

During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.

Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers.

Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day.

These blips were objects traveling at about 100 M.P.H. but with the ability to accelerate to the unbelievable speed of 7,200 M.P.H.

The Washington National sighting was confirmed by other local radar, and then Andrews Air Force Base was contacted.

Washington Tower:

Andrews Tower, do you read? Did you have an airplane in sight west-northwest or east of your airport moving east-bound?

Andrews: No, but we just got a call from the center. We’re looking for it.

Washington: We’ve got a big target showing up on our scope. He’s just coming in on the west edge of your airport-the northwest edge of it eastbound. He’ll be passing right through the northern portion of your field on an east heading. He’s about a quarter of a mile from the northwest runway-right over the edge of your northwest runway now.

Andrews: What happened to your target now?

Washington: He’s still eastbound. He went directly over Andrews Fields and is now five miles east.

Andrews: Where did he come from?

Washington: We picked him up ourselves at about seven miles east, slightly southeast, and we have been tracking him ever since then. The Center has been tracking him farther than that.

Andrews: Was he waving his course?

Washington: Holding steady course, due east heading.

Andrews: This is Andrews. Our radar tracking says he’s got a big fat target out here northeast of Andrews. He says he’s got two more south of the field.

Washington: Yes, well the center has about four or five around the Andrews Range station. The Center is working a National Airlines – the center is working him and vectoring him around his target. He went around Andrews. He saw one of them – looks like a meteor. (Garbled)… Went by him… or something.

He said he’s got one about three miles off his right wing right now. There are so many targets around here it is hard to tell as they are not moving very fast.

Andrews: What about his altitude?

Washington: Well, must be over 8,000 feet as we don’t have him in radar any more.

Andrews Air Force Base notified the U.S. Air Force Air Defense Command. A couple of F-94 night fighters were ordered to the skies, but runway repairs held their mission up for several hours. By the time they were airborne, the mysterious objects were gone.

The fighters returned home, but soon the objects again showed up on the radar screens. For the next several hours, the fighters chased the illusive targets, but to no avail.

They were able to sight the UFOs, but lights of the unknown objects would darken as they were approached. Constant communication was kept with ground radar, and as the pilots lost sight of the UFOs, they also disappeared from ground radar. The UFOs were also separately witnessed by the crew of a B-29, and other commercial flights.

After a quiet week, the objects reappeared on July 26. After multiple radar operators confirmed the objects, the F-94s again began their search for the enigmatic lights over Washington. The results of their pursuit were identical to the week before. They could see the lights, but when they drew near, the lights would blackout.

After their fruitless journey, the planes returned home, only to hear that the objects again were being tracked by radar. One of the pilots stated his fear and frustration by air to ground radio.

“They’ve surrounded my plane, what should I do?” The phenomenal sights would bring about an Air Force press conference on July 29, with Major General John A. Samford in charge.

The official explanation was “temperature inversions,” which supposedly caused ground lights to bounce off of clouds, giving the appearance of lighted craft in the skies. The naive and trusting press accepted this explanation at first, in lieu of any other “reasonable” one.

This explanation was scoffed at, however, by Ufologists, knowing that it just did not explain what was seen by pilots and radar operators. Even Project Bluebook would also dismiss the “temperature inversion” explanation, as it later labeled the Washington sightings as “unknown.”

The radar operators offered their own reason for the rejecting the Air Force explanation. Radar controller Barnes would state, “Inversion blips are always recognized by experts, we are familiar with what weather conditions, flying birds, and [other] such things can cause on radar.

Temperature inversions on radar are typically weak returns and move at a slow ground speed. These blips were distinctly clear, reported as a very good return, solid and often traveled at unbelievable speeds.”

The Washington D. C. sightings are a solid case of UFO activity. Literally hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the objects, and photographed them. Many of these were Air Force personnel, considered as reliable. Many of them made comment of the sightings, one was a Sergeant Harrison: “I saw the … light moving from the Northeast toward the range station.

These lights did not have the characteristics of shooting stars. There were no trails and seemed to go out rather than disappear, and traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen.” The sightings continued throughout the month of July.

(B J Booth)

Washington Newspaper Article

See transcript of article below

July 28, 1952

“Saucer” outran jet, pilot reveals

Investigation on in secret after chase over capital

Radar spot blips like aircraft for nearly six hours – only 1,700 feet up

By Paul Sampson, Post Reporter

Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week.

A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.

The CAA reported the objects traveled at “predominantly lower levels” – about 1700 feet. July 19.

Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens . Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spoken said.

“We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don’t know what they are,” a spokesman added.

The same source reported an expert from the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio, was here last week investigating the objects sighted July 19.

The expert has been identified as Capt. E. J. Ruppelt. Reached by telephone at his home in Dayton yesterday, Ruppelt said he could make no comment on his activity in Washington.

Capt. Ruppelt confirmed he was in Washington last week but said he had not come here to investigate the mysterious objects. He recalled he did make an investigation after hearing of the objects, but could not say what he investigated.

Another Air Force spokesman said here yesterday the Air Force is taking all steps necessary to evaluate the sightings. “The intelligence people,” this spokesman explained, “sent someone over to the control center at the time of the sightings and did whatever necessary to make the proper evaluation.

Asked whether the radar equipment might have been malfunctioning, the spokesman said, “radar, like the compass is not a perfect instrument and is subject to error.” He thought, however, the investigation would be made by persons acquainted with the problems of radar.

Two other radar screens in the area picked up the objects. An employee of the National Airport control tower said the radar scope there picked up very weak “blips” of the objects. The tower radar’s for “short range” and is not as powerful as that at the center. Radar at Andrews Air Force Base also registered the objects from about seven miles south of the base.

A traffic control center spokesman said the nature of the signals on the radar screen ruled out any possibility they were from clouds or any other “weather” disturbance.

“The returns we received from the unidentified objects were similar and analogous to targets representing aircraft in flight,” he said.

The objects, “flying saucer or what have you, appeared on the radar scope at the airport center at 9:08 PM. Varying from 4 to 12 in number, the objects appeared on the screen until 3:00 AM., when they disappeared.

At 11:25 PM., two F-94 jet fighters from Air Defense Command squadron, at New Castle Delaware, capable of 600 hundred mph speeds, took off to investigate the objects.

Airline, civil and military pilots described the objects as looking like the lit end of a cigarette or a cluster of orange and red lights.

One jet pilot observed 4 lights in the vicinity of Andrews Air Force Base, but was not able to over-take them, and they disappeared in about two minutes.

The same pilot observed a steady white light in the vicinity of Mt Vernon at 11:49 PM. The light, about 5 miles from him, faded in a minute. The lights were also observed in the Beltsville, MD., vicinity. At 1:40 AM two-other F-94 jet fighters took off and scanned the area until 2:20 AM., but did not make any sightings.

Visible two days

Although “unidentified objects” have been picked up on radar before, the incidents of the last two Saturdays are believed to be the first time the objects have been picked up on radar-while visible to the human eye.

Besides the pilots, who last Saturday saw the lights, a woman living on Mississippi Ave., told the Post she saw a very “bright light streaking across the sky towards Andrews Air Force Base about 11:45 PM. Then a second object with a tail like a comet whizzed by, and a few seconds later, a third passed in a different direction toward Suntland, she said.

Radar operators plotted the speed of “Saturday night’s visitors” at from 38 to 90 mph, but one jet pilot reported faster speeds for the light he saw.

The jet pilot reported he had no apparent “closing speed” when he attempted to reach the lights he saw near Andrews Air Force Base. That means the lights were moving at least as fast as his top speed-a maximum of 600 mph.

One person who saw the lights when they first appeared in this area did not see them last night. He is E.W. Chambers, an engineer at Radio Station WRC, who spotted the lights while working early the morning of July 20 at station’s Hyattsville tower.

Chambers said he was sorry he had seen the lights because he had been skeptical about “flying saucers” before. Now he said, he sort of “wonders” and worries about the whole thing.

Leon Davidson, 804 South Irving St. Arlington, a chemical engineer who made an exhaustive study of “flying saucers” as a hobby, said yesterday reports of saucers in the East, have been relatively rare.

Davidson has studied the official report on the saucers, including some of the secret portions never made public, and analyzed all the data in the report.

Davidson, whose study of saucers is impressively detailed and scientific, said he believes the lights are American “aviation products” – probably “circular flying wings,” using new type jet engines that permit rapid acceleration and relatively low speeds. He believes they are either “new fighter,” guided missiles or piloted guided missiles.

He cited some of the recent jet fighters, including the Navy’s new “F-4-D, which has a radical “bat-wing,” as examples of what the objects might resemble.

Davidson thinks the fact that the lights have been seen in this area indicates the authorities may be ready to disclose the “new aircraft” in the near future. Previously, most of the “verified saucers” have been seen over sparsely inhabited areas, Davidson explained, and now, when they appear here, it may indicate that “secrecy” is not so important any more.

SEE VIDEO HERE >> https://youtu.be/hObI12DD3-Y

KENS NOTE: I feel this is the biggest smoking gun available for alien craft presence on earth. This case was debunked by the Air Force and apparently it was lies on top of lies. This case make Roswell look like small potatoes.






