewed them if we suggested that the facts which we were uncovering actually indicated a balloon as the culprit.’]

Rosy and Jerry found out that the press had gotten a hold of the story and they didn’t like it one bit. At this time the UFO project was a fairly well guarded secret for two reasons:

(1) Many people believed that these UFO’s were from outer space and they didn’t want to cause any alarm, and

(2) the other faction, led by Watson, and obediently followed by Rodgers and James, believed that if you stuck your head deep enough into the sand that they would go away. [Interviews with Colonel Rosengarten indicate that radar expert Roy James was not as skeptical of UFOs as he was doubtful of the capabilities of the primitive state of current radar technology at that time.]

[Ruppelt continued reporting:] In addition, Watson had been telling the reporters that the Project was dead. Cabell read this, evidently, but he was for keeping it all quiet and thought that this story from ATIC was just a cover-up.

The story had leaked out when the T-33 crew talked to the tower and when they had inadvertently talked to each other on the VHF instead of the intercom. Later on they were talking in a bar and a reporter [Dick Aurelio] overheard them. Both of these bits of intelligence were put together and the local story evolved [via the good intentioned help of the PIO, Major John B. Barron, at Mitchel AFB].

Cummings somewhere got word that the ADC radar site at or near Sandy Hook had been picking up targets at the same time as the activity was going on at Monmouth so he went to [the] site to try to find out what was going on. He got a very cold reception and had to call the Duty Officer at D/I to get into the place.

When he did he found out that things were all fouled up. The radar logs showed unidentified targets but the officer said that they were SAC aircraft on a classified training mission. The log didn’t show this however. Jerry did think that he established that the radar had no target other than the T-33 at the time of the sighting.

When Rosy and Cummings finished they couldn’t get a flight to Washington so they again called the Pentagon to see if they could get an aircraft to come up after them. They didn’t have aircraft that intelligence could get so the Pentagon said to charter a plane. This they did [with the help of Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s own initiative].

When they got to Washington they cleaned up and went out to the Pentagon and Gen. Cabell had a meeting set up. There were several people from the aircraft industry at the meeting. How they had found out about the meeting, Jerry didn’t know. One of the men was a Mr. Brewster from Republic Aircraft.

The whole meeting was recorded on wire but several weeks later, at ATIC, at the direction of either Col. Watson or Deyarmond, the wire was destroyed. I heard it before it was destroyed, however.

The meeting was a rough one. While Jerry and Rosy were in New Jersey the General had done a little bit of checking. He had called ATIC and talked to Rodgers and it was obvious that Rodgers didn’t have the answers that the General thought he should have. He got a good clue that Project Grudge had been scuttled a long time before.

When the briefing was rolling the General asked Jerry to give a resume of what had been taking place on Project Grudge. Jerry told me that he looked at Rosy and got the OK sign, so he cut loose [Colonel Rosengarten did not confirm this to the authors]. He told how every report was taken as a huge joke; that at the personal direction of Watson, Rodgers, Watson’s #1 stooge, was doing everything to degrade the quality of the reports; and how the only analysis consisted of Rodger’s trying to think up new and original explanations that hadn’t been sent to Washington before. Rodgers couldn’t even find half of the reports.

The General then got on his horse. He said, I want an open mind, in fact, I order an open mind. Anyone that doesn’t keep an open mind can get out, now. As long as there is any element of doubt, the Project will continue.

About this time one of the General’s staff suggested that since there were industry observers present, maybe the remarks should be kept objective or that the industry people chouls [sic] leave. This got the Old Man and he said that he didn’t care how embarrassing it was, he wasn’t ashamed to give people the devil in front of strangers. [Colonel Rosengarten does not remember any representatives of private industry being present at the meeting.]

He said that the apparent disregard of his orders were a source of concern. He complimented Cummings and Rosy by saying that he was glad to ‘Get action.’ [This point is confirmed by our interview with Colonel Rosengarten.]

The General asked about the results of the investigations of several other good sightings but a telephone check to ATIC showed that they had been lost, no one ever could find them. [These may refer to some records which other sources confirm were destroyed at ATIC either in late 1950 and/or represented records from late 1950 which were destroyed about that general time.]

His next question was: ‘Why do I have to stir up the action? Anyone can see that we do not have a satisfactory answer to the saucer question.’

Cabell went on to say that he wanted some action. He wanted the Project reorganized and he wanted all of the directives reissued because, he said, it was obvious that they were not being followed.

Then, Jerry told me, the General looked at his staff of colonels for about 45 seconds and said, ‘I’ve been lied to, and lied to, and lied to, and lied to. I want it to stop. I want the answer to the saucers and I want a good answer.’ [Colonel Rosengarten respectfully maintains that Cabell’s blowup at that meeting was not over ATIC’s failure to investigate but the press leaks surrounding the T-33 sighting. The reasoning he gives is that Cabell did believe there was certainly something to the flying saucers and for that reason he wanted to keep it all as quiet as possible until they found the answer.

Again, the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast is alluded to in this context as an example of the mind-set/concerns expressed at that meeting. He says he never heard of J.J. or E.H. Porter, Aaron Jerry Boggs, William Adams, Weldon Smith, or others that modern day researchers speculate may have been associated with that meeting.]

He started in on the Mantell Sightings and said that he had never heard such a collection of contradictory and indefinite statements. He said that he thought that he had a big activity operating and found out the only man, and apparently incompetent one at that, fumbling around trying to make excuses.

Col. Porter [Ruppelt words:] (whom I considered to be one of the most totally incompetent men in the Air Force for reasons other than the UFO Project) was his old stupid self and said that he still thought that the project was a waste of time.

The General’s reply was that he didn’t consider himself a crackpot or impressionable person and that he had a great deal of doubt in his mind that the saucers were all ‘hoaxes, hallucinations or the misinterpretation of known objects.’ He took a swing at the famous Grudge Report by saying that it was the ‘most poorly written, unconclusive piece of unscientific tripe’ that he’d ever seen.

The General ended up the meeting by giving a pep talk and saying that he thought that things would change and that the saucers would become respective [sic]. He said that he was going to keep an open mind and that he wanted the same from his staff. [This is confirmed by Cabell’s own autobiography.]

Cummings and Rosy came back to ATIC but the battle wasn’t over. Watson hadn’t been at the meeting, he had sent Col Dunn. Watson didn’t openly fight the Project but he drug his feet for all he was worth. It wasn’t until Watson went to Europe that the Project began to pick up. [The exact date of Watson’s departure for Europe has still not been conclusively ascertained by any Air Force documents.]

It is known via a letter dated October 5 from the Inspector General’s office that after the Pentagon meeting concluded, Cabell no longer felt a security violation had occurred but that the sightings were of significant interest. (Around this time Cabell even requested a review of German secret weapons technology, a link to flying saucers that the first investigators like Alfred Loedding tried but failed to establish four years prior.)

A final report mentioned in that letter was to be drafted by AFOIN but has never surfaced. Cabell did soon send word down to reactivate or create a new Project Grudge, hereafter referred to as New Grudge. Colonel Dunn was instructed to give greater attention to the persistent flying saucer problem as he assumed his new duties as ATIC commander. (Around the time of the Pentagon meeting Col. Watson had already been ‘relieved’ and was getting ready for reassignment to General Lauris Norstaadt’s command in Europe.)

Also on his way out was the chief of Analysis at ATIC, Colonel Brunow Feiling, replaced by the up and coming and more objective Colonel Kirkland, who was already in place at ATIC by late September.

Colonel E.H. Porter’s assistant and Pentagon liaison to ATIC, arch saucer-killer Jerry Boggs, was out too, being temporarily replaced by Lieutenant M.D. Willis before Major Dewey Fournet took his position. Fournet would, in contrast to Boggs, adopt an eventual very pro-saucer approach.

Nevertheless, Colonel Porter remained as Deputy Director for Estimates. He was apparently one of those officers at the Pentagon meeting with a sickly grin on his face when Cabell blew his top. But UFO friendly individuals working under Porter such as Colonel William A. Adams and Colonel Weldon Smith would soon have a significant impact on establishing a more open-minded approach. (Smith worked under Adams who eventually became Chief of the Topical Intelligence Division for the Deputy Director for Estimates at the Directorate of Intelligence, AFOIN. Although at the time Adams was Deputy of the Evaluation Division known as AFOIN-2B3.)

So whether it was by design or chance, men with much more open minds when it came to the UFO phenomenon assumed key positions in both Dayton and Washington. Although at WPAFB, as urgent as Cabell’s orders appeared, no one really seemed to want the added duty. Dunn proceeded to put all the responsibility on Rosengarten who then put it on Cummings, but Cummings soon left the Air Force around mid November to return to work deemed of importance at the California Institute of Technology. So, the task went back up to Lt. Col. Rosengarten. He passed it on to Lieutenant Ruppelt and Lieutenant Henry Metscher who had both already worked with Cummings.

During our interview with Colonel Rosengarten, he stressed that one has to realize that the war in Korea and the Cold War in general occupied great amounts of energy. UFOs certainly were supposed to get better attention, but they were still but a part of the big picture. Colonel Rosengarten added that ATIC was backlogged with many types of analysis chores dating back to the end of WWII as well as new and urgent work on Soviet aircraft.

All of this took a huge portion of AMC/ATIC’s human and financial resources. A recently declassified 1951 history of ATIC shows just how busy they really were with Cold War matters. For example, the Analysis Division, with only 37 technically trained military personnel, had 31 separate projects underway just in the Aircraft and Propulsion Section alone.

One of these was titled Project 10124, a study of Soviet aircraft power-plant development. Project 10095 analyzed foreign aircraft fuels and lubricants. Project 10118 evaluated German swept-forward wing bombers that had been developed by the Junkers group of engineers commandeered by the Russians at the end of the war. It also studied Soviet delta-wing designs.

