Hi Ken: Extremely bad weather had been forecast for the next couple of days so while the weather was fair I decided to go out into the back garden and sky watch. The sky was nice and blue and there wasn’t many clouds about so I sat down in my garden chair and began to observe the sky around me. I was looking through my binoculars when I spotted something unusual near a contrail. There was a UFO that looked just like a tadpole… It even had a tail that was flapping around behind it as it moved through the air. The surface of the UFO appeared to be metallic in nature as the sun light was reflecting off it. I was very perplexed by what I was seeing. I could not identify it as being any known type of aircraft or anything that I had ever seen before for that matter. It was very bizarre looking. I watched it for a while as it flew around the same part of the sky near the contrail like it was on some sort of fixed flight path. I then decided to take a photograph of the UFO so I put my binoculars down on the garden table and then picked up my Sony HX-300 camera and aimed it towards the UFO before I took a photograph of it. I put down my camera and then continued to observe the UFO through my binoculars once again. After about two minutes of watching the UFO it then shot off at incredible speed heading north where I unfortunately lost sight of it. I have seen a lot of UFOs around this area but I have never seen anything that looked quite like this. Why was it shaped like a tadpole? It just doesn’t make any sense… What on earth could it be? The photograph was taken on the 8th of February 2020, 11:39 AM at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.
THANKS TO JOHN MOONER AND https://ufologist.yolasite.com/