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On May 31 I was watching the sunset and saw two lights crossing the Northern Plains Inn. Then shortly thereafter a swarm chasing it and as they the two objects change direction the swarm followed after. This is an interesting video, but I wish we had more information. I don’t believe I have ever seen that many objects moving that fast. Any ideas? SEE WHOLE VIDEO HERE https://youtu.be/k3a-vQcYDRU

KENS NOTE: MUFON thinks it may be jets or commercial drones…..what ?????






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AUGUST 10, 2016…………………..COLUMBUS OHIO

I am a truck driver. I was heading from Cleveland to Columbus Ohio which is a normal run for me. Everything happened right in front of me so I was able to see everything perfect. I noticed a few planes crossing paths in front of me. I also noticed something weird to my left was a star cluster with TONS of stars and some stars were moving in circles among the other stars. As I was weirded out by that I called my buddy who was parked nearby at a truck stop to witness what I was seeing. As weird as it sounds he seen it too. What caught my eye was when one flying object crossed from left to right in the sky in front of me and all the sudden stopped by the moon and shot a green light halfway down the sky, in a second of time, then disappeared. Craziest sh*t I’ve ever seen!!! After that incident I had been crazy fascinated by UFO’s and aliens so I eventually studied like insanity about all of it, now I have knowledge and “magical powers” to make such activities happen using my mind. After that incident as well I’ve seen more clear visuals and encounters that are EXACTLY said or described by videos documents people and even like a lot I have watched on the show. Why me ? I’m wishing to actually make a living with my stories and also continue to expertise this phenomenon!!! NOTE: The above image is from another UFO case file.





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Time 05:24 LT, 100 mi. south of Louisiana coast 
Duration 10 mn Coordinates 20°18N / 92°W 

On December 6, 1952 the crew (three men) of a USAF B-29 was flying over the Gulf of Mexico just before dawn when several unidentified targets appeared on the bomber radar’s scopes.

The targets maneuvered around the bomber at speeds at 5240 mph. The crew members had visual contact with the objects as they streaked past their aircraft. 

After several minutes of maneuvering around the B-29, the five objects, still moving over 5000 mph, merged with a larger object which appeared on radar as a huge blip and began to accelerate and flashed across the three radar scopes at a speed computed to be over 9000 mph. 

Statement of 1st Lt Norman Karas (USAF Blue Book record) : 
” On 6 December 1952, while flying over the Gulf of Mexico towards Galveston, Texas, the flight engineer finished transferring fuel and I then turned on my radar set. I noticed an unidentified target approaching our aircraft at terrific rate odf speed.

I timed it as best as I could with my stopwatch over a known distance and the instructor flight engineer computed the speed at 5,240 mph. I alerted the entire crew to look for the object visually and some flashes of light were noticed. The closest the objects came were approximately 20 miles.

I saw about 20 objects in all, sometimes as much as  two and three on the scope at one time. I re-calibrated the set and there was no change. The object was small and possibly round …….”.

“I also noticed  a large return come up to within 40 miles of our tail from behind, and then disappeared. To the best of my knowledge, I believe that this object was real and moved at an extremely high speed and was not a set malfunction or optical illusion”. 

Statement of 1st Lt William W. Naumann (USAF Blue Book record) :  “Contact was broken off at 05:35 after a group of the blips merged into a ½ inch curved arc about 30 miles from our aircraft at 320 degrees and proceeded across the scope and off it at a computed speed of over 9,000 mph. 

Type of Aircraft  B-29 bomber 
Airline or Air Force  USAF 
Flight origine 
Flight destination   Galveston, Texas 

Number      5 then 1 
Size           5 small then one large 
Altitude (estimation) 
Speed (estimation) 

Radar type Airborne 
Radar set(s) number one (three radar scopes)
Radar Location airborne 
Number of target(s) several 
Target size 
Target altitude 18,000 ft 
Target speed 5240 to 9 000 mph 

Distance UFO – A/C 

Witness(es)  B-29 (three crew members) including : 1st Lt Norman Karas and 1st Lt William W. Naumann.  NOTE: The above image is CGI






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Hi Ken : One of my friends told me that there were five cruse ships anchored just offshore at Daddyhole Plain. It’s quite rare that you get to see this many cruise ships anchored in one place together, so I was very eager to go there, and take photographs of all the ships, while looking out for any unidentified objects around them. When I got to  Daddyhole Plain I immediately started taking photographs of the ships. I could see that the anchored cruise ships were Marella Explorer, Marella Discovery, Arcadia, Oosterdam and Queen Victoria. I was looking towards the Arcadia cruise ship through the viewfinder of my Nikon P900 camera, when three transparent spheres flew up out of the water and danced around right above the Arcadia cruise ship. I took a burst shot of the spheres capturing their bizarre movement. While the three spheres danced around above the ship, I noticed other spheres flying out of the water. I was completely gobsmacked by this! I have never seen so much USO / UFO Activity in one area. Surprisingly there was a lot of marine traffic about in the area at the time, and other people must have seen these spheres. Bizarrely back on the 10th of ‎October 2020, I witnessed and photographed three similar looking spheres above the Westerdam cruise ship, and  I am utterly astonished that I have photographed three more spheres above a cruise ship once again. These UFOs / USOs are very prevalent around this area, and anyone who doubts me should go to Daddyhole Plain with their camera set to burst mode and then photograph the cruise ships there, and you too will be shocked to see these sphere objects flying in and out of the water around them. It really is incredible that ever time I visit Daddyhole Plain I always seem to capture these strange objects. It really is quite compelling and worthy of further investigation. The photographs were taken at 4:32 PM on the 29th of May 2021, at Daddyhole Plain, Torquay Devon England. All the best John.


KENS NOTE: John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for www.worldufophotos.org and has submitted countless case files and alien craft photos from his area in Newton Abbot Devon England. John is a true professional and has some incredible sightings and close encounter experience. See Johns web site here >> John Mooner Ufologist

John Mooner’s Bizarre Stories – Kindle edition by Mooner, John. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.





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It was just a few minutes before midnight on January 28, 1953, when a message flashed into Wright-Patterson for Project Blue Book. It was sent “Operational Immediate,” so it had priority handling; I was reading it by 12:30 A.M… A pilot had chased a UFO.

The report didn’t have many details but it did sound good. It gave the pilot’s name and said that he could be reached at Moody AFB. I put in a long distance call, found the pilot, and flipped on my recorder so that I could get his story word for word.

He told me that he had been flying an F-86 on a “round robin” navigation flight from Moody AFB to Lawson AFB to Robins AFB, then back to Moody – all in Georgia. At exactly nine thirty five he was at 6,000 feet, heading toward Lawson AFB on the first leg of his flight. He remembered that he had just looked down and had seen the lights of Albany, Georgia; then he’d looked up again and seen this bright white light at “ten o’clock high.”

It was an unusually bright light, and he said that he thought this was why it was so noticeable among the stars. He flew on for a few minutes watching it as he passed over Albany. He decided that it must be an extremely bright star or another airplane – except it just didn’t look right. It had too much of a definitely circular shape.

It was a nice night to fly and he had to get in so much time anyway, so he thought he’d try to get a little closer to it. If it was an airplane, chances were he could close in and if it was a star, he should be able to climb up to 30,000 feet and the light shouldn’t change its relative position. He checked his oxygen supply, increased the r.p.m. of the engine, and started to climb.

In three or four minutes it was obvious that he was getting above the light, and he watched it; it had moved in relation to the stars. It must be an airplane then, he’d decided – an airplane so far away that he couldn’t see its red and green wing tip lights.

Since he’d gone this far, he decided that he’d get closer and make sure it was an airplane; so he dropped the nose of the F-86 and started down. As the needle on the machmeter nudged the red line, he saw that he was getting closer because the light was getting bigger, but still he couldn’t see any lights other than the one big white one. Then it wasn’t white any longer; it was changing color.

In about a two second cycle it changed from white to red, then back to white again. It went through this cycle two or three times, and then before he could realize what was going on, he told me, the light changed in shape to a perfect triangle. Then it split into two triangles, one above the other. By this time he had leveled off and wasn’t closing in any more. In a flash the whole thing was gone. He used the old standard description for a disappearing UFO: “It was just like someone turning off a light – it’s there, then it’s gone.”

I asked him what he thought he’d seen. He’d thought about flying saucers, he said, but he “just couldn’t swallow those stories.” He thought he had a case of vertigo and the more he thought about it, the surer he was that this was the answer. He’d felt pretty foolish, he told me, and he was glad that he was alone.

Up ahead he saw the sprawling lights of Fort Benning and Lawson AFB, his turning point on the flight, and he’d started to turn but then he’d checked his fuel. The climb had used up quite a bit, so he changed his mind about going to Robins AFB and started straight back to Moody.

He called in to the ground station to change his flight plan, but before he could say anything the ground radio operator asked him if he’d seen a mysterious light.

Well – he’d seen a light.

Then the ground operator proceeded to tell him that the UFO chase had been watched on radar. First the radar had the UFO target on the scope, and it was a UFO because it was traveling much too slowly to be an airplane.