One of the highest priority projects in the Analysis Division concerned estimating Russian bomber developments. This was of such high priority because real fears then existed over a Soviet nuclear strike against the United States by long-range heavy bombers.

Project 10102 dealt with that concern which in 1951 acquired aerial photographs of the Type-27 Soviet multi-purpose bomber. These photographs were sent to the Analysis Division’s Aircraft and Propulsion Section. They then may have directly come under Lt. Col. Rosengarten’s attention as head of the Performance and Characteristics Branch.

Another effort only recently declassified, concerned a Hungarian-operated Soviet Yak-11 trainer which crashed landed in Siegenburg, Germany. This became the basis of Project 10098 and focused on a careful examination of the aircraft after it was delivered to ATIC in November of 1951.

Project 10115, which Ruppelt had assisted with, analyzed the Mig-15. At the time the Mig-15 generated great concern because it was close in performance to our best fighter aircraft. In July of 1951, ATIC was lucky enough to receive a crashed Mig-15, although it was very badly damaged. The most startling discovery from this project was that the engine used in the Mig-15 was an exact copy of the British Rolls-Royce Nene engine.

ATIC forwarded this engine to the Pratt & Whitney Division of United Aircraft Corporation for detailed evaluation and sent the airframe to Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory for evaluation under a contract with them.

The UFO project was designated 10073. A section from the ATIC history dealing with Project 10073 obviously was not written until very late in 1951, after Ruppelt reorganized the effort. It states the following:

This project involves the collection of reports of unidentified aerial objects; the evaluation, as to source and content, of reports of visual or electronic sightings of unidentified aerial objects submitted by military or civilian sources; the investigation of reports of such sightings through field work when deemed necessary; and the preparation of periodic status reports for the information of the D/I, Hq USAF.

This investigation has been in progress for approximately four years and a new increase in activity has been initiated in studying and indexing project records to enable a statistical survey of incidents to be accomplished.

It is contemplated that all of the sightings of unconventional flying objects will be cross-indexed according to size, color, location, etc., so that as much statistical data as possible will be available. It is believed that possibly several general characteristics of the sightings will be determined from the mass of data on file in ATIC.

This project concentrated on those incidents that appear to have originated from high grade sources, such as pilots, technically trained people, etc. The exception to this was where a number of sightings occur in a certain area at about the same time.

Henry Metscher has also spoken with the authors to help document this time period. Metscher was from the Analysis Division’s Aircraft and Propulsion Section and specialized in aerodynamic engineering. He recalls that he and Ruppelt were kept extremely busy on all sorts of assignments.

During this period they were assisting with UFOs only as part of many duties. By the time New Grudge formally got underway around early December, he had left the Performance and Characteristics Branch. Although he only briefly worked with Ruppelt, Metscher stressed for the record that Ruppelt was ‘one of the finest men I ever met.’

Ruppelt had been a decorated B-29 bombardier and radar operator during WWII with over 1,500 hours in the air. During the war he won five battle stars, two theater combat ribbons, three Air Medals, the Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Clusters, and a Presidential Citation. Ruppelt had gone over with the first B-29 squadron to India as a lead bombardier in the 677th Squadron, 444th Bomb Group, 58th Wing of the 20th Air Force.

He remained in the 20th throughout the whole strategic bombing campaign against Japan, following it to Tinian Island from India and China. He even flew on the last conventional raid of the war.

After WWII he became a navigator in the Iowa Air Reserves and entered Iowa State College, earning a BS degree in aeronautical engineering in 1950. With the outbreak of war in Korea, he received a recall to full-time duty from the Air Force and came into Intelligence at Wright- Patterson AFB in early 1951. Given work immediately on classified projects by Lt. Col. Rosengarten, Ruppelt soon gained a reputation at ATIC as a problem solver.

Although he would prove to be the best administrator of a UFO project the Air Force would ever have, he did not have the credentials or rank that would normally be drawn upon for what on the surface seemed a very important intelligence assignment. Only 28 years old at the time, Ruppelt was not a career officer. Still a 1st lieutenant by that fall, it is very odd that any non-career tracked officer would be put in charge of a project as important as one involving possible aerial intrusions into United States air space.—-NOTE: The above image is CGI.

KENS NOTE: It was the mission of the Air Force to debunk all UFO sightings. They did not want the public to know about these alien craft in our air space.












Early in the 1952 UFO sighting wave two discs approached and paced a B-36 bomber in the vicinity of Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona. On May 1, 1952, Major Rudy Pestalozzi, a base intelligence officer, along with an airman, looked up as a B-36 flew overhead and saw two shiny discs overtake the bomber, slow to its speed and position themselves alongside.

The bomber crew, startled by the experience, made an unscheduled landing at the base and were interrogated at length by Major Pestalozzi, who happened to be the base UFO officer. Members of the flight crew had crowded into the starboard blister aft of the wing and looked down at a slight angle to see the closest disc, which was lens- or double-disc-shaped and about 20-25 feet in diameter.

After about 20 seconds, the objects peeled off at an angle of 70-80 degrees from the flight path of the B-36 and sped away.

Major Pestalozzi sent a comprehensive report of the incident to Project Blue Book. Within the next two months the summer 1952 UFO sighting wave reached a crescendo, generating national headlines and stirring up major Government interest, as radar repeatedly detected UFOs, and jet interceptors engaged in cat-and-mouse pursuits. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Philip Schneider was mysteriously found dead on January 16, 1996 after conducting several controversial lectures throughout the US, including Denver where he covered topics such as, Space-Defense, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles, extraterrestrials and the secret black budget.

Philip Schneider claimed to be an ex-government structural engineer who helped build deep underground military bases (DUMB) around the United States. He also claims to be one of only three people to survive the 1979 incident between the alien Grays and the US military at the Dulce, New Mexico underground base.

Philip voluntarily retired from the military after he disagreed with their spending, secrecy and unconstitutional actions.

His ex-wife, Cynthia Drayer believes that Philip Schneider was murdered because he publicly revealed the truth about the US government’s involvement with UFOs.

The following quote is from Philip Schneider from one of his lectures:

“I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military bases and the Black Budget. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States.

The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases.

Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States”.

Philip Schneider recounts his encounter with extraterrestrials in the following excerpt:

“I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock.

As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys.

I shot two of them.

At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed.

We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens.

Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.”

“Anyway, I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their body that blew a hole in me and gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that.”

“I didn’t get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other companies. “

Philip Schneider released a lot of information pertaining to a supposed deep underground base under Denver International Airport as well. He said these underground bases were all throughout the US and they all were connected by a super highway.

Philip’s father Oscar Schneider was also said to have worked on secret government projects including the Philadelphia Experiment, which is the disputed story of the US Navy who supposedly made their large ship invisible for a brief amount of time. Philip and his family were reportedly harassed by government agents including his daughter who says she was being followed and monitored at school. Philip’s ex-wife Cynthia Drayer does not believe that he committed suicide. Here are some of her reasons:

1. “There was no suicide note.”

2. “Philip always told his friends and relatives, that if he ever ‘committed suicide’ you would know that he had been murdered”.

3. “From a number of sources, including his taped lectures (video and audio), and statements to his friends, and the borrowing of a 9mm gun, Philip felt that he and his family were being threatened and were in danger because of his lectures”.

4. “All of his lecture materials, alien metals, higher math books, photographs of UFO’s coming out of the Operation Crossroad A-Bomb, notes for his book on the alien agenda, were missing. (Everything else in the apartment was still there, including gold coins, wallet with hundreds of dollars, jewelry, mineral specimens, etc)”.

5. “No coroner ever came out to his apartment after his body was found (against Oregon Law) – and a police investigation never took under consideration that items were missing from his apartment – it was considered a suicide, plain and simple”.

Schneider’s death is still a mystery, there are reports that he committed suicide and reports that he was found tortured with piano wire around his neck. There are other reports suggesting that he had a stroke or a heart attack.

No one may ever know the truth of Schneider’s claims but there is no doubt that he was an interesting figure and that he had some very disturbing and controversial things to say.

THANKS TO THE Denver Progressive Examiner












During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.

Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers.

Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day.

These blips were objects traveling at about 100 M.P.H. but with the ability to accelerate to the unbelievable speed of 7,200 M.P.H.

The Washington National sighting was confirmed by other local radar, and then Andrews Air Force Base was contacted.

Washington Tower:

Andrews Tower, do you read? Did you have an airplane in sight west-northwest or east of your airport moving east-bound?

Andrews: No, but we just got a call from the center. We’re looking for it.

Washington: We’ve got a big target showing up on our scope. He’s just coming in on the west edge of your airport-the northwest edge of it eastbound. He’ll be passing right through the northern portion of your field on an east heading. He’s about a quarter of a mile from the northwest runway-right over the edge of your northwest runway now.

Andrews: What happened to your target now?

Washington: He’s still eastbound. He went directly over Andrews Fields and is now five miles east.

Andrews: Where did he come from?

Washington: We picked him up ourselves at about seven miles east, slightly southeast, and we have been tracking him ever since then. The Center has been tracking him farther than that.

Andrews: Was he waving his course?

Washington: Holding steady course, due east heading.

Andrews: This is Andrews. Our radar tracking says he’s got a big fat target out here northeast of Andrews. He says he’s got two more south of the field.

Washington: Yes, well the center has about four or five around the Andrews Range station. The Center is working a National Airlines – the center is working him and vectoring him around his target. He went around Andrews. He saw one of them – looks like a meteor. (Garbled)… Went by him… or something.

He said he’s got one about three miles off his right wing right now. There are so many targets around here it is hard to tell as they are not moving very fast.

Andrews: What about his altitude?

Washington: Well, must be over 8,000 feet as we don’t have him in radar any more.

