First I will state that I have never been interested in aliens or UFOs. I’ve honestly always been pretty scared of the whole thing. I remember seeing the film ‘Signs’ when I was 12 and it literally terrified me for weeks. I’ve thought of this phenomena as science fiction until I experienced something that I presume most of you won’t believe and that’s fine. I’m posting my story here because I haven’t talked to anyone about it at all and I just feel the need to put it out there.

Three months ago (Summer 2017) I was camping with a friend in a very remote part of Northern California. I’m a massive wilderness junkie. I’ve been camping all my life and I spend much of my free time hiking, rock climbing, hunting, ect.

A buddy of mine, who also enjoys the outdoors, wanted to head up to the Sierra Nevadas for a weekend and asked me to go with him. It was our second night and we were sitting up by the fire. We weren’t staying at a campsite. We had hiked about 10 miles from our cars to a clearing with a beautiful view. He had stayed there once before.

It was around 10pm and we ate some food and were just checking out the stars. He was tired and went to sleep in his tent. I wanted to stay up for a while and about 45 minutes after he went to bed I saw this object coming up from the valley below. It was a basic flying saucer shape with multiple circular lights rotating around the edges that changed colors over and over. I was absolutely shocked.

I watched it for maybe 15 seconds, then decided I had to wake him up so he could see it and wouldn’t think I was crazy. I stood and when I looked back towards it, the thing was gone. I called out his name and that’s when everything got really f**ked up.

I didn’t hear my own voice when I called out. Everything was completely silent. I could move my eyes around but couldn’t move my body. I remember seeing the fire had completely frozen. Everything looked like a picture, like time had stopped or something. Then there was a flash of light and I blacked out.

I woke up later just as the sun was starting to rise. I was outside laying in the dirt shivering next to fire the that had long gone out. I felt like I had been drugged, totally in this haze. I sluggishly yelled out his name a couple of times and he came out of the tent. He was really confused to say the least. I tried to explain what happened but my memory was really foggy and I just couldn’t articulate it. We left within 30 minutes. I was totally silent on the car ride back, falling in and out of sleep for 7 hours. He dropped me off at my house and I passed out for basically an entire day.

A few weeks later I was messing around with an amp and it released this static ‘oooooooo’ sound when I unplugged my guitar. For some reason this sound somehow triggered my memory and I remembered everything.

When I came back into consciousness I was suspended laterally in this circular mechanism in a position very similar to Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man.’ These clear glasslike shackle-type restraints were holding me in place. I was completely nude and standing above me were three typical Greys. They were around 4ft tall and were wearing white spandex like suits. Two were just standing there observing the other who was extracting blood from a vein under my armpit with this weird looking syringe. Although they didn’t show a real reaction I could just tell that they were surprised that I was awake.

I couldn’t move at all except for my eyes and lips. I was absolutely terrified, in a sort of ‘fight or flight’ mode, my heart began pounding from an influx of adrenaline. I can’t even begin to tell you how scared I was, but I also felt total rage. I wanted to kill them…wanted to rip out of this device and completely destroy them. My brain went totally primal, just animal instinct and I could just tell that they could sense my anger because they all stepped back, simultaneously. I’m 6’3″ 185 lbs and I was hoping I looked as threatening as possible, which is silly because I was totally paralyzed and therefore completely harmless.

Two of them disappeared from my view and presumably left the room. The other one was just staring at me void of any emotion. I wanted so badly to just shut my eyes, but I forced myself to just stare right back at it. Trying my hardest not to blink.

Then the two Greys came back and now they weren’t alone. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes, standing behind them were two very tall, very human-looking beings. A male and female they looked like Norse Gods. They both had bright golden hair and massive eyes. The male’s eyes were dark blue and female’s eyes were violet.

I suppose they are what the UFO community refers to as Nordics. This was quite bizarre to me. My family descended from Sweden and I am very Nordic looking…blonde hair, blue eyes, the works.

I know this is cliché, but I heard a feminine voice in my mind. For some reason I could understand what she was telling me although it wasn’t like she was saying anything in English. It’s really hard to explain but I just knew. She told me something like “Be calm…you are not in danger.”

I relaxed and asked her what they wanted with me. She said that they were just “checking up on me.” I practically black out after hearing that. I asked her what she meant. She said that they had “saved me when I first came into being.” I immediately knew exactly what she was talking about.

I was born practically two months premature. My mother was horribly sick during labor. We both had fevers of 104 degrees F. The strange thing is, the doctors had absolutely no idea what was wrong with us. I was given two spinal taps, my mother was given three. I spent four nights in that bubble housing ICU thing. There was a decent chance I was going to die. Then one day I started getting better and made a full recovery. The doctors were very worried that the whole ordeal might have permanently damaged my body and possibly my brain but I was totally fine.