Then the radar operators saw the F-86 approach, climb, and make a shallow dive toward the UFO. At first the F-86 had closed in on the UFO, but then the UFO had speeded up just enough to maintain a comfortable lead. This went on for two or three minutes; then it had moved off the scope at a terrific speed. The radar site had tried to call him, the ground station told the F-86 pilot, but they couldn’t raise him so the message had to be relayed through the tower.

Sent in by Jeanette C.- UFO Casebook Reader

[Editor’s Note: One of the main reasons that Jeanette mentioned this older case to me was the reference to the UFO changing into a triangle shape, and then morphing into two triangle UFOs. We were both wondering, when were triangles first reported?

Although triangle reports became very prominent in the 1980s, the first early documented sightings of triangles were during the “Operation Mainbrace” Sightings of 1952. There could well be reports earlier, and if anyone has that information, send it along.] NOTE: The above image is CGI.






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My mother and I were making a cake and were driving into town to get eggs, it’s a 15-20 minute drive into town. We were halfway there when we noticed a bright orb of light fall from the sky from 200-300 mph. We thought it was a meteor at first, but soon after, the orb of light instantly hovered and started flying above the town of Alamosa. The orb of light flew from one side of the town to the other in an ‘S’ shape formation. We were getting closer to the town and the orb of light was getting closer to our vehicle, we could see different colored lights on the craft beyond this point and still thought it could be a drone of some kind or something. I tried taking a video of the orb flying above the town but the quality of the camera was bad and I put the phone away. Soon after this happened, were were coming to a bridge just outside of town and couldn’t see the orb anymore due to the trees. We got on the bridge and I saw the craft coming straight towards us, so I stuck my head out of the window. I first noticed the lights and shape of the craft, it was a triangle with three lights, each on the tips. The light on the tip of the triangle was white, and on the base, one of them was teal, and the other was red. I tried concentrating on the UFO itself, at one point I feel like I saw the streetlights reflection but it looked black for the most part. Also, as it was coming towards us, it was flying with the flat side first. It then turned away from the bridge and turned towards the town again, I think it flew forward with the tip of the triangle. I could still see it through the trees, it was keeping up with our speed about a block away. I was distraught about what had happened and was not paying attention to my surroundings after this. I still feel guilty for not being able to get a video or an image of the event, but feel great to be able to share it with you all. And Sorry for not reporting my sighting sooner, I did not think I would be able to. I will try to find the video I took of the orb but I can’t promise that I will find it. I have gotten requests for drawings of the event and honestly, I need to put more time into doing that, because I know I can I just haven’t gotten into it. Thank you again, NOTE: The above image is CGI.





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John Mooner’s Bizarre Stories by John Mooner: A collection of short stories, that are bizarre, funny and damn right strange. These amazing stories include ghosts, UFOs, aliens, Mothman, and other strange phenomena that cannot be explained… These strange occurrences have happened to John throughout the years and are still continuing to occur even to this day. This book also features stories that were told to John by his late granddad and are true events that took place throughout granddad’s life. Join John Mooner on a journey into the unknown and experience the extraordinary. This book is an amazing collection of short-stories, of bizarre adventures that will blow your mind! Grab your copy now, and prepare yourself for these bizarre Stories.

KENS NOTE: John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for www.worldufophotos.org and has submitted countless case files and alien craft photos from his area in Newton Abbot Devon England. John is a true professional and has some incredible sightings and close encounter experience. See Johns web site here >> John Mooner Ufologist

John Mooner’s Bizarre Stories – Kindle edition by Mooner, John. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.





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APRIL 10, 2021 …………….ALICE TEXAS

t was around 11 p.m. and I had just got to my friends house and as soon as we get out of his car he points out a little red dot in the sky flying in the SW direction. I said, “ Well that’s obviously a plane.” and as soon as i said that it changes its flight path to NE then back to SE and so it’s going back and forth and my friend and I are just puzzled. I say, “ Holy sh*t i think that’s a real UFO!” We’re standing there staring at this object until it disappears in the blink of an eye only to return even closer in the same speed. Now details were clear to make out, what seemed to be red lights spinning on the bottom as it rotated, the disc shape of the craft, and this was when i realized it was emitting no noise like a jet or helicopter would. The UFO then, what seems like light speed travel, flies to the original spot of finding in an instant and just hovers. It literally just hovered about half a mile away from me. Then it turned on its side and did a barrel roll or flip while hovering in the exact same location. No noise, no flashing lights like planes and helicopters have, no wing like appendages, NOTHING. This breaks every rule of aero dynamics to my knowledge. As we’re standing there talking about it the moment felt like it was over in an instant once it darted out of view in an instant again. I’m sorry for the lack of evidence but i took a video on snapchat that night that i didn’t save only because you couldn’t actually see the craft in it due to the darkness and quality. I now realized the video could’ve backed up my claim to see it at least since you could hear us freaking out and saying,” You can’t even get it on camera it’s moving so fast!” This story is 100% real, I believe what I saw was a UFO weather it be aliens or advanced technology made by the government. Any new sightings will be reported. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












Hello my name is Richard, I am writing to see if you might be interested in my true UFO story regarding an encounter with a flying saucer back in 1980? With recent claims regarding the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, I thought I would strike while the iron is hot, I have always intended to make my story available for public scrutiny before my death and I feel like the time is now right to do so.

Let me take you back to December 26TH 1980, a day that would ultimately change and ruin my life forever. It was a bitter cold night and as a serving police officer I was on duty. I was attending to a report of a possible domestic/disturbance/argument in the town of Woodbridge, located in Suffolk, 7 miles north-east of Ipswich in the East of England.

I was roughly about a quarter of a mile away from Woodbridge when for no apparent reason my police radio was suddenly swamped with interference, static electricity and crackling noises started to emerge from it, so I decided to pull my vehicle over to the side of the road and see if I could figure out what the problem was.

No sooner than I had stopped the vehicle there was an intensely bright flash of green light that lit up the whole interior of the car like a christmas tree. (see image)

Not sure what to make of what had just happened. I got out of the car to see if I could possibly figure out what caused it. Not really expecting to see anything I was completely shocked to discover a huge green-whitish, glowing, illuminated, phosphorescent disk/saucer shaped craft hovering directly above me in the sky, it was an incredible and unbelievable but frightening spectacle to witness, my skin started to tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

The saucer was huge, slowly rotating and was making a quiet/soft whirring noise. As a police officer I always carried a polaroid camera in the boot of the police vehicle whenever on driving duties, it’s just something that I did.

I rushed to the boot and obtained my camera, I fired off three shots, I then stood there somewhat shaken and continued to view this object. After what felt like an eternity, but was no more than just over a minute or so, the saucer suddenly and without warning soared up high into the night sky at breathtaking and phenomenal speed and was literally gone and out of sight in a nanosecond, I was left standing there thinking to myself what the hell just happened?

Two of the photos came out completely fogged and showed absolutely nothing, but luckily one came out almost perfect and showed the saucer in all it’s glory, I have included that original and untouched polaroid with my email.

The time of my sighting was precisely 1.55 AM. It really was like something out of a star trek movie, to be honest, words are inadequate to even begin to try and explain just how fantastic and how mind blowing this encounter was, and the colour of the saucer, it was like no other green I have ever seen, the photo really doesn’t do it justice, dont get me wrong it’s a wonderful polaroid but to see that saucer hovering in the sky and the sheer size of it, and the phenomenal speed at which it departed, the two simply don’t compare, it was a truly mind blowing experience that no photograph could ever capture.

I had a very difficult time coming to terms with what I encountered on that December evening. Back then in 1980 there was no one to turn to, it’s not like it is today, what with the internet and a simple click of a few buttons and you are instantly online talking to support groups etc, it just wasn’t like that back then, plus I never wanted to tell anyone anyway, I mean would you?

And especially being a serving police officer it just simply wasn’t an option, so I just filed it away in the back of my mind and tried to get on with my life. That wasn’t to be though, soon after my encounter I started suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and clinical depression, I suffered terrible and frightening nightmares also and it wasn’t long before things started to destroy my marriage.

I took time off work but it didn’t help, all I did was drink myself into oblivion and sleep all day. Eventually I confided in my wife and decided to seek professional help. I ended up in therapy, I had a psychiatrist, I was on antidepressants, this whole UFO encounter turned my life upside down and eventually I had to leave the police force on medical grounds and unfortunately I have never worked another day since.

I have suffered with terrible physical and mental health problems ever since this thing happened and I know for a fact that all my health conditions are a direct result of my encounter with a flying saucer, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy.

That wasn’t the end of it, I also received menacing and threatening telephone calls, even death threats a few weeks after my encounter and a couple of months later my home was subjected to an attempted arson attack, my wife believed at the time that this was an attempt by someone to try and destroy my photographic evidence and intimidate me into keeping my mouth shut, it certainly was a very unsettling and frightening time.

I can tell you this also, several days after my encounter a very good friend of mine who was a high ranking senior police officer told me that he was visited at home by 3 men claiming to be military intelligence, he said he was simply TOLD in no uncertain terms that if anyone mentions the word UFO then simply tell them that they probably saw the lighthouse and simply tell them it was faulty at the time, he said they gave him other information but he wouldn’t disclose it to me.