Andrews Air Force Base notified the U.S. Air Force Air Defense Command. A couple of F-94 night fighters were ordered to the skies, but runway repairs held their mission up for several hours. By the time they were airborne, the mysterious objects were gone.

The fighters returned home, but soon the objects again showed up on the radar screens. For the next several hours, the fighters chased the illusive targets, but to no avail.

They were able to sight the UFOs, but lights of the unknown objects would darken as they were approached. Constant communication was kept with ground radar, and as the pilots lost sight of the UFOs, they also disappeared from ground radar. The UFOs were also separately witnessed by the crew of a B-29, and other commercial flights.

After a quiet week, the objects reappeared on July 26. After multiple radar operators confirmed the objects, the F-94s again began their search for the enigmatic lights over Washington. The results of their pursuit were identical to the week before. They could see the lights, but when they drew near, the lights would blackout.

After their fruitless journey, the planes returned home, only to hear that the objects again were being tracked by radar. One of the pilots stated his fear and frustration by air to ground radio.

“They’ve surrounded my plane, what should I do?” The phenomenal sights would bring about an Air Force press conference on July 29, with Major General John A. Samford in charge.

The official explanation was “temperature inversions,” which supposedly caused ground lights to bounce off of clouds, giving the appearance of lighted craft in the skies. The naive and trusting press accepted this explanation at first, in lieu of any other “reasonable” one.

This explanation was scoffed at, however, by Ufologists, knowing that it just did not explain what was seen by pilots and radar operators. Even Project Bluebook would also dismiss the “temperature inversion” explanation, as it later labeled the Washington sightings as “unknown.”

The radar operators offered their own reason for the rejecting the Air Force explanation. Radar controller Barnes would state, “Inversion blips are always recognized by experts, we are familiar with what weather conditions, flying birds, and [other] such things can cause on radar.

Temperature inversions on radar are typically weak returns and move at a slow ground speed. These blips were distinctly clear, reported as a very good return, solid and often traveled at unbelievable speeds.”

The Washington D. C. sightings are a solid case of UFO activity. Literally hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the objects, and photographed them. Many of these were Air Force personnel, considered as reliable. Many of them made comment of the sightings, one was a Sergeant Harrison: “I saw the … light moving from the Northeast toward the range station.

These lights did not have the characteristics of shooting stars. There were no trails and seemed to go out rather than disappear, and traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen.” The sightings continued throughout the month of July.

(B J Booth)

Washington Newspaper Article

See transcript of article below

July 28, 1952

“Saucer” outran jet, pilot reveals

Investigation on in secret after chase over capital

Radar spot blips like aircraft for nearly six hours – only 1,700 feet up

By Paul Sampson, Post Reporter

Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week.

A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.

The CAA reported the objects traveled at “predominantly lower levels” – about 1700 feet. July 19.

Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens . Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spoken said.

“We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don’t know what they are,” a spokesman added.

The same source reported an expert from the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio, was here last week investigating the objects sighted July 19.

The expert has been identified as Capt. E. J. Ruppelt. Reached by telephone at his home in Dayton yesterday, Ruppelt said he could make no comment on his activity in Washington.

Capt. Ruppelt confirmed he was in Washington last week but said he had not come here to investigate the mysterious objects. He recalled he did make an investigation after hearing of the objects, but could not say what he investigated.

Another Air Force spokesman said here yesterday the Air Force is taking all steps necessary to evaluate the sightings. “The intelligence people,” this spokesman explained, “sent someone over to the control center at the time of the sightings and did whatever necessary to make the proper evaluation.

Asked whether the radar equipment might have been malfunctioning, the spokesman said, “radar, like the compass is not a perfect instrument and is subject to error.” He thought, however, the investigation would be made by persons acquainted with the problems of radar.

Two other radar screens in the area picked up the objects. An employee of the National Airport control tower said the radar scope there picked up very weak “blips” of the objects. The tower radar’s for “short range” and is not as powerful as that at the center. Radar at Andrews Air Force Base also registered the objects from about seven miles south of the base.

A traffic control center spokesman said the nature of the signals on the radar screen ruled out any possibility they were from clouds or any other “weather” disturbance.

“The returns we received from the unidentified objects were similar and analogous to targets representing aircraft in flight,” he said.

The objects, “flying saucer or what have you, appeared on the radar scope at the airport center at 9:08 PM. Varying from 4 to 12 in number, the objects appeared on the screen until 3:00 AM., when they disappeared.

At 11:25 PM., two F-94 jet fighters from Air Defense Command squadron, at New Castle Delaware, capable of 600 hundred mph speeds, took off to investigate the objects.

Airline, civil and military pilots described the objects as looking like the lit end of a cigarette or a cluster of orange and red lights.

One jet pilot observed 4 lights in the vicinity of Andrews Air Force Base, but was not able to over-take them, and they disappeared in about two minutes.

The same pilot observed a steady white light in the vicinity of Mt Vernon at 11:49 PM. The light, about 5 miles from him, faded in a minute. The lights were also observed in the Beltsville, MD., vicinity. At 1:40 AM two-other F-94 jet fighters took off and scanned the area until 2:20 AM., but did not make any sightings.

Visible two days

Although “unidentified objects” have been picked up on radar before, the incidents of the last two Saturdays are believed to be the first time the objects have been picked up on radar-while visible to the human eye.

Besides the pilots, who last Saturday saw the lights, a woman living on Mississippi Ave., told the Post she saw a very “bright light streaking across the sky towards Andrews Air Force Base about 11:45 PM. Then a second object with a tail like a comet whizzed by, and a few seconds later, a third passed in a different direction toward Suntland, she said.

Radar operators plotted the speed of “Saturday night’s visitors” at from 38 to 90 mph, but one jet pilot reported faster speeds for the light he saw.

The jet pilot reported he had no apparent “closing speed” when he attempted to reach the lights he saw near Andrews Air Force Base. That means the lights were moving at least as fast as his top speed-a maximum of 600 mph.

One person who saw the lights when they first appeared in this area did not see them last night. He is E.W. Chambers, an engineer at Radio Station WRC, who spotted the lights while working early the morning of July 20 at station’s Hyattsville tower.

Chambers said he was sorry he had seen the lights because he had been skeptical about “flying saucers” before. Now he said, he sort of “wonders” and worries about the whole thing.

Leon Davidson, 804 South Irving St. Arlington, a chemical engineer who made an exhaustive study of “flying saucers” as a hobby, said yesterday reports of saucers in the East, have been relatively rare.

Davidson has studied the official report on the saucers, including some of the secret portions never made public, and analyzed all the data in the report.

Davidson, whose study of saucers is impressively detailed and scientific, said he believes the lights are American “aviation products” – probably “circular flying wings,” using new type jet engines that permit rapid acceleration and relatively low speeds. He believes they are either “new fighter,” guided missiles or piloted guided missiles.

He cited some of the recent jet fighters, including the Navy’s new “F-4-D, which has a radical “bat-wing,” as examples of what the objects might resemble.

Davidson thinks the fact that the lights have been seen in this area indicates the authorities may be ready to disclose the “new aircraft” in the near future. Previously, most of the “verified saucers” have been seen over sparsely inhabited areas, Davidson explained, and now, when they appear here, it may indicate that “secrecy” is not so important any more.


KENS NOTE: I feel this is the biggest smoking gun available for alien craft presence on earth. This case was debunked by the Air Force and apparently it was lies on top of lies. This case make Roswell look like small potatoes.












One of the most controversial radar visual reports of the fifties occurred on August 31st, 1954. The story leaked out in December, 1954, and made front page headlines.

The official navy file on the event remained classified until the Directorate of Naval Intelligence released a copy upon my request in 1982.

During his 1973 visit to Australia, Dr. Hynek was able to interview the pilot involved in this famous incident, which became known as the “Sea Fury” encounter.

Dr. Hynek made his notes on this interview available to me during my 1984 visit to the Chicago headquarters of his organisation, the Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS). I, in turn, provided Dr. Hynek with a copy of the official file on the incident.

Lieutenant J.A. O’Farrell was returning to Royal Australian Navy Air Station Nowra after a night cross country in a Sea Fury aircraft. After contacting Nowra at about 1910 hours, O’Farrell saw a very bright light closing fast at one o’clock.

It crossed in front of his aircraft taking up position on his port beam, where it appeared to orbit.

A second and similar light was observed at nine o’clock. It passed about a mile in from of the Sea Fury and then turned in the position where the first light was observed.

According to O’Farrell, the apparent crossing speeds of the lights were the fastest he had ever encountered. He had been flying at 220 knots. O’Farrell contacted Nowra who in turn confirmed that they had two radar “paints” in company with him.

The radar operator, Petty Officer Keith Jessop, confirmed the presence of 2 objects near the Sea Fury on the G.C.I. remote display.

The two lights reformed at nine o’clock and then disappeared on a north easterly heading. O’Farrell could only make out “a vague shape with the white light situated centrally on top.”

The Directorate of Naval Intelligence at the time wrote that O’Farrell was “an entirely credible witness” and that he “was visibly ‘shaken’ by his experience, but remains adamant that he saw these objects”

In a recent interview, “Shamus” O’Farrell described the incident:

“I said, “Nowra, this is 921. Do you have me on radar?” “And a few seconds later they came back and said, “Affirmative 921. We have you coming in from the west. We have another two contacts as well. Which one are you.” “I said, “I think I’m the central one.”

And so they said, “Do a 180…for identification.” So I did a quick 180 and then continued on around and made it a 360 back to where I was going.

“They said, “Yes, we’ve got you. You’re the centre aircraft.” I said that’s correct. They then said to me, “Who are the other two aircraft,” and I said, “I don’t know. I was hoping you would tell me, because I didn’t think there was anyone up here. “They said, “Well there shouldn’t be, and they certainly shouldn’t be that close to you.”