I asked her “why did you save me?” This time I heard a deep male voice stating that “this is a conversation for a later time.” I asked them if they are human. He said no. I was confused considering that they looked quite human. I asked him if man had come from them. He said yes…hat they had come here 200,000 years ago and created mankind by combining their DNA with that of our primate ancestors.

I wanted to know why they looked especially similar to me more than other humans. He stated that many males of their kind found female humans attractive and mated with them. This directly passed on some of their physical features to Nordic peoples.

I wanted to know more but they declined and said it was time for me to go back. I blacked out instantly and woke up by the extinguished campfire, clothes on and shivering.

I understand that this sounds absolutely ridiculous and very impossible. But it happened. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been completely lost since the encounter. I’ve been looking into a lot theories on alien/human links practically day and night since this happened. – W

NOTE: The experiencer was asked about his blood type. It is O negative. It does seem that the negative Rh factor originates in Northern Europe / Scandinavia, according to information I have researched. Is this relevant to the abduction phenomena? Possibly. But it is an interesting trait that is found among many, if not a majority, of experiencers / abductees. Lon   NOTE” The above image is CGI.








It was a little after 10 pm one evening in early-September 1980 when four friends, sat on the banks of the River Kumak, near the town of Orsk, night-fishing. They were busy arranging their fishing lines, preparing to cast them into the water when a “bright star-like” object appeared overhead. As it moved, it appeared to cast out “circular rings of light” which went through the air similar to how ripples appear on the surface of the water.  The light was growing in size and was very obviously descending. The witnesses would estimate, by the time it was just above the ground, its diameter was between thirty to fifty feet across. The closer it got to the ground, the circles of light began to morph into a “cone-shaped beam”. The four young men watched in awe. After several moments, the craft ascended once again. The cone of light, however, would remain on the ground. Then, after several seconds, it too faded away.  As bizarre as the incident undoubtedly was, the four men would leave their lines and nets in the water and return to their camp base nearby. They would eat dinner and discuss what they might have seen. Perhaps, they theorized, it was some natural phenomenon. Or even a rocket or missile test from nearby Kazakhstan. By 1 am, two of the men would turn in for the evening. The other two would return to the river bank to check their fishing nets to see if they had captured anything. It was a journey like neither had ever experienced.

A Sudden Change Of Surroundings

For the pair who ventured down to the river banks (it is unclear exactly which members of the group it was), the trip would take a very sudden and dramatic turn. Without warning, “the first witness” would find his surroundings change in an instant. He was suddenly inside a strange, round room. A strange voice suddenly appeared in his head instructing him to sit down. He did so, positioning himself on a “rectangular stool” in front of him.  He would take a look around him. The entire room appeared as though made from grey plastic. There was a closed doorway in front, along with an array of piping entering the room through the wall. On the floor was a small hatch. As he was looking at this hatch, it suddenly opened. Beneath, in another room, he could see his friend from the river bank.  Then, as if he were under some kind of remote control, the witness stood and began to descend into the room beneath the hatch. He jumped to the floor, landing next to his friend below. As he looked up it appeared the hatch was closing. A “bright light” was moving away from them. They were both trapped in this small basement-type room. He began to shout at their captors not to go. The next thing both of them knew, their surroundings had changed yet again.

A Most Mysterious Return

Suddenly, above them, the other two members of their group were stood calling their names. They were both stood in a crater around five feet deep. Neither of them could recall arriving here. And what’s more, despite the ground being soft due to recent rain, there were no footprints anywhere around this bizarre hole in the middle of nowhere. Furthermore, the time was now after 7 am.  One of the men who had gone to sleep for the evening had done so in the group’s car. He recalled waking at around 6:30 am to “bright flashes and a loud hissing sound”. Shortly after, he and the remaining member of the group would go out searching for their missing friends. The sighting was also corroborated, at least in part, by a hunter who had ventured into the surrounding woodlands early that morning. He would recall seeing a “star-like light emitting a beam of light towards the ground”.  It would certainly appear to be a case of alien abduction. And one that hypnotic regression would very likely unlock the missing hours and details of the encounter. Whether any such sessions have taken place is unknown. The incident comes to us via the book ‘Space Terrestrial Connections and the UFO” by Alexey Dmitriyev and likely has divulged all it will.  Only weeks earlier, however, another very similar incident would unfold.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