I also heard quiet a few strange tales from members of the public in the months that followed my UFO sighting, none of them were ever reported for fear of ridicule, they may sound far fetched to most people but not to me, not after what I saw.

One man told me that on the 28TH December at 3AM he was awoken by his dog barking furiously at the back kitchen door, he said he opened the door and there was a small glowing orb hovering around his back garden, he said the orb shot off and his dog chased after it, suddenly it went silent and when he got around the corner of his garden the orb had fled and all that was left of his dog was a gooey puddle, he claimed his dog had been vaporized, I asked him if he reported it, he just looked at me and laughed and asked me if I was mad.

One woman told me that on the 26TH December at 2.30 AM she woke up and found herself in a forest staring at a glowing pyramid surrounded by several small humanoid entities, within seconds she claims she was suddenly back in her bed. I could tell you more incredible stories I heard and maybe one day when I have more time I will.

For all those individuals out there who simply think that the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident was nothing more than a flying lighthouse or can be explained away by some other ridiculous explanation, let me say this, spare a thought for all those who were caught up in this, it was real, it happened FACT, end of story.

Hopefully one day soon and especially within my lifetime, I hope that all the information the government have including photographic evidence is released and made available to the general public as we all have a right to know the facts and truth as to what really happened in Rendlesham Forest.

I can’t mention any names or say too much, but a very trusted source told me that there are still many witnesses to come forward with their evidence. That person also told me that everyone thinks that the visitors were looking for nuclear weapons, they told me that is complete nonsense and the true explanation is that the visitors had boots on the ground and were doing something in the forest, still yet unknown and one of their team was captured, killed, bagged and tagged by the military and shipped out to a secret location for analysis and to be studied and that’s the reason the visitors were seen for several days, at one point shining beams of light down as they were obviously looking for one of their own.

Makes perfect sense when you think about it, why would a biologically and technologically advanced race of extraterrestrials capable of interstellar and probably intergalactic space travel be interested in such things? That would be like NASA suddenly releasing a statement expressing their interest in caveman technology! I will leave you all with this thought…


If you are interested in my true story and my photographic evidence and would like to use it for your publication/website etc, then you have my full blessing and permission to do so, all I would say is please keep my name out of the public domain and treat it with the strictest of confidence.

Many thanks,

Yours faithfully,

(Retired Police Officer)












Observed a large black triangle-shaped object hovering over the Pee Dee River in close proximity to the electrical Dam. I observed the object hovering, then began slowly drifting to the West eventually overflying my position continuing in a western trajectory. When the craft overflew my position, I estimated it to be an extremely large craft estimate size of 300 ft. I and my cousin both observed an unusually bright light that appeared to be hovering over the dam near the Pee Dee River. My cousin asked me what did I think it was? I told him that it was probably an airplane heading in our direction which made it appear to be hovering. Then we both noticed that the object appeared to be stationary in the air. I then told him that it was probably a helicopter in a hover over the dam. We proceeded traveling East on Hwy 73. The closer I got the object, it appeared to something other than a helicopter. That part of Hwy 73 East is in a very rural, quiet area, If the object we were observing were a helicopter, we should have been close enough to hear noise from rotor wash…yet we heard nothing. I being a person of logic, then attributed the craft to be a blimp of some sort, but couldn’t find a reason for a blimp to be hovering over the dam. At that time I decided to pull over to satisfy my curiosity and to try to determine what it was that we were observing. As soon as I pulled over, the bright light at the front of the object went out. It was obvious to me that we had been spotted by a person or something inside of the object; I was of the opinion that the occupants of the object were deliberately trying to hide from us. When I exited my car, I saw the dark underbelly of the object. it was huge. I could tell due to it blocking out the stars above. I vaguely recall other people who pulled over to observe it too. The funny thing is that I do not recall talking to them about what we all saw. I do not have any recall of what happed the rest of that night. I am somewhat afraid to find out, but I feel that it must be done. Can you help me to find out? NOTE: The above image is CGI.












Due to recent revelations, I have decided to share my evidence. When I was younger I was a poacher, I lived very close to Rendlesham Forest and frequently went poaching there. So back in 1980, 28TH December I was in the forest poaching.

Now bear this in mind, before this encounter I saw and heard a lot of strange things in that forest. I could tell you stories that would bend your bones, so every time I went poaching I always took my camera always hoping to capture some evidence.

OK so let’s cut to the chase, so I saw a basketball sized red orb, it had a black centre like a pupil and looked just like an eye winking at you, just like Halt explained it.

It was zig zagging between the trees, strange, freaked me out, weird man, proper not right, I saw it before Halt.

It passed me first. Halt and his team was about 200 meters away, I could hear all the noise. Later I saw another UFO it was firing beams of light down to the ground, definitely looking for something, God knows what.

I tell you, what I witnessed was simply incredible, definitely extraterrestrial no two ways about it. You can read books and watch TV shows about it, but I’m telling you man you had to be there to really understand and appreciate just how incredible this thing was, changed my life for ever.

I’ve sat on this information for over 40 years and it feels good to get it out and show the truth. After this thing happened I was followed for weeks, I had my phone tapped, scary time man. Anyway enjoy my photos, these are the real deal!!! Peace and Love from John The Poacher.












It had happened in 1956. Cruising at 19,000 feet, a Navy R7V-2 transport – a four-engine Super-Constellation – was flying west across the Atlantic Ocean. The next stop was Gander, Newfoundland. Final destination, Naval Air Station, Patuxent, Maryland.

The night was clear, visibility unlimited. In the senior pilot’s seat, Commander George Benton was checking the dim-lit instruments. At thirty-four, Benton had a decade of Navy flying behind him. He had made the Atlantic crossing more than two hundred times. Back in the cabin were two extra Navy air crews, en route home from foreign duty.

Most of these men were asleep. Including Benton’s regular and relief crews, there were nearly 30 airmen-pilots, navigators and flight engineers aboard the Constellation. As Commander Benton finished his cockpit check, he glanced out at the stars. Then he leaned forward, puzzled. A few minutes before, the sea below had been dark. Now there was a cluster of lights, like a village, about twenty-five miles ahead.

Benton looked over at his co-pilot, Lieutenant Peter W. Mooney. “What do you make of those lights?” Mooney peered down, startled. “Looks like a small town!” “That’s what I thought.” Benton quickly called the navigator, Lieutenant Alfred C. Erdman. “We must be way off course. There’s land down there.” “It can’t be land.” Erdman hurried forward from his map table. “That last star sight shows…” He broke off, staring down at the clustered lights. “Well?” said Benton. “They must be ships,” said Erdman. “Maybe a rendezvous for some special operation.”

“They don’t look like ships,” said Benton. He called Radioman John Wiggins. No word of any unusual ship movements, Wiggins reported. And no signals from the location of the lights. If they were ships, they were keeping radio silence. “Wake up those other crews,” Benton told Erdman. “Maybe somebody can dope it out.” In a few moments, two or three airmen crowded into the cockpit. Benton cut off the automatic pilot, banked to give them and the men in the cabin a better view.

As the transport began to circle, the strange lights abruptly dimmed. Then several colored rings appeared, began to spread out. One, Benton noticed, seemed to be growing in size. Behind him, someone gave an exclamation. Benton took another look. That luminous ring wasn’t on the surface – it was something rushing up toward the transport. “What the devil is it?” said Mooney. “Don’t know,” muttered Benton. He rolled the Constellation out of its turn to start a full-power climb. Then he saw it was useless. The luminous ring could catch them in seconds.

The glow, he now saw, came from the rim of some large, round object. It reached their altitude, swiftly took shape as a giant disc-shaped machine. Dwarfing the Constellation, it raced in toward them. “It’s going to hit us!” said Erdman. Benton had known normal fear, but this was nightmare. Numbed, he waited for the crash. Suddenly the giant disc tilted. Its speed sharply reduced, it angled on past the port wing. The commander let out his breath. He looked at Mooney’s white face, saw the others’ stunned expressions.

Watching out the port window, he cautiously started to bank. He stopped as he saw the disc. It had swung around, was drawing abreast, pacing them at about one hundred yards. For a moment he had a clear glimpse of the monster. Its sheer bulk was amazing; its diameter was three to four times the Constellation’s wing span. At least thirty feet thick at the center, it was like a gigantic dish inverted on top of another.

Seen at this distance, the glow along the rim was blurred and uneven. Whether it was an electrical effect, a series of jet exhausts or lights from opening in the rim, Benton could not tell. But the glow was bright enough to show the disc’s curving surface, giving a hint of dully reflecting metal. Though Benton saw no signs of life, he had a feeling they were being observed. Fighting an impulse to dive away, he held to a straight course. Gradually, the strange machine pulled ahead.

Tilting its massive shape upward, it quickly accelerated and was lost against the stars. Commander Benton reached for his microphone, called Gander Airport and identified himself. “You show any other traffic out here?” he asked the tower. “We had something on the scope near you,” Gander told him. “But we couldn’t get an answer.”

“We saw it,” Benton said grimly. “It was no aircraft.” He gave the tower a concise report, and back at Gander teletype messages were rushed to the U.S. Air Defense Command, the Commanding Officer, Eastern Sea Frontier, the Director of Air Force Intelligence and the Air Technical Intelligence Center.