“So the conversation went on like this and I was very pleased to be talking to somebody because it gave me a lot of reassurance. With that these two aircraft came in quite close to me and I could really see the dark mass and that they were quite big, but I couldn’t make out any other lights or any other form of an aircraft. With that they took off and headed off to the north east at great speed.

“I was about to press the button and tell them at Nowra that the two aircraft were departing when Nowra called me up and said, “The other two aircraft appear to be departing at high speed to the north east. Is that correct?” and I said, “Yes!”. And they said, “Roger, we’ll see if we can track them.”

They tracked them for a while and then lost them. “I came in and landed at 7.30 (1930) and when I got there there were quite a few people waiting for me. I thought it was a bit strange and so they came over, and they said, “You sure you had aircraft out there!” and I said yes.

The Surgeon Commander came over and spoke to me. He said did I feel sick, or was I upset. I said no. He ran his hand over my head to see whether I had any bumps. He had a look at me and decided I was okay. So then he said, “Perhaps you’d like to come to the sick bay after you’ve changed and we’ll do an examination.”

So after I was finished I went up to sick bay and he gave me a more thorough medical, and said, no, I appeared to be alright. I found out later, that at the same time, they checked to make sure I hadn’t been drinking before I took off and all that sort of thing.”

During this interview, Dr. Hynek’s involvement came up:

“This man (Hynek) – a professor – had made a study of thousands of sightings all around the world and he had decided my sighting was one of those that he had not been able to explain away by other means.

Any way I had a talk with him. He was a very interesting chap and he made the comment that there were about 13 or 15, I don’t remember, sightings that he was aware of over the years that were like mine and could not be explained away. The interesting thing he said was that all of these sightings had been made by professional people in aviation.

By that he meant they were military pilots, military air crew, civil aviation operators, air traffic controllers, and the like, or airline pilots. These were the ones he was now (1973) going around meeting the people themselves and investigating.

All the others he had written off and had been able to explain down to some other phenomena. It came to the point where he said, “Your sighting cannot be explained away.” And he left it at that. To this day I wouldn’t know where it came from or where it went.”

I have had the opportunity to talk extensively with Shamus O’Farrell. I was particularly interested in how the interview with Dr. Hynek in 1973 came about:

“It was done through Sir Arthur Tange, who was secretary of the Department of Defence at the time. Hynek contacted him direct… Sir Arthur Tange contacted me and said Hynek was coming out. He had written to him, through the US Embassy, to set up a meeting.

And the next thing I knew I had a telephone call one day from Sir Arthur Tange saying that Hynek was coming and he would like me to met him. I said, well, I haven’t got all the facts, there all a bit hazy. So he sent me the two Defence Department files over to read, to refresh it all.”

Bill Chalker: “That seems to indicate a high level of interest in Hynek’s visit at the time?”

“Yes, well, I don’t think so. All that happened was that it was more of a courtesy because he was a very important guy, Hynek, and they wanted to show him the courtesies etc. As far as Defence was concern it was dead and forgotten but they had not got rid of the files. They kept them.

Normally when files like that are written off they are either decided they’ll put them in Archives or dispose of them and destroy them. But they had done neither. They had remained in the JIO. They’d kept them. I don’t know what they had in mind about it, I never questioned it. I just used them as a means to refresh my memory.

“Later the guy who became the chief Defence scientist, John Farrands, was very interested in it too, and he had done a lot of early investigations in most of the reports when he was chief defence scientist and in the period just before he became chief defence scientist. He had a talk with me.

I was a friend of his. I used to meet with him at lunch. He went over it in great detail. He knew it all. He agreed it was something that couldn’t be refuted. No matter how hard they tried, and they tried very hard to knock it all back. They checked everything from medical, down to when was the last time I had had a drink…”

Bill Chalker: “That must have been a bit of a concern to you?”

“Well, I wanted to hush it all up. That sort of investigation made me look a bit of a fool. I was worried it wasn’t going to do my career any good. “(Apart from the radar witness) it locked in a sighting over the NDB (non directional beacon) at Narulan, at the same time. There happened to be a guy working on the NDB.

It was down at the time.

He had gone to repair it. He happened to look up at the time because he saw these lights fly overhead. Also the air traffice control officer in the tower at Mascot saw them approaching him. “It was all investigated by the then RAAF guy who did it and later it was also investigated by the Joint Intelligence Bureau.”

In 1993 I assisted The Extraordinary television programme with a recreation of the Sea Fury incident. Shamus O’Farrell, Keith Jessop and I were interviewed on the show. The case stands as one of the best unexplained radar visual UFO cases on record in Australia. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












Time 05:24 LT, 100 mi. south of Louisiana coast 
Duration 10 mn Coordinates 20°18N / 92°W 

On December 6, 1952 the crew (three men) of a USAF B-29 was flying over the Gulf of Mexico just before dawn when several unidentified targets appeared on the bomber radar’s scopes.

The targets maneuvered around the bomber at speeds at 5240 mph. The crew members had visual contact with the objects as they streaked past their aircraft. 

After several minutes of maneuvering around the B-29, the five objects, still moving over 5000 mph, merged with a larger object which appeared on radar as a huge blip and began to accelerate and flashed across the three radar scopes at a speed computed to be over 9000 mph. 

Statement of 1st Lt Norman Karas (USAF Blue Book record) : 
” On 6 December 1952, while flying over the Gulf of Mexico towards Galveston, Texas, the flight engineer finished transferring fuel and I then turned on my radar set. I noticed an unidentified target approaching our aircraft at terrific rate odf speed.

I timed it as best as I could with my stopwatch over a known distance and the instructor flight engineer computed the speed at 5,240 mph. I alerted the entire crew to look for the object visually and some flashes of light were noticed. The closest the objects came were approximately 20 miles.

I saw about 20 objects in all, sometimes as much as  two and three on the scope at one time. I re-calibrated the set and there was no change. The object was small and possibly round …….”.

“I also noticed  a large return come up to within 40 miles of our tail from behind, and then disappeared. To the best of my knowledge, I believe that this object was real and moved at an extremely high speed and was not a set malfunction or optical illusion”. 

Statement of 1st Lt William W. Naumann (USAF Blue Book record) :  “Contact was broken off at 05:35 after a group of the blips merged into a ½ inch curved arc about 30 miles from our aircraft at 320 degrees and proceeded across the scope and off it at a computed speed of over 9,000 mph. 

Type of Aircraft  B-29 bomber 
Airline or Air Force  USAF 
Flight origine 
Flight destination   Galveston, Texas 

Number      5 then 1 
Size           5 small then one large 
Altitude (estimation) 
Speed (estimation) 

Radar type Airborne 
Radar set(s) number one (three radar scopes)
Radar Location airborne 
Number of target(s) several 
Target size 
Target altitude 18,000 ft 
Target speed 5240 to 9 000 mph 

Distance UFO – A/C 

Witness(es)  B-29 (three crew members) including : 1st Lt Norman Karas and 1st Lt William W. Naumann.  NOTE: The above image is CGI












It was just a few minutes before midnight on January 28, 1953, when a message flashed into Wright-Patterson for Project Blue Book. It was sent “Operational Immediate,” so it had priority handling; I was reading it by 12:30 A.M… A pilot had chased a UFO.

The report didn’t have many details but it did sound good. It gave the pilot’s name and said that he could be reached at Moody AFB. I put in a long distance call, found the pilot, and flipped on my recorder so that I could get his story word for word.

He told me that he had been flying an F-86 on a “round robin” navigation flight from Moody AFB to Lawson AFB to Robins AFB, then back to Moody – all in Georgia. At exactly nine thirty five he was at 6,000 feet, heading toward Lawson AFB on the first leg of his flight. He remembered that he had just looked down and had seen the lights of Albany, Georgia; then he’d looked up again and seen this bright white light at “ten o’clock high.”

It was an unusually bright light, and he said that he thought this was why it was so noticeable among the stars. He flew on for a few minutes watching it as he passed over Albany. He decided that it must be an extremely bright star or another airplane – except it just didn’t look right. It had too much of a definitely circular shape.

It was a nice night to fly and he had to get in so much time anyway, so he thought he’d try to get a little closer to it. If it was an airplane, chances were he could close in and if it was a star, he should be able to climb up to 30,000 feet and the light shouldn’t change its relative position. He checked his oxygen supply, increased the r.p.m. of the engine, and started to climb.

In three or four minutes it was obvious that he was getting above the light, and he watched it; it had moved in relation to the stars. It must be an airplane then, he’d decided – an airplane so far away that he couldn’t see its red and green wing tip lights.

Since he’d gone this far, he decided that he’d get closer and make sure it was an airplane; so he dropped the nose of the F-86 and started down. As the needle on the machmeter nudged the red line, he saw that he was getting closer because the light was getting bigger, but still he couldn’t see any lights other than the one big white one. Then it wasn’t white any longer; it was changing color.

In about a two second cycle it changed from white to red, then back to white again. It went through this cycle two or three times, and then before he could realize what was going on, he told me, the light changed in shape to a perfect triangle. Then it split into two triangles, one above the other. By this time he had leveled off and wasn’t closing in any more. In a flash the whole thing was gone. He used the old standard description for a disappearing UFO: “It was just like someone turning off a light – it’s there, then it’s gone.”

I asked him what he thought he’d seen. He’d thought about flying saucers, he said, but he “just couldn’t swallow those stories.” He thought he had a case of vertigo and the more he thought about it, the surer he was that this was the answer. He’d felt pretty foolish, he told me, and he was glad that he was alone.

Up ahead he saw the sprawling lights of Fort Benning and Lawson AFB, his turning point on the flight, and he’d started to turn but then he’d checked his fuel. The climb had used up quite a bit, so he changed his mind about going to Robins AFB and started straight back to Moody.