At a little after 8:30 pm on the 24th November 2018, pilots of a Noliner Aviation Boeing 737–200 jet made their way to the Mary River mine near Baffin Island. As they cut through the darkened skies, however, a strange object was clear ahead of them. They would immediately report the sighting to Canada’s Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System (CADORS). They, in turn, would inform the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Perhaps that is telling of how serious the incident was perceived.  On the incident report, the words in the description are “Weather balloon, meteor, rocket, CIRVIS/UFO”. While there is certainly nothing like a “smoking gun” piece of information within the report, the use of those particular words makes one wonder if they are used as a discreet code of sorts? This is pure speculation on the author’s part. And let’s face it, we would hardly be confirmed correct if they were.  It would appear, like many areas around the world, that UFO sightings are persistent over Canadian skies. According to data from the Ufology Research group, there were a total of 1,101 UFO reports in Canada in the calendar year of 2017. And we should remember that many UFO sightings are not reported through fear of mocking or repercussions with witnesses’ respective careers. We should also remember that many other UFOs perhaps go unnoticed. The report went on to state that “the continued reporting of UFOs by the public and the yearly increase in numbers of UFO reports suggest a need for further examination of the phenomenon by social, medical and/or physical scientists”.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







Although the Min Min Lights are witnessed throughout the Australian outback, they take their name from a small settlement near the town of Boulia where they were witnessed by a stockman traveling through the area in 1918. These glowing orbs, of a variety of colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and white have been witnessed since the early years of the twentieth century. And they very much continue today.  These strange lights can also be found in the myths and folklore of indigenous Aboriginal tribes of the area. This suggests they have been present long before the early-1900s. Interestingly, many other tribes around the world have traditions and legends, untampered with for thousands of years, that speak of similar lights. What’s more, they, like the tribes of the outback, believe these strange lights are spirits of their descendants. Is this simply an ancient belief used to make sense of strange sightings going back thousands of years? Or might these legends contain more truth than most would think? Might they, if only in part, help explain this strange phenomenon?

“Approached But Never Identified!”

Sightings of these strange lights are quite literally in their hundreds. Indeed, as you approach, a sign declares “For the next 120 km you are in land of the Min Min Light”. These lights, according to this large orange sign at the roadside, “at times follows travelers for long distances”. And just to add more mystery to these very real sightings it states the lights have “been approached but never identified”.  While many in the UFO community have an interest in these strange aerial shows for obvious reasons, indigenous tribes state they are the “spirits of their ancestors” who roam the outback. As European “settlers” encroached on these areas more and more in the early decades of the twentieth century, it would appear sightings of these strange glowing orbs began to increase. This is an interesting point. Did they actually increase? Or were there simply more reports because of the increase of European settlers who were not at all familiar with these strange glows? Or, if we accept the beliefs of the Aboriginal tribes of the area, that these lights are the spirits of long-deceased tribes’ people, is the increase in sightings a sign of a disturbance of their realm by the modern world?







“Back in the early 80’s I was 4x4ing in the Franklin Mountains, northeast of El Paso TX.  Just west of me is White Sands and in El Paso is Ft Bliss/Biggs Airfield. I was going up and steep hill with one friend along, I looked over to my left side towards the mountain and saw what at first I thought was something like a large black plastic bag floating around or something someone might be flying remote control. I stopped on the side of the hill and turned off my truck because it was loud. We didn’t hear anything or see anyone else around. We were just thinking WTF is that? We decided to try and get to the top of the hill so we’d be closer. We were only about 100 yards away from this UFO. As I went up the hill, it started to move up and down slightly. It was completely still when we first spotted it. I decided to stop again and this time we got out of the truck and were watching it just floating around. No sounds. No lights. No vapor fumes. No windows. No moving parts. Just a completely odd non-aerodynamic shape kinda like a potato about the size of a VW bug. We watched it for about five minutes and it started to move forward at that point we started yelling at it and jumping around waving. In a few seconds it took off towards the mountain peak and then skimmed the top in a straight line and went west. It was faster than anything we have that I’ve seen. Back then me and my friend would always head out and 4×4 but always took some guns to plink targets and take pictures of our trucks, unfortunately this time we didn’t bring anything except for a few beers and a joint. Which we didn’t consume first..hahaha. I saw what I saw and will never forget it What’s odd is the government fenced off the area trails a few years later and they are out there looking for trespassers. I know because I got stopped by the military police in 1995 when I took two people out to the same spot to show and tell my story.”  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








We came home from dinner and I looked in the sky and said what are those four bright lights in the sky all in a straight line . I thought this was crazy and unusual and asked my daughter to film it. Many lights and shaped came out of these four lights and then they formed a straight line again. This went on for about ten minutes. We felt dizzy and light after the sighting . And felt very weird, hard to explain.

This case was investigated by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer and was classified as unknown uav.