When the Constellation landed at Gander, Air Force intelligence officers met the transport. From the start, it was plain they accepted the giant disc sighting as fact. For two hours, Benton and the rest were carefully interrogated[debriefed], separately and together: How close did the object come? What was its size… estimated rate of climb… any electrical interference noted… what happened to the other luminous rings?

From the answers to scores of questions, the majority opinion emerged. The flying disc was between 350 and 400 feet in diameter, and apparently metallic. No interference with ignition noted; instruments not observed and radio not operating during this brief period. Time for the giant disc to climb to the transport’s altitude, between five and eight seconds, indicated speed between 1,400 and 2,200 knots; the disc had accelerated above this speed on departure.

Not all the men in the cabin had seen the luminous rings. Of those who had, most were watching the huge disc approach and did not see the “rings” disappear. If they, too, were flying discs, in a rendezvous as some suggested, they apparently had raced off while the other one was checking on the Constellation. At one point, an Intelligence captain asked Benton if he had seen any indication of life abroad the disc.

“No, but it was intelligently controlled, that’s certain. Benton looked at him closely. “That size, it would hardly be remote-controlled, would it?” “I couldn’t say,” replied the Air Force man. Nor would he tell what the Gander Airport radar had shown about the disc’s speed and maneuvers. “What’s behind all this?” demanded Mooney. “Up to now, I believed the Air Force. You people say there aren’t any flying saucer…”

“Sorry, I can’t answer any questions,” said the captain. “Why not? After a scare like that, we’ve got a right to know what’s going on.” The Intelligence officer shook his head. “I can’t answer any questions,” he repeated. As quickly as possible, intelligence reports with full details were flashed to the four Defense commanders already notified, with an extra message for the Director of Naval Intelligence.

After the Constellation reached Patuxent, the air crews were interviewed [debriefed] again, by Navy order. Each man made a written report, with his opinion of what he had seen. Five days later, Commander Benton had a phone call from a scientist in a high government agency. “I’m informed you had a close-up UFO sighting. I’d like to see you.”

Benton checked, found the man was cleared by the Navy. Next day, the scientist appeared, showed his credential, listened intently to Benton’s report. Then he unlocked a dispatch case and took out some photographs. “Was it like any of these?” At the third picture, Benton stopped him. “That’s it!” He looked sharply at the scientist. “Somebody must know the answers, if you’ve got photographs of the things.”

The other man took the pictures. “I’m sorry, Commander.” He closed his dispatch case and left. At the time when I (Donald Keyhoe) learned of this case, I had served for two years as Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.












That afternoon I was in an architecture exercise abroad at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico. I looked east by chance and over the pines, high up, I could see the object. Due to the exercise we did, I brought my Nikon Coolpix L120 camera with me so I took it and tried to focus to take pictures, the exact time was 6:48 pm on March 6 so the light was poor and I struggled to focus on the object. I was able to take 6 photos, the best I achieved when I zoomed in, I was only able to take 6 photos and although the camera had a video option, I did not do it out of emotion. The object was flying in a circular pattern, when I observed it, I could see a flash on the object’s belly only once, it looked tilted 45 degrees while moving in a circular pattern and lowering the height, at one point it straightened and almost made it high Overall. At that moment I was able to zoom in with the camera and get the best photo, it only lasted a few seconds and began to climb. Although there were many people around me because of the emotion, I did not notify anyone, I only dedicated myself to taking the photos.

In the close-up photo, an open hatch appears to be observed, there appears to be a humanoid figure poking out of the hatch and what appears to be a flame is observed below the humanoid figure. I sent the photos to a program in Mexico called Tercer Milenio and when they observed that supposed flame they answered me that it was a cantoya balloon [ CHINESE LANTERN ] but those balloons do not fly at 45 degrees and if the wind tilts them the flame would burn it since it would remain vertical making contact with the paper. I made an over position of two images using as a reference the cracks in the wall of a building to appreciate the movements that I mention in this description.












Trinidade is a small, deserted, rocky island located in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, between the Brazilian coast and the African continent, more than six hundred miles off the coast of Bahia.

During World War II, it was used as a military base for United States and Brazilian warships engaging German U-boats.

It was abandoned after the end of the war, remaining completely deserted and forgotten until 1957.

In October of that year a task force from the Brazilian Navy arrived there, under the command of Captain-of-Corvette Carlos Alberto Bacellar.

The Hydrography and Navigation Division of the Ministry of the Navy had decided to build an oceanographic post and a meteorological station on the island for research connected with the International Geophysical Year (IGY).

In early January 1958 the ship “Almirante Saldanha” left Rio de Janeiro’s harbor and proceeded toward the Island of Trinidade with a crew of three hundred. The ship had previously been a Brazilian Navy training vessel, but it had been converted into a hydrographic unit to be used for IGY-related research.

It was operated by the Hydrography and Navigation Division, and, since October 1957, it had made several trips to Trinidade, most of them connected with the Navy’s oceanographic studies for the IGY.

Several civilians were aboard the ship this time, officially invited to collaborate in the scientific studies which were underway at the island.

One of these men was Almiro Barauna, a photographer and former newspaperman working as a “free-lancer.” He was also an expert in submarine photography.

After a routine trip, the ship arrived at the Island and stayed there for several days. It was scheduled to leave for Rio on January 16. On that day, at 12:15 P.M., when the ship was preparing to depart, a strange object was sighted simultaneously by a number of observers gathered on deck.

The UFO came toward the island at high speed, hovered briefly over a peak, disappeared behind it for a short time, and appeared again to move away toward the sea.

Mr. Barauna was taking pictures of the ship’s maneuvers at that moment. He spotted the UFO and got four pictures of it.

Barauna was later interviewed by reporter Joao Martins and his statements were published in the Brazilian magazine “0 Cruzeiro” in the March 8, 1958 issue. Here is a translation of that interview:

Q. Mr. Barauna, what were the reasons for your presence aboard the NE Almirante Saldanha? 

A. The Navy had invited several teams specialized in submarine hunting to visit the Island of Trindade. I am a member of the Icarai Club for Submarine Hunting, and our group was invited for the last trip. So, on January 8, when the ship left Rio, I was aboard together with the following members of my group:

Amilar Yieira Filho, captain of our team, a government employee (he has a job at the CACEX); Jose Teobaldo Viegas, instructor at the Aero Club of Niteroi and Air Force captain (retired); Mauro Andrade, from the London Bank; and Aloisio, municipal employee at the Federal District.

We were going to try to beat some records on submarine hunting.

Personally, I was going to take underwater photographs for the Navy and, also, to write some articles about the Island and the activities of the scientists working for the IGY. 

Q. Were any other civilians aboard, besides your group?

A. Yes. There was Professor Fernando, a geologist, with two assistants, and also a photographer, and a reporter from the newspaper Jornal do Brasil. The three scientists left the ship and went to the island. 

“Q. Please tell me what was the date of the sighting? What happened?

A. It was on January 16, at 12:15 P.M. The ship was preparing to leave the island, to come back to Rio. I was on the deck observing the operations to take aboard the boat used in the trips between the ship and the island (the island has no harbor).

The sea was agitated. The weather was cloudy, clear, with no shadows. I had my Rolleiflex 2.8, Model E, which was kept inside an aluminum box for protection against the corrosive effects of water and salt. I had left my Leica with a telephoto lens in my cabin a few moments before. The deck was full of sailors and officers. Suddenly, Mr. Amilar Vieira and Captain Viegas called me, pointing to a certain spot in the sky and yelling about a bright object which was approaching the island.

At this same moment, when I was still trying to see what it was, Lieutenant Homero, the ship’s dentist, came from the bow toward us, running, pointing out to the sky and also yelling about an object he was sighting. He was so disturbed and excited that he almost fell down after colliding with a cable. Then I was finally able to locate the object, by the flash (of light) it emitted.

It was already close to the island. It glittered at certain moments, perhaps changing its own light – I don’t know. It was coming over the sea, moving toward the point called the Galo Crest. I had lost thirty seconds looking for the object, but the camera was already in my hands, ready, when I sighted it clearly silhouetted against the clouds.

I shot two photos before it disappeared behind the peak Desejado. My camera was set at a speed of 125 [125th of a second], with the aperture at f/8, and this was the cause of an overexposure error, as I discovered later. 

“The object remained out of sight for a few seconds – behind the peak – reappearing bigger in size and flying in the opposite direction, but lower and closer than before, and moving at a higher speed. I shot the third photo. The fourth and fifth ones were lost, not only because of the speed the saucer was moving, but also for another reason:

In the confusion produced as a result of the sighting, I was being pulled and pushed by other persons also trying to spot the object and, as a consequence, photographed the sea and the island only – not the object. It was moving out to sea again, in the direction from which it had come, and it appeared to stop in midair for a brief time. At that moment I shot my last photo (the last on the film).

After about ten seconds, the object continued to increase its distance from the ship, gradually diminishing in size and finally disappearing into the horizon. 











A Monon railroad train crew reported seeing a UFO in north central Indiana. It was about 3.20 A.M. on Friday October 3, 1958… freight train no. 91 was enroute southbound from Monon, to Indianapolis.