He called in to the ground station to change his flight plan, but before he could say anything the ground radio operator asked him if he’d seen a mysterious light.

Well – he’d seen a light.

Then the ground operator proceeded to tell him that the UFO chase had been watched on radar. First the radar had the UFO target on the scope, and it was a UFO because it was traveling much too slowly to be an airplane.

Then the radar operators saw the F-86 approach, climb, and make a shallow dive toward the UFO. At first the F-86 had closed in on the UFO, but then the UFO had speeded up just enough to maintain a comfortable lead. This went on for two or three minutes; then it had moved off the scope at a terrific speed. The radar site had tried to call him, the ground station told the F-86 pilot, but they couldn’t raise him so the message had to be relayed through the tower.

Sent in by Jeanette C.- UFO Casebook Reader

[Editor’s Note: One of the main reasons that Jeanette mentioned this older case to me was the reference to the UFO changing into a triangle shape, and then morphing into two triangle UFOs. We were both wondering, when were triangles first reported?

Although triangle reports became very prominent in the 1980s, the first early documented sightings of triangles were during the “Operation Mainbrace” Sightings of 1952. There could well be reports earlier, and if anyone has that information, send it along.] NOTE: The above image is CGI.












I worked as a Child Care Counselor at The New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe. I was driving in from Galisteo where I lived at the time, to begin my shift at 2:30pm. It was a bright, sunny, typical New Mexico afternoon. I was driving west on I-25 (I-25 generally is north/south but this section, due to mountains, orients east/west}. I was moving at approximately 60 mph. Sparse traffic. No cars nearby on my side of the freeway. The other (eastbound lanes) had 1 or 2 cars. The two sides of the freeway here are divided by a median of about 100 feet with scrub brush, a few junipers and grass. What I first noticed was a New Mexico Air National Guard fighter jet flying perpendicular to my path at such a low altitude (100 feet or less!) that I assumed it was going to crash to my left into the low rounded hills and scattered homes beyond the eastbound lanes. Instead, the jet rotated on its axis and pointed one wing skyward and the other towards the order to negotiate the narrow gap between two rounded hills. At this point I noticed a cigar shaped silver craft drifting slowly upward. In response to the jet it then suddenly accelerated on a very steep, upward and leftward curving trajectory. IT MOVED LIKE A FLAT STONE SKIPPING OVER THE TOP OF A CALM POND.. It was gone in a second! At that point a second fighter jet flew through the gap in the hills following the first jet. The two jets left black exhaust trails behind them as they chased after it in vain.. In terms of speed the jets seemed like snails by comparison. This entire episode could not have lasted more than 7 seconds. Perhaps even less. After all, I was driving at 60 mph. NOTE: The above image is CGI.











Famed researcher Raymond Fowler first broke the details of this event of May 20, 1953 in 1973, although it was known to UFO investigator Richard Hall as early as 1964. Fowler stated that his information came from engineer “Fritz Werner,” later identified as Arthur G. Stancil.

Stancil graduated from Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines.

Dr. Eric Wang, who was suspected of leading a reverse engineering team on alien craft, headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked.

Stancil signed a legal affidavit vouching to the honesty of his testimony, which was released by Ray Fowler in UFO Magazine, April 1976.

He was working for a company that had a government contract at a nuclear site in Nevada. He was summoned by his boss on 5-21-53, and sent on a “secret” assignment.

After being flown to Phoenix, Arizona, he was placed on a bus with blacked out windows, and taken to a point some four hours drive northwest of the city of Phoenix proper. The location was supposedly near the city of Kingman, Arizona.

The bus was full of passengers, none of whom Stancil knew, and would not know, as they were told not to communicate with each other. Arriving at their secret destination, two military light-alls illuminated a surreal scene in the late night, pre-dawn skies of the desert. The engineer was amazed to see a disc-shaped craft embedded into the sand.

Stancil estimated its diameter to be about 30 feet. Military personnel surrounded the aluminum-like craft, which was brought down by either an internal explosion, or was hit by military rockets, Stancil surmised. The wound was easily seen, a gaping hole in its side.

Stancil’s duty was to calculate the speed of the craft, a task he quickly discharged. Afterwards, the tense atmosphere of the group of investigators began to loosen some, and he began to glean details from some of the other personnel assigned to this “off the record” mission. He was told of a small cabin inside the craft, and very small chairs.

He did not get to look into the unknown craft himself. He was taken back when he peeked into a nearby medical tent.

Inside was the small body of a “creature,” about 4 foot tall. He asserts that the alien was wearing a type of skull cap, and a silver suit. The suit seemed to be seamless. Soon the investigation was called to a halt, and the members summoned to leave the area.

Back on the bus, all of the members of the assignment were ordered to sign the “official secrets” act, and were warned not to discuss what they had seen with anyone. Before bringing the crash story to other UFO groups, Fowler did a thorough background check on Stancil, and was satisfied to his authenticity, and personal integrity.

Fowler also was persuaded beyond doubt as to the ability of Stancil to do his job, as he came forward with great knowledge of his field and occupation.

There was additional confirmation to the validity of the Arizona crash. Personnel at Wright Patterson AFB claimed to have been witness to the delivery from a “crash site” in Arizona.

These witnesses claimed to have seen “three small bodies packed in dry ice.” The beings were reported as being about 4 foot tall, with large heads, and brownish skin color.

The time of the delivery perfectly coincided with the events put forth by Stancil. Unfortunately, the military personnel could not make their names public. Fowler maintains that several other witnesses have come forward in the years following the incident, but the lack of other facts, and other testimony leave the case lacking somewhat.

Possibly one day more evidence will be revealed on this alleged UFO crash in the desert of Arizona. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












I first heard about the sighting about two o’clock on the morning of August 11,1953, when Max Futch called me from ATIC. A few minutes before, a wire had come in carrying a priority just under that reserved for flashing the word the U.S. has been attacked. Max had been called over to ATIC by the OD to see the report, and he thought that I should see it. I was a little hesitant to get dressed and go out to the base, so I asked Max what he thought about the report. His classic answer will go down in UFO history, “Captain,” Max said in his slow, pure Louisiana drawl, “you know that for a year I’ve read every flying saucer report that’s come in and that I never really believed in the things.” Then he hesitated and added, so fast that I could hardly understand him but you should read this wire.” The speed with which he uttered this last statement was in itself enough to convince me. When Max talked fast, something was important. 

A half hour later I was at ATIC – just in time to get a call from the Pentagon. Someone else had gotten out of bed to read his copy of the wire. 

I used the emergency orders that I always kept in my desk and caught the first airliner out of Dayton to Rapid City, South Dakota. I didn’t call the 4602nd because I wanted to investigate this one personally. I talked to everyone involved in the incident and pieced together an amazing story. 

Shortly after dark on the night of  twelfth, the Air Defense Command radar stationat Ellsworth AFB,  just east of Rapid City, had  received a call from the local Ground Observer Corps filter center. A lady spotter at Black Hawk, about 10 miles west of Ellsworth, had reported an extremely bright light low on the horizon, off to the northeast. The radar had been scanning an area to the west, working a jet fighter in some practice patrols, but when they got the report they moved the sector scan to the northeast quadrant There was a target exactly where the lady repored the light to be. The warrant officer who was the duty controller for the night, told me that he’d studied the target for several minutes. He knew how weather could affect radar but this target was well defined, solid, and bnght.” It seemed to be moving, but very slowly. He called for an altitude reading, and the man on the height-finding radar checked his scope. He also had the target – it was at 16.000 feet. 

The warrant officer picked up the phone and asked the filter center to connect him with the spotter. They did, and the two people compared notes on the UFO’s position for several minutes. But right in the middle of a sentence the lady suddenly stopped and excitedly said, “It’s starting to move – it’s moving southwest toward Rapid.” 

The controller looked down at his scope and the target was beginning to pick up speed and move southwest. He yelled at two of his men to run outside and take a look. In a second or two one of them shouted back that they could both see a large bluish-white light moving toward Rapid City. The controller looked down at his scope, the target was moving toward Rapid City. As all three parties watched the light and kept up a steady cross conversation of the description, the UFO swiftly made a wide sweep around Rapid City and returned to its original position in the sky. 

A master sergeant who had seen and heard the happenings told me that in all his years of duty – combat radar operations in both Europe and Korea – he’d never been so completely awedby anything. When the warrant officer had yelled down at him and asked him what he thought they should do, he’d just stood there. “After all,”  he told me, “what in hell couldf we do – they’re bigger than all of us.” 

But the warrant officer did do something. He called to the F-84 pilot he had on combat air patrol west of the base and told him to get ready for an intercept. He brought the pilot around south of the base and gave him  a course correction that would take him right into the light. which was still at 16.000 feet. By this time the pilot had it spotted. He made the turn, and when he closed to within about 3 miles of the target, it began to move. The controller saw it begin to move, the spotter saw it begin to move and the pilot saw it begin to move – all at the same time there was now no doubt that all of them were watching the same object. 

Once it began to move, the UFO picked up speed fast and started to climb, heading north, but the F-84 was right on its tail. The pilot would notice that the light was getting brighter,and he’d call the controller to tell him about it. But the controller’s answer would always be the same, “Roger, we can see it on the scope.” 

There was always a limit as to how near the jet could get, however. The controller told me that it was just as if the UFO had some kind of an automatic warning radar linked to its power supply. When something got too close to it, it would automatically pick up speed and pull away. The separation distance always remained about 3 miles. 

The chase continued on north out of sight of the lights of Rapid Cty and the base – into some very black night. 

When the UFO and the F-84 got about 120 miles to the north, the pilot checked his fuel; he had to come back. And when I talked to him, be said he was damn glad that he was running out of fuel because being out over some mighty desolate country alone with a UFO can cause some worry. 