I pulled over on a bicycle on the side of Hwy. 101 at 4:30 P.M. and was observing 4 bright glowing objects in formation over SF Bay just south if the Richmond Bridge.These Sphere like yellow lights were basically hovering at really low level in front of the clouds. I watched this activity for about 10 minutes and then continued riding about 3 more miles north up the side of Hwy. 101 where I was able to view what I believe to be the same 4 objects now hovering over the shoreline of the Bay near Montecito shopping center. I was just talking about what I had seen to about 5 or 6 people when the objects appeared in front of us just to the east. This was a blatant in your face type sighting in broad daylight at rush hour. I was able to round up about 20 witnesses to observe this with multiple people shooting cell phone footage of these objects. Most of my witnesses had never seen anything like this and were still talking about it the next night. These 4 glowing objects hovered and swarmed for about 70 minutes until they finally were gone. At one point 2 of these objects came down to about 50 feet above the water.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








I observed a metallic object moving strangely through the sky looking East from my 20th floor balcony around 6:15. When I trained a pair of binoculars on it, I noticed it was spinning and appeared to be changing shape as well. It looked like three silver school buses put together, twisting around, and moving silently across the sky. It hovered in the same spot, moved slightly to the south, and then ascended upwards until I could no longer see it. I frequently watch helicopter, sea planes, and airliners approach/land from this location, and this was unlike any object I have ever observed anywhere. I am familiar with UFOs, traditional shapes like cigar, saucer, and the like, but this was something else. It defied the laws of physics  the  way  it  was  perpetually  twisting,  and  did  not  look  like  it  was aerodynamic to even fly in the first place. The way it twisted around made me think it was perhaps a falling satellite or even the space station, but it was stationary as it twisted. It then moved upwards out of my view, but I was able to train a pair of cheap binoculars with a phone attachment to record some video with my iPhone. NOTE: The above image is CGI…..The video attachment was very poor……








On the evening of 25th August 1985, shortly after 9:35 pm a journalist for the Poughkeepsie Journal, Greg Boone, received an excited phone call from one of their photographers (who has always wished to remain anonymous). On the other end of the line, she offered that “one of those gihttps://www.ufoinsight.comant boomerang UFOs that people had been reporting for years” was heading in their direction. It was currently heading along NY Route 9. If he was to go the windows, or even the roof of the office, the photographer suggested, he would likely see it himself.  She would explain in 2015 when the case was reexamined by Boone himself, that she had been out at the Dutchess County Fair that summer’s Sunday in New York. Around 20,000 people had attended, most of which were now heading along the same road as the boomerang-shaped UFO. The photographer had been on a hill overlooking the fair, hoping to capture several more shots of the hustle and bustle of the summer outing. As she was doing this and speaking to someone nearby, she suddenly noticed “a strange sight. Something that definitely was not an airplane”.  The object was rounded slightly and most definitely a darker shade against the early evening sky. And furthermore, it was huge. She and her friend continued to watch for around ten minutes when it suddenly vanished in the blink of an eye. She would recall in 2015 how “it just left. It wasn’t there anymore”.  According to later witness statements, people along the highway would pull their cars over and leave their vehicles. Everyone was eager to get a good look at this most strange object moving across the Poughkeepsie skyline.

“The Story Of The Century”, Right?

In the meantime, Boone, along with two other Poughkeepsie Journal editors went rushing to their third-floor window of the newspaper’s offices. Despite their prior warning of what to expect to see, all were still in awe at the black object, around five miles away and 100 feet from the ground, heading in their direction. On the underside of the craft, amber and red lights were glowing. Boone would later recall how large the object was by comparison to how slow it was moving. It certainly shouldn’t have been flying at such low altitude over what was essentially a residential area.  When the object was to within a few miles, the lights suddenly shut off. It then, would head directly towards the newspaper office building. It must have suddenly increased its speed as “the thing got huge very fast”. In fact, it would fly over the top of their building. From there, they would rush to the other side of the office to see if it was visible from the other side. When they couldn’t see it, they then made the decision to head to the bathrooms which would allow a clear view of the top of the building.  It moved once again, forcing them to rush once more to the other side of the bathroom. Once more, they could see the UFO, before it once more changed direction and disappeared completely out of sight. All the while, the huge object (at least 200 feet wide) made no noise whatsoever.  Rushing back, Boone and several other journalists marveled at the photographs captured by their colleague. And the “many thousands” of witnesses they could speak to. They would have “the story of the century”, surely. Especially given their access to such news outlets as AP and Reuters.

Orders From “On High!”

Then, came the order the story was not to run. And according to Boone, the order came from “on high”. As if the reiterate that order, the following day several “menacing chaps” arrived at the Poughkeepsie Journal offices. Although no threats were issued, it was made clear that “talk” of UFOs was to be steered clear of. Bemused, and more than a little angry with the decision, Boone wouldn’t write an account of the incident. He would, however, continue to investigate it privately. Nor would the incident be the last time such a craft was witnessed from the Poughkeepsie Journal building.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.

KENS NOTE: The news agencies have been contacted by our government, many years ago, to hide and not report UFO encounters.  Every once in a while one slips out but its too few to make any kind of impact on the public.  