In the cab of the diesel locomotive were three men – Harry Eckman, the engineer, Cecil Bridge, the fireman, and Morris Ott, the head brakeman. Ed Robinson, the conductor, and Paul Sosbey, the flagman, were in the caboose. Cecil Bridge, the fireman, a former air force man with 450 hours of heavy bomber time, begins the story as follows…

“… we had just pulled past a little spot called Owasco. There’s no town there – just a kind of crossroads. It was there we first noticed four lights in the sky ahead of us. They were moving lights. “About that time the lights veered west. They crossed the tracks ahead of the train – about a half a mile ahead of us, we estimated. They were moving pretty slowly, too, at no more than about 50 miles an hour, four big, white, soft lights.”

“Just the three of us in the engine saw the lights at this time. We were pulling 56 cars – that’s a little more than half a mile of cars – and because of the angle at which these things were approaching and because they were so low right then, the boys in the caboose probably couldn’t see them.”

“…I talked to Robinson, (the conductor), and told him what we had seen. During the time we watched these things, from Ewasco to Kirklin, we did a lot of talking on that radio. The dispatcher in Lafayette could hear us, of course, but he never cut in. Conductor Robinson continues the story.

“I was sitting in the cupola, looking forward over the train, when Bridge called me on the radio. I had already noticed the four gobs of light but I couldn’t make out what they were. They were half a mile ahead of the caboose – the whole length of the train. A little bit after he called me the things went away and we didn’t see them for a few minutes… then all of a sudden they came back.”

“I’d say they were only a couple of hundred feet above the train as they came toward the caboose. And they weren’t moving very fast – maybe 30 or 40 miles an hour. It was hard to tell – a fellow just doesn’t notice details like that under the circumstances.” “The freight train is pretty noisy, of course, but I didn’t hear any other noise, like the roar an airplane would have made. I think they were silent, or nearly silent, at least.”

“They flew over us one after the other – big, round white things that looked about the colour of fluorescent lights, kind of fuzzy around the edges. They didn’t glare and they didn’t light up things as they went over. They just came back toward us, over the top of the cars, one after the other. Then they went on down the tracks maybe another half a mile and seemed to stop.”

“Sosbey and I went out on the back platform where we could see them better, but they were getting pretty far behind us. We could see their lights but I don’t remember whether they were bunched up or not. They were just there, we know that. We could see them behind us, right over the tracks. Cecil Bridge, observing the same objects from the engine, describes what he and the engineer and head brakeman saw.

“When these things shot back over to the east of us, they lit up much brighter than they were before. They turned in line, going north or northeast and we noticed that they lit up in sequence – the front one first, then number two, three and four. They changed course and came back past the train. They were going in the opposite direction to us when they made this pass. I guess they were at least a mile or two east of us when they did it.”

The conductor, Ed Robinson, agreed with this description. He added: “We didn’t see them from the back end of the train for several minutes after they went away to the east and turned. But the boys in the engine were still seeing them. I got back on the radio with Bridge. He was watching them right then. They must have circled the train and gone north of us, real low, because the next time we saw them they came rushing up the tracks right in back of us. They were coming a lot faster this time – a lot faster than they had come back over the train the first time.

“They were just above the tree-tops along the right of way, and they had changed their way of flying — their formation. This time they were sort of flying on edge. Two of them were on edge – the two in the middle. The two on the outside were tilted at an angle both in the same direction. The four of them flew like that up the tracks behind the train – a tilted one on the east, two of them straight up and down, then the one on the west tilted just like the one on the east.

“When they first came back over the train we could see that they were round things – circular shaped on the bottom. Then when they flew up the tracks in back of us we could see – Sosbey and I – that they were about 40 feet in diameter and maybe 10 feet thick. The two flying straight up and down were approximately over the edges of the right of way and about 200 yards in back of the caboose. If they had been flying flat down instead of edgewise. They would have just about have touched edges so they must have seen somewhere around 40 feet across the bottom.” Fireman Cecil Bridge continues:

“We had flashlights in the engine and in the caboose. Up on the head end of the train – in the engine where I was –we blinked our flashlights at the things and we waved the lights. We thought we might get them to come in closer. They did come down over the train a few minutes later, as Robinson related, but of course, I can’t say they did it because we flashed the lights at them. At any rate they didn’t flash any lights back at us.”

“In the caboose we had a five cell sealed beam flashlight that throws a pretty good beam a long ways. When the things came down and flew right up the tracks behind the caboose, I grabbed that sealed beam flashlight and shined it on them. As soon as the light hit them they jumped sideways out of the beam. When they got back over the tracks I did it it again and they scattered. They acted like they didn’t care for that light at all.

“From the time Bridge first called us on the radio until the last time we saw them near Kirklin (38 miles northwest of Indianapolis) it was about an hour and 10 minutes altogether. They hung around the back end of the train but after we shined the light on them they didn’t come in close any more. While we were switching at Frankfort they stayed away back up the tracks, just hovered there, until we moved on. Then they followed us again. When they finally went away at Kirklin, they just zipped off to the northeast and kept on going and we didn’t see them anymore.” NOTE: The above image is CGI.












In the fall of 1973, October, I was 12 years old, I was watching TV (the six million dollar man) it was a new TV show and the only thing my stepfather watched (until “The A-Team” came out).

My mother asked me to take out the paper trash to burn; we lived on a dead end street beside a very large swamp area and separated our paper to burn out back. We had a large mowed field next to our house before the swampy area started, we always burned our paper trash at the edge of it before where the ground got too wet.

I reluctantly pulled myself away from the TV and ran out the back door grabbing the large paper grocery bag full of paper trash and a pack of matches. Planning to get this over with fast. I ran to the edge of the field, dropped the bag and flicked a few lit matches into it, waiting only a half second to make sure one would light the papers inside and ran back to the house eager to return to the new TV show.

As I ran in my mother was still standing on the back porch holding open the screen door with her back, once I was in the kitchen but not yet to the living-room, and my TV show, my mother said “Greg, what IS that?”

I walked to where she was and she stood gazing off into the darkening night sky, it was just after sunset, maybe 6 or 7 p.m. I looked to where she was looking and saw some flashing light in the distance and said “oh thats just a…” (ready to dismiss whatever and go back to TV).

That’s as far as I got, I realized it was not a plane… it was too low, and wobbling, the wrong colors and too slow…

It was about a half mile away, at a spot where the nickle plate railroad tracks intersected with interstate 65. There was a viaduct there where the highway went over the railroad tracks. From where we stood I could see the headlights from the traffic and this object just above all the cars and trucks.

The viaduct was made on 2 hills maybe 80 feet tall with a bridge over them so the train could pass underneath I-65 on its way thru the swamp. I-65 is pretty much north-south and the nickle-plate railroad that went under it was pretty much east-west. The object looked about the same distance above the traffic as the viaduct is tall, making its altitude about 160 feet.

I stared a moment, thinking, before stepping down off the porch onto the driveway to escape the light from the kitchen and see it better, and also to move toward it a bit… let my eyes adjust to the dark. It was not a plane, too slow, too low, a helicopter? no sound, not a blimp, too fast…

I realized rather quickly it did not fit any category of flying things I knew of. I stared at it intently, it had green, red and blue lights rotating around it, the 3 lights forming a triangle, and some whitish light… and they were pulsing, not flashing, and it seemed to wobble forward kind of due to the elliptical rotation of the triangle of lights.

From a distance it looked like 2 steps forward one step back, but now it was closer and I could see that’s how it moved, the center was sliding forward into the space between the center sphere and the outer rotating ring with the 3 lights mounted on it, as if you were walking while hula-hooping, and each time the hula-hoop was touching your back you would take a step forward, but it was a very smooth motion, and silent.

It was headed our way, and as it got closer I felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder and inside I knew this was unidentified, and flying… and an object! My heart was beating but I felt calm; hoping it was true, but thinking any minute it would reveal itself to be a helicopter or something else mundane.

It didn’t. It came directly at me and then this huge craft silently floated directly above me and my yard and my house and was now so low I felt sure it intended on landing in the field next to our house (it wouldn’t have fit).

Looking straight up at its underside I could see now the center sphere had a larger unattached, or loosly attached, ring around it and the 3 colored lights were mounted on that rotating ring. I think I could see the night sky in the space between the sphere and the ring as it went around.

I was thinking love and peace and I want to meet you, and let me see inside your ship… and it seemed to be in agreement as it approached, I squinted to look for windows in the center sphere. I think I saw some ports or something but they were small and blended with the surface, with all the glare and lights and it being night I could not be sure, but I did feel watched from there.

More than that I felt “telepathed at” or heard… or understood, or “linked to” whoever was there, inside. I felt in a dreamy state.

It was almost as big as a football field, if anyone was really in it they were in the center part, it was about 80 feet up. It took up 30% of the visible sky. My neck was bent back as far as it would go to look up at it. I felt the same feeling you get when you daydream. It felt good, euphoric.

It was going to land, I just knew it. It hovered there for 5 minutes or so, I felt euphoria and I had to concentrate hard to keep thinking clearly and study it, to remember everything, and not fall under its spell. It took effort to keep ‘snapping myself out of it’.