Both the UFO and the F-84 had gone off the scope, but in a few minutes the jet was back on, heading for home. Then 10 or 15 miles behind it was the UFO target also coming back. 

While the UFO and the F-84 were returning to the base – the F-84 was planning to land – the controller received a call from the jet interceptor squadron on the base. The alert pilots at the squadron had heard the conversations on their radio and didn’t believe it. “Who’s nuts up there?” was the comment that passed over the wire from the pilots to the radar people. There was an F-84 on the line ready to scramble, the man on the phone said, and one of the pilots, a World War II and Korean veteran, wanted to go up and see a flying saucer. The controller said, “OK, go.” 

In a minute or two the F-84 was airborne and the controller was working him toward the light. The pilot saw it right away and closed in. Again the light began to clirnb out, this time more toward the northeast. The pilot also began to climb, and before long the light, which at first had been about 30 degrees above his horizontal line of sight, was now below him. He nosed the ’84 down to pick up speed, but it was the same old story – as soon as he’d get within 3 miles of the UFO, it would put on a burst of speed and stay out ahead

Even though the pilot could see the light and hear the ground controller telling him that he was above it, and alternately gaining on it or dropping back, he still couldn’t believe it – there must be a simple explanation He turned off all of his lights – it wasn’t a reflection from any of the airplane’s lights because there it was. reflection from a ground light, maybe. He rolled the airplane – the position of the light didn’t change. A star – he picked out three bright stars near the light and watched carefully. The UFO moved in relation to the three stars. Well, he thought to himself,  if it’s a real object out there, my radar should pick it up too; so he flipped on his radar-ranging gunsight. In a few seconds the red light on his sight blinked on – something real and solid was in front of him. Then he was scared. When I talked to him, he readily admitted that he’d been scared. He’d met MD 109’s, FW 190’s and ME 262’s over Germany and he’d met MIG-15’s over Korea but the large, bright, bluish-white light had scared – he asked the controller if he could break off the intercept 

This time the light didn’t corne back. 

What he UFO went off the scope it was headed toward Fargo, North Dakota, so the controller called the Fargo filter center. “Had they had any reports of unidentified lights?” he asked. They hadn’t. But in a few minutes a call came back. Spotter posts on a southwest- northeast line a few miles west of Fargo had reported a fast-moving, bright bluish-white light.  This was an unknown – the best..  The sighting was thoroughly investigated, and I could devote pages of detail on how we looked into every facet of the incident; but it will suffice to say that in every facet we looked into we saw nothing. Nothing but a big question mark asking what was it.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
Former Director, Project Blue Book











DECEMBER 16, 1953……Santa Barbara Channel

Kelly Johnson was known as one of the world’s leading aircraft designers. He was in charge of designing the U-2 spy plane for the CIA.

On December 16, 1953, a Lockhead WV2 aircraft was being flown by one of Johnson’s test crews over Long Beach California, at the same time that Johnson and his wife were on the ground in Agoura, California.

Johnson, his wife, and the flight crew all spotted a UFO at almost the same time. Because the plane and Johnson’s location were both known, the location of the unknown object could be triangulated exactly.

The object spotted by the observers was a 200 foot long, black craft, similar to the military’s “Flying Wing.” The UFO was seen for 6-7 minutes as it hovered over the Santa Barbara Channel.

The W-2B decided to get a closer look, and proceeded toward the UFO, which was about 15,000 feet altitude. All the while, Johnson was observing the UFO with his binoculars.

He, along with the crew in flight, saw the UFO take off at a great speed. It headed out over the Pacific. It reached 90 miles altitude as it disappeared from view.

Later, in Johnson’s official report, he stated: “I am now more convinced than ever, that such devices exist, and I have some highly technical converts in this belief.”

After looking over the case, the US Air Force concluded that Johnson, his wife, and the airplane crew had seen a lenticular cloud.

Although the government thought that Johnson could not tell the difference between a cloud and a structured, flying object, they continued to employ him for many years to come, designing some of the most secretive, cutting-edge planes of his era. NOTE: The above image is CGI.


KENS NOTE: Sounds like a typical Air Force cover up. This was their job for decades. Lenticular clouds do not take off at a high speed.









U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a report on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” to Congress


U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena” to Congress next month, sparking renewed interest and speculation into how the government has handled sightings of mysterious flying objects — and if there’s any worldly explanation for them.

The unclassified report, compiled by the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense, aims to make public what the Pentagon knows about unidentified flying objects and data analyzed from such encounters.

While UFOs have been part of American mythology for decades, this report is different. Legitimate debates over UFO sightings have gained traction in recent years after several leaked photos and videos from the U.S. Navy appeared to show mysterious flying objects in American airspace.

Last year, the Pentagon declassified three such videos captured by Navy pilots, intensifying speculation over the incidents, which have been confirmed by pilots who have observed them and even presidents who have been briefed on them. 

Here’s how UFO sightings jumped from the realm of science fiction to the halls of Congress.

What do we know so far?

In August, the Department of Defense established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force to investigate and “gain insight” into the “nature and origins” of unidentified flying objects. Earlier that year, the Department of Defense declassified three videos taken by Navy pilots — one from 2004 and two from 2015 — that showed mysterious objects flying at high speeds across the sky.

“The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified,’” Pentagon officials said in a statement at the time. 

The three videos had leaked years earlier, but Pentagon officials said they declassified the footage to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.”

A separate leaked Navy video, captured in July 2019, showed a sphere-shaped unidentified object flying over water near San Diego. The footage, obtained by a documentary filmmaker and shared with NBC News, appeared to show the mysterious object flying for a few minutes before disappearing into the water. 

And on Sunday, two former Navy pilots were interviewed by “60 Minutes” on CBS News about a UFO sighting over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich spotted the unidentified object during a training exercise but were unable to classify it. Fravor described it as a “little white Tic-Tac-looking object,” adding that it lacked conventional exhaust plumes and had no wings or visible markings. 

It also moved erratically, the pilots said. 

In an interview with NBC News that aired in February, Fravor described the 2004 encounter, calling the object “the strangest, most obscure thing I’ve ever seen flying.”

“As soon as we looked down, we see the whitewater, and then we see this little white Tic Tac,” Fravor told NBC’s “The Overview.” “It’s pointing north-south and it’s just going forward, back, left, right,” he said, adding that it was bouncing around “like a ping-pong ball.”

Fravor said he approached the mysterious object to take a closer look, and it began mirroring his movements. When the pilot got to within a half-mile of the UFO, it suddenly vanished, he said. In 2019, the Navy put together new guidelines for pilots to report “unidentified aircraft,” in a bid to formalize a process to investigate these types of mysterious sightings. The updated guidance came as a response to “a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” Navy officials told Politico in a statement at the time.






NBC News






This most unusual event originated on the night of August 21, 1955. Located in the rural area of Christian County, Kentucky, this UFO enigma took place in the little town of Kelly, located near the small city of Hopkinsville. The family Sutton would be the target of this “one of a kind” journey into the unknown.

The lifestyle of a typical Kentucky rural family has been kept intact for many decades, and the Sutton family fit this tradition to a tee. “Lucky” Sutton, as he was known to friends and neighbors, was the “patriarch” of this bluegrass clan.

Visiting Lucky and his family was a man from Pennsylvania named Billy Ray Taylor. Billy left the Sutton house to go for some water from the family well. There was no inside plumbing at the Sutton farm house. At the well, he saw an immense, shining object land in a small gully about a quarter of a mile away. Running back to the house, he excitedly reported his sighting to others in the house. Billy was laughed at; no one believed his “crazy” tale.

The Kelly Aliens

After a short period of time, the family dog began to raise a ruckus outside. As was the custom in those parts, Lucky and Billy grabbed their guns and headed outside, planning to shoot first, and ask questions later. Only a short distance from the front door, both men were stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of a 3-4 foot tall creature, who was walking towards them with hands up, as if to surrender.

This most bizarre creature would be described as having “large eyes, a long thin mouth, large ears, thin short legs, and hands ending in claws.” Frightened by the small greenish entity, Billy Ray fired a shot with his .22, and Lucky unloaded with his shotgun. Both men later admitted that there was no way they missed the creature at close range, but the little being just did a back flip, and ran into the woods in fright.

No sooner had the two men reentered the house before the creature, or another like it, appeared at a window. They took a shot at him, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them.

Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the ground, and scurried into the cover of the woods. The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little men. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the family, appearing from one window to another. Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the invading creatures.

Hynek, Davis

After several hours of fear, the Sutton family decided to make a break from the house, and get help at the Police station at Hopkinsville. Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, and reported their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the authorities agreed to visit the Sutton house. Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls.

Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. After a canvas of the neighbors, reports were entered of the “hearing of shots being fired,” and the observation of “lights in the sky.” Exhausting all efforts to find the origin of this strange report, the police left the Sutton place at about 2:15 am. As soon as they did, the creatures made their return. They began again peeking in the windows, seemingly out of curiosity. More gunfire took place, but again without effect.

Several more hours of antics followed, finally stopping just before daybreak. The police were finally persuaded to call in Air Force personnel the next morning, but a new search brought no results. After the beings had left, Billy Ray and Lucky had gone into Evansville, Indiana to take care of some business. The other five family members were questioned by Air Force and Police.

On 8/22/55, the Kentucky “New Era” newspaper carried the story of the events. Naturally, initial public opinion was that the whole story was a hoax. If this was the case, several questions must be answered. Why would the Sutton family make up such an incredible claim? They made no money from the story, and did not seek any publicity. Why would they shoot holes in the walls of their home, causing a financial drain on the family to repair the damages?