Last week. I woke up around 3am and noticed it out my window. Really bright light and bigger than a star. It looked like it was floating. Barely moving. Like my eyes were playing tricks. Looked it up and someone said it was the planet Venus. Then a few nights later the light was so bright it woke me up. And I showed my husband. He asked what it was. I said apparently Venus. And that time was between 3-5am. But then tonight I woke up around 4 and noticed more north and the shape was oval looking. The brightness of the light kept changing. Took a video and saw the changes up close. I don’t think this is Venus or a satalight like people keep saying. I’m very awake every time I see this thing in the sky. It’s always between 3-6. One day I watched it for hours. And it stayed till after the sun came up. Finally I get bored and stop watching it. But I go to look to see if it’s still there or if it’s in a different spot. And it’s still there. I don’t see it during the day or evening ever. It only seems to appear in the early morning. I feel like I’m seeing things. Not sure if this is real. Glad my husband saw the bright light once. I’m not sure if I believe in ufo. But that’s pretty convincing.








Where It Began – A Rip In Space-Time In 1983!

Al Bielek first came to attention in 1990 when he made claims to have had involvement in “The Philadelphia Experiment”. He would claim that the 1984 movie of the same name had awakened purposely repressed memories within him.  He would claim that the consequences of the Philadelphia Experiment were far-reaching and intense. Furthermore, things had reached a head of sorts in the timeline in 1983 which “ripped a hole in space time”. It is likely, according to Bielek himself, that this rip in spacetime that would cause his brain to begin relinquishing the memories within his mind. Upon seeing the movie, itself likely a subconscious decision, these memories became even more urgent and detailed.  Incidentally, Bielek would state that the Philadelphia Experiment happened very much how the movie depicted it. This is an interesting point. We have examined previously of how hidden information and messages might be hidden in well-known Hollywood movies. This could particularly be the case with the Philadelphia Experiment, whose origins, which we will examine in a moment, have suggested connections to Tinseltown.  As we will see shortly, Bielek would not only claim the Philadelphia Experiment was true. He would also claim his own involvement with it. And those are the “level-headed” parts of the bizarre but intriguing claims of this equally intriguing gentleman. But first, what exactly is the Philadelphia Experiment conspiracy.

The Origins Of The Philadelphia Experiment

While there are no official records of the Philadelphia Experiment, research suggests that it took place around 28th October 1943 at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Most of the crew were on short-term leave in and around Philadelphia with only a skeleton-crew present on the ship itself. There are even rumors within the conspiracy that the experiment was the result of the “papers” of Nikola Tesla, taken by authorities in the immediate aftermath of his death in January 1943 from his New York hotel room.  Whatever did happen at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyards in late-October 1943 the rest of the world wasn’t aware of it until twelve years later. Then, in 1955 UFO researcher and author, Morris K. Jessop would release the book ‘The Case for the UFO’. The release was eagerly snapped up and placed Jessop at the forefront of UFO research in its earliest times. Indeed, of the many people that read his recent book, one was a mysterious gentleman who claimed his name to be Carlos Allende (he is otherwise known as Carl Allen). Allende would write several letters to the author. Perhaps the most interesting, and certainly the one that got Jessop’s attention was one that hinted to the already researched and developed Unified Field Theory of Albert Einstein.  He would claim to Jessop that he had witnessed such a device work while on board the ‘SS Andrew Furnseth’ which was also docked in Philadelphia in October 1943. In fact, it was opposite the ‘USS Eldridge’. He was the only one on deck, his presence seemingly unnoticed. He realized something must be happening on board the Eldridge due to the sudden activity taking place. From his position, he would witness “The Philadelphia Experiment” and would relay those events to Jessop.

A “Green-Tinged” Fog And A Flash Of Bright Blue Light!

The basis of the Philadelphia Experiment comes from the information passed from Allende to Jessop. There were several crew members onboard the vessel. Rather bizarrely, and perhaps what made Allende take notice in the first place was the presence of several high-ranking military types on the dock itself. There were obvious measures taken to keep this group of onlookers at a safe distance. Although Allende couldn’t see whatever device or contraption they were using, suddenly, a strange “green-tinged fog” appeared out of nowhere. What’s more, it would engulf the USS Eldridge. Then, even stranger, a bright blue flash shined for a second or two. When it disappeared, so had the USS Eldridge.  The reasons for the tests, according to leaked information obtained through research later, was to create an invisibility shield around the ship. However, it would appear their calculations were grossly incorrect. The entire ship, including the crew, were transported, within a matter of seconds to a shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia. This was over 200 miles away. And what’s more, this recently appearing ship remained in full view of amazed personnel on the docks for around ten minutes. Then, the green fog would envelope the ship, followed by another bright, blue flash of light. Within an instant, it vanished. 200 miles away, at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyards, in front of the equally amazed high-ranking onlookers, the USS Eldridge reappeared.  From his discreet location opposite, Allende witnessed everything. And what’s more, what he would see next sounds like the scene from a nightmare of nightmares.