The bottom seemed to be mirroring the night sky above it, like it tried to be invisible. I realized it was so close I could hit it with a rock!… or my BB gun, or the 22 rifle behind our back door and make it crash here! and call channel 7 eyewitness news and be famous!

The very next rotation of that glorious ring rotated to the east, away from me… it was leaving! they heard my thoughts! I was already regretting letting my thoughts go from ‘peace, land, come here, I want to meet you’ to ‘get proof and be on TV.’

I ran in the house and the gun was not behind the door where it ALWAYS is. I ran to the living room and yelled for my stepfather to come look, but he wasn’t interested. I ran past my mom and back outside. My mom was still frozen at the back door looking up with her mouth hanging open. I knew even then the euphoria had gotten to her, she was mesmerized. Back outside it was really leaving, it slowly did its rotate slide, rotate slide to the east, away from me and my chance to meet them, I blew it.

Tracking of 1973 Indiana UFO

It slowly hula-hooped due east and back over I-65 again, about mile north of where it first crossed west over the interstate, and disappeared into the distance. I felt sad as I watched it another 15 minutes floating away.

I didn’t know what to do, I called state police, they said nobody has reported anything, that left me with not much to say. I tried calling a small local airport but nobody answered. It was so low going over I-65 and all the neighborhoods, Willow Street, Old Ridge Road. Surely someone else saw it, all West Hobart should have seen that thing, surely anyone outdoors between Ridgeview Elementary School and I-65.

For the next week I watched the news and read the Post Tribune looking for anything, but nothing. I was never the same after that, maybe there really is a God, I didn’t know everything or have a logical explanation for everything anymore.

After all these years I have come to some conclusions. It was held aloft the same way a magnet is when held over another magnet with matching poles facing each other, I could “feel it”… it was not anti-gravity, it was suspended inside the earth’s magnetic field somehow, it was manipulating the magnetic fields around itself, silent, smooth, efficient.

But it had lights even though it seemed to try to broadcast the night sky on its’ underside. Why cloak itself, but have bright pulsing lights… why would aliens need or care to follow FAA regulations or any earth laws… why have lights at all if you want to sneak?

Was it trying to look like our air traffic? Why come out of your way to look at me and hang out here and let me see you if you are trying to cloak yourself? Did it see the flashes from me throwing matches in the garbage?, it surely went out of its way to come over here and look at me.

It did not want some normal plane or something to crash into it, that’s why the lights, that’s the only thing that makes sense, or maybe it was just taken for granted when building it that of course anything flying, at night especially, needs lights, right? By humans this logic holds.

I was amazed at the technology of that thing, hundreds of years ahead of mankind if not more!, but I think the lights were man-made, and the more I think about it the more I think it was a UFO for sure, but not from distant space, it was too “mechanical.” I doubt that thing could make it from one star system to another no matter how amazing it was compared to a jet or helicopter.

Maybe the original idea or some tech inside it was from outer space, but we were the ones who had it now, reverse engineered. We were the ones “hundreds of years ahead of man kind.” Now after seeing the tic tacs with the Pacific fleet, in comparison my old 1973 UFO seems like an old fashioned clunky version, almost a laughable funny flying machine, like how we now look at old black and white movies of early attempts at flight.

Maybe the telepathy thing was just my emotional state. Maybe.

I have included a graphic I made from memory and also a map detailing the exact path the object traveled. In the map I highlighted a county southeast of my location because after looking at many sites and forums for “my” UFO in case someone else saw it, I came across a rash of reports from Delaware County, Indiana at about that same time frame. And the thing I saw came from that exact direction. NOTE: The above image is the witness rendering.












On January 25th, 2021, I hit the road from Newburgh , NY to Fishkill, NY to pick up my wife. She gets out of work at 11:45 PM. I picked her up and we got back on the road. I was driving the vehicle and she was sitting next to me. We have a Kia SUV. I was driving on the right lane about 50 miles per hour speed. This highway is known as Interstate 84 west. Two lanes going east and two lanes going west. Around 11:55 pm, an object suddenly passed from the right front corner of our vehicle to the left front corner with a tremendous speed. The object looked like tube-shaped, and fluorescent in color. It passed with a tremendous speed and left behind a flutter. It looked like this flutter was the replaced atmosphere that was visible through our headlights. We passed through this flutter. Next, my wife said what was that? She said was that a deer? I said I have never seen a tube-shaped, fluorescent white deer that travels with the speed of light. She said it could be a bird. I repeated myself and said it was not an animal, plant, or human. My wife and I communicated perfectly up until that point. Next, I looked at my left mirror and what I saw shocked me. There was an object about the size of a dumpster truck, gold in color, disc shaped with a huge majestic platform in the middle was flying at the left rear corner of our vehicle. The object positioned itself over the left lane and was travelling (flying) in the same direction with us. I said ” I see it. There is an object behind us. Oh my God! What is this? This cannot be a bird. It is too big and not flapping wings. ” Later my wife said she never heard me saying this. I clearly remember making this statement out loud. The object got closer and it was almost parallel to the rear seats. So , I said ” It is getting so close !” I said this last statement out loud in panic and shock. My wife later said that I have never said that. Apparently , my wife and I were disconnected for some reason. In those seconds, I have the following thoughts in my mind : ” I have been put into this situation against my will. Now, I have to deal with it, and manage the situation professionally. I should be a good boy and do not do anything wrong. ” Next, my thoughts were to pull over to the side of the road and stop. However, my instincts then said not to because the object might stop in front of us and we might end up evacuating our vehicle, and what if they did the same ? At this moment, I felt everything like very slow motion.

I really could not tell if our tires were on the road and if I was really driving our vehicle. I wonder if time was really ticking at that point. All I saw from the left mirror was the surface of the object. Therefore, the object totally blocked my left mirror view. The surface of the object was gold in color and it looked porous. After these agonizing moments, the object began to distance itself from our vehicle. The object had done this very very aesthetically. While the distance between us and the object was increasing gradually, the object was increasing its altitude gradually as well. Finally, there was a rightward curve on the road and I checked where the object was from my left mirror. In this final moment, it was over the medium at the left of the left lane. It looked like it stopped there in midair. This was the last time I saw the object. I said ” the object disappeared” out loud. My wife later said that she did not hear it either. We travelled a little bit and I said to my wife ” call police”. She was able to communicate with me at this point . She later said that after the conversation about deer, it was the only statement I made. Of course, this was not true. Because I made numerous statements after I spotted the object behind us till it disappeared. Anyway, my wife said why are we calling the police. She said let it go. I said we cannot let it go. Because there was so many other vehicles on the road and someone might get hurt or worse. I said we do our share to inform police. Since my wife forgot her phone at home that day (which is very unusual), she tried to use my phone. Next, she said she cannot call because there are no icons on my cell phone, not even a single one. I asked her if she could text message someone but she said no way. I said forget it. There were only a couple of miles until we got home. Finally, we got home and I parked our vehicle. After I stopped the engine, I asked my wife if she may try to call the police again.

This time all the icons were there, She called Orange County police department. They transferred her to Dutchess , and Dutchess transferred her to NY State police. Finally we informed NY state police about what happened that night. After that I did not want to get out of our vehicle of my fear that what if something was beneath the vehicle.. After I said this comment to my wife, she said don’t worry. There cannot be anything under the vehicle. Next, she opened the door and stepped out. It was my turn to open the door slowly and step out gently. Next day, we were contacted by someone in Washington DC. This man introduced himself, his phone number, and address. He wanted us to write this incident separately including any drawings and mail it to them. The object was able to go in one direction and then the opposite. It was easily changing its altitude and speed. The object managed to come to a full stop in midair over the medium at the left of the left lane. I did not have a chance to see the bottom of it. I did not see any lights either. Apparently, my wife and I were disconnected within the time frame between the conversation about the deer (we both remember) and the conversation about calling the law enforcement (again we both remember). However, anything said between these two time frames were somehow not heard. The disconnection between me and my wife coincides with the time frame the object positioned itself to our left till the object disappeared. One last observation: I did drive there today. I recorded where we got chased. I noticed that the object chased us in some very interesting part of the highway. This part of the highway towards east is covered by long and high hills from both sides. It is like a corridor with walls at both sides. Therefore, east and west bound vehicles cannot see each other in this part of the highway. We did not see any vehicles ahead of us in this strip that night. Likewise, I did not see any vehicles behind us in the strip either. Apparently, we were the only vehicle passing through this part of the highway. An excellent place to hunt. The object disappeared almost where the strip ends. Afterwards, we travelled a couple of minutes where east and west bound vehicles were able to see each other. At this point a semi-truck passed us. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












In the wee hours of the night on a cold, September 3, 1965, eighteen-year-old Muscarello made his trek.

It was about 2:00 AM that this lonely hitchhiker first noticed an unusual light in the dark skies. The light became an object, which suddenly came from the sky towards the young man.

The object was described as approximately 90 feet in diameter, with bright, beaming lights that appeared around its rim.

Silently, the object began to wobble and float toward the frightened man. His fear of actually being hit caused him to fall to the ground by the side of the road. At the last moment, the object floated away from him.