Including Billy Ray and Lucky, seven adults were witnesses to these events. All of them, when questioned separately, gave the same story. Also sketches were made of the beings, and they depicted the creatures in a like manner. A year after the events, the case was thoroughly investigated by Isabel Davis, who related that the witnesses’ stories had not changed. As the years rolled by, the accounts of the Sutton family stood firm. No evidence of a hoax has ever been brought forward.

The case was also looked into by Bud Ledwith, who was an engineer at a Hopkinsville radio station. Noted investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, also accepted the accounts of the Suttons. Hynek discussed the details of the case with Davis and Ledwith. Although the Kelly-Hopkinsville case is an extremely unusual one, it is considered today to be authentic by many UFO investigators.












The information contained within this email and accompanying photography was given to me by my late father, I have no way of proving that any of what is contained within this email is true or false, all I can say is that my father was a serious man, a man of integrity and extremely honest and was not a liar.

My dad worked for the United States Air Force all of his life until he retired, it was only many years after his retirement and when he was in his later years that he told me this truly incredible story and showed me the photographs. He told me he worked as part of a small team who conducted top secret scientific research and that he worked on many highly classified deep black military programs and projects, most of which are still classified to this day.

One day in the spring of 1948 one of his colleagues pulled him to one side and said “get your shit together, something big’s going down.” He and his team were flown to an airforce base in Nevada, from there they were then flown by helicopter to a remote area were they were told to get onto a large bus with blacked out windows and along with roughly 30 other passengers they were driven to within 2 miles of the location, whilst on the bus everyone was ordered to remain silent.

When they got of the bus he and his team were then escorted to a mountainous area on foot which was very heavily guarded by armed soldiers, when he arrived at the final destination he said they were confronted with a very large metallic flying saucer shaped craft.

He said they were told that the craft had landed and had been there for some time and that the military had managed to gain access to the saucer by using diamond tipped drills. He and his team were taken inside the craft, he said it was unlike anything they had ever seen, nothing like any kind of conventional aircraft, no seats, levers, dials or instruments or anything like that was visible, he said it was like the whole interior was made out of some form of grey wax material, he said it was a very peculiar and a very eerie sight.

Inside the craft he said he saw 5 dead aliens, he described them as been about 4 to 4 and a half feet tall with grey hairless spindly bodies with large heads, huge black almond shaped eyes, no ears and tiny mouths, he said it wasn’t apparent as to how they had died as they appeared to have no injuries, what his team found very fascinating and very strange was that they were all huddled together on the floor and it looked like they were almost organically attached to the grey wax material, almost as if they were plants growing from within it, he said it was a very peculiar and a very bizarre sight, he said there was also a terrible smell which no one could describe.

A small metallic bottle was also beside them which contained what looked like an unknown thick purple liquid. Eventually a retrieval team was put into place and the craft and it’s dead occupants was flown out to a top secret location, my dad said he and his team were later briefed by military intelligence officers and were told that what they saw and worked on was nothing more than a top secret Russian remote controlled aircraft and the creatures were dummies, they were all sworn to secrecy and ordered never to speak about it to anyone. My dad said he can be seen stood in in front of the saucer on the photos, showing just how big this thing was.

12 months later the same thing happened again, only this time the location was Arizona. My dad told me it happened in the summer of 1949 and the set up was exactly the same as last time, flight, helicopter, blacked out bus, etc and finally they were confronted with what they were told was another landed Russian aircraft.

This time he and his team were confronted with a different style of craft, but saucer-shaped just like the last one and slightly smaller but still a huge metallic flying saucer by any stretch of the imagination.

He told me the craft had some sort of force field or energy field around it (see photo) and that no one could get close to it and everyone was ordered to keep their distance, only after 2 full days did the force field finally turn itself off.

It was at this point that attempts were made by the military to gain access into the the saucer, all without success, apparently they even tried explosives but nothing would penetrate it, they couldn’t even make a scratch or a dent in the thing, he told me they climbed up a ladder and looked through the portholes and the craft looked almost identical inside to the last saucer they saw, no kind of visible instrumentation could be seen and the interior looked very similar to the last craft, completely covered in some sort of whitish wax material, 9 tiny seats could be seen arranged in a semi-circle, my dad said they looked like the size of chairs that you would expect to see at an infant school, tiny.

Roughly half a mile away there was a large military tent, when my dad and his team entered into it he said there was 7 dead aliens on the floor, all lying on a large sheet of military camouflage material, the creatures were almost identical to the aliens he saw last time, except this time all the creatures were all wearing what looked like one piece tight fitting silver space suits with what looked like skull caps on their heads, my dad said there was strange symbols on the suits which were completely indecipherable.

It appeared that the occupants had been out and about and walking around doing something and for some unknown reason had all just dropped dead, 3 of the occupants were carrying a small silver metallic rod with a small red light on the end of it, it was unclear whether these were some kind of instrument or weapon, what was strange was that all the creatures appeared to be frothing at the mouth and a hardened white froth could clearly be seen coming from to noses and mouths of all of the dead creatures.

My dad said that the craft and its deceased occupants was taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force base by a retrieval team, he said he and his team saw that exact same craft 3 years later in a large hanger when they were working at that air force base. Again my dad said he and his team were given the same spill as last time by military intelligence officers about what they saw been nothing more than a top secret Russian experimental spy craft and the deceased occupants been nothing more than dummies.

In early July of 1952 (just before the Washington DC UFO flap occurred) my dad and his team were working in California conducting and carrying out what he said was an ultra secret black project. He told me that he and his team witnessed a large metallic flying saucer suddenly appear in the sky from out of nowhere, apparently it landed on 3 tripod/telescopic style landing gear legs roughly 50 meters in front of them, then took off and flew off into the sky and disappeared at a high rate of speed, he said the saucer was also witnessed by 20 armed soldiers who were accompanying them on their mission.

I can only imagine that you find that story quiet incredible and remarkable and are probably skeptical? (Editor’s Note: Actually I’m not, I have at least half-dozen of these stories in my archive.) Don’t worry, when my dad told me I was like “yeah sure dad, that’s one hell of a whopper,” but when he showed me the photos and told me that it is 100 percent true, I knew he was telling the truth, plus what would he have to gain from making up such a tale? Absolutely nothing as he never told anyone about it except for me and mum.

If you find my father’s story and photographs interesting and think that your readers would also, then please be my guest and use it, if not then I am sorry for taking up some of your valuable time. It was one of my late father last wishes to finally tell his story and he asked me to find a way of getting it out there. I hope to hear back from you as soon as is possible.












One of the most powerful U.S. senators in modern history actually eye-witnessed two UFOs while on a fact-finding trip through Russia in 1955, and the U.S. government kept the sightings a secret for more than three decades.

The incredible encounter is detailed in 12 TOP SECRET CIA, FBI, and Air Force reports-and declassified in 1985.

Those startling reports reveal that Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr. (D-GA), then chairman of the Armed Services Committee-was on a Soviet train when he spotted a disc-shaped craft taking off near the tracks.

He hurriedly called his military aide and interpreter to the window and they saw the UFO, plus another one that appeared a minute later. The astonished trio reported the sightings to the U.S. Air Force as soon as they were out of Russia.

“The three observers were firmly convinced that they saw a genuine flying disc,” says an Air Force Intelligence report, dated October 14, 1955, and classified TOP SECRET at the time.

Senator Russell served 38 years in the Senate. He was its senior, and one of the most influential senators at the time of his death in 1971. He was chairman of the Armed Services Committee from 1951 to 1969, and unsuccessfully sought the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1952.

The mind-boggling documents detailing his UFO encounter were made available by the Fund for UFO Research and its chaiman, Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Several key documents were obtained by the group through the Freedom of Information Act.

“These long secret documents are of major importance because they show for the first time that one of the most powerful U.S. Senators witnessed and reported a UFO,” said Dr. Maccabee.

The Air Force Intelligence report says Russell and his two traveling companions spotted the UFOs on October 4, 1955, while traveling by rail across Russia’s Transcaucasus region.

“One disc ascended almost vertically, at a relatively slow speed, with its outer surface revolving slowly to the right, to an altitude of about 6000 feet, where its speed then increased sharply as it headed north,” the report states.

“The second flying disc was seen performing the same actions about one minute later. The take-off area was about 1-2 miles south of the rail line.

” Russell “saw the first flying disc ascend and pass over the train,” and went “rushing in to get Mr Efron (Ruben Efron, his interpreter) and Col. Hathaway (Col. E. U. Hathaway, his aide) to see it,” the report said.

“Col. Hathaway stated that he got to the window with the Senator in time to see the first (UFO), while Mr. Efron said that he got only a short glimpse of the first. However, all three saw the second disc and all agreed that they saw the same round, disc-shaped craft as the first.”

The Air Force report was written by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ryan, who interviewed Senator Russell’s companions in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on October 13, after they arrived there from Russia shortly after the sighting.

In his report, Col. Ryan called the sightings “an eyewitness account of the ascent and flight of an unconventional craft by three highly reliable United States observers. He added that Col. Hathaway led off his account of the sightings by saying: “I doubt if your going to believe this, but we all saw it.” Senator Russell was the first to see this flying disc we’ve been told for years that there isn’t such a thing, but all of us saw it.”

CIA documents show that the agency later interviewed the three eyewitnesses in the Russell party and also a fourth person, unidentified in the reports, who had seen the UFOs. An eyewitness, whose name was blacked out on the CIA report prior to its declassification, said one of the UFOs “had a slight dome on top” and also a “white light on top.” The edge of the disc was glowing pinkish-white, he added. The UFO rose “vertically with the glow moving slowly around the perimeter in a clockwise direction, giving the appearance of a pinwheel.”

Interpreter Ruben Efron told the CIA that visibility was excellent. As one UFO approached the train, he said, “the object gave the impression of gliding. No noise was heard and no exhaust was heard, and no exhaust glow or trail was seen by me.”