Pure Horror Beyond Horror!

According to Allende the horrors that he could see on board the USS Eldridge from his vantage-point were beyond comprehension. Several of the crew were obviously physically sick and decisively unwell. Others, whatever they had seen, were beyond calming. In fact, their appearance was of someone who had gone “completely mad”. Rumors and leaked information, if we are to believe it to be accurate, would suggest that many of these men would spend the rest of their lives, secretly in asylums. What’s more, their families would believe their loved ones were “lost at sea”.  Those accounts, however, are not the worst of the activity on the deck of the USS Eldridge following its sudden reappearance in the Philadelphia docklands.  Allende would state that several of the men were “embedded” within the ship itself. As if wherever the vessel had gone, it had molecularly come apart and then rushed back together, only some of the unfortunate sailors were encased within the steel. Limbs were visible sticking out of the exterior of the boat, while for some, their entire torsos were encased and entwined with the metal of the USS Eldridge. Perhaps even stranger were the reports of “freezing” of the rest of the crew. This, if we are to believe the accounts, would see these crew simply fade out of existence. It was as if they were a strange hologram of themselves, but one that was losing power.  Incidentally, in April 1959, following arranging a meeting with scientist, Dr. Manson Valentine to discuss a “breakthrough”. Furthermore, he was “on to something big”. However, shortly after, at least officially, he would a run a tube from his exhaust into his vehicle and kill himself. Not everyone accepts suicide as the reason for his death.   NOTE: The above image is CGI.









Triangular Craft filmed during docking procedure SpaceX Dragon Capsule and the ISS.

During the live coverage on Saturday, December 8 International Space Station crew members used the station’s 57.7-foot (17.6-meter) robotic arm to capture SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft and attach it to the orbiting laboratory.   But during the docking procedure of the dragon capsule and the International Space Station suddenly a triangular object comes into the view moving behind the Dragon capsule until it disappears into space.  It is unknown whether the object originated from the ISS or if it was a UFO.   It passes the Dragon capsule during the streaming of the docking procedure.





THANKS TO UFO Sightings Hotspot



I was sitting on the porch having a cigarette when what appeared to be a wisp of white smoke caught my eye. It was moving from west to east being somewhat blocked by the trees as it approached me. My porch faces the west and the smoke was moving toward me and to my right. Then suddenly I realized two things almost at once: it was traveling much to fast for drifting smoke with the wind calm to 2 or 3 miles an hour, AND, it appeared to be rectangular in shape. Tonight was one of those Illinois black as the ace of spades nights, overcast, no stars, with a light rain. I could barely make out the shape due to the dark night and the object emitted no light, but appeared to be reflecting some city light in some places along its structure. It momentarily appeared from behind the tree line in open sky, then only to go behind more trees from my viewing, but I could still follow it because most of the trees had lost their leaves by December here. What really creeped me out was the fact that it made no sound and seemed to be gliding or coasting along at about 50 miles an hour and about 200 to 300 feet above ground. I’m spitballing here but I would estimate its length about 30 to 50 feet long and about 15-20 high. I lost sight of it as it went around the corner of my apartment complex. I jumped up and ran to the corner of the apartment building but by the time I got there the object had disappeared. So was it a real UFO? My mind was speeding and my heart was beating just as fast……but yes! This was my first UFO sighting in all of my 71 years! But I’m a skeptic and the truth remains to be seen: could our goverment have finally cracked anti-gravity propulsion or was little blue or green men visiting us from afar? Time will tell the tale and I only hope I’ll still be around when it does.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Spain: Francisco Franco’s Flying Saucers

On Saturday, 18 December 1971, Francisco Franco was spending some days with his family at Mudela Castle in Viso del Marques (Ciudad Real) when four unidentified flying objects hovered above the palatial residence. The Spanish “caudillo” was about to perform a minor electrical repair, consisting of fixing a plug, but he was sabotaged by aliens who left him in the dark (perhaps they were red, that is to say, from Mars).

The mind-bending story that appears below was collected in the book Franco Top Secret (published by Temas de Hoy) by José Lesta and Miguel Pedrero. According to the project, this near-close encounter of the third kind occurred thus:

Franco, accompanied by his wife Carmen Polo and his son-in-law, the Marquis of Villaverde and other guests, was relaxing and shooting game at the place where La Mancha meets Andalucía. Protecting the dictator, his friends and guests were members of the 6th Guardia Civil Company, guarding Mudela Castle, provisional residence of the Franco family. Armed officers were stationed at four different points. In the event of an attack, a secondary protective ring had been set up with other members of the armed forces. Half of the state police was looking out for their leader’s safety.