Muscarello took this opportunity to jump up and run to a nearby house, pounding on the front door. The house was the home of Carl Dining. No one answered his frantic pleas for help.

Meanwhile, at the Exeter Police Station, Officer Eugene Bertrand received a call from a frightened woman who stated that a large, silent object with flashing lights had followed her car for twelve miles from the city of Epping to a spot on the road where she pulled off in fear.

After she stopped her automobile, the strange object had disappeared into the night. Bertrand did not make an official report on the woman’s call, believing it to be untrue or a trick.

Exeter Witnesses

Meanwhile, Muscarello, not finding anyone at the farmhouse, ran back into the road, and flagged down a passing car.

A middle-aged couple stopped to render aid. They drove the weary traveler to the Exeter Police Station. Muscarello, full of excitement, began to recount the events of the last hour on Route 150.

B J’s Note: Muscarello would later relate that the male driver of the car was never identified in Fuller’s book because the woman with him at 2:00 AM wasn’t hia wife.

The desk Officer, Reginald “Scratch” Toland, is now convinced that something has happened, and radios to Officer Bertrand, who is now on patrol. At about 3:00 AM, Bertrand arrives at the station, and after hearing Muscarello’s story, thinks he may have discounted the earlier call from the woman too quickly.

Convinced that Muscarello’s story is real, Officer Bertrand takes Muscarello back to the spot on Route 150 where the incident began. At this point, Bertrand has no idea what lies ahead of him this night.

Arriving at the scene, the two men scan the area, and at first see nothing out of the ordinary. By the road, there is a large open field, the house that Muscarello had visited, and a horse corral. They begin to walk out into the open field in the direction of the horse corral.

The horses seemed to be a little edgy, and suddenly dogs began to bark. From behind two pine trees, an object begins to rise, lighting the whole area with a reddish hue.

Muscarello screams, “I see it! I see it!”

The next moment, Bertrand says, “My God, I see the damn thing myself!”

It is important to note that Bertrand had been in the Air Force for four years, and knew military aircraft.

He would later insist “this wasn’t like anything I had seen before.”

Like a leaf floating, the object slowly moved toward the two men. They scurried back to the police car. The object is now hovering about one hundred feet above the ground, some fifty yards from the police car.

(source 2) According to Bertrand:

“Norman and I came out here and I parked right about where we are parked right now. We sat looking for several minutes but didn’t see anything unusual. I radioed the station and told them that there was nothing out here.

They asked me to take a walk into the field for a quick look before coming back in. I felt kind of foolish walking out here on private property after midnight, looking for a flying saucer!”

Bertrand then suggested that we go out to the field so that he could show me where he and Norman had been. We got out of the car and strolled into the field toward a corral.

“We walked out about this far,” he said “I waved my flashlight back and forth, and then Norman shouted, ‘Look out, here it comes!’ I swung around and could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was this huge, dark object as big as that barn over there with red flashing lights on it. It barely cleared that tree right there, and it was moving back and forth.”

“What did you guys do when you saw that thing?” I asked.

“Well, it seemed to tilt and come right at us. Norman told me later that I was yelling, ‘I’ll shoot it! I’ll shoot it!’ I did automatically drop on one knee and drew my service revolver, but I didn’t shoot. I do remember suddenly thinking that it would be unwise to fire at it, so I yelled to Norman to run for the cruiser, but he just froze in his tracks. I practically had to drag him back!”

“How close was the object to you then?” I asked.

“It seemed to be about one hundred feet up and about one hundred feet away. All I could see at that point was bright red with sort of a halo effect. I thought we’d be burned alive, but it gave off no heat and I didn’t hear any noise. I called Dave Hunt on the radio. He was already on his way out here, and arrived in just a few minutes. Whatever it was, it must have really scared the horses in that barn.”

“Why do you say that? Did you hear them from here?” I asked.

“Yeh, you could hear them neighing and kicking in their stalls. Even the dogs around here started howling. When Dave arrived, the three of us just stood there and watched it. It floated, wobbled, and did things that no plane could do. Then it just darted away over those trees toward Hampton.”

“What did you do then?” I asked.

“Well, we all returned to the station to write up our report. We’d only been back a short while when a call came in from the Hampton telephone operator. She told us that she’d just talked to a man who was calling from a phone booth and was very upset. He said that he was being chased by a flying saucer and that it was still out there!

Before she could connect him with us, the connection was broken. We went out looking for him and even went to the hospital to see if he’d been brought in there, but we never found out who he was.”

The object’s light is so intense, that it is difficult to make out its shape. The lights emanating from the craft dim and then brighten, from left to right, and then right to left. The object now begins to slowly move away from the men, in the direction of the city of Hampton.

At this very moment, another Policeman, David Hunt, arrives at the scene to witness the craft in the sky, as it fades out of sight. In a matter of minutes, the craft is sighted in Hampton, and a report made to Pease Air Force Base.

Mrs. Virginia Hale, a reporter for the Haverhill Gazette, also sees the unknown craft from her kitchen window as it hovers over a neighbor’s house for about 4 minutes.

There were many other reported sightings of a similarly described craft over the next several weeks, but it is uncertain if they were all legitimate or not. NOTE: The above image is CGI.












About 11:00 p.m. on the night of Friday, September 3, Deputy Sheriff Bob Goode, 50, was driving his patrol car south out of Damon in Texas toward West Columbia on Highway 36. Since he had suffered a bite on his left index finger earlier that day from a baby alligator, he had asked Chief McCoy along in the event the pain flared up and interfered with his driving.

It was a sparkling clear moonlit Texas night, and Goode rested his arm in the open window of the door as they drove through the prairie.

Suddenly McCoy spotted a bright purple light on the horizon to the Southwest which appeared to be about five to six miles distant. At first they thought it might be something in the nearby oil fields, perhaps an oil-drilling rig. But then a blue light, smaller in diameter than the purple light, emerged from it and moved to the right before stopping.

Both lights remained in this orientation for a while before beginning to drift upward. This upward floating motion continued until the objects reached an elevation of 5-10 degrees above the horizon.

Goode then studied the lights through a pair of binoculars, but could not make out any additional features. As their curiosity mounted, the officers began to look for back roads that might take them closer to the lights. They stopped again, and this time the lights suddenly swooped toward them, covering the intervening distance in 1-2 seconds, abruptly stopping practically overhead.

Their patrol car and the surrounding terrain were brightly illuminated in purple light. They could now see that the purple and blue lights were attached to opposite ends of an enormous object, hovering about 150 feet from them at about a 100-foot altitude.

In his later statement to the Air Force, McCoy described what he saw:

“The bulk of the object was plainly visible at this time and appeared to be triangular shaped with a bright purple light on the left end and the smaller, less bright, blue light on the right end. The bulk of the object appeared to be dark gray in color with no other distinguishing features. It appeared to be about 200 feet wide and 40-50 feet thick in the middle, tapering off toward both ends. There was no noise or any trail.

The bright purple light illuminated the ground directly underneath it and the area in front of it, including the highway and the interior of our patrol car. The tall grass under the object did not appear to be disturbed. There was a bright moon out and it cast a shadow of the object on the ground immediately below it in the grass.”

To both men, the object seemed to be “as big as a football field.” Goode could feel strong heat emanating from the object onto his left arm, through his shirt-sleeve.

The Damon, Texas sighting took a second seat to the more celebrated Exeter, New Hampshire case which occurred on the same date… I could find no other UFO reports on this date of any note.

Could the unknown objects which were seen earlier on the same day in New Hampshire have flown southwesterly down the Eastern coast of the United States, and moved over the Texas town of Damon?

After a few seconds, with the strange object hovering almost directly overhead, they fled the scene and headed toward Damon “as fast as we could go,” making speeds of up to 110 miles per hour. McCoy kept watching the object out the rear window of the car. For 10 to 15 seconds, the UFO continued to hover above the pasture.

Then it abruptly shot back in the direction from which it had come. “After arriving at approximately its original position,” McCoy reported, “it went straight up in the air and disappeared at 25-30 degrees above the horizon.”

Back at Damon, the shaken officers calmed themselves, and then decided to go back and investigate again. This time they drove down the Damon-West Columbia road, but saw nothing.

Finally they returned to the area where they had first seen the lights, and once again spied the purple light on the horizon, and again saw the smaller blue light emerge with a strange two-step motion and float upward. Fearing another close encounter, they again fled the area.

Goode and McCoy continued on their shift until three or four in the morning, then stopped for breakfast at a cafe. Goode noted that his alligator bite was no longer sore, and when he unwrapped the bandage he discovered that the swelling had gone down and that the wound was nearly healed.

Next day, the wound showed virtually no scarring.

The deputies reported the sighting to Ellington Air Force Base, and Major Laurence Leach, Jr., arrived on September 8, 1965, to interview McCoy and Goode and take a statement. Leach’s report to Project Blue Book headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base reflected his puzzlement.

“There is no doubt in my mind,” he said, “that they definitely saw some unusual object or phenomenon… Both officers appeared to be intelligent, mature, level-headed persons capable of sound judgment and reasoning.” US Air Force put this case in the “unknown” category. NOTE: The above image is CGI.