

On December 15th, 2005, A friend and I had the following UFO sighting. At 3:30 am, on this morning, with me at the wheel, my friend and I went on a little drive to see the UFO activity in Utah Valley. We focused our attention mainly on two areas.

1-The night sky above Spanish Fork City, Utah.

2-The Spanish Fork City Airport.

Both of us were absolutely astounded, to say the least as we approached Spanish Fork City from the north when we observed one of the biggest UFOs that I’ve ever seen. The diamond-shaped UFO was floating slowly, about 300 feet above this city, moving northbound.

We were fascinated with the camouflaging measures, used by this sinister looking spaceship. Reproduced into this massive UFO’s outer shell, were the lights (yes they were HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS) of the city of “Woodland Hills” which is a few miles south of Sp.Fk.

Looking directly at this UFO, one may very well be inclined to believe that they are merely looking at some boring city lights, which we are all so familiar with. This, I believe, is exactly what the Aliens are counting on. In my opinion, it is an absolutely ingenious camouflaging measure.

As I gazed wide-eyed and open-mouthed at this colossal craft which I estimated to be about three city-blocks wide and two blocks tall (please excuse my inarticulate and unscientific terminology), I had an inexplicable and conclusive feeling that I was looking at an “airborne Alien nursery!”

Both of us were also very intrigued by the appearance of two “EYES,” human looking in every way about six-feet in diameter which were placed into the sides of the UFO’s outer shell. The technology which the spaceship exhibited in placing so many lights of various sizes which matched all of the lights of Woodland Hills, revealed a high degree of intelligence, in my opinion, of those who possessed and piloted it!

At the Spanish Fork Airport at 5:30 am, as we sat parked, we observed a strange sight. Rolling slowly down the runway, escorted by a low-flying, egg-shaped UFO, was some type of wheeled unit which appeared to be some type of “star projector.” It was close in size to a typical “potato chip” truck. An astounding number of glistening lights, all of which had the appearance of “stars,” covered this mysterious contraption.

The “projector” looked to be rolling down the runway of the airport. I knew, however, that it could be somewhere else, perhaps far beyond our locale. I have been aware now, for some time, that the Aliens have the technology to mask the precise locations of their hardware and activities, by making their appearance seem always to be “distant” as one approaches those areas.

Our presence did not go unnoticed by the “Aliens” as we quickly perceived that six UFOs of various sizes were gradually moving towards us using the HIDLs around us as “cover.” After aligning the lights of their ships, to the HIDLs, I believe, they can then sneak up on their targets.

Perched menacingly atop a nearby building behind the airport parking lot where we sat in our car, we observed an egg-shaped UFO, about 20 feet-wide and 10 feet-tall creeping up on us. Suddenly (I suspect in an effort to distract us from viewing the “star projector”), its right light got brighter and bigger and split into four quarters; two blue and two red, in color. The red quarters then shifted places with the two blue quarters.

A white light then appeared in the midst of the two red quarters of light, about the size of a silver dollar, which continued to gradually grow in size.

Anticipating that something big was about to happen, I sarcastically said to my friend beside me “I’ll bet a helicopter comes out of it; I was wrong! The white light continued growing in size as it slowly moved towards us.

We watched in absolute awe and suspense as it was quickly transformed into a small, white airplane with two red ipinstripes on it!(something like a small cessna).

Traveling at a speed of what appeared to be only ten m.p.h., it swooped slowly down to land… shining a bright spotlight momentarily at us, as it proceeded to taxi down the runway to a hangar behind the airports offices.

The planes appearance took us back a bit. I felt unhesitatingly obliged to turn the car’s ignition key and punch my foot to the accelerator! At that moment my greatest priority was to rush immediately away from the strangeness of what we had just witnessed!

For the next two hours, we drove around the area – dazed and somewhat confused – wondering to ourselves what might happen next. When we began to feel our bodies experiencing a sudden, extremely uncomfortable fever, I began to be suspicious, that perhaps a small Alien probe was traveling with us, either above or beneath the car which was perhaps emitting some type of radiation.

Stopping the car, I got out and knelt down to look under it. Finding nothing, I walked around the car for a full inspection, as I did, I noticed that one of the “high pressure sodium vapor lights” which was directly behind the local “solid waste transfer station” about 100 yards away, was emitting, or shooting a great many, large, bright orange sparks directly towards us!

We quickly fled the area, placing ourselves well out of range of what I perceived to be some type of weapon intended to dissuade those unwelcome and pesky humans who were in the area, from hanging around and making further observations of the Aliens ongoing activities!

At 7:30 am, as we made our way home, I casually looked back towards Spanish Fork, and was amazed to see two “black helicopters” attending to a slow moving cloud, shaped precisely like the massive UFO which we had been observing with interest throughout the night! It crept slowly away, at the same speed as all of the clouds around it, until it rose up gracefully above the nearby mountains and disappeared. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On December 15th, 2005, A friend and I had the following UFO sighting. At 3:30 am, on this morning, with me at the wheel, my friend and I went on a little drive to see the UFO activity in Utah Valley. We focused our attention mainly on two areas.