The busy dinner party turned into a lively social gathering that lasted until eleven o’clock in the evening. At that time, Isidro Pradas Toledo, the estate manager, left the palace to head home, some hundred meters from the building. Something strange appeared in the sky (as he recounted to author J.J. Benítez).

“…suddenly, as I walked home, I saw that thing. Four lights. The flew overhead, slowly and not too high up. They were silent, flying in perfect formation. Two in front, two in back. The space between them wasn’t too large. They glowed intensely, with a significant white light. I stared at them, stunned. They went by slowly, unhurried, heading toward Almagro. I saw them drop around the farm we call Casa Lato, and then they vanished. Fifteen minutes later, I returned to the castle, rather troubled. I recall remarking about it with the Caudillo’s driver and to Federico Pajares, the engineer. They were playing cards, but apparently no one had seen a thing. Then something strange happened. Franco had requested an electrician, as his bedroom’s overhead light had just blown out. Equipped with my tools I went up to General Franco’s rooms. Mrs. Franco was in bed, reading. Franco asked me for a screwdriver and tried to loosen the outlet’s faceplate. He wasn’t able. I asked him to let me try, and I couldn’t do it either. Then the lights went out. To tell you the truth, the blackout never made any sense to me. In the end, the Caudillo put his arm around my shoulder and said: “We’re quite the experts!”     NOTE: The above image is CGI.








UFO spotted, Scarborough, Ontario I was working on an assignment and about to go to bed, as I looked out my window at the bright stars I noticed this unusually bright star that appeared more as an object the more I gazed at it. The object was hovering in the clear sky and had different colors to it. It was primarily blue/white in color. The object caught my attention due to its brightness and the way it was hovering around the same area. The craft (?) was also moving up and down randomly but always coming back to the same altitude in the sky. It was transforming/morphing in shape – I took pictures of it – as I watched it for over an hour.

The craft was also emitting different shades of blue, white, green and purple. At times I could see what looked like radio shaped, red antennas, on top of the craft. It was also emitting thin beams of light, almost like it was scanning the ground. As for movement speed, it was very quick and made maneuvers that did not seem physically possible. For example it darted up and down, changed direction from side to side but always went back to hovering in the same spot. After viewing this craft for about 10 minutes and realizing that I must be looking at a UFO I had slight chills, I went and got my Dad to come and look. Before this event I had never seen a UFO before, and certainly nothing close to this. I eventually went to sleep and the object was still in the sky at around 2: 30 a.m.







The Oakdale Alien Incident

One evening in early-January 1952 in the city of Oakdale a family were driving home to their farm. On their journey, they would witness a “bright white light” hovering over the road ahead. As it is was some way off in the distance, the family wouldn’t pay the light much attention upon arriving home. They would carry on with their evening before retiring to bed. However, later in the night, the entire family were woken and dragged from sleep by an intensely bright light that surrounded the entire house.  Then, the family’s dogs suddenly became very quiet. As they peered out of the ground floor window, the family could see a “little man-like figure” approaching their property. It came right up to the glass and knocked several times on the window. The father of the family stepped a little closer. He could see the figure had a helmet with a visor on. However, he could clearly see strange “large black eyes” behind the face-shield. Even more disturbing, he would later state his belief that the eyes were merely a cover for the “actual eyes” that he could see blinking strangely behind these apparent lenses.  In a similar vein, the creature’s skin appeared to be a flesh-like uniform of sorts. This is a particularly interesting detail as many other accounts, some of them decades later, would state a similar assumption. By this stage, the rest of the family had ventured into another room, now quite frightened. The creature turned away from the window and returned into the light, which itself died down suddenly and vanished.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.









The “Kimball-Radford” Incident

The incident involved another Navy Secretary, Dan Kimball, who was flying to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii when two “disc-shaped craft” came out of nowhere and approached the Navy executive airplane. He would describe their speed as simply “amazing” and would estimate them to move at a pace of between 1,500 and 2,000 miles per hour.  As well as the plane Kimball was in, another Navy plane was on the same route but behind them, at an approximate distance of around fifty miles This one carried Admiral Arthur Radford and they too saw the bizarre events unfold in their entirety. The objects began to move in a circular motion around both of the planes. Kimball would later state they “covered fifty miles in less than two minutes”. The shining silver discs would circle both planes twice in total before disappearing into the early-evening sky as quickly as they had arrived.  Upon landing at Pearl Harbor, Kimball would make a report to the US Air Force, as they were officially in charge of investigating such sightings. However, despite several attempts by Kimball to follow up his report, the US Air Force flatly refused to cooperate. When he went to check Navy records, he would find all were now under the control of the Air Force as part of their “investigation”.  Whatever happened that afternoon, it is likely the intelligence behind these discs are one and the same with those MacFarlane witnessed several weeks later.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.