After the encounter, Senator Russell told the men with him:

“We saw a flying disc. I wanted you boys to see it so that I would have witnesses,” according to the CIA documents.”

And an FBI memo, dated November 4, 1955, also discusses the sighting and admitted Col. Hathaway’s testimony “would support existence of a flying disc.”

Dr. Maccabee, of the Fund for UFO Research, believes that Senator Russell and his group never publicly revealed their incredible sightings “because they were no doubt advised not to talk. These documents provide startling new evidence that UFOs exist.”

Mr. Tom Towers, in his January 20, 1957, column, ‘Aviation News,’ for the Los Angeles, CA, Examiner, printed the contents of a letter from Senator Russell, which was in response to a request for information about the sightings in Russia.

Mr. Towers had originally contacted Senator Russell’s office by letter with the request that he be given permission to “break” the story.

The Senator wrote:

“Permit me to acknowledge your letters relative to reports that have come to you regarding aerial objects seen in Europe last year. I received your letter, but I have discussed this matter with the affected agencies of the government, and they are of the opinion that it is not wise to publicize this matter at this time. I regret very much that I am unable to be of assistance to you.” The letter was dated 17 January, 1956. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












The UFO in the photo to the left was seized by the U. S. government in the Boumount Ridge section of Jasper, Colorado, in the summer of 1956.

The government moved the flying saucer to a remote area called Wild Fork, where they ran tests on it, eventually figuring out how to fly this spaceship. The above photo was taken by a government official during one of the many test flights.

At sunset on July 17, 1956, Miles Oman, a farmer in Jasper, Colorado, was getting ready to call it a day. He was walking back to his house when this strange, oval-shaped object in the sky caught his eye. It looked like a spaceship. The object zipped across the sky and was gone.

This sighting kicked off one of the most amazing UFO incidents in the history of the world. For approximately two months, the town of Jasper and the surrounding areas experienced one unusual event after another.

Scientists rushed in to investigate, reporters rushed in looking for stories, and government officials rushed in to keep it a secret from the world.












Hello my name is Richard, I am writing to see if you might be interested in my true UFO story regarding an encounter with a flying saucer back in 1980? With recent claims regarding the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, I thought I would strike while the iron is hot, I have always intended to make my story available for public scrutiny before my death and I feel like the time is now right to do so.

Let me take you back to December 26TH 1980, a day that would ultimately change and ruin my life forever. It was a bitter cold night and as a serving police officer I was on duty. I was attending to a report of a possible domestic/disturbance/argument in the town of Woodbridge, located in Suffolk, 7 miles north-east of Ipswich in the East of England.

I was roughly about a quarter of a mile away from Woodbridge when for no apparent reason my police radio was suddenly swamped with interference, static electricity and crackling noises started to emerge from it, so I decided to pull my vehicle over to the side of the road and see if I could figure out what the problem was.

No sooner than I had stopped the vehicle there was an intensely bright flash of green light that lit up the whole interior of the car like a christmas tree. (see image)

Not sure what to make of what had just happened. I got out of the car to see if I could possibly figure out what caused it. Not really expecting to see anything I was completely shocked to discover a huge green-whitish, glowing, illuminated, phosphorescent disk/saucer shaped craft hovering directly above me in the sky, it was an incredible and unbelievable but frightening spectacle to witness, my skin started to tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

The saucer was huge, slowly rotating and was making a quiet/soft whirring noise. As a police officer I always carried a polaroid camera in the boot of the police vehicle whenever on driving duties, it’s just something that I did.

I rushed to the boot and obtained my camera, I fired off three shots, I then stood there somewhat shaken and continued to view this object. After what felt like an eternity, but was no more than just over a minute or so, the saucer suddenly and without warning soared up high into the night sky at breathtaking and phenomenal speed and was literally gone and out of sight in a nanosecond, I was left standing there thinking to myself what the hell just happened?

Two of the photos came out completely fogged and showed absolutely nothing, but luckily one came out almost perfect and showed the saucer in all it’s glory, I have included that original and untouched polaroid with my email.

The time of my sighting was precisely 1.55 AM. It really was like something out of a star trek movie, to be honest, words are inadequate to even begin to try and explain just how fantastic and how mind blowing this encounter was, and the colour of the saucer, it was like no other green I have ever seen, the photo really doesn’t do it justice, dont get me wrong it’s a wonderful polaroid but to see that saucer hovering in the sky and the sheer size of it, and the phenomenal speed at which it departed, the two simply don’t compare, it was a truly mind blowing experience that no photograph could ever capture.

I had a very difficult time coming to terms with what I encountered on that December evening. Back then in 1980 there was no one to turn to, it’s not like it is today, what with the internet and a simple click of a few buttons and you are instantly online talking to support groups etc, it just wasn’t like that back then, plus I never wanted to tell anyone anyway, I mean would you?

And especially being a serving police officer it just simply wasn’t an option, so I just filed it away in the back of my mind and tried to get on with my life. That wasn’t to be though, soon after my encounter I started suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and clinical depression, I suffered terrible and frightening nightmares also and it wasn’t long before things started to destroy my marriage.

I took time off work but it didn’t help, all I did was drink myself into oblivion and sleep all day. Eventually I confided in my wife and decided to seek professional help. I ended up in therapy, I had a psychiatrist, I was on antidepressants, this whole UFO encounter turned my life upside down and eventually I had to leave the police force on medical grounds and unfortunately I have never worked another day since.

I have suffered with terrible physical and mental health problems ever since this thing happened and I know for a fact that all my health conditions are a direct result of my encounter with a flying saucer, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy.

That wasn’t the end of it, I also received menacing and threatening telephone calls, even death threats a few weeks after my encounter and a couple of months later my home was subjected to an attempted arson attack, my wife believed at the time that this was an attempt by someone to try and destroy my photographic evidence and intimidate me into keeping my mouth shut, it certainly was a very unsettling and frightening time.

I can tell you this also, several days after my encounter a very good friend of mine who was a high ranking senior police officer told me that he was visited at home by 3 men claiming to be military intelligence, he said he was simply TOLD in no uncertain terms that if anyone mentions the word UFO then simply tell them that they probably saw the lighthouse and simply tell them it was faulty at the time, he said they gave him other information but he wouldn’t disclose it to me.

I also heard quiet a few strange tales from members of the public in the months that followed my UFO sighting, none of them were ever reported for fear of ridicule, they may sound far fetched to most people but not to me, not after what I saw.

One man told me that on the 28TH December at 3AM he was awoken by his dog barking furiously at the back kitchen door, he said he opened the door and there was a small glowing orb hovering around his back garden, he said the orb shot off and his dog chased after it, suddenly it went silent and when he got around the corner of his garden the orb had fled and all that was left of his dog was a gooey puddle, he claimed his dog had been vaporized, I asked him if he reported it, he just looked at me and laughed and asked me if I was mad.

One woman told me that on the 26TH December at 2.30 AM she woke up and found herself in a forest staring at a glowing pyramid surrounded by several small humanoid entities, within seconds she claims she was suddenly back in her bed. I could tell you more incredible stories I heard and maybe one day when I have more time I will.

For all those individuals out there who simply think that the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident was nothing more than a flying lighthouse or can be explained away by some other ridiculous explanation, let me say this, spare a thought for all those who were caught up in this, it was real, it happened FACT, end of story.

Hopefully one day soon and especially within my lifetime, I hope that all the information the government have including photographic evidence is released and made available to the general public as we all have a right to know the facts and truth as to what really happened in Rendlesham Forest.

I can’t mention any names or say too much, but a very trusted source told me that there are still many witnesses to come forward with their evidence. That person also told me that everyone thinks that the visitors were looking for nuclear weapons, they told me that is complete nonsense and the true explanation is that the visitors had boots on the ground and were doing something in the forest, still yet unknown and one of their team was captured, killed, bagged and tagged by the military and shipped out to a secret location for analysis and to be studied and that’s the reason the visitors were seen for several days, at one point shining beams of light down as they were obviously looking for one of their own.

Makes perfect sense when you think about it, why would a biologically and technologically advanced race of extraterrestrials capable of interstellar and probably intergalactic space travel be interested in such things? That would be like NASA suddenly releasing a statement expressing their interest in caveman technology! I will leave you all with this thought…


If you are interested in my true story and my photographic evidence and would like to use it for your publication/website etc, then you have my full blessing and permission to do so, all I would say is please keep my name out of the public domain and treat it with the strictest of confidence.

Many thanks,

Yours faithfully,

(Retired Police Officer)












Due to recent revelations, I have decided to share my evidence. When I was younger I was a poacher, I lived very close to Rendlesham Forest and frequently went poaching there. So back in 1980, 28TH December I was in the forest poaching.

Now bear this in mind, before this encounter I saw and heard a lot of strange things in that forest. I could tell you stories that would bend your bones, so every time I went poaching I always took my camera always hoping to capture some evidence.

OK so let’s cut to the chase, so I saw a basketball sized red orb, it had a black centre like a pupil and looked just like an eye winking at you, just like Halt explained it.

It was zig zagging between the trees, strange, freaked me out, weird man, proper not right, I saw it before Halt.

It passed me first. Halt and his team was about 200 meters away, I could hear all the noise. Later I saw another UFO it was firing beams of light down to the ground, definitely looking for something, God knows what.

I tell you, what I witnessed was simply incredible, definitely extraterrestrial no two ways about it. You can read books and watch TV shows about it, but I’m telling you man you had to be there to really understand and appreciate just how incredible this thing was, changed my life for ever.

I’ve sat on this information for over 40 years and it feels good to get it out and show the truth. After this thing happened I was followed for weeks, I had my phone tapped, scary time man. Anyway enjoy my photos, these are the real deal!!! Peace and Love from John The Poacher.