1-The night sky above Spanish Fork City, Utah.

2-The Spanish Fork City Airport.

Both of us were absolutely astounded, to say the least as we approached Spanish Fork City from the north when we observed one of the biggest UFOs that I’ve ever seen. The diamond-shaped UFO was floating slowly, about 300 feet above this city, moving northbound.

We were fascinated with the camouflaging measures, used by this sinister looking spaceship. Reproduced into this massive UFO’s outer shell, were the lights (yes they were HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS) of the city of “Woodland Hills” which is a few miles south of Sp.Fk.

Looking directly at this UFO, one may very well be inclined to believe that they are merely looking at some boring city lights, which we are all so familiar with. This, I believe, is exactly what the Aliens are counting on. In my opinion, it is an absolutely ingenious camouflaging measure.

As I gazed wide-eyed and open-mouthed at this colossal craft which I estimated to be about three city-blocks wide and two blocks tall (please excuse my inarticulate and unscientific terminology), I had an inexplicable and conclusive feeling that I was looking at an “airborne Alien nursery!”

Both of us were also very intrigued by the appearance of two “EYES,” human looking in every way about six-feet in diameter which were placed into the sides of the UFO’s outer shell. The technology which the spaceship exhibited in placing so many lights of various sizes which matched all of the lights of Woodland Hills, revealed a high degree of intelligence, in my opinion, of those who possessed and piloted it!

At the Spanish Fork Airport at 5:30 am, as we sat parked, we observed a strange sight. Rolling slowly down the runway, escorted by a low-flying, egg-shaped UFO, was some type of wheeled unit which appeared to be some type of “star projector.” It was close in size to a typical “potato chip” truck. An astounding number of glistening lights, all of which had the appearance of “stars,” covered this mysterious contraption.

The “projector” looked to be rolling down the runway of the airport. I knew, however, that it could be somewhere else, perhaps far beyond our locale. I have been aware now, for some time, that the Aliens have the technology to mask the precise locations of their hardware and activities, by making their appearance seem always to be “distant” as one approaches those areas.

Our presence did not go unnoticed by the “Aliens” as we quickly perceived that six UFOs of various sizes were gradually moving towards us using the HIDLs around us as “cover.” After aligning the lights of their ships, to the HIDLs, I believe, they can then sneak up on their targets.

Perched menacingly atop a nearby building behind the airport parking lot where we sat in our car, we observed an egg-shaped UFO, about 20 feet-wide and 10 feet-tall creeping up on us. Suddenly (I suspect in an effort to distract us from viewing the “star projector”), its right light got brighter and bigger and split into four quarters; two blue and two red, in color. The red quarters then shifted places with the two blue quarters.

A white light then appeared in the midst of the two red quarters of light, about the size of a silver dollar, which continued to gradually grow in size.

Anticipating that something big was about to happen, I sarcastically said to my friend beside me “I’ll bet a helicopter comes out of it; I was wrong! The white light continued growing in size as it slowly moved towards us.

We watched in absolute awe and suspense as it was quickly transformed into a small, white airplane with two red ipinstripes on it!(something like a small cessna).

Traveling at a speed of what appeared to be only ten m.p.h., it swooped slowly down to land… shining a bright spotlight momentarily at us, as it proceeded to taxi down the runway to a hangar behind the airports offices.

The planes appearance took us back a bit. I felt unhesitatingly obliged to turn the car’s ignition key and punch my foot to the accelerator! At that moment my greatest priority was to rush immediately away from the strangeness of what we had just witnessed!

For the next two hours, we drove around the area – dazed and somewhat confused – wondering to ourselves what might happen next. When we began to feel our bodies experiencing a sudden, extremely uncomfortable fever, I began to be suspicious, that perhaps a small Alien probe was traveling with us, either above or beneath the car which was perhaps emitting some type of radiation.

Stopping the car, I got out and knelt down to look under it. Finding nothing, I walked around the car for a full inspection, as I did, I noticed that one of the “high pressure sodium vapor lights” which was directly behind the local “solid waste transfer station” about 100 yards away, was emitting, or shooting a great many, large, bright orange sparks directly towards us!

We quickly fled the area, placing ourselves well out of range of what I perceived to be some type of weapon intended to dissuade those unwelcome and pesky humans who were in the area, from hanging around and making further observations of the Aliens ongoing activities!

At 7:30 am, as we made our way home, I casually looked back towards Spanish Fork, and was amazed to see two “black helicopters” attending to a slow moving cloud, shaped precisely like the massive UFO which we had been observing with interest throughout the night! It crept slowly away, at the same speed as all of the clouds around it, until it rose up gracefully above the nearby mountains and disappeared. NOTE: The above image is CGI.