A “Single White Light” Out Of The Misty Sky

The Canadian Destroyer H.M.C.S. Iroquois left Pearl Harbor shortly after 6 pm one evening in May 1952 en route to Guam. It was midnight that same evening when MacFarlane took over the post of Officer on the bridge. An hour later, just after 1 am, a “single white light” began to penetrate out of the “thin layer of mist” in the air. MacFarlane estimated the light was around a mile away from the ship. However, it was moving at a “rapid rate” with the mist causing a “halo” to appear around it as it moved.  R5MacFarlane would request confirmation of the sighting on radar. However, no object appeared on their screens. According to the radar operator, there was nothing there. He checked the logs to see if any military activity was in the area. There was none. And they were seemingly too far away from the coast – around 100 miles – for it to realistically be a small plane at this time of night.  As MacFarlane continued to watch this mysterious craft, another light appeared in the sky. It traveled from the same direction as the first craft, although appeared to move much faster. Like the first object, the radar operator failed to confirm anything on their screens. He continued to watch the aerial display for nearly an hour. The mist was now almost gone and above them was a clear dome of black.  Then, came another sighting by the unnerved but curious naval officer.

A Disc-Shaped Metallic Craft With Black Windows!

Shortly after 2 am, a series of lights began appearing in the skies overhead. MacFarlane remained at his post, perhaps unintentionally ideally placed to witness the events. Many of the lights “were in formation”, and all of them seemed to come from a destination to the south of their location. The lights were in sets of three, five, or six. They would also appear and disappear in a second, “at the same speed a computer screen operates”. At one stage there were as many as thirty lights in the sky at one time. MacFarlane began to become so overwhelmed with counting them that he could no longer keep up. Then, one of the lights came close up to the ship. The closer it got, it was no longer just a light. It was a solid object.  It had a disc-shape with a glowing metallic appearance to it. Around the edge were several “black windows”. It simply remained, motionless and silent, hovering over the ship for nearly fifteen minutes. Through binoculars, he managed to count around 24 separate windows, although he couldn’t see any activity beyond them. Interestingly, MacFarlane would state that although the object “glowed brightly” it didn’t prevent him from “looking directly at it”. In fact, he didn’t even need to squint. This suggests some kind of advanced illumination, a detail that resides in several other similar close contact events.  As he continued to watch, the object suddenly vanished. By 3 am, almost all of the lights had vanished from view. Although he had requested information from the radar operator, he hadn’t yet informed the captain of the ship. Or anyone else for that matter. Realizing the bizarre nature of his potential claims, he opted against saying anything at all.

“Many Meteorites” Visible Through The Night

After having already decided against reporting the incident, he would still have to enter something into the official log. And it would have to correspond to his requests of the radar operator and the log he would keep. With this in mind, he would enter into the log that “many meteorites” were visible during the night. At 4 am, he switched with another officer (Lieutenant Doug Tutte), ending his watch. He didn’t mention anything of the sighting at all.  However, when Tutte met up with MacFarlane in the ship’s canteen for breakfast, obviously having read his comments in the log as he wrote his own, he asked why he hadn’t mentioned anything to him of the “meteor” sightings when they switched over. MacFarlane eventually relented and gave his reasons for keeping tight-lipped about the incident. Then, safe in MacFarlane’s confession, Tutte revealed he had seen similar things. And he too had decided against reporting his sighting to the captain. And for exactly the same reasons.  However, as the two officers spoke discreetly and compared their experiences, both would agree they had feelings of being under some kind of strange “hypnotic control”. Almost as if their decision, as much as they understood it, was influenced by a higher understanding. Ultimately, each would agree to keep these most mysterious events to themselves. Neither would mention the incident again until MacFarlane, several years after Tutte’s death and decades after the events, would make his report to UFO investigators.  NOTE: The above image is CGI.








This is the second time I seen this UFO. The first the first time was back in March In 2018. The difference this time is that I saw two additional objects that were cigar shaped glowing very brightly to the north of the object in which I saw first. I was inside a building and proceeded after taking pictures to an outside balcony facing the area of where the UFO was at but was unable to see it after that the duration was approximately five minutes to see all three objects. I have 2 pictures of all three objects. The weather was cold and there was a dark cloud cover which made the objects very dominant in the sky.







Steven Greer shows how advanced trans-dimensional ET technologies interface with the coherent meditative and thought states during Close Encounters of the 5th Kind (CE-5) events. Understand how ET craft and beings can appear around us in ways that are astonishing and very close and very usually overlooked. For many years people have been seeing UFO’s in the skies and in space and it is an undeniable fact that our earth has been visited by extraterrestrial life forms in the past and present. Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind was first coined by Dr. Steven Greer and is the fifth type of contact on the Hynek’s scale.